So, but that, that work is related to harvesting meaning. It can be creative in and of itself, and an adventure detective story, there’s aspects of that too. But it seems like if you’re going into a work of art with a premeditated plan, I’m going to show the archetypical monomyth or whatever, it’s going to be very monotone. There is in. Hopefully not, because that monomyth is just not good enough. There’s blindness and creativity. There’s an energy, a transcendent energy of like a boiling passion or something like that, that I need to anchor myself in and let the meaning happen afterward. What are your thoughts on that aspect of it? And how does that sowing of meaning relate to the harvesting of meaning? I totally agree. I totally agree with you. So a lot of people ask me about that. They’ll tell me things like, you know, I’m trying to write the story, let’s say, and I’m really struggling to put the symbolism in the story. And I’m like, dude, you got it wrong. Don’t do that. That’s not the right way to go about it. You have to obey the rules of the things you’re doing, like in the moment that you’re doing it, in the sense that you’re creating, and then like, let’s say you’re creating, you’re writing a story, then you should not think about symbolism when you’re writing your story. And once you’ve written, let’s say, your first draft, then you can go back and do some editing if you need to. But while you’re writing, you wouldn’t want to think about symbolism because it’ll cripple you. And people, that’s what happens. People get totally crippled by their desire to insert symbolism into their story. The story has its own logic. And then once you see it, then that logic, you can fine tune it later, right, to make it more what it is. But it’s not about trying to jam symbolism into the story. It’s not gonna, you’re not gonna be very successful if you try to do that. What is the symbolism of that point of being, that creative point of being that it sounds blind to me in a way that the symbolist or the interpreter, the hermeneut is really looking at things. The poet, in the broadest sense of the one who assembles, the one who makes, is blind to that. So what is the stance or can you express and explore the qualities of that? Well, for sure, the symbolist is second tier. I often kind of, the people don’t realize that one of the reasons why I’m doing this is because the world is so messed up. It’s not, this is not a natural way of going about things. Understanding symbolism is a second hand thing. Traditional societies didn’t have science of symbolism. Why would they do that? They don’t need that. They’re living inside of a pattern and they’re living it, right? They’re expressing it. They’re embodying it, let’s say. And so it’s only in the breakdown, let’s say, it’s only at the end that all of a sudden you can, first of all, you can talk about it because you’re moving away from it. And second of all, maybe you need to talk about it if you don’t want to get lost in the darkness or if you want to get lost in the brokenness. Because as the pattern kind of breaks down, let’s say as society fragments and as identities fragment, there’s an opportunity there, but there’s a big danger of just getting lost and then not finding your way. So the idea of then from that moment of chaos and breakdown to be able to point to the line, like to point to the pieces of bread that had been dropped along the way, that’s kind of what I think the work of the symbolist would be. But that’s not enough. And you’re right. That’s not sufficient. That’s why I tell people, I kind of joke around, I’m not joking, I’m serious, but I tell people, you can watch my videos all you want, but you have some point you have to go to church. Like you have to, you have to get, you have to sing, you have to, or you have to embody, you have to live it. You can’t just think about it or else it’s not going to give you anything. It’s going to be, but it can be, it’s a good, it’s a good wake up for people that are kind of in the chaotic breakdown, but it’s not enough. That’s for sure.