Young girl dancing to the latest beat Has found new ways to move her feet And the lonely voice of youth cries, What is truth? Young man speaking in the city square Trying to tell somebody that he cares Can you blame the voice of youth for asking, What is truth? Yeah, the ones that you’ll call and love Are gonna be the leaders in a little while When will the lonely voice of youth cry, What is truth? This old world’s wakened to a newborn babe And I solemnly swear it’ll be their way You better help that voice of youth find, What is truth? And the lonely voice of youth cries, What is truth? Young man speaking in the city square I don’t remember the wording on how to title this particular live stream, but I think, and I came up with this this morning, this eyes to see idea was the right way to frame all this, at least initially. So welcome everybody, we did another drawing thing, hopefully that eye is decent. I got my little guy up top looking at what he can see of the world, which is not the world. Maybe that’s you. Maybe that’s me. Maybe that’s all the Muppets set of which we all belong to, which we all belong. So yeah, it’s been it’s been a long, a long week. It seems like a month since the last stream, which was very interesting. But here we are again. So we’ll give it a shot. We’ll see where this goes. And sort of the way this started was more about exemplification and contrast. But really, that’s about eyes to see. And so the question is, how do we talk about this? How do we talk about this? How do we talk about eyes to see what’s the significance of contrast and exemplification? And as always, we’ve got our Sam Pal, big bottle, because it’s going to be a long day. We’ve got a nice junkless bar here, the cinnamon junkless bar. And some idiot let me go to the store by myself. So I bought me some whoppers, which are very not good for you. And I’ve been chewing on them all week. And of course, we’ve got our bear claw tea from Table Rock Tea Company. So hopefully that’ll get us through this monologue. And then hopefully people will jump in and contribute to the conversation around this topic. So, yeah, hopefully, hopefully everybody had a good week and had time to reflect on the strange comings and goings of last stream. So, yeah, we’re talking about exemplification and contrast. And then the question to ask is, why the hell are you talking about eyes to see contrast and exemplification? Contrast and exemplification. What is this? This is about enchantment. It’s about complexity. This is to show you the world is much more complex than you think. I think the big problem, the thing that we’re not doing is that people need to start to appreciate the mystery of how they perceive and act in the world and how others perceive and act in the world. And what that results in, like what does that lead to? Where and why are we being drawn? And that’s really the theme here. So let’s kind of start with contrast. And the thing about contrast is we technically and in all other ways, we need contrast to see. We can’t see without a difference between things. It’s the difference between things that allows the physical ability and the spiritual ability to have discernment of things. And so I know I’ve talked about this before, but it’s apropos particularly to the idea of contrast is. And I don’t remember. I mean, I’m sure it was PBS. I don’t remember if it was like Nova or some other PBS show that I saw. And they were talking about this guy who was born without his optic nerve connected. And at some point, I think he was in his 30s. They figured out we can do that surgery. We can reconnect his eyes. And then this man who was born blind will be able to see. And so they did. And they hook up his eyes and they start running a bunch of tests on him to test his vision. And they find out he can’t see quite. And they’re puzzled by this. They’re like, well, the signals are getting through. The brain’s responding. His brain looks like a normal brain when it’s got visual signals. And maybe we’ll talk about that in the next video. And they’re like, well, we’ve got visual signals and maybe we’ll talk them through it. This is a line. This is a line moving. This is a line moving diagonal. That sort of thing. It doesn’t work. And they’re like, why? What’s going on? We’ve got diagonal lines. We’ve got horizontal lines. We’ve got vertical lines. We’ve got circles. And he can’t see them. And then they kind of notice that he can see things when he looks away from them suddenly. And they’re like, what? And then he’s able to discern shapes and lines and positions. But when he’s looking directly at them, he can’t. And the researchers are sort of puzzled by this until, of course, they in their infinite wisdom actually go look at how people see. And it just turns out, and this is apparently a discovery because no one ever bothered to look. And you’ve got to remember, science is divided into disciplines. So the people that do surgeries don’t necessarily read about how eyes work functionally. Externally, they read about the internal. The internal is the nerve. The nerve goes back to the brain and it comes from the back of the eye, right? And all this stuff. Your fovea, that middle part of your eye, actually moves all the time. You know, hundreds of times a second or something crazy. That’s how we see. That’s how we see. We see from the movement of the center of our eyes. And that’s not the only way we see. It’s the primary way that we that we think of modern sight. So we actually don’t see static items when items are static. And, you know, oddly enough, they had they had they talked to another discipline, they would have known this because it turns out that it was in literature all along. When you look at something, the initial flash of the image, there’s a big flash of brain registration. And then it shrinks like very small registration. And then it only comes back when there’s motion in the thing you’re viewing. And, of course, the people doing that research knew about this. People doing surgery and other things had no idea. And and different interpretations, right? Like it’s easy to say, oh, well, that’s because your brain on initial contact has a burst because there’s a lot of new information. Fair enough. That’s that’s exactly what’s happening. But what that actually means is that after you take in the initial conditions, you filter them out. And that’s actually what’s happening. Like they’ve since sort of nailed that down. Of course, the initial findings didn’t didn’t show that. So what they had to do with this poor guy was teach him to move his eyes really fast. And I don’t remember the details of how they did that or if it was even in that particular show. But they did that. And then he was able to see now he never had super high resolution vision, obviously reconnecting an optic nerve. Even today, you know, really kind of beyond what we can actually do and get pretty close. And, you know, some visions better than zero. So that’s great. And some training on movement is better than none, but it’s probably not ideal. And maybe it got better over time. You know, whatever, we don’t really don’t know how well people can learn and different conditions, all that stuff. But just appreciating the fact that the only way you really see stuff is through motion is sort of amazing. And it turns out, of course, this goes deeper, right? We have two systems of registration in our brain. Like our brain actually has two speeds that it works out. Daniel Kahneman talks about this in his book, Thinking Fast and Slow. Excellent book, but I only read about half of it. Because a lot of it’s dry and boring and repetitive, but kind of instilled the genius in the book is great. Your lizard brain senses motion with no detail or very little detail. And until I found out about the lizard brain and it was Dr. Ramachandran, who’s a famous, I think he’s a neuro-scientist, or whatever, neurosurgeon, in fact, if I remember correctly, he moved from Boston over to the left coast, unfortunately. Oh, well. But he was pointing out, yeah, you know, you react to motion in much less time than it takes you to recognize objects. In other words, the objective world is less important to your visual vision. And your mental processing systems, then motion. Motion is more important because motion keeps you alive. Right? It’s that negative signal of motion. Motion. Right? And we know this, right? If somebody flicks their hand at you, you instinctively move. Even on screen, not all the time, but you have a response. If you pay attention, you’ll see that response. And that’s important to know. Because you don’t know anything about your perception. Did you know that? I don’t even think of it that often. And I know about it. How do I know it? Well, I know about it sort of privately. I know about it in a way that I don’t know about it in person. I know about it in person. I know about it in person. I know about it in person. How do I know it? Well, I know about it sort of propositionally at the end of the day. But it’s kind of a mystery how we see. This is part of the problem, right? Papers about theories about how the world works or how vision works or how we can see. Oh, yeah, look, if you’re a neuroscientist or a neurosurgeon, rather, the way we see is wrapped up in our nerves and nerve signals and connection to the brain. But maybe if you’re an ophthalmologist, the way we see is completely different. These papers about theories are contrast. But they’re not exemplification. I can write down anything and make it sound good theoretically, like physically for real. Like it’s a talent that I have. It’s not that hard for me. Maybe impossible for lots of people, but it’s not difficult for me. That doesn’t mean it works. Doesn’t mean it can be exemplified, participated with, acted out in the world. That’s not what that means. And again, contrast is useful. Papers about theories are useful. When you philosophize, philosophizing can be useful. Instead of acting, if you don’t act out the things you’re philosophizing about, the things you’re chatting about, pondering, when you don’t act it out, when you just imagine it, without linking it to things that you do, that’s a problem. You have to act it out. You have to exemplify it. It’s the line between fantasy and action, is exemplification. It’s something out in the world beyond yourself that’s not just in your head. And our first bit of contrast of the way we see the world is the difference between fantasy, which is entirely in your head. We did a live stream on that. It’s lovely. To reality, which is the stuff outside of you. One small part of my definition of reality is that it’s that which objects to your subjective, subjective, subjective, subjective, subjective, objects to your subjective experience. Now, is everything that objects to your subjective experience reality? Maybe not, maybe. There is a reality to it. It’s outside of you. When your predictions don’t come true, reality is telling you your predictions are wrong. That’s what’s happening. It’s not hard. We don’t like it. We don’t want that to be the case. But that’s what’s happening. Not a super huge big deal. I’m just saying. That’s what’s going on. And how do we know reality? It’s outside of us. It’s the thing that others can help us validate. They can help us verify. Did you see that? It exists independent of our mind, of our imagination, of the imaginal world inside our head. It’s outside of the fantasy. And you may ask, how do we find the edges of reality? However you want to define reality. Where is the edge? And the reason why we need to know the edge or we’d like to know the edge of reality is because it tells us how to interface with reality. How do we interface with potential? To make it manifest. Manifest potential is what becomes reality. There’s an easy model. It doesn’t solve any problems. It just gives you an easy model for understanding a very complex world that you can’t understand. And the answer is your imaginal. Your fantasy world. That is how you find the edges, the interface of you with potential to manifest reality. Your imaginal is the realm of exploring possibility. Potential. Having a hope of what might become. What may manifest in the future. It’s possible that even I can draw an eye. Or a Roman soldier. Because I’m always thinking of Rome. That’s how you know I’m male. If you’re not always thinking of Rome, you might not be a guy. Just saying. And this is important knowing what might become. Where we could go. And what we need to give up to get there. What would we have and what would we not have? The idea that we can have everything we have now and change is ridiculous. It’s absurd. It’s insane. You’re a crazy person. You don’t even want to be the person you are now. Otherwise you’d be depressed. You’d have no aspirations. You’d fall into dialism. And that’s why we need the imagination. We need the imaginal realm. But the danger is when we spend too much time there. Or we go too deeply into it. You can engage in detail in reality. You can engage in detail in your imaginal realm. In imagination. But if you do that, you’re spending cognition and time, energy and attention on those things. And that can be very unhealthy. Because we lose the ability to look outside of ourselves. To mimic the things we see in the world. And to exemplify. And you might be asking, well, what is this exemplification? Exemplification is what you aim for. What you’re trying to enact or act out in the world. It’s the thing you keep your eyes on when you act. And your eyes work in your imaginal as well as to help you see the material world. And it’s not necessarily manifest yet. It is an attempt to act these things out. To mimic. To aim for. It’s an imitation of a set of virtues and values. Or vices and values. And therein lies the problem. It is the result of the actions that you perform that people see. The actions that other people see are things that are exemplified for you. The actions that you do are exemplifications for others. There’s a deep asymmetrical relationship there that you have to kind of pay attention to. And hopefully you’re getting that asymmetrical theme, right? Like the way you see the world is not the way the world sees you. It often happens in reverse. Kind of happens. It happens in reverse. Kind of has to. Nobody sees your discernment and your judgment first. They see your action. They infer your judgment and your discernment. Often incorrectly because they don’t have access to those things directly. They have direct access to your action because it’s outside of you. Your experience is discernment, judgment, action. Whether you realize it or not, by the way. It’s the same with exemplification. You, by acting in the world, become an exemplar. Jordan Peterson talks about this. Maybe everything you do matters. Yeah, maybe. Because when you do things, not just imagine them in your head, which is low risk and also a waste of your time, energy and attention. No one sees it. It doesn’t have an impact on the world. It’s also very safe. Can’t ruin the world by imagining things. But when you do do things, or maybe when you aren’t doing things because you’re locked in your head, you’re exemplifying something. And the exemplification is the result of the actions that you perform that people see, that exist outside of you. And the exemplification is the actions you see other people do. And the change is a matter of perspective. When you’re mimicking somebody, they’re your exemplar for that thing, whatever it is. You have to exemplify. They’re not exemplifying everything for you, right? Hopefully you’re taking a mix. You’re not just paying attention to one person and doing everything they do. That’s insane and probably impossible. And hopefully you are doing some imaginal work. It doesn’t do me any good to imagine being Michael Jordan. I’m not going to be a fantastic basketball star. I’m just not tall enough or athletic enough. Before I was sick, I was fairly athletic, but also lazy, so I didn’t train for anything except karate. And my exemplars were Bruce Lee, at least for that. And that’s important. It’s important to know who your exemplars are. What is it that you’re following? Because you’re following patterns, whether you realize it or not, the world’s way, way, you only see a small part. The world’s way bigger than you are. You’re going to have shortcuts, man. Otherwise, you’d overload your brain. And we do have shortcuts. This is when John Breveke talks about participatory knowledge. Where does that come from? It comes from exemplification, from the mimicry circus. That’s where it comes from. And look, can you follow an example or an outline or can you try to mimic something that’s merely propositional? Sure, sure. But that isn’t actually exemplification. You aren’t actually mimicking. You’re trying to copy, to simulate, to get the fruit of your work. You’re trying to copy, to simulate, to get the fruits of the thing that you heard or read about. And this is an imperfect attempt at best at mimicry. And I’m not saying that isn’t necessarily good or that you shouldn’t just keep trying something until you get the hang of it. Those are certainly options. But take a look at most people who try to follow instructions, written instructions on how to do something. And take a listen to how most people talk about how they learn best. I’ve met precious few people, if anyone, whoever said, I learn best by reading the instructions. That’s not to say don’t read the instructions. I read the instructions. It’s very helpful. It puts me way ahead of everybody else. It’s a jump in the right direction. But, but if somebody does something on a keyboard in front of me, that’s amazing. Like most of my best computer learning, in fact, all of my best computer learning was at the GNU Labs watching these guys pound away at the keyboard. One day I realized a lot of people don’t know this, but when you’re when you’re using a Unix operating system, Linux will do. But in the early days of Unix even, the tab key does this thing called completion. So you type the first two letters of the command. And if that’s unique enough, you hit tab and fills it in. And I was watching these guys and they all type pretty fast because they’re on the computer all day long and had these beautiful $30,000 workstations to play with. And, you know, they could they could type pretty quick. I could type almost as fast as they could. Every once in a while they’d hit tab. I wouldn’t see it because they’re typing pretty quick anyway. You know, I’m not watching the keyboard. I’m watching what’s on the screen. The screen would jump. I’m like, I don’t know what that is until I figured out, well, they’re hitting the tab key. Why does that work? Oh, and now you say I teach people tab completion all the time. Now they’re like, wow. I’m like, yeah, now you won’t mistype things as often. Forget about the speed. Like, you’re just going to make fewer typos. Say if you’re running Unix machine and you’re on the command line, just hit tab, do tab completion. Very handy stuff. Hit tab twice. It’ll show you all the options. I didn’t learn that from a book. I’m not saying it wasn’t in the book. I’m not saying it wasn’t in the manual. I’m not saying I didn’t read about it. Sure, I read about it. That’s not how I learned it. Knowing about it after I’ve learned it, knowing the propositional end of how it works, why it works, what it does, all the features it has, that’s fantastic on the propositional side. And that’s good for teaching your brain, oh, here’s a feature, but here’s all the things, all the ways you can use the feature propositionally, because that trains your imagination to spread out and explore. Proposition is very handy. Very handy things. They’re not the first thing and they’re not the thing you should be relying on. And it’s that relying on part that everybody gets wrong in the materialist world of today. Propositions are a simulation. They’re not mimicry. They’re a copy. And copies degrade. Propositions degrade. That’s what they do. They don’t have a choice. It’s not up to them. It’s just a function of proposition. You fit something into a proposition, you’ve degraded it. It’s not a bad thing. It’s good to keep in mind. We learn by doing. We learn by watching. There are things you have seen that you are acting out that you have no idea about. This is why the whole joke about becoming your parents resonates. Because we do. You’ve seen it. Or you might have seen the opposite where people refuse to do anything like their parents. But that’s still a mimicry. You’re mimicking in reverse. You’re saying, I’m going to avoid all these things. I’ve got this pattern. I’ve got this exemplification. I’m just going to never do any of that. You’re still bound by it. You’re still submitting yourself to it, whether you realize it or not. You didn’t have much choice. And you don’t. That’s too bad. Join the club with everybody else. You’re not special. And look, just trying something until you get the hang of it, this fake it till you make it, is important. And can you do that with pure propositions? Maybe. And maybe that’s good enough. I don’t know. But maybe not. And doing something, on average, is better than doing nothing. Right? But you also don’t want to get stuck just trying to mimic everything you see or just trying to learn through mimicry. It’s only certain circumstances we’re doing nothing. Is the wrong answer. And sometimes doing nothing is the right answer. Sitting quietly, contemplating before you act. Very useful. And hopefully you can see that the problem is that all exemplification is not good. We need to know which virtues and values we’re following with these exemplars. What are they examples of? What are they exemplifying to us? You need the contrast of the vices to know the virtues. You need the contrast between the values to figure out which values to use when to get to the virtues. That’s what they’re for. And again, these aren’t answers. I’m not here to give you answers. What we mimic matters. A lot. And what is this mimicry? It’s what we look up to. It’s our exemplar. And remember, the contrast only allows us to see things. Hopefully, proper virtues and values. Proper exemplars. And it’s seeing the results of our actions instead of just assuming that things went the way we thought in our head. And of course, we’re not just seeing the results of our actions. And I’ve talked about this before. I’ve had many conversations with people. Where they were like, well, I thought that went pretty well. And I was like, that conversation was a disaster. You didn’t hear a word that I said. And they’re shocked. Shocked. They thought we had a rapport and understanding. They weren’t looking. They didn’t have eyes to see. And that’s why we need to look at our past events. We need to look back. This is why journaling is useful. Oh, I thought this was going to happen. And then here I am a year later and none of that happened. Huh. That’s good to know. Because how else are you supposed to adjust your imagination? Your imaginal world? How are you supposed to know the difference between fantasy and reality? If you’re not every once in a while going back and saying, you know, I’m going to go back and look at the past events. And you’re not every once in a while going back and saying, here was my fantasy and here’s what actually happened. Yeah, it doesn’t do you that much good going forward in that moment. But hopefully you learn to adjust. That’s how you find the edges of fantasy and reality. Right. And then you go, ah, OK. Right. And hopefully other people will tell you, no, no, no, you did this wrong. No, no, no. I said X, Y and Z. And you did the exact opposite. Sally Jo. Not that that ever happens. It’s good to hear that. And can you hear it? Do you have ears to hear? Because most people, when I do that, they don’t have any idea. I had a conversation the other day with somebody. They were clearly not understanding what I was saying. They were insistent that the formula I was using was wrong. And I said, what definition of this word are you using? They didn’t have one. They could not define it. I’m like, all right, well, I get it. But if you can’t define the word, why do you think these two words are in wrong relationship with one another? If you don’t have a definition for at least one of them. Couldn’t answer the question. Couldn’t see that he couldn’t answer the question. Stunning. There are a lot of people like that. You’re probably like that, at least about some things. That’s good to know. You got some work ahead of you. Muppet. And in some ways, we’re always looking up to something. Not just kind of out in the world doing independent things. You can’t do that. It’s not the world we live in. And again, this is not some perfect solution to a set of problems. Exemplification of a single success can spawn a ton of failures. Oh, I know what Elon Musk did. I’m going to do what he did. Really? You can see what Elon Musk did. Clearly. The number of people who are going to be successful in the world. The number of people, especially young people, I say, oh, maybe you’re smarter than Elon Musk. That’s fine. Do you sleep under your desk at work? And they’re like, well, no. I’m like, well, why do you expect to be anywhere near as successful as he is if you can’t do that part? You can just leave out the parts they don’t like. Like, oh, he’s just smart. Really? He doesn’t even say that. You think he says that. You think he says that. You think he says that. That’s what you see. I don’t know what happened. That’s in your imagination. And people can try to exemplify, say, what they think some president did or how somebody got famous or, you know, oh, yeah, I know what he did. He did this and that. It’s like, really? You’re only seeing a small part of it. You’re not seeing it from their perspective because you’re not them. You’re not seeing it from their perspective because you’re not them. You’re not seeing it from their perspective because you’re not them. And I have videos on this, right? Talk about Elon Musk and money and some of the Jordan Peterson stuff. And there’s some there there. And look, exemplification is the end result of a process of an emergence or an emanation. A generative process. A generation of something. And the key here is generation. What am I generating? What will people see? We rarely ever think about what our actions look like to others. And the problem is our actions are not necessarily the only ones. We’re often thinking about what our actions look like to others. And the problem is our actions are not necessarily the only ones. And the problem is our actions don’t look the same to say a man and a woman. They’re not the same, by the way. Just in case. I mean, if you think they are, click off. Don’t watch my channel, please. Really. Just… What about a three-year-old and a 30-year-old and a 60-year-old? They’re not going to see your actions the same way. What about somebody who knows you and somebody who doesn’t? What if you’re really sarcastic? The person who doesn’t know that you’re really sarcastic may not see it that way. They may think you’re being mean. What if you’re just always happy and joking around, and then they don’t see that you take things seriously? Did you consider that? You know what you mean and how you felt and how you expect things to be interpreted. But not everybody else does. And some of the people watching you, and you never know which, will mimic what they see. Not what you do. They cannot see all of what you do. Right? But they’ll mimic what they see you do. And you do that too. You see Elon Musk as this really smart person who gets money and makes money by being brilliant. And rolling up his sleeves and diving in. He writes about some of his stuff. And that ain’t it. Read one of Warren Buffett’s letters a while back. He basically said, yeah, I got into this stupid fight with the owner of Berkshire Hathaway, which was a textile company, by the way. And over something like a one or three cent difference in stock price. And so he got pissed off and launched a fight against the owner and took over the company. That’s why it’s called Berkshire Hathaway. And he said in the letter, I should have taken the loss and invested it all in Geico, which was, I believe, his other purchase, instead, because I would have made more money. So if you looked at Warren Buffett and said, oh, he took over this company and he did it out of spite, that was a bad idea. Now it worked out for him anyway. I don’t know how or why. He never kind of explains where he got the money to buy all the stock, to have enough stock to take over Berkshire Hathaway, by the way. But we’ll leave that out of the story because he does. You didn’t see him. You didn’t see his infancy. You didn’t see his infancy. You don’t understand what he does. That’s your view of those people. And people have that broken view of you. And your actions in the world, those are things outside of yourself, actions don’t happen in your head. Meditation is not an action. We talked about that. Your actions provide contrast with other people’s view of you and with your past you because you’re not the same. And with yourself, with your imagination and with other people. And with your past you because you’re not the same. And with yourself, with your imagination and with other people. And with the world, with nature, with what’s around you. Right? And this contrast with your imagination is good contrast. That’s how journaling works. And this contrast with the world around you. Now you may have noticed I did the three frames. If you haven’t seen the video on the three frames, on navigating patterns, you should watch it. You with yourself, you with nature, and you with others. And consider all three of those frames before you act. And after you’ve acted, how did that affect those three things? How did that affect what people saw? How many times has somebody done something absolutely horrible, like legitimately, like uncalled for, and then somebody else walks into the room and you’re yelling at them. And they’re like, whoa, what’s going on, man? Well, they don’t have the context, right? They don’t have the history. They don’t know. They think you’re being mean. And maybe you are. Maybe this perceived slight was a perceived slight and not a real one. Maybe you misinterpreted what they said. That happens too. Happens on both sides. We only consider one side. Consider all this when you act, when you generate, when you mimic, and when you become the exemplar. Because you’re the exemplar. People see you. You see what I did there? You’re exemplifying, and you’re becoming the exemplar. You’re mimicking, and you’re also an exemplar. It’s all the same. You’re mimicking, and you’re also an exemplar. You’re mimicking, and you’re also an exemplar. You’re mimicking, and you’re also an exemplar. It’s unavoidable. It’s not optional. It’s not like, oh, I don’t want people to copy that. Well, it’s too bad. And they’re not going to copy it perfectly anyway. They’re going to copy what they think of it. And that means that the thing that you have to consider the most is the following. When you act, you’re mimicking, and you’re also an exemplar. When you act, people see that. If people don’t see you acting, they see the result of it. And that is the most important thing to consider. It’s all three frames. Before you act, when you act, and after you have acted. Your actions, or lack thereof, have an impact. Somebody’s excited to see you, and you ask how your day is, and you don’t take the action of responding to them. That’s a powerful signal. Not a recommended one. If you don’t answer their question, but you say something else, which happens to me all the time, I ask people a question, and they talk about something else entirely, and then I’m lost. It’s an important signal. They’re not paying attention to you. And maybe you have to adjust to that. Like, you’re not going to make them, right? Oh, they’re lost. They’re off somewhere else. They’re not here with me. I better go there with them, or meet them halfway, or something. And it’s not one answer. It’s not always meet them halfway. It’s not always stand your ground, and it’s not always go where they are. That sucks. Not here to give you answers. I’m here to point out where the real problems are, and give you very simple models for understanding how to deal with them. So that you can put your cognitive effort in the right place. Waiting for the government to fix your relationship with your significant other is not a good strategy in life. And people are doing that. Paying attention to the government and what they’re doing, rather than your significant other. Also, not a good strategy in life. And paying attention to the three frames before an action, during an action, and after an action. Not saying it’s easy. Not saying you can just do that. That’s what you have to try to do. That’s how you contrast. That’s how you get to enact your thoughts properly with respect to reality. By observing your prediction. By observing how you’re implementing it in the moment. By observing the outcome. Then you can adjust them. Isn’t it perfect? Your observations are not perfect. But it’s a step in the right direction. It’s important. It’s better than not doing that. So to wrap this up. First step in changing. In becoming better. Better. And remember, the perfect is the enemy of the better. And it crushes confidence. But that first step is to realize knowledge isn’t something you have. Or even if you could have it, it wouldn’t be enough. You can’t have enough knowledge. It’s not possible. We need to know that we don’t know enough. That we cannot know enough. So we shouldn’t pursue that as a solution. But also that we don’t need to. Bad news, you can’t know enough. Good news, you don’t need to. Hey, burden lifted. And that, my friends, is the process of getting eyes to see. Don’t know yourself. None of this know thyself. Observe yourself and keep doing that. Because the world’s changing. Nature’s changing. Right? People around you are changing. And you’re changing. And realize what a mess you’re in. You’re in a mess. And realize what a mess you are. Because you’re a Muppet. I’m a Muppet. We’re all Muppets. Cut all the Muppets a little slack. Including yourself. And perhaps that’ll make you more humble. And that will open the space for you to be better. Better to yourself. Better to nature. And better to others. And there’s nothing better than some San Pell after that. Hopefully my rather last-minute-y little rant here was helpful. I like Anselm in here. Distance stationary objects can appear to be moving. Your eye is moving. The distant objects move more in relation to the movement of your eye. So yeah, you can actually sense that motion. Because there’s a difference in motion between your near field and your far field, technically speaking. Just saying. I like this, Deli. Yeah, motion, emotion, notion. Indeed. Indeed. That’s a nice set of observations there for sure. Anselm. We can’t emote. We can’t emote. We can’t emote. Anselm. We can’t emote. But we can’t moat. But we can have a moat in our eye. Yes. That’s quite good. The imagination can guess what one is seeing if it is distant or unclear. Or this is just my myopia talking. No, I mean the imagination will feel things. The tricky part of imagination is it feels things. Right? If things aren’t there, it will put things there. Because some prediction is better than no prediction. Because no prediction means you need to stay away from it. It’s dangerous. Now sometimes prediction makes it more dangerous than it actually is. Sometimes prediction makes it the other way around. Like, and that’s it. Like, you want answers? Go somewhere else. That’s the problem. Like, your imagination can be very, very useful. But it’s not some magic bullet. Our imagination creates forms out of random patterns. Right? Because, yeah, we have to see faces in trees or clouds or shapes in the flames. Yeah. Because again, we have to fill it in. Because we have to assess the risk. Because we have to survive. It’s really… The evolutionists are so close and they’re so stupid at the same time. It just drives me completely nuts. Read The Red Queen by Matt Ridley. Oh, that taught me so much. If I draw an eye, is that a self-portrait? Yes, it is. Oh, eye. Yes. Well, both forms. Both forms. We can imagine things to work towards as long as we don’t get too fantastic or daydream only instead of action. Well, yeah, that’s the depth. And the time spent. And the time spent. And, yeah, to some extent, you want to spend less time thinking and more time acting. Because the complexity of reality or what becomes reality, the complexity of the process of manifestation, probably the best way to say it, means that all the imagination in the world doesn’t make up for actually doing things. But you also can’t go in blind. Right? You also can’t start implementing blind because there’s too much danger. Does the world see me like I am in my passport photo or? Yes, we do. Yes, we do. Ants. When I did develop a singing style after favorite singer, yeah, people often do or drawing style after a favorite favorite drawer or a writing style. Right. You know, I don’t know if you know that Stephen King actually is an H.P. Lovecraft fan, which is the only reason I don’t utterly hate him. Although I can’t read his books. God, they’re too long. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. I mean, when he talks about writing, it’s brilliant. I’ve seen a couple of his talks. They’re amazing. Benjamin Frank, there’s an African tribe that thinks a camera steal your soul. Almost all native Americans think that. And so then just discussed with my sister yesterday that wish I had kept better diaries. Yeah, don’t we all? And some of this little corners often lazy about definition of terms used. OK, that’s why they’re a corner. And as John Verbeke talks about corners are very long. And so I think that’s why they’re a corner. And I think that’s why they’re a corner. And I think that’s why they’re a corner. And I think that’s why they’re a corner. And I think that’s why they’re a corner. And as John Verbeke talks about corners are very limiting. You want to be able to leap into the sky. He said that in his talk with Theo Von, by the way, which is a good talk in many ways. Although, my goodness, what a mess that man is. We don’t I don’t exist in this little corner. OK, I mean, the Peterson sphere. I know they would object to being told they were in the Peterson sphere, but actually they kind of are. And yes, they are lazy. They are imprecise in their speech. And they shouldn’t do that. They should learn from Peterson. And so I have to explain my jokes and puns. Sometimes I have to, too. I do occasionally forget that talking about hookers and beer is not funny unless you know me, like that I don’t drink and things like that. It’s a lot funnier when you know that, right? Sometimes it works anyway. Hanselman, I admit to the fault of assuming too much that people know more than they do what’s in my mind when I am talking. Never presume understanding. Yeah, well, we all make that mistake. That’s for sure. Father Eric, welcome, sir. Is the Peterson sphere related to the Peterson sphere? Father Eric, welcome, sir. Is the Peterson sphere related to the Katamari Damacy? I don’t know what the Katamari Damacy is, so it might be. I doubt it. It’s more related to the fact that you’re not trapped in a corner somewhere. That is not what you are. That’s what it’s related to. I don’t want to be in a corner. That sounds terrible. That’s closer. No need to look it up. All right. Well, then I won’t look it up. So what else we got for questions or concerns while I sip some bear claw tea from Table Rock Tea Company here? Oh, yeah, I definitely needed that. Yeah, the Peterson sphere is related to the influence of Peterson on all these people who otherwise would not even know about each other or have gotten together. You’ll also notice that TLC seems to be comprised specifically of one set of people and other sets of people they claim to be associated with do not consider themselves part of their little group, which is an interesting random observation that I have. You can take that any way you want, but that’s sort of the reality of the situation. Too bad for them, I guess, if they want to be a bigger group than they actually are. And they can’t see it. All right. They don’t have eyes to see, which is ironic. But that’s the danger of being caught up in that is not, in fact, having eyes to see. And I think that’s important. It’s important to know that you are following an exemplar and you are also someone’s exemplar and maybe many people’s exemplar in what you do and that their vision of what it is you’re doing is imperfect. Just as your vision of what your exemplars are doing is imperfect. And that sucks. It’s a terrible message. But that’s my message. So you have to deal with it. I don’t have a way around that. Just the way things actually turn out to be. So we’re not going to wait for Jesse. Want to join in, please feel free. I’m going to pin that eventually. Whenever. Whenever the bug of Google goes away. I gotta figure out a way to fix that bug. That is definitely a bug. How anybody could be so stupid as to manifest such an obvious error in thought is completely beyond me. But yeah, I know I made references to a bunch of navigating patterns videos, but maybe I’ll go back and add cards to this video once it’s finished. I doubt it. I haven’t so far. I’ve gone back on a couple of my videos and like added tags and all that. But I think three should do that more with my live stream. We’ll get the AI going and then we’ll get them on all the live streams. It’ll do all the work for me. I want to do any work. Monetizing my. AI with live stream action. But yeah, feel free to jump in and ask any questions or talk about whatever you want, because it’s an exhausting subject really. There’s a lot there. I’m tying in a lot of concepts. I just felt like, you know, that’s been reasonably successful. We’ll see if if we get feedback on this, how how successful this one was tying things together is hard. I know it’s one of Peterson sort of strategies, right? Is he if you watch maps of meaning, you’ll watch every once in a while he goes up on this branch and he goes, how did I get here? I mean, he actually says it in the video is like, well, where was I? And then he figures it out and goes back. It’s it’s really kind of amazing. There we go. Now I get to pin the link on navigating patterns. Just Googling Katamari Damacy. What are you finding out, Anselman? Are you are you are you discovering the secrets of the Katamari Damacy? Whatever whatever that may refer to. I can’t even imagine what such a silly, a silly set of words actually refers to because it’s just one of those things. It’s like, what? What is it embodying? What is it exemplifying? Anselman clearing things right up for us. Weird game. Yeah, that cleared it right up. Thanks. Thanks, Anselman. Very helpful. You’ve managed to make it worse. That was genius. It sounded like a fun game. Then I watched some game play. I was like, holy mackerel, that’s odd. A lot of things end up being like that. You kind of think that you can. Oh, you just play any game you want. No, most games don’t work. Most conceptions of most games don’t work. One of the things I’m actually known for amongst my cousins is being able to make up games for them to play on the fly, because all my cousins pretty much are younger than me. And so I babysat some of them at some point and we used to make up games. Yeah, you know, some of them were the typical lava floor game or whatever. We had a shark game. You know, we had various games. But I’d just make up games on the fly. Not everybody can do that. I almost built some board games. In fact, I have a design somewhere for a board game. My uncle and I worked out. It looked pretty cool. Sort of like an advanced version of Monopoly. Because we really like Monopoly and Easy Money. If you’ve never played Easy Money, Easy Money is the best game ever. It’s better than Monopoly. Yeah, this game was like Monopoly, only it afforded more strategies because we had two other features in the game. Like a fast track and a neutral track. And I thought that would have been fun. Maybe someday I’ll build that game. There’s ways to build board games now where you just kind of plug things in and they do all the magic math and whatnot. Take some of the fun out of it. But also I could get that game built. We built it. We’ve gone down from Lowell to New Jersey for my aunt’s party. Surprise birthday party. And we were laying low in New Jersey the day before the party. So we didn’t get spotted. And then we came up with this board game. Like, yeah, let’s work on a board game. We’ll just see if we can get this built. So maybe, maybe we’ll get it done someday. Paintball for Jesus. Yeah, well, it’s a nice theory. But yeah. We did paintball for Jesus and Grim didn’t like it. It’s only paintball for Jesus if he does it, I guess. If other people do it and he’s not there, then I guess it’s something else. And then his description doesn’t match any of that. So there’s that. Everyone’s got their pet solution that worked for them that they think will work for everybody else. You’ll see that pattern a lot. This is what saved me from whatever it saved them from. And then we just need more of this. It’s like, really? Oh, meditation saved me. Even if they’re correct, it doesn’t mean anybody else can do it. And by the way, no one’s commented on my eye. So I have no idea if it’s any good. Just saying. You know, where’s the love? Where’s the love? Is the eye good? Is the eye terrible? What’s going on? I mean, trying to draw stuff for you guys and no appreciation. The drawing struggle is real. How’s that? Did that sound convincing? Oh, goodness. There’s not enough tea in the world to help me through this stream. Hanselman, I think I see a medical condition. Ha ha ha ha. Wrong. What’s wrong with your eye? There we go. What’s wrong with yours? Oh, in the background. Yes, in the background. Are you not listening to the monologue? Did you not sort of see me point out the eye that I drew? I’m not listening to the monologue. I’m listening to the monologue. I’m listening to the monologue. I’m trying to get better at drawing for y’all. Last week, this is a big deal this week. No one even talks about it. I guess we’re done. We’re done now or whatever. You’re bored now. You drew something once. We have no need for you anymore. There’s Jesse. All right. Good evening. Hello, good morning. Greetings and salivations. It’s definitely evening here. Oh, I lost my face. here. Oh I lost my favorite line. I had a line. I had a line to start the show and I forgot it. Was it the same black cat? Did you see the same cat? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Was it the same cat? Was it the same cat? Or I can only show you the door. It’s you that must walk through it. Yeah. Okay. Now you’re gonna regret that. What did they do? That is literally a framing trick. The thing that defines the door is the frame. Oh dude, we’ve so gotta do the Matrix video. We so have to do it. It’s so postmodern. It’s so like, yeah, we could talk about exemplification. You can exemplify all of the problems of today in that one freaking movie and just show the destruction of society from one film. And I mean it helps to use two and three. But you don’t need those references. But they provide contrast. Ha ha ha ha. And I still insist on my format that there’s a lot more philosophy in the first movie, but it gets deeper in the second movie and deeper still. So there’s fewer philosophical questions, but they’re deeper questions as the movies go on. Yeah, well you can’t. Your initial premise has to be good enough, right? But even if you’re writing an essay, you have to expand on the premise with filler essentially, because the more points you compact into an article or an essay, the fewer are going to be understood. So that’s why the films kind of space out as they go along and become more and more action scenes really essentially, rather than stories. Well, there’s lots of reasons they become action scenes. I mean, the invention of bullet time is seen as this great new film. And it is. Like, I’m not denigrating it. It’s not, though. It’s not. You go watch John Woo in the 90s, go watch The Killer. It’s already there. It’s just the American slowdown. The technical method of doing the cameras and changing the angle and slowing down was a bit of an innovation. And yeah, at that point, people will because again, people look at like you could do the whole thing, but my whole monologue can be exemplified in that movie, right? Because people look at the movie, what made The Matrix good? And nobody actually mentions that the story really, especially the first one, the story really holds together. Still holds together. Because if that doesn’t happen, bullet time isn’t as important. And nobody understands that. Yes. The special effects mean very, very little with a bad story. And you can prove that. Because you can see it in movies with brilliant special effects that are completely new. And nobody, a critical drinker didn’t think, man, I want to steal it. He did a thing in his Why Movies Suck, his latest Why Modern Movies Suck series. And he was talking about Avatar 2. And he put up this picture of like this drooling idiot, you know, terrible drawing, right? One of the terrible, terrible meme drawings. And that’s why nobody remembers anything about the movie. And I was like, yeah, and everybody loves it. I’m like, yeah, yeah. And with The Matrix, the problem is everyone’s acting out characters from The Matrix. Because there are archetypes there. I would argue none of them are positive archetypes, like actually zero. But we’ll get to that in our review. But the thing is, they’re acting them out without realizing it. They have no idea. You’re just following Cipher from The Matrix. And you don’t even know that. You’re just trying to follow Neo from The Matrix. And you don’t even know that. You’re just following Trinity. And you don’t even know. You have no idea. It’s funny. So my buddy Jefferson, who won’t get upset because he’s way too easy going, he was talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And finally, like, all right, I’ll go back. I’ll watch some Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Everybody’s always talked about it. I ignored it. And it was a cultural phenomenon. And I knew it. I was just like, whatever, I’m not watching this. The movie was great, by the way. I loved it. I saw the movie in theaters. The movie was freaking fantastic. The series, I was just like, eh, I mean, other than Sarah Michelle Geller. And I’ve seen some episodes. I haven’t seen the film. Maybe I’ll track down the film. The film is genius. The film’s hysterically funny. It’s quite… I prefer Underworld. If I want to get into vampires and slang and everything, I’d rather watch… No, Underworld’s the same problem. But aside from the scale of 1 to 10, 15 women that are in the series, he was like, oh, yeah, it has the girl boss thing. But not really because twice in the first season, they say, well, remember, you’re just a girl and they’ll always be stronger and faster than you. But that’s almost never played out in the series. Not that she never gets rescued, but she never gets rescued in the right way. And she almost always single-handedly beats them. And so they’re saying one thing, and he’s using that to say, no, no, no, no, they weren’t like that. It’s like, no, no, no, that was the first example that I can find. I might be wrong about that because, again, I don’t watch a lot of media, but that’s the first popular example that I can find of women just being men and exhibiting masculine power such as the postmodern non-definition is. Yeah, it’s a certain type of cognitive dissonance. There’s a lot of arguments to say that Hollywood or the cultural machine that became after the 70s was a cultural engineering project to change the way in which we look up to the stars. It used to be, I want to be like James Bond or Humphrey Bogart, and they would be examples of a character or people who have character. And then there’s the slow change to essentially superhero culture. And you wouldn’t see that in the 70s, but you can see that there’s a slow decoupling from examples or explications of people that have certain moral standards or certain ideals in mind. That’s where I wanted to go to is what happened. What happened where because you either have to have strong ideals or strong characters or examples to replicate. One of my famous lines is you reflect that which you face towards. So if you don’t have a strong example or a strong character or a strong father figure, a strong mother figure, you will not just mimic, but you won’t develop the best attributes of that thing that you’re looking up to. You could say that same thing about the decoupling of the churches in the Vatican II and all that stuff, Charles. Yeah, we changed what was the example or what should be the ideal. Well, and to be fair, it’s part of this positivity movement that’s much older than people think. So I put it in actually, Van der Kley saw it once, which was interesting. The penultimate example is B.F. Skinner. No, B.F. Skinner’s work, most of it is very, very good. But the one thing he did wrong that was already wrong, that had already been, this is like we don’t understand how far back the positivism goes, where it’s like positivism and this equality doctrine where I’m equal to you and the only reason why I have a different status is because I was born into money or born in a certain place or born at a certain time, whatever it is, doesn’t matter. These arguments are always made, right? That attitude that you can just change people’s behavior by changing their environment, and this is John Vervecky, Age and Arena Relationship, the problem is that doesn’t work. And we know this because we’ve tried this. Famous examples are Boston, Massachusetts. They put all the poor people in the nicest parts of the city and to this day, those places are completely ruined. Not all of them. Some of them are coming back through gentrification, which everybody hates, right? Except the people doing the gentrifying, they love it because they get the beautiful areas of the city back. But those neighborhoods are ruined for decades. And by decades, I mean like 10 in some cases, in some cases a little more. In the late 1800s, they started moving people in there deliberately. They didn’t become better people. The crime came to the area. And then you had these beautiful parks just south of Boston, the area south of Boston is gorgeous. You have these beautiful parks south of Boston where they dump dead bodies because they killed somebody and that’s where you dump the bodies in the big park with lots of woods that’s near the city. So you don’t have to drive an hour and risk getting caught. You can just drive 20 minutes and dump the body in the woods where nobody’s going to find it. And that, I mean, that’s real like that. Or people getting buried on the beach. Try it. You put the, what is it? Is it the Bay? I think it’s called Bay Colony, which is one of the oldest housing projects, at least in the United States. Bay colonies where Whitey Bulger came out of. That guy killed a bunch of people. He was not a good, and the guys before him, and also the Senate president in Massachusetts, who was actually the best Senate president Massachusetts ever had, even though I didn’t like him at the time because I was a retard. Pick the corrupt Irishman. He’ll get the work done and only take 10%. These other guys, they’ll take 35% and never get your roads fixed. It’s a bad deal. Go with the corrupt Irishman whose brother is the FBI’s number one most wanted criminal. Yeah, there’s a great movie about that called Black Mass, actually. It’s one of the few movies that Johnny Depp’s has done that is actually good since Edward Zizan’s. All the ones set. Edward Zizan’s is actually a great example of a, you love them all. No, no, all the mob movies set in Boston are actually about Whitey Bulger. And I haven’t seen it. Damn, I got to fix this. There’s a movie that presages Whitey Bulger called The Friends of Eddie Coyle. It’s like a 70s film. It is the story of Whitey Bulger. It’s the story of the guy that did what Whitey Bulger did exactly in exactly the same area, Winter Hill. I used to live one hill over from Winter Hill actually in Somerville before he did it. It’s like, wait, this whole thing happened before with a mob boss being an FBI informant and ratting his own guys out to the FBI. Yes, that happened just before Whitey Bulger took over. And it happened in the same place to the same group, the Irish mob. And it’s like, wait, what? And then you start to find out these patterns playing out. But to get back to your original point about media and what happened, it’s not a deliberate top-down attempt to take over. I think what happened is Disney and the positivity movement done by Disney. And this positivity movement is very, very old. Kellogg did it. Pullman tried it. The industrialists all tried this. They were all idealists. Every single one of these rich guys that you think of as evil, they actually enacted all the utopian idiocy that you like. For real. For real. You have no idea. You read the history of the, quote, robber barons, who were neither robbers nor barons. You wouldn’t believe the stuff they tried and how it went wrong. Lowell in particular, which I know a lot of, the Mill Girls was a good deal in the beginning. It didn’t stay that way. Right? Pullman’s idea of having corporate towns with corporate stores and corporate money systems was a really good idea in the beginning. Right? And when somebody virtuous is running and it works for Walt Disney, same thing. In the beginning, worked out really well. But then over time it becomes corrupt. Well- Rome. It’s a republic for as long as you can keep it. Exactly. Exactly. Well, and it’s when you start to include so many people. Like when you’re trying to save the world instead of saying, no, we’re only going to save the good people. Right? That’s when it all goes wrong. It’s like, look, you can’t save everybody because everyone’s not good. So if you want to preserve goodness, you actually can’t save everybody. So you have to pick one. Save everybody or save goodness. It’s up to you. I don’t care which one you pick. Oh, no, wait. I do care. Save goodness. Stop trying to save the world. Stop trying to save everybody. Everybody is not good. You can’t redeem people. They have to ask for it. And if they don’t ask for it, you try to redeem them, you corrupt them and yourself. Don’t do that. But this positivity movement is all about that cycle of people trying to redeem people and it failing because they think if you just- their lives are miserable. So if you just give them reasons not to be miserable, they’ll be better people. We know that doesn’t work. We’ve tried it. They tried it in Europe all over the damn place. They’re still trying it in Europe. It’s still not working. Right? We tried it in the United States. I can point to examples, left, right, instead of Boston in particular, but it’s been tried all over the place. These things do not work. But the reason I think that the media went bad or we’ll say that the Disney thing took over is because we stopped telling fairy tales, classic fairy tales, and we started telling the Walt Disney version, which is the positivity movement. Oh, it’s all happiness and Red Riding Hood isn’t under any real threat. And the three bears weren’t actually going to eat Goldilocks and whatever. It’s like, no, we’ve lost a negative signal. Yeah, and that’s not good. Yeah, that’s the- you read that in the original or one of the- there’s many different mythologies of the Little Mermaid, but in most of them, it does not work out well for her. Or Hansel and Gretel, where you have to- right. Axe open the chest of the person. Well, and that negative signal is important. Deadly examples, too. Yeah. But the negative signal that people don’t realize is pay attention to evolution. Right? Take evolutionary theory set seriously, because I think it’s real, but it’s a set of theories. It’s not a theory, by the way. It’s also a bunch of hypotheses, a bunch of really bad ideas, and a ton of inferences. Most of what people call evolution theory is just inferences. It’s nothing to do with theory. It’s untestable and untested. Negative signals are way more important than positive signals. Way more important, because negative signals indicate survivability. And even being wrong about a negative signal, on average, is so much more survivable than being right about a positive signal that there’s no challenge. And this is what annoys me. Get a freaking computer and program in evolution. Write it in basic. It’s not that hard. I’ve done it. I’ve done it multiple times. Not that hard. And you can watch. And you can tweak the stupid numbers for positive and negative rewards. And you can set those positive and negative rewards for whatever you want. I’m not giving you a standard to set for positive and negative. It doesn’t matter what standard you set. And you’ll learn real quick why things are the way they are in the world. It’ll unfold in your simulation in seconds. And you’ll be like, oh, well, that didn’t happen the way I thought it would. No, it didn’t. And you’ll figure out, oh, the best thing to do is to give high negative signal sensitivity. You don’t need to give a lot of negative signals. False positives on positive signals are way, way better. Way better. Yeah. You can even appeal to experience. How many times have you failed at something and learned the hard lessons and you know, hey, don’t do that again. You get too close to the fire, you’re going to get burnt is the always classic example. Right. Or you get too adventurous with your fire building or throwing sticks in the fire. You do it at the beach and you don’t realize, hey, the sand around the fire at the beach is just as hot as the fire in the beach. You learn that. I learned that example real hard. I had to go stick my hand in the water for like, I’m there you know, try to lean in to put this log in and then my leaning in arm touched the hot sand near the fire. Yeah. Yeah. And so I had to go stand in the water for like 20 minutes just holding my hand while they were seizing. Everyone’s you’re okay with that? I’m like, yeah. Yeah. Just this. Well, we don’t realize. Yeah, Naseem Taleb talks about this. A lot of the success you see that you try to emulate was accidental one time success. I just got lucky. He wasn’t smart. He didn’t know what he was doing. The things he did, and maybe he reported them accurately and you saw them accurately, they didn’t work. He got lucky. Because luck happens. And we don’t account for luck at all. We tend to think everything’s either positive or negative. That’s such bullshit. It’s hard to imagine that people are still there. And they’re still I see it all the time on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and TikTok. And like I see it everywhere. I see it in the movies, right? Contrast. The Matrix full of it’s either A or B. It’s like, really? That’s the world you’re living in. It’s either A or B. To love or fear. And you just don’t. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, I got to rewatch Johnny Darko. You can’t watch only the directors not only directors cut. Don’t watch the original. Yeah, but you can’t watch that movie enough to understand it. It’s not possible to understand that film. It’s impossible. It’s just a better ride. But it’s a better representation of the ideas that are being suggested in the film. My brilliant friend was like, you have to watch this movie, but you can’t watch it without me because you won’t understand any of it. And you actually made me watch it with him and not alone. Yeah. And I still didn’t understand it. I was like, what? Because he kept stopping it and explaining parts. And I was like, huh? I don’t like really? It was really hard to understand. It is. It is quite a, yeah, it’s quite a symbolic film. And you really only begin to penetrate it to use a bad word or to see the patterns and the symbols and buildings between different topics in that film. Well, it’s super layered. Like it’s three layers of abstraction. And it’s like, I can’t track three layers of abstraction. I can track. I can track two. I can’t track three. Like who can track three? Yeah. Well, the weirdest thing about that film too is all the music programming that’s going on in that film. It’s like it has all these nostalgia references that you’ll if you’re, I guess, not sensitive to a certain pattern, which is what I’m trying to draw out here, you won’t detect it. You won’t be like, hey, a second, they put that song that there with this sequence and like this triggered an emotional effect in me. Right. If you’re just in the first, you know, first time you’re watching it, you won’t realize, hey, you’ve been played there or you’ve been a magic trick has been performed on you. Well, to do it, to do a three layer. Sorry. To do a yeah. To do three levels of abstraction, you need something like nine plus layers. Right. So you’d have to have the music and the pattern and the positioning of the people. Right. And the story. Right. And the resonance of the story all stacked up. Right. Like there’s all these things stacking up. And it really is brilliant. Another, another brilliant film was memento for that. Right. Because it’s you know, on the other hand, it’s he he it’s a trick. Right. Because all he does is film it one way and reverse the film. And I’m like, oh, that’s a brilliant way to to break your frame without having to go through all the trouble of I can’t even imagine how the hell they filmed Johnny Darko. I can’t even imagine like I don’t like because because it’s the actors can’t have actually been all that good at understanding what the hell they were acting out at the time to get that correct. You know what I mean? Like it had to rely heavily on the direction for sure. But memento less so it’s really easy to just read that off correctly. We could get somewhere. The point there is that. Well, yeah, that’s another example. It’s another example of I think that would be the film of my millennial generation is actually Tony Darko. The one really switched on. I’ve seen that film. I reckon I reckon that’s the millennial film. I think the Gen X film is definitely the Matrix without a doubt. I think that yeah, I think the late Gen X is probably somewhere somewhere like Turtle Recall. I think they’ve all sort of watched that was either Turtle Recall or Robocop. But I would argue more Turtle Recall because it has that same abstraction of changing of characters and duality and dichotomy of different messaging. And you can remember the whole idea of her recalls. The planet is a living being ascended. The whole plot of the actual part of the film is the planet itself waking up and becoming conscious. Right. It’s got nothing to do with the character. But people are exemplifying those characters. They’re trying to act them out without even realizing it. They have no idea that that’s actually what they’re doing. Oh, and look at this. I did that. How about this? I can. Fight Club. Fight Club’s tricky because Fight Club is not doing anything, anyone. I’ve never seen a proper analysis. I’ve actually no. Cinema Sci-Up guys have got a pretty good read on Fight Club, which is basically it’s corporate. It’s the anti-corporate corporate agenda. That’s probably. Right. If you want to describe that to the Gen X’s. Yeah. Yeah, I don’t know. Well, they missed the fact that it doesn’t work. Yeah. Like they think the plan works and they don’t realize the plan doesn’t work. Because they don’t get the irony that they’re poking fun at the mentally ill person who’s doing the thing that doesn’t work. They think it works. And then they’re acting out the rebellious character. We can just bring down the credit system by destroying a couple of buildings. Right. Right. But it doesn’t work in the film. It actually doesn’t work. And then they make this association with once the buildings come down, my insanity goes away. And it’s like, it’s just Rousseau. It’s like, no, society was not making you crazy. That was not what was happening. Yeah, it’s again. Yeah. If people don’t watch it with the discernment of what’s what the formal informal distinction, I would say that. Yeah. And yeah, I like that. You have to develop examples. You have to develop ideas and patterns of your own and lay them on top and see your test to see does this work? Does this hold up across many examples across many? Does my example match other examples that I can see in the world or other people can point to? Well, and that’s in Fight Club, right? Yeah. Like that solution only works for exactly one character. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And even then he’s a he’s a he’s really three characters that are broken up and the film actually at one point literally breaks the frame. It’s like it’s telling you what it’s doing. Right. Right. Not by the way, if they tell you what they’re doing, it’s not. And the resolution of having multiple identities is to have just one. There’s a lot of the modern problem right there, like trying to have a single identity, right? Trying to pretend like society is the problem. And once they’re gone, you’ll be able to resolve your identities, which is technically true, but society can’t go away. You’d be alone and then you can’t survive, by the way. So bad plan. Or if you can go do that, like you’ll be on the Internet, go live in a cave. You know, it works out for you. You’re going to eat by a bear, but that’s fine with me. I just actually don’t care. I think you should live the way you think you should live. And if it doesn’t work out for you, Darwin has your ass. I’m okay with that too. You know, and that’s the issue is that people don’t realize they’re acting that out and they don’t know what they’re acting out. And then they think they’re acting out to good rebels, going to bring down the system by destroying buildings. It’s like you mopping. That doesn’t work in the film. And you didn’t realize that. Yeah, Star Wars is the best example to point to that, actually, where people clearly bought into that idea of the lone gunman who travels the straight and narrow path. You know, he only has to make one good shot to destroy this giant object. It’s like, okay, come on, come on. And that didn’t happen. It was a kid’s film, but you actually bought into that. And that didn’t happen in the film. Explicitly. That didn’t happen in the film at all. He did not defeat the bad guy, the Millennium Falcon did. And you didn’t notice, you didn’t notice that that didn’t happen. He didn’t do that alone. He wasn’t the only ship. He wasn’t right. Oh, at the end, he shuts off the computer. Yeah, you don’t need technology. Right. Don’t watch live streams. Go out in the world and do stuff. That’s the lesson from Star Wars. Like, why aren’t you doing that? Why are you watching my damn live stream? Ah, gotcha. Oh my gosh. Are we getting lost too much on my side tracks? It’s like, it’s okay if we are, but yeah. It’s ice to see. I was going to. Okay. Okay. I was also going to bring up this topic that we slightly discussed on the Discord of contrast blindness. And yeah, I think the last 40 minutes of us just talking now is the symbolic version of contrast blindness. But I think that there’s a way in which when we’ve switched from a model of pattern matching and we called it personality, and we stopped referring to things as character traits or sins for a medieval model of pattern matching. Ooh, I like that. We’ve lost something. And there is no going back in that because there’s too many people that have that code. You would have to essentially have a collective agreement on a new way to perceive that. And it can be a revivification of old models, but it will be something new. Unfortunately, that’s the, one of the axioms I have is you can only move forward. You can’t actually move backwards. Moving backwards is just moving forwards in a different direction. It’s just a reorientation. So that’s just the way time works in my perspective. Maybe my wife will have a different opinion, but that’s a helpful way I’ve understood what’s going on. Yeah. So I think contrast blindness comes in a few different forms, right? One of them is just the inability to recognize that things are different, right? Because you’re so stuck on equality doctrine that you’re like, oh, there’s no difference between men and women. And then like, you know, you post what is a joke that is only funny to males on a server with females, or you’re a female discussing like a female thing, right? Like the color of the walls in the bedroom that no male in their right mind is actually interested in. I mean, we’ll pretend to be, but you don’t think of Rome every day, do you? We have found this a useful measure of masculinity. Sally’s whole life is changed by this. I think about Troy every almost every. Well, the universal history about Troy, man, that was great. Did you see the announcement of the symbolic world? Yeah, that’d be interesting. I did. I so want to go. Neil deGrade called me out on Twitter and said, I want to see you there. It’s like, what? Yeah, me and Karen Wong and somebody else. I’m like, oh, man, I don’t know if I can go. I need to win the lottery or something. And then I’ll get. Yeah, same here. We’ll see. We’ll see if we get past if we get past if we even make it to next year. It’s not looking good, folks. It’s really not. But we’ll see. We’ll see. We get a lawsuit to get through. Yeah, it’s that looks interesting. But yeah, the measures of contrast, the symbolic world, it’s contrast, right? Oh, yeah. Contrasting the material view of the world with the symbolic view of the world. And the other the other contrast blindness is too much, right? It’s too far. Like you’re just you’re not used to light. And so you go in the light, you’re blinded. It’s that there’s that kind of contrast blindness. Oh, don’t get me started on. You didn’t rule the world like you are not meant to live with that much light and see things that clearly. Like it’s just not. It’s just it’s just not a natural way to be in the world is to be exposed to that much light totally all the time, every time driving down the road, giant LED flashing at you like that. It’s just not a human existence. That’s a robotic existence. And you’re like 24 hours a day. Yeah. Well, that’s yeah, exactly. This is what happens. We’ve just upgraded. We’re just upgrading the amounts of damage we’re doing to ourselves with with that. You know, people forget that in the 18th century, they’re still running candles on on the streets like they’ll still be like oil lamps. Like that’s you know, right now we’re installing giant LED billboards to flash at you when you drive. Most people had oil lamps up until the 1960s. Yeah. I mean, electricity was for the wealthy. Electricity wasn’t for the common man. The common man was still burning oil. I mean, that’s how John Rockefeller makes all his money. I mean, he isn’t he makes his money not because he buys up all the oil. It’s because he standardizes. It’s called standard oil. He standardizes oil grades. And the reason why that’s important is one thing like that affords a bunch of stuff. One of the things it affords is that when you know how flammable something is, even a bad estimate, you know how to transport and store it more safely. So you lose less of it when it gets to its destination and in between its destination. That’s huge. Like the number of fires in cities actually goes down because John Rockefeller, it’s a big deal. He saves lives. He also saves all the all the other whales, by the way. No small feat. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then he figures out he starts buying oil wells, right? After he standardized. He standardized kerosene first, not oil. Then they discover oil. He standardizes and then kerosene costs at the same time. Well, whatever. Well, you needed to. You needed to. Kerosene was terrible. We were running out of kerosene. That was going to happen. So but the thing that happens with oil wells is he he sees all this mess that the oil wells are making and he goes, that’s no good. There’s got to be a way to solve that. And then that’s what spawned the invention of gasoline, which is still the most efficient fuel that we have for transport of light things. Diesel is more efficient, but only for heavy things. That’s why trains are the worst idea ever for transporting passengers because passengers are too light. Yeah, they just don’t work well. Yeah. Bring back steam tanks. Come on. I mean, it’s a pretty cool. They’re cool, but they’re not very efficient. Um, no, efficiency. Who’s actually efficient in 2023? Very few people. As you know, that’s true. Yeah. Our efficiency has actually dropped. That’s for sure. Well, especially when you consider actual recycling, because the amount we recycle is like so fractional. It’s not even worth talking about compared to 50 years ago. Plastic is the worst idea. That’s another thing over on the world. It’s just. Itchburg, Massachusetts. Sorry. That was, well, I think it was Lowell Tech, actually. I think it was Lowell’s fault. Lowell Tech was the plastics. They were bigger than MIT for technical because they invented plastics over there. Yeah. Yeah. That was a disaster. Oh, look at this. Bubble Vicks. Greetings to Captain Mark and Jesse Buccaneer. Oh, you’re a Buccaneer now. Uh oh. You might have to start dressing up, Jesse, if you’re a Buccaneer. Great. We’re getting pirate ship. We’re getting our military organizational shot running. I guess so. That happens. Yeah. What’s the, we were talking about examples of changes in society that have having dramatic effects? Well, yeah. And the contrast and the exemplification. Again, all these movies, people have exemplified Tyler Durden and Neo and Trinity. They don’t even realize they’ve done that. They just say, oh, it’s a neat movie. No, no, you’re following that character because we no longer have the characters from fairy tales to some extent, right? Because that was extinguished by Disney. And that’s what leads to some of the contrast blindness. When you’re seeing positive, positive, positive, we no longer see a negative. That’s a dangerous thing as well. The number of people, and you see it on Twitter, you’re on Twitter right now, you’ll see it. The number of people saying, Yuval Harari is telling you we have to kill a bunch of people to save the planet or any number. A lot of people are saying this and other people are going, no, that’s not what they’re saying. It’s like, no, dude, literally word for word, they’re quoting them. They’re not, it’s not a secret plot and they can’t see it. They actually can’t believe what the person’s saying. Forget about the implication and the abstraction. This will lead to that. We’re not even there anymore. We’re at the point where they’re saying, no, no, no, we need fewer people on the planet. We don’t have enough resources. And it’s like, why can’t you see that that’s evil? Because it’s evil. Just spoiler alert, these people are evil. I don’t get it. You said a buzzword to me. Buzzwords are holy words. Buzzwords are holy words. Yeah. Anytime that man’s brought up, give me five minutes. No, that’s fine. There’s the Barack, Satan, Obama speech going around and he’s just saying, I want you angry. I want you, it’s like, what? Why would you say that? And then they’re like, well, I don’t understand why there’s more polarization. Well, because this guy’s running around telling you to do this. It’s not a difficult equation. It’s not like some complex underground secret. He’s telling you to revolt. That’s where the polarization comes from. And it’s all from one side. It’s not equal. Sorry. It’s not equal. It’s coming from one place and not from the other place. You know, you don’t like that. It’s too freaking bad. Maybe you should switch sides. I don’t know what else to tell you. I don’t like thinking of it as sides, but if you insist, then you’re on the wrong one. I don’t know what else to tell you. It’s not, yeah. There’s a very good reason why Peterson became the cultural phenomenon that he is, is because for a decent chunk of time, let’s say 20 years, there were no masculine, no, at least healthy enough masculine examples for both sexes to look up to, or to, yeah, to reflect on. Well, there’s nobody talking about masculinity and femininity as such, or in a healthy way. He was an example of someone who faced challenge. Well, but he was talking about it. He was pointing to it and saying, these things aren’t equal. He was, you know, and you can love it or hate it, but he was pointing out like, no, no, no, Hitler, you know, not good. Stalin, not good. Communism, not, you know, these were not good. Mao, not good. Pol Pot, not good. Oh, also trained in the university, PhD. What? Yeah, guy with PhD killed a bunch of people. That’s worth taking note of. It’s important because the evil genius archetype is nowhere in the media, nowhere. And the one I can’t find anywhere, and I’m not an expert in these things, so it must be somewhere, is the articulated idiot, because that’s the Sam Harrises of the world. Some people are genuinely stupid, but they sound smart because they use a few smart sounding words. You know, it’s the two cent words, right? I mean, you can see this. The articulate idiot is exemplified for sure in Good Will Hunting. It’s in Good Will Hunting. It’s right there, right? And he eviscerates the guy. And the thing about that movie, the reason why I love that movie, because it is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very important, very, very, very important thing is that there’s a lot of things you can’t do, because now it’s going to happen. So when the company, for theavadag scored overcome the habrola square, and then we were talking to our co prll facile I let him go, we, we prepared him, we’re doing more Granville OHU here in these kind of reservoir, we are doing more Cuomo I’m not underestimating you. Zero college, zero. And I would just annihilate these people with this material they thought they knew something about. I’d just frickin’ wreck them completely. It was glorious. I loved it. You should not be allowed near any of that ever. It’s part of the reason why I move. You can’t be near Harvard Square, man. You’ll spend your time to deviserating people all day and enjoying it too much. It’s like the opium den for Mark. Bad idea. Just bad idea. Yeah, I mean, I did. I literally would go down to Harvard Square six days a week. I would walk down there. Oh yeah, I lived a mile and a half away at one point and I walked a mile and a half. I had to stop walking because the cops would pick me up running through Brookline, Massachusetts. So white and upper class, you can’t imagine. Yeah, yeah, they’d stop me on the street all the time. Like, what are you doing? I’m walking home. Like, what a retarded question is that? I’m on the street on the sidewalk walking. Okay, what more information do you need about what the hell I’m doing, you dumb ass, right? And then they, like some girl had gotten attacked or whatever and then secretly what they were doing is they were running her by in the car and trying to get her to identify me. It was never me because like, hell, I was at Harvard Square, I’d go away. Like I’d walk down the main drag afterwards. Like, well, that was the insult to me is I’m dumb enough to walk down the main drag after assaulting somebody. I’m not that stupid, come on. Like, give me a little bit of credit for not being completely retarded, please. And who knows, you know, if people did that or, certainly I wouldn’t do that. I was very insulted. So yeah, I had to stop walking to Harvard Square when I lived in Brookline because of that. But I used to walk and it was great. I loved walking because I could think, you know, and I’d think on my way there, it would take a long time. Right, I’d think on my way. I walked pretty fast though, so it didn’t take as long as most people. But I’d think on my way back. I’d have a lot of thinking time. And that’s a lot of the sort of discrepancy is, you know, people get into these discussions and I kind of, you know, I’ve tried it before, it doesn’t work. I try to warn them. This is something I’ve thought about. Are you sure you want to discuss this with me? Right, because I know they haven’t thought about it. I already know this, right? Otherwise they wouldn’t engage themselves in the discussion in that way. How you approach it tells you a lot about what they do and don’t know about a subject. Yeah. Yeah, right. It’s like, that’s a trick. Yeah, it is a trick. Knowing how people approach you and what that tells you about their level of knowledge and confidence independently is a thing that you can do and it’s a superpower. If you can do that, if you can find that contrast, man, you can come into every argument and just destroy the other person every time, reliably and consistently. And that’s one of the things that I typically tend to do, which I try to refrain from because it’s way too much fun. Oh my goodness, it’s so much fun, Jesse. Oh, it’s glorious. I love victory. It’s great. Yes, you’re a man. So the thing to point towards here is that when you have real eyes to see, you can detect when people are lying to you. Exactly. Oh yeah, boy, can you ever. There’s a TV show about that on Netflix. I forget the name of it, but it’s a clone of Colombo. It’s got a woman in it. She was one of the stars of Orange is the New Black, or yeah, the prison thingy, the woman’s prison. Yeah, she was in that. And so she’s in this new series. I can’t remember what it’s called, but she basically plays Colombo, which is hysterically funny. And it’s quite a good show. And I don’t have Netflix. So when I was up North, my friend who watches more TV and movies than you can imagine showed it to me because she really liked it. But yeah, that’s her superpower. She can tell when people are lying. She can’t tell what they’re lying about. And I’m like, oh, dude, that’s me. I can totally tell when people are lying. That’s easy. When you have that level of contrast, you can tell when people come in and don’t know what they’re talking about. And when you can tell what their goal is, when you can tell those things, and there’s lots of ways to do it. I don’t know all of them or anything, but I have my own methods that whatever they match, how I was born, I don’t know, they match how I grew up, I have no idea. When you can do that though, that’s a superpower. You have one up on everybody in a conversation. And yeah, you can just, it was funny too, because this week, this week has been really weird. People have been telling me things about myself. And I was like, oh, because I normally get zero feedback or zero useful feedback. And these guys were like, this one guy was like, oh yeah, I used to see you in the back of the room, kind of checking things out from the back and sitting real low and like a martial artist. And I was like, well, dude, I took martial arts. He goes, did you really? I’m like, yeah, I did. That’s why I stand a certain way. And smart people know, because I worked with a guy years ago, I went, do you take martial arts? And he goes, what? Because we just worked together. Like he was an IT guy. I was kind of an IT guy, right? And he was like, what? Where did that question come from? And I’m like, well, you look like you take martial arts. He’s like, what does that even mean? I’m like, you stand correctly. And like, did you know that? Did you know you can spot people who take martial arts because they stand a certain way? Because you can. Maybe you can’t, like whatever, right? Maybe you can’t notice that level of deal. I can. This guy could. He was like, oh, you took martial arts? I’m like, oh yeah, I did. He’s like, yeah, I can see that. He’s like, yeah, you could. You could see that. Because some people know. He’s just a guy on the street. You know, I mean, he’s obviously has his talents. But yeah, that was one of the things I heard. I’m like, yeah, you noticed. And he noticed too, like I hang back and I watch and I just like surveyed the situation long before I sort of get involved. Yeah. I don’t dive in. I’m not really interactive, especially in person. I just, people exhaust me, Jesse. Oh my goodness. Oh, there’s so, peopling is so difficult. I had to people. Oh, it was horrible. It’s a barbecue, yeah. Yeah. Well, the barbecue was okay. The barbecue was okay. The thing before that that we did was up in Greenville, South Carolina, and it was investor speed dating. I like, well, I can’t think of a worse thing for me to get involved in ever. This is like the stress. And then we’re at the reception afterwards, beautiful reception. The meatballs, Jesse. Oh my God, those meatballs, the best meatballs I ever had in my life. The meatballs just came out of you. Oh my God, they were awesome. The meatballs were awesome. They had little chicken sliders and beef sliders. They had a lovely mac and cheese. So I’m there and I’m talking to somebody from Columbia, the person who administers the Columbia group that does the same thing. Greenville, South Carolina, by the way, is like in the top five startup areas in the country. It’s like a big deal. Yeah, and Columbia is not. And they’re an hour and a half apart, right? But I was talking to her and I was saying like, I am so tired. I want nothing but to be at home right now staring at my pond. That’s all I wanna do. I don’t wanna drive home. I wanna be transported to my pond right now so that I can stare at my, I’m completely wiped out. There’s all these people here and there are just too many of them and they’re all new to me. I know zero people practically and I have to interact with new people and it just wipes me out. And I can kinda do it and I can do a reasonable job and everything, but man, am I tired after I just like, wanna take a two day nap after something like that. I’m just like, I don’t even wanna talk to humans after that. It just wipes me out completely. Muppets. Dr. Muppets. Yeah. I had the next thing, I just lost it. Discernment. Discernment is one of the most valuable skills you’ll ever develop. That’s what we’ve just been talking about. Yeah, well that’s wrapped up in contrast. I kinda tried to tie that in. I mentioned the discernment judgment action. This is the parallel to it was this talk. And if you didn’t see that, you’ll have to watch it again and listen to the monologue and listen to those other monologue. And hopefully I’ll actually remember to put the cards in because that would be fun to get all the cards and the tags and everything. I’ve done it in a couple of videos and I just usually forget or I get wiped out or whatever. And September has been absolute hell. I am so happy that the beginning of September is over. I was so sick the first two weeks of September. It was just insane. Surprised I got anything done at all. Just like napping all over the place. And like last, yesterday was a disaster. I got sick on the way home. Supposed to go to an event and I skipped it. I was like, I went to bed really early. I woke up at like four in the morning. It was just a fricking catastrophe. The whole thing was a catastrophe. And then the end of the day pulled up later, but man, what a disaster. I had bad dreams, which I never have. It was horrible. I had a dream about domicile. It was like, what the hell? I don’t have domicile dreams. What is going on here? What is happening? Yeah. Yeah, I’ve been having some strange dreams lately. Well, there’s been really hot over here. Once it’s summer over here, yeah. My REM and IRAM sleep thing just dissolves. It’s just horrible. Oh my gosh. Oh yeah. I can talk. Yeah. I have a whole rant in the back. The lack of customer service. But I wanted to go back. You talked about walking and I thought that was an interesting topic to bring up slightly. Because I think walking speeds and walking, the intentionality of walking and walking speeds has changed. That would be a good thing to research from a- Oh, it’s way worse than that, my friend. Psychology perspective. Well, and this might be the topic for next week is, maybe it would be called slowing down. I’m taking notes. Maybe it’d be called slowing down, right? Because one of the problems we have, and I don’t know that I want to do it next week. I might want to talk about, well, maybe I’ll do that. It’s intentionality. I might want to do the problem of problemization of everything video first, right? Because the real issue is in the quest for efficiency, we’re just keeping ourselves busy all the time. And when you do that, you actually lose the ability to philosophize. And I do rail against philosophizing, right? On the other hand, reflection, contemplation, or better yet, and I have yet to really understand this, Matthew Pergeau is talking about this, rumination. And I think that’s the key. And I think that’s the key. So all the people I know who are actually good at philosophy and actually good at explaining philosophy, they work with their hands and they either have long time in the field, they almost all work like 10 hour days, not eight hour days, and they have lots of downtime or driving time or something. All of them. This has been true my whole life. I’ve never met anybody who is a book learner and nobody is a leader between them but- Yeah, it just kinda depends on when we put them together. But definitely, when I talk about philosophy, both of my works work really well together, but you and Anthony from my work which is calledying work with philosophy and psychology has been something that goes way back in time. Coincidentally, about you and ends this chapter, Yeah, it’s not like I didn’t just pile in on him randomly like I’ve I’ve been engaging with a little bit with his work Not seriously, but seriously enough to kind of get the gist He just didn’t understand modernism He takes modernism seriously, so obviously we can’t be friends Yeah he does, he’s called so that, quite good Although I find him better in writing than in spoken there’s something about his Yeah Rhetoric in speaking that is it yeah, I have to have a certain I don’t know cultural background you could say to Appreciate the way that he talks across not saying I’ve got anything good, but Yeah If you contrast him to say Peterson Peterson’s great at public speaking like he yeah, right You get bored in when you if you get bored listening to Jordan Peas and do public speaking you There’s something wrong with you because he’s he’s a master at it Yeah, he’s really honed that skill And and yeah a lot of the problem with people like Hicks or Vervecky is they just get caught up with two-cent words Yeah, the two the two-cent word problem is a big a big issue and I think a lot of people get although Vervecky’s interview with Theo Vaughn was really good. Yeah Well this Did you did you listen to Theo Vaughn and Vervecky at all it’s interesting a lot of those guys too are wrapped up in a huge podcast ordeal right now No, I haven’t got no time I get like Like I’m a Efficiently focusing very few things because that’s you know I was you just you just don’t get an outcome and then you realize it’s August And crap wasn’t I meant to get some of these items done this year and You have to stay on on topic unless someone like you keeps telling me I go read American nation by Colin Woodward It’s probably you’ve said that like 11 times to me. I was like, yeah. Hey Christina for my birthday. Could you? Well Vanderklai finally read it So Vanderklai finally read it and talked about it and so far ahead. I’m like Yeah Yeah, yeah, he misread the book unfortunately, but that’s okay at least he read it Okay Yeah Yeah It’s almost like when you suggest something like hey go do this you have to go see this in here Like because they’re going to see their own things but at least they have a in it or a thread to pull I often know that with when you’re recommending music to people you go listen to this one song If you don’t like this one song, you probably won’t like the whole album But yeah, if that one song doesn’t grab you then fine like yeah We can talk about other pieces of music But usually you have a thread or a certain certain part of someone’s writing certain part of the narrative Like if you read the if you don’t like sci-fi But you read the opening chapter to new romance are like you just go that’s poetry man If you don’t read that first chapter of your man, so you don’t see those just a poetic expression then great like But that first chapter of new man so is like that’s just it you didn’t have to read anything else that was that was that was worth the price of the book So it’s the same thing. Yeah same thing It’s a really bit annoying to I know I’m riffing on myself here But the the fact that we’ve we’ve over indulged on this idea of the single entity art of the single Expression of the artistic product and we haven’t there’s something Surreal about a collection or an album or an entire statement that we kind of turning a book We have we were lacking that contrast between hey just pay attention to this one thing But hey a pension this whole again a whole picture the whole triptych the whole collection of the body of work You know Yeah, I think that I think that began with Picasso, but that’s just well, but that’s that’s the flattening of the world That’s the reduction the compression, right? And it’s weird too because yeah, you take neuromancer it’s like yeah that that right beginning But then you take something like snow crash a snow crash Almost as fantastic a book. The problem is you got to slide through 51 pages Right, then it comes together in a way and you’re like, holy macaroni, right or you know That’s why I always preferred and still do short stories Because reading is hard and i’m super dyslexic and so reading is like like Asking me to read is yeah, I i’d really rather cut off a limb. I honestly I just like it’s way less painful Um, and so yeah, and and if you want me to read a big book, it’s really like i’m still amazed at myself for having read Ayn Rand atlas shrugged and and the fountainhead like i’m still just marvel at that every once in a while I go how did I do that? Right? I’m like, I’m still reading that I’m still just marvel at that every once in a while I go how did I do that? Right, or I did read the unabridged uh lord of the rings at one point when I was Uh, you know when I was after the movies and I went I don’t remember that from the book And then I was oh i’m gonna read the whole thing took me six months, of course Which for me is like light speed like I probably never read anything that quick That many pages that quickly before my life and probably never will again um, and then I did a breakdown of it and yeah, uh Uh, apparently I did a really good job at the breakdown. I don’t know. Uh, that’s what I was told anyway, so Some it’s weird right because some books is the beginning that makes it and some books the beginning is garbage But then the end redeems it right it makes it all make sense to vivify it I hate that. I hate that concept. I hate A You know last bit of moby dick’s really good you just got to get through the first 20 chapters i’m like Or you know like all the the end of the film, you know, the final battle scene’s great But yeah, the start’s a bit slow. I’m like Should I just watch should I just read that bit the bit that’s that you’re recommending me? Well, but here right because that’s the compression Yeah, right. That’s the compression of the reduction and when you compress or reduce or flatten you lose contrast like that’s the first thing you lose What kind of contrast it can you know, that’s the contrast isn’t one thing, right? There’s lots of types of contrast and so if you don’t realize that yeah, and and and it is Sometimes it is the way things end up like sometimes it is the tying together that matters But you can’t read the end of the book because you’re not tying anything together Right And and and that’s the problem with life. Like you don’t know how it ends You don’t know what result your smile had on the cashier On your way out when she was having a bad day and was mean to you like you just don’t know, right? It could it could mean something wonderful a year later You have no idea that that’s and that’s the thing you don’t realize like you’re a player in a bunch of different stories And every one of the stories throughout throughout the day that you go through That you’re tied up with is a separate identity for you And there’s nothing wrong with that and you’re not supposed to reconcile that you’re not supposed to reduce it to one and because of that You don’t know How your involvement in that story affected the end? And you may never know in fact almost None of the things are things that you’re gonna know. I mean You know, I told the story about my my uncle right, he used to drink quite a bit and He was out when he was young and this guy was like take my keys away And don’t give them back to me if i’m drunk. I don’t want to drive drunk and He didn’t give the guy his keys back and the guy was yelling at him because he was drunk He was like I want my keys back blah blah blah blah and the guy just kept going my uncle eventually Took the keys and threw them down the street and said fine If you want to kill yourself go right ahead. I don’t care And then he found out like 10 or 15 years later That that night was the last night that guy drank and he had never he had not talked to him since then Didn’t didn’t have any desire to talk to him. He was so pissed off About the altercation with a drunk man, you know kind of silly But it changed this guy’s life. He didn’t drink after that and my uncle Stopped drinking At some point. I don’t know if it was related to that or not You don’t you don’t know when you’re doing that and look that’s an altercation. It’s a conflict he According to him. There was a lot of swearing involved on both sides like this was not You know him being Exemplifying the highest or being saintly at all And yet throwing the keys across and saying fine screw you. I don’t care about you actually Made the guy no less Made the guy no longer drink. That’s amazing and we don’t account for that Right. We don’t see that that’s actually a good thing that The negative signal is important and the negative signal is the thing that’s most likely to change your world Not the positive one. We know this experimentally. It’s been tried bf skinner tried it his son tried it didn’t work Doesn’t work doesn’t work Not doesn’t ever work, but those are outliers they’re Massive exceptions most of the time people’s lives are changed by tragedy and grief And suffering and struggle. They’re not changed by positive experience and somebody giving them a hug Not that that never happens, but it’s not most of what changes people At least not for the good And uh, yeah, I I had a great tweet. I don’t know if you saw my Uh my tweet today on mature peugeot’s, uh twitter. Did you did you happen to catch it? No, I should I should pull it up because I don’t want to I don’t want to misquote myself, but Basically, you know, he’s talking about the uh, the space aliens, right? And uh, yeah No, no, no, no the the ones in mexico the paper mache Yeah, yeah that whole crazy people The cake yeah Yes, yeah well before the cake meme there’s the actual but yeah the cake meme comes on from that you know, he’s talking about that and uh, You know basically what I said was But we’ve you know, we have made these aliens Like we we we created those aliens And and the way that that we created the aliens was By making people weak effectively, right? So in other words we took perfectly healthy people right that Otherwise would would be decent Right And we made them into aliens by coddling some people to the point. They are their own weak parasitic subspecies So they are aliens Because we’ve weakened them to the point where they don’t respond like the not weak humans And and mature is like can’t argue with that and it was like, okay fair We created the aliens. They’re not from another planet. They’re the people we coddled and enabled and now they’re weak. They’re weak parasitic humans Yeah, there’s something there about the contrast of time and um How we have a distortion of People in their time and place and purpose and they’re setting what that means Right because we find a fossil record if you believe in the fossil record Doesn’t it does not mean does not does not mean that these are the same people that we We encounter now like well and it but it but it’s worse, right? I mean, this is one of the disappointments if you know, yeah, i’ll call it a disappointment with uh, bern power the anadromist channel and his um How we got here series, right? One of the seminal moments that he points to Is uh, kurt cobain’s suicide And i’m not saying that wasn’t a seminal moment But the way it affected me was very very different from the way it affected the people in seattle we’re crying outside his house And and we don’t account for that like yeah, but that hit a very narrow generation In a very specific way and it didn’t hit anybody outside of that generation in that way at all now It hit other people in different ways Right, so i’m not saying it wasn’t a seminal event with you know, long-lasting effects I’m not saying it only affected one generation, but i’m saying the way it affected that one generation that he talked about is an outlier basically And and that is that is the creation of aliens. I mean those people got coddled to the point where first of all and I This is not going to sound good, but i’m going to say it anyway if you didn’t see that coming I don’t want to tell you I saw it coming Like that guy was gonna blow his head off i’m sorry if you didn’t realize that but it was quite obvious Quite obvious that that was gonna happen and it’s not like that’s an unprecedented pattern jimmy hendrix john bonham, you know like Uh, yeah, I mean there’s so many of them like you just go on and on and on in rock and roll And talk about the ones that self-destructed Uh Morrison right like like yeah morrison’s a bit fishy though, but Yeah, but it’s on and on and on what well, it doesn’t matter how the destruction happens. Yes, true. Okay, fine I’ll look and see that point. Yes, right. I mean, i’m not saying like, you know, oh, you know When you get involved in that when you get wrapped up in that Murders happen overdoses happen mistakes occur where where you know Like with john bonham like they did everything right they put the guy on his side and everything he choked anyway You know, it’s not like they you know, it’s not like they weren’t aware of what was going on And you know how to deal with it. It’s that Putting somebody on their side doesn’t prevent them from choking on their vomit 100 percent of the time You know, it would have been different and it would have been different had they not done that but they actually did It’s just it’s not a guarantee guys And and the odds of that happening go up by a thousand percent when you drink and get that drunk If you never drink and get that drunk, you never have that problem But that’s not to say you wouldn’t have self-destructed some other way because the pattern is there right and you can look at Same band jimmy page as an outlier, right? And you know, jimmy page is following. I don’t know if you know this alistair crowley Right. He bought up a lot of crowley’s old properties and stuff, right? And the one thing jimmy page and alistair crowley have in common is Everybody’s commenting on my goodness. Look at how much heroin these guys can do and not die For real i’ve read about this. It’s unbelievable like alistair crowley apparently took like 10 times the dosage that anybody else had ever seen anybody take of heroin and he was totally fine or not totally fine But like he didn’t die and a lot of people took one tenth of that and snuffed their lives out And jimmy page is apparently the same way the guy just had a high tolerance for heroin and No one knows why he’s still alive. Like what’s going on? Right? Oh, so is thompson as well. He used to do Yeah, he used to be a hundred He’s wild animal. Oh, yeah Thompson who’s who’s who the other guy thompson and Yeah, there’s a few authors like that renegade authors same thing, right Well, and and if you look at them as exemplars you’re screwed because they’re outliers You’re not them the odds that you can do as much heroin as jimmy page or alistair crowley are zero guys Zero, that’s a once in a generation type of a trait. It’s just not common And yeah hunter s thompson’s the same thing the odds you could live that guy’s life and survive Are really zero and and if you see okay, if you read the writing you’ll find out like Everybody around the guy dies Thompson like read his books. It’s like holy shit the survival like I don’t want to meet him Like I’m afraid if I meet him my odds of dying immediately go way up. Like I don’t like this is not good You know angels, I never finished the hells angels book, but it is that that’s a wild read um what I was going to point I think what’s coming out here is the The mythification of the rock star and that was kind of a soul to an entire generation that you know If you just worked hard enough as a band or you just did that you could become a rock star Which is absolutely not true. If you looked at what the example of the rock star Which is what you’re you’ve just pointed to and what you know, the capacity is those people in that time You know, you’re not going to be able to achieve that in the 90s It’ll be something new and different but it won’t be you know, this idea that um, you can live out your rock star fantasy 20 years later after the the Yeah rock which it’s not the start of the rock stars actually the 70s is the peak of the rock star Well, it is it is the myth and so the funny part is the the band boston Which obviously is one of the great bands of all time like Objectively well the band boston had the best-selling debut album of all time like up until like the early 2000s I’m not that way Right. Well, so tom schultz If you listen to the first Album the songs on the first album they’re about, you know being a band and playing real hard and going to class They didn’t do any of that At all the guy put the freaking album out and he did almost all the album by himself by the way except for the vocals Like he laid out the whole album by himself and then had one other guy help him with some something. I forget what it was He they never played a show It did they didn’t play any shows it didn’t happen Yeah but but but the song is telling the story of them playing shows and sleeping in their cars and Which there’s the mythos right there there’s the fantasy And they didn’t act it out and then other people are going. Yeah, that’s what you do, man You suffer and then you write and it’s like What yeah, and and you see the same thing with comedians, right? And actually corey was talking about that. Uh, Last sunday on father eric’s uh open mic night stream, right? Like wait a minute like You you shouldn’t do this. You shouldn’t live this life if you’ve got a better path If you’ve got a better path You don’t want to be a comedian and you know run around in a van and get paid nothing and half Starving all the time if you’re in school to be an electrical engineer stay in school be an electrical Don’t do what we’re doing even though you’re really good at it Don’t do it Right because it’s it it is that that myth that fantasy and it’s when you try to make a false archetype A false exemplar a false example And yeah, you get wreckage. That’s what you get you get wreckage Yeah Yeah, well look at how many people look up to ricky gervais. I think highly of ricky gervais. He brought out earlier It came up and I lost my thread. We said, you know, I can’t think of anything anyone else of a Smart stupid person or a stupid smart person. I think I can’t remember the phrase but like ricky gervais would be right up there Someone that everyone looks up to as an example of something can I I I fail to see what is an example of other than Ricky gervais Like he’s just a reflection. He kind of self-oscillates in that way But yeah Comedians are another strange archetype that rose up from that sort of mid 19th century onwards there’s a myth mythology of this comedian life and this promise of Ultimately success. It’s not even reward. It’s a promise of success. Um Oh, yeah, that’s good the difference between success and reward would make a good Okay. Okay. That’s going on. I thought they’d be obvious to some people but Yeah Yeah, it’s it’s it’s really not if you want to if you um No, I yeah, I have to I like that success versus reward. What is value? Yeah, because that’s yeah, it’s what you’re when you’re doing that’s what you’re defining defining what Uh, you do that next week is valuable what you think is valuable also to oh, there’s value framing everywhere Right. Well, we could we could exemplify all the value frames. Yeah, that would work quantity to also work it within that too as well Yeah, you’d fit in all the quality quantity stuff for sure. Yeah. Yeah bubble this has an interesting comment Uh did he though is that really interesting? Assuming aliens exist. Well, no, we made a case for aliens aliens can’t be bothered with the galaxy I don’t know how anybody would know that It’s boring compared to the fantasy worlds. They maintain for themselves. I don’t know how anybody would know that I doubt that’s true We’re going the same way with our entertainment Uh, no, that’s not working like the fantasy worlds are breaking down left right and center Uh meta did not succeed in their virtual world project It’s been a massive massive failure for them massive Because virtual worlds are not that interesting as it turns out or at least they’re not more interesting than the real world And uh, you know the yeah The porn induced sort of it’s really strange that the social media companies are alienating themselves in some I’m sorry Yes, sorry. Yeah, I interrupted. I was going to point to that These social media companies are now alienating themselves like twitter becoming x facebook becoming uh Yeah, facebook becoming meta and then you had um beats music became apple music essentially um It betrayed themselves my space became um space Yeah, exactly. Um, they became examples of what not to do in uh to gain success Um, they try to run after reward essentially the reward of rebranding and repurposing and retooling Has not led to any more Well, they they try to to use reward And perpetuate excess with reward and that doesn’t work either like yeah, there’s a lot going on there Right, but I mean again, you know We created the aliens by coddling people and now they’re alien because they’re parasites upon the rest of us It was just not enablement is bad Like I don’t know what else to say. It’s been a big theme Uh, michelle’s been pretty upset about vanderkley and his quest to redeem people who are not asking to be redeemed and need to be told No You just need to submit like sorry like Yeah, like if you’re not getting along with it’s it’s peterson, right? Peterson if it’s all women, it’s not all women. It’s you I think you’re the problem. It’s not that hard to figure out And and people talk I hear it all the time and not just with that. It was like, oh Every company I work at, you know, I have this problem. That’s because you’re the idiot And I don’t know what else to think you’re the problem. The companies aren’t all the companies don’t have that problem You are the problem. You’re bringing it with you Right, you know Yeah, oh, what’s that? What’s that saying? I’ll remember it eventually. There’s a there’s a good saying around that Yeah, it’s a it’s a type of childishness that or lack of right or immaturity of the The acceptance of you know, the significance of the passage of time is that is the dumb quote from a certain politician in america? Um, but I actually want to redeem that phrase because that that’s exactly it. That’s what maturity is It’s realizing the significance of the passage of time is you are no longer the person The person you were once were your entire body has actually changed cells every seven years um, so you you’ve literally changed and you will change so refusing to change your Your patterns and your actions and you’re developing your character, which is literally changing. Um yeah, that will lead you to a state of decay essentially or um continual childishness It’s one thing to admit that you have limiting beliefs, but it’s another thing to just limit yourself in your own development Right, you know, I like that example Yeah, I like that. Yeah flattening of time is a big problem. And yeah, that’s a lack of maturity flattening of time or the same thing Yeah, I didn’t think about that. That’s a good that’s a really good frame. I like that. I wrote that I think about that all the time That’s my room It’s my Well, the theme is in the monologue right for sure right journaling and paying attention to your actions before Your actions during and then afterwards and go here. Wait a minute. There’s some contrast here I can contrast three different things my prediction my implementation and then the result Oh, well, that’s helpful Now you can find the edges of reality in the edges of your fantasy world. It’s like oh, yeah You know, you’re never gonna get it perfect But at least you can make it better and as long as you’re not trying to make it perfect you can make it better Right, and that’s really important to know because it gives you some Some hope for improvement which which peterson points out people want that Nobody wants to be told you’re good enough today Where’s the fun in that? Oh, you’ve already got the brass ring, right? You’ve already reached the end of the maze You’ve already saved the princess. It’s like Okay, what do I do now? There’s your domicile I wonder why people have domiciled was the zombification. I think I think that’s why the zombie became such a iconic example of or reflection depending on Which way you want to perceive the world? Uh, it’s it’s that you know, uh, uh, are you fighting the zombies? Are you becoming a zombie in some sense? Is in it? What is this? What is this example of item in a story? Um reflect on you and are you worried that you don’t have the survival skills? Are you worried that you’ll just be trapped up in it? Um, every every iteration of a zombie movie essentially is the most moral tale you’ll find in one cinema Uh, but it’s super it’s super flat. Yeah, these these examples of what to do with decay Oh, yeah, but it but zombies they don’t change over time Yeah Yeah, well, that’s the point that’s and they value gnosis They value gnosis, right? So their knowledge is the highest value They don’t change over time. So the yeah time flattening is not there. There’s no progression zombies have zero progression Uh, they can only go down to death they can’t come up right And then in some point at some point the theme of a zombie is i’ve already reached the end And yet I can’t I can’t have an end So i’m wandering around looking for knowledge I get knowledge and that sustains me, but I still don’t get an end And then I have to be granted an end from an agent because i’m not your zombie you’re not an agent zombies are not agents In the world, right explicitly Because all they can do is go after brains right and then Once an agent puts you down, right which is sort of the opposite of the theme of the matrix in some sense, right then you’ve Then you’re at peace Right and the world is normalized like you’re a zombie. You’re the thing destroying the world You’re the threat And and and people don’t realize they’re exemplifying zombie behavior and then that’s where people get into things like gamification and i’m like If you don’t talk and act as if gamification is real Then it ceases to be a problem I don’t know what else to tell you like don’t grab this frame and now you don’t those problems don’t appear And now you don’t have to solve them hmm I a couple different ways there the fourth movie for the matrix has Has the whole idea of the swarm or the zombie too, which is a very yeah exactly. Yeah And now another hairball that’s a great example of of a knot film Uh, it’s that’s um, it’s a great example of a on film studies documentary on filmmaking um, but the one thing one thing I maybe I have Maybe this will lead to another topic is that uh, I think Today is actually about uh The decay of the suburban environment because once the outbreak happens, they’re actually trapped in a mall Um, so depending on what you see and what patterns and what you understand about the world Um, you’ll see that this movie’s got nothing to do. They’ve you know, they’ve already done the zombie thing They have the day is actually about the decay of um society through the mall and being trapped constantly trapped in a mall and never being able to break free from this sort of commercialized industrialized life um, the zombie just happens to be this Uh the barbarians at the gates in some sense in that yeah So yeah Well, benjamin franklin on the subject success. I think black mirror season one episode two deals with it nicely. Okay black mirror deals with nothing nicely by design, uh, so no Um, it also does a poor job of what it’s trying to do. So that’s good to know Uh, it’s very immature Very I like black mirror, especially the first couple seasons are great. I actually like it, but it’s not like High art. Let me tell you Right. Um It doesn’t force you out of individualism black mirror is a very the whole framing of of the entire black mirror series is individualistic It’s always around a single character from the perspective of their interaction with the world That’s an individualistic frame even though there’s other people in it. This is actually ironically the point of the republic Right is that you can’t resolve something like justice by saying me and these other people You can’t understand anything About a virtue like justice with that framing because it’s an individualistic framing And oh there’s other people in it. So it’s not individualistic. It’s not how that works Individualistic is about main perspective and having a single perspective And the problem with black mirror is that all the black mirror episodes are single perspective episodes every single one of them is a single perspective episode And I don’t again. I actually love black mirror just for very different reasons It’s not representative of reality the thing it does exemplify some excellent things. It makes some excellent points um, I don’t think the fact that it’s dark is a good thing like I Think it’s a black mark on black mirror ironically enough And I and I think that especially when when jesse here talks about media from the late 90s and onward how dark it is This is not a recommendation This is not a good thing, right? It’s reflective of If you want to use the Jungian Framework the shadow part of society that is emerging 10 10 years later roughly speaking on average Uh, you can see that pattern playing out in the art 10 years before it manifests in the world Then you get into the argument of which came first Yeah, again, what manifested in the art? No, yeah, all the manifest in the art. Yeah. Yeah, did the manifestation in the art cause an exemplification? Or was it? Pre-saging what would emerge? Oh, i’m not here to answer that question, right? But exemplification is a thing and certainly at the 15 year mark Or the 20 year mark you’re into exemplification for sure Like the script is flipped to some extent and so if you’re watching the matrix later You weren’t caught up in the like 10 years after if you hit the matrix 10 years after it comes out You didn’t grow up in the environment that the matrix was reflecting anyway So that’s you are following an exemplar you were not caught up in that same with all the other movies You weren’t caught up with that If you find resonance in a movie that that was made before you were born That’s not real. You didn’t experience that That didn’t happen to you Sorry All right, and and if you find resonance in it, there could be a problem I’m not not in all cases, but in most cases there could be a big problem there the big issue Yeah You’re actually making a very deep Argument here very deep critique. I don’t have all my don’t have more on my knives sharpened to Help that conversation. But yes, um Art should be made for people time and place. I do agree on that principle Although I am technically speaking a romantic at heart, so I think there is something to be valued in all the works. So And I think it is good to restore In some way and measure and I don’t know if there is a healthy way in measure Uh the sentimental bonds of society or sentiments and ideas in themselves and ideals in themselves, I should say so Yeah, yeah that happens with all sorts of things people even do that with fashion now Trying to bring back old old nba t-shirts and old, you know ripped jeans from the 90s. It’s just like yeah, right it’s you know What are you wearing there? What are you? what’s the the example that you’re putting out in the world through your Costuming essentially at this point, you know, no longer dressing yourself. You’re actually becoming a costume Person to representing something and you know, if you’re not careful, you’re representing a the decay rather than um You’re not actually progressing anyway, I should say well and but the the problem is and and this is where we get into the deep projection There’s only so much possible fashion. So it’s going to repeat Right, and then why it’s repeating is a different issue entirely. I mean it might be repeating because it had to like the oldest thing had to come back because everything else was too You know had too much recent novelty in it or something, right? And we don’t realize how limited we are in like fashion There’s really not a lot you can do with fashion like ultimately So it’s not like you can do fashion and have new fashion throughout the span of one human life There’s just not enough variation in fashion to do that. That’s why it repeats And and so it’s hard when you when you sort of read into it because it’s like oh, what is this? What does this really mean? And and look I want to point out too if you if you look at something like the movies of the 80s the big ensemble casts There’s your postmodern Well, if you have seven perspectives from seven characters, that’s a lot to keep track of but also it engenders this overly empathetic Well, yeah, but from his perspective, right and then we move away from that and into Deliberately, right like explicitly. Oh, no I’m gonna make a movie about individuals and their perspective on this whole thing and focus on them, right? It sort of bounces back and forth because what choice do you have? Like this is not too much more you can do you know, but but there’s something fundamentally different Go back and you watch the maltese falcon or key largo or casa blanca, right or or right or or or Uh citizen came the wind. Yeah gone with the wind. I haven’t seen gone with the wind Um, you go back and you watch these and you’re like, wait a minute, these are very individualistic perspectives But they’re not because the whole Cast is included under the umbrella of virtues and values And the thing that’s missing in most movies in the season ensemble cast is exactly that Right when people are trying to make a point and it gets very dangerous when people are trying to make a point And if you don’t believe that single point movies from single perspectives are dangerous I can point you at one flew over the cucuz nest That movie did more freaking damage for our society Worldwide than you can possibly imagine And i’ve studied it and I can’t I still can’t wrap my head around how much damage that movie did um, it just wrecked Absolutely wrecked everything homelessness homelessness increase directly Clearly because of that one film drug use drug use went up because of that one right like all of these things and because it had this stacked layered impact on different levels of society because of the author and his single-mindedness and his wanting to change the world and Yeah, we closed all the mental hospitals because of that one movie. Well based on the book, right? But still This guy wanted to do that and people wanted to get that message across and only that one message and only that one Perspective and it turns out that closing all the mental hospitals means there’s way more homeless people and that homelessness is now an Unresolvable problem. Oh, I believe homeless people because we’re under homes for them You close the homes that you had for them. Of course they’re homeless you muppet like duh And all that budget went towards other things and people go well the military industrial complex Yeah, a lot of the money that’s in the military industrial complex used to be spent on the mentally ill Duh like this isn’t a magic equation guys like there’s a limited amount of resources the government has um, we can argue about that but there is And then ultimately if they shift away, yeah practically mentally ill and into military And that happens like you can show that that happened Everything gets worse. No kidding or from no from the navy and border security into um, the health industry Right into into health care for old people who want to live longer Rather than the type of health care that makes young people live better Oh, right like like Health care isn’t the putting the money in health care isn’t the problem. It’s how you put it in health care. That’s why Key Largo The Maltese Falcon Casablanca are good movies because they’re not about the individuals in the movie They’re not about the interactions of the individuals in the movie. They’re about the relationship of the characters With the virtues and the values being discussed and tested Casablanca in particular The corrupt bad guy who’s obviously corrupt and not a good person Turns out to be key to enacting something So beautiful and so wonderful and so important to the to the film like To the to the film like he’s the guy that saves everybody Hey You pay attention to the movie Like if you think there was a one hero and it’s the well-known actor in the movie you’re wrong. That didn’t happen at all And the thing that makes it better that guy thought he was gonna die and he was risking his life Not only knowing he was gonna die but believing firmly believing that what he was gonna What he was doing was going to fail And he does it anyway and gets surprised by the bad guy who is obviously bad and says well I may be a bad guy, but i’m not that bad. I’m gonna redeem everybody and save the whole thing And if you didn’t see that in the movie you missed the film You put the love story mark Yeah, yeah It is well and and and and that’s the funny part He loves her so much But he loves the virtue more And like it is a love story, but it’s not a love story about a man and a woman It’s a love story about the love of virtue And if you didn’t see that you missed the film Benjamin Franklin, I worry about this resonance issue a lot I feel the same way reading certain 20th century philosophers. There are no 20th century philosophers. There are 20th century sophists Because their ideas are so contextual to their time. No, their ideas are wrong and stupid and about equivalent to a four-year-old Uh, don’t read them. I wanted to defend my idea about black smear Season one episode two forcing you out of individualism a little at the end of the episode the year was individually successful But there was a sadness because of contact see Contextual sadness in relation to one thing is still individualism Like again, we get fooled by individuals and thinking there’s more than one person in the scene and therefore it’s not individualistic That’s not that’s not yeah We well, I think I need to start a campaign against this whole idea of the Brute the romantic comedy. I really need I think that’s a shibboleth that needs to go down Those two things do not go together. They should not go together and whoever Incepted that on us is they’ve done a very high disservice like yeah a comedy Traditionally is something that you know works out well in the end a romance is a long-lasting struggle For uh The betterment of society those two things do not go together, you know, you read the romance of king arthur, right? It’s you know, the romance of king arthur has almost nothing to do with king arthur Right, and also romance technically it does not have a Clear definition or clear ending it is many things all cobbled together So you can’t get those two things a comedy has to have an ending for the romance. Technically is beginning middle beginning So yeah There’s essentially a there’s many catharsis Or points of catharsis in a romance whether a comedy has to have a clear and then they got together or then you know Or then the you know, right and Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall like it’s almost pointless in some sense But our idea of comedy is mixed up with amusement Yes, and comedy and amusement are not the same thing And and it’s weird right because the comedy show is correct because you come away with a good feeling and you’re supposed to Like there’s no point in a comedy skit where you’re a comedy show where you’re supposed to feel bad Okay, and you are also amused but you’re not only amused at a comedy show But amusement is a totally different thing Right. That’s the subversion of expectations in a good way. In other words, it’s not the wolf eats a little red white riding hood Right. It’s not that the the the the the the boy and girl in the woods get eaten by the old lady, right? It’s not it’s not those things that would that’s a subversion. That’s a breaking of frame that is not amusing, right? It’s informative, but it’s not amusing. That’s different fundamentally from amusement which is a positive breaking of frame where we’re Entertained we’re pleased we’re made happy Right, which is different from true comedy Which you know and and it’s weird because we actually talk about it the right way But we think about it the wrong way You just don’t have the sophistication It’s like the then I will do videos on this. Well, I mean it I’m gonna maybe I’ll do it this weekend I’m gonna break down bookstaven of Plato and go through the cave and and put this to bed because I’m Flamingly angry about everyone’s mischaracterization of what Plato says about the cave and it’s what Plato says about the cave and they’re just misframing He’s specifically denying what they’re saying like explicitly in the book in the text read it read it for real Don’t don’t project on it. Right? So I’m gonna go through this because The way that they thought the ancient Greeks thought about philosophy bears zero resemblance to what people call philosophy today What people call philosophy today the ancient Greeks explicitly it’s in the Republic. It’s elsewhere is sophistry It’s what it is. It’s what they call it That’s what they make fun of and basically make sophistry the root of all bad things in the world And I think that’s correct. It is sophistry is playing God sophistry is Preferring your own view over the observable world, right? It’s exactly no eyes to see right. It’s exactly no exemplification It’s trying to be the exemplar when you’re not because you don’t have the right experience. You’re not resonating whatever and People don’t realize that But that’s actually really important to know the ancient Greek version of philosophy There’s no resemblance on what we call philosophy say after Aristotle. I think everything after Aristotle needs to be Probably just flat-out thrown out. I’m not saying there’s no goodness in it There’s not enough to bother with like Hagel and Kant and there’s nothing good there They knew that Nietzsche knew that he didn’t make any progress past Plato might not have admitted it to himself But he wrote about it Heidegger knew Heidegger wrote I I can’t get past Plato. So I’ll demonize him and call him the bad guy And join the Nazi Party and that’s not a coincidence These signals are clear guys. You don’t think it crazy. You can just observe the world and go Oh, yeah, I had a girl went wrong because he can get past Plato. He was pissed off Oh, well, you’re not as smart as Plato dude get over it like it’s okay You can see how to get was in competition with Nietzsche because Nietzsche at least that was Had a project in how to go. Yeah had thoughts That’s probably Probably a good distinction for people. It’s Nietzsche at least a lot project. Yeah Feelings he had feelings right so did Nietzsche they both had feel they need And he fit his feelings into it and and that makes a good profit That’s why I would be listen to Peterson Peterson doesn’t go. Oh Nietzsche’s philosophies amazing. Here’s a good philosophical I don’t think Peterson ever quotes a philosophical point by Nietzsche at all at all What he quotes and with Jung to it’s very little of Jung psychology. Yeah He does he couches to see my videos on this by the way, I have videos He couches them as prophets They predicted this and it happened Okay, Wow, he’s not he’s not saying they were good at the thing. They’re known for he’s saying they were good at being prophets That’s some remarkable It’s a very remarkable distinction. Yeah Yeah That’s important too, it’s important to realize that even Peterson knows these aren’t good philosophers They’re good prophets. Well, that’s more important There right right between Knowing what a prophet is and what a philosopher is and we’ll be able to understand what we’ve become so dear De-educated from the the basic observance of the world and which is more valuable Is it more valuable to quote know something in the philosophical sense about the world or to be able to predict? What’s going to happen because I’m gonna argue for their prediction every time and I’ll die on that hill So I don’t think I’m gonna have to because I don’t think you can assail that hill. Good luck to you, buddy but like yeah, I’ll stand on that hill and live forever because Yeah being able to predict the world much more important than being able to philosophize about it because philosophy doesn’t provide predictions for an easy And it’s not supposed to even the ancient Greeks knew this like their version of philosophy doesn’t do that But like a manual can’t doesn’t give you a manual for life The guy was a scumbag first of all that that should be a good hint Nietzsche was basically a Cheetos eating game a gamer and in his mother’s basement like come on like really like come on guys And and Heidegger becomes a Nazi like yeah, are those the guys who want to exemplify? I don’t want to have anything to do with any of that. I’m sorry Oh, maybe that makes me a bad person. I don’t think so I think it makes me a good person for not wanting to exemplify bad people You know, oh, there’s a redemption in there Maybe but they’re not asking for it and I’m not giving it to them because I don’t need to because I got Plato And Aristotle I don’t need anything else Actually, I got a copy of Aristotle’s basic works the other day. It’s a great great deal Yeah, I the older I get the more I Align to the vision of world that is being is better than becoming I think you you’re constantly in a state of being the world is open up to your future is open up to you But that does not make the future state better than the present state So you have to write in the world and be yeah, that’s that’s the mistake of the romantics Some of the romantics depending on yeah, they over emphasize the potential over the actual and Yeah, it’s not easy right and it’s not a balance between future and present You have to account for the past the historical grounding matters a lot because that’s that actually does give you framing that you can rely on Hmm. Yes. Yeah, the the best is about four different camps of romantics I’m not going to explain them all but essentially There’s there’s at least two halves that are progressive and two halves that are reactionary That might be a good way to understand. It’s not just that clear, but that’s the best way to understand it Yeah, we we have to We have to become better men and women in order to fulfill the potential that is before us And the only way to do that is to be shoeholiness Essentially and holiness in both senses of holy with the W and holy with the H Yes, well that well said Maybe we can get some fun thoughts to drag on more Well, I like that. I like that as final thoughts from you Jesse But if you’ve got more go ahead and you can top that please do I told you this is my room This is what I’m constantly thinking about I I get I get lost in this I get I get lost in different kids learning that history and going but what am I doing now? And I maybe was a little bit strong on some people sometimes when I interact with them is like what but what are you going? To do a bit because that’s what I’m constantly asking myself. It was like yes in this challenge You you’re this muppet in this world in this time and place with limited time And resources and a limited potential essentially like you do have an open potential open future before you But your potential is actually quite limited because it’s based upon the actions that you take in the present Right because you’re always you’re in some sense. You’re always in the state of becoming but that does not That it’s not the thing to emphasize the thing to emphasize is what are you being right now? Because the habits that you enact today will become What you will be in tomorrow? So in some sense, you know what you do today is what be tomorrow or what you face towards is what you will reflect so Right if you want to have a great day Tomorrow your great day actually starts the night beforehand That’s that’s one way to think about it so yeah, if you or if you don’t have clear goals and intentions, you won’t have clear outcomes or Right a clear set of data for your experiences or you just won’t develop Right, right. Yeah. Yeah, it is brutal like your existence and your Your encounters in life will be painful. I don’t think there is avoiding of that pain I think in some sense the the the lessons that we can draw down from the Eastern religion Yeah, as that pain is unavoidable there is no it’s a good but it’s a good signal too Like it’s a good signal like that’s the thing it may be negative But negative signals are good and I and I think that’s a good a good a good point to sort of you know End on and then I will add to that I will say look the one question and oh Sally Joe’s here finally everything matters Yes, Sally and you’re gonna like that. You’re gonna like the way I’m gonna I’m gonna close this up, right? the one question that you know, some people who actually pay attention really like is How’s that working out for you Because there’s the eyes to see there’s the contrast like oh I had this idea that I was gonna do this thing But how is that working out for you right now? How is it the thing that you thought about a month ago or yesterday or last week? Actually unfolding now because that’s what you need to see in order to make adjustments to manifest the thing in the future this is how Peterson’s past authoring present authoring future offering programs work because the authoring is contrast Right writing this stuff down is conscious one way it’s not the only way to contrast one way of contrasting It’s super important and with that just want to thank everybody and hopefully we’ll see you next week I don’t know what the topic is gonna be yet, but we’ll figure it out Intention be more intentional Be more intentional. We’ll see so thank you everybody and have a lovely night and we’ll see you next week and Look if you’ve got comments or whatever you want to hear about something you didn’t understand something please comment on the video I’ll do my best to clear it up. I got Videos in the can coming out on the channel Hopefully we’ll have a store someday soon. It’s getting close. Just get a little more work to do and You know, have a good week. See you all later