The name Israel means those who wrestle with God. And that just flattened me when I learned that because Israel is regarded as the chosen people. And it’s so interesting that the chosen people are those who wrestle with God. Think, well, what does it mean to wrestle with God? Well, it comes from the story of Jacob. Jacob wrestles by a river before he goes to meet his brother who he betrayed. He wrestles with God on the banks of a river. God, an angel. It’s not exactly clear in the text. It’s often interpreted as God. And God breaks his hip or dislocates it. But Jacob survives the encounter, although his leg is damaged after that. And then he’s renamed Israel and he’ll be the father of those who wrestle with God. Think, well, what does it mean to wrestle with God? Because Israel isn’t those who believe in God, interestingly enough. It’s those who wrestle with God. And I would say, well, that’s what we all do.