Fairy tales are like little puzzles. And if we enter into that storytelling with a desire to celebrate and to love them, then I think it is possible to retell them without trying to use them ideologically, but you can make certain elements brighter, and some of those elements are relevant today. So, for example, the queen is vain. The queen is looking into her mirror to judge herself, but then also to judge Snow White. It’s there in the Grimm’s version, but in my version, what I wanted to do is to really make that pop out in a way that makes you understand that I’m not talking directly about these cell phones, but I am alluding to the problem of vanity and the problem of the black mirror that is judging you, that is telling you who’s the most beautiful. There’s a lot of relevance in Snow White today because of our problem with cell phones and our problem with technology, but obviously I don’t say that, but it’s like let’s make that part of the story pop out a little more so that people can see its relevance today.