And he’d be like, ah, now here we clearly have what appears to be a difference between this Gospel writer and this Gospel writer. The pre-modern mind saw these difficulties as being providential. That there is some deeper meaning the reader was intended by the Holy Spirit to unearth. People might think that it’s just a cope. One of the things that makes you help remember a story is it’s just general coherence. Like, if it makes sense, then you can attend to it more easily. But the fact that in stories that are very ancient, certain quirky details that are so weird are maintained in the story, means that there had to be great effort to remember that. But if someone had made a mistake in transcription and that mistake in transcription made absolutely no sense, it would have been corrected in the next iteration. It’s hard for people to understand. But if things are remembered and attended to, even though they’re weird, it means there’s something hidden underneath it. So that’s how the Church Fathers would see it.