You want to be illiterate? You want to be inarticulate? You’re gonna have to negotiate. You’re gonna have to lead. You’re gonna have to convince. You’re gonna have to think. You want to be highly literate to do that if you want to be cool in the most fundamental sense. You want to be cool like Jocko Willink? That’s a good example. Man, that guy’s like three feet thick. He’s as tough as a bloody boot and he’s up at four in the morning every day and he is one literate person, man. He can make an argument. If you’re tough and cool and you’re dubious about achievements, like do it on your own terms, man. Make your own plan. Decide what sort of man you want to be and then develop the skills and don’t be thinking that it’s somehow edible to be literate because that’s just that’s a damn fool notion, man. The great men I’ve met, they’re unbelievably literate and they are compelling when they talk and people listen because they know what they’re talking about and they speak with authority.