[“Truth is Truth”] Young girl dancing to the latest beat Has found new ways to move her feet And the lonely voice of youth cries What is truth? Young man speaking in the city square Trying to tell somebody that he cares Can you blame the voice of youth for asking What is truth? Yeah, the ones that you’re calling love Are gonna be the leaders in a little while When will the lonely voice of youth cry What is truth? This old world’s waken to a newborn babe And our solemn lists swear it’ll be their way You better help that voice of youth find What is truth? And the lonely voice of youth cries What is truth? All right, well, welcome back, welcome back. I am here. My camera’s a little off. It’s a little more off than I thought. Let me fix that. There we go. Oh, it’s much better. Anyway, we’ve got Sam Pellegrini. Our big bottle. We got a snack. We got our junkless cinnamon roll. Because I love them. I found a package of chrysanthemum ginger tea. Which is not real tea, by the way. It’s not even a tea song. It’s more like a honey ginger thingy. Very good. And then, of course, I’ve got some Bear Claw tea from Table Rock Tea Company Right here in South Carolina. And yeah, that’s all I have, I’m afraid. Which brings us to the topic of fear. An excellent topic. Of course, as always with these things, this topic was sort of gotten out by a group. And we got way more group notes than normal and way fewer me notes than normal. That happens. This is one of those times. And we’ve got Sparrow, Scary Spider, Eating Person. It’s all good. But I’m afraid. I’m afraid I’m going to have to tell you something about fear. But, before I get too deep into that, I figured I would, in fact, just because, well, it’s my channel, or my livestream anyway, one of them is my channel, promote my Buy Me a Coffee and my Redbubble store, because, yeah, those are two good links that link great together. So, oh boy, that didn’t work well, did it? Let’s try that again. I’ve never seen it do that before. Try this again. Buy Me a Coffee. It’s a Redbubble store with some wonderful art on it, including the solution to the gender confusion. Yes, we have a solution to the gender confusion. We actually solved that problem because we are the best. I’m afraid the solution was very easy. So we’re talking about fear. And I’m afraid that we’re going to have to say that we’re talking about fear. The best thing to start with is what is it exactly that we’re talking about with fear? And I think that the easiest way to understand fear as a concept, the most concise, simplest form, is to say that fear is an instinct. Right? And then you might say, well, yes, of course, that must be true. But what then is an instinct? I’d say an instinct is a form of intuition or intuitive knowledge. And one of the things, although not the only thing, that fear does is warn you of danger. And danger can come in many, many forms. One thing that is dangerous is a reciprocally narrowing relationship with something. Right? So you’re trapped in a corner, you’re trapped in a dark alley, where your sight is limited, your movement is limited. That can be very fearful. Doesn’t have to be. But something else that’s dangerous is too much, too open, too many options. Choice paralysis, right, can cause anxiety. These are forms of fear. And they’re both dangerous situations. The situation of not being able to see well, not being able to move well, not being in a known position, not having a healthy way to participate in what’s around you, that’s dangerous. But also being exposed out in the open, in a field. You don’t know what could come at you. There’s no place to hide. That’s also dangerous. And you may be familiar with intuition as a type of knowledge, because it’s one of the two types of knowledge that is outlined in the Knowledge Engine model. See that video? That excellent video? Because intuition is helpful for lots of things, but also to warn you of things. Right? It’s quicker than rationalization. And so you don’t need to rationalize. Right? You can just go with your gut. You don’t need to sit and spend a huge amount of thought process on this. And your intuition’s always there. And it gets projected onto other things when you ignore it. So ignoring your intuition is not a good idea, because you’ll take the things that you’re intuiting, that have an intuitive valence to you, and you’ll cast them out onto the world. And you won’t realize that you’re doing that. And so your fear, your anxiety, your anger, whatever, your sense of danger for your personal self can be cast onto other people. And then you’re putting fear into them. But the problem is, fear is still useful and required. It is a signal from your intuition, or maybe your unconscious, which is where intuition primarily, although not exclusively, resides. And that signal tells you something about your position in the world. About the framing that you’ve created. About the framing that you’ve adopted. I’m not saying that frame is correct. I’m not saying it can’t change. Both are true. But your intuition is the way that you know that. That’s the type of knowledge that you have about that disposition. The disposition of where you’re at and what the potential is, in terms of negative or positive. So we can’t give up our fear. Or get around our fear. Or push it aside. Because A, it’ll come back. B, it could end up being projected. C, if you repress something that’s actually needed, you lose all the benefits of it. And this is how people get in trouble. They ignore their fear, they rationalize it away, they fight it off. They use rationality to fight off their fear. But fear is useful. Those signals, they’re not always 100% accurate and precise, but they’re useful signals. And look, a lot of times you sense fear unnecessarily. That happens. But most of the time you sense fear correctly. And it’s good to know that. I’m fearful legitimately. And that’s the thing, is that the fear allows you a sense of caution where you otherwise might not have it. But may need it. And we can pay attention to our fear and learn a lot about the world. About ourselves. About others. Why am I always afraid of this person? Oh, they remind me of when my father was angry at me and hit me. Okay, now you found a gateway to deal with the trauma you didn’t realize you had. Sounds useful. Oh, every time I’m around her I’m afraid. Yes, because she’s reckless. And she leads people down bad paths. Fair? That happens. You can feel afraid about the future. And that allows you to draw your attention to the future and say, am I afraid about what’s going to happen? Or maybe what might not happen? Am I afraid about the future because there’s something that my brain knows I haven’t done now that I need to do now? Good questions. But without fear, we wouldn’t be able to ask those questions. That’s why you need to pay attention to your fear. And fear is, you know, like one of them Jordan Peterson dragons. You ignore it and it gets bigger. And that happens. You have to be aware of that. It’s good to know. So that’s why fear is both useful and required. We’re not getting around it. We’re not supposed to get around it. It’s not good to get around your fear. And one of the really useful things about fear is that part of the design of fear is to save you from consequences you cannot work out rational. So one thing we have a deep sense of is when things are too complex for us. That’s an intuitive sense. You don’t sit there and say, oh, there’s too many free variables in this equation so I shouldn’t get involved. Nobody does that. Go on your intuition, on your fear. It’s like, oh, I’m afraid I’m getting in over my head. Hmm. I’m afraid I’m getting in too deep. Really? I just have this fear that that’s too much for me. Interesting. So you can see the way we talk about it. We know it’s useful. We know this. We know it intuitively. And fear can indicate a potential that has more downside than upside or more negative than positive valence. That’s part of what fear is there for. But positive valence is still something to be afraid of. I mean, look, there’s plenty of pictures about or stories about people looking things bigger than them in their wholeness and not being able to handle it. Whether it’s an angel, right, face of God, voice of God. Like these things are scary to people. They invoke fear. Why? Because they’re not living up to their potential. Not because they’ve done something wrong or bad. And you should be afraid of not living up to your potential. You should fear understanding something like the economy. My goodness. If you could actually understand something like that, maybe there are a few people that could. But if you’re going to use your materialist frame, you’re not going to understand the economy at all. I have a video about economy. It’s quite good. Most of the economy is unmeasurable through quantity. Imagine if you could understand that portion. Generosity and the sacrifice of other people would probably put you in tears. And I’ve seen it put people in tears when people are strangers or generous to them. Maybe they’re afraid of not having lived up to this standard from which they are now benefiting. Sometimes the positive potential is too overwhelming. Sometimes it’s not even about standards. It’s just like, wow, I didn’t know there was much goodness in the world, this much love in the world, this much empathy for my position. I don’t know. Not for my person, by the way. Proper use of empathy. And perhaps sometimes it reminds us of a failure, a past failure, and how we could have been here where we’re at sooner. That can give us fear. Oh, this whole time I didn’t have to have less confidence. I didn’t have to have more confidence. I didn’t have less confidence. I didn’t have to suffer through what I was suffering through. I didn’t have to go through that struggle. That can be overwhelming and make you afraid for what you were in the past. But you know, could we have? I mean, we often fool ourselves, right? And we need to watch out for that. Sometimes we’re afraid of becoming something better because that means we could have become it sooner. But in fact, that’s not what it means at all. Oftentimes we could only become the thing that we are by going through the things that we went through. And that sucks because, man, we went through some bad stuff. And it was a struggle to transcend that bad stuff. And at the time, maybe we were fearful of that journey. I mean, there’s reasons to be fearful of any journey. Maybe of every journey. There’s always potential. The potential for ruin and the potential for wild success that you cannot imagine. The problem is that intuition doesn’t save us from self-deception. Just like rationality doesn’t save us from self-deception. You’ve got these biases and they affect our rationality. Yeah, well, you get these bad intuitions. I mean, we often intuit that we’re not capable of something that we’re perfectly capable of. That happens. Well, one thing I want you to consider about fear is that it’s not just about the mind. It’s about the mind. And one thing I want you to consider about fear is that fear can often be caused when you’re conscious. We’ll call it the rational. Mind is in conflict with your unconscious or your intuitive mind. That’s worth considering. What does that even mean? Yeah, that’s a good question I have a video on that. On the unconscious. And a live stream. A previous live stream. Check both of those out. I think that’s part of the problem is that we have a deep fear when we’re not at one with ourselves. Remember the three frames, which I also have a video on. You with yourself. You with others, you with nature. You with yourself. You need to be at peace with your unconscious and your conscious cells. They need to be in alignment. Otherwise you will be anxious, driven by fear. You will be fearful of all kinds of random things. Or you will project that fear out into the world. We’re constantly getting signals into our unconscious. And we’re constantly trying to bring them into consciousness. But what we are conscious of matters. If you are constantly conscious of the fact that the climate is changing, and always has been by the way, that sort of predates us. As we can tell. Then you’re putting too much signal on that. And consciously, oh I have to do more for the climate. And everybody else has to do more for the climate. And the climate’s still changing. So I’m insufficient somehow. And your unconscious knows that you can’t do anything about the climate. You’re a tiny muppet. And now you’re fearful. And that fear doesn’t project as you being afraid. It projects as you being angry at others. Because they’re not doing enough to help your fear. Where do you think these crazy climate activists come from? A place of fear. Where do you think extinction rebellion comes from? Where do you think we’ve got to eat bugs and get rid of the cows worship them all the Gaia come from? Comes from fear. When you have a bad materialist frame and your subconscious mind or unconscious mind sees the end of that and it does way before you can rationalize it. What do you think it does? It creates fear. Especially if you’re ignoring it. Because you’re rationalizing why the climate is changing and why we can fix it. Even though we’re such a tiny part of it, it’s not worth thinking about. And I’m not saying we can do whatever we want with the climate. But you have to know your position in that. And you have to know your limitations in that position. Otherwise, you’re going to be responsible for your fear. Otherwise, everybody else is responsible for your fear. But that’s not going to fix it. That’s only ever going to make it worse. Don’t make your fear worse. You can feed your fear. I’m just not recommending it. And it’s worth thinking when else you can justify your fear. I think intuitively, a lot of times we know that we’re not standing on anything solid. That we’ve made a statement or we adopt a set of axioms that we cannot justify. And maybe the only reason we can’t justify them is because we’re not standing on anything solid. That’s possible. Or maybe we can’t justify them because they’re bullshit. Or maybe we can’t justify them because we won’t accept that we’ve just accepted them on authority and they’re not ours. And that’s okay. It’s okay to not understand everything you understand from first principles. Because you probably can’t do that anyway. As I used to say to people, calm down, Skippy! You’re not going to understand almost anything ever from first principles. But you don’t need to. It’s okay. People that came before you, that lived before you, sacrificed and left you a legacy of knowledge and understanding so that you didn’t have to do that work over again. You should accept that gift graciously and with gratitude. It’s an important gift to have. And intuitively, if we know we’re not standing on anything solid, or if we place our own history into question, it’s going to create fear. That happens to people all the time. And Jordan Peterson talks about that. You’ve got the envelope. It’s a response to your application to college. What does that represent? It’s a good question. And that fear breaks one of two ways. It either breaks in great relief and or joy, or it breaks in more fear. More depression, more anachronism, more anxiety, more depression, more inadequacy. You can’t stay fearful forever. Being fearful means being overly attuned to the environment around you. And sometimes that’s the right answer. You can’t stay that way. And then you get depressed. Now you’re not responding to the signals around you appropriately. And that includes the joyful ones. Sounds like depression to me. And when else do we know fear? We know fear when we intuit the unknown. And I talked about this earlier. The unknown can be good or bad. But it’s uncertain. And it’s that uncertainty, that unknown-ness that can cause fear. It doesn’t have to. And sometimes it should. It’s an important signal. Pay attention. You’re going into an unknown area. Yeah. Not a bad idea. And lots of things spring forth from fear. Let’s suppose that you were fearful. That the world was not rational in the way that you thought. What would that cause? What sorts of problems might you have to anticipate from that? How do you make sense of a world that you are convinced is rational, and yet your rationale, your way of rationalizing it, is failing? And that affects our intuition. And what does that do? That breeds conspiracy. Look, I got a bunch of videos on conspiracy. I cover it quite a bit. Conspiracy is bread of fear. And it’s a funny type of fear. It’s the fear that you don’t really know what’s going on, but you know it’s rational, and you know it has you. Whatever it is. Could be lizard people. Could be ancient aliens. They built the pyramids and left us this legacy, and we don’t know what to do with it. Oh, really? That’s one way to look at it, I guess. Because that kind of happened. We have a legacy. We’ve been left. And we don’t know what to do with it. Weird. It’s almost as if ancient forces that were much smarter than we are today built a bunch of stuff, and it’s just sitting there unused. And we don’t even know how to use it anymore. That’s what the ancient aliens represent. And I would say that’s accurate. Except they weren’t aliens. They were aliens. And they were aliens. And they were aliens. Except they weren’t aliens. That’s what breeds our conspiracy. Our intuition. That we have something handed down to us that we fail to comprehend and utilize responsibly. And properly. We don’t have a right relationship with our past. That will breed conspiracy. Out of the fear. And intuitive understanding that we screwed up. Maybe not us personally, but maybe us personally too. Else, why are we afraid? And look, the collapse of our institutions. Which is a very real thing. Institutions like marriage. The education system. Which is the system that we argue most of our government. This all causes fear. But in the background. And I’ve talked about this before. It causes a deep sense of anxiety. And I don’t just mean that I’ve talked about this before in this stream. Because of course, I have a video on that. To watch it. To watch it. But I don’t mean that I’ve talked about this before. I’m just saying that we are afraid. And there are other things that bring us to this fear. To this signal. And again, you know, this signal’s important. It’s just not a clear, like oh, go do this. It’s not a voice. It’s gonna say You are afraid, because you are in the unknown. No. It’s just a signal that you can tune into. And pay attention to. And one of the things that people do not understand. Is that having a standard of perfection. And having an incorrect relationship with that can give you fear. Because ultimately, intuitively we know we’re not perfect. Almost as if we’re imperfect or fallen somehow from our perfect state. And we know this intuitively in our bones. As it were. In our essence, in our being, it wells up from within us. This deep lack of confidence with respect to the perfection that we expect in ourselves and of the world. Did you know that’s what you were doing? Because a lot of people are doing that. They’re expecting perfection of themselves and of the world. Sometimes just of one or the other. And what do you do when you expect yourself to be perfect? You expect you to remember everything that you need to remember. And then you don’t. What happens? Well, you get afraid that we don’t know ourselves. Because you probably don’t know yourself. That’ll cause some anxiety. That’ll cause some fear. We feel the perfection sorry, we feel the imperfection that we participate in daily. All the time. We feel it. No wonder you are afraid. You know you’re imperfect. You know that you’re a Muppet. I’m a Muppet. We’re all Muppets. We know this. Our intuitive mind understands this. There’s no question about it. There’s no curiosity or wonder. We experience it. In our daily interactions with everything. Three frames. You with yourself. You with nature. You with others. None of it is perfect. And worse yet, you’re not perfect. And maybe you should be afraid. And what else makes us afraid? Instability. Instability makes us afraid. Why? Because we don’t know what’s coming next. We thought we had a position where we knew it was coming next and now that position is gone. Now we’re unstable. But this also allows you to grow. When you don’t know what’s coming next you can grow. And when you do, you actually can’t. You’re stuck. That’ll make you depressed. But how much fear should we have in that case? That’s the real rub. And I’m not here to give you answers. I’m here to point you to the right questions. To get you thinking about the right things that will lead you to a better way of interacting and participating in the world. You don’t have to be afraid needlessly. You can take control over the signal of fear and turn it into what it needs to do for you. What you need to do to respond to it. Because that’s what’s important. Everything else? Not so important. So what helps us with our fear? What helps us to interact with it? To combat our fear? Structure. Of course. Whether it’s seeing the structure of the past that gave us the things that we have, for which we should be deeply grateful. I’m sure you’re not grateful enough. I’m not. Structure gives you a way to interact in the world so that you can leverage your interaction to something larger than you. You encourage somebody. That encouragement leads them to do something that without your simple words of encouragement, and hopefully it’s more than just words, there’s a quality to encouragement, they otherwise would not have done. And now suddenly there’s something in the world that would not have been there, but for encouragement. That’s part of structure. But of course structure also creates fear. Because structure is bigger than us. And we live within structure. That’s the purpose of structure. We create smaller than us structures, but you know, kind of limited. I would argue they’re not really structures, they’re more affectations. You can’t participate with them. They’re affectations. Not to say they’re not useful. But this thing that’s larger than us, we don’t know what it’s going to do necessarily. And sometimes we think we have it figured out, and we don’t. What if you go to court and you don’t get justice? What if every time you go to court you don’t get justice? What if you go to court and no one cares about justice? What if you go to court, you and one other person care about justice, and neither of you is sufficient to make it happen? What if you see the bad person and you say that’s a bad person, they’re going to do a bad thing and nobody listens to you? The structure doesn’t pay attention to you. There are good reasons to be afraid. So the thing that can help us combat our fear is also the thing that can cause some fear. And we should be afraid of structure, because structure inevitably corrupts. And when the proper attention is not paid to revivify the structure, you should be afraid of the structure. And if the structure becomes corrupt and it doesn’t get righted through anything, you should be more afraid of the structure. And maybe you should stop participating with it. That’s possible, not terribly likely, but it’s a possible configuration to be aware of. But what you shouldn’t do is try to change the structure bigger than you, because you probably don’t know how. Probably any change you make is going to have second-order effects that you cannot imagine. And you thought you were afraid before, wait till the chaos starts, because you brought down all the structures. And structure can create fear, but not just in, we’ll say, the unjust, right? The unjust people should fear structure. And that’s why I’m always afraid of people who don’t like structure. Why don’t you like structure? Is it because if we had proper structure, you’d be screwed, because you’re a bad person? That’s always possible, because there’s a lot of people like that. They don’t want to bring down structure because they want a better structure. They want to bring down the structure because with structure around they can’t get away with their bad behavior. That’s worth thinking about. Do you know which side these anarchists are on, on that equation? Because that’s the important equation. Why exactly is it that you want to bring down the structure? Do you have an alternative structure? Or do you want to bring down structure because you know that if the structure is there, it’s coming for you. Because you’re not a good person. Yeah, it’s worth asking. Why are these people afraid of structure? Why am I afraid of structure? The structure is also fearful for people who don’t like sacrifice. Because you have to support the structure in order to gain the fruits of it. And if you don’t like sacrifice, you’re not going to like structure because it requires sacrifice. But so does no structure. It’s just now you don’t know what you’re sacrificing to or for. In chaos, you just make the same sacrifices. But who knows where they go? I’ll tell you who doesn’t. You don’t. You may think you do. Boy, are you fooling yourself. Because like it or not, you can say, oh, the structure is bigger than me and therefore I’m afraid. Yeah. You know what else is bigger than you? Everything else that isn’t you. Oops. Because everything that isn’t you is in some conspiracy or set of conspiracies. Oops. And mistakes are a constant. And structures make errors. They’re not perfect. They’re made up of imperfect persons who give their time, energy, and attention to the structure. So don’t rely on a structure making a mistake or not making a mistake as an indicator. To resolve anything for you. Because it’s not going to. These are not easy things. And they’re not easy to pay attention to. And paying attention to them doesn’t resolve them. It doesn’t fix a problem for you. I’m not here to give you answers. I’m here to point you at certain things so that you can have a better existence. And not just for you. But for everybody else. So this is an especially strange week for me. I can get to take a lot of notes. But I have a team. I got together on the Discord server. And made a few notes randomly earlier today, in fact. And so I wanted to go over sort of a list from them on things that cause them fear. Because I thought it was a good list. And I thought it was worth sort of addressing directly fears. From people. Because that’s what this is about. Do you have fear without people? I don’t think so. You could be wrong about that. But I’d like to see you prove it. Trick question. You can’t by the way. Just in case you get too big for your britches. So failure. A lot of people have a fear of failure. Why? Because you’re not living up to your potential as Jordan Peterson talks about. Yeah? Well that’s legitimate. You’re not living up to your standard of perfection. But you shouldn’t fear failure because that’s the only way you learn. Pluses and minuses. Failure teaches you things. If you’re open to it. If you have the humility. You can learn things from your failures. Otherwise you can’t. They’ll just hurt you. It’s up to you. You want to be hurt by your failure or do you want to be stronger by it? Look I don’t care which one you choose. But I know which one I’m going to choose. What else? What else do we have on our list? Laziness. We fear laziness. Why? Probably because we were chastised for being lazy. Or probably because it means again we’re not living up to our potential. We’re not engaging in things that we know we should. We know we should engage in things. We know we should be doing things. Useful things. For ourselves, for others, for the world. For structures. For agendas bigger than us. So yeah, we fear laziness. And you know we should fear laziness. Again these are powerful signals that tell us something about ourselves. A major fear of not doing what I’m supposed to do. And then being found out at not having done it. Well yeah, being found out for your imperfections. Should give you fear. And again that’s not just potential but also failure to live up to actual. We know you can do this. We know you can do this. We know you can do this. We know you can do this. We know you can do this. We know you can do this. We know you can do this. We know you can do better. But we know you can do at least this. And you didn’t. That’s why people don’t like drug addicts. They don’t do the things they could do easily that you know they could do that they know they could do. Alcoholics. Cokeheads. Heroin. Porn. Video games. Cheetos. It happens. Not doing one’s duty is what it boils down to. When you know you’re not doing your duty thing that you are bound to do by virtue of having been created into this world and given all of the riches of the sacrifices of the peoples that came before you. Yeah. There’s a nice definition of duty. Yeah, you should be afraid of that. I’m not saying it’s resolvable. But it’s certainly something you should pay attention to. Fear of missing out. You’re missing out. Which, you know, I think is a made up fantasy issue. You don’t know what missing out means. It’s a pure projection. You don’t miss things that you miss. It doesn’t make any sense. No, I didn’t go to the water park. Okay. What if you don’t even like getting wet? What if it’s cold? Like, are you sure going to the water park’s the best answer? I’m not. What are you missing out on? If you miss something, it’s gone. Do you know how many things you’re missing right now by sitting here listening to me? You’re missing all kinds of things. Why are you afraid? Are you afraid of those things? No. No. That’s a fear that is projected outward from some other real place. And of course, the famous fear of death. Death is coming for you. It’s a giant spider. It will eat you. Yeah, a lot of people have a fear of death. But what is that really? A fear of death is a fear of the end. Running out of time to do all the things you want to do or know you are supposed to do or feel that you are duty bound to do or know that you are not supposed to do or that you are not supposed to do or know that you could do even though you were too busy drinking, shooting up, and playing video games, and doing porn. That happens. That’s where your fear of death comes from. The end. And then it’s an end. Will anybody remember you? Will anybody know your name? Will they think about you? Depends what you leave behind. Or maybe who? A fear of your fear being affirmed. Because then maybe you could have been the person sooner. Maybe you should have been afraid of this all along and had you done that, you wouldn’t have fallen into trouble. Oh, you were right to be fearful of that. Wow, what does that mean? Does that mean I should have listened to my intuition earlier? Oops. Yeah, nobody wants to have their fear affirmed. Pretty scary. Fear of being stuck in avoidance. Look, are you avoiding things? But maybe you’re avoiding things you should avoid. It’s hard to know. And that’s the problem with fear. What is your proper engagement with it? The fear of expectation. It’s a projection. Often you don’t know what other people’s expectations are until you’ve experienced it. And then you’re like, oh, I’m not going to be able to do that. And that’s what other people’s expectations are until after you’ve not met them. So if you’re anticipating their expectation, that’s on you. Not to say you shouldn’t anticipate a standard. But you have to negotiate that with the other person. You can’t just use their standard and their for. They don’t know what you’re capable of. Sometimes they know better than you what you’re capable of. But that takes a lot of soul searching to figure out after the fact. And it’s always after the fact. Which is why your fear of expectation is a projection into the future of a fear that you had pre-existing. And sometimes it’s legit. You know you’re not living up to what you can do. You know you’re not living up to getting better. We always have a fear of being looked at not for how we want to present ourselves. But for how people perceive us. And what are you going to do about that exactly? If people think you’re not authentic. If you use your language funny. If your expression isn’t what you intend. Yeah. There’s a lot to be afraid of there. But those are mostly expectations. And we expect more of ourselves sometimes than we are capable of. And we’re very much living in the age of gnosis. Where knowledge is the primary big thing. Everyone’s knowledge this and knowledge that and knowledge first. And knowledge is the thing and that solves all the problems. And if we just translate the knowledge to the right words then magic would happen. Because people would be moved. Because people are moved by words. Are they? Is that what they’re moved by? You sure about that? You sure about that? All of this is to say that fear is something that can and should be used for a positive benefit for you. And I would argue you can always use your fear positively. But that doesn’t mean you never banish your fears. Some fears are unfounded. Some are due to trauma. Some fears are projections of other things. Events from the past. Interactions that you haven’t had. Interactions that you did have but are over. Things that you never settled for yourself in your own mind and you project them on past characters or current characters in the world. That’s improper fear. That’s what you need to work out. Not face your fear. And I’m not saying never face your fear. I’m saying face your fear is a weak form of working out your relationship to the fear. In a way that becomes positive. You can go on Fear Factor with Joe Rogan. Don’t think it’s not anymore. You get spiders dumped all over your head and learn not to fear them because nothing bad happened. But did you actually deal with the source of that fear? Maybe. Maybe not. That’s why fear is important. Because again it’s a signal. Your relationship to that signal, your understanding of that signal and where it’s coming from is what’s important. It’s a form of intuitive knowledge that tells you something about your relationship in the world. And that information is important. When there is a mismatch between that information and your rationalization, oh, he’s not so bad. Really? Maybe he’s worse. Oh, she knows what she’s doing. Really? Maybe she has no idea and she’s being driven by panic. Oh, they didn’t mean that. Oh, maybe they did and you should be afraid. Maybe. That’s what you have to pay attention to. That’s where the rubber meets the road. And that’s really what I wanted to say about fear. I’m afraid. I’m out of notes. I’m out of expression. I’m out of knowledge. But I think it went well. And I’m not afraid if it didn’t because I did what I could. Trusting in yourself. Trusting in the spirit of the live stream to save me to some extent. So, on that note, I’m going to have some prasenthmum ginger tea. Try and recover this relationship with my throat that’s been on and off for like a month and a half now. Every once in a while, I don’t know, my throat gets a little upset at me. It just gets upset. Yeah, you’re right, Anselm. Some are more fearful that death might not be the cessation of existence, right? And that they have they might be answerable. Yeah, that’s true. And that is a healthier form of your engagement with death. Oh, well, thank you, Mills. That’s very kind of you, sir. I really appreciate that. I like your comment. You fear of ultimate punishment. Yeah? Well, it might not make you live authentically virtuous, you know, but it might, you know. Life does punish us for our vice if we pay attention and we learn. Yeah, well, it certainly can. And it’s all of that unfolding of that interaction that’s important, right? It’s not the sort of the fact that it could be it could be either case, right? It could be the case that we are unnecessarily fearful or it could be the case that we’re correctly fearful, right? It’s not that easy. So, yeah, what else we got for I was reading the comments as I went, so I will address Jessamyn here. Structure is scary to me and many others. Yeah, well. But I am seeking fear actively and have been unknowingly self-framebreaking. Yeah, well, the world will break your frame for you. You don’t need to do it. I doubt you actually can. Also, fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Yeah, possibly. And explain the genre of horror. Look, horror is one of those things, right? We are harnessing fear. How are you harnessing fear? Well, most people horror is good for them because they’re like they kind of like a safe way to break out of their frame. It’s not going to hurt them. And they know it’s just a movie or whatever, right? And fair enough. Like that’s that is what it is. I’m okay with that. But it’s a form of escapism at that point. And that’s sort of dangerous. You know, I don’t like horror movies. I mean, there were a few good ones that I really enjoy, but by and large, I will not go see a horror movie. Especially the crappy ones are just stuff jumping out at you and you’re getting a cheap thrill off having your expectations subverted. There’s nothing wrong with that. Like I like a good plot twist, right? I really enjoyed the movie The Six Thames, right? The Crying Game is another one, right? Those aren’t horror movies. So to me, they’re better because they’re not actively trying to subvert you through the supernatural or the pertinatural or the unexpected irrational, I guess, is another way to think about it. They’re actually engaging you in breaking the frame or subverting your expectations in a way that isn’t just scary things jump out at you or a spider eat your face or whatever. So that’s pretty healthy, I think. And yeah, I mean, the horror genre is an interesting one because it does give us access in a safe way to something that is a, not real, and we know it’s not real, at least on some level, but it’s real enough. And we set up a frame, right? It’s very postmodern. It takes advantage of the postmodern ethos, right? It’s a parasite, haha, upon the parasite of postmodernism or the parasitoid of postmodernism might be the better way to say it. And it allows us to engage with the frame-breaking exercise in a safe fashion where we’re in control. And that’s what, to me, that’s what horror is. And I’m not even, I’m not giving an opinion on that. It can be good or bad. Like most things, if you don’t know why you’re doing something, that’s what you get when you gotta be more cautious. I know people that use sort of horror as an analgesic, we’ll say, to other transcendent experiences, like sexual experiences. A lot of people get off from horror more than they get off from the sexual act, which I find fascinating, you know? And a lot of people’s fear of death, you know, years ago, I don’t remember when, there was a lot of people engaging in a way that they would crash their cars into walls and the airbags would save them, you know, almost all the time. So that was, you know, that’s fear of death plus subverting your expectations. Well, maybe the car won’t save my life, right? Ethan, oh, thank you, Ethan. Excellent monologue. Well, I’m glad you liked it because, man, we were short on notes. We were relying on the on the distributed cognition of Discord, for sure, and that worked out pretty well, I think. What is Mill saying here? I am more moved by not leaving things better than I found them than punishment. Yeah. Fear of what might be. Yeah, fear of punishment makes us slaves. It can. Yeah, and look, I mean, this slaves question is always a tough one, right? Such a loaded word. Yeah, fear of not leaving things better, right? Right. Yeah, Hanselman, my crash into the wall was not chosen. Well, this is why I get upset at people who put things into the deconstruction frame. I’m like, I don’t know, I kind of know you. You’re kind of dumb and you can’t deconstruct, even if you eat. But I don’t think anyone can. I think the idea of deconstruction is people being hubristic at best. You know, if I want to be super generous, that’s what I say. You can’t deconstruct. You’re an idiot. The things that came before you and that were built up over time have a distributed cognition factor that is several orders of magnitude smarter than you. You’re not deconstructed. I’m not saying you can’t get lucky and knock a few Jenga bricks out without bringing it down. But you’re still actually destroying it. You know, and maybe you don’t understand the second and third order effects of what you’re doing, huh? Yeah, I would say there’s no way for you to do that by definition. Whatever. I’m sure you’re going to protest because you want to be a postmodern individualistic crazy person. But also you’re wrong. So, just saying. Not direct to anyone in particular, by the way. And you kind of see this pattern, right? This pattern of fear. A lot of people fear when other people are right. So one thing I’ve long suspected, and you know, look, this is a tricky situation to discuss for me about myself because it’s me about myself. I get the feeling that a lot of times people are afraid I’m right, and so they come up with lame arguments for why I’m not. And that bothers me because it wastes a lot of time. I’m like, why do you think I’m wrong? And they don’t have good answers. It’s like, hmm, well, dude, I wish you had a good answer to that because I’d like to learn if I’m actually wrong. And it would help me if you had a good argument as to why. You know, and of course often they don’t. I was on clubhouse recently. We have a relatively good room and somebody was conflating the argument that evil geniuses could be real and therefore are worth sort of paying attention to with the idea that just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re virtuous. There’s no overlap. And I think that was right. That wasn’t my point either. Somebody else’s point. Of course it got projected around to me as my point, which it wasn’t, although I thoroughly agreed with it silently in my head. And so they went down the route of but most criminals are stupid, which A, is not true. Criminality correlates with testosterone, not with IQ. Or correlates more, much more with testosterone than IQ, just to let you know. And then the thing was I was getting angry at this particular person. I’ve talked to this person for a couple years on and off on clubhouse. It occurred to me that my problem with them is that they’re smart enough, but they’re intellectually lazy. So the type of person that takes the pop-side headline, extrapolates from that, and then they think they’re smart. Instead of reading the damn research and comprehending it. And then coming to your own conclusions. Because the correlation between testosterone and criminality was not published, but was in the data for decades. It was right there the whole time. And there were many ways to get to it, both direct and indirect. There were direct measurements and indirect measurements all along. And so that was a problem. For me, because I’m like, you’re smart enough, and if you weren’t intellectually lazy, you’d be a better force in the world. Instead you’re busy arguing with me and making really bad arguments. Against not just my points, but other people’s points who are smarter than I am. The point about the orthogonal nature of intelligence and virtue was a stunningly great point. And it’s an important point. And that’s the problem. Nils, what I’ve mentioned, deconstruction before is more about my own beliefs rather than anything external. Yeah, you don’t understand your beliefs. You can’t deconstruct them. We can have wrong understanding of some premise. Yeah, of course we can. That’s more what I’m indicating. Look, people can’t deconstruct their own beliefs. They can question them. They can destroy them. Sometimes they should destroy some of them, but they don’t know which ones. And so it’s more akin to running into the wall at high speed. When you listen to people who say, I deconstructed whatever, out of my religion, out of my cult, out of my atheist beliefs, out of my worship of academia. Right? You listen to their story. Their story is always, I was driving down the road at 80 miles an hour and I crashed into something. Their story is never, I was driving down the road at 80 miles an hour and then I slowed down. And then I decided, who needs a brake pedal? And then I decided who needs a steering wheel? And then I decided that’s not what happens. They didn’t make any of those decisions. Those decisions were made for them. The reason why they like the idea of deconstruction is because it gives them hope that, well, they did this, they can undo it. I can reconstruct. No, you can’t. You need help with that. Sorry. But there is help. Like, don’t get all upset about it. There is help. You may not like the cost of the help because you have to be around people peopling and being around people is the worst thing ever because people cause all the problems. But fair enough. Fair enough. I know what people are indicating. I really do know what people are pointing to is just more humility. Mike, missed the first hour. Well, you can go at 2x. Mike should grin, especially after reading about an excellent monologue. But we’ll watch it all tomorrow. Well, thank you. We shall carry on. You’re welcome to engage without having listened to the monologue. It’s perfectly fine. I may frustratingly say, well, I covered the monologue, but you know, whatever. It’s all good. William Branch, Buddha deconstructs to nothingness. Well, yes. Western Buddhism seems to do that. That’s not what Buddha does, by the way. But yeah, Western Buddhism certainly thinks of it that way because there is no choice because Westerns are stupid. And Buddha’s not. And you’re not the Buddha. And you’re not gonna be. Just so we’re clear about that. I mean, maybe you’re the Buddha, but I don’t freaking think so. This can be useful therapy, but you can’t live in his nihilism. Well, because it’s not nihilism and the East doesn’t view it that way. Unless you’re meant to be a monk or a nun. Not even then because monks and nuns in the Eastern tradition aren’t Buddha. It’s not. Westerners are just idiots and they cannot they actually physically cannot. We know this. Geography of thought. Nisbett, he’s the guy who wrote it. He’s also the guy who did all the research, by the way. That’s why he wrote the book. He’s done of time this research on Eastern versus Western thinking and the differences of them. The state of nothingness, as we call it, is not the correct terminology, by the way. It’s not the right translation. Is a state where you try to let go of as many attachments as you can as a way to return with a new appreciation to your attachments. Now Westerners cannot understand this because they do not think cyclically. But if you talk to Easterners, that is exactly what it is. And if you read the texts and you’re not a stupid, closed-minded Westerner with a low reading comprehension, who probably also misunderstood everything you ever read from Plato, by the way. And boy, we’re coming with a video on that. Because we’re frosted mad about Plato’s cave. Which everybody sighed to you about. Then you will come to the same reprehensible Western Buddhist conclusion that most people do. But that just means you have a low reading and comprehension level. Sorry, I hate to break it to you. But a lot of these quote smart people, they ain’t so smart. Okay? That’s all I’m saying. They’re just kind of idiots and they’ve told you lies. Bad, vicious, horrible lies. Especially about Plato’s cave. And yes, I’m going to do a video on that. I’m pretty mad about book seven. I’m pretty pissed off about the parable of the cave and what it says and how people have portrayed it. They have lied to you badly. All of them. All of them have lied to you. Every last stinking one of them. They should all be shot and then burned and then buried. And then their graves should be dug up. And then they should be pissed on. And then they should be burned again and buried again. These are reprehensible people. They have cast their own fear, their own solutions, and their own ego into Plato’s cave. Defying what Plato says in book seven. Flat out defying it. And you think they’re going to get Buddhism right? They can’t even get Plato right. They’re not going to get Buddhism right. Can’t even get their own tradition correct. Western Buddhism is a plague upon our existence. And it is the function of postmodernism. This idea that you’re smart enough to interpret Plato. You’re an idiot. You can’t interpret Plato. He was way smarter than you’ll ever be. Sorry. Go with that. Go with the humility explanation rather. Rather than the I can understand something. I can deconstruct. You’re an idiot. You’re a muppet. I’m a muppet. We’re all muppets. Get over it. Anselman. Western Christian tradition is about overcoming disordered attachments in order to relate to the personal creator. Yeah, well, and look. I’ve said this before. Maybe not well enough. I want to be super clear though. People talk about blending yeast in… There’s no difference. None. Zero. There are zero pieces of functionality in Eastern spiritual thought. Whether it be Buddhism or Confucianism or whatever. From Western spiritual thought. None. Zero. Actually zero. I’ll go through it. You can just ask me. Most of the time off the top of my head I can just tell you. Because I’ve read the text. I haven’t read them all extensively. I’ve read enough of them to go, oh yeah. And the stunning way to figure this out for real. To realize what a whopping non-difference it is between East and West. And spiritual thought in general. I don’t want to compare Buddhist texts to the Bible and stuff like that. That’s foolish. But go grab Ecclesiastes. Because we were doing a book club-y thing. Not really a book club-y thing. But a learning thing on Ecclesiastes. While at the same time we were doing the Tao Te Ching. And I’m going to go through that. I’m going to go through that. I’m going to go through that. And then we were doing the Tao Te Ching. It’s the same freaking words. Like the sentence is the same in some cases. Like it’s actually the same. They’re not saying anything different. Like at all. Eastern and Western thought on spirituality is identical. It’s implemented differently. It’s poised differently. It’s almost as if Easterners think differently from us. And so when they conceive of the same thing, they say it differently. Wouldn’t that be weird? And so I’m going to go through that. And Westerners think differently. Wouldn’t that be weird? Nisbet. Geography of thought. And Westerners think of things in a finality or totality. They’re more likely to be more goal oriented. And therefore they cast those same things. In different terms. It’s almost as if that’s what’s happening. Because that’s what’s happening! It’s not hard. Everybody makes this hard. It’s not hard. Somebody tells you it’s hard? They’re retarded. That’s the problem. It’s hard for them because they’re stupid. Buddhism has no personal creator. Well, Anselman, that is false. Western Buddhism has no personal creator because they want out of the responsibility of having been created and the constraint of having been created. Because they can be big postmodern constructors and deconstructors of the world and therefore reconstructors of the world. And they don’t need no stinking creator. I get the creation denial. But creation denial is also evolution denial. And so I’m going to go through that. But creation denial is also evolution denial, by the way. And you should shove that up their asses every chance you get. No, really, you should. Anselman, Ecclesiastes is not the whole of the Bible. No, it’s not. I didn’t imply that it was. I said if you want to see a concurrence, the fact that Eastern and Western thought don’t seem all that different at all, do that! You’ll see it. It couldn’t be more clear. There really isn’t a difference at all. But I’m going to go through that. So, if you want to see a concurrence, which is funny to me, when you start to understand something like the Tao Tzu Ching, the Tao is used in two senses at once. Which is weird, right? Because let’s go back to the Judeo-Christian tradition, which is still in the Christian tradition in some sense, although I might even argue in a weakened form. The Jews don’t believe in pronouncing Eastern spiritual thought. Eastern spiritual thought has it the other way around. They double up the name and give it two clearly distinct and different aspects. Same trick, different implementation. Really. It’s the same trick. It’s the same ethos. William, wife needs some support. Well, go support your wife, your family. Don’t hang out here all night. You can do something better to do, by all means. There’s no need to be muppeting around here when you can muppet elsewhere and be less muppet-like. Yeah, I think it’s really important for us as Westerners to understand Western Buddhism is not Eastern Buddhism. There’s very little overlap. Almost all the facilities that I’ve ever found in the West are in the East and vice versa. When you start looking, it’s like, oh yeah, that concept is over here too. Or that concept from over here is over there. And yes, Hanselman, I suppose, is going to be a defense. Both may have some things in common to humanity, of course, but biblical religion is distinct in that it’s about a personal union with the Creator. I don’t think that’s distinct. I think that if you think it’s distinct, you’re misreading the Eastern texts. The implementation is different. Right. I mean, obviously, the Jesus Incident and the Resurrection is unique and useful for a specific reason. William Branch, Buddhism was a reaction to Vedic Hinduism. Yeah, Karma is Vedic Hinduism. It was depressing and tyrannical. It certainly became that way. The Buddha freed Indians initially from this tyranny and hopelessness. Yeah, well, there was a lot more going on than that. But yeah, that was certainly one of the side effects of that whole ethos. So, yeah, look, if I love this engagement. It’s fantastic, by the way. I really appreciate it. But if you want to jump in, jump on in. Here’s the link. I will pin that at least on Navigating Patterns, my primary channel where I have such mystical administrative powers. So if you want to jump in, you can just click on that link and jump on in. Jesse might get here at some point. He sort of threatened to, but Jesse’s an artist. You never know. I am afraid he might not make it. He didn’t make it last week. He abandoned me. Do you believe that? Unbelievable. William Branch, Hinduism evolved. It absorbed what value it found in Buddhism. Yeah, well, and that’s the other thing, right? This is always cracks me up, right? You’ll hear the John Verbeckis of the world and a bunch of other people going, it’s reciprocal. It’s reciprocal. Why did they say that? Because it’s part of equality doctrine. No, they both existed and exist at the same time. It’s like, they may affect each other now that they’re both in existence, but actually one came first and was therefore primary. So primary means it’s like, it’s a primary. No, that’s what primary means. It came first, dude. That’s what it means. That’s what it means. It doesn’t mean it’ll always be the prime mover, but, you know, that’s how it works. That’s how it works. Jesse Cleans Streamyard is harassing him. We’ll find out. Anselman, have to go to bed 1.14am here. Expected to get up for some gardening in the morning. Good night. Good night, Anselman. It’s always a pleasure to see you, sir. Garden well, my friend. Garden well. Super important. Interact with nature. That’s one of the three frames. You with yourself, you with nature, you with others. Join with Link. You could join with the Link. Sally, if you weren’t busy all the time. But you already contributed to the stream, so, in many ways, as always. Including picking the whole topic this time. Sally Jo gets the run of the place sometimes. That’s when the rest of y’all Muppets are slacking. Slacky Muppets who either aren’t on the Discord channel, don’t leave comments on the YouTube, or don’t otherwise reach out. We’ve got to get the website really up and running. That’s my dad. I’ve been freaking going crazy doing a million things and not being able to buckle down and also being sick all week. But I think I licked that. A little bit of aspirin can go a long way towards curing random ailments. Highly recommend. Sometimes all you need is a little bit of aspirin. Who knew? It took me a long time to figure that out. This is why you shouldn’t live alone. You’re just not smart enough to take care of yourself when you’re sick. When you’re sick, your facility to take care of yourself goes down and that makes you more sick. And your facility to take care of yourself goes down, that makes you more. See the trend? It’s not good. Reciprocally narrowing. It turns out I just needed some aspirin. That’s really all I needed. Day and a half, two days of aspirin, problem goes away. When good tonight, sleep. That goes a long way. A little bit of aspirin gave me a good night’s sleep. I don’t know how, I don’t know why. But I’m grateful. It’s good to have things to be grateful for. That way you don’t have to feed yourself. You don’t have to be sick. I’m grateful for everything. That’s what I’m grateful for. That way you don’t have to fear. One solution to fear, I’m pretty sure to mention this, is gratitude. Right? Gratitude solves a lot of problems. Solves anxiety, it can solve fear, it can solve your sense of restlessness, it can solve your ADHD. Gratitude is a wonderful tool. And yeah, we’ve talked about that before. I need some Sam Pell. Sam Pell is great. High lithium content. I’m telling you. It’s good stuff. It keeps you sane. Or it keeps you from going more insane or something. Which you know, I’ll settle for at this stage. And if you don’t know about these little ginger and honey and chrysanthemum tea packet things, man, they’re great. They’re granules. And you can pour them in cold water even. Or warm water. You don’t have to boil them or anything. And they just dissolve in the water. And yeah, they’re super handy. And I love ginger. So this is ginger and honey and chrysanthemum tea packet. It’s great stuff. It’s quite delicious. I used to have that all the time. I don’t have any anymore. I should order some. I used to have it constantly. Yeah, you know what I should do? I should order it and take it to work. Because I fear I’m drinking too much straight water. Some people like me don’t absorb water well. So actually tea is way better. Flavored water is way better. Uh oh. I fear that Jesse has made it. Welcome, Jesse. Oh no. Sound good to me. I can’t. No, I can’t use this. Can’t hear me. What is wrong with you? Sorry. One sec. Well, I could hear Jesse perfectly well for once as mic was bang on. And now I fear he can’t hear me. What does it mean to not hear me? Fail to hear me. And fear. How’s that? Is that another commentary on fear that you needed to have? It sounded like really good to me. I fear I figured out what was wrong with my machine and one of the cables was shorting out. I think that’s what set my hard drive on fire. Makes sense. It does make sense. There you are. Now you can hear me, huh? You must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the mind. Fear is the mind. Oh, I should have brought that up. Yeah, Dune is great. It’s doing that thing where it automatically adjusts my volume even though you don’t have that setting turned on and I just want to rage against that software. Rage against the software. William Branch says welcome, Jesse. Sally Joseph says good, Jesse made his time slot. Then he won’t have to fear changing the inconveniences of his Australia time. Okay. Sure, Sally. Oh, goodness. Other people have lives. That’s what I’m going to say. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Sally has lives. She’s got two children to raise, three and four. And She’s got fear. And you’ve not quoted the Bible. Who’s quoting the Bible? Don’t do that. You. You’ve never correlated fear and wisdom. Or at least directly. You’ve never correlated anything in wisdom. You’ve never correlated wisdom like the plague. You haven’t noticed that? Let me state it here clearly. We’re still working through wisdom. And the problem with wisdom is, man, you’re just going to get a rash. Like you’re instant, like any you touch that third rail and you’re going down. Someone’s going to try to bring you down. So you’re going to be real ready for that one. Although I think we’re close. Actually, I think if I actually sat down and correlated my notes like say all weekend, which I won’t be doing this weekend anyway. Unless my illness is over and my sleep is back to four hours, in which case, maybe I could pull it off because I could do everything all at once if I weren’t sick. But I still got the stupid throat thing that’s driving me absolutely crazy. William Branch, MCU is the Hollywood killer. Yes. Sally Jo. Things concordance was brought up and bashed back down. What? Oh, strong concordance. Yeah. Well. Lots of things were brought up and bashed back down. We’ve got unexplained emergence is a miracle. Miracles and potential. Common sense. We could talk about common sense. We’ve got a lot of potential topics for the future here. What can we all sit about? Yeah. Oh, gosh. Whoa, you just got really loud. What happened? What is with your system? It’s StreamYard. It probably is StreamYard. It’s not productive. If it keeps doing this, I’m going to have to… How are you noticing what it’s doing? That’s even more intriguing to me. Must have some kind of monitor that tells him how loud his mic is, even though StreamYard changes everything. William. What is this? Funny spoonerism. Indeed. How about funny junkless cinnamon thingy? Sally Jo. Regarding the fear of, ah, the magnificent nature of all creation and all the glories that brought it into being. The fear of that. Is that the fear of recognizing your insufficiency or is that the fear of recognizing the infinite potential? Because it could be either one that you’re describing. I can’t differentiate. I mean, your insufficiency in the…in light of the magnificence of the world? Or your fear about, oh, wow, there’s so much more here and I’m so tiny. Because after all, you know, women are just tiny men. I have it on good authority. Which is a very funny sticker on my RedBubble store, which I pasted earlier. Let’s see if this works. Yep. Sounds good. Sally Jo, I’m following the rules. Right up against the rules. Yeah, well, that’s what rules are for. William Branch, neutron stars. Yeah, well that’ll do it. Neutron stars don’t scare you. Then you probably know no fear. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Which is weirdly true. That’s FDR. That’s Franklin Delano Roosevelt during World War II, is it not? That’s where I seem to recall it from. But yeah. The whole idea that you know, bravery beats out fear, basically. Right? Like, if you’re not afraid, then you can do things. Which is true, because fear is generally paralyzing. William Branch, opposite. Even the least human being is infinite. Yeah, but you’re not living up to that potential. So again, are you not living up to the potential, or are you insufficient in being in relation? Right? Or is it that relation is so overwhelming? FDR 1933. Yep. That’s what I thought. Sally Jo, there is a buzz. Yeah, there is. Jesse’s buzzing a bit. Am I still buzzing? Yeah, just a little bit. I didn’t think of it so bad, but other people are complaining. There you go. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to hear it. There you go. All gone now. Well done. I’m not afraid of the buzz, Sally. Why are you afraid of the buzz? What did the buzz do to you? What hidden trauma do you have that’s triggering your fear? Hmm? Huh? Huh? Hope versus fear. Is it a disco toad? Hope versus fear is a disco toad. Why would you create a dialectic there? Because it’s wicked funny. Disco toad is very funny. Trust me. Disco toad is a riot. It’s a nice room tone. Like an indie film that couldn’t afford a score. Yes, can confirm. That is true. It was a nice little way of interacting. Is it there now? Nope. Great. Great. Cool. Sally Jo, I want the autistic views. That’s why I hear the buzz. Yes, the autists would not like the buzz. That’s true. Sally’s all about the views. I’m more about the quality. She’s all about the quantity. I don’t know. I don’t know. Is this your mega stained teacup? I would fear that cup. You fear the stained teacup? Are you kidding? Guys, come on. Let’s take a vote. Look at that. It’s Japanese. It’s a Japanese tradition. What is wrong with you people? See, this is what, this is actually what I get. Put one in the chat if you’re fearful. Put two if you’re not fearful. One if you’re fearful of the cup. Two if you’re not fearful of the cup. There we go. Sally understands. It’s got more cheese. And she said it was delicious. There you go. And actually, I had it looking better than that. My friend was here. And for some reason, I never do these things. He tried to clean the cup. And I was like, you, mmm. And he’s a good friend. And he helped me put a door on the house and all this, you know. But I was just like, my aunt went to clean my, I’m like, don’t touch that cup. Do not wash that cup. Leave it alone. It’s fine. You culturally ignorant pigs don’t understand the Japanese culture. This is why I get upset about Western Buddhism. I’m like, you know, you guys pretend to know this. And I’ve done like almost no research. And I understand it way better than you do. Shame on you. You’ve spent all these years reading these books and misunderstanding your entire culture when it was way easier than that. You just needed to like talk to a few people that actually live there. Well, that’s what bothers me. I’m like, you’re busy reading books. You just talk to somebody who lives there and like bang. And to be fair, and this is where it’s a real problem, right? Because now I border on making claims. It’s like your comprehension is that low? Like really? But now that I’ve engaged with the Plato’s cave, their comprehension is that low. I mean, they’re a… Oh, they’re afraid of not being smarter than Plato and you’re not. So you don’t need to be afraid of that. Just get over it. Move on with your life. What’s the fear of intimacy playing out there? Sally voted too. The buzz and the stains are equally charming. See? There we go. See? You get your thing. I’ve got my thing. It’s all fine. It’s totally fine. What are you fearful of, Jesse? Come on. Let’s go. Snakes. Rightfully so. Dude, did you hear about the snake? Yeah, in your house. Yeah. Yeah, I was… I was like, okay, Mock’s house is not safe. In my house. Snake in my house. Twice, isn’t it, technically? No, no, no. I only had one snake in my house. He was there for a while. I think he came in when I was putting my bags in the car. Almost certainly, because I had the door wide open. Right. Before you left. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because when I came back, things were knocked off in the office and things were knocked off in the kitchen. I was like, I don’t understand this. Were you not afraid to get rid of the snake? He was stuck in the corner. Well, I thought I had him trapped in the back room. And either he snuck out when I opened the back room to look for him, or he somehow got out of the room, which I actually really kind of doubt, because the room has a door on it now, and Father Eric helped me put the door on, actually. So, the door is pretty well sealed. It’s not perfect or anything, but I had towels under it and all that. So, I think he snuck out again, basically, and he was in the corner. And I was like, alright, and I happened to have a monitor. I had just purchased a monitor. I had this monitor box, which is perfect. It’s a slender box, right? And I’m like, alright. And he’s like a two-foot snake, man. This is not a small snake. It was a big snake. And I’m like, I’ve got these curtain pieces, and I’m like wrangling. He’s like, rah, rah, rah. Are you freaking kidding? Do you see me? You’re not winning. You’re a little tiny thing, dude. I could grab you by the end. And they’re not harmful. I mean, I’m sure it hurts if they bite, but they’re not poisonous or venomous or anything. So, It’s like a carpet python. Huh? It’s a carpet python. No, no, no. It’s a freaking I think it was either, I think it was a rat snake? I think it was a black rat snake. Pretty hard. He’s a constrictor, basically. I mean, not that they don’t bite, they’re prey, but he’s basically a constrictor. But they’re weak. They’re not, you know, it’s a two-foot snake. It’s not going to hurt anything. Like, you could wrap around your arm. It’s not even going to cut off the blood supply. It’s not a super big deal. So, I wrangled him into the box, and then I took the box outside and flung him out the yard, and said, now you’re home. And I go, and he, you know, he was like four feet away from me, and he reared up. And I’m like, dude! A, I set you free. B, I’m still bigger than you. Go away. Just go in the other direction. Okay? And then I closed the door. I was like, I’m done with you. Goodbye. And he hasn’t been back. So I think we’re cool. I think we’ve come to an accord. Mark’s not afraid to talk to snakes. That’s the moral of the story. See, this is the funny part. Like, everyone’s like, oh, you know, I’m, what do you know, there’s no miracles. And I’m like, I go outside and I talk to butterflies and dragons. Like, there are animals. I talk to all of them. I talk to ants. I don’t, I talk to plants. I don’t know what the hell you guys are doing in the world. I’m like, really? You don’t commune with nature? I mean, yeah, I use my human English language to talk to nature because William Blake saw angels in the trees and walked around naked in his garden. I’m doing pretty good. I don’t do any of that. So I’m like, right in the middle. My father did his PhD in English Lit in late. Yeah. Right. So it’s like to me, I’m pretty normal. You know, to the rest of you, I’m like, you talk to ants? I’m like, yeah, duh. What else are you going to do? Word to frequencies, right? Well, and the thing that people don’t realize is it works. I’m not saying it’ll work for you. It works for me, though. It absolutely does. Like, my mother had this skill too. Like, she had a hawk in her house once. And she went out and grabbed the hawk and put it in the garage. And I went over there and she said, I have a red hawk in my garage. And I’m like, huh? You know, what, mom? And with my mother, you know, like, she could say pretty crazy things. And they weren’t always wrong. So I was like, oh, OK. She’s like, yeah, you go check it out. And I’m like, you want me to check out a hawk that could, you know, seriously damage me and blind me and you know, probably kill me pretty easily, actually. And yeah, I opened the door and said hello to the hawk. And he kind of, oh, hey, dude, what’s up? And we were like, we were cool. And my aunt just wanted to say hi and close the door. And I was out of there. Very calm. You’re going to be calm around animals because that’s pretty much the thing about that. Right. Right. Well, one thing that will really weed you out is we used to own a Labrador. It’s hard being a dumb dumb. No, it’s easy being a dumb dumb. It’s way easier being stupid, believe me. The more you know, the more stress and fear you have. Sorry, I had to address that because that was so one thing that weirded me out is when the Internet came on, we used to have a Labrador Golden Retriever. And we’re so used to talking to it in English. And then I started to see videos of people in other countries talking to the same type of dog in a completely different language. And it just blew my mind. Like what? The dog is responding to Chinese to Japanese to Spanish. Right. No, this is my dog. This is it knows English. What? But no, no, it’s that that that’s a rabbit hole to walk down. Do you know what feed that rabbit hole? Yeah. Yeah, it’s interesting what you can find correspondence with. That’s why when people go, oh, you must believe in the correspondence theory of reality. I’m like, do you have any idea how stupid the correspondence theory of reality is if you just observe the world for like four seconds and you go, hey, wait a minute. That doesn’t correspond at all. How come Golden Retrievers can understand different languages the same way? Where’s the correspondence with reality, buddy? You know, and I’m not saying there isn’t a correspondence with reality. I’m saying that the correspondence theory of reality doesn’t deal at the right layer with the question. So observably, the thesis that they put forward is wrong. It’s just right. You look at the world and go, yeah, it’s wrong. Clearly wrong. Sally Jo, sometimes I think intelligence gives you the ability to just know about more things to be more worried about. Yes, that is correct. We live in the age of gnosis. Not modernism. It’s the age of gnosis. Not postmodernism, not metamodernism. It’s all garbage framing. I tweeted out about this recently. It’s the age of gnosis. It’s the age of knowledge where we’re thinking knowledge is primary to the world. And it’s not. It’s not. William Branch, a tower of ivory towers. Yes. Commentary upon commentary without knowing the original. Well, yeah, when you get too high, you get too far away from the source. Actually, I had a whole theme around this. Oh, what was it? It was… Yeah, it’s the problem, the thing that people don’t talk about in the Tower of Babel is that as you get further away from the base, necessarily get less stable. And so if you think of the world this way, as you create a smaller…because as you go up, you have to go smaller. That’s how…that’s why mountains are pyramids. That’s why we build pyramids the way we build them. It is a consequence of reality. It’s the best way to think of it, or the reality of gravity or something. You want to get super accurate and precise about it because you’re a scientific jerk off materialist. So, anyway, skipping right past that. So you’ve got this pyramid thing. Video games are a pyramidal structure of reality. It gets smaller and smaller. When you adapt yourself to video games, you are less adapted to nature and the variation and variance of the world. And so you are further away from the source because you’re living in a simulacrum. And it’s a small simulacrum relative. And that’s the problem. That’s why smart people are twitchy sometimes. Okay. Sally, I hate to correct you, but all the time, smart people are always twitchy. Unless they are also wise. Wise people are not twitchy. No matter how smart they are. Slytherin Parseltongue. No, I do not speak Parseltongue. It didn’t work, dude. I was talking to the snake saying dude, get in the box. And he’s like, and I’m like get in the freaking box. You’re pissing me off. Don’t. Because I didn’t want to grab him. Like, I don’t know. How much pressure do you put on a snake to kill it? I have no idea. Like, you know, I don’t want to grab the damn snake. In my opinion, you’re far too kind. You’re far too kind. We have things over here that will kill you on the first bite. We just, you just deal with it. Oh, no, no, no. That’s totally. No, no, no. I’m the type of person that, like if there’s a spider in the house, I’ll normally kind of coax it or whatever. Right? But if a spider scares me, I squish it immediately and deal with it. I’m like, no, no, no. Because I’ve got all the modes in my brain sorted out. So if something needs to be dealt with immediately, it gets dealt with immediately and harshly. And if something doesn’t, then I take my time and I care for it as best I can. It’s just, you know, I’ve trained myself to do that. It took years and years and years. Christina used half a fly spray the other day to kill a cockroach in the kitchen. I’m like, just use a shoe. She’s like, no, I had to make sure it was dead before I hit it. Before I hit it, right. Well, women are like that. William Branch. Parents had a stray owl in their garage. That’s cool. Owls are cool. Danny is making fun of us with his laughter. Sally Jo. Ivory turtles all the way down. No, no, no. It’s ivory turtles all the way up. I like ivory turtles. That’s what we need, Sally. We need an ivory. We need regular turtles on the bottom. And we need ivory turtles on the top. It needs to be a pyramid. And all the turtles will be named girdle. And I told that to Vander Kline. He cracked up. I thought I thought he was going to break a rib laughing. I said, it’s not turtles all the way down. It’s girdles, as in girdles and completeness theorem all the way down. And he got it immediately. He’s wicked smart. Sally Jo. Maybe it did work with that snake. It’s just a postmodern asshole. Maybe. He might have had the spirit of rebellion within him. And he’s like, I’m going to go to the next level. He might have had the spirit of rebellion within him. And he’s like, I’m not getting in the box. I’m not leaving this house. I’m going to bite you because I’m two feet long and I’m a snake. Maybe. He could have been an individualist snake. Postmodern individualist snake. It’s true. It can happen to the best snakes. What else are you afraid of, Jesse? Come on. Gosh. What else am I afraid of? I’ve been in an airplane until I went skydiving. And that changed my life. You went skydiving? Yeah, yeah. There’s nothing else that breaks you. You’re an insane person. Yeah, it’s worth it. It’s worth it. We all dream of flying at some aspect, right? We all have this kind of… No? No? Okay, just me. Alright. Well, yeah, there’s nothing else that will break your sense of reality and what can be accomplished in going skydiving. Actually falling from a plane down to the earth and experiencing the whole thing without blacking out. Yeah, that’ll change your life. I’ve got images like this. Which is me in the plane looking out the window over the window. Yeah, it’s magical. That was my flight to California, right? So beautiful. I don’t afraid… I’m not really afraid of the dark. I’ve been to some pretty crazy caves. That never really… Although, you know, it’s fun. How long are you in the dark for and where is the location? Being in the dark in a dark room? Fine. You know, being in the sensory deprivation tank. I did that last night. Fine. Being trapped… Did you really? Yeah, yeah. I love the sensory deprivation tank. You’ve been in a sensory… Oh, I always wanted to try one. Oh, you gotta try. You gotta try. I’m on 25 times, 26 times somewhere and then… Really? Yeah, I love it. I get… I give the worst feedback to these people. I am… I am the worst customer. I’m just like, this is wrong, this is wrong, your water temperature is wrong. Why are you doing it at 37? It should be at 35. Just because the body is at 37 doesn’t mean the water has to be at 37. You actually want to drop it down to go to your lower beta wave state and they’re like, oh… Yeah, sorry. You’re wrong. Yeah. I’ll use my three credits and then I’m going on to somewhere else. Can’t win me back. It’s like, it’s a soundproof environment. I was like, I can literally hear your music in the hallway. Stop. Yeah. Oh, wow. Because water is a conductor of sound. Right. Oh, it’s a really good conductor of sound. As it turns out, it just distorts it. And it’s like, it’s not a good conductor because it distorts it. No, it’s a good conductor because it carries it further, you muppet. That’s not what conductor means. Doesn’t mean accurate and precise. It’s carrying capacity. Goodness has a lot of subtle definitions even in science that people don’t really… It’s the ivory turtle again. Forget about the ivory towers. Now ivory turtles. The ivory turtle pyramid. What do you fear, Rock? What do you fear? That’s a good question. I guess I fear the realization of lost opportunities, right? Where things I thought I’d be able to do that, like, yeah, at some point. And some of them may have already been here and I may be in total denial. I don’t fear having been in total denial, but it’s possible that, you know, and sometimes these things slam up against me, right? I fear getting sick again, like really sick. I mean, I’m still sick, but nowhere near. Like, man, before I’d just be living my life and doing my normal superhuman thing and sleeping four hours a night and getting like six years of work done in one evening and crazy shit. And then whack! Something would happen and I’d be sick in bed for three days. And like, for somebody who’s ultra-productive, that is death. That is death. It’s like, ugh. And for a while it didn’t matter because I had enough good days, because one good day would catch me up for two weeks. And I was like, all right, well, we’ll float like this till we figure out what’s wrong. Boy, that didn’t come. Like, I just fell behind eventually. Yeah, eventually. You fear being unproductive? I fear being in that state. It’s not even unproductive. I mean, I’m pretty debilitating. And that hasn’t, I mean, this last week, whatever was going on with my side, I had lower left abdominal pain. I still haven’t figured out what it was, but it was the aspirin that did away with it. But I was like afternoon nap. And the problem with afternoon nap is I reset and then I have to figure out what the hell I’m working on again. And it just takes forever for my brain to reset because I’ve got to go back through and then a bunch of stuff doesn’t get done. And like, I went to, I had a car wash open near the house. I should check this car wash out. They gave me a free car wash. And it expired by the time I got there because I just kept forgetting, oh, you have to go do this car wash. You have to make time and go do that. You know, and I didn’t do it. And then I went out. He’s like, oh, no, it expired two days ago. And I’m like, ugh. You know, but that was the resets. Once I get reset, I you have to re-prioritize everything. It’s like, ugh. But I think, I think I’m okay now. Seems like that was causing a problem. I have other reasons to indicate that whatever that was is gone. Okay, well, we’ll see. I mean, this weekend, it’s a long weekend here because it’s Labor Day weekend on Monday. So everyone’s got Monday off. Yeah. And September is actually a big month. So it’s possible. Fingers crossed that middle of September we have a customer at the startup I’m working at and everything changes because now all of a sudden I can just open up and fix a bunch of things. You know, I got so many things here at the house that need to get done and I can’t do any of them because what cash I have is what cash I have. So I’ve got to be real careful. Right? But if this hits, the cash flow problems are over and all of a sudden, you know, everything will be fine. Like everything will be perfectly well in just a small amount of time. Sally Jo says she is moderately afraid of cardboard because it is, quote, icky. This is the sort of precision we expect out of Sally Jo on a regular basis. In fact, that’s ten times more precision than normal from her. Icky is a very technical term. Maybe carpet. But I hate it so much more than I fear it. So sorry to tell. Can confirm. I despise carpet. My mother bought me carpet. And I will not forgive her for this sin ever. I am so pissed. Like, how do you not know how much I hate carpet? And part of it is because of her. Like, I hate carpet because of her. So I’m still not. And I got, and somebody took it from me and they’re happy with it. And I am thrilled. I am thrilled. I’m sure my mother’s happy too because I had that rolled up in the shed and it was never coming out, never going in my house. Acrophobic in my 20s and since. Oh, that’s awful. Fear of being an acrobat. Yeah, I always love the whatever phobic phobia things because you can make fun of them. The chamber I tried was dumb and I could still hear stuff. I gotta try one of these damn chambers. That’s another thing. Like, I’d do that in a heartbeat. If I had any cash coming in, I’d be like, find me a chamber. Do that whole thing. I wanna find an Ipher and Sona. Where I’ll put it. I’d have one tomorrow. I got plenty of land. I got this whole outline in my head. Like, all the things I was gonna do if I didn’t have to fight for my mother’s estate. Because I was gonna do an in-ground pool. I was gonna have a sauna and a hot tub. Because all those things helped me. Just physically helped me. So they make me better. So I was like, yeah, I’m gonna do it all up. I might as well have it all here. Then, you know, I don’t have to worry about it. Sally Jo. More transcendent experiences sitting outside. Mine is 20. Well, that’ll do it. Look, that’s Wim Hof. Why do we need Wim Hof? Because we’re not engaged in singing anymore. Which is natural breath training. Irony. Yeah, there’s all sorts of little things. One of the things he’s actually sneaking in under all his breath work is pilgrimage. It’s like going on a collective journey together. Climb a mountain and you’re board shots. So it’s like, yeah, what are we actually doing Is it the breath work or is it the group experience? Well, you need all of it integrated. All he’s doing is integrating it and not realizing. And he’s stepping into it. And it’s like, you know, this is my complaint with the church. The church should be doing all this. Why aren’t they advertising Wim Hof? Or the benefits. Those benefits are available in the religious traditions. Why aren’t they all over this action? Like, I don’t understand. You could put all of your crazy spiritual stuff in a secular frame like Jordan Peterson actually does. And not mention any of the non-secular stuff. And be just fine. So the interesting thing happened in California that I guess I will snitch on Paul VanderKlaib about. So Adam and I go up. I get Adam introduced to Joey and Paul and Jared. And we’re talking to Pastor Paul. And you know, I had just seen him a few weeks before in Washington, D.C. So, you know, it’s wonderful to see him again. Sometimes I’m like, well, Sacramento’s not so bad. It’d be nice to see Paul all the time, right? Because I like Paul a lot. And we’re talking about Peterson never makes moral decisions. Because he had done a video on Peterson talking to Bill Maher. And he said, look, this whole story of Nineveh, he could have made a better case about the story of Nineveh. Because Nineveh is the seat of the evil empire, you know. I’m paraphrasing. And I was like, no, he couldn’t have said that. Because that’ll turn off Bill Maher or any of his listeners. Because they don’t like the moralizing. And Peterson doesn’t moralize. But he points at morals. That might be better. That might be worse. He doesn’t state that they are better or worse. He doesn’t state that they are good or bad. Generally, occasionally he does. But mostly he does not. Right? He just points. That might be, maybe that would be, right? He says things like that. And Van de Klay flat out denied it. Until basically Adam and Joe were like, no, dude, he does not do that. And then he was genuinely shocked. And I was like, wow, you really don’t understand what he’s doing. Like you really don’t see the difference between the secular frame and the Christian frame. And they are miles apart. Sally Jo. Why are churches not running spas but no, they left spas. And they left spas to the Crystal Hippies. Right. They did. They left the spas to the Crystal Hippies. And they should be running them. They used to run resorts for, you know, recovering from tuberculosis and stuff. And they don’t do that anymore either. Danny. Hey, Danny. In the South, there’s good preaching at the end of hot yoga sessions. Yes. In some places. Many of them mention Jesus. It can be profound. Right. And it also turns people off. So don’t talk about Jesus. That’s the Peterson trick, guys. Or one of the many tricks. And he can’t. He’s humble. He’s like, I’m not appealing to that. I don’t know anything about it. Good. You shouldn’t appeal to things you know nothing about. William Branch. The non-spiritual part of religion is tribal. Not your tribe. Not your religion. Well, it can be. If you’re tribal, you’re screwed. Then everything’s tribal. But if you don’t fall into tribalism, then everything’s not tribal. And it solves a lot. Like, a lot of quote problems are just things we created as problems that never needed to be problems because you didn’t need to go there. This is the deep, and I was ranting about this recently. This is the deep lesson of the movie War Games. Go watch the movie War Games. I watch the movie War Games all the time. It’s one of my favorite movies. I’ve been on Blu-ray and everything. It’s right there, guys. A strange game. The only way to win is not to play. Click and that avoids the nuclear war. No, really. That’s what the movie’s about. The only way to win nuclear war is never to start a nuclear war. That is correct. Usually a short destruction. I don’t care what frame you want to put it in. Dozens of people are saying exactly the same thing and denying they’re saying the same thing. This is a different problem, but a problem. Right? Oh, the way to solve the problem is to never create the problem. And so many things are like that. It’s unbelievable. Just don’t create it. And then you don’t have to actually fix it. Weird. Don’t become tribal. And then you don’t have to. Don’t look at the world as tribalism. And then the tribalism problems never appear for you to need to solve them. Brilliant strategy, by the way. It’s also a problem of perspective. How many people do you need to make a tribe? Is it three? Is it two? Like, is it ten? It’s more to the point. What causes you to become tribal? Individualism. That’s the only thing that causes tribalism is the perspective of individualism creates a problem. The problem is everything in the world is bigger than you by definition. It’s axiomatically true. You are smaller than the world in which you were born. Like, look around. The fact that you can look around means the world is bigger. So if you’re an individual alone, you can’t sustain yourself. And so now you need a tribe. Right? But that tribalism is a denial of intimacy. It’s a frame, it’s a materialistic frame where you can’t be intimate with people because they’re just part of your tribe. You know, whatever. It’s like, no, that’s not how the world works. We are not tribal creatures. We’re family creatures. And that’s why we speak in family terms. Oh, he’s a member of my family. He’s not related to you. No, but he’s a member of my family. Why? Because he came into our village and he got adopted. That happens all the time. We really don’t understand how much hospitality was a part of the old world. Like, to be an inhospitable person, that was one of the worst sins you could be. Sodom and Gomorrah. You know, they talk about Sodom and Gomorrah. We were talking about this the other day. It’s not the sexual immorality you muppet. You misread the story. The sexual immorality does not break the back of what’s going on. And I’ll tell you, I can prove that. What’s the final straw? You misread the story entirely. Entirely. The sexual immorality is only one component because he offers up his daughters. And they go, you know what? We don’t want these fresh yummy virgins. We want the gay sex. No. That’s not what they want. They want to destroy and be inhospitable to the stranger. Sex is the means in which they do it. It’s certainly the icing on the cake, but it’s not the cake. The cake is, we don’t just want the damn sex. We could have it from your daughters and we don’t want the sex. We want the sex from the strangers. That’s the cake. The daughters, the sex, is just the icing. We don’t even want the icing. We want the cake. Right. It’s the inhospitability of Sodom and Gomorrah that gets them destroyed. It’s not the sex, guys. It’s not. It’s not that that’s not a component and an important component, but it’s not the primary component. The primary component is the inhospitability of the of the inhabitants. And even when it tries to be mitigated, I’ll give you my daughters instead. Nah. We don’t want awesome sex with virgins. We want degenerate sex with stranger because they’re strangers. Because the daughters are strangers to them. They’re just not strangers to the city. They’re your daughters. To your point, too, it’s about levels of humiliation and shame and grief brought upon the family. The young and the innocent are one level and it goes up another level and then it goes up to the final, you know, taking out essentially the, maybe we’ll just say the patriarchy. That’s essentially what’s happening there. And then, you know, then the ultimate, the divine rule over the city, right? So you have the different levels of integration of small level family, you know, the future family and then, you know, the family heads or the, you know, the regional bodies, communal bodies and then it goes up another stage and then the final body is, you know, given judgement over the city. So. Right. Well, and it’s not even hospitality towards the stranger. They’re really destroying the hospitality of the host. Right. And so they’re destroying hospitality as such at a higher level. And that’s really, that’s why Sodom and Gomorrah gets destroyed. It’s not the sexual immorality that does it. I mean, I know that we’ll say that the people who are unable to engage because they’re not using tradition and understanding it with a large enough structure think, oh, you can just reduce it to sex. And actually, it’s right in the story that you cannot do that. It’s just that you’re misreading it. You’re low reading comprehension. I’m sorry. We all have low reading comprehension with respect to that particular book. Cosmopolitanism, I have to control the whole planet. Well, only if it’s stuck with this idea of equality. I mean, having a cosmopolitan place is not bad as long as there’s multiple cosmopolitan places and they’re not the same. And that’s where the variety of spice of life comes from anyway. Right? Individualism is a tribe of one, not an army of one. No, in, no. Tribalism is the solution to individualism. It’s the only solution available to you without intimacy. Like, when you eschew intimacy by trying to become an individual, tribalism is your only real option. Or some form of it. Right? I don’t want to be intimate. Yeah? Fluidity though, that’s the wrong axiom underneath it. Cosmopolitan is the most fluid person, which means that cosmopolitan is not grounded in any time, space, place or tradition. And that’s what’s dangerous about, what to be feared about that sort of way of approaching life, is because you have to have some sense of being to be to aim at something, to have meaning. If you’re fluid, you have no grounding. To be true, as in true, good and beautiful. To be true, you have to have a grounding, right? A historical grounding. And that’s super important to have some form of grounding. Otherwise, yeah, you’ll just float with the wind. And it’s not to say you can’t go through a cosmopolitan phase. I mean, Rumspringer is that for the Amish. Right? And like, teenage years. Yeah, take a year off before college, right? Sure. These are important things. You can’t live there. And this is the problem of Western Buddhism. The Buddhists weren’t saying, oh, go to nihilism, to nothingness, or become nothing. They were never saying that. I don’t know what book you think you read that said that. The book you read did not say that. It didn’t. I’m sorry. Go point to it in the damn text. I dare you. I dare you. I’ve read most of them. I dare you. It’s not there, buddy. It’s in your head. That’s where it is. And they knew that because they were like, yeah, it’s a cycle. It’s chew all attachments for an hour, once a week usually, or something crazy. If you actually read the text carefully, you’ll figure out it’s not every day. And that way you have an appreciation for the things that you actually have and should appreciate, like tea. That’s why they have a tea ceremony. That’s actually one of the things I want to work on, is a tea ceremony for the modern wisdom seeker. Right? Because wisdom tea is important. You’re time, energy, and attention. What’s another sense of hospitality too? Right? Because it’s hosting a certain spirit or a certain talos. Yeah, ceremony. Yeah. Well, I know, and I know we’ve talked about this, but let’s not get too wrapped up. Benjamin Franklin. It’s a debate between two tribalists. No, wrong. Absolutely wrong. Dialectic is evil. Binary thinking is bad. Essentially, you see the absurd hypocrisy of tribalism. No, actually, you don’t. Tribalists are just morons, and they should be shot on sight. But people get all upset, and so they won’t let me do that, even though it’s a viable solution. I’m just saying. Just wrong framing all around. Yeah, modern dialectic. Dialectic is also in the Republic, which is very interesting, although so far I have not found a sufficient definition of dialectic. It is mentioned in the Republic, however. I am interested to dig into that someday, but I will be doing a video where I’m going to basically go through Book 7. Again, I’ve already taken some notes. I’m actually going to take notes on books. I haven’t taken notes on the book club yet. Book club, Texas Wisdom Community YouTube channel. You want to see more of me ripping apart everybody’s misconception of Plato, because they don’t know how to read. It’s right there, especially in Book 7, because man, am I hopping mad about being lied to my whole life about Plato’s cave. And everybody else. I knew I should never have read this book. I knew I would be angry. And now I’m way more angry than I thought I could be. That’s the problem. Breaking apart these ideas is very dangerous, because you’re not smarter than Plato. Trying to fit the world into your intellect is not going to work, because you’re a muppet. And the more you try that, the worse it’s going to get. Sally Jo, false disco toad. That is correct. False dialectic. False disco toad. I was referring to the video. Yeah, well. Sally Jo, what video? Exactly. When you say things without a reference, and then say I was referring to, you’re effectively lying. Just to let you know. That’s how lying works. You say you were doing something that didn’t happen. It’s a good indication. And maybe you’re lying to yourself, and fair enough, we all project. But also, take note. Take heed, my friend. Should you fear the future? Maybe this is a way of getting to some sort of conclusion. No, when you fear the future, it’s a signal to you. You’re not paying attention to something that you should be. And again, it doesn’t tell you, are you paying attention to the potential in the positive light or in the negative light? Are you paying attention to the fact that the, and this is what I was saying, my fear, that potential gets removed. You get older, right? As things happen to you. Like, look, I mean, right now, there’s no effing hope of me being able to do the things I want to do at this house. Like, originally, I got 12 acres for a reason. If you think it was to live in a 900 square foot brick house for the rest of my life, you’re wrong. That was the backup plan. But we’re swiftly coming to the point where the backup plan is going to be the only plan, right? Because things are happening, right? So, that’s, and that’s, you know, that, to some extent, is a fear. It’s the fear of the reciprocal narrowing of being stuck in that, you know. But also, it’s not a great fear, because I planned for this. I’m like, where would I want to live that I could just die here? If that was the best I could achieve after having everything taken from me three times now? The answer was still this. So, I’m kind of like, you know, it’s hard for me to be upset. It’s like, well, you know, I’m doing pretty good. Like, all things considered, you know, I used to live in my car. It doesn’t seem so bad to me now. Right? It just doesn’t, it just doesn’t, it just doesn’t feel bad. Right? It doesn’t feel terrible to me. So, yeah, I want to, I want to address this. I think Schopenhauer may be to blame for the misunderstanding of Eastern religious thought in the West. I don’t know. There’s so many, like Alan Watts, like Alan Watts, like, I think Alan Watts and Satan are actually the same creature at some point. Alan Watts just made a bunch of obviously incorrect, clearly contradictory and ridiculous statements about Eastern thought that were just clear misunderstandings. And when you look at some of the Eastern figures he was wrapped up with, they were over here for a reason. Because they were kicked out of the East. It’s not clear to me that, you know, and, you know, maybe it’s not entirely Alan Watts’ fault because he had these little big Eastern guys over here who were heretics, you know, in some sense, to their own Buddhist beliefs, if you want to think of it that way. William Brint dialectic is Unix, aka Socratic method, but it’s not purposeful. Lucian? Yeah, Lucian. I don’t know what that is. Not just deconstruction. Well, there’s nothing deconstructive about dialectic. Socratic dialectic bears no resemblance to Hegelian dialectic. Hegelian dialectic is explicitly a binary. What Socrates does is he’s not a dialectic. Right? What Socrates does with his Socratic method, which is not called dialectic, by the way, just saying, is he makes you understand what you do and do not know. In other words, he says, are you sure you know that? Not so nicely. And fair enough, I think that’s how it has to be done. I’m disagreeable, so whatever. Basically, when Socrates is doing this, he’s not deconstructing. He’s not leading you to deconstruct. What he’s doing is he’s saying, how sure are you of your beliefs? And where did you get them from? He’s not making a proclamation about any of that. And the reason why people feel judged by Socrates is not because he’s making judgments, as near as I can tell, and I read a lot of Socrates, right? But it’s because they’re afraid of fear that he’s right. That they don’t know how they know what they know, and maybe that means they don’t know it. Right. Which has nothing to do with the heretical, obviously incorrect and completely reprehensible statement that Socrates certainly did not make. He did not say, I know that I know nothing. Nothing like that happened. That is ridiculous. That is from the Apologia, I believe, 21, where he’s returning from the Oracle of Delphi, wondering why, because he’s Socrates, the Oracle would say something so silly as he was the wisest man in all of Greece because he didn’t think that he was. He’s traveling with somebody who’s making statements of knowledge of things of which he knows nothing or very little. And Socrates goes, hey, maybe that’s what the Oracle was talking about. I know what I know, and I know what I don’t know. That’s actually what he says, which is quite the opposite, by the way. Talking about knowing that you know nothing makes no sense because it’s self-referential and negative. Formulations like that in a language do not communicate. If you think they do, you are hearing whatever you want to hear, much like watching the Barbie movie or listening to Richmen North of Richmond, which is a contradictory song in the lyrics. Chad the Alcoholic does an excellent video on this, criticizing his lyrics, which is important. He doesn’t criticize the guy’s voice, which is amazing, or his guitar, which is quite good, or his execution, which is also quite good, but he does criticize his lyrics. If you listen to the lyrics, the reason why he’s all confused as to why the right likes his song, because he thinks he’s criticizing the right, is because he’s not. He’s contradicting himself, and you will hear whatever you want in that song in the same way you will see whatever you want in that movie, Barbie. More on that, watch the Barbenheimer stream, which is excellent, by the way. I got really good coverage. Actually picked me up a bunch of subs, which I was actually surprised at, but look, I’m not a stranger to algorithms, and I do know how to manipulate them, and that was a good time to manipulate it since I had over a thousand subs anyway, so I’ll take the subnaut off that. We could do more movie analysis. We need to plan the matrix analysis, and that would probably skyrocket the channel, because you and I are going to hit that out of the park and show people things they ain’t never seen before in a movie analysis, and that they never noticed in the matrix, and yeah, that would really shake things up. And, you know, look, I mean, I’m, I think I’m ready, or at least I could be ready in the process of doing all that, assuming everything, you know, doesn’t go completely belly up. I’m planning to watch it in two or three weeks, so there’s a theater that’s playing it on film in two or three weeks. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I’ve never seen it on film. I think if they replayed it here, I would watch it in the theater again. It’s a great movie to watch. Well, there’s something about, too, about seeing it in the most idyllic concert, you know, you can watch it at home, it’s a different thing. We just watched Kill Bill, the whole saga in a theater for the first time, and that was very different. The movie’s far more funny than you realize when you watch it with a group of people. You’re like, oh, this is hilarious. Oh, I know. The movies are right. The only reason why I watch Kill Bill is because my mother dragged me to see it. And I was like, well, first of all, my mother never dragged me to movies. You know, I mean, she dragged me to silly films when I was younger. My mother’s the one who taught me to play hooky, because I was very like, oh, yeah, you gotta go to school, you gotta be there on time, I’m never late for anything, right? I’m still kind of like that. But she was like, no, no, you’re gonna play hooky. And I’m like, what the hell’s a hooky? Like, you don’t play hooky. It’s totally irresponsible. Like, what are we doing? Like, oh my god, this is chaos and doom and death. And she taught me the value of that, right? And she like dragged me away to the movies much twice when I was younger. But this is when I was obviously much older. And she was like, oh, no, no, no, you’re gonna come to see Kill Bill with me. And I’m like, all right. And I watched it. I was like, this is genius. This is fantastic, you know? I want to get to Sally’s comment here. Helen is sparkly and she’s like, oh, I’m gonna listen to like the Barbie movie. Yes. Yes. Who’s Alan? The singer. Oh, from the song, the lonesome song. Yeah, Sally to explain herself. Hey, Sally, you’re looking great. My responsibilities fell asleep, so unless they wake up. My responsibility. That’s genius. This is why I love and hate Sally at the same time. I wish I could say something that clever Well, I don’t know. I think it was pretty good. I just I want to be on this more, but it just I read my I was trying to help you get a summary. It was good. You did you did fine. William Brant Socrates was not afraid to die. Socrates was not afraid to die for his principle. And he says this. He is afraid to die, but the principle is more important than his fear of death. And Sally’s comment. How can fear protect you from danger? Well, because it can alert you to danger. When and how can you use fear? Well, well, again, it can point you in a direction so you can look at things. Listen to instincts in a good way. That’s how you acknowledge fear instead of suppressing it or treating it like a bad thing. Fear is not a bad thing. Right. It’s an important signal. Yeah. Paralyzed is a bad thing. But just knowing that you’re afraid and not pretending like I shouldn’t be afraid. That’s irrational. Maybe what’s keeping you from getting murdered. Right. Or or keeping you from being stagnant when you need to take action. Right. Or or or keeping you from ignoring something that needs more attention than you were giving it. So it’s not inherently dangerous. But like, look, when you’re when you’re in in between Scylla and Charybdis, like you just need to sail more carefully. Fear of Scylla and Charybdis is important sometimes. Because that’s how you get out of that situation is with that attention. And so it points your attention and directs it and focuses it in a way that things that aren’t fear don’t do. And like, look, if you see something sparkly like Barbie, that oh, all these movies are dark and icky, you know, it’s a bright, happy movie. And you’re not paying attention to what the movie is actually saying. You could get trapped in your ideology. You could get your ideology confirmed. I have a very strange relationship with my strong emotions. And because of that, I get very addicted to things that I really like or things I really dislike. Because I don’t feel them out very well. So sometimes when I find I’m very afraid of something, that might be the thing that I absolutely am going to do, which should be avoided when it’s heights, but sometimes not. And then like the same difference goes with something that I really think I would like. Sometimes I should just not do it at all, which, yeah, like there’s like, there’s a whole whole menagerie of substances that I’m sure would be quite fun. Sounds quite fun. And I just even like the idea so much. I’m like, nope, never. That’s the only answer. That’s the only answer. Because sometimes you can’t do things that you want to do if you’re familiar with yourself at all. But, yeah, realizing that you can pay attention to fear and that it can be useful is really, I think, counterintuitive to the modern. It’s like, no, actually the right reason to not go on a date with that guy might just be because you just no good reason. Well, and someone’s creepy, right? Creepy means there’s an element of fear to them. Right. Yep. Just accept it. You don’t have to know why. And maybe you get to find out. And maybe you don’t. Well, and you know, we live again in the age of gnosis. And what that means is that we want to over rationalize and over know things. Like knowledge does you no good without rationality. At least the modern conception of gnosis, knowledge, does you no good without rationality. It’s one of the things, look, I like Vervecki’s participatory knowledge, even though I disappeared the frame entirely. The usefulness of it is there’s more to knowledge than you think. And the reason why that’s useful is because there are different types of knowledge other than propositional, other than the rational knowledge. Participatory knowledge is not rational knowledge. Right? It may be knowledge of a rational type of like knowledge of how to participate in the world might have a rationality to it. But it is not rational in and of itself. Like propositions have to be rational in and of itself or they cease to function as communication devices. Whereas participation doesn’t have that quality. Right? Participation is always generating something. Is it generative? Maybe not. But that’s what’s important. Now I was going to ask you, Jesse, how the hell with headsets on are you echoing? That was the weirdest thing ever. But you don’t seem to be echoing now, so I’m happy. If it keeps doing, I’m just going to have to bail. What I was thinking about there is, yeah, the Socratic method can also be a grounding tool, right? Finding out what you believe and not being this fluid person that goes between. It feels ungrounded on, you know, are you sure of what you believe in can be another way of, well, okay, you need to be grounded here in the time, place, space that you are in. So that’s… And it engenders humility. You don’t… Propositions are not as strong as you believe them to be. You know, like if somebody’s out there making a statement and confusing criminality and whether or not you’re in jail with virtue. Look, I’m not sure, and I’m a staunch anti-drug person, right? I’m staunch anti-drug. I’m not sure being a drug dealer is unvirtuous. Like, I wouldn’t make that… Drug dealers are less likely to be virtuous? Maybe? Maybe? I don’t know. But a lot of drug dealers I know are pretty virtuous people, actually. Right? And so just because they might be in jail for drug dealing or gun dealing or whatever doesn’t mean they’re unvirtuous. Like, I don’t know why you would equate criminality and virtue. Like, that seems really stupid to me. And yet somebody was defending that for like an hour. And again, I honestly think they were doing that just to tell me I was wrong about something that A, I was not wrong about, B, wasn’t my point. It was one of my points, and I wasn’t the only one propping this point up, man. Clubhouse is a weird place. And yeah, you know, you get upset about that stuff because it’s like you’re just being intellectually lazy. And I hate laziness. Well, people don’t want to think that all the possibilities are within them. You know? They don’t want to think that people for regular reasons on a regular day perpetrate evil, or they should be scared of regular people. My God, we’re the apex predator. You should be scared as…I had this epiphany one day. I was driving, and I was thinking about carrying guns, and when people carry guns, and just, I was just thinking about it a little bit. And I’m like, you know, really we have the capacity for that. I was thinking about people being rude in driving situations, and it is a known fact in open carry states, people are less rude in driving situations. You should treat every gun like it’s loaded, and all of a sudden I was like, oh yeah, and you should treat every person like a loaded gun. Yes. For me, being of a smaller physique, like one of the primary things I learned is like, I really like guns because it evens you out. But like actually, because of information, because of the human capacity, we’re all loaded guns all the time. And if we would treat each other with that really, with respect and fear, with a proper fear, if we had the proper fear of each other, it actually makes for a better world. And that’s not like the panic fear, right? But we are creatures of that capability, and we should be sure, like when you treat a dog with the proper respect and fear, well, one, you don’t get your baby’s fate aches off by a pit bull, but then two, you’re good friends with dogs. And you don’t have to panic and not understand them. Right. More people are injured by horses than dogs. Yeah, but more babies are injured by pit bulls than horses. Than horses, right. Well, and the deep irony is that the people who do the most equality doctrine work don’t like the equalizer gun, which is really puzzling, right? It’s a tell. It’s like, oh, you don’t want people to be equal. Because you know that if people were equal, you’re still at the bottom of the totem pole, and you’re going to get yourself shot because you’re a jerk. Well, and if you don’t want to accept that, like, people are predators and people are capable, you don’t want to think, no, nobody needs to be dangerous. I was like, no, it’s just completely regular people. It’s just completely regular people deciding on a Tuesday that they can’t cope any longer with freaking Susan. And just flipping out. Yeah. Well, or yourself. Like, you don’t want to know what you’re capable of. Yes. Well, and this is why you shouldn’t just let yourself be steamrolled over by trying to be nice to people. And you should remember that you’re capable of all of that. And you should have that same awe and respect. And like, that whole idea of treating yourself like someone you should care for. I don’t know what it is, like, that makes a person so deranged that they can’t make remember that they’re a person. But like, it’s hard. I struggle with it. Well, they don’t want to be a person. No. When you’re an individual, the one thing you’re not is actually a person. Yeah. Right? Because that’s why people are like, I’m an individual person. It’s like, oh, well, screw that. I’d rather just be a person who’s connected to other persons. I don’t have to be an individual person. I can be way better. Like, I don’t, like, why are, they don’t understand. Adding a limiting word in front of another word is not better. Sometimes it can be more specific, but it’s very narrowing. That’s reciprocally narrowing. Social justice together. Right. Social justice together. Which makes no sense. And it’s not justice once you put them together. Right. Right. You can’t have either when you put them together. And people don’t get that. And it’s like, this is a simple communication trick that people are playing on. They’re using language, propositional enchantment to try and fool you into believing they have an answer to a problem that isn’t a problem and doesn’t have an answer or a solution. It’s just a condition of reality that we have to account for constantly. We have to be constantly vigilant. And that’s why we are afraid. We’re afraid of the equalizing force of guns if we’re weak. Because we know that either we’re going to do something that we find morally reprehensible by shooting somebody. Or we know that somebody is going to get tired of our garbage and put that to bed. I was like, well, yeah. That’s what you’re afraid of. That’s why you don’t like actual equality. You want your fake equality. That’s just mind blowing to me because a car is just an equally powerful tool. So it just confuses me. We trust each other with so much power all the time. So much power. People stand this far from a traffic light though. People just trust that the traffic can behave like traffic like it does every other day. We stand this close to a traffic light, this close to a road and think, oh, no car is going to hit me. That’s just insane. It’s actually just insane to think that this car that could anytime, or a truck or a bus train for that matter. How many things can fall on a train track and derail an entire train? We don’t expect it to happen, but the chances of it happening are 50-50 really. When we open food, just when we open food and we’re trusting, I would rough guess a thousand people when you open a jar of peanut butter because you got the growers, the pickers, the producers, the shippers, the salespeople, and maybe if you’re buying on Amazon, the guy who brought it to your house. No, no, the people that pack it. Yeah, packers. Yeah, no, just all of it. Then the other shippers that ship it from wherever, right? Yeah, there’s shippers all over the place. There’s lots of middlemen in this stuff. The jar manufacturer? Such a high trust society. Yeah, trusting your jar manufacturer made it so you can microwave it without it exploding in your face consistently. It’s magical. It’s not insane. People forget most people are good. I don’t think so. I think people have a latent projected fear that they are not good. And they project that on others. And that’s why they don’t want them to have guns. Because they know they’re not good inside and they use them. And they don’t trust themselves. It’s not that they don’t trust others. Or at least decent, maybe too strong a word. Maybe, maybe. I don’t know. Maybe most people just don’t want to die. I was talking to you the other day how in the 70s there was a switch from model based upon personality traits where it was previously based upon character traits. So you’d assess people based upon the character, their virtue, how they acted. Even people in westerns. Everyone’s carrying guns but you know the character of certain people on the screen. Just because it’s a Mexican doesn’t mean it’s an evil person. You judge them by their character and how they’re behaving. Not on their personality traits. So there’s a bait and switch going on there. Just because people show personalities to you does not mean that they’re people of character. Or people that you can trust. And they’re probably more… You are better to be fearful of people than you are to actually just assume good intent. What is personality? Personality is an affectation of a science called psychology. Right? Because personality doesn’t matter. What matters is character. Because if you’re disagreeable but you’re kind, you’re still kind. What difference does that make? If you’re disagreeable but you’re nice to people. What difference does that make? Personality is mortal and character is immortal. Oh, well maybe. But you can see the materialism. All science is materialism. All forms of social science is all materialism. Right now you can argue with less material than the hard sciences. Oh okay, but it’s still completely material. Because you’ve reduced the world into propositions that are material. They are material ways of communicating in the world to other people. And when you do that, you lose all the quality. Or most of the quality. And the quality is the important part. It’s primary, which came first. Quality came first. And that’s in every single creation text ever written. And the quality comes first. If you read it carefully, you’ll see that. When you were talking about the individualism and the person, when they look outside of themselves, they’re bigger. I was thinking, that’s in the body, but then that’s also in the spirit. Because you’re both smaller than what’s around you in the body and in the spirit. But you’re not smaller because you’re singled out. You’re smaller because you’re a portion of the big thing. In spirit, you’re more a portion than you are separate. In body, you’re more separate than you are a portion. In both, though, with your body and your spirit, you’re smaller because you’re a portion, not because you’re because this is the trouble people have when you’re talking from the individualistic frame. And because if you tell them, you’re smaller, you’re lesser, you don’t know everything, whatever, they get panicked because then they feel frail and meager and just squishable. But actually, when you let go of the individualism and you understand you’re part of a whole, the way a blade of grass is part of a lawn. That’s the intimacy. Right. And I really wanted to put that point out there because we’re saying that people aren’t the individual. It’s not because you’re not small because you’re waiting to be crushed. You’re small because you’re part of this big piece of everything. And you’re kind of like the eyes of it and the breathing. You’re like a pore of it. Right. Yeah. That’s well said. You’re a portion of something larger than you that helps you and you’re part of the body. You’re part of the body. David Walker, is quality inherently chaotic? No, there’s nothing chaotic about quality at all. Chaos is anti-order and quality is order. It’s just the way it is. Like intelligibility is quality, not quantity. The fact that you can measure intelligibility is quantitative by definition. This is how we use the words. If you pay careful attention to not how people define words, but how they actually use them. Because I’m totally content dependent. Like that’s how I learned everything is by context. So the dependency of content is entirely on the context in my frame always. And so when people speak, I hear what they mean and not what they’re saying at all. I hear the words they’re using and I hear the decrepency between how they’re using them. And that leads you to certain interesting things like the older definitions from say a 1909 dictionary actually hold true for how people use words today even though the language has changed. It actually hasn’t. Why would you say that quality is inherently chaotic? Because you can’t depend on it. It’s not certain. It’s something we’re unfamiliar with because we’ve lost intimacy with ourselves. When you lose intimacy with yourselves, with others, and with nature, what that means, intimacy is quality of relationship. It means you don’t have access to quality. And that’s the materialism is access to quantity first or quantity only. The preference of. Well, it’s not even the preference of. It’s not a preference issue. Look, you have to know about something to have a preference for it. I literally believe if you look at the Knowledge Engine model, right, on my Navigating Patterns channel, just watch that. When you don’t have access to a poetic way of informing yourself about the world or informing the world, you cannot understand quality. It’s not available to you. If it’s something not available to you, it’s no longer a matter of preference. This is why my buddy Jefferson talks about preference all the time, and I’m like, there’s a point there, and it’s a good point. But it’s wrong because preference isn’t available necessarily. This gets into the, this is why Vervecki goes into affordance and then talks about relevance realization. Because that is the problem. And I did want to address this. Ethan, yes, personality doesn’t matter. Thank you, Ethan. People, please stop invoking the Big Five as some sort of causality. Exactly. Well said, Ethan. But you can see things and just inherently know that they’re beautiful. You don’t need prior knowledge to know it’s beautiful. Exactly. Exactly. Okay, yeah. Exactly. Right, you don’t, it’s not a knowledge issue, or at least not in the age of gnosis how we think of knowledge, which is when John Vervecki talks about the propositional tyranny, I don’t like that framing, but he’s got a point, and it’s not wrong, that the propositional tyranny and the age of gnosis are, the propositional tyranny is the result of the age of gnosis. We’re thinking of things primarily as propositions, which is why we listen to this idea that language and thought are the same thing, even though it literally takes four seconds of actually thinking about that to know it can’t possibly be true. There is no way you’re telling me that you didn’t have thought before you could speak. How would you know how to speak if you couldn’t think first, guys? And so the fact that thought is altered by language is not interesting, because we know which came first, and which is primary. We know this. It’s not that difficult. We, in the Discord, we have decided that the word sparkly will be used for suspect beauty, and that’s what we’re applying to the Barbie movie, because it is indeed attractive and sparkly, but perhaps not good. Right. So for the time being, we’re using sparkly with things that catch your eye and you maybe want to look at, but might be useful. It’s a great code. It’s also in reference to vampirism, because vampires are meant to be scarred under certain conditions. I was using it for reference to certain destroyers of men that wear glitter, but yes. Well, and that’s the problem. The problem is beauty won’t save the world. Not saying the world doesn’t need more beauty or interaction with beauty, but again, if beauty isn’t a preference, because it’s not available to you, let’s suppose you don’t find poetry beautiful. More poetry won’t help. And I think that is the problem. Like, that’s the meaning crisis. Yeah, more won’t help. Man, more won’t help. I could put that on a shirt. More won’t help. More won’t help. More won’t help. More won’t help. More conversation, more beauty, more truth, more fact checking, more, more, more, more, more information, more equality, right? It’s always, it’s like, guys, you’ve had more of this for 50 years and everything’s gotten worse. So you’re not getting the correlation is in the opposite direction. And I did want to address this David Walker’s tyranny of values. Well, all tyranny comes from values. But tyranny is not a bad thing. It’s just an inevitable part of existence. So you need to get over it. The preference hierarchy. Every time I order something that’s plastic, I just think to myself, polypropylene. And I have a polypropylene song. That’s good. Benjamin Franklin. We’ll go ahead and try to address this. It’s weird how the frame can change the morality of killing so drastically. No, there’s nothing weird about that. Frame determines everything. This is where people, the postmoderns have everything wrong. Frame determines everything. Period, end of statement, full stop. Nothing weird about that. It’s always been that way. It’ll always be that way. It takes four seconds to figure it out. It’s a normal frame. Killing is bad. No, in the normal frame killing is not bad. In a generic frame where no specification is given, you have to assume that killing is murder and murder is bad. Murder is always bad killing. Defining it any other way makes no sense and cannot work as a communicative method. People are deeply confused about this. But in war, frame killing is expected in normal. I deny all of that. The soldier on each side fears the other. No, they don’t. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try to shoot each other. They’d just run away. The fear of being killed may make it easier to kill the other. Maybe in some cases. I have an esoteric note for Mr. Benjamin Franklin. Every week he tries to get me to watch a sci-fi movie. I tried to watch a movie called Settlers. Now you watch this movie and you tell me Mr. Benjamin Franklin what this movie is about. Because it is about nothing. There is probably a movie every four minutes and it’s consequentially just keeps changing what it is. But if you can tell me what that movie is about. There’s no scenes in Barbie. There are no scenes in Barbie. It’s sequences. It’s random sequences. Sequences. Yeah. William Branch. E.E. Cummings. He wrote poetry a hundred years ago. Maybe William. I don’t read E.E. Cummings. Sorry. I should have said murder. No, actually you just used killing too often. Killing and murder are related. Murder is bad killing or wrong killing. And one of Vervecki’s deep mistakes is at one point of his talks he says, oh let’s not get into the killing versus murder argument. I’m like no that is the argument you’re talking about without realizing it. That is the question. The question is when is killing murder and when is killing justified? Because those are the two states. For a guy who likes dialectic the opportunity to use it correctly always slips through his fingers somehow. It’s rather amazing. Did you finish Settlers? I believe you said you should not. No. The end makes it come together I think. It does not have an ending. What he’s saying is there is no ending and you brought it together when it was over much like people did with Barbenheimer and that was a mistake that you made. It was not inherent in the media being flashed upon whatever medium you were witnessing it on. And that is the problem. To be fair I didn’t actually watch the movie. I just kept scapping ahead. I just kept scapping every 10 minutes. Has anything happened? No. Has anything happened? It’s not a movie. So yeah. When it’s not a movie we just call it a piece of media. David Walker, I think you were right about the idea of more as being very wrong but I think a lot of spiraling by artists is because we aren’t sure what to do in that case. Sally Jo, take it away of everything that’s wrong with art right now. Well people just need to be willing to throw more things away. That’s actually what you can learn from art school even still. Even in this degraded time. If you can just get willing to understand that you’re the thing that has to develop and not the random stuff you’re scribbling on paper or canvas or dumping in a pile on the art school floor because apparently that’s a thing now. You’re the thing that has to be developed. You’re the thing of value. You’re the high intrinsic attribution. So all those things that you’re throwing away, like that’s not important. That’s when art starts to get good. When the artist is what’s being refined and not the individual pieces of work. And if you want to work on an individual piece of work, it has to have meaning that’s bigger than you and that’s where all the cathedral stuff or working on a movie with a group of people or finding a way to find peers that help you think bigger than yourself. And it’s hard. Good luck. Well I like this comment by Joey. Joey is comes up with brilliant comments. People should be more afraid of art. Yes. Yes. Because it should point higher. It should point much higher than you and that should make you a symbolism could be anything. Well, not anything. Cajou really helped me to know what to do with my art when he described how things are oriented in the cathedral. I was going to jump in on Selly’s point about discernment. How do you discernment? Discernment how? Tell us more. I was going to talk about discernment to Selly’s point. There is no neutral value point when you look at an art. You have to actually discern and judge what the artwork is telling you. You don’t. There is no view from nowhere. That does not exist. That is a construct that has been given to you. A mind virus. A leech on your food and garbage. So when you, and if you do not have good discernment, then you actually sometimes need to integrate some things that you find useful or not useful in order to judge or to value or to find quality in an artwork. You need to discern it or maybe to use a harsher word, discriminate between what is good and not good according to your preferences and then learn other people’s critiques of what is good and not good art and then you’ll find a better way to discern. Don’t learn their critiques. Learn their discernment. This is fantastic Jesse because that you just said it more directly and I was stuck circling around it to try and make it into it. So when Peugeot describes the cathedral, he talks about there’s the sanctuary and that’s the highest level of thing and there’s almost nothing there. There’s maybe one really special picture of Mary and the scripture and the Eucharist and that’s it. That’s all that can be there. You don’t put other stuff there. And then around the outside you have the story. But on the outside of the cathedral you have gargoyles and grotesques and all this stuff that builds up. And this was so great for me. Controversially, I don’t know if they grotesque. I just think that they’re part of the experience. No, no, it’s a technical term. The point is they’re not necessarily pretty. They’re not necessarily beautiful. But they are interesting and fun and exciting. And I always was kind of in conflict internally on what to do with that part of my art. And then I was like, oh, yeah, I wouldn’t be trying to put that on the altar. So now I know that I can do that art and not be in pain. And I’m really relieved because I just do a lot of outside art. It’s just not sanctuary art. That’s my art. And I had already been cutting my art into I have three main categories. I have my core work. I have my collaborative work. And sometimes my collaborative work is studies. So sometimes I’m just collaborating reality and sometimes I’m collaborating with people. And that’s all the virtue cards fall into the collaborative work. And then I have I call it my notepad guts. But it’s just my stray thoughts. It’s my fun things. It’s just silliness. And I don’t necessarily refine it. And sometimes I do. Sometimes I find a thing and I refine it all the way up and I work on it for years. And then it’s part of my core works. But that really helps me like being my own judge and having that critique and not thinking, oh, like I the biggest thing I saw that if artists were willing to throw away things, no, that wasn’t good. That was bad. That didn’t work out. That that thing, like whatever that is. And it can be by your own judgment. Like I’m not saying you should take a random critic off the street and be like, they said it was bad. So now I have to throw it away. No, that’s not what I’m saying. But you do have to be willing to understand that you’re the thing that has to develop. Not your work. Don’t get trapped in the success of one piece. That just won’t help. And David says thanks. And I do want to move on to Ethan. Ethan, is lack of story. In my opinion, I don’t think there’s a lack of story. I think there’s a lack of story. And then I want to address Ben’s comments. I think that’s what I’m saying. I think there’s a lack of story. I mean, if you’re a writer, you’re a writer. If you’re a writer, you’re a writer. You’re a writer. You’re a writer. You’re a writer. And I want to address Benjamin Franklin actually the end of settlers may have a similar theme to Barbie There’s no theme in Barbie dude. It’s not there you put one there and it’s random and it’s you It’s not common to anyone else on the planet. No two people are gonna watch Barbie and see the same thing Period end of statement fantasy Fantasy It’s not it’s not even a fantasy. It’s a pure mirror fantasy It’s way worse than it like mirror mirror on the wall, but I can give you a fantasy you can read Tolkien that’s a fantasy, but it’s also a story and it’s a story of great mythos Which is a different different type a different way of storytelling Barbie does not have any of those any any of those qualities, right and she would rather have freedom No, she doesn’t even choose freedom. She’s not even allowed to choose freedom Eric is here. She’s not allowed to choose anything at all in the movie and that is made explicit you you watch something in your head You did not watch that sequence of non-movie, right? And if it means a complete extinction of humanity, no, that’s not what happened in that film I don’t know what you saw. It wasn’t there though father Eric. Welcome, please join us for here Join us in fear for fear. I’d rather have beer actually beer beer close enough. It’s a My argument is that the the fantasy frame on Tolkien is wrong Tolkien wrote and modern folklore he was writing folklore wasn’t writing fantasy fantasy is the way to dismiss the true Yes, but the true you embedded Fantasy by reading Tolkien and that’s my point Is that fantasy is not in in the story any story and fantasy is not outside? It in you right it is this middle state Because you could read CS Lewis the lion which an wardrobe and not find it a fantastical or fantasy You could do that, right? Especially if you read it as a recapitulation of a certain story in a certain book that I didn’t read that that could happen Thank you. I think you’re trying to talk about dream state though. That’s where I Know I’m talking about the fact that fantasy is a middle position It’s not I was the dream and it’s not in the thing I dream is the middle state between conscious and unconscious. I think the day dream state of Fantasy like I do see what you’re saying Why say like Tolkien wasn’t like amazing open world and it does seem like higher than so But I definitely read it and watched it as a teenage girl And I definitely pretended to live in Middle-earth and bought certain color clothes and stuff like to engage in this Participatory game between the movies that I was playing as a fantasy and when I watched the people that have done that with Harry Potter I’m like, oh I recognize that I did that for a long time because it’s definitely maybe you didn’t Engage in the fantasy of it, but many people engage in the fantasy of it It is a door to fantasy and lots of people step right in and waste 15 or 16 years I think we’re gonna get into a category error because you can you can put it in this sort of fantasy, right? You can see it’s a category now that’s been established as this is what this means But you can you know, you could James Bond is technically a fantasy, right? Ninja Lego is technically a fantasy So I’m trying to say there’s a new way to approach this rather than to use Terms that are predefined People have in their head what a fantasy is and rather than saying it yeah, Barbie’s technically a dream Use it that way you Fantasize about things in other words fantasy is always created in the relationship between you and something else and so you can see the pot and and I think like when you watch say dr Jim and and Paul VanDrakely talk about You know talk about stories and and the Western and the u-shaped story all of which is Somewhat useful but also completely wrong by the way, right you can see the way in which Your engagement in something like James Bond Doesn’t have to be fantasy you can engage with the archetype and then it’s not fantasy And that’s what I was talking about with well I know which in the wardrobe you can read the lie in the witch in the wardrobe and Engage with it as a retelling of the Christ Resurrection story and then it is not a fantasy right because you’re deeply in touch with the archetype Now you can also engage with that in the fantasy mode that say Sally Joe was talking about and And that is the difference the fantasy is the quality of the relationship It’s a type of intimacy and you can argue about whether it’s a good type of into a bad type of intimacy But it doesn’t exist in the thing and it doesn’t exist in you because it is For Vicky we call it transjective and that’s actually really important to understand. I Did want to address this Well, I’ll go from the beginning my favorite book of the Bible Ecclesiastes seems to say that fearing God is the only thing that means Anything there’s a lot of messages in the Ecclesiastes dude Which is why burn power and agree on horror movies being the deepest deepest of films right now Horror movies are never the deepest of films. They are always the shallowest of film which makes them good mirrors And what they’re mirrors for is sparkly you have to redefine what horror means because We could say Bobby’s technically a horror film Barbie’s a horror category Barbie could be a film parts of it would be a horror film, but it’s not a film. It’s not even a movie It’s just a weird piece of sequence Yeah, right often myths the heroes go through out of nihilism they can’t find a monster they fear I don’t know if that’s often Certainly interpret things that way I think that’s one of the problems is that when you’re looking for nihilism you can find it anywhere that but nihilism by definition isn’t anywhere That nihilism nihilism is that doesn’t exist therefore it’s it’s it But if you if you try to live in the world where it does exist you make a bunch of category errors What do you think father Eric give us your give us your Catholic priestly wisdom Yeah, I mean So like though I think the way we actually end up using the word fantasy When we turn it into a verb, I think that makes your point clearer, right? I was fantasizing about being the Pope Well, is that in the papacy? No Is that in me? Hell not really It’s kind of between the office and myself, I’m of course speaking strictly theoretically here Not if I have anything to say about it you aren’t You wouldn’t have me fantasize though, right you would have me With my no, I mean, I don’t I don’t think fantasy is strictly bad Like and I think we need it and I think that I think that When you listen to Peterson talk about the role of play or John Vervecki uses ridiculous formulation of serious play Which is just play by the way, there’s no serious play. It’s ridiculous You use liturgy so They’re trying but no no, they’re they’re trying to do two different things and they’re combining them into play, right? They’re trying to reinstantiate liturgy to your point I think that’s correct and valid but actually what they’re trying to do is Reinstantiate the ability to make mistakes and be imprecise and inaccurate as a way of learning Because you can’t learn without those things, but those are anti scientific Scientific the less accurate and precise you are the less scientific you are Definitionally science is all about accuracy and precision, right? And so right whereas liturgy is about consistency and reliability Which is unscientific, right in in a sense because science is the problem is as you get as you get more accurate and precise That’s less repeatable Accuracy and precision is less repeatable over time in the short term. It looks more repeatable, but actually it’s not So they’re they’re still having this argument about redshift and the Doppler effect and how far away galaxies and stars are Because it turns out that if that’s not constant Which explains a lot of things that we’re seeing now the the inconstancy of the Doppler effect over time Right and there’s like a great theory called Mon the modified Newtonian dynamics Which is still a contender for Newtonian dynamics at a distance that explains a bunch of things with very simple math that basically says Newtonian the math of Newtonian dynamics just changes over distance and now all of a sudden you don’t need a bunch of relativity Didn’t know that did you oh, yeah we can invalidate a bunch of Einstein stuff with Newton stuff very easily with a small change and and and No, you don’t there’s no way to get a right answer on that We’re gonna go back to Kepler and then we’re gonna go back to Galileo and then we’re just gonna be right back where we started with our Aristotle I think we are exactly Fantasy might be the first type of poetic engagement Yes, that is what children are doing constantly to learn And it’s pure I mean and and that and that’s see that would be Sally That’s what I would argue is happening the reason why they want playback whether it’s Peterson or Reveille or whoever Is because they’re living in this closed world system and they’re seeing it not work They’re coming bouncing up against the edge of materiality and realizing it doesn’t work and they’re like we need something else What is that other thing? Well, we need the poetics back. How do we get how do we learn poetics through play? so the difference between The fantasy play and a lot of play that’s being offered kids is fantasy is open world Yes, I think that’s why people are so Enraptured with like the Harry Potter or the Star Wars or the Lord of the Rings is because that is that Post the books not just reading it not just watching it but that fantasy of it When the when when you don’t see reality as an open world You kind of go into another one and children do that to escape their limitations of childhood. They’re like, oh, I’m I’m an astronaut Oh, I’m Robin Hood. Oh, I’m A caterpillar or whatever, but they’re escaping their limitations of childhood to play through these scenarios, which is absolutely Except when you don’t let them and then when you don’t let them Their their world gets closed closed closed and that’s the video games closed worlds or you can And you can only do this like Yeah, so I think It’s tricky. It’s kind of like how I feel about the romance period like in art Is like on one hand it reopened us to this wonder and this awe then on the other hand there’s like type of Oversaturation with the mental nutrients that that provides that unmoors you and it’s kind of like Sugar’s okay with the food for you, but you can get diabetes from it And like we got some fantasy diabetes going on because we’re not getting a good balance Well, well because they’re using it as escapism Instead of his learning right and so when you’re escaping into poetics rather than learning how to interact with Poetics you you run into a bunch of problems and I just of course have to push. Okay when metaphysics dies Okay, there’s no such thing as metaphysics. I have a video on this and navigating patterns Okay, metaphysics doesn’t exist. First of all using the term is ridiculous You’ve fallen for an actual marketing trick by a bookseller for real look up metaphysics Also, they’re discussing religion every single person that uses the term metaphysics is either Saying gobbledygook or using it’s actually talking about religion Um, and and that’s the problem And and that’s why fantasy can become escapism right because they’re trying to change The framing of the world by giving you harry potter where Magic is literal word speech and if you watch some media like barbie Which claims to be a movie but in fact is not you will notice that Well in all the scenes all of the changes in the movie are facilitated by propositions In only one scene are any of the changes facilitated by something other than or in addition to propositions, which is music So it’s the lyrics and the music that fix the relationship between the mother and daughter which is one of the many Sequence threads that’s almost sort of coherently running through that piece of media Which isn’t coherent and isn’t actually running through it different problems, right? Every other change in that piece of media Is around magical words. That’s literally what it is. It’s harry potter without harry potter And and I think that’s the that’s the problem And benjamin franklin, although it loathes to do this. Maybe there was a relationship between fantasy and children’s fear of the dark. No Child can superimpose fantasy figures in the dark. No peterson talks about this. You can do that as an adult And can get afraid of their fantasies. No, your framing on everything is just dead wrong as usual Congratulations, at least you’re consistent in that I guess and and and a reliable bad actor in that way not your fault Probably look I I did this experiment again. I’ve talked about this before peterson talks about do you know, it’s in the dark Right, and I used to do this when I was younger and I didn’t realize it still worked Shot the the light off in it in a you know in a room at night Put your hand in it And see what happens to you mentally just watch your mental state, right? Yeah, you’ll you’ll still you’ll still get a get afraid That that that’s exactly what what happens? Yes Now mark i’ve got a question about this claim you’ve made about metaphysics What century did this publisher do that? I don’t remember it’s on wikipedia actually or at least it was you know, three months ago or something Adam’s the one who found it originally not me and then I was like no you’re kidding It couldn’t actually be on wikipedia like that’s way too easy to research and all these very smart people who are in academia would Certainly know such a thing and therefore never make such a mistake and realize they were duped by a publisher But in fact was right on wikipedia and I was like Everybody was fooled by this like this is pretty lame well, i’m looking at the latin text of the summa theologiae which was published in the 13th century and and thomas equinas makes Reference to the second book of the metaphysics by aristotle Aristotle Aristotle did not name any books metaphysics understood understood, but this would have to be a very early publishing It was this was like the first very early The first latin translation of eristotle’s works in latin the latin work the first publishing of his works I don’t know what lang I think it was so we’re talking like third century bc Uh I don’t remember all I remember was the following here’s what happened and again This is was on wikipedia as of like four months ago. I checked it again Right the publisher did the following they have the collected works of aristotle In whatever form from whatever source they’re not directly from aristotle right is my understanding doesn’t matter All of the works are named Except a group of papers This group of papers is unnamed Okay, so that would actually group the group of papers that’s named Among other things is called the physics the last group of named papers published That are that are from aristotle is actually called the physics Okay, what does meta mean? Meta means after okay, so the publisher said well, these are all ungrouped papers We don’t know if they even belong together We’re going to stitch them together and publish them and call them Metaphysics because they are being gathered together and published as a book After the last published and publishable book named by aristotle, which is called the physics It’s really that simple guys And the reason why you know for sure that everyone’s fooled by this is because when you ask them to justify Metaphysics the first literally i’ve had this discussion with At least six different people over the years. They literally say no, no, no, no It’s the first physics and i’m like Are you retarded? Because meta means after not before it can’t possibly mean the first physics No matter what interpretation you use it cannot ever mean the first physics You are mistaken and deeply confused about how words work and you need to have your head examined You have clearly tried to justify something that cannot possibly be true It’s a problem. It’s a real problem. And when you listen to people use metaphysics They are always referring to the top level frame of existence, which is technically religion That is the original Pre 1530 definition of religion And 1530 the definition of religion changes forever and we can’t recover it because we’re all stupid Like I mean it’s horrible two minutes after they use the word Metaphysics they’ll use egg regor Exactly exactly. They’ll they’ll they’ll stray right into egg regor Yeah, it’s part of a group of words that the non the the claiming to be truly agnostic are using to talk about The gnostic which is fascinating Well, that’s a that’s a clever way to think about it the agnostic are are using it to be gnostic. Yeah, I like that. That’s true According to wikipedia, which I have pulled up for you to add to the stream if you so see fit lord moderator First century ad so I had to go look that up myself First century ad editor Editor So anyway if you’re talking to an educated catholic Having that century in mind because they’re going to remember seeing it like when you say a publisher everybody’s thinking post printing press So just a little communication tip All right, that’s all I got That’s fair. Yeah, thank you for the uh Explication that was quite good. Yeah, and I think that is the problem is that literally you listen to their Explanation of why they think that you know what they think that the Aristotelian metaphysics is and they always say it’s the first physics It’s what becomes it’s what comes before the physics and it’s like you’re not making any sense And you don’t realize how much sense you’re not making right, right. So the the term that aerosol actually used was first philosophy So he uses the term first philosophy, but he doesn’t first principle Which is he refers to the first philosophy look which is always which is always a religion mark. I’m i’m i’m backing you up here Yeah, exactly like what you hold as the the primary principle. There’s always that’s that’s what your religion is That’s what your religion is exactly That’s why I say you’re always referring to religion when you use the term metaphysics because it’s inevitable And if you actually bother to read and comprehend Something like plato’s republic you will notice that it begins and allegedly although I haven’t gotten to the end Ends with religious ceremonies and throughout and I do mean throughout the book and I mean pepper as in Take a freaking pepper shaker and shake it on every page Practically, they reference religion and the gods constantly in that book. I mean any and I do mean constantly it it Every point where the logic breaks down and the book is very much a parody of logic reason and rationality That is what the republic is It is a deliberate very clear parody of the idea of logic reason and rationality I didn’t see that coming. Did you uh, but that’s what it is If you actually comprehend it and it’s not that hard to comprehend once you know this once you see it. It’s pretty clear They always appeal to the gods There’s appeals to the gods in every single book of the republic. It’s all in multiple places It’s all over the way this then fails socrates. What shall we do? We’ll have to appeal to seuss I guess or some goddess or whatever It’s and it’s meant to be funny by the way, like it is a hysterical text if you read it It is meant to be funny It is meant to poke fun at the idea of logic reason and rationality as ways to know the world That is actually the theme part of the theme of the republic. There are many themes in the republic again I’m going to do a video in the short term not on the whole book I’m just on playdoh’s cave and that’s going to be relevant because jesse and I are eventually going to do the matrix Maybe we promise that we’ll maybe try It’ll come out sometime. It’ll be like duke nukem forever, right? It’ll be like duke nukem for at this rate. Yes, because we really need to get started Neither of us is that Yeah, well I really think that playdoh’s republic needs to be read in the original cling on in order to be properly Oh man geeks in their geek references that was that was good That was the shakespeare. Don’t you remember that guy from the six star star trek movie? It was like oh shakespeare has to be appreciated in the original cling on The original cling on yeah, which is which is you know, that’s a double play, right? Because people don’t understand how english it’s not even like shakespeare is not Just western it’s actually english and all of the english language that came after is shaped by shakespeare’s plays Not just the thoughts but also the language at the same time. It’s it’s one of those deep pieces of evidence Uh that that sort of indicates that noam chanski is a complete idiot when he talks about language, right? Because you can see that the concept shaped the language and the language also shapes our understanding of the concept Not quite at the same time, but because concepts come first obviously you mup it like duh Like they have to and therefore because you have to be expressing something like communication has to express a thing That thing has to pre-exist the expression of it. So the fact that the expression changes the conception It doesn’t it normalizes the conception and then the conception can change which is different a different statement It’s a lot of nuance people get lost in it, but yeah adam named the animals Correct me if i’m wrong father eric. Uh, he’s calling you out. But metaphysics originally was just the name they gave to what was Uncategorical right? Right. It was uncategorized papers. It was papers with no title with no name with which is why did you get like, uh, History of philosophy in there and then a little treatise on knowledge There’s no such thing as the history of Goodness, okay. Okay. Okay a survey Okay, ariestotle in one of the like book eight of the metaphysics He’s like well there was thales and thales believed this and there there was aristophany or not aristophany’s You know and and para heraclitus and Right. There’s a history. There’s a there’s a there’s a history because he’s creating an intelligible thread right of the development of of What? Plato and aristotle came up with which is philosophical thought And philosophical thought to the ancient greeks as near as I can tell and no i’m not an expert But i’m also not retarded like the experts seem to be philosophical thought is very simple the category Of philosophy is not a category. It is the master statement if you will that Categories or ontologies sit within in other words all the things that can be ontological are sub types of philosophy And there is nothing outside of that except religion and and it’s immanuel kant that breaks You know that breaks the barrier between or implies that you could think about the barrier between religion and Philosophy, but in fact the ancient greeks knew better and they were quite clear that everything flows from your religious beliefs Even if you’re a polytheist, right? Because they all were Although they mentioned the one god and you know in zeus and they use him as the master god in many cases, right? Or the top god or whatever and and sometimes they don’t sometimes they say there’s something something higher above Zeus and his father and all that i’ll see you sali and and so When you think of it that way philosophy becomes much more accessible because it’s accessible to the average person. It’s accessible to your Engagement, it’s accessible to your Reality, right? It’s more accessible overall once you once you sort of understand that that formula Well, i’m not going to say that I understood everything like that you just said on the first take But anything that is a reason not to like immanuel kant i’ll uh I’ll grab it Yeah, well again, I mean it really is and it’s simple and I think that’s why people miss it Philosophy is the bucket that contains ontologies all ontologies are our types of philosophy. That’s why you can’t have You can’t apply a subtype to a type that makes no sense. You can’t have a history of philosophy Like history is a subtype of philosophy. It’s the Sort of the category of time sequencing events Right, and so that would make it a type of phila because the ancient creeds only had two buckets Everything’s either religious or philosophical that way and and and the justification for that is what you said is this history of philosophy which again, I Fundamentally disagree with it might be again the intelligibility of how we came up with the fact that Philosophy and religion are different and it’s important So that would mean then so if if if philosophy is this bucket of ontologies It makes it kind of inescapable I’ve got to figure out where my camera is here and incomprehensible in the sense that we could never grasp it and Subdue it basically it’ll always be beyond us. It’s sort of like um, right i’m really gonna get Out of the expertise of my theology degree here, but sort of like girdle’s incompletement Incompleteness theorem. Yeah, it’s like yes, guess what math isn’t going to be able to do everything Because you can you can come up with Right a mathematical thing that breaks math That’s my Oddly girdle kind of proves the religion philosophy dichotomy right because philosophies are complete Like an individual philosophy, right? Right, but but then they’re also then they’re fundamentally inconsistent Because they’re they’re complete Right, but but you can make philosophies Complete, but then they’re inconsistent. Oh, sure like like like feyly’s saying that everything’s made out of water Yeah, that’s a complete philosophy right there. It is it is extensive to the entirety of the universe Right, but what about the stuff that’s hot? Exactly right it doesn’t right you can’t And you don’t have to if you split the world into two things But that’s also why you can’t say there’s a philosophy of science. It’s like no no Philosophy is bigger than science science is a subtype of and therefore like like these philosophy of this and that’s garbage it’s not I mean the study of the natural world was called natural philosophy by World was called natural philosophy by By reputable universities and that’s why we and that’s what became science Yeah, natural philosophy. I wish we’d go back to calling it natural philosophy. So the word the greeks had it right Could be reclaimed for any disciplined and study that proceeds from first principles Exactly exactly as Aristotle would say Exactly, right, right And then you could pick if you wanted it to be complete or consistent And that would help you because you would understand that limitation And as the ancient greeks clearly did and it’s just like no literally everybody after that is stupid. Like I just i’m sorry This is why I reject quote modern philosophy because these guys did not understand how good that system was and how useful and how Helpful and how important it was that it remained intact the way Aristotle and Plato sort of conceived of it Well, I would say you should always choose consistency as long as you consistently remember that you’re not going to get to the bottom of anything Yeah, it’s not going to be complete right again as long as you appreciate that trade-off You can pick either one and everything will be fine because some people need It’s like well, that’s fine. It’s going to be inconsistent And that’s that’s that’s why science breaks out internet into into resorting talking about metaphysics Because they want to own it as a type of physics Right, and that’s why they say no, no, no, it’s the first physics. It’s like well meta means after I I don’t like what is wrong with you people, right? And then they go. Yeah, but he said first physics in the rambling Inconsistent papers that were never intended to be together Okay, this isn’t a very strong case you’re making but sure I guess he used that term Uh, but he was referring to religion by the way and you’re lying about that Not sure if it’s interesting to observe though that when Uh the what you probably could call the hard science or the science has come through which is a 1950s observation About the same time that’s when the last big physics breakthroughs have actually happened. There’s been a basically a slide off of Advances in the science or that’s correct. This is in science since the 1950s So so much so yeah, you can hear a bunch of different academics talk about this that yeah Into the science or into this is chemistry or this is physics basically it’s limited the the um Progression or the development or the Uh, you know, maybe the the inquiry method of particle particle physics particle physics in particular hasn’t changed They keep trying to change it and it keeps failing say being the half setter Upsted alert. I forget her last name. She talks about this all the time. She does a really good job of basically saying no guys You’re just misunderstanding this you think this is providing these things that it certainly is not Yeah, people get pretty upset about that. But yeah science it like and this is the thing Like I grew up in boston, man. I used to talk to these guys No, really like these guys guys like famous published physicists and i’d ask them very simple questions like no Nobody knows that they’d say like now nobody can know that physics can’t tell you that they’re very honest about it It’s everybody else who’s saying no. No, they know that and they’re like now we don’t know that But no one listens when you say that it’s anybody who’s got the I effing love science t-shirts That’s right. Well the pop-sci guys. I mean this was my my clubhouse conversation the other day He’s clearly a pop-sci guy and he’s clearly capable of more and he just doesn’t do the freaking work And I hate people who are intellectually lazy. I like actually genuinely hate them Like actual hatred. I’m like, don’t be lazy. Whatever you do in your life. Don’t be freaking lazy You know like and look you’ll be sick or whatever right like fair enough But like don’t be deliberately lazy go out and engage with these ideas and read this stuff Don’t need the pop-sci version like look i’m telling you right now I read a bunch of white papers and went oh look at all this information. It’s in the white papers It isn’t listed in the conclusion that is clear from the data. It’s clear as day anybody Literally anybody who’s capable of reading the data and understanding it and that’s most people We’ll see these correlations. They’re right there now I’m not saying you can draw absolute conclusions from them But you start reading those correlations in seven or eight different disciplines or seven or eight different uncorrelated studies and you’re like You know what there might be something here, right? And then you start to do some observations and you realize I don’t know. This is definitely a there there And and if you don’t do that work of trying to read and trying to comprehend the white papers That’s on you the pop-sci gets you interested. It’s sparkly But it’s not beautiful in the way that’s going to lead you to truth And and you need that you need to do do the work to get to the truth It’s almost like institutions fear change Well, like I But don’t blame the institutions the institutions are usually correct. It’s just that people are flat out ignoring them And they’ll what with academic institutions like mit will tell you no the pop-sci is wrong They will say that flat out. They’re not afraid to say no. We have no idea about this We don’t know why this freaking writer wrote this. He’s a you know Journalists have low iqs on average. Sorry of all the professions journalists have the lowest iq of any profession I didn’t make that up. It was reported Ironically enough, right? I’m sorry that that’s true. It’s not true for all journalists journalists I really love like matt ridley and stuff, whatever very high iq individuals for sure Right, but on average these guys are not very bright I’m sorry and and we need to appreciate how not bright most people are how Incompetent most people are how incapable most people are and how lazy most people are they won’t do the work to listen to themselves Talk when they say no the metaphysics is wrapped up in the first physics Do you understand that you’re a ridiculous buffoon when you say that because you are that is absurd It is crazy talk. You’re not paying attention At all I think you’ve convinced yourself of something so strongly that you’re willing to contradict yourself in your own speech and language in the Moment and you don’t even see it That’s a problem for me Well as a child of the 90s anytime I think journalists I think tintin and i’m like how much journalism did tintin actually do? don’t know Yeah Well and stories are the most powerful thing and you know Journalism tries to remove itself from story by reporting on fox and it just turns out that’s not interesting to most people Except autists by the way, uh and and and therefore Right the postmodern idea that you can remove the frame and therefore remove the story and not get ideology is bullshit Well the uh journal Journalism is always a moral act Because at the very minimum you have to determine which stories you’re going to cover and which ones you’re not covering I’ll act you can try it. You can try and be as fair as possible in Uh Covering a particular story giving both sides but you’re always going to pick one story over another because Nobody can write Everything that happens in a day Right. Well, you’re filtering you’re necessarily filtering and the problem is that people want to be pissed off about filtering but like Catherine brodsky on twitter was talking about this a month or two ago, right? She was like I just want the twitter feed, you know without a filter and i’m like no, no, you don’t understand You can’t do that As a technical problem, it is unsolvable There is too much information coming through twitter at once for you to look you can’t even pick out 10 minutes of it and sort through it You’re not capable of that as a human being there are no human beings on the planet that are actually capable of doing that That’s the problem is that they have computers create accessibility to information and in fact generate information Now only computers can deal with it because that’s the only scale at which it can be dealt with And so the problem of scaling things down as well as up is a big problem. That’s the filter And twitter’s got to be doing like tens of thousands of tweets a second Right. That’s what I mean most of them garbage Five minutes is too much information for you to sort through and five minutes Cut it. Yeah You can filter but maybe just do it by the number of people you follow or pay attention to that You have to rely on computers to filter you Now you can get clever with computer if you just follow three people you don’t need a computer to filter recognition to people And and their preferences And say okay their combined preferences are going to help and what people don’t understand is The amount of filtering twitter actually does is enormous You’re not getting one percent of the available information from the follows you’ve done That’s how much data is going through that system. It is an unimaginable amount of data What’s why elon bought it? That’s a side point Well, he bought it for lots of reasons But one of them was to actually try to save the world and that seems to be being successful So his other reasons are kind of irrelevant relevance realization is important Let’s let’s focus on the best reason he bought it for and the most Impression which is to kick out the cia To fire the evil people which got brought up on clubhouse and I was like good for him and everyone was shocked And i’m like no good for him. They were bad people. They let the cia in there screw them I hope they all die a horrible death. Really? I hope they all like burning hell because they’re I hope they repent. I hope they repent and receive god’s mercy And we can all rejoice in that on the last day. I was I wanted to ask you about that father eric What’s the what’s the catholic or a catholic priest’s perspective on fear? fear um Depends on what you’re afraid of so fear the lord is a uh, is a gift of the holy spirit right um that uh Thomas Aquinas and the whole theological tradition talks about there being two different valences to this fear of the lord One of them is a servile fear a slavish fear Where you’re fearing getting punished going? uh On the wrong side of of a powerful person who has power power over you If that is the less perfect form of fear of the lord Um When it becomes more perfect it becomes a filial fear uh fear of a son Where it’s like well if I were to do x y z that I know to be evil and offensive to god Then that would um that would offend god and I would lose the relationship I have with them so in light of What i’m not going to do? I would be afraid if I did that from what I would lose So you would be afraid of changing the quality of the relationship which I would name as intimacy interesting Intimacy crisis confirmed. Thank you father. Very useful Thank you. Thomas Aquinas basically and thank you. Dr. Ferola for walking us through the second part of the second part of the summa Which was a class that I took with two other people and um was just brilliant It’s like oh gosh, why don’t we teach everybody this? It was an elective Right. I mean when people talk about the corruption of education, they don’t realize education was fundamentally religious And all of the education academic institutions higher academic institutions were basically teaching things like Thomas Aquinas and so when you talk about you know when when When when academia higher academics in particular went bad? That’s when guys it’s not a coincidence. It’s a direct relationship and it’s causal Well, this was in seminary, right? So I thought I think at least all the priests should know this But they used to teach that in harvard when harvard was a new school I don’t think they were teaching Thomas Aquinas, but they were teaching more wholesome things. Certainly Uh, the the puritans were not teaching Thomas Aquinas. They were teaching christianity in various forms, but not Thomas Aquinas. I don’t know that that’s true I I would be blown away. I would be highly surprised if the puritans Would have thought they would have just been like bah, that’s the school men. We’re not going to teach that they would teach the bible And the bible is more important than Thomas Aquinas there. I said it wasn’t that hard actually. Um But uh Yeah, I think you’re underestimating how anti-catholic the puritans were and how All the medieval theologians were seen as the decadent roman Business, I mean, I don’t know only the dominicans were teaching Thomas Aquinas up until the late 19th century. Anyway Oh really? Oh, okay. Yeah. No, it was just when I realized This that like Thomas Aquinas writes the summa. He doesn’t even finish it, but it’s still the best thing ever um And then nobody but the dominicans teaches it Until leo the 13th mandates it in the late 19th century for all catholic seminarians to be to be taught the system of thought of Thomas Aquinas like What? Who were they reading in the middle ages and it’s like well the francescans would read bonaventure And uh the augustinian monks they would read Henry of gents and Secular clergy would study guiles of rome. That’s like well, no wonder the medieval church was in a Mess because henry again guiles of rome were retarded Yeah, I mean they were probably smarter than I am but they just yeah, but they’re they’re teaching in early harvard They’re teaching things like hebrew and greek, you know, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, they’re doing the classics. They’re doing the classics We used to know any educated children in the 1950s used to know how to do the trivium Like right the logic reason and rhetoric as well as you know things like latin and french He used to have a basic comprehension of those Of at least two two other languages in english. So well and they read those texts in that language, which makes a big difference I read like Chesterton lewis tolkien And i’m like golly like I know I would have hated it at the time But I wish I could have gotten their education Frickin lewis really I am not his his fantasy stuff is fantastic But man his other stuff is like I think sally said it best. It’s like eating stale crackers or something. I’m like, yes No, I don’t agree. Yeah abolition of ran is just awful. I was like, this is terrible We’re in deep disagreement now terrible terrible. It’s horrible What’s horrible about what’s to be feared about the abolition of man? Well I’m not even sure like he opens it and i’m like, all right, you’re just telling a story about Postmodern to break down english to english. Yeah Which is fine, but wrong You know just arbitrarily incorrect Which is which is again fine But then you’re segueing into other stories to prove your point and then you’re just opening up to these other points and you’re just Telling this it it doesn’t have a thread. I’m like, I don’t like this and the way he frames it is just terrible He uses all the wrong words. I’m like, yeah, you’re just you’re just screwing up the language at some point Guilty of exactly what he’s using others of yeah, i’m not a fan When and I I don’t agree with the point that he’s making I disagree with how he’s implementing this point is terrible I did find it difficult to comprehend the first time I read it. It took a few tries for me to actually get his his I don’t I don’t look at abolition of man as his I mean, I think it’s an important book, but it’s not his best What do you think his best is? In terms of his non-fiction. Yeah It might be mere christianity Tilly faces would be up there. Well, that’s fiction Okay, it’s true. Yeah Pretty good Yes, essays and criticism is pretty good. I haven’t read that one. So I don’t know So the thing is is that You know, I was a I was a lad and I was idealistic and I had a brand new kindle and i’d heard about this book mere christianity And I downloaded it and I just thought wow Theology is actually both great and really useful And really encouraging now. I didn’t actually think it in those words. I just kind of felt it because I’d read that book so but what was interesting about that is that Mere christianity was originally a series of radio lectures Right given to a broad audience on the bbc And so he was he was making it a point to communicate as clearly as he possibly could To as broad an audience as he could manage and so 18 year old eric Could understand that right And I think that actually makes it a little more useful on account of its accessibility Well, and and that’s the thing that’s missing In in society, right? This is the recession of the church where the church just gets all theological instead of getting pragmatic Right, and and it’s the pragmatism, right? That’s the recession. It’s like, I don’t know you guys aren’t running hospitals anymore Right, you’re not out there like fixing things like that’s all gone people aren’t seeing it and you’re hiding it on purpose in the u.s We’re hiding it on purpose because puritans um, right and and there’s a bunch wrapped up like Like wealth is not supposed to show up in new england on purpose Like i’m deeply familiar with the puritan sets believe me and there’s nothing wrong with that Except when you’re also not running the hospitals Because when I was when I was growing up you knew which hospitals to go to Right, you knew oh if you don’t have insurance, these are the hospitals you go to and they were all run by religious organizations And the reason why you go there is because they’d never take your house You could take 30 years to pay your medical bill wasn’t a big deal Now we’ve lost that that got lost as the result of passing certain evil laws that evil people made up By the way, they’re sometimes use their name in them, uh to refer to them. Anyway, um Just because I don’t want to be unclear Uh, and so we’ve lost that like we used to have a safety net and it’s gone now And and that’s part of the recession, right? Part of the recession is well, who is it? That’s out there helping people when they when they need help is it fema because that’s all you ever hear about But it’s not just fema, but no one else is in the news. No one else is hearing about right individuals Know who helped them sure But when society is being largely swung this way and that by large-scale communication medium The the message is not out there and and part of that message I mean look, I will you listen to the whole stream father. Did you hear that? No, I was I was participating in engaging with people in real life before I came here not that this is a real life I’m sorry to hear that. Well, there was cheese. So Oh, well that that’s a redeeming quality right there. No, so I was telling when I was in california visiting, uh, visiting, uh, Adam for the weekend there out in primont and we did drove up to sacramento and he got to meet Paul vanderkley Vanderkley did not actually believe me when I said no peterson doesn’t make moral Proclamations he was like, yes, he does and I was like no actually doesn’t and it wasn’t until joey and adam said no paul He doesn’t he didn’t even notice that And I think that’s the problem like the reason why Religious people don’t get peterson’s reach and can’t reproduce peterson’s stuff Is because they fall into moral proclamations thinking they’re following what he’s doing when in fact they’re missing the point He’s using secular language. He’s not talking about jesus bible biblical stories god for the most part He may be pointing at those things, but he actually does not directly talk about he never starts out that way Right. He doesn’t make moral proclamations. He’s usually almost ever right. He usually says that might be better That might be worse maybe that would be worse and you don’t want to do it He doesn’t say that is or is not And that is part of the and he doesn’t he doesn’t he actually avoids pointing to morals Until he has to And I think that makes all the difference in the world and it’s something that religious people have it can’t do I think it’s almost impossible for them because of the framing And that is why they are all trying to reproduce peterson’s success with varying degrees of success And I would argue there maybe a lot of like bishop baron or whatever Are reaching a lot of crisis of faith people but they’re never going to reach meeting crisis people ever with that ever It’s never going to happen And and I think that’s the and that’s so one of my arguments against This little corner and I I was talking to somebody about this recently I said is that The paul vanderkley crew uses that term nobody else wants to be in that club The verveky people want no part of that the peterson people want no part of that The peugeot people have their own thing and they want no part of that. They don’t want to get sucked into this label at all It’s it’s only one of the four groups they claim to be united that actually cares about this label And everybody else wants nothing to do with it And they don’t know that because there’s no there there Because there’s no there there right? It’s just you know, and paul knows this Very well, right? He’s collecting the misfit toys Nothing wrong with that. That’s probably his role as a pastor. I have no argument to keep doing what he’s doing I’m not telling him what to do. I’ve never told him what to do Right and like fair enough, but that’s not the same as having a thing Right. That’s not the same as having a thing And so look, I mean we’ve been going for a while. We should kind of close this up uh I want to do sort of closing thoughts on the stream in general or fear in particular since that was sort of the Monologue, why don’t we start with father eric, please give us your your closing whatever you want, sir You can close out however you’d like do not fear the one who can kill the body but afterwards can do more instead fear the one who After killing the body kills the soul and throws both into fire. Igaena Oh, I like that. We talked about fear of death. So that’s a good way to think about fear of death. Thank you for that All right, jesse what are what are your uh, what are your final thoughts here, please? I never give anybody any time to think Hmm. Hmm. That was very quick. It was very good father. What else could I say to that? Uh, grandness grandness relationship to to your being right when Grounded to a people time place space Right, that is when you are most embodied is when you are most able to handle the challenges That you will face in the world and it’s when you will have the greatest experiences that you Will enrich your life. So remember to be holy to be afraid of what potential that is before you but to meet it with um, the The character that you wish to aspire to live up to Oh, I like that i’m gonna i’m gonna segue off of that in fact, because that was really good Yeah, and I think the answer to sally’s ultimate query which she’s been making all week by the way Ever since she was like we’re talking about fear Is The groundedness is what allows you to interface with fear correctly It’s a it’s what allows you to take in that signal and probably many other signals and relate to them Intimately and correctly right it’s the thing that says should you be afraid of the potential or should you embrace the potential? as a way to to learn and grow should you Run away from this thing because it’s dangerous or should you just approach it cautiously enough so that you Can steer between silla and caribbous for example, right? that That mode of interfacing with fear, which is a deep and important signal and not always right but mostly right most of the time Is the way to approach this this deep perennial pattern of fear Right this signal that is fear and so I think if you can do that if you can start paying attention in that way To that thing from a grounded place What am I grounded on? Why should I be afraid of the future or not afraid of the future? Right in what way should I fear the future should I fear it as? Potential that could go horribly wrong, but also be wonderful beyond my wild imaginings or should I just run away? Right the way, you know, these things is through your ground And that will help you and and also distributed cognition, right like find out what is You know fearful about this person. I mean the number of times i’ve seen people get in relationships that are dangerous You know, and I don’t just mean, you know person to person relationships, but bad jobs or whatever, right? And everybody around them was telling them no you need to be careful and they weren’t is stunning to me And so on that note, I don’t want you to fear because we’re gonna have another topic Coming up. We’ll kind of figure that out. The group always works these things out And sometimes sally gets her tour panic away And you know, we’re gonna cover it next week and it should be wonderful and I really appreciate everybody engaging I thought we had great engagement tonight I’m hoping the monologue was okay despite the sparseness of my notes Hopefully i’m sort of going with the spirit And and and also compressing these things. I don’t particularly care to give an hour and a half long monologues I think that’s probably the best I can manage sometimes unfortunately So hopefully we’re getting the point or i’m getting the point across the monologues a little bit quicker But I want to thank everybody for their engagement and involvement and I hope everybody has a wonderful night And I will see you Next week, hopefully and my videos my regular videos. I know there was a stoppage on them. They’re coming We had a little problem. It’s all taken care of there’s plenty of content in the pipeline or maybe not funny There will be soon going to do more recording this week for sure um Probably record some more this weekend, but I have some in the pipeline They just need to be edited a little technical if difficulty so hang on there’s good stuff coming I think the new videos I have in the pipeline are actually really good I got one with Adam that I was trying to get out earlier and that just didn’t happen be patient Uh visit the store. I got the buy me a coffee thing Channels, you know coming up. We’re doing more with the website. Thank you everybody. Hope to see you next week We’ll do it all again and uh, have a wonderful night