If you didn’t withdraw in fear from everything that life threw at you, who could you become? And I would say that’s the central religious question in some real deep sense. You know, are more things thrown at us than we can manage? Well, that’s a tricky question because pretty dreadful things are thrown our way. And you might say, well, that just presents an insuperable barrier to progress. That’s not very helpful because you’re alive, here you are. You’ve got these problems to contend with and if it’s an impossible task, then how could you be anything but hopeless and desperate? But then you think, well, wait a second, how would things transform if I took this on as a voluntary adventure? You know, regardless of its scope, and the scope would include unjust suffering, death and hell. That’s not just some religious or metaphysical vision. It’s like, no, no, you’re actually going to have to contend with that in your life.