young girl dancing to the latest beat has found new ways to move her feet and the lonely young man speaking in the city square trying to tell somebody that he cares can you blame the voice of youth for asking what is true? yeah the ones that you’ll call in love are gonna be the leaders in a little while when will the lonely voice of youth cry what is true? this old world’s wakened to a newborn babe and I solemnly swear it’ll be their way you better help that voice of youth find what is true and the lonely voice of youth cries what is true? alright welcome to a Muppet stream we’re kind of ready to go nothing on the board today I know it’s terrible but we’ve got our Sam Pell right we’ve got our our Muppet mug ready to go have you considered I know Aaron out there got a nice mug for himself looks awesome Aaron thank you available at the store and yeah we get some table rock tea wintergreen awesome it’s still steeping hot off the hot off the presses there so yeah we’re doing we’re doing a Muppet stream and if you’re like new to the streams or whatever this is more so rambly it’s kind of a roll-up of stuff I’ve seen over the week the month whatever patterns I’ve been noticing things I’ve been thinking about new way new words new ways new things new new navigation in the world and yeah so one of my one of the guys I know from my entrepreneurship meetings is saying oh yeah I showing off your stream and you know you’re like a modern-day Aristotle wow that’s whoa heavy burden really appreciate it that’s that’s pretty impressive if it’s that it’s remotely accurate yeah I would like to think we’re at the steps of the agora or something or headed to the Grove to all chat up some deep philosophical point using wisdom and not not actual Greek philosophy which is actually science modern science is just ancient Greek philosophy who knew apparently know people who’ve read ancient Greek philosophy which is weird but anyway it’s the world we’re in so to kind of start us off I think I’ll go in with the an observation that I kind of have today it might be garbage right these are kind of new thoughts there there nothing I’ve let marinate for any amount of time right and I’m just gonna like share them now they’re not vetted there’s really not a lot of group help right they’re sort of missing that careful distributed cognition that most of my streams they have but this is a Muppet stream that’s what this is for so the observation is that you know the truth is that which comes forth despite your efforts to the contrary right and people often reveal the truth and their beliefs right in spite of themselves in spite of their personal agenda or their egoic agenda and it’s just something to think about right I’m not sure if it’s right how sure how right it is it’s just sort of something that popped into my head and as to listeners will will probably realize this is sort of related to my short form definition of reality which is that which objects to your it’s a similar formulation right I’m I’m using you know I embarrassingly small number of patterns to do everything I almost feel guilty the rest of you are struggling and I’m like oh that’s pattern number three like why are you struggling with better number three yeah anyway and it like we have we have a problem sort of seeing the truth right and often the truth is simple and that’s why or one of the reasons why I believe we have a problem seeing it so let me explain why is it that we don’t like simple answers because we we we don’t like we seem to have a real problem with simple answers and it’s it’s worth kind of asking the question like what’s that like what why simple answers are so difficult for us and I think the I think the reason is simple on the enough simple answers mean we miss something or worse yet we saw that answer and we we ignored it we ignored it and also the way we arrived at that answer is a problem so if we got that complicated answer or we looked into the issue we consulted some experts we you know we did some here we did some reading or whatever the people we relied on to tell us something about the thing that is simple lied to us or aren’t experts or whatever and like that that sucks quite we relied on the wrong experts we we what happened like the experts are dumb they’re not experts I thought they were experts right I thought this research was good it can’t be it can’t be that easy all these smart people are talking about it and they missed it really but but yeah really it’s very often the case unfortunately for them and probably for you too and certainly for me I hate it when I miss simple stuff happens all the time though it’s just ah muppets we’re all muppets and you know maybe that you associate that in the age of gnosis in the age of knowledge with with sin right I didn’t have the knowledge you listen to the wrong knowledgeable person or you look at the wrong knowledge to come to your conclusion and the answer was knowable by you but skipped over thinking about it and I think this is huge like I think this is a big deal it’s impacting us all all the time and it’s impacting everyone else too like they’re just ignoring the easy answer because it can’t be easy like we live in this rational world and you know but I think I think we should consider this that because I I do think it’s a big deal like a lot of people just don’t prefer the easy answer they missed the simple answer they missed the the obvious the the sort of the elephant in the room and what elephants are we ignoring or worse yet denying right and to save our own egos or the authority or position of the experts our beloved experts to save our own correctness our our image our knowledge and that’s primary to us now what are we ignoring what what are we preserving but what when we have this aversion to the simple answer to the easy sort of way of understanding something or or interacting with something it makes it hard to take the easy win right like a lot of people are I did that it was easy so I want to take credit because it was easy but I think that’s backwards like when you’re right you know you’re right like it’s not a bad thing but first you know we must see the world how it is right now what about protecting our ego because our ego sees the world how it wants to see the world that’s kind of the definition of ego that I don’t want to get down the rabbit hole of wow you know according to the blah blah blah I haven’t to get now the ego is the thing that sees things how you know that in a way that is advantageous to itself by definition that’s pretty much how Freud and and everybody since this parsed it right it’s really handy way to think about things too and we prefer these complicated answers so we can seem smart right so that the world seems smart so that rationality rules the world and if you think you master the world through rationality that’s a diagnosis if you think you master the world through rationality then that’s what you want to happen because it makes you smart and it puts you in a position of control or possible control and you can see right why you’d want the world to be rational because you know we’re rational creatures which is mostly alive by the way but whatever we’re creatures capable of rationality at great cost great cognitive cost and we’re not all equally capable of rationality so there goes your equality doctrine right there just in case you’re still holding on to that garbage and and if rationality doesn’t rule the world what does well technically if it’s not rationality ruling the world’s magic it’s something in the ethereal something we can’t see touch understand measure right it’s a quality it’s the quality of the world or the qualities of the world and you know we’ll try to science them by saying qualia stop listening when people use that term it’ll be better for you that renaming qualities so that you can science it is a bad plan like no I’m a no on qualia and it leads us down the rabbit hole I mean is the world just suffering from like a lack of authority is that is that what it is like we just don’t we don’t have authorities we don’t have good authorities one of the authorities we can trust we don’t we don’t authority anymore we’re rebelling against it right or is it an unwillingness a lack of need to defer we need not submit because we are rational creatures and we can know the world because the world is rational and rationality is just one step to control because rationality allows us perfect prediction which is perfect certainty which gives us perfect comfort age of gnosis it’s an illusion it’s not the way the world is it’s not even close it’s the way the compressed world is you can press history down you can kind of compress it down and say oh yeah the reason why the rebellious colonies won the Revolutionary War is because they had different military tactics that was one factor but it’s not the reason because there isn’t one reason the age of gnosis compresses everything down you say oh the reason why they won was because you know it was just one small battle in a much larger war between England and France and that is true also two true statements about the Revolutionary War neither is it the reason they are both contributing factor they’re both influences in the outcome but they are not wholly responsible for the outcome how responsible they are for the outcome we could have tons of debates about but we’re not here to do that today and then another thing I wanted to kind of touch on was and don’t be thinking just because these are different topics and this is a muppet stream that this isn’t related hopefully you can find the relation and if you can’t that’s okay I know no bad on you but you can look for these threads so we have this concept that Sally Jo speaks so eloquently about which is the piety of poverty and we can complain and say well it’s mostly a Baptist thing or something and that may be partially the case but you see that thread where people are sort of pretending the poor need to be lifted up because they are poor but also they must be pious because greed is obviously not pious and so we get into this cycle un-virtuous cycle right where we are engaging in the world in a way that the poor people need something they need more and that will make them better the reason why they’re bad or having a problem is because they’re poor which is backwards by the way just in case you’re keeping score but it also causes this lack of piety as you move up the money chain and so these billionaires I mean they can’t be good people it doesn’t matter how much they give to charity or what they do in the world or whether or not they’re enacting the electric car utopia we have to drag them down and the problem with the piety of poverty is there’s no virtues and values there it’s all materialism it’s all reductionism and it’s a very American thing I would say very American indeed that’s just interesting right because it it does definitely connect to my next point which is the flat world I mean it’s becoming evident everywhere people are starting to use the language starting is a lot of language listen and just some to Joe and Richard Rowland on the the universal history on Christmas which is interesting less of the universal history story which is disappointing but that’s okay Richard Rowland is entertaining and says Jonathan Pigeon you can just hear the language flowing out they’re using a lot of the same terms that that will say we’ve been using the Peterson for quite some time and you see you know John Breveke and thumbnails and things like that and to some extent it’s ironic right the world is converging on some of this very similar language probably with good and important reason but the world is flattening and the reason why the flat world is so prevalent today the reason why people are flattening the world in various different ways is because it’s easier right it’s easier to think about the world and at the same time action is hard doing things in the world is hard and a side effect of doing things in the world is hard is that when you do things even if you do them perfectly although you probably almost never do people will feel judged because there was an action in the world done by you and how dare you Peterson talks about this right I mean we’re in the Peterson sphere he talks about all of these ideas pretty much he uses different language and different concepts and often better metaphors better stories you clean your room and you see what happens yeah you may success of yourself and you see what happens your piety goes away maybe but the flat world is easier because it creates nice binaries right in a flat world everybody is to the left or right of you and you’d sort of posit yourself in the middle and the I’m a libertarian that’s an identification against you’re not anything if you’re a libertarian and this binary thinking is largely due to cognitive overload I think that binary thinking is a sign of cognitive overload at least in the thing you’re thinking about right it’s like we’ve either reached the end of our our consideration power on something like we’re right we just haven’t thought about it yet and so at some point we kind of and we’ll do that later reduced it to a binary picked aside we’re done it makes the world easy right but it does indicate we’ve reached the end of our thinking and you know the binary stuff it gives you a nice super simple model for the world and we need that when we need to make an easy decision a quick decision when we need to be decisive you need a decision that we don’t need much thought about we just reduce it to a binary and make a decision and binary away right but did you think about it did you consider it now that you have it down to a binary better yet can you can you are you just telling yourself and in fact you can’t and segues nicely is flat versus complex a binary glad you asked actually when when you enter into a binary you have to understand that you and for most maybe all values of you are quite capable of putting anything in a binary frame that’s not hard this is this is a non accomplishment boiling things down to a and B is really easy for us to do and I’m not saying you should never do it or anything like that okay flat is flat complex has qualities that flat does not have and therefore it’s not a binary because they’re not opposite and they don’t oppose one another the flatness exists within the complexity binaries and flatness are reductions by definition and it’s always important to know where your definition where you’re starting put your axioms are and so true you can put anything in a binary and sometimes you have to because you have to make a decisive decision you need to make a quick decision you need an easy decision because you just made a bunch of hard decisions right and so it might be that you come down to it’s late I’m tired we need to eat there’s no energy in the house cooking stuff takes time we’re out of time we need to make a decision are we going to order out are we going to go to a restaurant because we’ve already ruled out due to being tired so we were never in a binary we’ve already ruled out making dinner ourselves it’s too much and it’s like well maybe we’re too tired to get in the car okay we’re gonna have somebody bring us a pizza fantastic we’ve resolved the binary oh what kind of pizza now when you look back on that decision you’re like oh yeah we just kind of decided to get a pizza and of course pepperoni because if you don’t like pepperoni pizza you’re not a human so we get a pepperoni pizza fair when you look back on your decisions they all seem binary all of them every single one because you did the hard work of filtering out all of the things until you got to the top two and then you made a decision with your own priorities that isn’t what happened right like what happened is not you made a decision between two things what happened is you filtered out all the other things first and you know we don’t we don’t know that and that’s the problem is that I have a video on this one two and three right there’s a big difference right three and the relationships between one and two there’s way more relationships with three than one into it’s not linear it’s not a linear progression right and likewise a lot of things are binaries because the alternative is not of the same quality it has more qualities right it’s richer it’s deeper it’s larger it is in some ways encompassing flatness tends to exclude that’s what it does it separates everything into binaries or ontologies which I’m also not a fan of they have their place but can’t reduce everything down into an ontology and so that you know this binary stuff this flattening of the world is it’s hard on us and to be fair you cannot avoid reduction because you’re always overloaded I mean first there’s the flood of information the age of gnosis right we’ll get this age of gnosis problem there’s just too much information there’s a flood of information we’re basically lost in seas of information we mistake this for knowledge different problem but related age of gnosis causes many little problems that don’t need to exist by the way and we have to reduce like we’re just puppets we don’t have a choice and that’s why we need to submit to distributed cognition in some form distributed cognition through time is preferable because it’s survived but there’s a problem with submitting to distributed cognition right of course this creates a bunch of conflict and tension because as it turns out news slash nothing is perfect and submitting to imperfect things has a cost also not submitting to imperfect things has a cost which cost do you want you can take the world on your shoulders and try to do it all yourself you’re not going to succeed anyway but you can do that lots of people do that they burn out it might take a while some people have a lot of fortitude a lot of staying power right some people don’t they don’t have a lot of stamina but at the end of the day submission is often just your lowest possible cost and it’s not optional you’re submitting to something you’re either submitting to the tyranny of your own self or the tyranny of a distributed cognition somewhere that’s every once in a while going to get it wrong and you’re going to pay a price for that but when you get it wrong you pay a bigger price so it may be submitting to an imperfect distributed cognition is just your lowest possible cost and that sucks and i mean maybe that’s why concepts like original sin or handy or something i don’t know meh but the removal of tension of conflict is no good because at the end of the day you can’t actually build anything right without conflict you can’t build things up without conflict including yourself right you need stress you need tension right without these things you weaken and we know this we know this through our experience we don’t need somebody to propositionally tell us this like some muppet on some stupid stream somewhere we know this if you don’t use it you lose it it falls into disuse and disrepair and dis-ease we don’t feel good when we’re comforted too much for too long and then we create fake problems to make up for the real problems that somebody else has taken on for us coddling of the american mind coddling of the american soul coddling of the european soul affluence reads weakness yes it doesn’t have to be that way but boy and look being the same as you were yesterday or the last hour that removal of cyclicality of change over time removes our ease we actually become uneasy in the short term at work vacations big fan go to hawaii it’s awesome go to croatia also awesome i go to edinburgh scotland beautiful place awesome but don’t stay there there certainly not in hawaii oh my goodness hawaii is like a an energy suction trap just island time just infests your brain and you’re like yeah we’ll get there eventually which is nice to do every once in a while especially if you’re anxious and you run around a lot you’re not trying to keep busy you need that cyclicality you have to come away from your vacation back into what you’re doing or what you were doing you have to get back into the swing of things you have to start working again you have to start building again you have to start that con that cycle of conflict intention and release stress and de-stress stress and relaxation stress and entertainment you have to do that it’s not a binary it’s not stress no stress stress entertainment stress relaxation those are different things stress of this type versus stress of that type even and that flowing cyclicality that seasonality that’s important that’s how we grow that’s how we build things that’s important that’s how we grow that’s how we build things and ironically another thought that i have is that thoughts are flat they have no depth no width no height and therefore there’s no hierarchy inherent in thoughts we give thoughts the hierarchy hierarchy if we’re wise enough to do so and Jordan Peterson’s right like hierarchy is inevitable it’s older than trees so there’s that so thoughts are going to have hierarchy like many other things do and they’re flat so no wonder why we tend to create flat models of the world in our head we’re allowed to do so we’re not given a lot of interaction with the real world when we don’t play enough we don’t experiment enough in participation with the things outside of ourselves right action has to be outside of you things inside of you are not actions you cannot validate and verify them using other people it might seem like you can oh did you see that pink unicorn yeah i did too oh okay it must be real no i took my pink unicorn for a walk no i thought we had the same pink unicorn i took my pink unicorn for a walk there goes that problem so we’re assigning a hierarchy to our thoughts our thoughts are flat and therefore the models we create with our thoughts are flat and yeah there’s ways to create thought models that are not flat but the thoughts the things that are constructed from are flat very easy to fall down that rabbit hole very easy that’s that line between illusion right and reality i have a previous live stream on that illusion fantasy is required it’s part of your imaginal realm it’s part of your imagination but it’s too easy to build a model with those things and then the problem becomes you have a flat model you have perfect prediction perfect certainty perfect accuracy in your model but it doesn’t match the things outside your head because it’s only perfect in your head all the thoughts you have are perfect in your head by the way it’s a fantastic place you should come visit someday and the lack of hierarchy is important because the fundamental problem that we’re having nowadays is a lack of communion of commonality of common ground common ways of thinking memes are destroying the world i’ve talked about me before when we don’t look up we aren’t looking through the only lens that actually matters sure things get easier or at least they seem to but really we’re trading off one lens for another but all the friends we have are not looking through the only lens that actually matters and that’s true and that’s true and that’s true and that’s true and that’s true and that’s true but all the frames that you can have political economic they make more sense when you look up when you aim higher at the true the beautiful and the good and you can look at the primary lens and then you can look at politics and realize it’s downstream from culture well politics is downstream from culture what’s going on why do people think that politics is moving things because it’s clearly not it helps to have a sense of hierarchy so watching the pastor paul van der klei live stream today and it always boggles my mind like they’re they’re sitting on the doorstep of the answers to the questions they’re asking and it’s like they don’t know they’re sitting on the doorstep and I’m you know literally in the live stream comments screening at them typing in all chaos hint what crypto catholicism like do you mean that people who understand hierarchy and structures and institutions and have expertise in them are more likely to either build the system or the either build them run ones that other people build be able to maintain them because duh and they don’t see it very clearly they don’t see it which just I don’t know I don’t know how you don’t see that it’s that one next step that they’re not making but really it’s not a next step right they’re just not looking up the answer is looking up and maybe they were looking up or not high enough I don’t know but it didn’t look like they were looking up to me seemed to be pointed horizontally along a flat plane out to the foxes or the lions which is the worst framing ever although they did fix the framing into masculine and feminine which was good and that stream in particular man you know sam made some really good contributions and start out with a really bad frame and then actually explain something useful but because it was a bad frame there’s no solution so it’s like so close not wrong right but also not helpful and I’m a pragmatist it’s not helpful throw it out lots of descriptions work lots I can take anything and describe it to you six different ways and those descriptions will work maybe one of them is useful though and you can always do the useful for one argument and sometimes that’s a valid argument but the point is there are way more useless descriptions than there are useful descriptions and we don’t understand that it’s a deep asymmetry the world is not symmetrical and that’s the problem like we tend to flatten the world and make it symmetrical and now we have binaries again we’re back to the binary thinking and the good news is we get hippie Jesus we get equality doctrine everyone’s equal we’re raising up the poor we’re dragging down the wealthy we’re going to make everybody equal right but equality doctrine means we aren’t supporting the people rising to leadership instead we’re criticizing them we’re dragging them down we’re critiquing them we need to instead raise up support improve those above us unless we ourselves would like to lead leaders cannot exist without support what is the crisis of leadership well there it is you can have there it is you can have equality or leaders but not both it’s not that hard it’s a simple answer and those leaders are going to screw up just like you maybe a little grace for the poor leaders who are making a sacrifice to do this leadership that everybody says they want but nobody will submit to anyway because they want to live in an equal world with hippie Jesus because they can’t read by the way that was hinted at in the stream it’s a good stream i don’t know if i can recommend it but there’s some people who are i don’t know if i can recommend it but there’s some good nuggets in there for sure and this equality doctrine is sneaky because it makes life easy if everyone’s equal we have fewer problems and democracy implies equality and one of the deep mistakes that sam made in the stream which i just drives me nuts you know oh well you know there’s there’s this democracy thing and you know we’re trying to keep our democracy we don’t live in a democracy in the united states we’re a democratic republic we’re republic why why because democracy screws up we know this the english greeks knew this they wrote about it all over the place it’s in it’s in a wonderful tone you may have heard of called the republic it’s in the republic but the middle of book eight talks about why democracy fails and how democracy fails and oh my goodness go read the middle of book eight and then look around suspiciously and then ask yourself why we have a simple answer play dough had a simple answer and explanation tongue in cheek though it may be overreduced at absurd and it may be because the republic is nothing if not absurd on purpose because the republic is nothing if not absurd on purpose in a simple answer to how democracy blows up what it leads to and why it leads there play dough had that answer and we’re ignoring it and it has to do with equality doctrine although he wouldn’t put it that way or at least he didn’t in the bloom translation that i’m reading by the way check out the texas wisdom community channel where we go through the republic actually tomorrow should be our last day we’re gonna finish the last half of book 10 and see what we find out finally man it’s been too long love the book though it’s been great i’m glad danny made me uh made me do it i was forced against my will to read one of the classics never again never again kidding i might i might delve again the crisis of leadership is the quest for equality they’re one in the same the piety of poverty is an equality doctrine it’s not the only equality doctrine but it’s one that leads to equality or the attempted equality and that’s part of the problem another thought that i’ve been pondering lately is i had such a hard time with trying to time with trying to get people to understand that to cooperate and corporation are linked we come together in a body and give up our individualism which allows us to improve overall right while contributing to something bigger than ourselves a corporation is a body it has a head all good bodies must have a head they won’t last without one isn’t that annoying someone has to lead no yeah but we don’t have any leaders our leaders we have suck because we have always suck leaders we have always suck in order to cooperate we must be part of a body a corporeal corporation corporeal thing that’s how we co-operate we operate together within a body we marshal together and that’s how we get things done that are bigger than us and maybe it’s not the only way but maybe it’s the best and easiest way just worth thinking about so and i mentioned this earlier in the live stream there they did it sort of at the end sort of switch from fox and lion which is just ridiculous by the way foxes are always evil in the bible maybe maybe being the foxes means you’re the bad guy um jacob fedoracci pointed that out like oh well that sounds right to me um which side are you on the mask and the feminine is a better frame the problem is we keep talking about it and the feminine should remain hidden talked about this before there’s a good movie my my good friend and editor michelle turned me on to called sanctified it’s quite a good western uh very good western uh a it’s a good western it’s modern right it’s it’s modern right it’s recent rather it’s recent western it came out last year or something it has a really good embodiment of the divine feminine in it sort of impossible to uh overstate how well done it is it’s not sort of perfect perfect but also i did finally go see this godzilla minus one movie and wow so what you should be doing you should quit this stream and go watch that movie now it is good it is really good godzilla appears like four times uh which is the way the classic godzilla movies were by the way i’m rather a fan of classic godzilla films and i know a tiny smattering of godzilla history and a insignificant amount of japanese history unfortunately for me uh but also like i’m a westerner so there is that the movie works on multiple levels it is a personal struggle the monster is archetypal there is commentary on japan the japanese people and submission and the divine feminine is there and the divine feminine drives the movie but the women aren’t in the movie much every scene they’re in moves everything but they’re just not there and i’m gonna get in the beginning we shouldn’t be talking about the divine feminine in that way we need to understand that the hidden is more powerful that making a space for things to move into is important dating site i don’t know if you’ve ever seen a movie where the movie is just a little bit more uh dating site i don’t need your job i have my own career i have a car i have a house we’re running out of things to do with a man if he’s not providing income a house a car we’re running out of stuff here this doesn’t look good there’s no space men need to conquer space and hold it and some of them are bad at both which is too bad but most of them will rise to the occasion we need that feminine archetype not told as a story but shown as a participation not never talked about not never discussed but discussed in a certain way where it is a second order effect where it is an exemplification that causes an action not an action in and of itself the divine feminine is not an action it’s the definition the creation of a space talk too much about it you’ll destroy it what do you think’s been happening why do you think we don’t have any leaders what is there to lead exactly everyone’s off being everyone’s off being independent an individual well we’re all individuals we can’t have leaders you want to be an individual that’s great you can’t can’t have a leader guy it’s a or b like that is a binary sorry you can maintain your uniqueness and give it up to the higher thing that the leader is the head of which is a body and maybe that leader will be replaced although replacing leaders is always tricky most leader replacements fail and that’s sort of the trick of equality right you can think of it as being stuck in that binary you could say male and female and people will go oh wait there’s an exception and therefore the male female dichotomy is wrong and it’s like well no because you can make a third thing you can say male female exception and you can treat the exception as though it is special or important because something has to be at the bottom if you treat male and female equally someone’s going to get treated lesser because we can’t treat things equally they’re not equal and even if we could we don’t like it treat things equally they’re not equal and even if we could we don’t like it as it turns out male female exception the third thing that re-enchants the world it gives you lifts you up off of the horizontal flat world plane into oh there are these things that don’t fit in these buckets and that’s okay now we have to do something to account for them but not the same thing we do to account for the two more common cases that are the overwhelming majority but also need separation it gets you out of the binary the binary is predictable but reality won’t give you that level of certainty that you desire and when you’re out of the binary it can lead both up maybe to heaven or down maybe to hell the thing is if you want to go up you have to work at it and you have to be careful if you want to go down you don’t do much work at all it’s fine you can escape the binary you can say look because there’s an exception to male and female we need to name it we need to categorize to classify it to put it in our ontology to build a new ontology we can rebel against the male and the female we can push them down make them lesser and make this exception that is exceptionally rare by the way just drawn by the numbers and that’s what’s happening important we can raise it up if you want to use joeyan language we can take the margins the exception and make them the center will just fall down into hell and that’s what’s happening and just a note rationalism it’s a form of justification it’s not a justification for an action all your justifications for actions are religious fundamentally religious people use the term metaphysics they mean religious see my video all rationalism is post-hoc you’re just justifying what happened it’s not a justification for action rationalizing is hard we act first we rationalize second most things we never rationalize do you rationalize why you got up and went to the bathroom and took the route that you did or used the bathroom that you did or whatever i’m not saying nobody does that actually i totally optimize all my routes to the house it’s really sad i have all these formulas for figuring out like oh i’m leaving my desk i should pick up all my trash and throw it out and then hit the bathroom and which way should i do that and should i drop off my tea cup empty teacup first right and then do i carry the bag over or do i go the other way through the house and then drop the bag and the trash into the trash and then put the teacup down and then go like i do work all that out but most people don’t i just happen to be insane so no problem no one does anything for a single reason this is why rationality doesn’t work like you rationalize based on a single path a single t loss but you don’t do things for single reasons you need to have a way to satisfy the ego you need to have a way to look good to others right and we need to serve something higher we don’t have to be right about whether or not that’s actually going to work right but we do have to consider those three sorts of frames in order to actually do anything if something just satisfies our ego but makes us look bad to the community we’re not going to do it if we think we’re serving some higher purpose and we just happen to look good doing it maybe you don’t care what the community says am i describing anything yet maybe it looks good to the community and we think we’re serving something higher so we’ll take the hit and they’ve got these tomes on psychology i’m like freaking really really no you don’t need that it’s way easier but hey what do i know i’m just a muppet you’re a muppet we’re all muppets it’s good to be a muppet and with that i think some winter green tea from the table rock tea company very good unique tea this was the one that’s picked cold picked the tea leaves cold instead of in the winter rather instead of when they’re ripe in the summer and so actually the spring i think they’d ripen and they’d normally pick them in march or something which is spring here i’ll go through my little list here elizabeth this is a big deal which is a big deal elizabeth i don’t know what i was saying back then but i don’t know what i was saying back then christopher jill i’m good to see you christopher i hope all is well what are you doing oh oh wait a minute is it the middle of the day where you are i forget time is terrible it’s a terrible thing i hope christopher is still here i met christopher on clubhouse he’s a wonderful person quite nice considered if he’s a mother or not but everyone should elizabeth maybe not looking up maybe always look up elizabeth what’s the matter with you maybe acting with the body well i mean i think you should act with the body while you’re looking up you don’t think you should act the body without it you are you’re on that stream right anselman you saw me go in hand every five minutes you’re like guys you just said the thing that answers your question i don’t you see that some days i think they’re all hopeless over there wrong is almost on time well dude um there’s a big difference anselman was late anselman you were late all right that’s it bomb scotland immediately we’ll have none of the scottish rebellion in my midst says the guy who’s three hours from the appalachian mountains where all the scots irish rebels live in the united states hello hello hello that’s too confusing you know pluralistic society is impossible to have honor yeah well you can’t stand out right i mean it’s not the pluralism that’s the problem necessarily it’s the equality that’s implied by the pluralism equality doctrine sneaks in in all kinds of weird ways all right i’m always late i must have no honor um that might not be the only reason you have no honor just saying anselman we have been given some leaders who are laughing stocks deliberately it’s okay if we weren’t given the leaders like we participated in that problem when you don’t call people out and like i get it calling people out is dangerous especially people up above you could get in trouble but also hello equality jesus is not the jesus i know yeah well he flipped tables i love this ethan uh i have to agree with elizabeth um equality doctrine turns infirmity into vanity yes it does it really does it it really like victim narrative stuff yeah definitely definitely hello democracy is what you get when those in power want to skirt accountability yeah they’ll give you the appearance of democracy true democracy is what you get when you’re foolish enough to try and enact it and you know you can have it for as long as you can keep it sort of a thing yeah see elizabeth liked your comment too ethan insists i need to audit your dante club and elizabeth is correct now he needs to start in the inferno man ted talks about the inferno quite a bit you would have loved convivium oh my god if you guys haven’t heard the convivium talks two of them are out uh dr jim’s and uh father erics wow they are amazing they’re amazing amazing best talks in the peterson sphere by far um should probably do links on those wasn’t prepared today it’s been a it’s been a long week let me tell you it’s been a long week um yeah and dr jim has a channel um i assume he’s like testing it out or something um quite quite good stuff though you know i have these links somewhere um i will get them um tany does not want spoilers on the movies of course not tany and ethan tells me to tread carefully why i’m a pirate there’s nothing careful about pirates ikaro this talk about man having to acquire space is interesting care to talk about it in a call in discord or whatever any day yep i have a channel of two thousand subscribers is for people that speak portuguese but i am fluent in english well i have a discord server called the mark of wisdom you can uh join anytime and uh we can talk about that anytime you want or if you’d like to invite me somewhere then uh yeah i am available on the disi cord available on the disi cord and reachable through the youtubes and the uh twitters and all that stuff um yeah i’m happy to talk about that stuff anytime like anytime it’s uh i mean i’m still working through a lot of it so i’m not claiming expertise and i have to be careful when i say probably because elizabeth is always going to chastise me whenever i talk about any of that stuff hello ibm slash fedora doesn’t even want equality they want some kind of false anti-white gut yeah i know well yeah equality with the lower power wow power is a problem especially because nobody has a good definition except me of course i have a good definition for everything i have a whole video on power cw weeks good to see you cw what what is with cosco selling gold bars oh why not they’ll sell anything ansa mitch has freedom it sounds too much like uh some scottish rebellion there and some not that i don’t love me a good scottish rebellion but ethan hendry denied i know been denied handsome dr jim seemed to doubt elliot’s conviction on being an anglo cat i cannot roman dr jim is an interesting character um i thoroughly enjoyed meeting him in person he is just fascinating and so smart it’s really quick like he is super quick he picks up on things so fast it is absolutely ridiculous absolutely ridiculous so yeah did i uh did i even uh point out the convivium talks last time i don’t know that’s why they’re well worth like they’re just yeah we had a great time talks were wonderful absolutely wonderful i know uh father eric’s talk is here somewhere too also an excellent excellent talk yeah these these talks were such good quality and hanging out with everybody and what was actually a retreat was quite quite nice quite nice hello pluralism also doesn’t exist when trying yeah well people always having group preferences right well we have to hierarchy is inevitable uh that’s why there’s no honor because who do your actions honor offense to some honor to others not good well yeah it’s a problem it’s a problem if you’re trying to have one group instead of many they get along in their own specialties and and and this is the thing it’s weird right i believe in evolution it’s like well specialization is key to evolution specialization also requires groups and in-group preferences uh i don’t know what to tell you it’s kind of baked in anselman but maybe he had a point that he might have been roman in another european country yeah well who knows if if if only yeah i’m proofrock yeah the proofrock it was interesting it was interesting being there i really i really enjoyed that that whole experience was wonderful it was small but it was really good i had a great time and i learned a lot like i learned a lot of thunder bay right i learned a lot at the top at the talks in dc those are nice and convivium yeah learned a lot got to meet ted and kind of last like it was real fun it was busy like it was just boom boom boom boom boom there was no time to do much of anything it was we were busy the whole time you wake up with the group of guys you go off to breakfast to go to your first couple of talks you have some coffee you go to lunch you come back to do more talks right and at the end of the talk you’re out around the campfire it was uh it was interesting people reading poetry and we’re talking about the poetics and the poetic way of knowing and yeah it was wonderful so yeah i think i’m all caught up here yeah those talks are let’s talk for great i know i went through a lot um but if you want to ask questions or share your own thoughts on things i went through then feel free to jump in oops trying to do stuff and things are moving hello glad i found a found out about your channels well thank you uh whoops worthwhile thank you i hope so i hope so yeah that’s the the point is to add some value to the world somehow right and and and help people out because people seem to be struggling with things that i’m kind of like why are you struggling with that that’s you need to struggle with that you can struggle with other much more fun and important things i get it like we struggle with things and we all struggle with things and we shouldn’t think of it as suffering but but struggle because we can turn it into joy or of course we could turn it into more struggle if we if we want or more suffering but i prefer to try to turn it into joy when i can remember and you can’t always remember i mean that’s why you need other people too right other people help uh help you ethan my friend well thank you very much sir i shall keep up the good work just as long as i can i promise i’m doing my best here oh quarry welcome quarry it’s good to see you i don’t know if you’ve been on the live stream before good that you’re here quarry’s on the discord all the time with us so it’s good to get crossover yeah it was uh i hope you catch up quarry i had some good stuff in the beginning hello god gives you trials and suffering so you can grow gives you character i don’t know i think he gives you struggle not suffering but you know this is a big bone with me and suffering i think suffering is inevitable but what what we get is struggle we can turn it into joy or more suffering kind of up to you and any struggle and make it worse um and it doesn’t even take that much effort so if you’re lazy more suffering is free or at least very low cost and you can do it or at least very low cost but also don’t do that and life has enough suffering don’t make more for yourself or others if you can avoid it and maybe you can’t like that’s another part of the problem like you need that tension that conflict that struggle you need it to grow to build things like you’re not going to build a building without tension it’s not going to happen right you’re not going to create things from other things without you know some kind of conflict right quarry mark inspired me to get my new favorite psycho technology a whiteboard it may come in handy good help whiteboards are very handy i would say very handy yeah i didn’t i didn’t uh i wasn’t on the ball today so no drawing no attempt at drawing attempt at drawing you’re all saved my horrible drawing it’s all always time consuming for me to draw anything on the board because i’m just terrible i’m always trying to get better though because you need that struggle that tension that stress that cyclicality right hello good choice i’m making a three inch e-ink wi-fi connected p2p note note block that sounds like fun that sounds like a lot of fun using like raspberry pies or something i’ve got a i’ve got an e-ink display for one of my pies for a pi zero actually it’s pretty cool it’s uh those e-ink displays are great nice if you don’t need high refresh rate stuff what else who else is good question come on that was a nice rambly monologue there’s so much meat there i could dive in on any of it or at least try to we are we are missing sort of that why do we have good leaders when we’re trying to make everybody equal what do you want leaders or equality pick one pick one and i’ll be the equality pick one pick one you’re not having both i i vote leaders it’s actually a third way it’s not it’s not a dichotomy it turns out that leaders can go in many directions whereas equality can’t go in any direction so they’re not opposing they’re not really binaries and have equality within the leadership don’t don’t and you know to the point earlier like you elect the leaders you pick the leaders you enable the leaders if the leaders are bad that’s partly your fault and that sucks but also partly your fault like and and and if you defer and a lot of people do and like fair enough then and yeah you deferred man like you know not saying you can’t complain about the outcome but also you deferred so you’re going to take some responsibility for that right and that’s always the the problem so ethan liked what i heard of what you said regarding the feminine yeah too often people try to logisize the feminine which is impossible and wrong yes yes yeah well even just speaking about it like why do you have to speak about it like i don’t i don’t understand like what why must you do these things wrong accountability and leadership yeah who holds leaders accountable those people below the leaders like this is the problem everybody’s get this postmodern top-down power from above narrative in their head which is wrong by the way completely wrong anything postmodern is just wrong and bad and evil don’t do it and so they’re like well what we need is somebody who watches the watchers and it’s like did you not see the mistake you made there we need a leader for the leaders in case the leaders need accountability we can be accountable to leader leaders you’re you’re creating an infinite regress on the upside that’s not going to solve the problem but it’s going to create a lot more hey cara what is the space that needs to be conquered for example i don’t know dude i don’t make the space like and why do we care so i had a little incident i doubt i doubt this will get back to her but uh woman who runs the entrepreneurship meeting was we were all leaving and she went out to a car and grabbed this huge printer it was freaking enormous it was just big enough that you know i needed you needed two hands to carry of course no problem right she’s in shape and goes to the gym and whatever right it’s not a great issue but it’s still a two-person job if you’re going to open a door it’s going to be as strong as you want it doesn’t it doesn’t help and offered like hey would you like us to to carry that to no i’m like well i’m gonna open the door and open the door there’s the space in that case right the space was the space to open the door because i don’t care how strong you are you’re not carrying that thing one hand and even if you do it’s a pain to miss people there like what yeah look there are situations where yeah you get to go it alone and get that that this was not one of those situations right but you have to leave the space you have to ask for help right you can’t be like i’m going to do it by myself anyway why yet when you try to be an individual you destroy the ability for other people to cooperate with you but you did that to yourself they didn’t do that to you well the leaders are bad no you did that to yourself because you’re part of choosing leaders you’re part of supporting or not supporting the leaders can’t just blame everybody else you’ve got to understand how you’re connected to the system and how the system is connected to you and what that means for your responsibility to the system to the leader to the corporation the corporeal the body that you’re within and maybe you don’t want to be in that body maybe you don’t have a choice either and what is the space that’s open well watch godzilla minus one all right watch sanctified you’ll see the space that opens up you just got to think of it that we can think of it in terms of negative space right like wait a minute there’s lots of possibilities all the time there’s lots of potential everywhere which potential opened up as a result of the interaction with the divine family an opportunity to cooperate an opportunity to open a door an opportunity to rescue someone one of the earliest video games is donkey kong what is the telos of donkey kong to save the princess if the princess is an individual and saves yourself there’s no game is that better will guys who are actually the monkey at the top of the tower just make a monkey game absolutely we will board augs because we’re just augs we’ll just do random stuff man we’ll just smash and build and build and smash if no one’s pointing which you know the pointing might be important and you know if you haven’t seen the pointing the pointing’s right there the women point to the higher thing the man just points to what he built he made the equality she gave him the dream it’s one way to interpret this there’s lots of ways we keep finding new ones good symbolism thank you sally joe sally joe’s wonderful artwork what is the space i don’t know i’m not a girl man ask a girl hopefully they won’t tell you but they’ll show you and then you’ll be like oh and you won’t notice you’ll just do the thing because that’s what we do like guys just do the thing just like yeah whatever man let’s do the thing i don’t know what the thing is i don’t care do the thing that’s actually one of the messages i don’t know what the thing is i don’t care do the thing it’s actually one of the messages of peterson one of peterson’s deep messages that people don’t notice is do the thing what’s the thing it doesn’t matter do the thing the thing will appear to you and maybe you’ll be wrong about the thing but you’ll still do it because that’s what you do and you have to do it you have to clean your room you have to help out you know you have to do the thing you don’t have a choice you will be compelled in a random do the thing direction unless the space is opened or somebody points right oh and i gotta think about this so next week there won’t be a stream that’s for sure i don’t know if there’ll be a stream on the 29th this might be our last stream of the year it’s uh both end is this a convoluted sense making kind of project no there’s nothing convoluted about anything i do if it’s convoluted to you then you’ve over complicated something needlessly by the way you can believe the world is super hard and requires all this extra stuff that everybody’s telling you and you know blue church red church my church you church garbage if you want but uh i assure you no need oh i know the the best way to understand the world is that the politicians run everything leaders tell you what to do and you do it and it’s like no that’s not the best way to understand the world that might be a description lots of descriptions work this is the problem descriptions infinite number of descriptions are accurate but almost none of them are useful and we do we get caught up and get caught up we want a hard answer we’re living the age of gnosis knowledge is like the highest value something’s easy to understand who cares we’ll throw it out it has no value we want it to be hard to understand because then we figured it out that mean we have more gnosis more gnosis you have the better you are higher iq you have the better you it’s bollocks it’s all nonsense and garbage it turns out the people before us they didn’t need that knowledge and they get along just fine so corey i heard a frame leadership versus authority leadership’s power comes from below yes that is correct and authority is orthogonal to leadership the leader can be the authority or not the authority can exist in one or more other persons within a structure and the leader is often beholden to the authority right and this is why you should not listen to experts do not listen to experts experts have no skin in the game as nassim taleb talks about we’d all not seem to love his books they’re great um skin in the game is one of them the leader has skin in the game the leader should listen to the expert and then decide if the expert is off the rails or how right the expert is or what the expert is right about and no doubt the leader will get that wrong sometimes but so will you so yeah i mean it still sucks but also not optional and we need to get back to the things that aren’t optional hierarchy is older than trees as betherson says hmm that might be a hint that maybe the thing to pay attention to is hierarchy because it’s not optional it will appear and it will be evident it will happen equality is not possible corey the president versus advisor some say the advisors have the true power of course they do because of course they say that and sometimes that might be actually the case but the leader decides who to listen to and what to listen to so the power is still with the leader right and sometimes the advisors are wrong and the leader goes yeah you’re wrong and i know you’re wrong and i don’t know how you’re wrong because i’m not an expert but i have an intuition and maybe the intuition is more important or more interesting or just better but sometimes yeah sometimes your advisors rule you too much you listen too much to some muppet who runs some tyrannical thing within the government as a sub-government and makes more money than any other government employee and tells you bad things that are obviously wrong and anti-science and then runs out and claims to be the science not that i’m talking about anybody in particular mind you but maybe i am thank you you’re most welcome corey anytime you know well that i am happy to help you whenever i can manage to do so i don’t know how often i manage it but i’m always trying oh good lord another bad take benjamin franklin i think i think the trick is for the slaves there’s no such thing dude i don’t know what to tell you to role play yeah there’s also no such thing uh and revere the master and all the other rituals that makes no sense at all that this is typical for you and this makes the master feel good what all the while the master is forced to feed the house and the slave conception of slavery is so puerile and childish that i just don’t have words i apologize so my lack of vocabulary none of that is anything like what you classified it as but the good news at least you’re consistent also you need one of these mugs dude like seriously you need to drink coffee out of every morning and make sure you read it contemplation is good for the soul and that’s you know look everybody’s told everybody else they’re smart and it’s like maybe you’re not maybe you can’t understand certain things maybe there are things you think you understand that you can’t understand because you’re just incapable of it or maybe you’ve traded off like you just understand a lot about something and then the other things you want to understand you don’t have the kind of power for going to do a video on cognitive load one of these days videos have been tough it’s been uh it’s been a bad it’s been a bad month it’s been a bad one my editor hasn’t been around so i’ve got one video ready to go and i’m gonna have to edit it it seems which oh well these things happen hopefully i can remember to actually do that while i’m mired in all the other things i’m trying to remember to do what we got many terrible times when people chased achieving independent individuality totally fake yeah it kills everything i hate it so much it must not be tolerated you know tolerance is a problem both and cognitive load is heavy i don’t know if it’s heavy but it’s your cognition is limited and it’s limited differently from other people’s i don’t know you’re more kind of load or less than me i i have no idea it doesn’t matter right it’s certainly different but you have a limit i don’t know where that limit is do you you know i know i’ve hit my cognitive limit is usually when i’m reaching for a word and it’s not there and i go hmm i’m probably cognitively overloaded right now and that comes and goes sometimes all the words come to me all the memories come screaming back and sometimes no sometimes i’m like uh what’s my name how much of them up and am i uh what’s your project do i have to have one i have several projects which project are you referring to my live streams my live streams are just me being a pirate and navigating patterns which is in my youtube channel so that’s that’s that project there is some sense making component there for sure oh wow we are like honored tonight casey good to see you my friend awesome yeah we’ve got all the best people here today it’s quite a quite a stream although jesse’s not here to help me uh help me navigate my my nice rambling uh rambling monologue but look i mean i’m trying to help people understand some of the patterns that are out there and get rid of some of the bad talk around foxes and lions right talk about not talking about things like the feminine like or at least limiting how you talk to them to a certain way so we’re not talking about women should be precious not powerful and they’re trying to be the masculine idea of power instead of being precious preciousness creates a space to go back for it to caro and in that space men have something to protect they know where to protect oh there’s a precious thing here i need to build the thing around it to protect it yeah you kind of do that’s why beauty moves us corey jesse marked the dynamic duo well jesse’s not going to be here today i think so i think he’s busy i’m sure uh which is unfortunate really it’s lack of priorities what’s more important than the internet really really yeah i mean i think big projects wisdom communities which we have to get back to but i’m just caught up in i am ove overwhelmed by events as they say there’s a lot going on and i wish i wish i won ah jesse will be here though interesting he’s just running really late maybe sally can present herself what do you this isn’t the request show corey come on sally’s usually busy she has this thing called a child um or someone argue she has two but um she’s a child to deal with and a household to run and maybe she has nothing to say or maybe she doesn’t feel like she can be coherent because sometimes sally’s really aware like sometimes she’s like yeah i’m not gonna talk play free bird no i’m not a musician or you can play free bird if you want um i do like the shout out though i i often go free bird playing free bird and i though i i often go free bird playing free bird yeah uh but then again i’m a troll so you know i’m just a troll with sam pal drink your sam pal good stuff and and your table rock bunch of green tea which is excellent it is quite good i assure you yeah i think wisdom is important navigation is important aim is important orientation is important and it like i don’t hear too many people talking about these things or at least not in a useful way i’m putting them together and so part of the project to exemplify what i call the third way way that jordan peterson sort of opened up for us right the the enchantment of the world is part of what i’m doing and i get it the world doesn’t need to be enchanted it’s already enchanted really you’re enchanting people’s view of the world they have a view of the world it’s not properly enchanted trying to help them enchanted to open it up to give them that depth that quality not qualia that’s a bullshit science word people are fooling themselves with right to to open things up casey did the play dough group ever find out what justice is look we’re book 10 tomorrow morning we’re going to finish book 10 um i don’t know that play it comes to a conclusion about what justice is casey but i will let you know after tomorrow i’m not read i do not read the book in advance i read it the morning of the book club that’s just a little hack that i do it turns out that’s way easier than trying to remember what you read earlier in the week um so yeah uh-oh bruce let me actually put his camera on maybe he’ll have good questions hey welcome sir just topped over and finally had the time to do so oh it’s good to see you always a pleasure yeah you too mark um sorry i’m just uh hopping in i don’t have a lot of context yet i just wanted to make sure i got in because it’s been so long so what is the uh what is the topic de jure there is not a single topic we’ve been talking a lot about the divine feminine uh we’ve been we’ve been talking a lot about the flat world uh oh yeah binary thinking right i was well you’ve heard some of the topics because you’ve been on the discord all week um yeah i mean i i went through what i would call a plethora of points right about um all the different things we’ve been sort of covering i mean some of this is informed by by conversations you and i have this for example right well let’s rehash some of the flat world stuff i guess it might be useful for others yeah yeah i mean i i thought i wish i wish we had recorded it actually right because we had this a lot about all these flat world sort of tropes and what causes flat worlds right a bunch of causes the flattening of the world a bunch of ways to see the flat world like when somebody’s talking binaries right like when when somebody’s sort of in the world and they’re and they’re coming up with this scheme that seems really perfect and super predictable that’s a flat world right sure sure yeah it is it is indeed uh what so the the thing that’s difficult is um people flatten the world but while they’re doing so they can’t help but also live in the hierarchy of the not flat world um but it’s it’s interesting because they end up with a sort of blinders or tunnel vision because they’re acting as though the world is flat all the while creating a series of values or at least propositional values that they claim are uh correct and absolute um which which is really funny because uh at the same time they’ll say that these values are uh subjective or individually planted but um how do you how do you connect with anyone or have relations with anyone if they are indeed individual right right yeah well and i think i think that’s where the objective material reality my omr comes in right like they take this position this objective position and then they say they’re looking at the world from above ironically pretending it’s a flat world and predicting it perfectly and of course if look if you could predict perfectly predict the world you would be above the world looking down on it um you’d also technically god by the way which you know there’s a i’m pretty sure i haven’t read it but i have an good authority which maybe you’ve read the book that there’s like a 2000 year old book that like talks about don’t try to do that like don’t play the god thing because you ain’t that and all that i i don’t know i haven’t read it but people do what’s right in their own mind and uh it’s a constant battle for everyone to not create a new god right and not create themselves into a new god which is even more insidious right self self-idolatry or or creating an idol of material um and so you’re you’re you’ll always fall into that trap in a certain sense because as you experience the world and your individual experiences you find yourself evaluating these experiences uh in a in a in a kind of a um in a kind of a um pseudo vacuum and so then you become the arbiter of what is good and what is right in your own mind right right but how does one get out of that circle or that frame how do you how do you transcend this individualistic flattening right well um there must be a supernatural intervention must that’s the only way by which i don’t yeah but then you find people looking and grasping for things outside themselves uh let’s say uh it’s empiricism or science and they’ll say that’s outside myself right right but but they evaluate the data that the empirical science empiricists give them with their worldview right right so so now is it is it outside yourself or are you evaluating this from your own worldview right everyone has a worldview and you’re you’re evaluating it from a flattened frame yeah yeah and so that that trap is uh it’s a rough trap that’s that’s why i would presuppose that one must have supernatural intervention to be lifted out of that frame yeah well and i think i think you know just to address casey’s question do you have an idea of what justice is i mean ultimately i think what playdo is actually talking about is because again he does absurdly place everything into binaries in the in the text which is hysterical to me that nobody mentions how absurd that you know if this is true then certainly socrates you’re right it’s like really so funny well in in the same way that you’ll say that you haven’t read the 2000 year old book i don’t have enough skill or knowledge on playdo so yeah well you shouldn’t you shouldn’t it will make you angry because you’ll be like why are these people talking about this book they clearly haven’t read it because that’s actually my conclusion now is everybody who says they read the republic didn’t or they have loaded low reading comprehension i don’t know but you’re clearly missing the point because the point really is a binary frame or a frame that works with an ontology cannot get it justice like he’s quite clear about this so in that way i would say the republic is a re-enchantment of the world it says it the freaking text opens with the whole concept being you cannot understand justice by yourself justice on a desert island makes no sense anyway right don’t need justice if you’re by yourself you’re an individual individuals don’t need justice individuals can’t have justice in fact you want to be an individual no justice for you no really i can prove that but and playdo does right but you also can’t understand justice in relation from you and one other person or you and several other people it’s not possible what playdo actually does is build a city why inside the city he builds classes of people he builds a hierarchy he justifies all of this like this is the point of the republic justifying that the parable of the cave yep that video is coming i apologize it’s taking me longer than i thought um the parable of the cave is the polar opposite of what you’ve been told zero people escape from the cave zero people can escape from the cave you can’t escape from the cave you are born into the position that you’re born into and the people that are born into a higher position are of a different class and there are several classes and the whole point is you are supposed to take the people the philosophers the true philosophers not the sophists sophists are bad i think playdo doesn’t like sophists you are supposed to take the true philosophers who are heading towards goodness oh they’re heading towards goodness and you as the creator of the city by the way which is an interesting thing nobody ever talks about so playdo and glaucon in this case are creating the city have to drag them away from that even though it’s not good for them explicitly glaucon says socrates you’re dragging the philosophers down to the lowest rung of the city to evaluate it and make changes for which they will be derided the people that they say you need to change this with the philosophers you need to change this are going to jeer at them and not believe them and be upset with them yes and glaucon says you can’t do that they’re they’re on their way to more goodness this isn’t good for them individually and so accoutre says yo dude like this is for the city we started with this is for the city so in the republic the greater good is the greater good of the city not the greater good of the person and not the greater good of the class and that gives you a re-enchantment of justice oh justice has nothing to do with you that’s right there are no individuals in the republic individuals don’t exist in that book because individuals can’t have justice that’s proven in the text it’s also obvious i know you haven’t thought about it not you specifically bruce but think muppets do not think about these things and and and people oversimplify it and they start talking about emerging from the cave that’s not in the text it’s nowhere in the book i’m sorry nowhere it’s not there if you want to know more texas wisdom community and maybe i’ll grab the link for that yeah it’s a it’s a great little playlist that we have but that’s that’s book seven in particular the parable of the cave play dough doesn’t believe in a flat world clearly clearly yeah well in this so i’m trying to i’m trying to square all of that again i haven’t read enough play dough to make educated you know assessments of it but from the synopsis you gave is is there a sense in which they’re stating the individuals are are the creators or are they stating that creation exists already no they they skip over creation entirely which is an interesting theme because you’ll notice that most will call the modern philosophers that which has nothing to do with ancient greek philosophy by the way they skip over all scientists skip over creation they’re all creation deniers every single one of them okay creation denier denial is the core and the key to scientism it’s it’s what actually creates sure sure so how do they square where things are originate no he doesn’t that’s not the purpose of the book okay well that’s the whole point is that’s not in there because he’s not trying to resolve that problem right is he but that is he presupposing it or denying it yeah no no they they presuppose that things exist right that there’s unity among diversity that there is all sorts of um particular constants right there must right right it would be the only way to do that right i mean it’s just not on their radar to to talk about casey so everything is about right relationship huh yeah everything is about right relationship now korey thinks something’s clippable korey clip away dude like start a channel it’s clickable well i i mean in the republic the creator is socrates and glaucombe and they’re the creators of the city explicitly so they’re playing god explicitly and the fascinating thing the fascinating thing bruce here’s the fascinating thing like here’s the nuclear weapon this book this book this book okay do you know it’s full of full of references to the gods full chucked full everywhere and like it’s delivered right everywhere they run into a problem with the logic with the reason where they reach the end of logic which is not hard to do by the way i know no one does it i get that you’re not to blame you’ve been told you can do something you can’t do i told you you can do something almost nobody can do sure they appeal to the gods every time they run into a logical error block they appeal to a god or a goddess or some spirit of a god welcome you can’t get away from it no you can’t well they don’t even try everybody who uses the republic tries and i’m like dude you didn’t read the book they don’t try they’re like yeah eventually you’re gonna have to resolve this for us but yeah that goes back to like throughout all of time and all the studies of people groups every people group is homo religioso right they have they have a god tier it’s it’s it’s built in now do you submit to the god now that’s the question and how do you do it but out the gate they’re presupposing it everywhere welcome to nate hi jesse did you uh hello have you been hearing what we’ve been saying or are you sure until discord and stream yard started to just fight on me to fight exactly yeah yeah software is broken see marks oh man is it ever everything is so broken now it’s like holy crap i don’t know how much longer things are gonna hold together ai out to the rescue right yeah no yeah well solar batteries we just need solar power and solar batteries and then once everyone has access to this new technology it’ll all we’ll all be equal again with oh yeah yeah yeah that’s the great equalizer yeah yeah i will make it so equally dumb yeah yeah well you can think of gods as just spirit or team spirit or telos it doesn’t even have to be necessarily a um deified thing you know the mcgulls essentially deified war battle or adventure that was like they didn’t have a supreme being that he necessarily worshiped uh at what point do is rebellion a function of leadership and a component of a rebel if his claims are justified uh makes him a hero or a leader because corruption is inevitable like you know it’s the short you know quotas like you know you’re a rebel for as long as if the system that the previous system holds and then okay so yeah so yeah so yeah so yeah so yeah so yeah so yeah so yeah so yeah so yeah so yeah so the previous system holds and then well you’ve inherited inherited rebellion from your father right that’s the that’s the nature of man and so corruption is inevitable as a result so life is a constant battle against the internal rebellion so you inherit traits of your father’s style of leadership yeah which are which are flawed and corrupted and cursed yeah unless we’re claiming blank slate or perfection which i don’t think either many people don’t claim that anymore i would appeal to morality i think i think you know it could you know obviously a good leader has been brought up in in at least a decent household or and or had his character formed through struggle which was brought up earlier sure the morals arise from somewhere they’re not they’re not created they’re discovered and submitted to yep what’s the tradition yeah it’s well it’s one yeah one way of seeing it yeah well it is it is a tradition even if you don’t like it like the tradition rebellion right okay i’ll i’ll i’ll meet you halfway yeah rebellion is a tradition of um corruptible leaders that uh uh yeah we should prefer um gains of a certain gains of a certain type over the communal good or the common good and that uh if that and if that isn’t if there is a possibility of that being inheritable then of course you’re going to get rebellion because you’re going to get rebellion from both sides of that sure well i think i think part of rebellion is like if you’re told you’re an individual you’re in rebellion against everything like because you’re trying to separate yourself from everything that’s what an individual is it’s apart from every everything you cannot cooperate if you’re an individual like you can say like why have the option to cooperate no you really just started from a poor position of rebellion and and what you’re doing is you’re trying to decide what the relationship is going to be as though you’re an authority on the relationship already because you’re already in rebellion because you’re trying to be an individual doesn’t make any sense well bruce what makes someone a hero in your books in your in your uh i would go i would well that’s tough um i would say the way that we um define hero today and generally speak of it would be uh love of neighbor like i would quote scripture and say no greater love than one who laid down his life for his friend so i think that’s um the ethos of what we’re getting at when we say hero uh the sacrifice archetype uh the placing placing the good above pragmatism you know uh that sort of thing replacing the good above pragmatism what do you yeah there are some practical yeah there are some practical outcomes that may not strive toward the ultimate good albeit good in your own mind or circumstantially but they’re not ultimately correct uh they are correct in the pragmatic sense but it’s a small frame it’s it’s a low resolution frame so that would that a hero wouldn’t be um wouldn’t be so uh i can’t think of the word now um they wouldn’t be so terse or quick to do something for the practical application and result uh they would be striving toward a higher good which may result in denying some of the uh practical outcomes uh or pragmatic approaches you know in the in the in the here and now or the day right have you seen the hero can you can you look forward and upward okay yeah yeah that’s that’s that’s definitely true but going back where have you seen that that’s well anytime anytime a person compromises for the day um and doesn’t look forward to the better the betterment outside themselves um anything anytime you uh anytime you look to satisfy the desires of the day and sacrifice the good of your neighbor tomorrow um you’re not in a heroic position that’s how it’s that’s how i would go with that a justified it would be like a justified retreat it would be like you know i could claim glory on the battleground by trying to charge ahead and seize the day or i i for the good of the the war not the battle we have to we have to retreat in somewhat and recoup and refine our resolve in order to is that what you’re going for yes i would say that’s yeah i mean that’s that’s one way to put it sure uh i mean if to try and think of a practical example would be um uh looking to looking instead of changing hearts and minds you’re looking for practical outcomes uh you know in war for instance um you know let’s uh you know let’s let’s kill a terrorist leader for the sake of checking the box to justify the reason we’re there as opposed to changing hearts and minds which may take longer more sacrifice lots of due diligence uh or we could just offer this head uh you know and and say it’s good and just kick the can down the road right and that’s how you get the french revolution revolution rebellion that’s why that would be one of it yeah yeah i think marcus said that’s the french revolution is so crucial when it comes to what we’re talking about today at least in other conversations we’ve had yeah that ethos absolutely well and and like if you want to know what a hero isn’t right so you’ve got the you’ve got the english revolution right where they had the king right and then it’s like wait a minute what happened there and part of the problem is that no one wants to step up and lead the country they’re all afraid to do it and so the protectorate is invoked and a king is actually reinstalled under the name of protectorate i was like wait a minute in the french revolution it’s the same thing they behead the king and nobody wants to step up nobody wants to be heroic because the hero is always the person that steps in and does something in a space where no one else is willing to do it whether or not that entails sacrifice i mean i would argue always entails sacrifice but i don’t i don’t want to go down that rabbit hole and the thing that struck me was which which i’m actually shocked at by the way is that your description was very flat world in my mind like the hero really is about that new ground like leading something like heroes always lead in some way right like jason the argonauts like the somebody’s setting the pace somebody’s uh defining the telos and then maybe i wasn’t clear enough i agree with that i do yeah the hero does set the pace but but it’s not short-sighted the hero can’t be short-sighted the time frame thing is tricky one of the things i mentioned in the monologue was having that higher frame all the time like you need that lens that looking up to put all the other lenses in effectively i totally agree to rule them all if you want to go yeah i totally agree yeah yeah yeah i would totally agree with that um i do think uh the unfortunate part of when we define hero is we must be careful not to create a new idol um that hero is pointing not replacing right in my in mario world view which i think is correct but um if they cannot replace and they must point you to god they must they must point you with direction they can take the place of god although many people do that they put them in the place of god right well in their minds or practically or however you know however they must point to some aspect of the highest no i mean i think because that’s where we get into trouble we go like point to this thing that’s way bigger and can’t be pointed to like i don’t know you can you can point at an aspect that we can put a small section right can’t really point but you can point up but in that upward pointing even though it is a point like actual point like there’s more bad along the bottom of the triangle than there is good at the top of the triangle for sure in that point there are an infinite number of points actually and so you can’t point at the point right you just point towards it and i think that’s that helps to prevent the difference is are you creating an idol are you creating an icon creating an icon it it has a way in and through and if you’re creating an idol then it stops at the thing you’ve created whether it’s a physical object or an image of a hero as a god or whatever and i think that is the mistake i know sort of casey mentioned this earlier right he had some some comment i gotta find it casey i think the gods were more like things to be bargained with or appeased now they could be bargained with or appeased the the gods in ancient greek culture were very human they were like human plus plus that’s the best way to understand them and the reason why they’re like that is that they are a contrast for the greeks for humans as such right and so if you had the power to make lightning rain down and you were a jealous philandering husband what would that look like oh we’ll call it zeus fair if you were a jealous wife with all these powers and this ability to be sneaky as all the goddesses have by the way if you watch carefully if you read the mythos carefully full finch um what would you do oh well there’s harrah you know you know what what would happen if if somebody said oh this is a gift for the most beautiful goddess and there were three goddesses in the room and it just kind of appeared what would happen that’s a good question right like the these are the sorts of stories it tells the gods are in one way in ancient greek mythos in one way they’re all too human right and then it’s and this is why i actually think for real modern science fiction is actually equivalent to ancient greek philosophy and yeah i would agree real quick as much as i know of ancient greek philosophy that makes total sense to me well you’re using your what you’re doing is you’re making a bunch of assumptions so it’s like okay assume a world with no oxygen all right and no sunlight what would those creatures look like right so you’re making a bunch of assumptions to highlight one or two aspects to explore those aspects that’s what science fiction does that’s also what the ancient greeks do and in their philosophy so if you read the republic and i don’t actually necessarily recommend it because it is a hard book to read and you should probably read at the book club like like i did and not try to read it on your own at all you’ll notice that they very much set that up they very much set up and it’s all throughout the book actually it’s a very it’s a very complex text they set up these scenarios where they’re highlighting one thing there it’s all contrast right it’s this or this that or that right and it’s all absurd but on purpose but they’re doing that so that you can see one thing that can highlight one thing of course the republic as a text the highlight really is justice right that’s the big highlight but there are other little highlights along the way like in the parable of the cave the the highlight in in the actual parable the cave before they expand the metaphor out by the way and change everything and it’s no longer about a cave nobody mentioned that to you i know but also right the contrast is between the people who are trapped at we’ll say the lowest level of the city as it turns out that’s what the equivalent is you don’t know that when you first read it’s the opening part of book seven and the people who put the things on the wall that those people react to and in the second contrast as a result of that setting that scenario up is what if we could which we can’t and we won’t take somebody out of that and then they see that it’s a play and then they go back oh well here’s what would happen if you would do that but it’s never done it’s it’s implied that it can’t happen it’s very much contrast all the way down oh he’s he’s gone i know he left us poor internet he doesn’t even have wallaby internet like you do oh yeah unreliable expensive silly it was a heat wave here three three yeah three days ago now and the media was trying to push out message you can only use your aircon between this time and this time it’s like 90 percent of social media channels will just like you know wow yeah it’s like yeah we already pay too much for electricity um so we’re just gonna like actually stay sane and not go crazy because you don’t want to add the yeah but we would need to you know get into renewables just like yeah not in the country where you have 40 which would be 100 in almost 120 fahrenheit uh heat wave days so yeah wow and it’s a different heat than obviously america and it’s a different type of light too which is you know people don’t want to talk about this the quality of light and the quality of the heat determines what it feels like the phenomena of actually being in hot weather um well and how you get affected by it by your body oh yeah one of the one of the remarkable things right so i used to live in new england in new england in the winter when you’re out in the sun you really don’t notice in south carolina in the winter when you’re out in the sun it’s nice and warm it’s always nice and warm because you’re way further down on that big old globe i know the earth is flat but um yeah it’s uh yeah it’s like a pineapple the difference it’s a pineapple yeah no actually my earth is flat like i don’t all right i don’t know how anybody else interacts with the world but i sort of interact we should go to the ice wall sometime we should just make an expedition to the ice wall well ice walls depending on your flat world mythology if there’s like a series of ice balls there’s a meme actually where they’ve got they’ve got all the greek or not not all the egyptian main egyptian gods and every time you go outside of an ice wall it’s a different egyptian god so there’s a conservative ice balls that’s funny yeah like someone had too much imagination here yeah well it means as part of the spreading out right there’s so many names and anybody can create them and so we’re making more gnosis as time goes on and it’s just disconnected from everything because the individuals are making that or people who are trying to be individuals are making memes and it’s like dude what do you do you’re contributing to the flood you know which is not to encourage ethan to stop making memes because i love his memes but but also memes are evil so it’s pluses and minuses getting getting back to the the topic raised and i only raise it because i’ve been slightly thinking about it this week because of i did a tweet about rebel moon coming out and they have this interplay between rebels and leaders and they kind of juxtaposition the two and i was like this is the worst worst use of framing for a hollywood movie ever because um if you’re living in a corrupt empire how do you sanctify that how do you participate in in that corruption you actually have to you’re not rebelling if you’re leading other people towards the good and i would the way i would define a hero is a hero is um someone who’s thinking about the system and maintaining the system and bringing order or restoring justice to the system a rebel is only thinking about a singular goal they’re just thinking about what the outcome is how do i maintain that how do i you know build myself up rather than yeah right rather than what the hero does the hero does is kind of um when the motivation’s wrong yeah for the rebel yeah it’s looking to it’s looking to the highest whether the rebel’s often just going on a journey the rebel’s concerned about a perceived injustice to them or others yes they’re not concerned about maintaining order right despite the sacrifice that that implies and the sacrifices some people are going to suffer unfairly for sure but but but you can’t replace it with nothing because hierarchy is inevitable and the thing you replace it with might be worse right yeah see russia um uh the the other thing i was going to say about uh how do you find what uh a rep or a hero is not like defining against just just do it for intellectual reasons is that um when a hero dies does the system hold like have they built have they maintained order enough they left enough capacity in the system soft s of soft s use of the word system that the that the good works continues on into the next generations and there you have your tradition um hero strength in systems yeah yeah i like essentially it’s never just one hero it’s never just one hero too it’s often a um well yeah this gets into the yeah this gets into the whole great man theory the great man no i’m just going to talk he man i was just going to talk he man you have to get great man theory he just took him and there was no greater man than he man what are you talking about now you’re confusing me exactly uh when that’s he man in particular is interesting right because it’s all alter ego based so yes vk calls secret sacred self and uh yeah that’s uh that’s a tricky oh oh casey wants the he man theory okay absolutely he won’t come up where’s the mug jesse where’s the he man mug i’ll go get it all right we’re gonna get the he man mug yeah i like that that definition that the that the hero is basically the one that strengthens the system leaders often sacrifice and when people don’t want to be leaders it’s no wonder being a leader is a huge sacrifice it’s huge and you know yeah people want to be leaders sure and also leaders won’t give up leadership if they think it’s going to make things worse they’re heroes because they’re keeping leadership is a sacrifice if you’re leaving the country you’re not taking care of your family because you can’t do both actually right where’s the mug jesse shows the mug there is yes he man i’m the masters of the universe now i’ve actually already destroyed two of these mugs that’s why this one is now gonna live in this box i have another mug too and another talking point but the point of this is that all these people pictured here are heroes they are part of the the spirit of the hero they all participating together in a band right they kind of right they’re they’re all they all serving one telos one person may have more authority in the band because they are the leader that everyone looks up to but everyone participates in supporting the leader to achieve the highest principle he’s not the authority well yeah he man’s not the authority it’s a good example of not the authority actually because he’s got the advisor the advisor’s the oh yeah yeah right and and i would say that’s all the authority all he man’s doing is leading what’s he doing he’s focusing to tell us so that yeah okay yeah there’s okay in whatever the authority is pointing at effectively right and the authority doesn’t tell a leader what to do but the authority does constrain the leader by pointing yeah this is feminine versus masculine power right like feminine power is pointing feminine power is not lifting the thing it’s pointing at the thing and then the guy figures out how to lift it like that’s you know well on the whole idea is the secret safe itself there’s often a phrase by the power of greyskull and that’s how he kind of goes from a you know he’s he’s in spirit he’s inspired essentially he’s he’s incaptured and he goes to the the warrior archetype it’s which i would say it’s important to acknowledge where you get your power from the secret thing itself is saying the powers within me i i don’t have to do anything because i’m totally well i can self i can self create in the world rather than i am procreating because my power my spirit my telos comes from a higher source um that right like that secret sacred self is i’m participating better with me and that’s wrong you can’t do that right whereas the hero participates better with the system right and invokes the system as part of the expanded identity that allows them to hero and i can see now thank you jesse this is a great gift why there’s a confusion about that like wow okay so actually the message is correct but people are interpreting it wrong because of the individualism again individualism is going to kill us all like individualism is going to talk about spreading out right and a flood you know we have a flood of persons who are trying to be individuals and of course you can’t and so you’re just fooling yourself and now you’re just making a slave out of your uber driver well done muppet you’re also appearing uh appealing to uh materialism and also yeah exactly you’re a muppet you’re appealing to uh material goods it’s also you’re appealing to this idea of chemistry that we just need to combine the right things together and then this self-generation thing can happen um well and i think a myth i think secrets the secret sacred self is the thing that that denies you the ability to do the one thing that you actually need to do the world needs you to be better better you can’t do that with the secret sacred self you can’t it’s not possible right because all you’re saying is i need to be a better me i was like no you do not need to be a better you the world the thing outside of you needs you to be better the world needs you to be better more than you are today and that’s part of what’s missing in this individualistic hell that we’re being subject to by all these muppets who want to be individuals to stop there you go quarry there’s a snapshot of he-man theory in five minutes there’s your there’s your he-man theory case use it well use it well use it wisely yes and if you actually the 1980s dolph rennerlin movie on he-man is actually not bad on on on all this they they strangely go a lot right even though the production quality is so low they actually got you know the feminine is also yeah is kind of um it’s not pushy it’s not it’s not extravagant it’s it’s seen seen and heard but not to the point that it’s um the main focus uh yeah he-man himself is not yeah to mark is overpowering overbearing he’s there to lift others up to achieve a common goal um yeah it’s quite good and it also has this whole thing about music um which is yeah close to my heart casey claims you’ll be seeing my phd thesis on the he-man theory in 2030 can write it sure come on it’s just the last universe is a funny bad movie yeah sure i don’t know jesse did you see godzilla minus one i need to i desperately need to oh man we gotta have a conversation once you do i gotta talk to you there’s also me zaki has um the hero and the heroine heron yeah heron um me zaki of spirit away yeah spirit away faint house moving oh house mark have you seen house moving castle no no no i need to i need to see that i need to get yeah i’ll uh remind me and i’ll i’ll get it at some point yeah it’s almost travel time next week i’ll be on the road that’s i think that’s i think that’s yeah i think you’re gonna get a lot there it’s a lot of great uh symbolism and good storytelling which are different the different things you can have a good story yeah you can have a good story but the symbolism can just be and vice versa you can get like oh they’re messing up this story but the symbolism here in certain sections they’ve got right um yeah like free willy would be a great example of that i’m not gonna tell you which way free willy story well that’s why i’m really if it’s a good yeah yeah i’m happy that pidgeot’s doing uh uh doing stories now because he’s got obviously he’s he’s the symbolism guy so i think he’s got the symbolism down and then to add the story to it not not narrative by the way story see my video uh story narrative archetype very important yeah i can’t i can’t like godzilla minus one was just shockingly awesome shut just blew me away i was like what the hell is going on this is fantastic not only that like a lot of people and this always like surprises me they don’t know about the godzilla symbolism godzilla represents the u.s like they don’t understand any of that and i’m like man because that’s in the new one and it’s just like no this is this is japan struggling with japan that’s what godzilla is is japan struggling with japan i love it i just freaking it’s great it was so good in fact it’s got to be the best godzilla movie i’m walking out of the theater going hey it’s better than those three garbage movies the americans man oh man americans don’t even understand what godzilla it’s like dude you guys i don’t know what you watched uh but you missed the point of godzilla entirely and then you did these random monster movies for no good reason other than to destroy all the goodness in the world apparently because how dare you you heretical bastards uh if i ran the world they’d all be on treason charges against against humanity itself you’ve committed treason against humanity itself for making this crappy godzilla movie you must die the 90s one is not too bad though remember i need to rewatch it as part of my 90s i’ve been yeah as one of my projects this year is to show christina all the different movies that are from my childhood and in the 90s and then go yeah can you see now all this stuff actually came true it wasn’t necessarily true in the moment but it became true and that’s where godzilla uh comes into new york city and lays eggs and yeah it’s like it’s like it’s like the proper sequel to a drassic park let’s put it that way yes yes i can see that that’s the first of the three no no the the 90s one i think it’s like 95 or something like that it’s also got the french guy in it from runen um yeah it’s his own singular identity they just made a godzilla movie in the 90s and then they stopped and then they brought it up yeah somewhere around around 2016 i think it was i’m not sure why 2016 keeps coming up i got it you know i had this whole set of like five things that happened in 2014 that yeah that’s right yeah can’t get that list back i’m like no i need that list that list is really important because it’s gamergate and blah blah blah blah blah and i youtube it actually godzilla was 2014 mark so there you go yeah gareth edwards yeah yeah he didn’t have to think about it i didn’t have to remember it or anything no no 2014 is the year man like you say what you want the movie about japan featuring american people yeah in america about a bomb yeah everything and 2014 and and it was obvious then and people and the only the only people that caught it well the only one i know that caught it and got it perfect was saga of the kind carl benjamin freaking nailed everything death of the father they say too the wandering son yeah yeah it’s all but a bunch of events occurred and that was sort of the there were events that other than gamergate that were like no this is clearly the game has changed it’s like it’s like tron legacy right where he flips the he flips the yeah it’s like whoa yeah tron legacy is so good symbol it’s like wait a minute um who wrote that i need to speak with immediately did you know what you were writing when you wrote this movie because here here here here and here okay the best thing about trying to get to western buddhism i’m like yes the correct rejection western buddhism right that movie bang western buddhism is a failure sorry yeah even i finally watched tron this year and i was the original and oh it’s it’s that that that that has nothing to do with video games at all um no yeah yeah you may as well call it pre-matrix but that that’s that’s that’s that that’s the level the matrix comes out of time for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah no one will see that but us but yeah the the individualistic but completely incorrect and outright evil misinterpretation of book seven of the republic plato’s king which i will be doing my video i’m still stuck in the eliad and by the way in the eliad um when the gods are interacting in the war some gods grant powers to humans to see the gods in in extracting and what’s the line i’m going to take the mist from your eyes so that you can see the gods on the battlefield so that you know not to attack them right so that you will survive it’s not to it’s not so i’m you know i’m uh enchanting the world further so that you’re more empowered it’s to save you because what’s to save you by by giving you more sight of the world that you cannot normally see see yeah right and so something external is granting you the removal of mist right in other words it’s removing a filter for you because that’s how the world works the world works through removal of filter not through addition of things in science everything’s additive oh yes which is yeah yeah do you want to live jesse i just sit there every day and i go nobody knows this really well like i at all none of you i’m like what planet am i on how do you not notice this there’s um in music technology there’s a thing called a synthesizer and the synthesizer most synthesizers are based upon two different types of information one’s could be additive process and one is called the subtractive process the subtractive process basically founded most of your rock music and through a guy called bob moog and his his filter system which was removing things in different capacities the bukla guy on the west coast was additive we’re going to keep stacking things up and up and up and up and up and hopefully if you get enough things stacked right if you emerge enough sonic material together in some sort of voodoo like thing the the parts will be greater than the hole on that yeah yeah there you go there’s the there’s there’s the bob moog changed the world theory corey um yeah literally and then when we when we moved music technology back towards modular synthesizer additive process right ah wonder what happened to the most western music spirals spiraling spiraling all the way yeah yeah interesting well you can you can actually use you can actually have sorry just to be clear you can have modular synthesizers that do follow the principle of subtractive of all purity or of filtering and pinpoint but yeah oh i’m going to take this what about digital versus analog okay digital is evil that’s science it carves up the world right it creates discrete linear things all right analog is more real it’s actual and it’s more in keeping with the world that you’re connected to it’s not that hard and that’s why and they’ve done the test this is the fun no one talked about this they’ve done the tests yes you can tell the difference between a vinyl record and a cd like most people can actually they can’t tell you what the difference is and it’s very very clear that different people are picking up on different differences but people can tell that there’s a difference even though science says there’s no freaking way that you can materially tell the difference between a cd and a record oh yes you can and nobody knows how and then they’ll invoke qualia which is again a garbage bullshit frame for quality which science has nothing to say about and and that’s the problem analog has a body and a quality that does not exist in the digital realm and this is what’s happening a needle is going down onto a flat surface and essentially scratching it and making a resonance and a hyper resonance it’s a hyper object and you have a filter something that’s and that’s producing the sound but it’s also an embodied object it’s also singular you can’t use that for anything else but it’s inspired technically but it’s continuous way more important it’s continuous it has no stopping points in the middle yeah okay broken apart into discrete components yeah and and that is huge like that is the difference between the two sides of the ways of thinking so if you look at the knowledge engine model i’ve video posted many times you find it easy on my channel navigating patterns you will see the difference and that difference is huge and it is a difference in the way we think we can think in a digital discrete linear fashion or we can think in the way of a continuous system and and if math around this too like the math is actually a difference take the same equation and solve it in a continuous fashion or in discrete fashion and you’ll get different results in fact i yeah i like to point to the obvious too that uh a vinyl is like having someone play in the room it’s physically playing there it’s it’s happening it’s the moment and is there it’s transported the vibrations through time and space yeah as well as yeah it’s like uh something physical is happening in the world in the room that is in it’s not happening anywhere else you know this one single object because vinyls of different you know you could have the same album they can print it seven different times and guess what guys it’s slightly different every time and depending on all your other bits and pieces you know the position of the couch in the room like this thing is resonating and corey says playing a record is also almost like a ritual ground besides the stuff needle down yeah there is a ritual right and that makes it better i mean you can problem is everything we do is ritual like everything we do is liturgy like you’re not getting around that everybody wants to get around that no it’s not true it’s the individualistic rebellion that’s causing the flood of individuals or attempted individuals that’s just causing all the problems to start rebelling and and be we be fair people have been told they can you can do this it’s like no you actually maybe you can’t well you talked about this earlier too about the the ritual of do i put the cup down first and then go here or do i do this first then put that down and which way is the better you know which service the highest purpose or which facilitates the beauty of the environment which is more efficient in a number of different ways oh yeah efficiency doesn’t solve the problem it creates it creates a bunch of decisions space okay how how efficient efficient in relation to what i can you prioritize your efficiency yeah right because because efficiency exists within a telos you gotta have the telos or you don’t have an efficiency you can’t define efficiency any other way ethan the reason i have a record collection is not primarily for the sound quality but because it forces participation i like that that’s really good i don’t have a record collection good night spatch thank you for joining yeah it’s interesting the difference and it’s weird to me that everybody doesn’t see this it’s i don’t i don’t know there’s two different modes of looking at the world guys it’s everywhere i know technology you don’t see the difference between digital and analog between continuous and discrete it’s the same difference i i could also talk on my my niche of being a cinephile or being a movie lover where you know what what parts of the film industry were best and i will speculate with you that when the vhs tape was at its most peak you had the best storytelling in western cinema and when the videotape slowly crawled away or it became this overlapping technology with vhs and digital you saw a blurring of the lines of storytelling because all the different factors that go into that you also saw the demarcation of the shrinking the flattening of the system of producing because everything became discrete to mark’s point you know um well look i mean i’ve talked about that before so ethan i like the efficiency is defined by telos yeah well unfortunately this is the this is the part where the sciency morons don’t like everything is defined by telos by definition by the way it’s axiomatic that i’ve talked about this a million times before everybody seems to miss it and i can tell because it’s a mic drop moment nobody goes oh mic drop moment what makes the matrix a good movie i can list off five six seven eight nine ten things none of those things that i list is wrong but none of them is correct or sufficient right and so necessary but insufficient oh that’s you know another great verveki concept that verveki uses all the time so in fact i’ll take for 42 seconds and go into verveki great concept and say uh necessary but insufficient yeah super important and when you treat movies as though you can reconstruct them from deconstructed parts you can’t deconstruct anything by the way but you think you can because some idiot told you you could and they lied to you badly and i feel badly about that um you you err you go oh well i know what made the first movie good bullet time and the fight scenes that’s what everybody talks about and then so you’re making so many errors there first of all people don’t know what they like about movies like they think they do and every once in a while they do but most of the time people have no idea and so you you you listen to them you oh you would like the fight scenes so in the second movie you put a lot of fight scenes right so okay every one of those fight scenes in half they would lose nothing and the movie would gain so much and i’m not saying i would even do that because i really love the fight scenes uh for sure i really enjoy them uh but it does take away from the core storytelling of the movie the fight scenes are too freaking long uh and i get it they’re having fun and whatever and it’s still a great film and you shouldn’t watch the first one without watching two and three uh and then ignoring that four even ever could have existed because yeah it and it’s easy to do that with anything like what makes x or y good and then you start dissecting it dividing it up killing it effectively and you end up in this world where you’ve got critical drinker what does critical drinker talk about now he’s an author so there’s a filter there for sure talks about the thing that makes this movie suck is that it’s got bad storytelling and then when he says the thing that makes this the movie good is you know these components plus a good story you i don’t think you’re going to hear critical drinker say that the movie is good unless it has a good story and again he’s a he’s an author so fair like that should be his focus but also that’s his focus so um it’s it’s sort of important to realize that that’s a factor the fact of the matter is that you can’t divide things up and put them back together divide things up and put them back together you divide things up but then they’re apart it might be useful and necessary to divide things up i get that nobody’s denying that but also they’re divided up you’ve killed them you’ve dissected them and that’s important to realize and we’re not realizing that we’re thinking that we can use our internal components our secret sacred self right we can use our our ability to analyze and dissect and then create things from there but maybe we can’t like maybe somebody told us that and we were lied to maybe and that’s the thing like we’re not appreciating that potential that maybe we’re just told we can do we can do things that we absolutely cannot do maybe we’re just cognitively overloaded maybe the flood is real and then it really happens and then it’s actually happening now with information and that maybe we are living in the age of gnosis like maybe you can’t live for long in a world without structure maybe i’m just you know throwing that out there maybe you can’t live in the world without hierarchy either there’s no greater lesson to learn from the 20th century is that you bring the hierarchy down you bring everything down the engineering i haven’t actually thought about when we started flattening the world i’m gonna do another video with adam maybe i’ll do it this coming week here hopefully i’ve already got a title for it so yeah yeah maybe the christmas special christmas special yeah it’s gonna be called this title or do you want to keep it secret echoes of the past that’s the title okay so we’re we’re we’re harkening back to these patterns that recur basically right with echoes and and i don’t know how it’s going to go i don’t know what what we’re going to put in that title right that’s just the title think about that we’ll do a video we’ll go into these things right and it’s amazing how a cursory inspection of history and you just learn a bunch of stuff and if you if you listen to the convivium talk that dr jim did which i posted earlier he talks about wow you talk to somebody in this case me flatteringly enough self-servingly enough and you and you learn like maybe i don’t know as much about the french revolution as i thought like maybe there’s a new way to think about these things that you know wasn’t being considered and there is an aspect of the flattening of history and that’s super important and there is an aspect of so so let’s suppose that you were a complete moron and you’re beyond the muppet and you removed religion from history the problem with that is that now you don’t understand the motivation for anything that happens historically at all and you can’t like there’s no you can’t substitute a political frame and actually it’s not that those weren’t factors and those things didn’t happen but you can’t actually understand what happened right because you can put in a political frame or an economic frame right or or maybe some other frame whatever but you’re never going to understand what happened right so you can you can you can you can cast something like gamer gate in the frame of a bunch of angry testosterone toxic males which is hysterical playing video games really uh right picking on some innocent woman you you could do that but you know is that is that helpful great then going through awakening from the meaning crisis which is misnamed it should be called awakening to the meaning crisis is verbecky’s massive recommended book list an example of this gnosticism uh it’s an example of the age of gnosis i i want to be careful with the term gnosticism because i’m not a gnosticism expert i think i suspect the age of gnosis is a form of gnostics where your preferring knowledge is the highest value and yeah i i mean it’s that’s tough ethan i think the flattening began when the devotion to mary stopped dude freaking nuclear weapon ethan brings a nuclear weapon to the party i truly truly think people would have thought twice before doing what they did if they knew they were removing god from his throne so i’m assuming that you’re putting that at french revolution and then the culmination of that at world war one which maybe there was only one world war different don’t get me started the the similarities people are in war war two are so numerous it’s hard to make the argument that there are actually separate wars it looks like a continuation with a break in between to me same country same same t laws say it’s the third rike i don’t know uh yeah yeah yeah i think that that might not be a bad way to look at right but then but that leads me down a different rabbit hole of bar was removing the feminine when did they when did they do this uh oh ethan oh no he’s gone right for the jugular it’s going to sound cliche with the prost reformation you mean the pros and catastrophe because i’m still there korea rose pierre the the new god of reason yeah well and the statue to the god of reason and stuff right father eric this is in peace this is a 20-year armistice yes that is i like that i don’t know why i haven’t thought of that before but yes really talking i’ve been talking to you too i’ve been talking with myself african friends and my wife and my wife been talking with my south african friend duncan a little bit about the nominalists and when that crept in and that’s he’s sort of take that’s when we that’s a verveky take to nominalism and you know i’m not a fan like when you read with the nominalists believe you go no one ever believed that that’s dumb like it’s too if you cannot act in the world if you’re a nominalist you get action isn’t possible and so it’s like well now what and and that’s where i that’s where i’m like nah bro no and and you’ve got to look at you have to look at oh and freaking you know what adam and i should do too i didn’t even think of this we should do the russian revolution right because this is a continuation because you’ve got the english revolution the french revolution the american so-called revolution right was in between people are not ready for that mark that’s but but then you’ve got the russian revolution the same damn thing right it’s another misunderstanding of how this shit works pardon my french but yeah it’s it’s like guys really you just how did you make that mistake and and to be fair ironically it’s the miracle of america that causes everything to happen and the and the irony is that america doesn’t happen without things revolution if they don’t behead the king nothing the colonies don’t revolt like i know it’s so weird it’s like once you understand all that how the revolutions are tied together and the fact that we’ve got this one outlier that causes everything else afterwards and and causes a lot of hope and a lot of power behind it you really don’t understand how freaking weird the world is like why it’s just weird dude like i don’t care if you’re like a christian or or or if you’ve got some good political but like that’s still weird it’s weird weird weird it’s almost like globalism is a phenomena that’s far more far more suspect than we were willing to believe it goes back yeah well there’s an article from a guy who said 1915 was the year that globalism died as the result of the lead-up to world war one or the start of world war one he was basically the point the point he was making is that i think he was in the middle of africa he’s you know writing contemporary right he’s in the middle of africa and he’s able to order anything yeah yeah and it’s like what and we’re like we don’t we don’t understand because we had supply line disruptions after world war two so they are parents and our parents parents didn’t experience this either so it’s like so far back and yet we had globalism and even even pagans before christianity had gaia protestants have nothing well protestants are rebelling against her dude that pvk live stream today i was just so like how are you guys there and you don’t see it you’re standing in front of the answer to the thing you’re standing like you it’s how do you not see this and it’s it’s eyes it’s no eyes to see i’m just like i i i don’t you’re just and it’s like four different things you’re describing four different things the answer is obvious by the by the stuff you’ve already consented to you’ve already said this is happening fair if that’s happening though the obvious conclusion is that it’s the right thing to happen which means you’re on the wrong side so i don’t know what else to tell you like i’m sitting there going into in the comment eventually i’m getting caps so like you’ve got to be kidding me how are you talking about this and not seeing the connection here oh it’s so weird the world is weird it’s strange that we know it’s strange that we all these catholics keep popping up in institutions and structures and hierarchies well that’s the thing they know the best what do you think you’re gonna run it you’re a protestant you wouldn’t know a hierarchy to beat you you just rebel against anything you think might be a hierarchy before anything’s actually been built oh my goodness anyway hello i don’t know if i buy the main rationale for the papacy i didn’t know what the main rationale for the papacy was until i saw candace owens with uh i forget who and our husband and our husband went over papal infallibility and it was amazing and yes i would say father eric is correct it doesn’t matter understanding is overrated see the talk from convivium that father eric gave to start to understand why understanding is overrated and you don’t need it and you should throw it out and this is all age of gnosis like we think we have to know to act no you don’t that you can’t know and act it’s one or the other if you know things you’re going to get lazy and not act anyway because you the outcome’s certain because it’s in your head people don’t realize that right you’re just going to build utopia in your mind and then be upset angry and resentful at everything when it’s not that way and then you run out on the street and scream at the sky um describing real events here but in case anybody was unclear on that uh right understanding is is completely underrated there’s a bunch of stuff you should just do because 2000 or plus years of history has proven that it is the correct way not that it’s going to work out well for you all the time necessarily but on average it’s going to be better for everybody and doesn’t that make you the hero peterson talks about this we’re in the peterson sphere folks peterson talks about this plumbers saved more lives than doctors yep who’s the hero man well he also references that yeah aircon again you know one of the biggest miracles of the 20th century yeah yeah and that the secret sacred self understands or would understand why why and and that’s the thing like when you introduce understanding into the world the penalty the trade-off the cost is miracle do you want to live in a disenchanted world with no do you want to live in a disenchanted world with no miracle really don’t think you do somehow novelty is gone at that point by the way and then people are like we need the novelty back i know let’s drop some acid what what are you doing yeah i know if you don’t create the problem and then you don’t have to fix it with drugs even you can’t know and act it’s one or the other thank you thank you yes well another another be like oh i don’t want to go to this religious institution i’ll just invent one in the form of dungeons and dragons yeah yeah my own religion you know my own liturgy oh wait a minute is this true a lion of the symbol for saint mark how do you not know this how do you not how would i know any of that narnia bro i know of no fox saint look jacob federacci on that live stream said clearly and i don’t know if he’s correct there there’s no positive fox symbolism in the bible none it’s all negative and i was just sitting there like this is a hint guys this is a hint you guys are praising this fox like thing that the protestants do and the bible kind of says don’t do that dude like i don’t know what else to tell you like why don’t you see this jesse have you ever considered maybe we’re the baddies well the difference is i actually consider that all the time i don’t think they do i don’t think they ever ask the question maybe we’re the guards that peterson talks about in the camp yeah maybe maybe that’s why you’re confused because you’re on the wrong side you haven’t figured it out yet i don’t know i’m just throwing that out freaking bazini did it did it in the freaking live stream again i’m like yeah it’s weird these protestants go to school and they learn all these bad things about the catholics almost all of which are lies or at least wicked exaggerations catholics don’t do that and then he goes yeah but you know this there’s that on both sides i’m like no explicitly there is not that’s why you can’t point to it like don’t tell i’m giving you stories from actual people and actual events that occurred and you’re saying well yeah but it’s kind of on the both sides no it’s not no it’s not that’s why you don’t have any examples you have zero examples because this exists on the other side the catholics do not sit there and denigrate the protestants sometimes i wish they would but you know like torches is good i like torches yeah i’m not sure i’m not sure i do like that yeah liturgy begins i screwed up i like it orthodox too i’m sure i don’t know man i i go to the orthodox church and basically all it is is they say the joke goes a bunch of times wisdom a couple of times and then a bunch of other words that are important and and and and like it’s stand up sit down bow and and then you’re out of there i don’t know what’s going on it’s crazy oh there’s incense too it’s nuts i like the incense spot i think that’s cool this is they probably do a bit of artwork if i was just purely being objective i think the artwork the orthodox have is on the other words freaking amazing like it’s just distracting it’s awesome and you’re and you’re pulled towards it too it’s like great it’s great and i can i can understand why it’s scary for people because man it’s a lot there’s a lot going on there’s icons everywhere it’s like wow there’s too many icons what am i gonna do father eric when we covered the reformation in school we’re learned we learned about how martin luther did have some good criticisms in addition to being a heretic yeah see they they give credit what credit is due i don’t know why but it’s nicer than my guess the most virtuous thing to do freaking symmetric you know symmetry equality doctrine yeah but you guys do it too that doesn’t make it right what are you for like what is wrong why are you making arguments of four-year-olds i don’t understand if you’re making the same argument your four-year-old child has made to you then you are wrong like i don’t know what else to tell you the world works hint you’re the baddie wow it just blew me away like really it’s bad behavior on both sides guys piss off probably not that was so when i when i got in trouble for fighting in school almost every time i get sent to principal’s office or whatever detention would be a sin and i would be like oh my god detention would be assigned to two people and only one person would be required to go to detention and that person was never never me okay so you can equality all you want but everybody knew i wasn’t starting any fights sorry didn’t happen now did they keep up appearances absolutely appearances absolutely absolutely they were did it work sometimes often kids knew who was in detention who wasn’t they’d be like why didn’t you get detention if i was there in the room when you were given detention yeah well i gotta get out of detention free card because everybody knows you are the baddie then away to tell you father i can’t you’re the baddie right hint hint hint ethan i assume it was something like quote luther had some good criticisms but they weren’t unique to him and they would have inevitably been addressed anyways because truth is truth wow ouch dude that’s harsh i support this message by the way still a noah and protestant catastrophe and the misunderstanding of luther like had the protestants that followed him actually said oh luther had some good points and and and luther actually ended up repenting on a couple of his big issues before he died and maybe his followers should have like he did that instead of instead of going with their murderous ways i i love to how whenever protestants bring this stuff up i go protestants have killed more protestants than catholics have dead silence and then it’s like topic change i’m like really i think we’re not elephant in the room much i talked about the elephant in the room in the monologue earlier yeah it just always cracks me up i’m like you know you guys you guys got some things there you might want to address the 400 pound gorillas there seem to be several of them and but it’s all secret sacred self and where do you think that comes from it’s catholic conspiracy it’s the crypto conservative catholic it’s like no dude it’s all protestantism it’s all protestant catastrophe detritus detritus the real question is have you considered your mother where i would uh ian put it in because i’m not well researched on this in order to speak on it and i’m very hesitant uh to uh because it’s not my place because i’m not i’m not in that world uh at the moment uh is that you do have the instance of one of the first big civil wars in history happening there and that’s that’s often uh forgotten or pushed aside is that it’s a you know it’s a battle between two similar groups in some sense it’s an internal civil war and that has echoes of the past or that echoes out into the future um if you want to see the decline of the west it’s right there in that aspect of the civil war between christians um yeah that sense of mistrust um in collective cohesion that’s uh yeah that’s what uh that’s what ends whole whole civilizations there you see that in rome too when there’s the rome civil wars um yeah to these things aren’t that unique however uh again there’s there’s a narrative ization on on these yeah on these key issues that well if you want and if you want echoes and like great man theory stuff there’s caesar right and then there’s render unto caesar which creates all kinds of interesting side effects that we’re still echoing with right and then you know you kind of move further up and like there are these figures that cause these splits right they are the genesis of something that happens generations later and i’m still struggling with the render and the caesar right which creates the merchant class effectively essentially and we’re still sort of suffering from that in some way right inequality doctrine is born of that um right or at least enabled by it and right or at least enabled by it and yeah it’s on and on and on and you know once that once that started because the merchant class eventually morphs into corporatism and the first instance of a corporation controlling the government really is the english revolution and the beheading of the king because parliament’s basically being heavily influenced if not outright controlled by the east india company nobody talks about that nobody it just kind of slips everybody’s mind right and what’s the tea in the harbor tea in the harbor because the east india company it’s not it’s not a secret that you can just read the contemporary sources there’s actually a decent there’s a decent tv series about it too it does have some pretty sus aspects to it but again those sus aspects are mostly historically accurate it’s called taboo with tom hardy if you can kind of if you’re highly religious you kind of just pinch your nose and watch it for uh the narrativization of the time uh yeah and do what that will with your own morality there but it it is i think yeah the more i’ve studied into that zone you’re like okay yeah there really was really was parlors where certain individuals did do certain things or behaved in a certain way that’s you know you know i talked about cooperation and corporations so in the beginning there was one body to to to be within to cooperate with right and so you look at something like ancient egypt and the god and the government are effectively the same and then you move forward to like greece and rome and now there’s two things there’s the government right the polis becomes a thing and then there’s still the religious and there’s some cooperation in each but there’s competition between them right and then christianity comes along and opens this third door render unto caesar right and now all of a sudden there’s this corporate thing that happens as a result of merchant class as a result of render and caesar so now there’s three bodies you can cooperate in right there’s an economic body which is a corporation there’s a religious body which is christianity or not right and then there’s the government there’s the politics so you get the political economic and religious frames right there and and that’s where we’re that’s where we are right we’re at the culmination of that battle and you get something like socialism which plays the shell game of telling you well no one needs to be in charge of this stuff no one needs to own it right it’ll just survive on its own because objective material reality and carl marx is an objective material realist and also equality like the workers are the same as the management is the same as the ownership really like have you worked anywhere ever have you worked for bad managers and good managers right have you have you realized have you worked in a in a union shop that worked in union shop is terrible for me terrible terrible because i’m a 10x so like you put me in an environment and i just excel it’s confidence isn’t even an issue it’s it’s it’s a good thing but it’s confidence isn’t even an issue it’s it’s how much more confidence do i have than the other people around me and it’s usually not not good for them they hated me they were like you need to slow down i was like what no that’s not an option that does never happen like that’s not a thing the universe allows you you’ll have more luck bending the laws of physics yeah i’m not slowing down and then yeah it was a mess it was a mess yeah we we’ve also again maybe going back to where when i first joined this chat which is that uh good principles or good leadership is is a tradition and we’ve raised a whole generation or two or three or four depending where do you want to draw the line where following the rules or maintaining the principles participating in the system is seen as a net negative rather than right well you’re in this culture in this place right you know it’s not good for you to participate in a way that’s counterproductive let’s say it that way to what this place is and what it values um i actually have a clip from a certain person on twitter saying i went to this european country and that’s you know constantly being told that that’s not the way we do things here like if you don’t like it leave right and this and it was an american essentially yeah um which country uh i’ll let you figure that out by the emphasis on rules um and then leave it there yeah that’s done thank you i don’t have anything to know yeah what and i think i think you know james lindsey makes a lot of hay about the tradition of gnosticism and where it comes from and yeah makes this historical thread which is ironic because he denies that that the historical thread they claim exists but then he makes one which whatever i love james lindsey so yeah no fault uh you know no harm no foul from my perspective but okay all right i still have beef with him but i feel like you don’t take on but don’t take on the show don’t take on someone who’s actually doing things in the world and generating good in the world so i know i know yeah different problems but but when you flatten the world right of course marxism seems okay yeah he did that he said all workers are the same all workers no matter what their task are the same it’s like first of all all people who move boxes for ups aren’t the same like i was excellent at it so that’s different right second of all a good manager is still good and same group of people under a better manager is still better and that is a value that cannot be replaced by taking a team member and making him a manager and like i get that carl marx is actually moronic uh and if you read him stuff and you don’t see that he’s moronic i suggest you either have a fantasy projection of what you’re reading or you’re below reading comprehension and you’re really not understanding what he’s saying because you think he’s being smart when in fact it’s kind of obvious from the stuff and i haven’t read all this stuff or anything like because you read three sentences and it’s like really dude like you’re four years old like you need to stop somebody should have taken the pen out of your hand that’s what should have happened you should not have been allowed to write and there’s lots of people like that i would argue for co and derrida are probably also the same situation the stuff they’re saying is retarding so michelle thank you michelle it’s good to see you sir can a leader even when perceived symbolically or spiritually be deemed truly effective without recognizing the subtle yet profound influence of the divine feminine that can be witnessed i would i i like this but it was well crafted like when did you get this good at crafting questions very well done um i would push back on the witness hey i don’t think you’re i don’t think you’re witnessing the influence i think again what the divine feminine is doing when properly divine is creating a space and so what you’re doing as a leader is you are protecting that space and it’s that space that gives you the grounding to continue towards the telos and and maybe the divine feminine also points at the telos like that’s that’s that’s also possible right it’s it’s possible that that this diagram is correct and uh because we lurked on it for like two years actually or something stupid because we’re just like we’re so muppets because this long to do a simple simple thing um everything’s simple when it’s done it’s hard before it’s done asymmetry what do you aware i yeah where else maybe not to deconstruct it but just to just to find the different layers within the question uh in order to perceive something as subtle you do have to already pre-exist the recognizing so your participation your filter you just see the subtlety in things so that’s what a good leader does that’s that’s that’s that’s one thing that’s within that um the influence of uh well yeah you kind of begging the question uh by saying that yeah men that the the the influence does come from the perception symbolical spirituality too so um i therefore those two things together the effectiveness is actually not in question that what what’s in question is the leadership yes the quality of the leadership well and see maybe that’s really a what michelle’s getting at and and really the problem is that we don’t know good leaders from bad leaders because we don’t have a proper engagement with embodiment of the divine feminine and without that to michelle’s point like how can we deem him effective how can we deem a leader effective without the pointing and look we can get into oh what if you have a woman lead that’s usually a disaster right like need need i go into carly fierina i mean flat pack catastrophe uh if people hold these people up and they’re disasters hillary clinton is a disaster wow like talk about raw destruction what the heck like does it have to be that way maybe not but you’re opening the door and that every time we’ve opened that door yikes and it’s not like historically we didn’t have female leaders i dare you to point to a time in history where that actually happened truly effective too is it’s more of a masculine emphasis uh how do i do this without context contrast distinction in order to evaluate a leader you kind of need those three things you need to see moments of distinction you need to contrast that leader with other other good examples of leaders that you’ve had or other other people have pointed to say yes that was a good saint that was a good leader this is a good example of behavior yeah and or the lack of leadership that’s yeah yeah and um what did i say distinction context context is key not in in every moment effectiveness might not just be there like sustainability actually might be a better outcome than completely taking ground you know like i i think i said this to bruce before sometimes the justified retreat and then you know there’ll be losses from that retreat but a good leader will be able to find the resolve in order to rebuild um from that sacrifice or trade-off um um yeah it’s a great question though it’s got it’s got there’s this these different so yeah yeah no yeah it’s a nice subtlety i mean that might be why we’re having a problem with leaders and you know who’s voting for these clowns who’s allowing them to be like man the dust up over harvard university is just just terrible i can tell there’s a bunch of people at clubhouse going oh now we understand what mark was saying two years ago yeah i bet the hell you do now because man i just trash harvard every chance i get because you do those hip hop hip hop culture which is the predominant mindset of a lot of people a lot of young people in america they have this hip hop culture it’s based upon the theory and what is she accused of multiple instances of plagiarism guys it’s just it’s just it’s just three you had an intellectual level well we’re holding that up like i thought doing due diligence as well you could just cite the person and then you wouldn’t be be plagiarizing well and and and and and it’s raising up the lowest again like why are you doing this and i’m like that’s the scene of harvard and there’s multiple papers written about this like man you send all these people to harvard on a free ticket or whatever but they didn’t have the grades to get in and then what happens is they graduate but they know inside they’re insufficient and then they act that out and they get angry and resentful you might have had a president in the u.s like that too just saying um and that’s the problem and people don’t account for that but you have to take the ending you have to be able to see is this a good leader or a bad leader does a good leader set a line in the sand and then not enforce it i don’t know i don’t think so well how many times do you allow someone to change their word on a certain topic that that’s that that’s what i would say about that person as well there was a few times where it was where we i’m i’m for this i’m for this i’m for this actually maybe this actually no maybe definitely no definitely that like how many times do you you accommodate that and what’s the simple explanation because sometimes the simple explanation is the reason why the worst possible outcome happened is because that person wanted the worst possible outcome and people don’t want to hear that because that would mean he’s pure evil okay dude i agree like i’m glad we’re on the same page nobody likes that answer and that that that was the by the way that was the driving force for the monologue like i am still dealing with this i am still dealing with this no the simple explanation is that this person is a bad person who’s knowingly maliciously doing bad things and that we see this over and over again the simplest explanation for the president of harvard is that she’s a bad person doing bad things the reason why there is a history of her doing bad things is because she is a bad person it’s not that hard i know that’s difficult to believe because she’s a person you’re a person oh my goodness what does that say about me always have to ask your question yourself the question am i the baddie right you you have to and you have to ask that with others so they can give you feedback and if their feedback isn’t immediately no right or or if their feedback is why of course not that’s a problem that’s that’s a lie immediately right then you you you you got to start asking yourself some questions right and that’s hard oh yeah the yeah i i actually i had this i was listening to someone else while i was trying to get up to do my morning stuff this morning and had a whole bunch to do stuff before the heat wave keeps in um it’s just after like 11 30 here on a heat wave city you just don’t do anything it’s just stained doors have a fan on you put some air con just conserve your energy like save it for the evening um yeah the mid the mid mediterranean midday sleep is there for a reason guys it’s a smart strategy um nevertheless you know i i uh what i what i got was that it’s very hard to tell the truth to someone in a way that they were ready to receive they already have had to have done some reframing some rework in order to take on an aspect of the truth because the truth can be rough it can be tough it can be challenging by its very nature because we like to have um the prestige of our own knowledge in our own head we like to think that we have it all together we have our certainty because it yeah oh because that helps our agency if we know what we’re doing and we think we’re doing it well then we feel like we can accomplish things in the world and we have we’re potentially uh fulfilling this idea of freedom however if you once you inspect yourself or you do any contemplation practice you realize that you’re uncertain on many things and that you’re disembodied on many aspects freedom and top-down power from above and power is control and power is control through force or threat of force and it and it man when you start listening to people and you realize oh you used power to mean control through force or threat of force boy you’re gonna see that everywhere you’d be like yeah oh that’s how they’re using the word power is like that’s kind of a big deal and by the way upside down world yeah we’re an upside down world we’re in the world where evil’s right in front and you’re not just not ready to see it eyes to see is a big problem there’s one big problem right now it’s it’s eyes to see and I think yeah yeah right well and I think that you know that that sort of ties it right back to the beginning of my monologue and sort of the driving force of the things I was tying together that I was seeing that you know not all tied together right or they’re not all obviously as tied together as I’m not normal monologue would be that’s why some muppets are to us but they are tied together and if you can see that that’s the poetic the word poetic by the way keeps coming up more and more another thing I was about to mention that the monologue it’s another another one of the words that we use that just seems to be popping up but yeah I and I think that’s sort of important like we’re not seeing what’s in front of us including sometimes we’re the baddies you know and somebody’s got to be wrong and oh maybe maybe it’s not maybe it’s just interesting as crypto catholicism or whatever nonsense your frame you’re using to understand the world and and maybe it’s just an obvious side effect or something that’s so obvious that you’re just missing it because you don’t want to admit the ugly truth about the side that you’re on or the thing that you’re stuck in or the limitations of your way of looking at the world and with that let’s let’s wrap up the stream what do you think Jesse closing closing words sounds fantastic thanks everyone for participating this year from my side of things it’s um that uh yeah this small little circle or this circles maybe the wrong word um this this peasant sphere this this time slot of receiving wisdom you know it has multiple effects on the world never discount the organized minority that uh it hasn’t that isn’t embodying it so I like that I like that yeah somebody commented to me today that they were seeing something that I’ve been saying for years all over the place in unexpected places something yeah I know there’s a doesn’t tell us the spirit’s moving uh and you know to some extent we’re participating in that movement hopefully for the good and we’re always inspecting that and look if you want to see another live stream for the end of the year because I’m I think I’ll be home not next Friday Friday after right um leave me a comment if I have people who actually want it maybe I’ll be more likely to do one it would be more of a year wrap-up thing I don’t think I’d have a topic but that’s how I’ll be traveling it’ll be Christmas you know all that nonsense um but either way leave a comment leave likes leave suggestions for future live streams wherever you want to see uh you know we’re kind of to some extent here for you to help you sense make and understand the world and I don’t know what people aren’t seeing I was just blown away about it live stream today with bbk I was like really this is what you’re confused about how can you possibly be confused about this with what you admit to it’s amazing and you know look I’m trying to get more videos out I’m really struggling with that um but in the meantime have a very merry Christmas enjoy your holidays be with your family uh don’t try to be an individual try to cooperate uh find a body that you can cooperate with and uh have a lovely end of the year if I don’t see you uh for another Friday uh and then we’ll pick it up next year and we’ll see where it goes and if you get suggestions from down below Merry Christmas Merry Christmas goodbye