Now Nietzsche said back in the 18 late 1800s that After he said that god was dead And I suppose that would also mean the theory that of suffering that I outlined at the beginning that is at the basis of judaic christian Civilization that god was dead and that people had killed him and that we’d never find enough water to wash away the blood It’s a paraphrase, but i’ve got the basic message right and he also said there’ll be two consequences of that nihilism Because there’s no transcendent meaning and a move to totalitarianism because people can’t tolerate nihilism He said the most likely pathway to totalitarianism would be communism essentially he didn’t quite use those words, but He meant that He the words are close enough He said socialism, but I’m going to use communism to distinguish in it distinguish it from democratic socialism And he said that probably tens of hundreds tens of millions of people would die in the 20th century as we played out that experiment And then he said but it might be worth it if we learn something from it Rough man I mean and and unbelievable like I cannot figure out how in the world he knew that that was going to happen Especially so far in advance, but dostoevsky knew the same thing He wrote this book called the devils or the possessed you could read that That’s a great book it takes about 150 pages to get going but once it like everything Everything snaps together after that you know and then it moves and it’s basically his prophecy about It’s an examination of the kind of person who had arisen in the aftermath of the death of God in Russia Who would lead the communist revolution? That’s essentially it and it’s brilliant It’s it’s it’s terrifying and it’s a great intro to solzhenitsyn’s gulag archipelago Which describes what did happen when those sort of people took over the revolution? So let’s look at what happened after the revolution And we might say well this how about we replicate the experiment a few times because you know how it is if you’re running a scientific experiment You want to find out? What something does if you allow it to behave? You don’t want to just run it once because well Maybe there was something specific about those conditions that led to the outcome you want to generalize it across multiple circumstances so we might say well, let’s take this set of ideas and let’s Let’s run it on large scale over a very long period of time in a variety of exceptionally diverse cultures and languages So let’s do that Okay, well we could first start with the with the Soviets People even now because it’s like the hundredth anniversary of the Russian Revolution or celebrating Lenin It’s like that’s not good That’s like celebrating Hitler Okay, I’m dead serious about that It’s not good and the fact that people can dare to think that that’s okay Means that there’s something wrong with the way that we look at history Lenin was a monster and if you want to know about that you can read Solzhenitsyn’s writings about Lenin because they Communist apologists say well it wasn’t Lenin Lenin was a good guy. He was all motivated by love of the working class it’s like well his henchman was Stalin and If your henchman is Stalin you’re not a good guy and and Lenin was around during the early Collectivization and if you read what he wrote you’ll find out that he is perfectly willing to have any number of people die as long as His ideological system could be brought into being so there’s no celebrating Lenin There’s no we’re cool young Marxist hip revolutionaries, and he’s our idol. It’s like there’s none of that Not if you know anything not if you’re decent Well there was death of the kulaks I told you about that there was Ukrainian famine that’s six million gone there There was the rise of the gulag state because it turned out that Russia the Soviet Union couldn’t run on the principles that it had that it had Laid down as sacrosanct they just didn’t work so you had to enslave everybody and run your economy as a slave state essentially And try not to kill the people in the gulags So fast that you can’t suck some productive labor out of them was the death of tens of millions of people we don’t even know the estimates range from 15 to 60 million and like We won’t get too picky in about the numbers because after the first 10 million you kind of made your point and The fact that we don’t know between 15 and 60 is actually an indication of the horror of it Because our count is more than a million And that’s only within the last century And then there was the 1956 crackdown on Hungary and the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia Then there was the whole like Thermonuclear holocaust thing that was going on at the same time and the fact that in 1962 and in 1984 we were Seconds away from complete annihilation right during the Cuban Missile Crisis the keys were in The intercontinental ballistic missile release systems and Castro as he admitted to Jimmy Carter In case any of you are Castro fans, which you shouldn’t be That he was perfectly willing to have Cuba annihilated if it would have meant the defeat of the United States And then in 1984 Approximately I may have the date exactly wrong the Russians were able to get the country to the point where they were able to get the country I may have been quite lucky, лет Einspannonous But they’ve gone around the clock until now and Jackson was up there right and found a years ago 10 16 we had a 20 minutes fatigue 15 straightIt was a must to me I may have been lucky. And a lot of people who read the out before showed up I don’t know if he got been présented with axtors Let’s put it that way It wasn’t good. It was exactly the antithesis of good. It was precisely the antithesis of good But that wasn’t all I mean There’s the People’s Republic of China. That’s a different country like seriously a different country right different tradition different language How many people died in China under Mao no one knows Same issue with the Soviet Union although Mao was a bigger monster than Stalin and that’s that’s impressive you know because there’s Hitler There’s Stalin and there’s Mao and of the three Mao was probably the worst. He’s still revered in China Maybe that accounts for their affinity for North Korea which could still destroy us all the remnants of that horrible Maybe a hundred million people died in China during the great leap forward That’s a hell of a leap forward well. Maybe it wasn’t a hundred million. You know maybe it was only 40 million, but as I said before When you’re counting in the tens of millions your points already made and then there was Cambodia and the killing fields and Bulgaria and East Germany and Romania and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea That’s North Korea and the United States and the United States Oh, too éloitenses You know, it’s real Quite hard for us to understand Although I believe there’s war between Korea, and the Americans so it’s probably a very revolutionary fact It was remarkable I’m not sure’s if those sensations are there Is there anything we should worry about when we talk aboutsubna formaLe� motivated by love or hatred well Is it love or hatred that produces a hundred million dead people And is that enough evidence or not And if it’s not enough evidence if you think to yourself well, that’s not enough evidence. It was never really given its proper a proper try It’s like well, I’m not going to do it It’s like well, what would have been a proper try see I always think when I hear someone say that I know what you think You think in your delusional arrogance That you understand the marxist doctrines better than anyone else ever has and that if you were the one implementing those doctrines You would have ushered in the utopia. That’s what you mean when you say that and You know they say and there’s an idea in the new testament that there’s a sin it’s the sin against the holy ghost If you commit that sin no one really knows what it is That you can’t be forgiven and I would say well If you want a candidate for the sin against the holy ghost in the 21st century the statement Communism real communism is a real The statement Communism real communism was never tried With the underlying idea that if you had been the person implementing it would have worked. I think that’s a Pretty good contender for something for which you should never be forgiven