You send out 50 resumes, you’re lucky if you get one positive response, so the rejection rate is extremely high. Which is good to know as a baseline, it’s not you, it’s like everybody gets rejected 95% of the time. You only have to succeed once. And then maybe you’re not good at interviews and maybe you try hard and you don’t find another job. And that sucks because you actually tried hard and you failed. And so often people pull their punches so that if they fail they can always say, well I didn’t really try that hard, but that’s not very helpful. But usually, almost inevitably, people who put their CVs in order and then sent them out and then were willing to learn how to be interviewed and were willing to be rejected, 50 to 1. In my practice, most of my clients who underwent that process doubled or tripled their salaries within 2 or 3 years.