Well, all right. Welcome everybody. I’m a little sick today, but you know, soldiering on here. Didn’t go through the notes, so they’ve been gone through. I do have my Sam Pell, of course. I hope you do too, because it’s delicious. And I’ve got my Muppet Cup. Right? Muppet cups are important. No snacks, no tea today. I just, not with it today. Barely, barely got everything done. But we’re here. We’re ready to talk about space. So this should be fun. I’ve been working on it for a week. So a little bit more. And then that’ll get us to bigger and better things. There’s not going to be a stream next week, because Easter and I usually travel for these things, so I’ll be gone for like a week. And I’ll be back home. And I might have one video coming out while I’m gone. I’d like to do a bunch more, but we’ll see. We’ll see how my schedule goes, how my motivation holds up. And you know, one way to think about space is as the final frontier. But no, that’s a TV show. But if you think about it, there’s something magical about being online. Particularly in, you know, here on this live stream, for example. Or at least it seems that way. But I think a better way to think about this is to consider that there is a magic in being online. And this distinction in sequence or time is important. You are all here while I’m live or not. Don’t watch this recorded. To experience the space that I’ve manifested. I have outlined something in time and with technology, which allows us to have enough in common so that we may commune around something, well, probably several things that we are all aiming at. And now what’s interesting is you don’t have to be aiming at the same set of things, just some of the same things. It’s very complex, right? In reality. You know, it could be that you’re watching this because for you, it’s the amusement of the pirate getup. You know, maybe you’re a steampunk fan and you like the monocle or whatever. Or perhaps you’re watching this for better sense making. Oh, you know, this pirate guy does this weird sense making stuff and teaches us the way he thinks about the world. And that’s interesting because I don’t think about the world the same because that’s rare enough. Or maybe you’re just curious as to what I’m going to say about the term space. And those are just three sort of quick ways in which we can commune because we’re aimed at similar things. And you know, look, when you’re doing something, you’re doing a lot of things. You can’t do one thing. That doesn’t make any sense. And so what that means is that I’m doing a lot of things to try and allow a lot of people to commune within this space, right? I’m creating a space where we can commune. And there’s lots of other possibilities for sort of high aims or common aims or whatever. So I’m not going to list them, you know, list any more of them or, you know, trying to get a complete list or anything like that. You can work some out for yourself if you’d like. But you know, if you do that, write it down because it’s a good exercise. It’ll help you know more about yourself and hopefully others to sort of see, well, what are the things that we might have in common within any given space, not just this one? So it’s a good little exercise, right? What is it about, you know, the gym that I go to twice a week or what is it about work? All right. That’s a space where you commune. What are all the things we have in common? And you go on and on and on with that. It’s a good exercise. Write it down though. Write it down. It’s helpful. So the online space, sort of in particular, allows us to commune in various ways, right? There’s various methods. Some of them are via one way communication, say text, it would be like forums or Facebook posts, right? Or voice, right? Where you get on and speak to people. Or video, right? Or some combination, right? And then all those same things apply with two way communication, right? If you stay long enough, you can probably hop in later and then it’s two way communication. Some people will still be one way communication. That’s okay, right? And this space where we are now has a common aim, right? Common aims. It’s got tools that allow for communication and not just communication, but binding, right? You’re here for a reason. And I’m not just blathering out word salad, hopefully, right? And that binding of audio, video, chat, again, maybe you join in later for a time, that’s part of what’s creating the space. The boundaries I create using technology and my time, energy, and attention allow specific useful space to exist. But from whence does this space come? How does it arise? It’s kind of a strange thing to ponder, right? But it’s born of space itself. So let’s just take a moment to let that settle in and think about it a bit here. So what is space for? What is the purpose of space? And it’s a few things, right? It’s not one thing, right? It’s the potential from which all else is drawn. It’s where the potential becomes actual and what happens once it does. Space is both where and how you gather things together to make them one thing. This is how things bind, how they’re recognized, how they operate in the world and become enchanted. Where you put things together for the prediction of the future is the space of the imaginal, where your imagination resides. Space is also where we judge, where the standard exists, where the thing we are judging exists, and where we as agents exist. Now I have live streams on discernment, judgment, and action. You should check them out. They’re rather good. And that’s where things exist. All those things, they’re all there in space, in the field of potential, if you will. And not just in space, because science uses that word but never really satisfactorily defines it, right? We used to fill it with ether, right? So everything around us was the ether or in the ether or part of the ether. I just couldn’t measure the ether and people were okay with that back in the day. It’s probably a better system than we have now. But that was the actual word, ether, to say that space is not empty because it’s where potential manifests. And so it’s empty in a sense, right? Because the potential isn’t there yet. And so there’s room for it. How much room does potential need? I don’t know. Hopefully space is ever expanding or something. But think about it. How else could it be? So by definition, contrary to some popular postmodern idiocy, space is defined by boundaries. Without creating boundaries, you do not have space. You have equal oneness with no way to tell one thing from another thing. You want infinite space? You want infinite space? You want infinite space? You want infinite space? You want infinite space? You want infinite space? You want infinite space? You get infinite nothingness. Space is between things as well. That’s how things aren’t all one thing. The in-between boundaries have space on either side. So you carve up space. It doesn’t go away. It just gets moved around. There’s space around the thing you manifested. There is no infinite space. There is no sort of neoplatonic many in such a boundless hell. That’s why you need space between the things. That’s how you get the many. The way the alleged neoplatonists, there’s no such thing as neoplatonism by the way, and there can’t be such a category. It’s absurd. Talk about things. They’re really trapped in this dual definition of many. Because the way they lay the world out, it’s the one and then everything else. But if everything else is smooth and we’ll say unbounded, then it’s not the many. But that’s not the many. So you can’t just say, well, I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this. But if everything else is smooth and we’ll say unbounded, then it’s not the many. But that’s not the problem. The one and the many is not that problem. That’s the nihilism problem. And then aside from physical boundaries, we’ll say, or boundaries as such, space needs to be bounded in time. So this begs the question, just how do you make space from space itself? You need to have that interaction with it. And at least as space is defined as potential. You add boundaries, time, energy, and attention, directed properly, and voila. Space is what’s outside of the boundary, not just inside. Again, when you carve up space, it doesn’t go away. There’s still space. And it helps to define those boundaries and keep that. So it’s not outside the boundary, not just inside the boundary. It’s space on both sides. And at the same time, space is what bridges the gap between the material and the ethereal. We have to have a mechanism for manifesting our dreams, for testing our predictions in our head versus what’s happening in the real world. So space is a place to observe versus a place to dream. And that’s the two aspects of space. But it is the place that we dream in that inspires us and that we can aspire to that allows us to carve out the material space. Without the ethereal, imaginal space, we can’t manifest physical space. We can’t name physical things. The physicality doesn’t exist except in contrast. You need contrast to see. But space also bridges that gap between what’s in your head and what’s in the world. There is a boundary. And you know that boundary by observing yourself, by observing what happens in the world as a result of your actions. And that’s the problem is that we’re not appreciating space. We’re not appreciating its nature because it’s very different from even the physical or material manifestations, very different from what we’re used to, say, the mathematical aspect. Math can sort of map out space. But then there’s multiple versions of space in the scientific frame that they don’t kind of talk about. They just sort of hand wave over. So you’ve got to get a handle around that. Because space is where the enchanted world is. Space is the thing that allows the enchantment of the world. It’s the thing that breaks up the sequence but also allows the sequence to exist. The procedure has space in it. In order to create a procedure, you need to create a space between things so you can describe them in an order. And ordering is very important. I’m going to do a video on ordering someday. It’s just talking about ordering in sequences really hard because people just lost the conceptions. Space is one of the things that creates sort of the asymmetry of the world. It’s not all one miliune of neoplatonic oneness or whatever. There’s many things. And we know that because there’s space in between those things. However little space there may be is not relevant. But that helps us to determine the boundaries. And so getting to know space, getting to understand space, getting familiar with space is important. Because it helps you know where you end and other things begin. And one of the interesting things about space is that once you’ve bounded potential, you put a boundary around it, it changes into an arena for you, fancy verveci word people. Space is where an agent can act. And it tells that agent something about how to act. There’s signals. Jordan Peterson talks about this. You know you don’t belong at the podium. And you know you’re supposed to pay attention to the podium because all the chairs are pointed at the podium. And there’s on and on and on. There’s lots of signals in an arena or in a material space. And that’s why you can design a space. Like oh, design a space with all these signals that point the agents to where they’re supposed to go, what they’re supposed to do. You do the same in art. And they talk about negative space, which is oh, we’ve got to, we always talk about how to fill things up. We need to talk about how to how to contrast them by leaving things out. That’s what the negative space conversation boils down to at the end of the day in art. We practice acting in a space with our imagination. And this is, of course, where we can set all the variables, control all of the rules and set all of the boundaries. Cheap time, energy and attention by speeding it up. Things in your head move very quickly. However, when you do that, you are engaging in fantasy. And that’s not a bad thing. We need fantasy. We need the imaginal realm and the ability to imagine things in our imagination. We need all that. But it remains a fantasy. And that’s what we’re doing. We’re not doing it in a space where we can’t do it. Unless and until is enacted in the potential outside of your head, outside of the imaginal realm. More time, energy and attention directed, intended, attended, aimed. And that’s important because until that happens, we don’t have observation. Any kind of observation about what it is, how real it is and how it works. And more importantly, until you do that, until you get it out of your head, other people can’t commune with you about they can’t engage in it. And they can’t validate that what space you’re creating is real or useful. And when you just keep it in your head, you just don’t know what’s going on anymore. You don’t have a sense. And you can’t. You can’t have a sense. You need that independent outside of yourself perspective in order to do that. Why space is important. Do I need space? Do I need space? Do I need space? I need space. And I need that independent outside of yourself perspective in order to do that. Why space is important. Do I see the same space that you do? How close do you stand to a person? That’s a good question. And it’s slightly different for different people and different relationships to those people. But how do you know if you’re standing too close to a person? You’re not seeing that anymore. And that’s part of the problem. I agree. But that’s why it’s important to push back on people’s fantasies, because it makes them worse, not better, if you don’t. So we can argue about how to do that. Now, obviously, I’m a fan of the fancy verveci words and the concept of the agent arena relationship. I find that very helpful. It’s very helpful framing. But it’s too limiting, right? It’s too individualistic. Unless you realize there are no arenas with a single agent in them. That’s not a possible configuration. And no agent is in only one arena. In other words, space requires agents and enables agents and constrains agents. And you should not pretend, unless you are fully in your imagination, that you are alone in space. That is nihilism. And we don’t do that here. Just FYI. We’re not nihilists here. We’re, if anything, fighting the nihilism. And again, you won’t know about space entirely and solely from your own perspective. That’s not possible. So you need to be careful about that and consider that. This is why people have these grandiose dreams of being the next Elon Musk or whatever. They manifest nothing in the world ever. And they get bitter. And they get resentful. They get angry. And they turn to socialists. Reliably. Consistently. Kind of weird. Unless that’s how it works. So the sense of space is important. Because it also allows us to stop believing in certainty or 100% certainty. And gain an appreciation for where miracles come from. Miracles come from space. The infinite potential of miraculous cures or bizarre synchronicities or waking up in the morning and not feeling depressed for no apparent reason. And we can argue about the largeness of miracles. Let me get silly talk. It’s important to know where they come from. Large or small. That is the enchanted world. The enchanted world is the world where you understand space. Where you interact with space properly. And you have to use other people to help you with that. As Pastor Paul says, we outsource our sanity. It’s almost like distributed cognition is real and required. Because we’re too insufficient to see ourselves. Which would necessarily be true. I mean I can’t see me right now. I’d have to look at something that is projecting me on my screen. Which I can’t because I’m in a hotel. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s limitation. It’s constraint in space. Your eyes cannot pop out of your head and look at you. And even if they could, I’m not sure that would give you the information that you seek about yourself. Might make you take showers more often or something. I don’t know. And now we get to the problem, of course, with sharing space or rather spaces. The concept of identity becomes multifaceted. The world becomes multi-perspectival. And then everything becomes complex. And therefore enchanted. So you can have a shared space or shared spaces. In fact, that’s not optional. You have a shared space. And you’re not getting around that ever. So get over that. And therefore, you must resolve multiple identities. You don’t have a single identity. You never had a single identity. You’re never going to have a single identity. And you’re never going to have had a single identity. And you’re never going to have had a single identity. That’s quite the price to pay for being able to do things. Like really kind of anything. Not that you can do anything, but all of the things you can do are enabled by this multiple identity situation. By having multiple spaces that you can access as an agent. And by not being the sole agent in any of those spaces. But I think it’s a likely worthwhile price to pay. It’s also not optional. So there’s a shared space where you can have things in common. And a private space where you can be unique. And come up with things or manifest things that no one you know of has thought of before. Not bad. But make sure you know the difference and are making the right trade off there. Which is roughly be alone and have the world exactly the way you want it. Or suffer the enchantment of multiple identities to cooperate and commune with others. Allowing you to build things bigger than just you. So you need to build space and time. And that’s the power of space. You can build space and time. In both space and time. Making space gains time. So sure, you’re a drug addict, you can do half as many drugs and maybe buy yourself ten more years of life. wealthy people trade time for money right they get efficient with their allocation of cash right now efficiency is a slippery subject I’ll be doing a video on that soon it’s not what you think but there are these trade-offs between time and space can expand and contract time and space although you’re trading one for the other but that’s the power of space right space from things and things from space the very reciprocal relationship and it’s how you wrangle the potential into actual it’s part of manifesting reality is this deep trade-off between time and space it’s nice to have a place where you do not need to speak a place to think about things those things that would otherwise be muted or lessened or maybe destroyed if you tried to put them into words that is to say reduce them to mere propositions the propositional tyranny my friends is real and it’s a big problem and in that space or place maybe no signals exist it allows you to contemplate reflect and ruminate something I’ve done a past live stream about check that one out it’s rather good now you may ask what good is all this space talk how do I use this newfound set of conceptions and tools space is where you rest and reset it’s not all just building and manifesting and creating and spending time energy and attention you can go there to rest and go there to reset yourself to find out where you were and where you have been that to some extent is what rest is the base state gives you contrast I was working now I am resting I was entertaining myself now I am resting I went from work to entertainment burned myself out didn’t rest not good might be something cyclical about days of rest or something space is a thing that allows you to think without being assaulted by things trying to attack your attention there we go for a walk on the beach sit and watch the stars just sit quietly in your room and reflect space is how you train your ability to move more slowly to find the missing components where everything isn’t all about the next part of the procedure you can make space and then you can give up your enslavement to other things hopefully you’re giving that up to something higher that’s how you get out of rat race don’t want the world to be divided into procedures next procedure next procedure next even you put space in between it you still need a space not only to rest and reset but also to get out of that proceduralization to do that contemplation reflection and rumination where does art come from it comes from space comes from potential how about music same answer and what is silence maybe it’s the sound of empty space if space is in fact empty and where is it that you participate I’m not I’m not asking how you participate that could be reduced I’m not I’m not asking how you participate that could be reduced incorrectly to a set of procedures where is it that you get along with other people where is it that your love resides for others where is it that you care where do things happen and how do I know my thoughts better how do I hone in on my thinking process how do I know myself better how do I know myself where I end and other things begin where is the space between me and everything else or spaces I need to make space to think about these things to do that work contemplate reflect and ruminate and this is part of how you train your attention as Jonathan Bejeot says the world is attention and that’s the core of relevance realization it’s in our fancy verveci words got relevance realization how do we train it by understanding space now I’m not suggesting meditation talked about meditation before it’s hard most people aren’t interested in it most people can’t do it it’s just not going to happen I mean we’re all different right but even those who are interested about half in my experience will engage and most of them will drop out after a very short time because meditation is really hard and most of them will drop out after a very short time because meditation is really hard even if it’s directed meditation which is preferable to trying to do on your own which is just going to lead to solstice and narcissism and evil not not a fan of evil still a no on evil but there are lots of other sort of interactions with space that we can have and prayer might be one for those crazy christians but I mentioned this before but what I found is that the people that I find the most wise tend to be people who work with their hands and have a lot of either free time like they’re moving from place to place or repetitive work and that’s I’m not saying everybody with those qualities is wise I’m saying that all the wise people I know seem to be doing physical labor and have sort of downtime on their hands whether it’s through repetitive work or travel and that space for them to think about things where maybe they’re driving you’re kind of on automatic a lot of the time when you drive I don’t know I got here without crashing I can’t remember any of the journey yeah but you were doing something right and not everybody but many people are going to be thinking about more philosophical matters or I would call them religious because that space for them to do that is there there’s a mental space that gets created by repetitive work or by just traveling and doing something sort of low involvement where you can just go on autopilot that creates a space some people can fill that space with thinking about thinking about things and then they can go on autopilot and then they can go on a trip with thinking about thinking right abstracting out but you have to do that somewhat deliberately right it’s not an easy thing like oh you just like go for a long drive and suddenly you know you’ll come up with philosophical questions now it’s it’s not it’s not like that and you can sort of ritualize it or whatever and I go for a walk on the beach every morning at eight and that might work but it’s not that simple because space is complex it’s not complicated it’s complex and to Ethan’s point a space for a spirit to dwell yeah and the danger is we there is space and the spirits dwell there you need to be careful always need to be careful and look I’m a big fan of meditation I used to meditate four times a day when I was younger I can pretty much hop in and out of meditation fairly straightforwardly and if you want a good meditation like John Ravichy’s meditation series is fantastic I gotta say just really blew me away hard to find uh it ping me or whatever on my discord server and I can get you the link myself because I keep losing it and then rediscovering it but it’s a really good set of lessons for people who are into that and can do it meditation and I really can do meditation man it’s hard but one way to think about meditation is that it’s explicitly the exploration of empty space right I mean if you engage not with the western buddhist ideas because western buddhist and Alan Watts are just garbage garbage thinkers who have never talked to an eastern or clearly it’s still not an action right I mean maybe exploration is even the wrong word right because exploring nothingness means doing nothing right it means sitting in silence embracing a lack of movement so that you can sense entropy and you can sense the energy of the world so I mean you can stop moving but the world’s gonna move around you so did you stop moving I don’t know entropy is always a tricky uh tricky subject for me um for everyone I think but when you do that you now have contrast from the world of constant signals constant movement constant movement constant stuff space has no stuff no signals no movement until it is brought into reality by your time energy and attention and I think I shall leave it there and we’ll go through the comments which I could only glance at because I’m sick as a dog today I don’t know what’s wrong with my stomach it’s not happy with something uh boring physics stuff sorry Benjamin not going through boring physics stuff that’s not relevant that you actually don’t understand well enough to talk about by the way so maybe maybe you should go to school or maybe not school probably wouldn’t teach you good things um John Jackson Krieger yes no diversity without boundaries either right yeah you can’t talk about diversity and then put everybody in the same category that that obviously doesn’t work uh you destroy the diversity so it is a trick as diversity people are just tricksters Matthew parlato it’s why all these pseudo-religious ideologies worshiping propositions fail miserably these patterns yeah exactly well spotted sir well spotted um have inherent opposites the matter with things yeah the binary thinking I have a video on binary thinking on navigating patterns obviously great video uh the binary thing is just killing this world just absolutely killing this world is freaking and I get it like most things you have to have a binary thought about because you’re just not smart enough to think about most things in fact you’re probably not smart enough to think about all the things you think you know it’s a big problem but yeah the binary thing just absolutely wrecking everything no appreciation for the complexity in the world um which is part of why I want you to contemplate space right because it does add that complexity back in that is sort of the point of this if you wanted to look at the project of re-enchantment or look at my channel navigating patterns as part of the project of re-enchantment yeah space is required like you’re not going to re-enchant without a good understanding in space it’s one of the things missing in some of these conversations um be interesting to see what the symbolic world folks have to say about it I’m sure there’s one or two watching um and welcome by the way John Jackson Greger it will spill out weirdly and unconsciously if you keep them in or on yeah in your head yeah see see things spill out of you and if you don’t have the contrast to see the things that are in your head to begin with that gets real dangerous real fast um that’s that’s a real problem and it is a problem that we’re having it’s a problem that you see everywhere right things are spilling out of people’s heads left right and center and they’re not aware of it they don’t know how much of themselves they reveal you know I I’m sort of sort of uh always interested in you know people on the left tend to think that no one knows their political leanings um and uh I can always spot somebody with leftist political leanings for whatever reason and a lot of other people can too we’re just too polite to kind of point it out to them that no no people who are not leftist uh who are harder to spot in terms of leanings they tend to have a diversity of ideas on the on the very same issues uh and political frames are garbage anyway I’ve talked about that about a billion times uh can’t talk about that enough however because everyone’s still using political frames which are binary and binary thinking is bad I think I went over that already uh but not enough because people are still doing it Lazarus if a ship has a captain do you entertain a captain of the self well no you don’t have a captain of the self uh the self being understood is plural no uh that’s all garbage talk uh somebody like you see the soul or no this is all garbage this isn’t that hard right like defining self is impossible so you can just kind of posit that and it’s irrelevant because it changes and you can’t measure those changes and so you can say what what is myself and what was myself last week as compared to you can’t do any of that work so what are you doing right the way again as pastor paul says brilliantly we outsource our sanity that’s why when you throw somebody in solitary confinement they go insane this isn’t that hard like we know this like this is 100 observable reliable consistent lots of experiments you put in solitary confinement you go insane why because you can’t find the boundaries of yourself you can’t do that that’s not a thing that you can do so stop trying just don’t waste your time energy and attention doing things that are never going to be possible and aren’t necessary because no one’s ever done them before anyway and we’re here so they must have survived long enough it’s all good like everyone the point of evolution is the opposite of what the evolution seemed to get out of it john jackson grieger i have no no idea how the boundary of the self works right well and you can’t and that’s okay you don’t need to right i think i like what ethan said a place for a spirit to dwell yeah that’s what you are that’s your space you’re a spirit that is dwelling in a space john jackson grieger it kind of feels like that for me i usually don’t notice when i start thinking you’re not supposed to notice when you start thinking who’s doing the noticing when you’re doing the thinking you think you can think twice or think about think this is crazy right it just gets into an endless loop and people don’t notice right they’re so caught up in the age of gnosis gnosis that they have this desire this need to know and it’s unnecessary you don’t you don’t need to know to do you can act out of ignorance people do it all the time and be perfectly successful whether it’s luck or not is not really relevant and we need to upgrade our types our ways of knowing right which i have a video on obviously on navigating patterns right there’s two types of knowing and four ways of informing the world and once you understand that and the fact that obviously the internal stuff is only internal to you you can map a lot of the world pretty easily without relying on complex or actually i should say complicated philosophical definitions you throw all that stuff out it’s fine you just need some play dough a little bit of ariestotle it’d be fine everybody after that couldn’t get past them anyway and they knew it so just throw their garbage out they’ll be fine everything would be fine lazarus these ideas of i and self come from hinduism no they don’t i think you need to talk to hindus uh don’t mean to sound too young in or occulti they they are the westernized versions of eastern thought it’s western buddhism western buddhism is not eastern buddhism they’re not the same and that’s where we get very confused because we believe some of these people were like alan watz who you know like alan watz was sitting in the milieu of california with a bunch of outcasts from the east who had been thrown out of their traditions and nobody ever mentions this by the way you know saying oh i wonder about these eastern traditions let me talk to all these people who were heretics and got thrown out of their traditions and figure out what their traditions are about do you see the problem do you hear the problem do you understand the problem he started with garbage when you start with garbage you get garbage and we’ve all swallowed it hook line and sinker there’s actually a great talk i i can’t remember where it is sure it’s linked to my on my mark of wisdom discord server somewhere about western buddhism so like i’m not like i didn’t make this up like other people have noticed there’s such a thing and that it’s a problem that it doesn’t match what the east is actually doing it’s not true buddhism the easterners have a different way of thinking see the geography of thought is that nisbet korey’s gonna shoot me i should remember i think it’s nisbet um it’s a great book geography that’s a great book uh john jackson krieger i meant that i usually don’t have to focus on thinking before i think right i think i misunderstood you oh okay no no problem uh it’s easy i’m easy to misunderstand don’t worry about that i’m very good at being misunderstood i’m a professional lazarus hinduism is not buddhism yeah well it’s the same milieu of ideas uh yeah so yeah i live with buddhism you’re right about western buddhism the thing that puzzles me i mean it really does genuinely like bother me is it do these people not talk to people from the east because i did and i went hey this western buddhist idea says blah blah blah and then we’re like what are you talking about we don’t that’s not buddhism like i don’t know what you’re talking about that’s not hinduism how are you talking about that’s not right it’s it’s not tibetan flavors to be on and on and on it’s not buddhism it’s not buddhism it’s not buddhism it’s not buddhism it’s not buddhism never right it’s never right feel like it’s it and it’s not even a translation problem it’s a problem of of actual thinking benjamin franklin only because this is funny help i’m trapped in samsara yes that is funny uh if you don’t know why that’s funny that’s okay but it is a very funny joke i assure you that so look uh i think i’m i’m through everything uh so if you’d like to join please feel free to pop in we don’t have to stick to the topic of space or any related topic uh i mean i prefer to if we can uh i want to make sure everybody’s got the point right uh but um feel free to jump in and chat chat about space we can chat about previous live streams chat about really anything uh hopefully i will always try to tie it back to my topic but you can ignore that if you wish and if you don’t have a muppet mug you can buy one and they come in black too i think i don’t i don’t manage my store anymore thank goodness it’s way too much stress um but yeah feel free to hop in and uh you need elucidation on space and the importance of it i mean it really is about importance it’s not and it’s not just the importance of space it’s the importance of enchantment itself and uh oh i like this question lazarus what is my favorite space i think right now my favorite space is when i have my swing set up which right now i do not uh overlooking my pond and i get to just sit there and uh do a little bit of swinging i don’t i don’t do that nearly enough but right now that’s my favorite space is just sitting watching my pond from a swing uh the swing is really important too um my my previous previous favorite space is there were a few views when i lived up in new england in massachusetts i had views of boston i used to collect views of boston like i’d take people around no no there’s different views in the city you can see it from different angles very big on perspective and i’d take them around to different places like what the hell is this i’m like yeah you can see it from the north from the south from east from the west right different angles different elevations and it’s a very different city from and it’s boston’s a small since tiny um but that makes it all the richer right because you you can see the whole of it from each of these locations i mean you’re obviously missing parts because there’s things in the way but you know it’s not like la you couldn’t see all of la from anywhere at a reasonable resolution boston you can 10 miles away sometimes five is the crow flies you can see the whole damn thing so that was a previous space and then uh prior to that was probably uh we had a beach house up in maine a family beach house that was one of my favorite spaces right go up to the beach walk on the beach collect rocks sand dollars whatever those were those were sort of favorite spaces it’s a really good question thanks i didn’t uh i didn’t think to talk about that at all and there’s spaces inside my head obviously where i go um when i can they take rather a lot of brain power i’m afraid um but you know you want to create a space in your head where you can kind of hang out you know you you want to have that that sort of interaction too welcome are you there dd does that stand for dd does that stand for something hello howdy you’re a little quiet can you turn up your mic a bit what’s going on oh just thought i’d come in and say hello since you were inviting people in this studio good to see you do you have any comments about space oh got a question here lazarus have you moved often no uh no i lived in massachusetts most of my time yeah boston and south carolina yeah i moved to a new space leaving florida for texas what into a communal space for a little while before getting a place oh interesting it’s good to have a communal space i i i did live in a communal space for a while um and learned a lot about hippies and their evil ways dirty smelly hippies not a fan um still love some of those people but man living with disorganized people and people who don’t like rules and boundaries and rebel all the time very hard to do what do we got john jackson gregor i’m actually on the edge of my seat what’s up with bro’s poster good question what’s up with your poster what’s up with my poster yeah the thing behind you if i can ah it’s rush of course it is there we go you’re a rush van then i am the rush van every rush van i have ever met um says they are the rush van did you know that about rush vans or had you not noticed at the rush concert which by the way i remember fondly did you did you read um getty lee’s my effing life yep i sure did i’m not surprised i listened to it recently it was quite an interesting book yeah i both read it and listened to it that doesn’t surprise me well i actually ended up listening to it because i the reading of it was going too slow yeah well obviously i didn’t read it because reading just sucks when you’re dyslexic but yeah i did listen to it i did i listened to it uh on a trip down to florida so so what’s up just popping in listening to what you got to say because i had some time that’s good have you been listening to any of my other stuff or from time to time only you only really get the chance when the family’s out of the house how is the family by the way family’s good that’s good are you in colorado yep Denver Colorado no well Littleton Colorado why Colorado like what brought you out there uh ice skating yeah that the daughter needed uh better ice skating coaches okay how’s that going is he like a champion yet uh no because she blew her knee out because she blew her knee out oh no oh that’s awful yeah just get better she’ll get back uh she’ll get back to her activities next month all right she had surgery in june oh my goodness surgery yeah awful i had to put things back together again i got you i got you but uh hey i do pop in every once in a while see what uh see what’s going on you know here well that’s good hear the thoughts you know hear the thoughts yeah yeah lots of thoughts so many thoughts try to try to internalize them well that’s good are you finding it useful or yeah yeah um uh yeah i’m in a weird place at the moment so you know uh my mind expanding thoughts are always a good thing yeah things get closed in with this sort of uh regularity of daily life right and then you kind of need i mean i think a lot of people and then sort of engage in this the space that i that i have it to some extent that i’m sort of on the edge of uh that’s their thing right they’ve got a family life or they’ve got you know constant video games and cheetos or whatever right and they’re missing that that abstraction that thinking about thinking that philosophizing which i don’t particularly like um but they’re missing that interaction right yeah i’m missing a lot of interaction these days well it’s too bad man why why is that it just because of the maneuver was it before that just uh i’m uh i’m going through some crises let’s just go call it that that’s awful yeah well it’s like a crisis always comes right so and you’re never prepared for you know whatever it is i know my uncle had an operation this week and that’s been just a disaster so the whole family is mess because they don’t know how to be decent so um yeah it’s been back and forth and you know all kinds of problems the medical system is such a massive problem and you know you know all kinds of problems the medical system is such a mess now that everyone’s screwing up everyone’s medications or their operations or whatever right you got to keep a a hawk’s eye view on everything because doctors are screwing up can’t even get the medication i need at the moment really oh geez that sucks what is it like like uh statins or something stupid or uh um uh diabetes medications oh no that’s even worse yeah oh yeah that’s my my uncle’s having that problem too that’s the one they didn’t call in today apparently literally cvs can’t even get the medication i need huh i wonder if i wonder if that was an excuse they made for not giving his medication today uh yeah well that’s that’s happened too um a lot of people have have told me these little stories about oh yeah and then i went to the doctors and they said no no the pharmacy we gave the pharmacy everything they needed um so whatever story they told you about us not sending the paperwork along is a lie and it’s like oh i’ve had people like no no go to the doctor’s office grab the paperwork bring it to pharmacy and pharmacist is like well we don’t have it i like yeah but when i was here an hour ago you said the doctor didn’t give the orders so so they’re making excuses for supply chain problems or or planning problems or whatever yeah that’s not that’s not good yeah we’ve been through five medications with with an endocrinologist and every one of them no we can’t get that no we can’t get that wow wow that’s awful man that’s terrible yeah a lot of things are getting worse unfortunately oh oh oh i like this comment sally you’re like on top of it today philosophy is the veil that shows the shape of things yeah that that idea of veils showing shapes that we got from the symbolic world summit man that’s a very powerful idea that’s that’s i like that idea that philosophy is wrapped up in in the veil i like that who is this john welcome hi can you hear me all right is this microphone working spot on sir spot okay cool it’s the new one so yeah hi sorry if i’m on your mind excuse me what’s on your mind uh nothing um just got off work um me my brother it’s friday um we don’t have work tomorrow i might have work sunday so i’m just sitting here being nervous i guess nervous welcome to the space yeah i guess yeah welcome to the space i feel it it’s it’s not a safe space but it is safe in this space how’s that um sure there could be always repercussions for anything but yeah yeah well like like this is all just contained and yeah nothing they’re wrecking so you’re kind of new speaking up have you been watching for a while or what’s your what’s your deal yeah like a few episodes here and there probably watched like um eight or so i think um more so a lot more now um you know actually when i first got uh watched the first episode of your show i was going through like a lot of um really crazy personal stuff and so i kind of like dropped out for a bit and then started like oh yeah like i found this guy while i was like losing my mind like yeah i came back and it’s been it’s cool so yeah yeah yeah i like the things you have to say so oh good well i’m glad to hear that yeah yeah yeah yeah i never like lost my mind completely it was just kind of like the the sort of like standard like i think the government might be after me and that coincided with a bunch of like oh yeah crazy events that were um actually happening you know i mean like i was talking to people and they were whatever i want to go yeah no no i you know i saw that uh shoot it was probably yesterday i forget where but it says somebody talking and i’m like oh you’re paranoid and the guy like it was clear he didn’t know he was paranoid i’m like you’re just paranoid yeah and this is like wow this is fascinating he’s like online and he’s just being paranoid i was like this is so weird to just see people kind of publicly because i always make this distinction i go like look it’s one thing to think a thing but it’s another thing to say it and it’s another thing to say it publicly right like these are different levels of again and this came from a comment on a video i did you know probably two years ago now with with joey on and uh father eric actually on pastor paul van der klees channel right where we were talking about um about sort of meaning crisis stuff and crisis of faith stuff and you know people who don’t go to church and things like that and and the you know the differences and uh apparently although i think the comment got erased there was a comment on there but somebody says yeah you know talking about where you end and other things begin actually really helps people because they don’t seem to know they don’t seem to know like that there’s differences right and and so you don’t want to mix your say deep personal thought you know my my brother um so maybe it’s kind of genetic but he lost his mind a little bit more severely and he came back as well um but one of the things that was happening was like he was painting and he thought that his paints were like um well like a part of his body essentially and that he was like it was yeah exactly and it was like she said he was like squeezing out onto the canvas and he really didn’t have control over it but it was like you know it was it was interesting you know um but yeah you know like really just um like i mean it was kind of just like a feedback loop thing um i mean there was a bunch of weird things going on at the time like going on at the time and i was just kind of like stressed and um at the time i was into like some government conspiracies and like i didn’t think that like i wasn’t i never thought that anything was going on but i went like personally to try and investigate something and that very same night some people who were cartel members started giving me like trouble for no reason i’m like oh my god is the cia gonna like kill me with the cartel it’s like yeah and then like then i stopped sleeping because of that you don’t even right then you know the wake in your dream it’s just yeah and then um you know i decided i need to go to mexico to be picked up by the russians so there you go that’s funny yeah you get into that vicious cycle and people so so let me let me try something on you just because you’re new and and i don’t really know you and um i’ve been thinking about ways to communicate all this stuff like like it’s it’s weird for me i see the world very clearly and the rest of the scene like no it’s a kid do you not see what’s going on and fair enough right the the way the way i’ve been thinking about it is there’s a flood of information and we’re just drowning in in so much data so many facts so much information right and so that causes us to lose our way right and then we get turned around and then when things start to make sense like you get the synchronicities that’s what you would call them right or you get these um interactions that that seem connected well so what’s crazy about that is i i have never experienced more synchronicities than what else is in my mind and so i don’t know if like actually a lot of things that i learned i learned are very true you know it turned out to be really true and i’m almost wondering that if it was like some kind of like like mapping thing going on because there were constant like weird crazy synchronicities and i’ve never experienced that before you know what i mean so i don’t know but yeah right right yeah well well some of it some of it is over connection for sure right and and some of it is lack of connect like if you’re not connected to anything you’re just depressed well and actually something that i actually that i think was a difference between when my brother lost his mind when i did um is that i am pretty religious and i i i try to call myself a christian because like i’m trying to be a christian you know what i mean so like um but like so i end up getting really obsessed with the idea of sin and like the dream that i was having was like it was very based along like a crypt like but yeah i was using the bible to like tell me what to do next and i think that kept everything really grounded and kept me out of trouble because like there’s a lot of times where i legitimately could have died like there were times when i was in mexico and the police have assault rifles there and i was like i was they were trying to arrest me for no reason you know what i mean and like so i was struggling with them but whatever it just it could have gone wrong you know what i mean if i didn’t have that grounding you know what i mean of that so it’s funny that like even though i lost my mind it was like i was skipping and still you know not completely running into something you know what i mean the the dream kind of like petered out almost it didn’t even come to ever abrupt end it was like even afterwards it ended there was like months and months and months of accepting that it like no that was not real you know what i mean it was never a point where it crashed but but that things about it were deeply true but yeah about evil and things about god and about that god is the only thing that’s there when things are really really bad it’s the only thing that’s there yeah yeah well that’s interesting i mean we talk a lot about grounding and historical grounding in particular which is sort of my phrase but the idea of grounding and having a grounding so that when these floods happen you you know you’ll know there is a ground out there and you know maybe you’re adrift for a while but you know eventually you you won’t be right and then and then maybe having a grounding a good grounding gives you that intuitive sense so that you can navigate right because it’s orient and navigate it’s a pirate show for a reason right and and and that helps you without you you know you realize it’s all this knowing like i want to know myself you can’t know yourself it’s fine though you don’t need to it’s cool i think you just calm down yeah yeah yeah i’m still trying to figure out where i am on jordan peterson’s personality spectrum i think i know too much about it to like test myself accurately and i don’t know a lot of this stuff on there so it’s funny um but yeah well you can just you can just do the um the uh you know the the the writing course right yeah that’s probably yeah yeah you don’t need to know where you are you can just see see this is this is the obsession right this is where the relativism actually can come in handy if you use it correctly right because relativism can be used in a positive fashion you can say i want to get better then it doesn’t matter where you are right so that’s very relativistic it doesn’t matter where you are you can always get better that’s good relativism oh okay yeah yeah it’s hard to know how to get better that’s still a problem in relativism but that’s the proper place for relativism you can’t use just relativism to to be in the world like sam harris tries to do right yeah yeah obviously can’t work obviously no i mean if i if i had been um because i used to be an atheist and if i had like been that way when i had my break it would have been bad you know what i mean and i think um i’m gonna use this opportunity to take a little shot at matt dilhonte because he annoys me a lot but like um you know when him and jern pearson there’s that famous point where they’re talking about raskolnikov and he’s like atheists aren’t like that and when i was watching that i was like yes they are wow at that time you know i mean i was living a life of complete like trying to rationally put together the perfect pleasure like every day i would like soak in my bathtub like smoke a blunt put on my favorite podcast eat a nice brownie with ice cream and like that was literally the most depressed moments i’ve ever been in my whole life was in that time period but like anyways but like at that time um this was right at a high school and there was someone uh who basically i was dating a dating a girl and um we were both on the lacrosse team together so i guess this was this was still during high school actually but anyways he was like ex-girlfriend like nonsense whatever and he basically put a lot of her photos publicly and showed a lot of people that and at that time i was actually legitimately plotting to kill him like i wasn’t actually i didn’t go far far far with it but like i thought about ways of like how i could legally kill him by like tricking him to break into my house and i ended up doing something like that to get him fired at around that time too and that’s something i apologize for i feel really bad about and like but yeah i was always like atheists aren’t like that i’m like what do you mean you know i mean like that was literally i read that book i’m like that was my a my core experience you know what i mean and you know around that time what i really i realized was so um powerful about religion it’s like this is in the sense i wouldn’t say it’s the starting point because i think kids are born religious but like this is like the first awakening and then christianity is the is is the answer to that you know what i mean and that’s why i didn’t realize you know what i mean it’s like oh like this whole fear and these questions people have had and these are the answers you know i mean and i’m actually not alone that was like my biggest fear when i was an atheist i’m like i am i the only person who realizes what the world is and everyone else has who has is not here anymore you know what i mean and that’s going to be my fate as well you know yeah i mean and i totally understood like school shooters and things like that people were like oh it’s drugs it’s like it’s not drugs where we are like that’s where i was thinking you know that’s interesting in the context that i recently moved near columbine colorado oh yeah would you have um some insight on that well it’s it’s the the that whole columbine thing still heavily affects the area like there’s like zero tolerance for any poor behavior in schools around there yeah what what did you think when it happened like how did you well i wasn’t i wasn’t living here then but you know now that columbine high school is within a 10 minute drive of where i live now uh you know when i go to the book store i literally have to drive right by columbine high school to get there yeah so you know and it’s uh it still heavily affects this area i mean there’s like this like i was saying there’s zero tolerance for any kind of poor behavior in the schools here wow that’s that’s interesting yeah yeah i remember oh yeah i like the way jordan peterson talks about it he’s like you know have you read their diaries which is trying to clear right and and i i knew when it happened yeah right but that that to me like those kids are the perfect example of the materially affluent right affluent people but spiritually bankrupt and and that i would say that’s one of the sort of the deficits is that people aren’t accounting for that that demographic if you if you want to you want to frame it that way yeah yeah it’s like they don’t even they don’t realize it and it’s funny because i talked to my dad and he i don’t even know like what my dad necessarily believes because he’s like he’s a very very smart person he’s a christian but he doesn’t seem to like talk about faith or you know and honestly has a lot of negative things to say about christianity all the time and i’m like i don’t actually know what he thinks you know what i mean like i don’t know it’s so it just it’s he’s like just like unaware that but that’s essential felt like such a central problem for me it’s like he’s just not aware that it exists i’m like i’m so actually still kind of confused how that happens but that that see that to me is this live hidden christian thing that’s like part of the problem is that people aren’t talking about what they believe and so who’s filling that space if you want to bring it back to space the the the atheists are filling it with this thing that they call philosophy which i they’re necessary right it’s not well it’s not philosophy first of all it’s just not it it’s it most of his gobbledygook everything past play don’t aerosols junk just throw it out i mean any of it right i mean i mean nichi nichi hinted it he couldn’t get past play dough but heidegger for example said wrote down i can’t get past play dough yeah okay well maybe stop trying dude like maybe you’re just not smart enough and it’s fine i got my first playbook recently so maybe play the smartest guy i ever lived and you’re never gonna get smarter than him it’s fine it’s okay it’s cool he wrote it all down right so you know and and then of course we misunderstand it i get my video on the lives of playdoh’s cave which doesn’t have near enough views i really thought i was gonna break a thousand with that one i did not i saw that one right well yeah i just and somebody’s people are commenting on it left not not on my video but on playdoh’s cave left right and center it’s two days ago on twitter i’m like i don’t know what what you read okay but i read it and that ain’t what it says like i don’t know what else to tell you like you you read into this something that was not there you need to go back and read book seven again and just understand it better because it’s completely wrong like i don’t know what to tell you it’s not some individualistic story it’s exact opposite the exact opposite of an individualistic story so it’s just when we misunderstand these things or we think we can know them right it’s age of gnosis that i as i like to call it then we start to misunderstand the whole world and no wonder why we’re depressed and angry and resentful and everybody wants you know everybody wants the government to fix something or or corporations to stop being corporations or or money to stop working the way it works under capitalism or or whatever right that’s a curious problem do you do are you ever worried about corporations getting too big i don’t mean to change it to like a lower level but like i don’t know that’s not a lower level no no so if you you know and i’ll i am going to expand a little bit just because space i can do this with space pretty easily if you think of the space of corporations and the space of government and they’re definitely in competition right because they’re abstract groups of people right and they have very different goals and corporation goals not always to make more money in fact it’s almost never that sometimes it is those are evil corporations guaranteed but if you look at it that way okay so there’s competition between these different groups and maybe religion is a similar sort of thing right like okay yeah right those people get together and they’re forming organizations that do things in the world okay like they all have that in common right which well what are you i don’t i don’t want to get the hierarchy question uh well we’ll slide that aside just kind of avoid that we’ll let that sit you can think about it at your own time right okay if you look back in history and i am going to go over this i think i’ve mentioned it before in some of my videos with adam for example and we’re going to mention we need a video tomorrow actually adam and record one with him on echoes of the past um the east india corporation was far larger than any three or five corporations combined we have today like it was just big it was bigger than the gdp of most countries at that time it was bigger in in gdp and an army size to any country i think it was huge and we can’t even imagine it right and so people are like man we have a real problem with corporations infiltrating government and i’m like dude uh no we don’t it’s way better than it used to be you know and and that changed over time so you like and this is the problem like we tend to think like oh everything works the way it works now but you know with less technology or you know with less sophistication or less knowledge or something but that’s not true things develop right they actually i don’t want to say progress that’s a terrible word no you’re just another terrible word but they change over time right and so back then corporations were much more in the government’s sphere because yeah east india corporation had an army it had a military it had a military bigger than england why for to protect their property well because they were doing things and they were just right they were a trading company and they needed to trade and when you go into areas to extract resources which you know okay oh okay i guess that makes sense you can accuse the british empire fairly i’m not not saying they’re all good guys or we’re all good guys of extracting resources but actually the corporations were the ones that did most of the not all of it most of the crime right and in the same way you can do that in the u.s you can say you know the the american government went out and like really screwed over the native americans especially in the west in say the latter half of the expansion of the country that definitely happened they did it for the benefit of corporations and individual homesteaders though right so it’s not you know it’s not this easy thing like government bad and nobody else the people wanted that at the time too so they needed it they needed it i mean you know the the the problem with all this stuff is most people just don’t know the history like like you can look at the history and go you can say silly things like well the native americans didn’t believe in land ownership it’s like that’s garbage they had contracts if you have contracts you have to have land ownership the two go together right and and if you go anywhere in the u.s you study any u.s history like up the street it’s not really up the street but uh north of me in south carolina this place called fort mill and you get a fort mill and you read the little sign and it says the indians gave this land to this man because he helped them fight their their other tribes yeah that’s what he did so they gave him the land obviously they had a sense of land ownership come on and then everyone does right yeah animals do and you can go back you can go back further and you can say all right well you know um who was engaging with um you know with the colonists the colonists sort of came in and the first two colonies got wiped out by the indians guys wiped out by the native americans right and they were not in native americans faces as near as anybody can tell right and maybe maybe uh maybe maybe virginia dare you know lived and got integrated in the indian colony but like that colony got wiped out right so it’s it’s kind of the third or maybe the fourth colony attempt that’s successful and it’s because the native americans wanted them in plimit because plimit was empty due to disease they didn’t bring the disease not that they didn’t bring disease everybody brings disease sorry you’re just stuck with the fact that you’re a diseased dirty little human like the rest of us right but the the smallpox epidemic had already wiped out that village so it’s not like the people from the mayflower brought smallpox and wiped out the village that had already happened right so we and then the first nobody knows it’s king phillips war the first american indian war who broke what treaty first right nobody knows this stuff they just don’t know the history so they have these very poor images of the past this idea of corporations a lot of the corporations formed a lot of colonies for the empire right and but back then those corporations were were were set up by or at least supported by the king right so so you look at at at the whole enterprise of the discovery of the new world like that’s all a corporation that’s set up and funded by the king and queen effectively right like that’s where columbus gets it from and so all this stuff is kind of tied up together right so so you know and that’s not to say that like google and and apple and those companies are not in bed with the government too much probably um but it’s not that honestly i’m just thinking how much less money they would have if they didn’t have like i’m there’s a lot of stuff i don’t know like by the way the whole time you’re talking i’m like you were just constantly teaching me things i still like okay um not not the whole i know i know some stuff i have like very rough pictures of history um but i guess i’m wondering how much if we just got rid of our data or got rid of their right to own our data and made our data our own right um would that just take away a lot of money you know what i mean would that just shrink them down i don’t know from the size yeah i don’t i don’t i mean part of the problem with money is that without corporations you don’t have any money either so it’s actually not a competition because value is is only in the movement of money and so it’s not like the corporations acquire all the money and then they have it all and yours and you lose it all that’s not no no no i’m not i’m not i’m not thinking that at all um i love thomas soul um but i’m i’m thinking about like um like maybe they have more money than they should have if they’re profiting off something that’s actually mine and not theirs and if they have like an outsized body that’s outside of their competence you know what i mean if they’re if you know exactly connects but maybe that could be that’s sort of the problem you know what i mean so i don’t know that’s that’s fair i don’t i don’t think so i don’t know how you determine that i don’t like how do you determine too much so so i just i’ll tell you i’ll tell you i’ll tell you a personal a personal story right oh bill is back um so so i thought that if i had yeah about a million five um did i did i be okay you know living down here in particular because it’s very cheap in south carolina compared to massachusetts not even it’s not even the same uh universe it’s so cheap down here it’s ridiculous um and it just turned out that i got at least a million five stolen from me from various places with government cooperation so far uh so you know and and it’s not the corporations a billion billion dollar corporations are stealing from you the people stealing from you are millionaires or tens of millionaires those are the people you have to watch out for and you do like you really need to watch out for those people uh wealthy lawyers they’ll steal your money for sure right um uh wealthy people with lawyers they’ll steal your money and the lawyers will be complicit without knowing it uh right and you know you can look back and say look mark your house because i had that that story of my house right on my domicile video there um you could say yeah your house was taken by georgia bank and that’s georgia bank enabled the taking of my house they didn’t they never took possession of the house the lawyer did the lawyer that was working for them took possession of the house for various good reasons by the way i mean good if you’re evil and you’re a thief and you’re in cooperation with government uh not good as in goodness because obviously there’s nothing good about stealing my property from me okay so how much money did i need to earn in my life and this is a question that comes up for me now i’m like you know shit dude you could have done a few more you know uncomfortable things and earned three to five million you know i don’t know years ago pretty easily i i there was no ceiling on the amount of money i could i could have earned i was just lazy and i was in boston and i didn’t give a shit and i get 10 job offers a week and turn them all down and stay where i was at or or you know whatever right and and and i got sick so that that wasn’t good uh that that really hampered things but at the end of the day had i amassed more capital it’s possible although maybe not that i would have some left and so that that begs the question how much is enough like how much does a corporation need how much does a government need how much does a person need like i don’t know oh these people are greedy they have too much money i’m like how the hell do you know that they have too much money yeah okay yeah no that that that’s you’re right i don’t i don’t know that they have too much money i guess maybe i’m saying that the fact that they’re profiting off something that might i don’t know i don’t know if i if my data is mine or not i’m saying if it is my data that would mean that by definition they’re bigger than the others than they should then they’re supposed to be you know what i mean but a corporation is supposed to be bigger than an individual because it’s made up of individuals right and then a corporation a corporation is a body of individuals so it’s bigger than an individual yeah yeah yeah but for them to have the data of an individual i mean maybe that’s okay i can i can tell you right off the bat whatever they’re doing with your data they’re doing it poorly don’t worry about it like they’re so incompetent it’s really not an issue yeah i i’ve been in a lot of these places in you know i’ve talked to a lot of these quote top end engineers and stuff and that most of them are so ridiculously and it’s not even the individuals necessarily that are incompetent but like systems tend to be limited by the lowest common denominator so the dumbest person at the company tends to bring everybody else down yeah and usually way down and so most of the things that happen you know they’re they’re actively like yeah i don’t know if you know this is microsoft leaked something like six petabytes of data because they were doing something in ai in the cloud and they didn’t secure the cloud correctly because how would an ai engineer know how to secure a cloud they wouldn’t right they should have hired me for that i could have done it right but they lost all that data now it got copied or most of it got copied or something and they did eventually find it they didn’t find it right away you know that’s incompetence to some extent right that’s just people giving people the keys to things they can’t handle you know and that’s tied up in this meaning crisis stuff for sure right like people think they can do things that they you can’t do that like you think you can educate yourself into being a good software engineer you can’t there’s just base level software engineering skills that you need to do good software engineering and maybe you can do scripting or you’ve got to be born with that right well maybe and some people i think don’t have to be born with it but they can educate themselves but i think the number is just really small like i think we’re talking about less than 10 of the population i don’t think we’re talking about a large number of people that either are born into it or could educate or be educated into it i just don’t think that’s it’s not what i see jordan peterson talks about the Pareto principle so does Nassim Taleb right the Pareto principle is real man and it’s everywhere it seems to govern everything around us like the distribution of stars in the universe like it it it just seems to be at all scales and if that’s true the number of good software engineers is tiny and what are the rest of these people doing i don’t know well if you engineer some software can’t you just sell it limitlessly so maybe is are they all buying from the same bella no look the problem the problem with with software engineering is you know look i can write software all day long um but can i write good software that that say end users who don’t know me could use easily okay i can but i never have because i have no interest in doing that um you know where does that put me on the awesome software engineer scale i don’t know i don’t care uh you know i don’t think the word best software engineer i never did uh right and i i’m not interested in being that i never was uh interested in being that but some people can do that i can point you at people who have done that but there’s only a handful of them and i do mean like five you know like it’s not it’s not a big number um so then okay well then you have to cooperate with other people maybe you know maybe you need a good ui engineer and a good backend engineer and a good mid-level engineer to do you know some of the glue code or whatever right and then maybe you need a really good like algorithm well now we’re in a corporation already right like however you want to think of it like we’re in a body right with multiple individuals and then you know how’s that all going to fit together well it just turns out that everyone makes mistakes everyone’s imperfect and everyone sucks and they’ll hold on to their sucky thing you know like i’m sure i do it all the time right uh that’s why i have manuel around because he just yells at me when i’m wrong so it’s fantastic you know and so the product is never good right but sometimes it’s good enough and most businesses fail because most businesses can’t make a product good enough but sometimes it’s good enough and so a lot of what you see is good enough but does it work as perfectly as you envision so so for example my youtube channel is not monetized for ads right now i don’t know why because in one report that you look at in youtube studio this is all google stuff like i don’t i don’t have any magical tools i could write them but i’m not gonna right i should be monetized i should have 4 000 view hours for four days now i i should be ad monetized on the channel and i’m not and then i go to the earn tab which i had never thought to do before because like why would you need more than one source of the truth apparently in google they don’t have that concept this isn’t a surprise to me i’ve worked for lots of software companies and places building software and the first thing i asked was where’s your single source of the truth and they go huh what is that i didn’t even know the concept right so google obviously even places that claim to have a single source of truth have more than one source of truth right well that’s the second question where is it and can i validate so when you look at the earn tab i’m like i don’t know i think it’s i think i looked today it was 13 hours view hours short of ad monetization why i don’t know it only updates apparently once a day it seems that way to me i can’t really tell but that’s what it looks like i don’t know what the hell’s going on these guys are clearly incompetent like they just do not know what they’re doing at youtube i wish it weren’t that twitter i downloaded my twitter archives because i wanted to grab all my age of gnosis tweets because i want to write some articles on age of gnosis and to some extent i’m being held up by this because i need i need all those notes in twitter and i thought i could get them easily and i’ve been spending months trying to get them and it’s damn near impossible because their apis don’t work and there’s lots of reasons i download the archives they hand me the archives in two files i unzip the archives they’re websites i’m like why would you put this data in a website this is dumb whatever fine i’ll deal with it i open the website and it says you can’t open this website because it’s more than 50 gigs of data and i’m like how the hell do i have 50 gigs of data on twitter well this live stream and all the other ones are part of that okay fair fair so i’m like all right i’m a smart guy i’ll go in and look for the data well it doesn’t look like they’ve given me any of my tweets it looks like the entire archive is just some live streams which is fine and it’s under periscope media because that’s they they bought periscope some time back i think and that’s what they integrated in twitter they haven’t changed the names this doesn’t surprise me right i did this professionally for well over 30 years this is typical for corporations especially large ones so so then i’m like well whatever let me just see if i can open the archive so what i’ll do is i’ll delete the data i’ll copy it because i want my live stream and i’ll delete it and then it won’t be 50 gigs anymore and we’ll see what they think they have left it doesn’t work so whatever they’re using in the javascript has a hard code somewhere that it’s not actually looking at the size of the archive it it was hard coded when the archive was built so they built the archive wrong they hard coded the number and they didn’t put the data in as far as i can tell maybe it’s there but i don’t i’m real suspicious that any of it’s there how many mistakes is that like how many does it take to so that’s twitter yeah that’s the only problem i’m waiting for been waiting to monetize on twitter for like i don’t know four months five months and i’m just stuck in review hell and i’ve tweeted at them and no response and you can’t contact like it’s a disaster it’s a flat pack disaster and and you know like and you’re worried about people like coming to get you no i’m worried that they’re incompetent have a lot of power but what do you think about um like what about what do you think about like this stuff maybe we’re talking about something else but like the stories about like pregnant women um getting learning that they’re pregnant from the ads that they’re getting because i’ve had stuff like that or like i started drinking coffee and then suddenly i get ads for like diabetes and i’m like oh you know i mean i don’t know if that’s how accurate that is but i don’t know if that’s no no it can it can be that happens all the time but like all i would say is people do that constantly okay like like sally joe does this to me occasionally she’ll remember to actually tell me but but often she’ll be like oh yeah you’ve been you’ve you haven’t been sounding well for three days and i’m like it’s what why didn’t you tell me that and she’s like because it’s sally right she’s like i did and she goes oh no wait i didn’t i asked you how you were feeling and i’m like well that’s not telling you that i don’t sound well that’s kind of the opposite like what is wrong with you um and we joke about this all the time uh because it’s just that’s the way sally is um what people see different patterns and those are patterns it’s navigating patterns man like yeah people navigate patterns computers can navigate and see patterns that people can’t see that’s actually i mean i i’ve did a lot of data science for you know a good 15 20 years data science patterns like they’re everywhere it’s great and you can make computers can build patterns and find patterns and you don’t need ai for any of that by the way in fact if you use ai it’s actually worse um the regular machine learning stuff for pattern recognition amazing amazing stuff you can do really cool things with you find patterns all over the place so the so the question is you know the more interesting question in my mind is some people see these patterns the way the computers see them and is it the same are they using the same cues like would would people who could see your shopping habits uh know more about you if they could if they could see it you know would they come to conclusion quicker like that’s more fascinating to me um right because because there’s something there yeah yeah yeah that would be interesting i don’t know i did john i wanted to switch real quick uh so uh bill you mentioned uh neil stevenson and east india company uh do you want to expound upon that because i’m i remember some of uh you know some of snow crash and stuff and some of the other stuff i i don’t think i finished any of the other books because well it’s the the major references i’m making there um well two of his well one of his series and then one of his standalone books because i don’t count it as a series there is a second book in the series but it was written by an entirely different author so the hell with that uh but in the in his baroque cycle so it’s like system of the world and uh i forget the other titles off the top of my head but that i mean in the time space it actually takes place in um it it involves the east india company very deeply uh and he does a lot of research into writing his books um so you know he somewhat fictionalizes it obviously because you know he’s writing books for entertainment not for education but reading his books can be a in education um you know if you’re the type like myself who sets off and goes okay well what’s the truth of this um you know let me go explore what you know he’s really talking about here you know that you know he’s very spot on about how the east india company really i mean it was the monetary you know system of the british empire i mean without without the east india company the british empire would have never become what the british empire was going to well the east india company and the british navy i mean the combination of those two is what made the british empire become what the british empire was um i mean the east india company essentially is what helped found america without the east india company the colonies would have never existed but he also goes uh deeply into some of the involvement of the east india company in his book the uh rise and fall of dodo which is another really it’s a really really good book he wrote it with a co-author who’s the person who wrote the second book but the second book is nowhere near as good because he didn’t have any influence on it or his influence was so minimal that you know he’s not you know credited in in on the book um but he again because it’s a it’s a book about time travel and the people in there have to interact with the east india company in that time travel um you know it uh it’s another you know great insight into what’s going on with the east india company um and at the same it’s interesting because at the same time because of some of i forget the exact reference in one of the books or even which book it was but you know he actually talks about guinness and you know guinness wouldn’t have become as big a beer company as they were without the east india company this east india company that spread guinness beer all over the world after it was founded um um and actually i forgot there are some other references in his other book kryptonomicon uh which is it’s sort of tangential to the baroque cycle and has some overlapping characters and stuff um but same thing i mean the references in there you know again somewhat fictionalized i mean make it pretty clear you know that uh how deeply embedded corporation into the world monetary system i mean that’s kind of what the the one book in that that uh series called system of the world i mean what he’s talking about really is the east india company was the system of the world right right yeah that’s good yeah a lot of people yeah that’s what i was referring to yeah i got you a lot of people don’t realize that involvement i mean in the in the um you were talking about the the english revolution uh when i was talking with adam about that in that video on on on my channel you know we were pointing out that basically parliament is the product of the support of the east india company uh right and so the first revolution when it breaks everything in fact the english revolution breaks everything when they when they kill the king it just destroys the world um that that’s the east india company wrapped up in that pretty heavily and and pretty influential um and and and and they’re the ones that effectively caused the uh the revolution uh the american revolution or rebellion probably a better word um because they’re the ones that profit and they steal that profit from the colonies the colonies just basically they can’t ship anything they have no roads a lot of people know that roads were illegal effectively they were illegal and shipping was forbidden uh but we had all the ship rights because we had all the lumber in like roads between towns yep okay whoa yep yeah i mean why didn’t we build roads between towns because england basically forbade it so there’s a big history oh yeah this is super obscure i have some obscure book about it that i’ve read most of but not all of but yeah it just turns out that yeah all shipping had to be done by a british-owned and operated ship that was part of the charter for the colonies and the colonies didn’t really care until the taxes got ridiculous and some people have derided this uh the rest of history crew who apparently oxford doesn’t know any history or at least lies about it knowingly um they’re like oh it was just because you know suddenly documents were being taxed it’s like no no you’re not looking at the economics of this situation and like the taxes went up on everything but in order to get anything between colonies it had to be taxed all of a sudden and that wasn’t the case before this is a big deal economically for the colonies it basically would wipe them out had they adhered to it and you can argue well texas were sparsely enforced and all that nonsense and fair enough but they were like no we don’t we don’t want we don’t want the influence of the east india company to determine our fate as colonies and that’s really what drives a lot of that and then we have a thesis in there about why why we were successful well the french and the russians and the in the english revolutions kind of were disasters uh we’re the only successful right but but to the point of say corporate involvement in the monetary system i mean the monetary system i so i have this thesis could be totally wrong right that that when you have a statement like render under caesar right uh you create a third category right so you have you’re kind of like the state and you have like the the beliefs of the people the religious beliefs right when you split those apart with render under caesar because before that they weren’t right like you go to egypt and like the god and the pharaoh are kind of the same entity at least as represented in the material frame right like that’s a long tradition that happened you know before egypt or you know alongside egypt however you want to do the time frames for which civilization is older right that was the standard fare in history for a very long thousands of years basically right and then you’ve got this event which render under caesar well what that creates in my mind is capitalism that creates the free flow of money independent of the state or the religion right so now you have the because because what happens after that is the rise of a merchant class the merchant what is the merchant you know like right because in rome it was it was all the same like if you became a wealthy enough merchant you could just be part of the government it wasn’t right it was because because money was was just controlled by the government yeah right spread to england i mean you could just buy your way into parliament same thing right right well that was yeah once you had parliament uh that was that was after after it broke yeah the parliament used to be a rare a rare occurrence when it became a permanent fixture because east india company is you know did this interference then it becomes a problem uh that that’s that’s what we’re talking about with our english revolution video was yeah that’s that’s when everything got broken um but but if you look historically what you find is this relationship so you know where did the central bank in the united states come from well that’s from jp morgan like actually the guy like jp morgan the wealthy guy and he interfered in the government uh monetary system twice actually and from that emerges the central bank right because you you you need something like that we can argue about how well it’s implemented and things like that all day long and i’m i’m happy to do that because i’d shoot them all and jail them for treason but in that order i’d shoot them and jail their dead bodies for treason uh that’s just what you know like yeah the stuff they’re doing now is way out way out there like way out there clearly i’m dealing from people but but you need something like a central bank and it needs to be separate from the government so how do you deal with that that’s a good question like that’s a hard thing like this is actually a hard thing everybody thinks it’s easy you you can just you can just shoot them and jail them but like that wouldn’t solve the problem you’re gonna replace it with something right you can’t you know you can’t that can’t be the end of the story that might be the first step uh right it might might be a good one somebody’s gonna step into the vacuum right why does it need to have um why does it need to be centralized like like what what what what well is it why is that important well we had a decentralized system say before the civil war for example right but then you have six different types of money or more right or one for each state or maybe two two in in in in the same state and it gets very hard to track what’s going on and then what happens is that just leads to lots of fraud and it’s very hard to track the fraud do you think people would naturally agree on one over time you know what i mean well they didn’t like we already have the answer to that they didn’t they didn’t that’s why governments tend to centralize currencies okay right but then but then you don’t want the politicians alone to be in charge of that right you want to check and balance system roughly speaking and in you know in we’ll call it modern time so that’s bad bad bad frame recent times uh right we have things like central banking systems so the economics of the situation uh you know even just after the revolution right after after our revolution man the american revolution a lot of people end up in debtor’s prison well what the hell even is debtor’s prison what a weird concept right and it’s basically ransom right like you you put people in jail until their family pays their debts for them right anyway that’s kind of weird like we don’t do that anymore it’s kind of strange right like we don’t like why what you know i i’m not going to fall if debtor’s prisons are good or debtor’s prisons are bad i’m just saying something changed that’s strange right and then again you see this j.p morgan bails out the government why because we went through a war and the economy was unstable and the politicians were overspending and nobody could track it and somebody had to bail the government out by injecting cash from an outside source well it just so happens that j.p morgan’s father was like the largest banker in france or something crazy so he was like the european banker like his he came from mega wealth already uh and then arguably controlled more money than anyone in the world at the time uh even more than than john rockefeller who was the wealthiest man who ever lived by far way more wealthy than the top five wealthy people today combined right he nobody knows this right and so what what ends up happening is he is the only one that can that has the resources to get together the people to bail out the u.s government but then he gets to dictate some of the monetary policy right because somebody has to do it like you can’t you can’t just elect politicians and let them run wild we know that i mean that’s why we have a checks and balances system to begin with and we’re just adding checks and balances systems and and this theme is everywhere right like you see it in uh in uh stargate sg1 right where they in in in stargate they have a civilian um system sort of fighting for control over the stargate like where the ioc right well they’ve got a bunch of them ultimately right but they they end up getting a civilian we need a civilian system to check to put the military in check like this is a very common pattern that you see you see it and you see it everywhere but you see it in the real world too okay so what is that right it’s it’s independent non-government so they’re not political right they’re not religious people watching over the money supply so how does like kane’s economics fit into this uh well that depends are you talking about what kane’s actually wrote or what everybody thinks he did he wrote about because those are two entirely different things i have no idea yeah true true kane’s in economics has never been tried i think that’s what i would say um and ironically i mean look kane’s wasn’t an idiot a lot of what he said was right a lot of the interpretations of his work are just stupid and they either didn’t read him or didn’t understand what he was saying um you know hayek was not wrong right but but all like they didn’t disagree as much as people that say right and so you and and i think i think like nasim taleb points out economics is mostly fraud there’s very few actual economists that are actually paying attention and because you’re trying to study motivation by looking at its end results and not by worrying about where it comes from yeah right so and so i’ll give you an example i was bitching about this a couple a couple three hours ago on my discord server right i was saying like yeah here’s another example of when you start to dig into something a movement any kind of movement in in history it just comes down to there’s always a belief component right there’s always a religious motivation and so when you try to teach history without teaching the religious motivations for things you just get a really warped view of the world like oh yeah they did it for the money i can i can explain one thing to you that has never happened no one’s ever done anything for just money maybe they’ve done it for the things money can get them yeah right or maybe they’ve done it for the way money makes them feel like maybe oh i want to feel safe so i’m gonna want mass wealth but yeah like money for money you don’t want money for money right exactly well said you don’t want money for money money doesn’t do anything just sitting there right like that’s not helpful it’s not an end it’s not an end state and so that’s not why you did it you you got the money for a reason so that you could do something right but it wasn’t you’re not going to get buried with it and like buy your way into the afterlife like come on like what are you what’s going on yeah it’s gonna be like in that south park with the with the aids right but if you look at economics they’ll tell you oh yeah this person did this for this money reason and it’s like no that can’t be true that’s not that’s not that’s the that’s because i never have you know that’s the material result the thing you can measure about their behavior and if you treat it that way you can do good economics so if you read the freaking omics series of books they point this out kind of early on in the in the first book like right away money doesn’t work the way you think it does incentivizing through cash actually can have the opposite effect of what you think right and the the first example i think it’s the first example of the book that they go through in the first book of freaking omics it’s great great series of books every should be lowering the price makes you’ll buy less is that what it is no no no no it’s worse they it’s a daycare center and daycare center people dropping their kids off like 15 minutes picking your kids up 15 minutes late and they’re like we don’t want to stay open 15 extra minutes so what we’re going to do is we’re going to institute a new policy we’re going to charge people some money i forget how much it is doesn’t really matter i think it’s 15 dollars we’re going to charge them like 15 dollars to pick up their kids late and what do you think happens more people pick up kids late and pay the money oh why why no because yeah because money makes it permissible now you’re like oh we’re in a transaction yeah where i can just trade my time of being 15 minutes late for a little bit of my cash and of course the only people that send their kids to daycare already have too much money to some extent we can we can argue about that but like you’re already doing the wrong thing daycare is bullshit i said that in my economics video and now we’re getting patterned check it out right daycare is bullshit and so it has the exact opposite effect like completely opposite effect well because people don’t know how money works i have i have three videos on on money by the way so you can check them all out you’ll learn more about how money works um but that’s they do proper economics because they point this out like you guys don’t know how money works you think it’s just this straight sort of want more you know trade for whatever it’s not yeah because it works more like a signal and that’s something i do have a video on signals i probably have to do more on the signals and signaling now that i’ve done this space i can get into that more i mean they’re studying biology right yeah so we’re gonna say bill i was just saying i mean the in mark’s example i mean the moment you say something like well if you’re late it’s 15 minutes then people automatically say oh great for 15 minutes or for 15 bucks i get a buffer yeah yeah yeah it’s like okay you guys are expecting this it’s normal yeah yeah yeah well you want that right it’s a signal that you’re willing to trade that yeah you’re willing to do the trade right because it’s all signals that’s the way to understand the world these other like psychological frames and political friends all garbage it’s all signals you understand signals and the want for cooperation because we’re highly cooperative creatures and the world makes a lot more sense now now you have some of the people go ahead bill now it’s just gonna say i mean that’s i can i i hear people talk about that philosophy some of the people that i uh let’s say work for i mean they bill out at a million dollars an hour 15 dollars is nothing to them to pick up their kid late yeah yeah and but but if someone’s willing to take the money they have the money to give right it’s it’s it’s weird to me that people you know get these complicated frames because they are complicated and they try to understand the world with them because i’m like no it’s real easy it signals in cooperation yeah and and when you look at cooperation you can make arguments like well you know that’s not real cooperation whatever right new true scotsman fallacy thing whatever all day long and it’s and it’s valid the thing is it’s implementation right so if i think i can cooperate with you in a certain way and you don’t see that or you’re not ready for that or you’re not willing to to cooperate in that way then it goes horribly wrong that’s an implementation problem right and that’s fixable like implementation problems are fixable what’s not fixable is when you have bad intent like i’m happy to cooperate with you if i get it my way oh that’s not you know that’s not cooperation see that dr phil podcast with jern peterson have you seen that one which one the new dr phil jern peterson podcast i haven’t i haven’t watched all of it i’ve seen pieces of it okay you should it’s it’s one that um should be really watched instead of listened to because it’s um there’s ones like this every once in a while there’s like kind of a not spoken conversation happening the whole time where i mean like dr phil’s kind of stepping on his toes and being kind of arrogant a bit and he’s basically starts questioning him and trying to like hold him accountable for exploiting a lot of people on the show over years and you watch it and they’re like you can like it’s it’s great i don’t know how to explain it um but it’s it’s it’s great it’s it’s a really good it’s a really good watch if you watch it the way they’re both like i don’t know there’s there’s a dual happening but yeah i like i like to watch those things um a because yeah you get the body language super important lots of signals there that you don’t you don’t get but but i also like listen to things at regular speed so i get the tonal stuff yeah right this is super important so i do listen to double speed but extremely rarely because i like to get all the as much information as i can yeah no that’s that’s definitely one that should be watched um yeah it’s not even like that subtle like once you realize it it happens probably about a third of the way through um yeah it gets interesting so who’s attacking who’s attacking whom um well essentially like dr phil’s book kind of it’s just like a jordan peterson ripoff but like without any of the deep understanding of things and actually kind of fucks up some of the language which would lead people in bad directions really in some ways um you know what i mean but it’s just it’s not totally bad it’s just like you know it’s not he’s not taking himself very seriously and dr phil is obviously a very intelligent man and i think he just recognized that he has his ass kind of half in the game and like just kind of wants to be famous and just kind of riding this bandwagon you know and he was acting kind of um subtly dismissive and kind of like oh what you’re what you’re doing is kind of culty stuff was was hinting that and then essentially they kind of he started switching the conversation to um well i think like well that’s a good line but they’re just talking and i i can’t specifically say what some of the stuff was because it’s it’ll just sound like they’re talking about nothing but they just talked a lot about exploitation and the ripple effects of putting people in the margins at the center and then people thinking that behavior is acceptable and also virtualization like the virtualization of the therapy section allowing for psychopathy and the dr phil and these one set interactions is just destroying people’s lives and then they never see them again or deal with it you know what i mean he’s like actively like inviting him to take accountability for that you know what i mean and like make the podcast better you may mean because honestly um there were people that kind of noticed that i saw some people in the comments i’ll notice that as well um it’s just not a good look for him especially he’s like trying to start his new um platform and he even at the end of the piercings says it’s opening on april first right instead it comes on april fourth or fifth or something april fools day like that you needed that on purpose but that’s yeah yeah it’s a it’s a great conversation pearson’s a smart cookie so yeah yeah a lot of people can’t you’re not going to catch most of the stuff he does that’s no no no very subtle very very subtle i i i was so hoping that i could talk to him at symbolic world summit unfortunately i didn’t get anywhere near the man um but i i do i do have like a burning question that he may not even be able to answer that just like i just want to know where he got some of his sayings from because a lot of his sayings like devil take the hindmost those those are sayings i grew up with but he was in boston so i’m like did you have those in canada because this is it’s fascinating to me right because if he got them from canada that tells me something about the world and if he got them from boston it tells me something different but i just i just want to know i just want to know where those came from if i could find that out that would tell me a lot about the world yeah automatically i’d see all kinds of different patterns i don’t know because i don’t know which one it is because some of the some of the sayings he uses a lot of people i know they’re like puzzled by them and i’m like and i grew up with a lot of these sayings i don’t know they’re all going to be everywhere suddenly right right right so i just need to know where he got them from right yeah right i did uh i did see tammy tammy is a lot smaller than i thought oh yeah tiny person yeah jordan peeters is like he’s a little tall jordan peeters is tall his body i mean his body was smaller than i thought but he’s taller yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but um yeah yeah i haven’t i haven’t met him in person i went to he would is in la once or downtown los angeles and i saw him there so oh yeah did you go to one of his his talks oh yeah i understand walking around that’d be weird in la probably not a good idea yeah i mean i don’t know an idea for him to walk around in la too much no no probably not i saw him i saw him in charlotte before the fake news virus scam thing but um and i and i obviously saw him at symbolic world summit but uh yeah fascinating uh it’s fascinating that he is the way he is still but he really hasn’t changed much at all it’s sometimes for the worst uh but mostly for the better uh yeah there’s some things i’m just like oh you just need to upgrade your language a little bit just tweak these two three little things here that would be great but um no it’s it’s it’s fascinating the stuff that that that has come from all of that that’s that’s the website stuff i gotta get my article up on that i get it i get the language thing um i i wonder because um i know oftentimes when i am trying to talk with atheists i’ll give like a very um off description like a very kind of materialist description but i’m leaving i’m purposely leaving like a small window and i think it’s like people who are more religious to that it’s like why are you giving this like thing covered with a small window but i think of it it’s like yeah sorry i know i know but that’s just from my experience that was the window that brought me into religion in the first place you know what i mean and so yeah i i wonder if um because there was a time when i was like allergic to spooky words right right yeah and it would turn off my brain you know what i mean and i wonder if some of that is um either intentional or if he’s just being like humble or something i don’t know um it’s definitely it rots it feels like it rots my brain staying in that framework you know what i mean so i don’t think it’s the best right okay so it’s it’s interesting that you say that i’ve been trying to explain this to people for for years now um yeah a lot of people don’t realize that when you’re talking to people that are say part of the meaning crisis crew and not the crisis of faith crew because i think they’re different their brains shut off if you use the wrong words it’s just that simple and and the christians get upset because they’re like well you’re just you know john verveke for example uses all these complicated words to say things that we have better words for that is true but there’s a utility in that and and i was in the exodus series i forget which episode of the first first round the exodus series on daily wire um where pidgeot stopped os guinness and said no no no no jordan has a way of talking to secularists and reaching them right because i was trying to get into a more christian frame and he’s like no don’t do that like he’s got a way to to talk to these people that you don’t have right effectively and so i like that you mentioned that because i keep trying to explain this to people don’t get it they don’t believe me i’m like no no no you guys are losing audience because you’re using the wrong words and peterson’s able to get the audience he’s able to get because of the words he doesn’t use yeah and maybe he doesn’t even have them um in fact my my one i think i went over this in my uh symbolic world summit recap um you know one of the things they were doing is talking about sacrifice i’m like that’s great but can’t use that word you know you gotta use trade off because the the the the secularists won’t it’s that sacrifice is seen as a negative sort of a death right it’s like oh that’s that’s like war sacrifices war you know it’s the same sort of valence it’s very heavy valence for those people and they don’t really understand the concept so i think you need to start with trade-off and and sort of weasel them into into a yeah later yeah he always gets he always kind of goes into that when he’s talking about like oh you will if you’re truly psychopathic you help everyone else greatly you know what i mean but it’s like at a certain point it’s like there’s why would you evolve that way it would just evolve that you know what i mean like that doesn’t make sense like right right so yeah but it works well to ground that because like you know it’s like well is it actually the selfish gene thing if it is all the selfish gene thing like that’s still right it’s just moving towards oneself you know like right right well and i think i think that’s why you see the rise of this so-called neo-platinism which doesn’t exist right is that’s one step up from the poverty of thought that you have with these you know sort of humanist or you know atheist views right like it’s one step kind of in the right direction sort of but it’s directional and that’s not good then you get sam harris not caring about dead babies in the basement see see my video most high yeah that’s a good video i think that’s a good video i think that one got a thousand views yeah that was my first thousand view video in fact yeah i mean that’s what that’s what you end up with when you use mere direction that’s why you need orientation and navigation right because the step to the neo-platinism you know worrying about the one versus the many which is another binary frame it’s invalid that which sort of spawned obviously a lot of this live a lot of this live stream topic space you you need that space in order to re-enchant the world so that you’re not stuck in the neo-platonic one versus many binary right you need to you need to understand that there’s three things there’s still the nihilism you’re not getting around the nihilism so you you better know where it is so that you don’t step in that because once you’re in that it can suck you in and that that you know you’ll you’ll lose your mind yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no yeah but it’s funny because like when i when i did lose my mind um there was actually points when i like i essentially believe that like everyone that i loved was dead and wow even yeah it was not fun um no that’s not fun but like in a way um that was i don’t know if like the word is preferable but like there was a time when i was deeply depressed and nihilistic you know i mean like obsessed over the idea of life being meaningless meaningless like obsessed over that and that was seems seems less prefer preferable in a way i don’t know how to like put put that i’m not saying it’s like easier yeah they’re both hard you know what but like one was like there was a deep passion in it and one it was just it was just tragic it was just tragic it just it just felt right and i guess that’s what it was is that one i actually there was god there you know you mean and well there’s that there’s that emptiness with nihilism right yeah and and with emptiness there is no space in essence right like like that’s what emptiness is the lack of potential right it’s the emptiness that’s the lack of potential not the emptiness that’s the the availability of potential yeah the way i represented likes um the universe smiles and i was just like i imagined my loved one like floating through space like a mouse i imagine them as being a mouse floating through space and then just dying you know i mean like walking around not knowing that like this is they’re just in the middle of a black nothingness and then they’re gone again you know i mean and that’s that’s why i thought of things it that’s like as little space as you can get with the representation you know i mean as far as you know it’s just there’s no flesh you know there’s no you know it’s funny that that that that’s what i would be like yeah that’s what life is that’s interesting yeah yeah um i actually remember the i mean i don’t know if we should just get like my dreams i remember i had a dream one time this is like when i first um kind of became an atheist you know hold on you’re gonna tell a dream is that what you’re gonna tell dreams if that’s okay all right all right no no no no that’s fine i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna hear you i just gotta take care of some stuff but i’ll i’ll hear you go ahead okay you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine but um i was kind of just like loosely agnostic for a while um but when i kind of firmly started really become an atheist and like firmly be like oh my gosh like the world is a meaningless place i remember having a dream um and i was running around a house a circle a little circle a circle and this is the only black and white dream that i’ve ever had people say that you have like nightmares and black and white this is the only one that i know of and i was chasing a girl a little girl and all of a sudden they were like caught up to her she stopped and turned around and i stopped and she says you know this is all there is don’t you and that was one of the freakiest dreams i’ve ever had now i mean it’s not i think about it and i’m not really even sure what it means now um but yeah i don’t know what that means but that was that was i think the dream that that i think of like my first nihilistic um awakening you know what i mean and then i remember googling um i would have been freshman year in high school and then i remember googling like do people know what happens after death like i was arguing agnostic but i always just thought people the general exception like thought was like oh energy isn’t destroyed and then i started really thinking about it and i was like oh but yeah anyway sorry that that was that that’s that that was my dream interesting i mean usually with dream interpretation it’s not about say the the straight propositions in the dream or the connections in the dream it’s about the images and the symbols that you kind of run into right and so a lot of dream interpretation is wrapped up in you know like oh i was falling through the clouds right and it’s the fact that you’re falling through clouds and not water right or or not the air right the empty air or whatever right that’s usually how you do the dream interpretation stuff um and a lot of people when they tell their dreams they reduce it down to the propositions well this happened and that happened and this happened and you lose all the all the signals that will say actually matter right the symbolic patterns that that you need to actually do the dream interpretation um and and so that’s that’s that’s sort of what i what i think is missing from your from your dream okay well normally when i have not really so much anymore but normally at that time when i had nightmares they would be at the house my parents got a divorce and that one wasn’t which is a little weird the house was empty which is also weird because it’s like i never lived in that apartment without my mom being there which just me my mom my brother living there at the time right so that’s a replacement of your you know one woman with another right yeah i mean but the little girl i’m actually i i i the other day because i was thinking about this dream recently and actually i figured out who the little girl was and now i’m forgetting and that’s probably useful to think about um oh no i don’t remember whatever um yeah well just little girl versus mom you know because it’s yeah well usually there’s three sort of archetypal women right sister yeah there’s no no usually in in usually an age right so there’s the younger ones that need to be protected right okay yeah there’s the older ones that are motherly and then there’s like the the um the the matronly grandmothery type archetype right and so usually they fall in one of those three sort of categories there’s more categories those are some some some of the three basic sort of categories in terms of age and then there’s a relationship between your age and their age obviously yeah yeah for the each one yeah right so so that’s the sort of richness that’s that’s sort of wrapped up in in dream interpretation okay yeah yeah i mean i don’t remember why i was chasing her because i remember thinking that she like had something like and then i’m like not has something but like i don’t remember why it was it wasn’t like that’s okay it’s the chasing that matters yeah exactly i was just chasing her i remember if she it was just it was it was like part of a game you know what i mean but like it wasn’t that fun it was just yeah but it could be it could be it could be chasing after innocence it could be chasing after yeah after youth right it could be but it’s a chasing that matters not not necessarily what it matters that you are chasing that’s yeah that’s fascinating yeah do you write your dreams down do you keep it like a dream journal or anything no i usually remember them pretty well like the important ones i guess i i guess i should maybe yeah you’re supposed to write them down when you first wake up that’s first thing you should do okay i’ll start i’ll start doing that normally um if it’s a really like powerful dream like i probably only remember like well like five dreams in my head you know what i mean i don’t know and those were like dreams that like i woke up you know what i mean like because they were right so emotional um yeah it’s it’s hard because a lot of times i wake up and it just feels like they’re fragments maybe if i wrote them down i wouldn’t have that problem um yeah i mean i i do um i used to do a lot of short films and stuff and i still like um but so like you know carrying around a journal and going down ideas is not like foreign to me i guess never just directly practice for everybody yeah i don’t i don’t do it but i’ve done it in the past i don’t i mean i i you know i got up three times in the middle of dinner today and like ran into the office and wrote things down for the stream so whatever you know yeah writing things down is super important yeah yeah it’s a good skill to have apart from everything else like even you get even you never read it the fact that you’re doing it is really helpful yeah yeah yeah yeah i really miss having um i mean now i just write on my phone but for the longest time i had like the same journal that i wrote down all of my ideas in and drew pictures in for like um like two and a half years probably and then i lost it on the bus and then ever since then i have i know i know right and then i have ever since then i haven’t been able to keep one i just keep losing it like after i think just like my brain is just like i already put so much energy to that one it is gone you know so like yeah whatever it was a cool traumatized traumatized i had like weird poetry and dumb thoughts and drawings but it’s cool but anyways i should probably um i need to eat my family finished food a bit ago um oh okay so i should any any closing thoughts you’re in the state you want to anything you want to close out with um well i don’t know it’s really um nice to get comfortable um speaking i think this is most like uh like comfortable i think like speaking webcam conversation i’ve had um because before this i’ve just done like auditions calling into the matt do the hondy show which is not fun um um i called into the radio like the other day and i was like super nervous and you saw again today like i was super nervous i came up first but um sure so i mean it was it was nice i’m glad i felt like i actually had things to say and you know maybe these ideas won’t spill over in weird ways in my life now that i’m actually talking to them and talking about them and um great i think i said a lot that i’m definitely going to be able to think about and probably know more about tomorrow after i sleep so oh great well it was lovely having you on and meeting you and uh i’m thrilled that you’re getting so much out of this and this experience and i hope to see you again i won’t be doing this next week but the week after probably um or whenever you know it would be great and and look if you if you want to do like a just a live stream about a particular topic or something that’s not on friday night we you know okay cool get me up and and i’m i’m always open to that so great yeah great yeah yeah either way yeah all right man anyways all right thank you appreciate it sir see you later thank you yeah see you all right well yeah bill showed up i’m let me talk to bill in ages it’s good to see him um yeah this is the magic of space man uh old friends new friends uh people showing up and just watching and hopefully learning getting something out of the idea of space and the interaction with people and uh i’m going to shut it down which is good because i’m tired because i’ve been sick all day stupid stomach uh don’t don’t get don’t get illnesses of any kind ever that’s my advice that that and and don’t grow old because no good uh san jure oh oh it’s good to see you sir um wonderful conversations you had by the way with uh online uh one of these days we’ll we’ll do a conversation if you if you want um look have a good night no stream next week because i’m going to be traveling for a week um but i will be back i do not have a topic for the next live stream i will come up with one though and uh you know hopefully it’ll be a nice surprise for everybody and maybe maybe we can talk about re-enchantment now that we’ve talked about space i think this opens up a bunch of stuff now that i can talk about it and refer back to things like this um thank you all for joining buy stuff off my shop uh somebody beat up google until they give me the ability to uh monetize better um and twitter for that matter those those people helan’s disappointing me have a good week have a good next couple of weeks i will see you soon uh comment like subscribe tell your friends threaten people so that they like and subscribe whatever it takes um and engage in the discord server if you can uh what you know whatever it takes and i hope to see you all soon have a lovely lovely evening