Hi Jonathan, what are your thoughts on the meanings of dreams? I’m interested in Jungian dream reading and I’m wondering if that technique has a history in the church or if it can be integrated into the Christian tradition. I don’t know a lot about Jungian dream analysis. What I know about dreams is that most dreams are meaningless. Meaningless in the sense that the idea of sleeping is that you go down into death for a little bit, you have a little death, you go down into chaos, and so your mind and your body are disconnected. So you have all these thoughts and then your body is moving around that feels like it’s not connected to your mind. So you have this disconnect, it’s a little death. So most of the time it’s just like nonsense because it doesn’t connect with reality. But once in a while it becomes more like this idea of you can imagine like a water that is very calm. So if your consciousness is extremely calm and is extremely centered, then it is possible that that death or that descent into the waters will become like a mirror and then it will actually manifest, it can manifest something very very high. So there are dreams of course, you see it in scripture, you see it in the tradition, there are saints, there are holy people who can have prophetic dreams and those dreams contain cosmic patterns in them, contain patterns which can help you even understand what’s going to happen or the way in which reality unfolds. And so I think that that is definitely possible. But I would say that it is rare. And so you can understand that it could also be at a lower level. So you can imagine that a saint could have a cosmic dream because the saint is so connected and so centered that he actually becomes a mirror for the entire cosmos. But you could imagine that if someone could have a dream that is showing the pattern of their psyche, it’s not, I don’t think it’s stupid to think that. I think that it makes sense. But it would remain to be seen whether or not people are really capable of interpreting those. I don’t know.