Yeah. Well, you know, like I said before, I think we live in a polarizing society and people are very dialectic. On both the material side of things and even the kind of spiritual absolutist person who, you know, like the materialists will deny anything that’s spiritual and ground their reality from everything below. And then the spiritualists will deny matter altogether. Yeah. And say everything is one. What does that even mean? What’s everything is one? I don’t think people who say that and also people who talk about non duality. I used to say it too. And then I realized looking back, I’m like, wait, that actually doesn’t make any. Nobody but nobody. Nobody dares believe in non duality, at least the way they think they do. They think they believe in non duality. And you’re like, you believe in non duality. Really? Do you eat your feces? No, you don’t eat your feces. So don’t tell me you believe in non duality. What are you talking? What are you even talking about? Why does eating your crap relate to non duality? Well, because you don’t eat your crap because you believe in duality. You believe that some things are outside and some things are inside and you don’t mix them together. Right. That’s that’s because you believe in duality. You know, you live in a house, you wear clothes, you you you you function in duality constantly and you experience duality and you live with duality and you don’t. If you if you believe in absolute non duality in the way that especially people want, and especially the way that relativizes everything, then and there are like there are that you can find traditions that are cannibals. You can find traditions that that break all the taboos. But I’m not sure many people are willing to go there because it’s actually very destructive. You know, these kind of weird tantric traditions are very destructive to reality. You know, most people don’t want to destroy reality. They’re lying when they say they do because they actually exist. They exist. They have a life. They have all these things. And so and so the idea is that love is a better expression. Like love is a better way to understand it because love has the notion of of ultimate non duality in the sense that we all participate in the life of the infinite God. But we’re not we don’t it doesn’t mean that everything is relative and everything is illusion. It means that because God loves us, then we all exist at the level that we do. It’s as if God’s infinite love also kind of, let’s say, moves out of himself into this multiplicity as he’s gathering it back into himself. So it’s not just like either everything is an illusion. Everything is an illusion. We’re all just we’re all just Brahma. Like we’re all just drops in the you know, the this kind of vast like infinite consciousness. It’s rather like a balance between unity and multiplicity. Right. But an understanding that multiplicity exists, but that ultimately for it to even exist, it has to participate in the oneness. But when people just say things like it’s all one or whatever, like John Lennon and that kind of nonsense, right? It’s like we could all be as one. What are you talking about? It’s just it’s just it’s just just posturing. Imagine there’s no heaven. Yeah. Yeah. Man, that’s one of my favorite songs. Does that tick you off? Yeah. He has some good stuff though. Yeah, I don’t really. I mean, I like to be everybody likes it. Who doesn’t like the Beatles? Yeah, exactly. But that song in particular. Yeah. But it’s it’s ironic because like you’re talking about these people who claim to have this absolute experience and that God is absolute everything and literally every single particle in the universe is God. Everything in physical reality is just an illusion. But then they’re basing their experience of the absolute from a relativistic subjective experience. So it’s like this kind of I don’t know. It’s just this weirdness because you’re claiming absolute reality, but through a subjective lens anyway so that you can’t really escape that that duality. You know what I mean? There’s so much wrong. Like if you really if you really had an experience that that there’s only the absolute and all its manifestations are complete illusions. You know what you would do? You would shut up. Because why are you speaking? What are you saying? Yep. It’s all that’s why that’s why you realize that there’s just a nonsense to a lot of the a lot of this type of posturing that you hear in kind of in this kind of modern spiritualist, you know, reality. And it’s not like you don’t encounter text like that in the traditions like there are there are texts or there are traditions would do kind of try to point to the manner in which let’s say compared to the infinite like that the infinite is something which is beyond duality that the that the infinite does kind of empty itself and contain everything at the same time. And there’s a language of a poria, which people use to talk about that and you see that in the in the even in in in religious traditions, but like I said, this also has to coexist with all the more buffered versions of that in which we also do participate in which we do go to church we kneel we sing we burn incense we we do all of the celebrations. You know, and we don’t just have this one, this kind of esoteric vision of the infinite that destroys reality, because that’s the that’s the problem with a lot of this with a lot of this stuff is that people just say mysterious things they just say, you know, that kind of stuff like, you know, the universe is in a grain of sand. The grain of sand is the whole universe and you’re like, really, is that really you really think that I don’t think you do. I think you’re just bullshitting me. Get those social media likes people like to like to hear that. Yeah, they like that kind of that kind of fluffy stuff.