Jordan, why don’t you go in there and see if you can be the leader of a great country like Canada and do something about it? Has that conversation ever taken place at this phase of your life? Yes. I had that option open to me when I was very young, but I figured out when I was about 16 that I didn’t really know anything. When I went to college, I went to take political science and literature and I wanted to go into law school. I wrote the LSAT and I was set to go to law school. I wanted to take corporate law about a year into my college education for a variety of reasons. I didn’t like the political activists. I never liked them from the beginning. I thought, I don’t trust you guys. You just seem to be driven by resentment, not genuine care for the working class. And that didn’t sit well with me. I started to get interested in psychological motivations for political behavior and I’ve made a choice all the way through my life. The choice has always been say political, sociological versus psychological or perhaps spiritual. And I’ve always chosen the psychological work at the level of the individual.