How can we teachers push against woke ism in primary and secondary schools and get kids to care again? Well, the first thing I would say is Talk it over with your family right because if you’re gonna enter the fray You better not do it accidentally and you better do it with some preparation and I would say Get your resume in order Yeah Lay out an alternative pathway forward, you know There may be other places You can find work But you have to have that in your back pocket because you can’t enter into a war without being prepared and And you can’t do this stupidly and impulsively and And then you got to think about What it is you’re fighting about and why and you know if you’re a sensible teacher you’re fighting to You’re fighting to Be able to serve your students properly and to tell the truth, right? that’s What you’re fighting for if in your whole life if you have any sense, but certainly on the teaching front and I don’t think there is a more dire sin than corrupting children That’s pretty much Pinnacle sin right there Yeah Maybe maybe the only more egregious error is Swearing to do nothing but violate your own conscience, you know out of spite and bitterness that might even be worse, but it’s a tough battle for most hellish error and You know So that’s another thing to think about if you are a teacher or someone entrusted with the care of other people is that you’re going to have to take your blows to To push back against enforced and mandatory idol worship, let’s say but That’s a lot easier battle than losing control of your own soul So and I really mean that so You know there are times where? All you get to do is pick which hell you’re going to wander into Because you’re already there in some regard and I think we’re living in institutions now that are corrupt enough often So that if you happen to be tangled up inside of them Those are basically your choices, but you know you still try to Put yourself together so you have a potential alternatives at hand so you can’t be threatened too direly with the loss of your livelihood and Talk to your family talk to your friends carefully Lay out a plan Use minimum emotion minimum force start talking to parents because what you’ll find as a teacher is that 85 percent of parents agree with you or 90 percent or 95 percent Especially when it comes to the propriety of 144 quadrupled d giant breasted trans teachers teaching shop for example There there are really very few people who think that that’s a good idea and so although they seem to exist Perversely enough and I mean that With the precise meaning of that term So and then you know strap yourself in because you’re in for quite an adventure if you decide to go up against You know mo lock let’s say and You want to do that lightly? so You got to gather your family and your friends around you make yourself a plan Lay out an alternative pathway to something approximating economic security be prepared to move if you have to You know it’s a walloping teacher shortage in the united states, and there’s still places there that are vaguely sane and so You prepare yourself you know but like I said you’re gonna you’re gonna fight this battle one way or another we’re all in it And you know you might think i’ll just keep my mouth shut and wait and it’s like the problem with that theory Is that as you keep your mouth shut and wait you get weaker and older? And as those who you aren’t pushing back against advance they get stronger and so you know you might think well I’ll handle it in 10 years. It’s like no you won’t There’ll be a lot less of you in 10 years than there is now if you keep retreating and the thing that you’re retreating from will just Get larger as it devours whatever’s in its path so It’s pretty much here and now folks and so you might as well just swallow that bitter pill and also understand that You probably don’t have anything better to do anyways You know well, I really mean it. I mean it. You know here here’s something that’s useful to know so in the story of abraham God is presented as the spirit that calls those who are too comfortable and privileged To the adventure of their life And you might say well, that’s pretty rude of god. It’s like if you’re all comfortable and privileged abraham is the son of rich parents and he doesn’t need to do anything in order to keep body and soul together except lay on the cot and you know eat peeled grapes and god still Makes himself manifest abraham in the form of that voice that exists inside of all of us saying, you know Get the hell out of your comfort zone there buddy and take on the snakes and you might say well, I’d rather lay here and you know eat cheetos and watch pornography and uh you know actually you wouldn’t rather do that because One of the propositions that’s embedded in the narrative of abraham which happens to be right is You know, we’re built for romance and adventure not for comfort And so you’re going to find the meaning of your life in adventure and if you have an adversary Voluntarily accepted you’ve got yourself an adventure and You know if it’s a pretty big adversary, well, then maybe you’ll grow the hell up and get tougher while you fight it And so you’ve certainly got that battle right at your doorstep teachers. It’s waiting right there for you. And so you could also You could also imagine that you don’t have anything better to do than what’s right And I don’t just mean morally better in terms of your traditional duty. I mean literally better There is nothing that you have to do. That’s better All things considered than to do what’s right That’s why it’s right and you know that and the reason you know that in part because when you don’t do what’s right your Conscience tortures you and that pesky little thing and it won’t go away and that’s pretty weird Like what’s that about? Why can’t you just give it a slap and you know keep wandering on your merry way and the answer is well That isn’t how reality is constituted so Do what’s right and See what happens? one of the things I did come to understand is that The adventure of your life is embedded in truthful speech so if you dissemble or remain silent, then you’re Hiding your light under a bushel. You’re not revealing into the world unfolding into the world who you are And so that means you’re not living and you’re going to suffer and and be and be weak and Waste yourself if you’re not living By definition and then you might say well, how do you live? It’s like well By being who you are That’s how you live. How could it be any other way and you can’t do that in falsehood? because Well by definition if it’s false By your own standards, it’s not you then you live someone else’s life. That seems like bad idea and it really raises a terrible question is if if you’re not living your life Because you’re silent and or you dissemble you lie. So you lie by omission and commission if you’re not living your life Whose life are you living? And if you don’t have control of your tongue because you’re lying who has control of your tongue and the answer is well if you’re lying that The spirit of deceit has the control of your tongue and I can tell you For certain that there is no worse master than the spirit of deceit So that’s what rules totalitarian states, right? And you might think well that sounds kind of metaphorical It’s like no, it’s not metaphorical at all. Although it’s also metaphorical. I suppose. It’s not merely metaphorical What’s a totalitarian state? It’s not innocent free people being oppressed by like a single hitler It’s every single person lying about absolutely everything to absolutely everyone all the time and so the ruler of the Totalitarian state is the prince of lies Obviously and I would say you probably don’t want to invite him into your room right, so That’s all very much worth thinking about You know unless you want to Slouch roughly towards hell And uh, we’re definitely toying with that at the moment in the west and maybe not so slowly so And that’s on you right? You know every time you are silent Every time you’re silent When you have something to say the tyrant takes a little more ground and And that’s on you man, so don’t do it don’t do it You’ll pay for it. So will everyone you love so will everyone else So yeah, all right On that happy note Jordan did you make your bed this morning? Um, yeah, actually I was in a hotel room so I didn’t have to But did you yeah I did so there Take that critics