So B-Strick asks, are superheroes considered some form of modern mythology given how prevalent it is in film and gaming nowadays pushing the hero’s journey narrative? I think it’s an attempt to manifest some aspects of that. I think it’s lacking but I think it’s not totally lacking. There are some interesting aspects about it. One of the things that we’re seeing now in the superhero genre, like you see it with the Joker movie and you’re seeing it with the Batman movies, is that you have, in mythology, you really have like a character and you have basic storylines and then you have variations which appear and manifest different aspects of the character that are possible. So it’s like you have a very simple character and then you have all these different versions of the same story that appear because ancient mythology wasn’t what we find in text. There were all these variations and so you would have, if you went to a certain area, they would have different stories and then even in time they would have different stories and so there were all these variations on the same characters. I think that that’s something we’re seeing happen with superheroes which is interesting. It’s kind of interesting to see that. So you have a simple character like the Joker, very basic, but then you then you have everybody giving a take on the Joker and so it shows you how there’s an identity which joins them together. Then there’s also this identity is strong enough to handle like a multiplicity of different types of realities. So I do think that it’s playing a part similar to what mythology was playing before. There is a difference of course which is that you can’t engage in it really. It’s not your story. The stories of the ancient gods or the demigods or the heroes, it was always your story. It was your ancestors and you were a descendant of this. You were the result of them. No matter how you see it, you were a result of the Trojan War. You were a result of the battle, the fight between the gods. You were a result of the mythological stories, but that is something that you don’t find in superhero stories. Also superhero stories are owned. They’re owned material. They’re copyrighted. The only way you can participate really in superhero stories is by merch. There’s nothing completely wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with buying merch. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to engage in a story that way, but I think that we have to be careful. We have to be able to see the difference between what ancient mythology, the role it was playing, and these superhero stories. you