不同 Good evening everyone. It’s Sunday night and I’m here with Jacob and I have a very exciting announcement for you is that we have all sorts of crazy wild graphics that Jacob has put together and I’m a hundred percent here for it. This is awesome. Thank you Jacob. I didn’t even know this was coming until about five minutes ago. So I didn’t either but I wanted to play around with the with all the branding stuff and I figured why not make something for Father Eric to play around with. Yeah this feels like EWTN man. Do you know what EWTN is? Eternal Word Network Television? Yeah that that old nun who had her thing right? The saintly mother Angelica. Uh-huh okay. Yeah she was she was not somebody to be… No no but I have a little a little spot in my heart and you’re allowed to do that. I have a little spot in your heart for people so yeah. We’ve got Laura, Laura saying good evening. Good evening Laura. Good to see you. We’ve got Casey asking if this is EWTN. Maybe someday but not at the moment. This is just a couple of couple of jokers on YouTube here. So as always you are all welcome to hop into the chat. It is posted in the description of the video and in the chat so you just go ahead and come on in and say hi. We’re gonna be doing this and I am kind of hoping to do this just about every Sunday night that I can manage and actually I’m hoping to I’m hoping to to navigate kind of this full time over to my channel. I’m kind of piggybacking off of Jacob’s channel here and so if you want to drop me a subscribe I know that my my the link to my YouTube channel is in the is in the description of the video on YouTube’s on Jacob’s and I’ll get together on the branding there and give it a fancy channel name but just a bunch of computer code now. So anyway throw me a subscribe if this is something that you want to be alerted to regularly. Yeah so this is a simulcast so you’re seeing it on my channel and on my Twitch channel and on Father Eric’s channel so if you’re watching on my channel on either one of my channels and you want to continue watching you want to make sure to go to Father Eric’s because we only have him for a limited time so. Mm-hmm. Yes very sad but you know I’ve got to grow up and go on my own at some point. I suggested he could have a permanent slot on my channel not me and I I wanted I want to clear up something I did not say Father Eric cannot talk about the Trinity. All I said was he needs to put a disclaimer that these are not Jacob’s opinions okay that’s all I said. I just I just need that academic freedom to to say things without disclaimers although I probably just put disclaimers on myself anyway so. I’m pretty sure most people realize you’re a Trinitarian. It’s a part of the brand you know we’ve got it you know we teach the kids you know Father Son and Holy Spirit amen so it’s it’s pretty pretty deeply embedded in our branding at this point. Not getting away from it. Oh my goodness. Why is he half cut off? Yeah that’s my fault let me take that off. Hi guys. Hello hello Chad. I’m driving thus the darkness and no mask. And no mask well I’m glad that you’re able to keep your secret superhero identity hidden. I love this look this is great it’s cool. Well I love it when you look at the road and don’t crash so take that quick glance and come come back. So what’s this now you you won’t be able to be a permanent picture here on the just chatting channel? Well I’m going to migrate it over to my channel. That’s what I want to do. Build my own little brand. Jacob’s probably I mean he’s put all these fancy graphics together for me but yeah you know go out on my own see the world all that sort of thing. Cool. Now like just for tonight or permanently? Permanently. So you know there’s been many time that I’ve wanted to hop on to Jacob’s Bible study but it’s at eight o’clock at night here and I’m kind of a nine o’clock at night ready for bed kind of guy so it’s like oh gosh that time he doesn’t work out and then sometimes like I have no idea when he’s just gonna hop in on just chatting so one of my big things is you know we’re just gonna we’re gonna get a time slot and it’s not gonna move and it’s always gonna be there and I’m all about law and order I’m all about institutions because you know it’s what I do. That’s weird. Yeah yeah gosh hmm so yeah what have you been up to? Well I just went to my Sunday night commitment at the detox center and before that I was raking some leaves with my wife and before that we had breakfast at a diner and before that we missed church and before that we were sleeping but yes yeah detox was good it was it was weird they put for the you know so like they bring the guy one dude comes in and then another dude gets brought in and the lady comes up to me she whispers to me she said he has a blood alcohol level of 0.28 so just like this is said to be patient with them I’m like okay okay and that was a bit of a train wreck but it’s not something you typically want to do work on what drugs it’s not it’s not typically helpful. I have a rule that I won’t do any ministry with drugs so if somebody’s like stopping me and like father I need to tell you my life story it’s like nope if you sober up and remember that you still want to do this I’ll listen to you but just can’t do much you know. It’s very fundamental even in the AA work. You don’t want to really work with what drugs because they won’t remember you could really damage a future opportunity and especially in like a detox group setting where there’s potentially going to be other people you can start to get in like a flow state where you’re really on a nice roll and helping and then all of a sudden dude starts to train wreck the thing and then you just like lose half the room because they’re entertained by the melee so it’s it’s tough. Yeah. What have you been doing? How was your day? I had a really interesting day so we I actually went to a redemption of the firstborn ceremony. I don’t think that’s one of the seven sacraments. No I am unaware of a redemption of a firstborn ceremony I’ve never done one. What was that? Where did you do that at? At my rabbi’s house so his his daughter just had her firstborn son and when you have a firstborn son if I remember correctly Jesus actually does that ceremony. He actually yeah yeah so you have a pair of turtle dodge or two young pigeons? We use five silver coins. Okay. Yeah. So that was interesting. Yeah and nope. No partridge in a pear tree? I’m not sure where the five silver coins comes from. Yeah. How long does that take the ceremony? All of two minutes I mean and then a bunch of people make jokes about you know the father always makes a joke about whether or not he’s he’s actually gonna go ahead and pay the price or not you know whether he wants to send the kid back and then like a rabbi tells a story or something and yeah so it’s no so numbers 18 actually says that and their redemption money from a month old shall thou redeem them shall be according to thy valuation five shekels of silver after the shekel of the sanctuary the same is 20 geras so there are silver coins you you get five silver coins that you use for the redemption and you find somebody who claims to be a descendant of Aaron and and you give them the five silver coins and then usually what he does is he whoever’s silver coins it is gives them whatever like 20 bucks for the silver coins and then he gives the 20 to charity or something you know it would be very small suit for coins if it was only 20 bucks so apparently the price of silver has has gone up I mean a set of pideon so I thought I thought one ounce was about 20 bucks so I was imagining these are silver ounces or Chad he’s breaking up yes so apparently a set of five silver coins on at which is where I get all my online Jewish supplies is $289.99 yeah it sounds a bit but bit closer if they’re one troy out so it’s like 24 bucks a piece and if they’re heavier than that and if they’ve got some kind of fancy engraving you got to pay for that too you know well these are apparently silver dollars yeah they’re worth more than a dollar now yeah I didn’t actually take a look at the the coins apparently the state of Israel also created silver coins but no it looks like people use silver dollars because this other place is selling them for 250 dollars now Laura had a question for you hey Jacob have you heard about the latest lord of spirits about baptism and did they record it after father Stephen talked to you I got the impression that it was recorded after I spoke to father Stephen I I did listen to it and um I mean it’s interesting I don’t know what you think of it father Eric but he was trying to explain how baptism is similar to but different than circumcision and because obviously he rejects um the whole protestant idea of you know adult bad baptism and believers baptism and yet you know so baptism is is different from from circumcision in certain ways and they were trying to explain that and frankly I don’t understand why they can’t just let baptism be like Christian baptism be have the same symbolism as Jewish baptism the well other than you guys only do it once and when I was observant I used to go um I used to go every week at least and some people go on a date every day like to to the ritual baths so the mikvah right correct father eric’s hebrew is is much better than I suspected that’s one of the very few words that are stored away in there but there was a uh somebody built a mikvah in fargo in like the 1915 or 1920 or something it was in like a basement somewhere downtown I don’t know so yeah yeah it’s uh yeah I mean um it’s really interesting Aquinas will talk about um the circumcision and the Jewish ritual washings and the uh the sacrifices he he lumps them all together in a category called the sacraments of the old law um and so it’s all it’s all one of those uh you know christian typology things where you’ve got the the uh the foreshadowing and then the fulfillment so if you’re wondering why we can’t just let uh baptism be the way it was is because uh because of that that tradition which as a full disclaimer Jacob obviously doesn’t agree with so so you’re blaming it all on Aquinas I see I see well he probably got it from Augustin or actually origin honestly like that that probably comes from origin might even come back even further yeah Sam Adams jump on tell us if origin ever said that you’ve actually read his stuff I only get a little bit of in the office of readings so so yeah I mean that’s what you got going on there and I don’t think uh I say that’s a Catholic way of talking about it I don’t think the orthodox would be that far away from us on that point so yeah line of sight uh line of sight the lord of spirits is is interesting um and now that father steven’s actually paying any attention to me whatsoever like that his his appearance on my channel in the past week has 1.2 000 watch hours yeah he’s a really interesting dude um I um I uh I just saw Sam Adams comment it’s pretty funny um he’s baptizing his daughter apparently he’s baptizing his daughter yeah yeah yeah um yeah I full disclosure I never listened to a single episode of lord of spirits everything I know about that I’ve gotten second hand um uh but uh yeah I’ve seen him on uh uh Sam’s channel I’ve seen it on your channel and I like that’s a pretty interesting dude I’d sit down and have a beer with him if I had the opportunity yeah yeah yeah yeah that is a lot of watch hours like that’s that’s almost as much watch hours as my well since his since he came on I got a bunch of new subscribers and now my channel has gotten almost as much watch hours in the past week like half as much as I have in the entire year half as much as I have in the entire year lord lord of spirits fans they they listen to a lot of youtube and I guess uh they I don’t know they yeah well you’re you’re inside van der klees head too well it was interesting when you were talking to uh to sam uh you were saying uh there were times when you’re doing something and and you think like explaining something to me or sam or yeah that’s that consciousness congress right there you know it’s like I’ll be doing something you know uh I can’t even come up with an example like I’ll be like blessing rosaries or something and I’ll be like explaining to to somebody’s like yeah they’re blessed now so you have to you know you got to burn or bury them but it’s kind of funny that that would also be the same way to disrespect them but you know like that’s a funny thing you got a us flag right if you wanted to dishonor the flag at a public protest how do you do that you burn it right and if you want to respectfully dispose of it how do you do that you burn it you burn it right it’s like context matters holy massacre oh I posted it on their Facebook page and asked everyone to pray for Jacob everyone should pray for Jacob and everybody and each other yes have you ever been to an orthodox wedding service father I have not I have been I’ve never been to an orthodox service I’ve been to eastern catholic uh divine liturgies on a sunday and that’s about as much um well and a caldean during a weekday but you didn’t even know there was a caldean right um so uh so yeah yeah uh yeah so I’ve never never been to the wedding the wedding ceremony but I’m sure they did it up right well according to the tradition except for uh Constantine equal to the apostles I actually I actually asked so so he said um they have a title equal to the apostles uh and he said it in in Greek I think it was something like eki apostolos or something and he said that it is a title given to people who caused mass conversions well because in that sense they are like the apostles okay there might be a happier way to render that in English you know yeah equal to the apostles I mean uh I there’d be a way to formulate that you know talk about it being a missionary or um even another I don’t know I’m not going to bother trying fixing their wedding literally with Constantine doesn’t come up in our wedding there was another name of a martyr um in in there yeah their liturgy I mean it was interesting but the most important interesting part I have to say was the choir because um as there was the procession and the priest would say things like there some there there was a choir in the back that would be like um God have mercy like the priest would say I don’t know some sentence and God have mercy I don’t know where yeah and then I don’t know if they do this during a wedding ceremony but you’d have the Lord have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy times on that um I’ve heard that experience that yeah yeah so uh yeah so they I think it’s like the candor’s just got to be like counting on their fingers to make sure they actually get up to 40. Because we you know we do six in the ordinary form and nine in the extraordinary form and then we’re done. You know that’s the brevity of the Roman rite right there. They’ll just uh they got that different thing going on. Yeah. So anybody who doesn’t know how this works you’re free to join in the chat. This isn’t just going to be me and Jacob hopefully. So you can find it. Oh we got a pin. Pin the uh. We’re gonna hold up here. We’ll see how this is going. It is pinned on my channel. And now it is pinned on mine. Yes so you can follow that link and you can join in the chat at any time. And as long as you behave yourself we’ll be very happy to see you here. And if you don’t behave yourself that will kick you. You know and so it’s it’s that’s fair I think. And so yeah last night we had a… Wait till father Eric. Yeah yeah. I’m just hoping not to get kicked too. Yeah yeah. I feel that would be uh very very ungrateful of me to uh to do that. Yeah. Well I tried to buy you lunch but that didn’t work. Yeah yeah yeah. Yes yes that uh common problem. Yeah so apparently when you wear a collar like nobody’s willing to to to bill you for your lunch. Especially when you go to Mexican restaurants. It was pretty good though. It was pretty good. Yeah yeah yeah. I’m just… You would have you would have a real fine steak at that other place. But it was closed at two o’clock in the afternoon. You know I think it’s corona. Like yeah. Yeah that place um that that place really did get… It wasn’t so much like people wouldn’t come. It’s that um they couldn’t get workers after coronavirus. So so yeah. Well I uh I regret to inform you that uh I did not get a deer this week. I went out early Thursday morning. Sat there all day Friday and in Saturday. And that tiny little deer blind and uh did not get a deer from it. So we’ll see if I got time to go out again. But it’s very sad. Didn’t get the murder out of my system. You know it’s good to… Well I feel like like every time I got a priest I’m a little bit more like got a deer. I’m a bit more like an Old Testament priest. You know because those guys were like one quarter scholar and three quarters butcher. Well do you wear your collar out on the hunting? No I don’t want to. I don’t want to get it bloody. Well I’m assuming you use a rifle and you don’t do the Joe Rogan uh like he goes bow hunting. I could do that if I wanted to. And the nice thing about that is the season is much longer in North Dakota. Um so I could and uh the uh my friend who has the land he totally he’d lend me his bow and like teach me how to use it if I asked him. My dogs dragged a deer carcass home today probably left by a hunter. I mean it may be possible that the deer ran so far that they couldn’t track it but uh yeah you take that deer home. No point in shooting something that you don’t want. So very sad. Very sad. That deer should have been you know sausages or steaks or something. That’s what it was placed there for. Do you dress your own deer, Father? Yeah so I mean everybody guts it right because you need to get that done as soon as possible. And uh my dad and I my dad we are very novice hunters. We didn’t do this until I was in eighth grade and we were living in Montana and all my friends at school were getting into hunting and I’m like dad we should do this and he’s like okay let’s try it out. So we don’t really know what we’re doing. We don’t have that tradition handed on to us. Fortunately our friend who owns the land actually knows how that all this stuff works. So we’re not going to be doing that. So we’re not going to be doing that. And he says if he’s got all of his gloves on and everything he can gut a deer in about two minutes and I believe him because he’s he’s he’s done it a lot. But when we’re with him he knows how to to hoist the deer up and to to take all the meat off properly. And then you know you want to you want to get the back straps because those are really they actually make decent steak. And then the rest of it usually gets made into sausage. It’s just not as high quality. And there were a couple fawns I could have shot and I just I just wasn’t going to do that. But you get really nice meat off of them. Very tender. But how old are they? A fawn? They’d be like nine months old. They’re still babies. Yeah yeah. I mean they’re just they’re tiny. You get like 20 pounds of meat off of them and but it’s all like you don’t turn that into sausage. Yeah. I did not Laura. I did not shoot any fawns. They were like the only ones that came in range though. We had this wicked freezing rain Thursday morning. And so there was like an eighth of an inch of ice on every on every blade of grass. And you couldn’t sneak up on a deer or anybody in those circumstances because it was just so loud to walk anywhere. It was just a miserable time to hunt. But you know a bad day in the field is better than a good day in the office. So I have never actually been hunting. So yeah. I like fishing. Fishing’s good. Fishing good. And fish are kosher. The fish of the sea. Actually deer is kosher if you slaughter it correctly. It is a kosher animal. But you have to slaughter it. Yeah. Do I have to slit its throat then to kill it? Yes. And you’re not a kosher butcher. So regardless of what you did it wouldn’t be kosher. Sorry. I you know if I had a Jewish person in my house that would not be something I would try and serve them. I’d be like here’s a salad. That’s safe right. Salads are usually safe. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. No bacon bits. Yeah. I mean people who are really strict on their kosher like they check their salads for bugs. So like if you serve spinach and spinach are known to be infested with bugs like I have actually been to I have this rabbi who he’s a kosher supervisor. He’s in fact kosher supervisor for most of the kosher food certainly in Los Angeles. But like because of Los Angeles like the food he supervises ended up ends up in like basically all the kosher food in the world. And I’ve been to his house where he individual leaves up to the light no bugs. No bugs. I mean I’m not fond of eating bugs either but you know good on him right. Good on him to to make the effort. Yeah makes the whole don’t eat meat on Fridays thing seem a lot easier. So Father Eric while I have you here I should I should probably ask you more questions about what you think the future of this corner of the internet should be. What do you think Father? Yeah you know I think the Bridges of Meaning Discord server was aptly named. It’s a bridge to participation in the world. It’s maybe training wheels. It’s maybe answers. That’s that’s what I see it as. You know there’s really there’s really no way to get a sacrament virtually right. That you always need to have the people present to receive a Catholic sacrament with the very strange exception of marriage by proxy. But that’s a very strange exception. And just so you know there’s no such thing as consummation by proxy. So at least at least we don’t have to worry about that. So what are the situations for marriage for proxy? It almost never happens but we have it on the books. It might be something like you know Joe and Becky have their wedding planned for June. And all of a sudden in in January they he gets called up to go on a tour of duty somewhere. Let’s say he’s United States military and and they really want to have that day be special because that’s the day their grandparents got married you know 70 years ago or whatever. And so Joe could be over in Iraq and Becky would be there and somebody would make the wedding vows on Joe’s behalf. And you’d need to have a whole bunch of permissions and paperwork to get that done. But it would be considered a valid sacrament. But obviously yeah so anyway it almost never happens. And honestly in terms of the church’s sacramental theology marriage has all the weirdest stuff in it. So yeah other than that you always have to have the people there. And you couldn’t have two proxies. You need at least one of the parties there. I’m just imagining a wedding between two people who are not you know they’re both proxies for other people. No it doesn’t happen. So anyway that’s uh that’s uh trivia of Canada. So basically yeah I think local communities I think engagement with people I really think that’s what we want to be that’s what we want. That’s what human beings need. Now there’s a cool there’s there are cool things there are cool things that the internet is capable of doing. And so you know PVK talks about Jordan Peterson as the unauthorized exorcist that he really seems to kind of come in and smash up people’s materialist framing which I think is great that he does that. That’s something that can be effectively communicated over the internet. And while I said that sacraments always have to be done in person. I’ve heard of exorcists doing kind of low level deliverance sessions over the over zoom before. So it wouldn’t be like the full sacrament or the full ritual of exorcism but they could do a low level deliverance prayers that is actually effective. So that sort of thing is useful. And then you know coordinating with people over a large span of body that’s something that could be usefully done over the internet. But I just don’t think that YouTube and Discord can provide that much body to something. So that’s just kind of my conviction here. So you know I’ll continue being around and doing stuff but but the the sort of body that that all of these virtual means can provide is not a substitute for gathering together at a congregation of some sort. Local communities, local connections, people that you can actually talk face to face. That’s why you know things like Thunder Bay and the Chicago meetup that those were all just so excellent because we finally got to see these people face to face. And wow he really is tall in life as he says he is. So yeah I think the worst thing for this little corner of the internet is just incessant navel gazing about this little corner of the internet. What made this little corner great was talking about cool people and their ideas. Okay yeah. Has Bishop Barron moving closer to you in any way affected you or is it not really that much closer? Yeah not really no. So he’s in the same region so like Bishop Fulda has an opportunity to rub shoulders with him. When we go down to the big Steubenville conferences in Rochester where he’s bishop I’m sure you know he’ll be able to make an impact there. But really you know Winona Rochester is its own particular church and the Diocese of Fargo is its own particular church and it’s not like never the two shall meet but it’s not yeah it’s just two different programs. I got a few friends down to that diocese so if I ever bump into them again I’ll ask them how it’s going. But he seems to be I don’t know he seems to be digging in like if his social media feed is giving us an accurate picture of reality then he’s going around and he’s doing his job and he seems to be enjoying it as far as I could tell. I don’t know it’s hard to tell on social media though but a little diocese you know compared to like southern Minnesota and Los Angeles are two very different places. So he would really have an opportunity to be a little closer to the ground there I think. They actually had a Catholic cemetery that was vandalized on Halloween. So he went out there and re-consecrated the place which would be pretty because I guess the kind of vandalism they had was like a like a satanic vandalism so it wasn’t just you know garbage cans and beer bottles but that sort of thing. So yeah yeah he seems to be digging in. I was talking to somebody and you would know this better than I would but he kind of thought that you know Bishop Barron being moved to Minnesota was kind of like they were shipping him off to to nowhere whereas you know in Los Angeles he was more of in the thick of things and I was thinking well here he was like an auxiliary bishop. Yeah auxiliary bishop and there he’s the actual bishop so it seemed to me like it might actually be a step up and I don’t know enough to really know. Yeah so properly speaking it is a step up that being the bishop of your own place is a higher office than being a helper bishop to another bishop. Now whether or not going from LA to Winona Rochester a very rural diocese is actually a demotion. He could certainly look that way but the thing is is that he got really popular on the internet so you know like if you actually wanted to take his star down you know you’d have to like muzzle him or something. Yeah he’s just gonna move his studio to Rochester and I’m sure he’s got the money to set up another little studio there to record his videos. Right and here I mean he wasn’t actually in Los Angeles he was in Santa Barbara which is a good at least hour more like two hour drive from Los Angeles. So yeah as auxiliary bishop I don’t know if that’s how like Santa Barbara always has its auxiliary bishop because it’s a pretty big community. I mean if it wasn’t so close to Los Angeles I could imagine it would be its own diocese at least I guess or I don’t know how these things work but yeah it was oh we so part of the Brand’s thing there are these background music if you did decide you wanted to have background music you could do that. Not sure I recommend them. Not for that that’s silly. This is as close as you get to being the dancing priest. Oh my goodness the greatest oh you get so tired of wedding receptions like that you get so tired of wedding receptions and it’s like unless I know a lot of people there that I need to catch up with like once the speeches are done I say goodbye to the groom I say goodbye to the bride I say goodbye to their parents and I’m out of there because I’m not there for the dance you know I yeah that’s one of the benefits of being a priest is that nobody expects you to dance you know because I’m really bad at it. Well I am guessing you were not a fan of the viral video of the dancing priest during mass. Let me show you let me show you liturgy here let’s get some liturgy going I’ll figure out another way of utilizing all of these fancy fancy tools here so we’ve got uh where are you at here we are okay let me see and then what is this picture in picture layout well you haven’t you haven’t actually so when you click on present you have to choose share screen and if you want to include sound there you go okay there that’s liturgy right there oh look at that right there nice that is the end of a solemn high mass for all souls day so that’s that’s a priest to the priestly fraternity of Saint Peter whose name escapes me at the moment and I was serving as a subdeacon and I was holding the last gospel for him from your favorite gospel the gospel of John and that’s what it should look like note the the lovely Rome investments there you don’t see those very often anymore but yeah yeah so anyway that’s what I think about the dancing priest I figured by the way people if if you want to vote which background you like better I gave Father Eric a choice of two of them I tried to find things that you already used on your channel I have an ambulance going by yeah yeah um and that’s funny because you found those from that uh whole week of 2020 when I was live streaming the liturgies from my YouTube’s account uh and then my boss Father Phil was like we should do more of that so I spun off their own YouTube channel after that but you know but I did pick those those photos for the thumbnails so I met Father Phil no you met Father Dale oh okay yeah you would not mistake the two of them if you put put them next to each other Father Dale was much shorter than you are yep but you’re pretty tall I am but Father Dale’s the shortest priest in our diocese do you guys keep like is there no you just you see him at ordinations and Father Dale’s standing next to Father Wilhelm who’s about six five and it’s just like gosh awesome awesome to have all the boys together yeah yeah it looks like Zach likes the pieta and uh Andrew Andrew likes the dsera the sequence for uh all souls they and uh and uh funeral masses uh but I don’t see that in the oh but I could add my own music you didn’t say that we could add our own music so that might be something coming your brand tab the only thing you have to be careful about is is copyright yeah yeah yeah copyright gets pretty uh crazy especially on YouTube yeah yeah and the orange I picked because on your channel you just had a lot of orange but you can change that to whatever you like yeah it’s it’s uh you know people might get the wrong idea if they saw all that orange you know oh right orange is is the color of Protestantism isn’t it I didn’t realize that oh you’re talking about my how to read the Bible thumbnails though right I guess I I just looked at your channel and I just saw a lot yeah I saw a lot of orange and I saw the pieta and I saw the um the last supper and I figured okay so I will uh I will go ahead and oh so yeah so on the live stuff and that’s actually so if you look on the live tab on your channel so the picture you have of yourself is um I don’t know what you call this thing that I made into your logo but like that’s what I kind of found you know what I’m talking about yes yeah yeah yeah all right uh uh do you know Khalil and Danny Khalil and that and Danny yes got into triple trouble twitter trouble for questioning the trinity this weekend I thought Elon Musk was going to get rid of all of the trouble so um I don’t know if you know Dr. And Danny he’s been on Sam’s channel a few times um he is a professor of Islamic studies and he is an Ismaili Muslim and uh he knows a lot about neo-platinism so I have been trying to wheel him into my channel more as much as I can because I’ve been trying to find more allies in my crusade against the trinity and you know on that count uh the Muslims would uh would be right there with you huh so I have this theory that God created Islam as kind of a counterweight to Christianity and like you know this one’s a little too hot this one’s a little too cold and Judaism’s just right right well both of them have spotty history with regard to the Jews so uh Dr. And Danny might might might disagree with you I mean so yeah right now living being a Jew in a Muslim country is pretty much impossible um that’s that’s my my uh certainly been the experience of my family um and earlier there were problems being Jewish in Christian countries but uh look uh I have to say the Hindus have have treated us the best the Hindus and the Confucian like uh although what happened in not as much in India as it happened in China was like the Jews just assimilated like the Jews of Kaifeng have you heard of the Jews of Kaifeng um is that a band or so there’s a city of Kaifeng in China and uh I thought you would find this interesting so a Catholic missionary went some or maybe it wasn’t a Catholic it was a Christian missionary went about 300 years or so went and saw the synagogue there and the rabbi he was basically the last guy who knew any Hebrew and so he had become the rabbi and he was getting pretty old and he was literally the last guy who knew who knew Hebrew so he offered the position to the missionary of of being the rabbi of the synagogue and the missionary is kind of like uh not sure it works was it a Jesuit I I don’t know I you know the history is pretty interesting I I read like there’s a lot of people interested in it and for some reason China’s decided to like create a whole museum about how these Jews assimilated and became Chinese like everybody else everybody should become Chinese yes uh oh people have been really really angry at the latest concordat have you heard about this I have I have I happen to follow Catholic news sometimes too much and sometimes uh to my detriment so uh yeah yeah I have uh Cardinal yeah Cardinal Zen uh who is somebody I admire um is not a fan of it so so he’s kind of my uh and then I do have a uh a Chinese friend who’s a priest um and uh you know he’s he’s uh he’s not a fan of it uh he’s quite certain that when he goes back to China that his passport will be taken away like basically on arrival um so so yeah yeah it’s uh it’s a sad situation I don’t have all the facts I don’t know what call I’d make if I was in the big seat and uh you know it’s real easy to to be a critic and to just tear things down and ask questions um but uh it seems like they’re selling the people for nothing and making no profit by the sale so that’s what it looks like to me okay yeah um I I don’t know much about it I just saw some some right wing commentary which uh included some Catholics saying things that were not very Catholic about the pope I I really think that you know disagreeing with the pope and ignoring him is is a fine Catholic tradition I mean have you read the history of the middle ages right like they were ignoring the pope left and right that was their favorite thing to do you know well these people weren’t ignoring the pope yeah yeah yeah I I long I long for the good old days when there would be a pope who would live and die for like six months and your average peasant wasn’t aware of their existence you know that’s tradition right there so do you guys um I know I know that in um Eastern Orthodoxy they pray for their bishop and then whoever their patriarch is for their autocephalic whatever it is so do you uh in in your services I’m guessing you pray for your bishop do you also pray for the pope yep yep and it’s always it’s always fun because you kind of get into autopilot on on that part of the names you know and so when I’m in another diocese and I’m celebrating mass I’ve had it where I’m like together with with Michael our pope and or um uh yeah Francis our pope and and um Michael our bishop and all the saints uh you know so you get the uh yeah so so when you okay so when you’re celebrating mass in a different archdiocese you say that a local bishop pray for the local bishop but not your own bishop no okay because you are kind of like aren’t you kind of bound to your bishop anyway I am I am but but when you’re in somebody else’s diocese you you pray for the bishop at that place okay so how often does do you end up celebrating mass in a different diocese well I mean um if I’m traveling somewhere so like when I was up at Thunder Bay uh I could celebrate a mass at the cathedral there uh the bishop was not there uh just the rector uh yeah Nathaniel Nathaniel says it’s hard to do a part of the liturgy without doing from the top eh father Eric yeah yeah I said Michael our pope uh have you ever heard of pope Michael um no but I’m guessing there was a pope Michael no he he was elected in a conclave that included his mom in Kansas oh I’ve seen that documentary yes I have a documentary talk about a Freudian slip there yeah his mom and his dad were like two out of the three people who elected him pope oh man yeah so anyway he was reconciled with the church on his deathbed so oh okay we got him ah I didn’t realize he he had passed away uh god have mercy on his soul god have mercy on all of us um man um man pope Michael I thought I thought I had heard that story I don’t know I uh David Bowden uh yeah apparently he died in August yeah I did yeah I have not heard that he passed away yeah so anyway all sorts of fun stuff going out there I’m bringing bringing into the church people who are baptized old Catholics you ever heard of the old Catholics before they split off after Vatican one and they said that uh the papal infallibility and papal supremacy was against the tradition and so we actually they had they had bishops that split off with them so we recognized their their eucharist and their priesthood um but but they’ve gotten funny because they’ve started ordaining women but they’re like celebrating the traditional Latin mass it’s just it’s a different universe so anyway these guys that I’m bringing in uh I don’t know if they’d technically be sedes or not I’m not going to dive that deep into this um sedate vacantist uh believing that the chair of Peter’s vacant um so so yeah I get to so I gotta I gotta figure out if they were ever confirmed and if so if that confirmation was valid if we need to do it again um yeah Andrew traditional Latin mass celebrated by a woman wow yeah it’s you can you can find just about anybody out there um yeah people there’s 23 of you watching um and you guys should click on the chat and show click on the chat and show me I am muting you Paul until you turn off your youtube I so we have Rick and Paul oh Rick does have a face yes that is actually Paul’s imaginary friend Rick put on your motorcycle how many you can be the steak and Wiley we can’t see Wiley you are still echoing Paul I don’t know why oh that’s better yeah I shouldn’t be how you doing pastor oh he’s I’m good yeah yeah I’m good so there’s Wiley he’s got a ball looks like a happy dog he’s a very happy dog he’s a very happy dog yeah oh we caught you on a Friday Paul I know I’m over at Rick’s picking up a chair is this for your new office yeah we’ll see if it’s better than the one I got from the homeless very good did you have a good Sunday I uh I was a little busy today I scheduled alter server training so that a little extra work but I still got my nap in so uh Sunday was very normal um Sunday school you know beating up on Jacob in the Sunday school class and then having the church hello um yeah it was good very good very good who else we got in here we’ve got uh Jacob and we’ve got Bristol who just uh just arrived I don’t think we’ve ever met Bristol yeah I’m not sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I don’t think we’ve ever met Bristol yeah I’m quite new here okay how did you uh just curious how did you how did you find this chat oh I’m just looking at Christian um live streams and stuff I wanted to join you guys and talk to you and you know okay um well you’ve got a Protestant pastor a Catholic priest and a Jewish fella here so you could get an awful lot of different uh perspectives uh so what’s on your mind well my mind is uh I’m always going fucking niggers man fucking oh godly you know people are yeah I told you about my uh I told you about my Bible study that got flashed uh I should I mean I don’t know like I saw the uh the the profile pic I saw the uh the names yeah you were kind of is there a way to like not let them stream um the only the only way I know is is requiring people to turn on their video before they come on yeah but I did check I mean he he was verified with YouTube I I considered kicking him from the studio but like yeah you know this is the only way I’m gonna learn right yeah now I have to teach you how to uh how to be suspicious of strangers on the internet how yeah and you’re gonna have to blur the the thing on uh during the stream on your channel afterwards oh yeah yeah man well I’ll uh I’ll say a little uh when I go to bed tonight and it’ll all be good I mean the thing is it’s you you have to uh wonder you know what kind of life is it that makes you feel that’s something you want to spend your time doing yeah I don’t know you get off there you get off and it’s like oh yeah I did that it’s like okay should be done with that by about by about 15 by about the age of 15 you should be done with that okay KC do any of us know you oh yes I I am on bridges of meaning I go on there I used to go more but change jobs so I don’t have as much free time but yeah I go on bridges of meaning a decent amount I think I’ve been on Paul’s stream a couple times when he did the random streams so hello so hello hello my roommate is inside sleeping on the couch and it’s about 33 degrees outside but just it’s fun to hang out outside sometimes you know when you live up here in the north you get used to uh you get used to it being nice and cold so nothing bothering me that much but I’ve really been enjoying the streams and the videos uh Jacob and father Eric they’re pretty good I watched your last stream you did father Eric and I watched the conversation with uh what’s his name Stephen D Young father Stephen um that was good I enjoyed it and uh I am Catholic too but I enjoy listening to you uh expound your viewpoints upon things such as the Trinity very interesting as iron sharpens iron so one brother sharpens another sure that’s the hope anyway that’s the hope yeah I mean it’s funny how many people are interested in debates about the Trinity it’s like does it well I believe and it’s because I believe that theology really matters I believe that it is something very uh important um and does affect your life but I think a lot of people don’t actually view it as something that that’s that’s that important and vital in their daily life you know and so it’s one thing to listen to me argue about how important what I would say is monotheism is to your you know being a human being that actually lives a good life but uh yeah people like to hear me like talk about hypostasis and it’s like or is it hypostasis it’s Greek I don’t know how to pronounce it you don’t do maths in Greek father I do not like I can barely squeeze it out in Latin if I have to but it’s not even the same alphabet yeah all right uh Mark’s coming in with some hot takes here lots of people like to know things that there is no reason to know you can just participate without all that stuff you know there’s a somewhat controversial 20th century theologian that would agree with you mark or that you would agree with him uh it was father Carl Ronner a Jesuit mid-20th century theologian who in his work on the Trinity said that the main problem with the way the church talks about the Trinity is that it can’t possibly have any effect on their lives and he was writing this in kind of the mid 1950s there and that’s been a point that I haven’t been able to get rid of there’s a lot of Carl Ronner I don’t like but you know how do we how do we find this present this this Trinitarian theology how do we actually bring that into your world into your life and I think there’s ways to do it but um yeah it’s complicated hypnosis yes the hip knowing so yeah um oh I think it has a big abtact it’s just not something deep to debate I like the three aspects approach though yeah because everybody knows that you’re a neoplatonist you can hop on anytime mark I am actually going to hop off for a little little while uh you I plan to be back but I need to do some stuff uh you guys have fun may god bless you and your stuff oh he just called out yeah yeah I uh I spent two nights this week in a uh in an elevated deer blind so I know and I know about cold I don’t I don’t envy that although I do envy you going out and hunting it’s just something I haven’t done in a while yeah I love that yeah oh so what’d you get up to today Casey well I am a bad Catholic so I didn’t go to mass unfortunately um I have been helping my parents uh renovate a house that they bought uh my aunt and uncle got kicked out of their house the landlord just said uh the contract’s up you know they were month-to-month so it’s like my one of their one of their kids was moving in there or something so they kicked them out and uh they needed a place to live so my parents bought a house and now they’re we’re renovating it basically so we tore out all the cabinets tore up the flooring uh cleaned up all the walls we’re gonna paint soon and yeah just tearing the whole house apart so that’s what I’ve been up to this weekend all right it’s good if your parents to uh to take care you said it was your aunt and uncle yeah they’re about 70 yeah my uncle’s 70 my aunt’s 66 or something so yeah they’re basically just living on social security so they wanted to help them out by doing that which I thought was nice of them all right I’m sure it’s not 33 degrees in South Carolina right now Mark is it no it’s uh it’s quite warm we did have really cold temperatures it’s not quite warm it is it is in the 40s it’s gonna get cold tonight too I don’t know what’s going on it’s still early in the season it is cold it was real cold in uh in October but uh how how dare you call me a neoplatonist sir that was such an obvious troll just to get me in here now I’m like all right mission accomplished baby yeah I can’t even yeah what’s this deal with the Trinity takes like three seconds like I don’t I don’t get it it’s just all right aspects of the same thing problem solved move on and keep that in mind in your daily like okay right still the father of the son and the holy ghost okay three aspects same ideal not not an issue it’s not it it it helps sharpen your ability to hold different perspectives right if you want to go all free cut 40 kog sai on the whole thing right that’s that’s it problem solved the the religious side that’s it problem solved that’s the the religious side the four we can’t say everything’s done there’s no room for debate it’s really easy this is why I get upset this stuff is easy you’re making it hard it’s not hard none of it’s hard it’s all you have to know you don’t need anymore well that’s the trinity in 30 seconds ladies and gentlemen three aspects of the same I’ll think about that mark and I’ll give it some serious thought to figure out if that’s heresy or not no no no no we talked about this before I think the way verveki talks about a spectralization is useful and that’s what I mean by aspects right which is roughly to say the relationship you have to the creator or the ineffable or the highest or god or whatever the heck you want to call them this week doesn’t doesn’t really matter right is that it is enchanted right it has three perspectives that you all that you should keep in mind all the time to the best of your ability like you can only really hold one perspective at a time right but you need to consider everything in those three aspects all the time and so it’s not just the creator it’s again it’s to train you to to be able to do that to be able to aspectualize as such uh yeah I just want to say good night eric good to see you uh he’s a he’s a friend a local friend here um yeah three aspects you know I’ve I’ve I’ve just time and attention mark I don’t have any of that I’m too tired oh very good now mark here’s a question for you do you have any deer uh that live near you deer like like the the animals that you can shoot yeah I uh I didn’t I didn’t get a deer this week I was out for three days but it was so cold that the deer were all hiding I don’t know I don’t know where they live but they hang out at the pond constantly so I don’t know where they live eric I haven’t I haven’t tracked them down I see them all the time like all the time and I’m not usually up early enough in the morning to see them in the morning but my understanding is at 5 a.m. they’re hanging out at the pond so I mean I see I do see them in the evenings quite often they just come for a drink and wade in the pond and then wander off and go in directions I wouldn’t expect because that most of my land is off that away and behind the dam you can cross the road and there’s nothing over there um but they go the other way sometimes and sometimes they cross the street and the you know the street over over a year um and I know there is a um there is a guy has a deer blind a mile from my house maybe um because uh Kira’s husband went shooting up there a few times so he’s like all right past your house I’m like oh you did he’s like yes I think it’s actually maybe it’s one turn off this road up up a ways and then and then he’s got a deer blind but there’s a hundred acres or or something like that you know a mile from here too so there’s large tracts of empty land still like I’m I do live in the woods like five miles away is a mall and I have a chipotle and walmart and all that but but I’m just on the other side of that line it’s yeah the the bridge of civilization is an interesting phenomenon it’ll be great it. Yeah I don’t know if you can uh I mean you’re welcome to uh to shoot anything you want if you if you have weapons in your hair but I don’t know how that’ll work out. I I well you don’t hunt in January so so it’s uh no you can’t I don’t know when the hunting when hunting season is right now basically everywhere because you want to you don’t want to go hunting when you’ve got fawns running around that are dependent on their mothers you want to uh uh they need to be able to live they need to be old enough to live on their own so it’s usually right around this time that’s the thing uh Sam I can see you in the lobby and if you turn your webcam on I can let you in there uh so all right you’re just kind of talking into a muted microphone there so um uh oh yeah I’m going to turn it off but I am I am here I’m going to turn my cam off I don’t want my webcam to be on okay all right I just know you’re a human being now uh I yeah I I’m a guy all right bye bye we like humans persons persons I think is a better term sure sure yeah what’s the big difference mark between a human and a person well a human is more of a scientific designation right and a person is more of a designation about this idea of connectedness and intimacy that I’ve been trying to peddle on everybody who will listen and the the intimacy crisis video that I did with Katherine is still getting views it’s getting like nine views every couple of days it’s been great I’m up for like 265 views in that video it’s a really good one the one I did with Andrew at the bangs is good too but yeah because you you want to make a distinction between a human and individual which I don’t think exists in a person because that seems to be important for people in terms of getting them to understand that their that their that their world is enchanted right that you know you can’t just be an objective material reality and you know observe the world that way and and so I saw what I did I’ve been trying to do I’ve been trying to do this for for a year at least a year I think Jonathan Bjoe put out a video a while back about you know the symbolism the matrix and what’s the through line of the symbolism right he wasn’t going through all the pieces because that’s impossible and I watched it and I was like you know I’m a huge matrix fan huge I own it right I’ve been watching it and watching it I’ve probably watched it at least a hundred times and he talks about this through line and I was like I didn’t I didn’t see that I didn’t see these things what’s you know what’s what’s going on so then I watched it again his video again and I I you know I’m like I gotta I don’t get it um hmm I’ve gotta I’ve gotta figure this out so I watched it again and then I was like oh I think I see it all and then I watched the movie again I was like oh yeah but then I found a bunch of new stuff and I was like oh oh wow look at all these contradictions in here and one of them is which I never noticed before effectively one of the messages of the movie is I’d rather live in a burnt out mostly dead world with one city near the core of the earth where life is just grimy and difficult and ugly and you’re constantly being hunted so that I can be an individual rather than be part of the system with all the beauty and the stakes and the and I was like oh it’s really overt like it’s really like that’s the socialist utopia too right well we’d all rather live with red lines than have that dreaded capitalism and it was just like I don’t know how I missed it this is so clear too it was just you know all the flip because there’s a bunch of flipping in there he talks about it with like Alice in Wonderland that’s the dream world like but then you refer to the matrix as the dream world and and yeah right and it’s like oh what is going on so all the references are or a bunch of the references are backwards in the movie yeah I can see it now this is really interesting and I was gonna I was gonna do a video I decided to try and fix something and of course I broke it in the process I was gonna do a video on on my personal channel which only is one video now about about sort of the trends in in movies and what we’re seeing because the individualism that whole thing is playing out in different ways and the and that sharp line of you know and that was the other thing like because I’ve noticed it now I didn’t notice it when I first saw the matrix it’s a sharp line right you’re either in the gritty the real gritty world or you’re in the shiny matrixy you know computer world and the first time I noticed that really was not the matrix somehow but um ex machina and and like I mean if you haven’t seen the movie ex machina first of all go see ex machina it is fantastic um but almost every scene in ex machina is literally lab clean white sort of thing or outdoors full on outdoors and then there’s a few scenes in uh I think it’s called waterfall uh the house um by franklin right there’s a few scenes in that but that that whole house is all about that like when you’re in that house you can’t tell if you’re outside or inside it’s very much that you see that in um uh severance the show severance which is on apple tv right everything’s either outdoors in nature in like the real world or it’s in this sterilized lab environment it’s either very dark stark thing tyrannical order or untamed chaos basically and it’s a binary everything’s a binary right part of that binary thinking where everything’s left or right or you know whatever and and and I heard it I listened to uh uh lex freeman did an interview with ben shapiro and a few people said no no you you should listen to like the last half of it at least and I was like well I’m not listening to the whole stupid thing at that point because it’s not like I don’t like ben shapiro or something right um and yeah I saw it there too you know I mean lex is very much left right left right left right and ben’s very much like well I don’t know about that right but that’s what I find is that people who are so called right wing seem to oddly uh while they have sharp boundaries between we’ll say good and evil don’t have don’t have the problem of dividing people into two categories for whatever reason uh but it does seem to me like pretty much everybody on the left does have that problem which is right right so it’s it’s the world upside down you know because usually like the left would be the ones who would be distrusting institutions and questioning everything but now it’s the world’s upside down like the conservatives are the one who are questioning institutions so um yeah so yeah it’s just strange days strange days it’s uh it’s the end of the liturgical year over here in catholic land and our readings are getting nice and apocalyptic so got the preacher on the end of the world tonight cool but how does that work what do you mean the liturgical year how is that different from oh four sundays four sundays before christmas it’s the season of advent and the season of advent is always the beginning of the liturgical year and so since we’re like six sundays from advent it’s near the end of the liturgical year like six sundays from advent it’s near the end of the liturgical year so the last sunday of the liturgical year is always the feast of christ the king so uh i see yeah and then and then you preach on the end of the world so a little bit a little bit yeah uh but it wasn’t it wasn’t just i could go over the homily i gave but uh but yeah yeah i was talking about you know famines and plagues and wars and i’m like oh boy that sounds familiar doesn’t it everybody yeah yeah well yeah it was interesting because they were they were talking a little bit about ukraine and actually shakiro had a great take on ukraine i mean i disagree with all of his framing but his solution was pretty dead on i mean it was really cool what was the solution again basically his solution was ukraine’s trapped right zelensky’s trapped the u.s has to be the bad guy and take the hit and withdraw support in order to force ukraine to negotiate and give up krainea and donask and luhask which was inevitable like it’s not they just have to give it up ukraine just doesn’t have the manpower to drive the russians out well that’s a that’s a yeah that’s a different issue i mean it the the problem is the people there are russians and they don’t want to be part of ukraine and nobody wants to admit that but see the thing that people don’t understand is the war began in 2014 and never ended and they’re not they’re not understanding that right and you can say no no it was all one country okay but how many countries have rockets being fired from two of their sub areas states whatever you want to call them into the rest of the country okay zero zero that’s how many so so if zero countries have that property in common and it’s a violent property and ukraine since 2014 has had missiles coming in from those areas you know you can say oh is russia all along but i don’t think so like i don’t think that’s a healthy way to think about the situation i think they were unhappy and they don’t want to be part of ukraine and you trying to force them to be is not going to work and to stop doing that but once you understand it that way and you know i mean i did a video on ukraine of course on navigating patterns that excellent youtube channel everybody should be subscribed to by now on ukraine and and i think yes we want you to hit the subscribe button i’m navigating pattern smash that subscribe button exactly smash the like hit the subscribe but but i think i think it’s more about identity as such like people want to be able to self-identify like self-identification as a spirit in the world is what’s driving that war because they want to believe they’re a country and there’s a lot of evidence that they were never a country like there’s just a ton of evidence that says there was no such country as ukraine and the only time it’s been united it’s been united under an empire and it can’t stay united without being without having something over it right so it can be a region within an empire and managed you know carefully enough but uh that’s that’s the issue yeah and i think you know i was thinking about this when i was uh sitting out in the deer stand uh is that it’s impossible to actually build a perfect system and when people get into a position of power and try and do that that’s where like 80 of the problems come from yep yeah trying to build this perfect system but it’s like you’re never going to be able to have a system that can’t be gamed right that’s not going to have some kind of flaw that that somebody could exploit right right well all systems have flaws but i think the bigger problem is that we have this misconception because we don’t understand another one of verveke’s great points about distributed cognition like if distributed cognition is a real thing in the world and i you know like i suppose somebody could argue argue that it’s not i’d like to see them try i’d like to argue with them so i can beat them with their ignorance because i do rather enjoy that uh but that means that the sum total of people using google is always going to outsmart any number of google engineers designing an algorithm like that’s what it means and then it also means that on the global scale like any government is going to be outsmarted by the people in the government like it’s distributed cognition is a real concept that has to be a result of it and and so even if you could build a perfect system you have to live with the fact that somebody will outsmart it because the intelligence of the people using it is always going to be greater than the intelligence of the people building it’s just inevitable right it’s something we have to learn to live with it’s a perennial problem if you want to sneak in some fancy verveke language there right it’s just something you’re not getting around and i think that’s really important because i see all the failures of people to understand the world people like lex friedman who i really enjoy and admire but he’s a great he’s a great interviewer and he really honors his guests well right but he doesn’t understand scale and to me being in computers that’s weird because the computer systems run into scaling problems constantly and i think that unless you’re a systems engineer like you’re just a software engineer and you haven’t really written things that you know have had to operate at different scales you don’t appreciate scale at all and and you probably don’t like if you haven’t read nasing taleb at all then you don’t understand that even math doesn’t scale like actual mathematics doesn’t scale and so like the rules of math change when the sets of numbers get larger sorry the rules of math change they actually change and and talebs get some great mooks on this on his youtube channel actually that are very short and even for math retards like myself and why do i not do that it’s very easy to understand and he uses a whiteboard and he he really shows you the stuff but one of the findings it’s probably five years old or six years old now is that if you get a large enough set of numbers and now we’re talking a very large set of numbers randomness vanishes like the the rat the randomness that we know about that is random you know as measured as randomness at all other scales vanishes and randomness creates random order effectively so order emerges from randomness in a large enough set and like it’s hard to understand right but it’s a scaling issue right it’s just a scaling and like if a small if you have a small enough set randomness can’t exist okay right because if it’s a binary there’s no there’s no way to make a random binary it doesn’t it doesn’t work right doesn’t make any sense and so there’s there’s no randomness here at the bottom and there’s no randomness here at the top and i don’t know where the cutoffs are i don’t care right and there’s lots of randomness in the middle but and all that’s determined by scale and all that scale is determined by how big your set is and and it’s like wait what and and that’s and that’s the whole thing and people don’t appreciate that fact we’re not living in a world where you can have universal rules at all scales which is not to say there aren’t universal patterns there are but they’re not rules but they are constraints and and we don’t like that we want the constraints that we can know and we can understand this is what i was saying earlier about knowledge and participants like we just want to know the constraints it’s like no no you can just accept them you can say there are constraints which i do not understand and i will just live within them and and a lot of say church attendance is about that level of submission i’m just going to submit to the fact that i’m a moron and that i can’t resolve ethics by myself because i’m too stupid right and i believe that’s true for every human and every human that ever will be i don’t i don’t even think that again it’s a stupid cognition problem right that elephant’s too big you’re not you’re not figuring it out by yourself and then now i have to rely on others and i know others are unreliable and it was another thing that benj pierre was talking about you sometimes your friends criticisms are actually wrong but you still take them seriously and then you don’t know if that right you don’t get around those kinds of problems and so your submission to something like the church the church is flawed because it’s made up of the church the church is a big enough set such that over time the patterns emerge exactly well and and and it and it does fix itself better than an individualistic system that is to you know hyperchange so for example let’s suppose you embarked on some crazy theory about digital money where you could just use cryptographic caches to represent value you know with no connection to anything else we’ll say well you connect it to electricity use what right right exactly someone’s watching my videos father eric someone excellent youtube channel navigating patterns it it really is it tells you all about money and economy and capitalism now with with psychic space dragons so nothing’s better than sally joe’s psychic space dragons but you got to check those out on navigating patterns so you know when you realize that when you actually realize that then all of a sudden a bunch of stuff changes right and what changes is that the the crypto thing goes for a long time because you get high enough adoption and a high enough interest and you suck in enough money from we’ll say a better monetary system oh it’s it’s a fiat currency it’s no good all all currencies fiat all of it right and then all of a sudden it collapses it just takes a long time and and so it was easier to get that to work because too many people didn’t understand what was going on and they weren’t actually cooperating in a structure right they were just cooperating with a system with a with a cryptographic mapping system roughly speaking or a ledger right so they’ve got a ledger and they’re just cooperating with a ledger and there’s really no rules on how to cooperate with a ledger lots of things a lot of things with ledger just study some basic accounting and or go look at the 2008 financial crisis or any other collapse things look great on the ledger the ledger’s full of lies because it doesn’t it doesn’t record what you need to know it records some of the things you need to know but it doesn’t record all of the things you need to know so then it collapses and that’s what you see in the crypto completely and and this guy who ran ftx you know he was using the billions of dollars he had in the company to save other crypto exchanges to seem all altruistic and now it comes out he’s got a he had a back door into the system all along and he stole all the money and the last time i checked he was on his way to argentina or something i’m like i’m good for him good for him those one of those non-extradition countries or or or you can look at something else that’s very similar that’s kind of shocking so that apparently amazon the company amazon lost a trillion dollars of market value a trillion dollars a trillion dollars of market value they went from 1.8 trillion to 0.8 trillion like it’s all gone and that is you know because they’re not able to make the delivery business work like their core business that everybody knows them for it’s never really been i mean i think it was profitable three or four quarters not consecutive quarters either but i think it was profitable three or four quarters and it’s not profitable coming out of covid uh-oh it’s not profitable coming out of covid and they they lost a ridiculous amount of money last quarter like an insane amount and so i think just just the shipping division and everything else is keeping it afloat or is everything losing money no no they only have one profitable division which is aws it’s cloud computing yeah that cloud computing is their only profit now the profit margin on that is huge i can tell you as an expert in the field who’s actually an expert in the field with with decades of experience it is five times cheaper to build your own data centers than it is to use amazon the counter to that is well they have this neat software yeah but it’s all open source and you can implement it all yourself and i’m not suggesting anybody do that and i’m not saying that makes sense because you need to have the skills to actually operate it yeah i mean i built clouds you know i i scoff at all the open source i’m happy to use any of it i don’t care but all the tools that amazon has i’ve either been on projects or built them myself by myself they’re not they’re not all that mad you don’t need to be a good software engine because i’m not a great software engineer right you don’t even need to be a good software engineer to build those tools really you really don’t and even the really sophisticated ones like you know like the they’ve got all these new storage mechanisms it’s key value pairs stuff it’s all baby databases underneath and actually it’s a lot of glue code and some api code that really any mid-tier software could actually write so yeah but but now that everyone’s seeing that the bezos dream that he sold everybody for 20 years and you know if you don’t believe me read the quarterly reports they’ve got them all there bezos is telling his you know his investors i know we’re losing money but we’re dumping more money into r&d and then when we own the retail market we’ll be able to own all these other markets it’s like yeah but you’re never going to own the retail market buddy it’s going to happen and you and your assumption about when you own the retail market is also all wrong it’s just based on a misunderstanding of how people work in the world because it turns out that most people like to be around other people and sales is more effective in person even if it’s not person to person in other words it’s more effective for you to sell say extra product that people don’t know they want by having them come into a store than it is by flashing flashing it on their screen right why because they have a participatory investment in 3d space that is greater than their participatory investment in 2d space on a screen and i you know i sort of touched on this on the live stream a couple days ago you may not just cost effective but like everything as a cohesive whole it’s it’s a better business model for not just them but it like scales better basically right right it scales it scales better but but also it enables something that is not enabled as easily on amazon right and and there’s problems with doing this on amazon so there’s the concept in retail of a loss leader and a loss leader works by dragging you into the store and giving you a product that they are losing money when you buy like this is a thing businesses they give everyone a business only about profit i’m like you’ve never worked at a business and taken a look because businesses do unprofitable things they sell the the hundred dollar tv that they’re buying for 120 dollars yeah and they get you to buy a whole bunch of other stuff there for a profit they get you to walk through the store and realize that there are other things that you want now what happens is we live in this world of the internet where we look at outliers and we believe those outliers are normal so outlier behavior has been normalized right how many people do you know there that that are in love with and married an elephant probably zero right but i guarantee you there’s at least two of them somewhere on the internet that you could run into right like it’s it’s inevitable right so so that’s a problem because normally you would never see that it would never occur to you that that is a thing in the world right but i’ve just infected you with it i i apologize but the internet the internet does that so so the the crazy people and there are a few of them out there and i know them and i was one of them a long time ago who believe efficiency is the most important thing for example are like no no being able to buy from amazon’s great and they have loss leaders well yeah but the loss leaders don’t if i go and shop for something in a particular store because they have a loss leader thing the thing that amazon flashes is not their moneymaker it could be anybody’s so it you know that system of a loss leader doesn’t work the same way online but but you know i made this argument like i said the other day right there’s a fundamental difference in the amount of beauty something like lord of the rings can have versus a cathedral because you can go stand in the cathedral walk around the people walk in the cathedral feel things in while you’re in the cathedral and then take that information out into the real world um and you you know i’m not saying that lord of the rings movie is not beautiful i own it i love it i’ve watched it multiple times i i actually did a 12-hour marathon on the extended i blew a sunday i completely destroyed a sunday it was just me and the dog took the dog out and and other than that i just sat in front of the tv immersed myself in the world like completely uh because i i i do crazy things like that occasionally uh not very often though not very often but i do do those things that is a different experience from walking around the cathedrals which which i i have been to uh it’s it’s just not they’re not comparable and i’m not saying one’s better than the other but they are different and the difference is is palpable and look go walk around edinburgh scotland which i’ve done i i don’t know what to tell you like you’re not going to get any of that on a screen it’s not gonna happen it’s not gonna even just that you could do the 360 view thing but the experience of actually being there and then there’s a volcano over here and there’s a castle you know at the edge of a hill over here and you know there’s the ocean in back of you and there’s all these beautiful buildings like everywhere you look i mean this you can’t and you’re and you’re outside and you’re walking and you’re interacting and there’s weather and the weather there of any given type lasts maybe 10 minutes if you’re lucky and then it actually like it’s and until you actually experience that and you know you you take the train to uh to inverness from edinburgh and you see nine rainbows okay you know you can look at 36 000 rainbows on your computer but they don’t they don’t have the frame they don’t have the uh the context context is really important and they don’t have the depth right well and and that’s the thing that people aren’t getting right we’ve collapsed meaning into words into propositions and i have a great video on navigating patterns about this right words don’t contain meaning meaning is not in words it’s not there you can’t get it from the word you can’t even get it from a group of words meaning comes from content which is definition in in in language plus context which could be lots of things it’s not just the words around the words not just the sentences it could be the cultural context it could be the time of day it could be the context of an inside joke between teenagers and if you’re not on the inside of that joke then nothing actually makes sense it’s like hey on a ladder right yeah and everybody starts laughing and it’s like on a ladder right and the the easiest example of this is that you can actually flip the meaning of any word or sentence or phrase with your tone that’s what sarcasm is i don’t believe you exactly but like sarcasm is literally a total change to flip the meaning or change the meaning of what we’re saying needs to adopt um comic sans font as the universal sarcasm font because anything written in that i can’t take seriously i agree i agree that is a good strategy you should you should start an internet somebody get a hold of elon musk he can do that on twitter now and they’re a big enough force to uh to change it for everybody right and i think that’s why you see sort of the the degradation down to twitter facebook you know those things and then the the re-enchantment of something like clubhouse which lasted for a while i’m still around but my goodness is it not the same place and i still use it i use it probably every day pretty much i’m on clubhouse you know but mostly to talk to a group of friends because most of the room the good rooms are gone and most of the good people are like lex reeven still pops in every once in a while but like he’s be on there all the time so you know and and lots of people are on there all the time greg ellis i met greg ellis on there he’s an interesting guy um he has a respondent uh that’s his book excellent book everybody should read that book and be terrified and realize how terrifying our justice system is right um and and you know uh the winesteins used to be on there all the time right all these celebrities used to be on there all the time and and most of that’s gone like it’s really kind of gone which is sad but the reason why clubhouse is big is because now you have tone and you can have real-time conversations and it’s interactive like facebook’s not interactive in quite the same way and so it’s you know in the in the stream the other day you know you would equate a two-dimensional projection on a screen to a three-dimensional object not on like that’s outside i don’t but but but that’s that’s part of the malaise and the confusion we’re suffering from is this reduced down reduced down reduced down and i think that’s where you get identity politics from again you’re trying to reduce everything so you know how to handle people like oh look at this guy he’s got a collar on i know how to deal with him like i know everything about him now you know i mean those priests man it’s not like they’re gonna buy you pizza at thunder bay or anything no no absolutely not yeah we just expect other people to pay for us yeah i would just you can tell i’m still grateful for that i still talk about i’m like yeah that that’s the villain so they’ll have brought me food would you like some tea and i was like i would really like tea yes it’s just went and brought me to you and i was just like this is the best place on the planet that’s just wonderful because when i’m at home i forget my own damn time get up boil water wait for it to boil and pour the tea wait for it to steep nope nope tea just comes to me magically i’m like this is living my best life all right yeah thunder bay forever right free pizza living my best life yeah under bay forever exactly oh ma’am i just knew i did i didn’t have to drive quite as far as you did and gas prices were oh yeah yeah that’s true that’s true just across north dakota or minnesota little john a little trot yeah through the trees i want to get back to minneapolis now because it’s amazing little place like i was just blown away by minneapolis actually i’m like wow this is this is this is amazing like a little it is a fun little town is he procrastinating from another school project he should be attending to see this is why no one likes catholics father eric this is why no one likes catholics i want it you have responsibilities young man of course forgive us for building civilization mark forgive us please enforcing enforcing yes oh i just got damn tree down uh father eric what is the process of catechesis for an adult convert the process is this book right here okay i’m just kidding uh yeah um basically what you do is you uh find a catholic church and you talk to a priest there and hopefully if they’re not ridiculous they’ll help you i mean like i could i could go through a whole lot of detail about how we do it here but the catholic church is so big that it’s going to be just different enough everywhere that you’re going to get different answers depending on where you’re at so the easiest thing for me to just say is is is go find a catholic church uh get in front of a priest and ask them how it works and and that’s the easiest way of walking through it so you know we started our classes in september um trying to get people’s names and stories down uh but there’s a lot of them which is great but you know harder to build those relationships there um and most of them will probably bring it in easter and there’s some of them that uh we got some things we got to sort out uh and coming in at easter isn’t just going to be possible so but yeah most places most places the most common thing you’ll see is is uh uh they’ll start their classes with the academic year and if you’re ready to go by easter and there’s no nothing standing in your way then then we bring you in on easter so sort out yeah the most common thing uh well i’m going to answer ethan’s question first sort out is usually some kind of a marriage thing catholics have all these different rules about marriage and divorce and remarriage and those sorts of things so um we want to make sure we’re bringing people in under good circumstances um so we got to figure those things out usually before we bring them in mark you were asking a question yeah how long does it take to uh cat cat catacay whatever whatever that disease name was i forget yeah catacay um so it really depends um i had a uh a nice lewithran lady that i brought it in like three months uh because you know the covet lockdowns came so this is what happened is that her lewithran church started modernizing right they took out the pews and they put in chairs they put a coffee bar in the back yeah yeah right that was her reaction too right and and you know this just kind of hurt because she’s just one she was one of those absolutely wonderful uh you know church ladies that just did a ton and felt her church left leaving her but she was just gonna kind of stick it out because that was her home until the covet lockdowns came uh and what we did in wapton is we just started uh broadcasting our services and her lewithran church wasn’t and when she saw the way we did liturgy uh she was just like this is kind of the liturgy that i remember and that i love and so we would meet and uh we’d talk about things and go over things and she had catholic friends that she was talking to nice well-educated catholic friends and they were they were making the the so it was all relationships you know as by the time i meet her i’m like you know you’re basically ready uh and i didn’t have a class that i was going through with so i’m like you know i don’t know it was probably it was probably five five or six months and i’m like you’re ready to go let’s set a date and just get this done um yeah what’s up so what’s the minimum requirements then i mean so you can’t just uh matrix download the uh the catholic program uh which is kind of too bad you know like oh religion catholicism no you know and you can’t get it from a book because it’s not propositional or entirely propositional i guess you mean you can’t get it from a book you can get a lot from the book just read this just read this whole thing and then you’re good to go i’m not reading that ever that’s what i thought yeah yeah so um it really it it depends you know it depends there some people if they’ve already like got it you know so so like the really important stuff you know this lady in her 70s she had already had figured out right getting to church on sunday is important that wasn’t going to be something she was going to miss living a good christian life she had already done that mostly you know most of the things that uh like people might get upset about with the catholic church she was already on board with so it’s like well yeah the lutherans aren’t that far from the catholics right it’s like the anglicans aren’t that far from the catholics it’s just not that far yeah but how do you know when to kneel and it’s that it’s all confusing you sit near the back you sit near the back you can just go to mass it’s you don’t yeah you could just i i i go to mess with my yeah yeah you can just go to mass uh yeah so anyway you just have to sit near the back until you feel comfortable with all the standards sitting you know they all know what to say in response so so he’s he’s been the nice part about the the orthodox church they have a whole template for you i could get you one of those pamphlets they even have the um you know because a lot of it is sung right and they have like the medieval gregorian cat bar thing and like you can learn to read the music and what have you seen along yeah not the orthodox church down here or at least the one that i yeah no yeah but like like i said there’s all this stuff where where there’s you know speak and respond that’s not in the pamphlets and then the church as i’ve been yeah well because you know paul paul vanguikoi was talking about how for some people like me who are interested in orthodoxy if you don’t get lucky with your parish then you’re just in deep waters right but like i’m in la there’s a lot of young men in la who are interested in orthodoxy it’s probably what there are eight nine men in the parish from 18 to 25 who are either in the process of catechesis or have recently finished catechesis and so they’re really on the ball in terms of that i just learned today actually that the parish about 25 years ago it used to be an anglican church and then the whole congregation converted to orthodoxy so do you know what liturgy they use yes it’s um let me say the right of saint gregory it’s actually a nice it’s it’s a white it’s a western right yeah western right orthodoxy you don’t see a whole lot of that no i heard one percent is the this yeah it’s i would be so i would be so i would be heard one percent is the this yeah it’s just i would be so jazzed to attend one of their liturgies oh it’s it’s so my eyes would be like this i just be looking at everything you know yeah you like to come down to la oh where are you from north dakota up in fargo yeah it’s pretty cold out there right now la sounds pretty nice yeah well you know it it’s surprisingly cold here i’m sure i would get used to it pretty quickly yeah for sure um but yeah it you know we have the six part mass some of it’s in latin some of it’s in english the curious in latin which is fun um and so yeah it’s it’s a great it’s a great liturgy not too long either um it is funny because i i um i got recommended i perished by john and donk um and i went there the first sunday i got here and i went with my dad and it was a very ethnic congregation it was still welcoming but very i think and huge church and by the two and a half hour marks my dad who isn’t officially a Christian but he’s pretty close he he whispered into my ear and said but sure i i think this is too long and um we had a nice conversation about priorities and i don’t know whether i still agree with him or not but you know he thought it was i should find another church um and it was far it’s pretty far away from campus anyway and st michael’s the one i’m attending now is only 20 minutes away so it worked out um there’s quite a few students from biola there and actually it’s very tied to biola if you look at biola and orthodoxy um the the the former dean of student life went to st michael’s the co-founder of the orange college went to st michael’s um quite a few biola alumni there so it’s interesting yeah yeah good well i hope it works out um me too i actually about well i’m not about to start telling people but i i emailed the father um two or three years ago and said i’m ready to boil the oak as it were um good good stuff start stop mucking about um yeah very interesting uh renee john’s milchman uh i have no idea if i pronounced that how you would like i haven’t got the confirmation is it possible to get it through the internet absolutely not no such thing as a virtual sacrament uh um yeah but 2d is so rich and deep and the experience is just the same what is that all right come over here mark let me put some oil on your forehead yes that would be great what about the metaverse sad nowadays i’m too lazy to go to church he says the kingdom of heaven is taken by force of the violent buried away so there you go yeah jesus said that i don’t know what he really means well yeah the meaning is part of the context can you give any context just a little bit of content you’re right you’re right i’m supposed to be able to provide that aren’t i yeah yeah yeah or else i don’t know did you guys hear uh not your peugeot on uh again serving oh no i saw him in the woods wearing his beanie oh yeah oh boy is it worth it yeah i was like whoa there’s some nuggets in here for sure yeah mark in your opinion is it worthwhile to read matthew peugeot’s uh book language of creation yeah yeah what do you mean worthwhile you mean required by all humans if you mean required wow i would say wow okay much like the lab like everyone needs to read all the labs books language of creation is a must read and and it’s not it’s not even a read like because there’s a lot of images and he said this is peterson interview he said he goes and quotes a bunch of it he goes oh now i realize why i put diagrams in there because it doesn’t make any sense and you just talk about it it’s like well and and so i watched the first two minutes of that video and it was interesting how he said like these categories are so fundamental that you can’t really use words to yes describe them so you have to use diagrams right right that was that was one of the things yeah and i think people get really confused i mean everybody’s been listening to noam chomsky far too long uh i suggest just ditching noam chomsky i have never listened to noam chomsky i’ve been either i know but you have any recommendations no but i think you have because everybody because everybody believes that thought thought and and language are the same thing which is noam chomsky’s big big obvious mistake right i’m like oh well so babies can’t think is that because they don’t have like so giving them language makes them think like what are you okay you can’t get on that road it’s too dumb uh you know humans weren’t human like animals don’t think like what where are you going but it’s part of the great the great confusion is that you know we have emotions and they’re part of thoughts right there there are types of thoughts and there’s a conflict there right and we can you know we can train that it’s part of rationality is training like that’s stoicism really training your training yourself so that when emotions happen you don’t just react right away unless it’s appropriate right you you kind of mitigate that especially in in the modern world where we’re not being stuck by tigers constantly or eaten by dragons or you know whatever and when we when we oversimplify or we try to look at our thoughts we go well when i interrogate my thoughts i use language but there’s there are these fundamental ways to understand things right and usually we call it common sense like we go why did you do that you wouldn’t do that that’s it’s just common sense that you wouldn’t do that and then i always challenge people what makes it common sense and and i think what makes people say common sense is that it’s something that they know so well that they’ve never articulated it like they literally don’t know how to talk about yeah yeah i mean i feel like the language of creation was a a book that’s trying its best to make all of your implicit categories explicit and it in order to to to bridge that gap it just had to use diagrams like there was no other way to do it i don’t even think they’re implicit i think that’s part of the problem actually of you religious people you keep assuming there are implicit things that aren’t there right it’s it’s it’s weird the number of people that you know like father mckenzie he’s got a youtube channel i commented on on on that um he’s you know he’s he’s talking about everything is you know oh and so everybody assumed platinism because platinism is implicit in a lot of thought like it’s just it’s kind of there right like ontology itself requires platinism like if you try to do ontology without understanding platonic forms it doesn’t work actually very best you’ll just accidentally reinvent playdough well well that’s what they do that’s that’s what they do because because that that that’s what um that that that’s what ends up happening that’s what happened on the ontology uh clubhouse room like they just keep running into playdough i don’t like guys played already wrote about this so when you say these are implicit assumptions about things like male and female which is in language of creation this is the argument we’re having is that no that’s not an implicit assumption we have people denying that reality actually and if you want to cast reality as objective i would say reality a reasonable short-form definition of reality might be that which objects that which i can’t change based on my imagination well that well more than that it just objects and what does it object to it may object to itself right it may it may be there may be two competing forces in reality right and when they’re not at odds with one another it’s fine that might be immovable object meets unstoppable force that may be what what what was being talked about there right like there are there are contentions within reality it’s not one smooth system that with no conflicts right so that which objects to a what’s in your head b what conceptions you come up with and how you operate with them it doesn’t object right away like that seems to be the complaint like crypto doesn’t collapse immediately because it’s a stupid idea and it’s not an entirely stupid idea bitcoin for example some very good uses it’s just not kind of replace transactions on a day-to-day basis because it’s mathematically impossible and anybody who looked at it would know that right away unless they didn’t understand what was going on and very smart people who understand all the math didn’t understand that right so you run into these problems where people will play these games that are objective to by reality for a very long time before it all comes crashing down on them yeah and then with the gender thing i was listening to a benjamin voice video today and he he stated quite strongly that we’re going to see so many people do transitioning in the next 10 years or so that it will not be possible to deny their existence and that’s simply evidence that you can’t deny it you can’t deny it already and they are and because you can act as if anything is true let’s see this is the problem people always assume like the scientists always assume well you can’t act as this objective computer reality is a well a it isn’t and b you can act as if anything isn’t true people do it all the time what are you talking about but i think more people are saying he did conceive that you know the people writing stupid articles today are still going to be writing stupid articles in 10 years when you own when you own that idea when that idea is your baby and it probably is you’re not giving it up no matter what and you’re going to sacrifice yourself and your sanity and your money and your life and your reputation to save it even if it’s not real and and that’s and that’s that’s what we’re going to see and so you know the people that believe rationality is going to save us all because rationally holds the world together are just wrong they’re going to continue to be wrong and that’s going to create more chaos because what we need is not an acceptance of rationality we need an acceptance of submission because we’re all we’re all muppets like we don’t know anything about the world you know wisdom to some extent is knowing what little you know and knowing how little that is because yeah is but that’s the problem with implicit assumptions like everybody thinks that and i think that’s why like a look you couldn’t publish language of creation in the middle ages you’re like what is this we know this like what are you talking about why would you write this down right but those implicit assumptions are gone i think that’s really what the problem is and everybody goes well those implicit assumptions couldn’t be gone because they’re they’re at the base of of of reality they’re at the base of that which objects but they’re acting as if it’s not and so you have this dichotomy between well how long can you ignore that which objects to you well it turns out a long time generations and generations in some cases well in some ways we always do that forever right well we do that with some things to some extent actually when we’re acting and this is the cooperation problem if we don’t all have the same aim or a similar enough aim then we’re going to just spread chaos everywhere and that’s what you see like we can accept you know our common commonality our common aims and then accept the conflict that comes from trying to cooperate you know to manifest them and then we don’t cooperate anymore and now we’re just fighting all the time you don’t have cooperation or the ability to cooperate that’s what happens and you know that was the problem i was having father mckenzie on his youtube channel i’m like no you’re not getting it you’re assuming everybody has read playdoh and almost nobody has read playdoh well i don’t understand the concept well well mark you were talking about understanding the concept of the form and i’ve read three books of playdoh now and i still do not understand the concept of the form mostly because i my honors college is weird and just told you to read the book and then you discuss it with people and then you don’t really learn the context explicitly because they want you to like build the skill of interpretation instead of getting the ideas out that’s like i’d like to be able to articulate what the form is by this point right so that education right at that point right because postmodern well it’s like oh well we’re gonna we’re gonna help you we’re gonna help you learn to contextualize by yourself no you’re not that’s never gonna happen all you’re gonna do is screw people up because they’re gonna get solipsists that’s literally solipsism that’s interesting big huh that’s that’s an interesting point um you know i’ve always to talk with a professor about that point yeah like i’ve i’ve stop using solipsism as a way to be lazy about teaching teaching is hard and it’s full of conflict and you have to resolve it by having a telos and actually trying to get people to conform to that like it just it is what it is and that means you have to have discussions in class about what you read so that all the varying perspectives get together and enriches everybody else’s perspective because that’s the power of community no no yes so mark that is what we’re doing so let me explain the the way out of the program so you read a book before your session and your session is you are put in a group of 15 students at the beginning of your four years you stay with those people for years you come into your session and there’s there’s a professor there and they propose an opening question about the book and then that kicks off the discussion and the professor guides an exploration of the book that you read right and so we are pushing back on each other and trying to bifurcate each other’s points and getting that community yeah yeah yeah but the problem with that is that leads to like this is the internet this is the problem with the everybody complains about the internet that is the problem with the internet that’s actually the problem with the internet is that people believe that well look they believe that steel manning is a thing and that it’s and that it’s always good right and that it solves a problem and none of those assumptions are correct and they’re provably incorrect like it takes 10 seconds to just prove all three of those those assumptions that people make so what you need is you need somebody to say the point of this chapter section of the book is this i’m not saying they can’t ask open any questions and have you discussed them all of that is good right but it’s insufficient it may be necessary i don’t even think it’s necessary but it’s definitely not sufficient what is sufficient is to say here’s one interpretation here’s another interpreter agreed upon or whatever and here’s my as radical crazy professor interpretation i lean more towards this way right that’s what you need you need that signpost that oh what was vanderkei calling them staves or something right you need that i would call it a flag you need that flag to rally around and if what you do is you get people in a circle or a group yep and let them become together it’s no good because they will they’ll they’ll build a solipsistic spirit with the 15 people and they won’t they won’t coalesce around the same ideas and then look forms is easy so so like and i can understand why if you read you know whatever so so i’ve read you wouldn’t get it it’s really easy yeah i’ve read the public me now and some president okay i don’t think i’ve read any of those so but but like i understand forms pretty well like forms okay it’s like a given like a duh but but you know because because the world has two aspects right one is there’s more than one triangle because they can draw a new triangle on the board right but the penalty the multiple triangle is none of them are perfect and they can never be ever right so the other realm is there’s only one right which sounds like a penalty but the advantage is it’s perfect well so what does perfect mean no no it doesn’t it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter okay okay it doesn’t matter the thing that you’re trying to reproduce when you reproduce a triangle is the perfect triangle according to play dough okay right that’s it it’s that simple so in other words any manifestation that you’re trying to replicate in the material realm we’ll call it exists in a perfect form in the forms realm and that’s how you know how to manifest it but you can never manifest it perfectly here because there’s no perfection here right yeah so mark i might not have communicated myself very clearly when i was trying to talk about language of creation but i think i might um might have a better way of talking about it now uh it seems like that book is trying to explicate what proper participation is like or like the way that the world actually coheres and is trying to put that into words as insane as that might be which is why it end which is why it ends up being such a you know i’m sitting there reading it and i’m like i agree with all of this but what is what am i reading you know so i i don’t know maybe implicit wasn’t the right way to get at that but it’s but it’s but it’s some kind of it’s some kind of knowledge that doesn’t normally get put into words being put into words yeah i agree i actually like your your formulation of implicit and i think that’s actually accurate is that if you don’t have the set of knowledge in that book and i’m not quite done reading it it takes me a very i have to read a chapter a day you can’t i can’t go any faster at the end of the beginning the book’s easier um but if you don’t have that grounded ground level of knowledge you won’t understand the bible correctly like or you’ll have a hard time understanding the bible correctly and it’s explication of the well of the platonic forms represented in the bible and roughly speaking you know and i i’m sure and how things are organized and it’s more than that it’s way more than that right reducing this book is impossible it just can’t be done but um but yeah i mean i think actually i think i like your formulation of implicit and i think that’s actually correct it’s just that the problem is that it’s not actually implicit it should be implicit let me put it this way if you had proper participatory knowledge of the world proper participation in the world right in other words you were you were participatory up to whatever top level it was everything was integrated you wouldn’t need that book because it would just be obvious to you and the reason why i’m having a problem reading is because when i read in these later chapters especially i’m in the last third of the book or something the later chapters especially i have to check it against everything in my head to make sure i haven’t made a mistake because i you know if i have to guess i’m gonna say mcjors right and my models are wrong but i have to check it all and it takes a very long time to make sure there’s no conflicts there so i need to process that overnight that sounds very difficult and painful i wouldn’t read a book like that if i if i could avoid it well it’s not it’s not that difficult and painful it’s just i like to be careful with the processing and i and there’s something actually not magical or mystical about sleeping on something right sleeping on decisions sleeping on right it’s really important to do so i like to do that with this book because again i want to be very careful with it but there’s a very short chapters and there’s a lot of them right right well and and you’re not just absorbing propositional right you’re also absorbing the poetic because images activate your poetic knowledge system not your propositional knowledge system roughly speaking i’m butchering everything here but it it’ll serve to uh it’ll serve to communicate people who are in the conversation know what you mean yes well i think people out of the conversation know oh there’s propositional and poetic knowledge i think i think that’s almost close enough to what everybody can agree upon which is why i don’t like to complicate it by saying oh there’s really there’s four p’s and they’re really informative i could get into that detail but i have a video on that on navigating patterns you can see it there so you don’t need to hear all right well we’ve been running the stream for over two hours now and uh my red lights are showing it up uh you have red lights for what i do i do behind they’re telling me to stop time to stop uh i’m i think i’m going to uh listen to those red lights uh so mark richard it’s always uh always good to see you guys uh just to let people know um you know this is being simulcast on jacob’s channel and it’s also on my channel uh and if you uh want to continue absorbing this quality content you’re going to need to go and subscribe to my channel to be able to see it uh consistently uh because i won’t be uh broadcasting it on jacob’s channel anymore uh i’ve i’ve gotten piggybacked off you know he’s like my little booster rocket it’s just going to be on my channel now uh is that okay mark you look shocked it’s still going to be free on the internet i am shocked no that’s good that’s good i like it whoops gosh it’s so it’s so weird how i can’t chat is oh my goodness i i don’t know how to use this platform yet anyway so anyway uh i will be signing off i will uh be signing off and uh i hope you guys all have top quality participation and that god blesses you take care