I did a drug called Molly, right? MDMA, whatever, ecstasy. I’m not a big drug guy. I would go to this thing called Burning Man, but I’ve never been a big drug guy in my life, right? But what it does is it gives you this super boost of like, I guess it’s serotonin or something like that. And it was for the first time in my life, I felt like way excess feelings of happiness, right? Like my jar, my tank was full and then some. And the enlightening experience I came out of it out of it with was when I had that excess, I didn’t want to hold it. I literally was calling friends and going, Oh my God, I love you. You’re the best. This, that, the, that’s what I did with my extra. I didn’t store it. I didn’t put in a bank vault. I did nothing but give it away. You had intense enough joy so that you wanted to share it. That’s what happened. You didn’t want to keep it all for yourself. And there is intense joy in making other people happy.