So hello everyone, I’m here with Richard Roland and Neil deGrade. As you know, we are coming up on the Symbolic World Summit, the very first time we’re going to do something with all of us live in person. And so I thought it’d be a great idea to have two of the speakers, two of my precious, let’s say collaborators for the last few years with me here. I have to say I’m excited even just because it’s actually the first time that I’ll meet Richard Roland in person. You know, he has been on my channel for years now. Was it like two years almost? Little over two years. Yeah. Over two years. And I’ve never met him. I’m getting ready because he’s 6’4 and he does jujitsu. So I’m getting ready for that experience. I’m going to hip toss you as soon as I see you. Right away. Right into the ground. Yeah, you’re a security plan. You’re the entire security detail for the conference as well, Richard. So yeah, you got that going for you. Well, I’m really looking forward to getting to meet both of you in person. I, in fact, earlier today, Neil, Dark Horse has just become my writing album. I listen to it like basically every day now while I’m trying to get my writing in each morning. So I’m really looking forward to meeting you and your wife. And obviously, Jonathan, you’ve been living basically rent free in my house for the last several years. So this is going to be awesome. Awesome. It’s going to be great. So what we’re going to do with you is we’re going to give you a sense of what’s going to happen at the conference. Everything is set up. The schedule is now available. And so we can kind of look at how it’s going to work for people that are going to come. And so I’m going to share my screen. And so welcome to the Symbolic World Summit. The way it’s going to work is when you come to the summit, you will be on different paths. And so we have three different paths. We have a path which is related to art, logocentric art. That’s the one that I’m mostly going to be involved with. There is a universal history path, which Richard is going to be on with Father Stephen de Young, who will be speaking on his own, but will also be part of that path. We have the Hearth and Hospitality path, which will be about how to kind of integrate symbolism into your everyday life. And so for the logocentric art one, obviously it’s going to be the best one. I’m just saying, you know, because… Yeah, so let me jump in, Jonathan. Go for it, Neil. My understanding of how this is going to work for the schedule is that day one we get there, day one is mostly the evening. It’s a registration. It’s getting to meet people that you’ve known online, you know, meet people within the symbolic world who have the same interests as you. But on day two is when the paths begin. So around, I think it’s around 10 o’clock, we break apart into these two different paths. Now, so for everybody to come to the conference, they have to choose a path each day. So logocentric art, for example, is going to be mainly for myth makers and artisans, but also people who want to get better at breaking down the symbolic meaning within stories themselves and in literature. I think that’ll be a really helpful path for them. At the same time, competing with us head to head in the octagon is Richard Roland. And Richard, sorry, I pluralized your name like everyone does to you. Richard and Father Stephen are going to be going head to head against us. So we’re basically trying to get people to sign up for this ahead of time so that we know which group is going to be in which room because one of the rooms is slightly larger than the other. I gotta warn you because Father Stephen and I together are a formidable team. The tallest. I think he’s like six, seven. I think it’s about as tall as I am, but he’s very big. I like to exaggerate. I like to give him Nephilim type. He’s at least six foot nine. That’s true. Yeah. Okay, great. Great. Someone asked me on Twitter if we could make some of the giants in God’s Dog look like Father Stephen. That would be amazing. So yeah, there’s a path you have to choose ahead of time. You’ll get an email about this if you’ve bought a conference ticket. On day three, it’s just one single breakout for the day. And so you’ll get to the there’ll be a second part of the Logo Centric Art. And that’ll be with Vesper Stamper and Martin Shaw, quite another power team. And then competing against them going head to head in the heart and hospitality is Nicholas Cotar. He’s probably going to tell you more about how to survive a Russian fairy tale. I’m sure Baba Yaga and some of those people will come into his talk. If he gives a similar talk to the one he gave when I was in the Keys with him recently, it was it was stellar. I’m still chewing on it. So two months later. As you can see, there will be these paths on the first day. We will all be together. We are so fortunate to have John here. Those who don’t know him, you’ve probably seen him on the Why Are We Speaking About Rabbits podcast that I’ve been on. I think all of you have been on. Yeah, everybody here is on the podcast. And so he will be our our our major D. He’ll be how do you say that in English? He’ll be like the host. I guess. Master of ceremonies. That’s right. Master of ceremonies. That’s the word. Yes. Be the master of ceremonies for the whole event. The first evening will start with me giving the first talk about kind of this apocalyptic vision of the world and how we can understand the cosmos as revelation, trying to bring together all the stuff that I’ve been talking about for years into one talk. So I’m looking forward to that. We’ll have a Q&A and then we are going to have a concert, which I hope you’re practicing, Neil. I hope you’re practicing. I’m always practicing. I’m finishing up the record right now. So the practicing begins soon. We’ve got the band together and we are really excited to do this show. We’re working on putting together a light show right now, which is kind of fun to go with. I didn’t know we would have that at our disposal, but we will. Hopefully some projection and multimedia experience with Dirt Pole Robins. So that’s going to be great. We’re going to play all of our biggest songs, the stuff you guys are familiar with, and a couple of songs you hadn’t heard yet because they will literally be coming out that day. Also, we’re giving a free digital download of the record to everyone who comes to the conference. There’ll be a little QR, whatever they call those QR codes. Is that what they’re called? It’ll be a QR code you can scan at our merch table. And for coming to the event, you get a free digital 24-bit version of the record. All right. This is going to be amazing. You haven’t performed in how long? We perform all the time with different things. We haven’t gotten the whole band back together in quite a while. So it was last decade before we did it. But we sing and play all the time. I mean, it’s kind of unfair to say we haven’t played. We haven’t played with this particular lineup in a while. Of course. Yeah. All right. So day two, then Father Steven is going to present in the morning. And his theme is just absolutely crazy. Fraternich’s guide to the bodily resurrection. Sorry? He told me a little bit about this when we were at the Lord of Spirits Conference together last year. So I’m very excited about this talk. All right. This is good. I’m happy that he’s preparing something amazing for us. I’m looking forward to it. And then this is when we break up into the different paths. You know, Neil deGrade will be there presenting the very first one. I will be in that path as well. Like he said, going head to head with Richard Roland. Now, what’s important to understand in this breakdown is that you will ultimately, everybody will have access to everything. So if you come to the conference, you choose a path, you get to see, get to be part of that conference part, but everything will be filmed so that at the end, the participants will get a way to access all the talks so they could rewatch them and they can also watch the one that they missed. And so we wanted to make sure that everybody had access to everything. And then on the third day, again, we have a breakout. We have a panel with everybody on the stage. When is Martin Shaw doing his first talk? Martin Shaw is on, yeah, sorry, go back to Friday. Afternoon, that’s right. On Friday at 3 p.m. is when Martin Shaw is going to present. He’s riding the back of a wolf, mythmaking in the time of the spyglass. Sounds amazing, Martin. I’m really looking forward to that stuff. Man, everybody’s out doing themselves with their titles here. I’m just looking forward to being in the same room with him. Like that’s going to be definitely like, that’s a big deal. I’ve admired his work for a long time, even before he became a Christian. So this is pretty, pretty insane. No, he’s got an energy to him. He’s got like a celebrity energy. It’s kind of neat. If he’s in the room, people are like, who’s that guy? Even if they don’t know him, he’s got a presence. Yeah, definitely. I mean, he’s such an amazing storyteller. I can’t wait. He’s going to tell part of what he’s going to do is going to be tell the story. He’s going to have a speaking part, but he’s also going to have an actual story part, which is that’s great when he tells a story. It’s really wonderful. And then we will finish with a last little presentation for me. Trying to get a sense of what the future is, both in terms of what we’re doing, but also just in terms of how I see what’s coming over the hill for the whole story of Western civilization and the story of what’s coming. And you got a positive note. That’s it. Yes, it’ll all be super positive. We’ll end in a very positive note for sure. And so this is going to be, I mean, it’s going to be amazing. I’m already seeing a lot of people, you know, a lot of people are telling me they’re going to come, you know, that are like, it’s hard because I can’t, I don’t want to say some of the people, but people that you’ve seen on the channel, you know, different people that have been around are going to be there. And then also people that wrote for the blog, people that are, you know, it’s just going to be all the people that you meet on the Facebook that are really involved. And it’s all it’s going to be a real life thing with real life people. Now it’s going to be like that scene in Bill and Ted’s too, when they go to heaven and like Einstein’s playing cards with Nietzsche or something like that. There’s going to be a lot of people there that are going to surprise you who are just milling around. A couple of things worth mentioning that I was just talking to Tyler from King 16 is putting this all together for us. And they have, there’s a VIP path and apparently there’s a, there’s 10 new VIP tickets available. They turned 10 normal tickets into VIP tickets. So people were felt like they missed out on the VIP. You have the chance to make that upgrade. So the VIP has a bunch of like, they have their own room. They can hang out with snacks and coffee. And then, you know, the speakers eventually will trickle in just kind of like a, you know, you’re at Disney and you’re doing a character meet and greet. We’ll just wander in and take pictures with you. So, and then there’s also meet and greet at the end and there’s some special stuff for the VIPs. So if you want to get some extra time with the speakers, I think that’s a great, a really great path to do that. Also, I didn’t see it on the schedule, Jonathan, but on the final day, we’re in Tarpon Springs, Florida and St. Nicholas Cathedral is there. It’s an Orthodox Cathedral. It’s a really wild building and you’re doing a tour with the VIPs at 8 a.m. that morning. So they do a church tour with you and that ends at 8 45. So that’s Saturday morning. We’ll have a, we’ll have a church tour with the VIPs. Yeah, it’s just hard to have. We can’t have everybody in the church the same time because we’re looking at 500 people. So it’s that doesn’t seem reasonable to the tour. So this is the best way we thought would make sense to do a kind of church tour. Hopefully we can film it too. I don’t know. We’ll see if we can film it. That’d be nice to a church tour. Yeah, maybe. I don’t know. Yeah. I got people there with video that are coming with me. So sure. Let’s say we’re going to film it. And then other things that Tyler wanted me to bring up one anybody, you know, there’s still, there’s still a bunch of tickets left, regular tickets left, only a few VIP tickets. But if you’re someone who wants to buy tickets for someone, I mean, go for it. Like if you’re one of those people, like, hey, money’s not an issue. Buy everyone a ticket. We want to bring, bring people. This is going to be an incredible event to be at in person. But not just that. Also consider if you, you’ve gotten an email from the symbolic world, you can email us and get a discount code. If you want to get tickets for five or more people, like you want to put together a group from your church last minute. I know a lot of you people like me, like anytime I go to a conference, I always buy my ticket last minute and you’re kind of in that zone right now. So now is the time if you want to get them. But yeah, again, there’s a 10% discount code for a group buys of five or more that people want to consider. All right. So this is it, folks. I mean, it’s coming, it’s going to come really fast and it’s going to be, it’s going to be so much fun. I’m really looking forward to it, to meeting you. And then there’ll be people even, I mean, Heather Paulington, who did Snow White, she’s coming in from Europe, you know, Martin Shaw is coming from England. Andrew Gould is going to be there just hanging out with us. There’ll be a bunch of people that are just going to be there hanging out that, that you will be surprised to see. So we’re looking forward to that. Oh yeah. And everybody’s super friendly. I think again, I can’t reiterate enough. We’ve gotten so comfortable with this, like engaging this content, you know, online, but I mean, we were just all together, you know, Richard didn’t come, but we went to London and being together was just something else. I mean, I’m never around that many people who I have so many things I want to talk about and everything they talk about is interesting to me. Because normally as I’m drifting through life, I start to talk about the things I’m interested in. And I just sound like a crazy person to the person at the coffee shop who decided to strike up a conversation with this guy with this beard. That they’re going to be able to give me their Christmas list, but instead they’re talking about symbolism. And I think it’s a wild experience to be together with that many people that have so much in common. I think it’s going to be incredible. All right, folks. So get your tickets if you don’t have them. If you do have them, watch out for an email from the symbolic world so that you can pick your path and we can plan this out. So we’re all ready to receive you at the end of February. And obviously pick my path because it’s going to be the best path. We’re going to get some weird stories about Genesis. And I was actually doing this with Father Stephen’s blessing. I feel like it’s a little intimidating to talk about the Bible with him in the room. But we already talked about this last year. And I think we’re on the same wavelength. So it’s going to be the best path. Choose my path. The best path. I think I want one of those universal history bingo cards for the people in your room where every time you guys say certain things like Nephilim, Tower of Babel, they check it off and then there can be some kind of gift. I think this is going to happen. There’s going to be a lot of Tower of Babel stuff in my talk. I’m just telling people now. For Jonathan, it’s going to be fractals, chairs, microphones. You know, it’ll be a good time. All right, folks. So this is it. We’re going to sign off. And wow, we’re looking forward to seeing you there in Tarbon Springs. Bye-bye.