The second complication and please stop me if like I’m getting to two in the weeds too soon the second complication that the article discusses involves Multiplicity versus identity so We asked the question, you know when a new man-made structure comes into into being is it in all cases? the manifestation of some Pre-existent unified principle right like is there some kind of heavenly prototype for something like Instagram in the in the article We use the the example of the New York Stock Exchange but or is it is it better to say that this new entity is in some way a Combination of pre-existent principles, right? so and if that’s the case our higher beings sort of like assembling in the spiritual domain to bring these structures into Manifestation because if so we have a kind of like emergence in the spiritual domain And that’s the very thing that we’re kind of trying to get rid of in in the material, right? and I think all of us here are probably equally committed to a To a view that that sees both emergence and emanation as kind of like a package deal right in all cases so In the article we kind of implicitly suggest The answer that with man-made structures all have a kind of Have a kind of logos, which is expressed in the structure like to varying degrees, right? so in structures where there’s a high degree of Logos tropos mismatch right where like the the idea of the structure is is off from the way It’s actually manifesting then we have a kind of ascribed identity Ascribed identity So we point to Instagram we point to the New York Stock Exchange and we give it a name But we’re suggesting that like whatever divine principle might be at its core, right? how how God intended that that thing to come into being is being hidden from us to a degree and kind of replaced by a sort of mixture or confusion of Of Angelic and demonic principles and that kind of brings us to our like our headless Designation right? So we’re saying that okay, maybe maybe an appropriate way to use the word egregore is for these like giant collective structures that human beings participate in but who is Ontological grounding as it were is is questionable, right? So that’s like whatever whatever angel Might be sort of ontologically at the head is being relegated to the background And it’s being kind of replaced by a sort of confusion. Yeah All right, so I really first of all, I really appreciate the criticism because it really forced me to think about it a little more and to clarify some things and You’ll see when we put out the discussion with John and Jordan that’s coming out soon. We talk about Three types of beings you could say that is there’s a being one would be a regular being that is let’s say a being that is Aligned with the will of God. Let’s call it that way like so a being that exists in Higher being so a being that exists in higher loves so you have you know You you you’re living inside a family you honor your parents you honor the king you also, you know worship Christ Everything is aligned and you accept that you exist in these higher These higher principalities and so you’re kind of aligned in a way that makes everything fit together So, you know you have this image You have this image going both ways you see that in a lot of Taoist Statements, but would you find them in a lot of Eastern statements? You know the idea that like if you’re if the king is well in his heart Then the kingdom will do well and there’s this like sense of like if you’re well your heart Will do well then the city will do well then the kingdom will do well and so there’s this alignment and and so there’s that then there’s what we could call parasitic beings and so parasitic beings are those that Exist in pride for themselves. And so what they do is they actually threaten the higher their higher participation So we talked about addictions We talked about you know the idea of someone in a bureaucracy That is acting only for their own interest and therefore they’re taking the resources of that being Using it just for their own interest and without you know And so their actions are actually threatening the world in which they live like they’re there because they’re acting only for their own self-interest And then you would have something which would look more like more chaotic headless beings that you talked about which are are like these loose associations that don’t seem to to have a Real telos or they have approximations of telos And so that is that is that that’s so it really helped us to kind of talk about these Bit different and but with you guys what I didn’t say in that conversation Which is what I’ll say in this is that to me that seems to fit the Christian ontology perfectly So st. Gregory of Nyssa in life of Moses. He has a I won’t quote it directly I’ll paraphrase it. He has a wonderful quote where he talks about how Being Something about how you know Non being is that which Things that think they have their own being are non being and those that basically are rooted in in God then That because God is the Christ is true being and so for you to have true being you must be rooted in the incarnation That is what you have to be rooted in and then true being kind of flows from that and so there’s a sense in which All Beings that aren’t aligned towards the incarnation that aren’t allied towards the summit of the mountain what what they will appear as is either parasitical or or headless Because that’s what they are right because they are trying to self-exist Then they become these parasitic headless beings and so and so the idea for example of wondering about demons that that That they manage certain aspects of reality and when we look at it, it looks chaotic and messy It’s like that’s because it is chaotic and messy, but that’s why demons are represented as chimera That’s why demons are represented as hybrids and mixtures of different categories because that in a way that’s what they are And so the idea of so then the idea of a Gregor is something like that Then that seems to make sense something which this doesn’t seem to have its alignment properly So because it doesn’t have a proper alignment is appears as something which is colonized by different By different intelligences and so is struggling to so think about it like you when you don’t know what to do It’s like I don’t know what to do. I want to do this. I want to do that I’m paralyzed by all these, you know, I’m being I’m being colonized by all these different possibilities and so I can’t I can’t act properly in the world Let’s say or or then there’s the parasitic one, which is that I get so obsessed with the lower good Hello a lower good that I am Then I that I that I spiral into this like weird. What is it that John Vervecki calls it reciprocal? Like narrowing or whatever something about reciprocal narrowing. Yeah, exactly where you kind of narrow into these like smaller Goods and then you then it ends up devouring you it ends up basically paralyzing you So anyway, so so that’s what that’s what I kind of came out of came out of your critiques I don’t know if you if that at least that makes sense in terms of what you saw as As the issue with these different ways of ways of seeing You