Do you have any advice for someone who may be asexual? I want to have a husband and children but I’m 27 and haven’t felt connection with anyone. I’ve just seen everyone as friends so far in life. Well, you might want to see a sex therapist. That might help. I guess the other thing I would say is, well, you know, it might not be too bad an idea to act out what you want, perhaps in the absence of any necessary desire. You might have fallen so far inside yourself that it’s very difficult to get out. What a sex therapist would do would be, once you were in some kind of, let’s say, friendship that you wanted to move forward, would be to have you guys practice interacting in an intimate manner, stage by stage, so that you could get accustomed to it. You need to explore whether that’s asexuality, as you say, or if it’s fear, or if it’s, you know, might be fear of rejection, might be fear of sexuality, might be that you’re slow to warm up and introverted. But I think seeing a sex therapist might not be a bad idea. You know, I guess the other thing, and I say this with some hesitation, is that if you find someone you like that you could be friends with, I mean, you could try initiating a romantic relationship and practice it for a couple of months and see what happens. Because, you know, maybe you’d warm up across time. It’s certainly a possibility.