ania or This will sound pretentious and I don’t mean it to sound pretentious, so bear with me. I don’t really think you can understand Taoism if you don’t engage in a Taoist practice. You’ll bring the wrong meanings to terms. I mean Taoism is like making lava or swimming. You don’t really understand it until you do it. If you talk about it and you’ve never done it, you’re going to misunderstand it. Well, what I started to do is I started practicing Tai Chi. I’ve learned five forms of Tai Chi. I did some Qigong, things like that. Some Yichuan, Jianzheng, all of these practices. Then I started reading people like Alan Watts has had a lot on Taoism. The Watercourse Way, Taoism the Way Beyond Seeking, things like that. I can’t emphasize enough my first point. If you don’t do these practices, your understanding of this stuff is going to be seriously skewed. I’ve seen that. I don’t have any academic evidence, but I’ve got a lot of anecdotal evidence that people get it only after they’re doing the practice. For Buddhism, there’s lots of good books on it. I would recommend the same thing. I would recommend if you want to understand Buddhism that in addition to reading Ropula’s book on what the Buddha taught or some of the books like that, you also take up some of the books on meditative practice. Kornfield and Goldstein, they have a series of books on Vipassana meditation that are excellent. Not only do they teach you the Buddhist philosophy, they teach you the practice that gives you the actual… You have to taste this. You have to really love it in this sense I’m talking about here to understand it. You have to know it by loving it. If I could actually offer one more, those are all amazing suggestions. Sure. The Daodejing, which is Lao Tzu, the fundamental text that comes out of Daoism. A guy called Stephen Amis did a translation on one of the earliest texts that’s available. If you’re looking for an intellectual framework, as John says, it’s very much an experiential thing, but if you’re looking for an intellectual framework to approach it from, his philosophical translation really I think is probably the best explication I’ve seen. He’s a highly respected academic in the East Asian studies field. He’s taught at the University of Beijing, so even the Chinese themselves respect the way he approaches it. Can I add one thing to that? If you’re going to read… Don’t just… Read Lao Tzu. Not read Lao Tzu. But if you’re going to read Lao Tzu, read Shuangzi too. Absolutely. Okay. You need to read both. Like chocolate and peanut butter. Two great tastes that go together.