God, get here in my deep, all my due adore, As by these bare shadows shay but nothing more. See, Lord, at thy slowest blow, my dear a heart, Lost, all lost in wonder at the God-gloved. See, God, in thy haste in our ill-lead we see, Our sestras here we read, that shall be weary. What God so last so long we dated, O what should I do? To themselves speaks truly, for there’s nothing true. We will grow old, and we will grow old, And we will grow old, and we will grow old, And we will grow old, and we will grow old, And we will grow old, and we will grow old, And we will grow old, and we will grow old, Adore, O tender heart, Adore, O tender heart, And we will always adore thee, And we will always adore thee, and we will love thee. O God, in thy haste in our ill-lead we see, Adore, O tender heart, And we will always adore thee, And we will always adore thee, And we will always adore thee, And we will always adore thee, And we will always adore thee. Jesus, O my Lord, O the Gathshod and the Irbeloved, I be sleeping, sleeping, and be what I first foresaw. Someday, to-day, come ye face to face in light, And we bless forever with thy glory side. Uh-oh, I think you’re muted. I think I’m not muted, I hope. Tell me if I’m not. How about that? That’s better. Hello. Hello. How you doing? I’m coming in. Can you hear that? I don’t think so. Okay. It’ll just be irritating me for the rest of the week. Alrighty. How have you been? Good. Were you talking about the echo? I can hear a little bit of echo with your voice. Okay. Do you have like a technical difficulty slide with some catchy music you can throw up? No. You’ll have to do that. Get your guitar out. I’ve been doing well. I’m excited to have more people to talk to. That’s where we’re still plugging into our new parish. Today was the Ministry Fair Day at our parish, so I vastly overcommitted myself, and we’ll see what sticks with the spaghetti I threw at the wall. Yeah, that’s what you’re doing, right? I think the echo’s gone. You sound good now. Okay. I can still hear it. Yeah. Yeah, got this monitor. It’s got speakers built in. Who knows what it’s doing. So I got to spend a little bit of time camping this last week, and I got to see the stars a little bit, which you don’t always get to see. And it reminded me of a section, I think it’s in Plato’s Republic, where he’s talking about the captain of the ship and how the captain of the ship navigates just by looking at the stars in the sky. And he’s making a point in the Republic about how the sailors have to trust that he knows what he’s doing, even if they don’t understand how he could just look up in the sky and know where they’re at. But he was using that as an example and as a given that people would use the stars for navigation. And then I was thinking about how we don’t do that anymore. Now, when you need to go somewhere, Kord, where do you end up going? How do you end up getting there? Well, as much as I hate to admit to it, it’s my silly Google slavery device with the maps. Yeah, there’s so much beautiful symbolism, too. Not just like there’s the loss of the literal act of using the stars to navigate and the symbolism associated with, you know, pulling your wisdom on where to go from the heavens. There’s actually something specifically that I wanted to ask you about. So that’s, did you know, did you plan this segue? Are you? I planned this little bit here. I didn’t plan it with you, though, because. Okay, hear me out. GPS satellites are man-made stars. 100%, yes. 100% they’re man-made stars. They’re literally in the sky. So, you know, it’s that’s pretty on the nose right there. And the only way that GPS satellites work is by being in geostationary orbit. So the satellite is always over the exact same place. That’s actually not how that works. There are geostationary orbit, aren’t they? The communication satellites are in geostationary orbit. The GPS satellites are in a medium Earth orbit, and they’re not geosynchronous, which is why when you like look at the little settings thing on whatever your GPS devices, you can see the satellites that you’re currently connected to. It’s not always the same number. They actually need a fix on at least four to have a good air reduction. You know what? I’ve had enough of these facts. It is way cooler to say that the GPS satellites are in geosynchronous orbit. But go ahead. And we’ll put Galileo in prison. Yep. No, sorry, that was my, that’s my technical education cropping up. Which is very full of knowledge but lacking in wisdom. Yeah. Okay, so it’s not quite on the nose as I thought it was. So, there are little things that we look to in the sky to tell us where we’re at, where we’re going. But this time, we created them and they’re under our control. See, that’s true. That’s accurate, which is totally messed up right because symbolically speaking, That’s, that’s, that’s a, what is that? I don’t know how would you describe that? That’s circular, right? Like, if we’re the source of our own knowledge, then is it really knowledge? Oh. It’s not coming from outside of us. Yeah, it’s, I mean, Mark, Mark was saying that they’ve run into a problem with these AI training sets that they might actually get AI generated. Let’s take an image generation thing, an AI generated images in there, and that ends up corrupting the data and like degrading the whole system. Yeah. Because it’s just becoming cannibalistic at that point. And Mr. Ulysses agrees with me is, yeah, man-made stars is a symbolic fact, regardless of the actual mechanism of GPS. That’s why I only temporarily put Cory in timeout rather than kicking him off entirely. I often deserve timeout more often than I get it. Yeah, you’re in the role of keeping it out, but you’re saving it. Yeah. So I’ll segue from that then since you set it up so perfectly. One of the things that I really want to know more about and that I really want is spiritual direction. In the Protestant background that I come from, we have words like discipleship, which is kind of a one-on-one, you know, mentor to mentee sort of relationship. They often point to Paul and Timothy as the archetypal pattern for that. But I’ve heard of spiritual direction, but I’ve not experienced it. How does it work in the Catholic Church typically? Assuming that there are enough priests to go around, which I know there never are. Yeah. So it depends on where you’re at, as with a lot of these things. Some places it’s highly organized and people get it done. A lot of places it’s a little bit scattershot. In the Catholic, at least in the literature that I’ve read, spiritual direction as such is seen as kind of like a highly intense sort of thing. Where if you’re going to get the real deal, you know, something that would relate to the interior castle by St. Teresa of Avila or the three ages of the spiritual life by Father Gary Goulman-Raj, it would be like this person is absolutely shooting from the top and they’re going to be getting into some places that they can’t necessarily navigate by themselves. Sounds like a lot of stuff we encounter here in this little corner of the Internet. Yeah, frankly, yeah. And then you so the tradition has it that there’s basically three stages, three ages of the spiritual life. There’s the way of beginners, the way of the proficient and the way of the perfect. Just remember that perfect doesn’t mean you become sinless, but there’s a certain level of completeness that you reach. And a lot of people who are in the way of beginners will ask for spiritual direction. And what they really need is just a little bit of guidance and a little bit of growth and virtue. And so that doesn’t it doesn’t end up becoming spiritual direction as such. It’s it’s something else. You know, it’s it’s good. It’s a useful sort of thing. But you don’t need an expert. That’s kind of the second part of Catholic spiritual direction. Just because the priest doesn’t qualify to take somebody through those higher levels, St. Teresa of Avila gave this advice in searching for a spiritual director that if you had somebody who was very holy, but somewhat lacking knowledge and training, and you had somebody who was basically on the right path, basically, you know, basically a decent enough guy, but maybe not as holy as this first guy. But he’s got the education and the training to know what to look for that that would actually be the preferable spiritual director because of being trained in the tradition of here’s when you get to these levels, here’s what you have to look out for. Here’s what you have to be aware of. So I’ll try not to speak of things that I’m not terribly experienced with. But there’s this notion of dark nights in the in the spiritual life, notion of what they’re called is also called as purgations that there’s you go through this purifying process in the transition between stages. So the first purification. Oh, you dark nights. I thought you meant nights like with a K. You meant like dark night of the soul. Very different image. Very different. It’s good to be clear about that. And sorry. No, no, no, no worries. So in the transition from the way of beginners to the way of the proficient, you have dark night of the senses that God is no longer acting as frequently or as directly bringing back sensible consolation, that feeling of his presence. You’ll notice for people who are just diving in or just getting into things, we’ve got that energy, they’ve got that zeal, they’ve got that enthusiasm. We actually see that as very often as long as it’s being well directed. Signs of God’s presence in the beginner. Right. It’s sort of like, like, early on, encouragement, the way you encourage a child, even if they’re not performing up to a certain standard, but, you know, it’s like, like a five year old’s t ball game, right. Everybody’s just smiling, cheering, no matter what happens because it’s a t ball game. Like, don’t, don’t get too, too caught up in that. At a certain point, you have to move past t ball. You know, the idea of being a Christian of loving God is just to receive these spiritual consolations. And so the Lord pulls away from that. He pulls away that sensible encounter with his presence, and then sort of leaves you with just the faith that you have, faith of charity. And that’s actually about the feelings that come with it. Right. Does this is why need somebody who goes to look out at somebody who knows how to distinguish between, let’s say, I’m just not getting to consolation prayer that I have grown accustomed to, and I’m committing to sit and that’s why God’s withdrawing his presence for me. Other reasons, you know, I’m sick. I’ve got some sort of chronic illness. So, you know, you got to be able to distinguish those things. And so there’s a tradition of how to interpret what a person’s going through when they’re starting to move into these higher levels of devotion. And that’s what spiritual direction properly is. Now, we live in kind of times that don’t promote virtues, especially the virtue of temperance, because we have such outrageous abundance now. I think it’s very easy to not be growing in temperance. Is temperance related to, is that like kind of a Latinized version of eschisis, same sort of… Probably. Eschisis, I think, is a broader term than temperance. Temperance is pursuing bodily goods in a rational, not rationalistic, but, you know, a real way. Not going to excess, not starving yourself, basically. Got it. And so a lot of people spend years in the way of beginners, and that’s the way that God does it. And the sort of advice you give to somebody who’s in the way of the beginners, you know, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, being charitable to your neighbor, practicing obedience, all of those sorts of things. Building good habits. You don’t need spiritual direction proper for that. But a lot of people end up calling that spiritual direction. And that’s fine, you know, it’s like people don’t have to know all of the correct words in order to be good, which is a good thing. But spiritual direction, properly speaking, is walking people into those higher levels of intimacy with God. Yeah, that’s really helpful. I was kind of referring to, like when I ask about it, I kind of had both of those two in mind, so it’s helpful to know that, you know, just having a mentor that’s almost more like a confessor, maybe somebody who helps you just develop virtues and good habits or something like that. I don’t know if that would be that kind of role, but the reason that it occurred to me is like, especially around here where we have lots of people who like to read an awful lot and self-educate. There’s a temptation that comes with that to want to teach all the stuff that you’ve learned, even though, you know, who knows what books you’re reading and what books you’re missing. And like, you know, we should be very hesitant to teach, you know, because it’s way better to stay silent than to teach something that would mislead people. And it seems to me like, you know, I’m finding myself in my life, not necessarily online, but even online a little bit, like the more I participate in stuff like this, I have that temptation. And I also am actually in authority over people, IRL, so to speak, outside of this internet life, who I want to help. But the way that authority works is I can’t properly have authority unless I have somebody in authority over me. And that should, that should, it seems to me it should be more than just like a theoretical, you know, yeah, sure, my priest is in authority over me because I go to church and he gives the mass. And that’s true, but like, it should also be personal. It should also be like, I should be submitting myself to somebody else’s influence in my life, I guess. So whether, and it’s, and I include the full meaning of spiritual direction the way you just described it too, because I just this year, you know, as I was leading up to my confirmation, I started practicing contemplative, contemplative, how do we pronounce that word? I think it would be more common pronunciation. Yeah, so I just started dipping a toe into this Ignatian spirituality stuff. I’m like, whoa, life changing, incredible, incredible things happening. And I don’t know what to do with it because I’m getting some of my information from my Eastern Orthodox friends and YouTube people and frankly not a whole lot from the Catholic community that I’m just joining because nobody knows or has the time to teach this stuff. So I like it. I want to keep doing it, but I don’t want to go down a bad path and I certainly don’t want to teach other people to go down a bad path. So what would you do in my situation? I would ask the priest to make an appointment. Just start with one. Hey, I’ve got some questions about prayer. Can you, can you help me out? And hopefully the priest will be able to be helpful. You can usually talk people into at least one meeting. So, alrighty, I really hope this is actually Jacob. He doesn’t have his camera on. Looks like his picture. Yeah, there’s all sorts of weirdos out there. All right, I’m going to leave him out until he wants something. Yeah, that would be my advice. You know, I do, I do like to be available here. And if you ever have any questions or you want to have a chat, I can usually make time for that. Especially given now that I’ve piled a desk most of the days, the opportunity to hang out with real human beings because everybody knows that the chance are being staffed entirely by robots. Those AIs are good for something, I guess. They are. They can write for letters for the bishop to sign. So, yeah, be the way, the way I would go about it is just start off with a meeting and see how it goes. Wonderful. That’s great. Yeah, it sounds like you were maybe offering a meeting with you too. So, I would take you up on that if that’s an open heart. Yeah, I just hope the whole internet doesn’t try and take me up on that. Well, you’re the priest of the internet, right? We’ve got the pastor of the internet and the priest of the internet. Yeah, the pastor of the internet. How much trouble did I just get you? None. You don’t have any authority to get me in trouble. Directors will give you mere direction. They provide that which changes during a journey. Okay. There’s Mark being very insistent on vocabulary again. Yes. Yes. Bow down to my wisdom. All of you come to me and receive my wisdom. And then buy my merchandise. Merchandising. That’s where the money is. The money’s at the merchandise. That’s right. I’m surprised there’s not more merchandise. I guess Grimm’s got some good merchandise. I don’t know if I’ve seen, I think there’s a little bit of Grail Country merchandise. I’m surprised more people aren’t buying it. Mark does have merch. Yeah, Mark does have merch. Why don’t you DM me a link, Mark, and I’ll drop it in the chat and I’ll tell people. And he’s monetized as of Friday evening. I’m not monetized. I’m monetized. I’m monetized. I’m monetized. I’m monetized. I’m monetized as of Friday evening. He’s going to sell his soul to the great god, Algo. Is it Algo or Mammon? Or is that the same person? I think Algo works for Mammon. Yeah. Algo is the materialization of Mammon. I’m not going to try and get too deep into this. My beard is not gray enough to have wisdom. Clown of Mammon is right. By the way, congrats to Mark on the monetization. In addition to the cold hard cash that YouTube will give him, it also boosts him in the algorithm. So more people will learn how to navigate patterns and engage in live navigations. Okay, this doesn’t understand the difference. I think it’s a question of whether or not the spiritual director is a priest. Ideally, all priests would be able to give spiritual direction. But at the higher levels, it’s a case that not all priests would be suited to that. But they definitely do. They do blend into each other. Most spiritual directors are priests. Although there are some lay folks who do it and are actually rather sought out. So apparently there’s a retreat center in South Dakota called Broomtree. And apparently there’s a very highly regarded spiritual directress there. She’s got like bishops who come in there for spiritual direction. So yeah, not all priests I think would be suited for spiritual direction. And that’s okay. Not the end of the world. We’ve got Mark’s shop here. I think it’s Sally Jo who ends up doing most of the designs on that. Do you want to take a look at some of that stuff? Let’s just turn this into a navigating patterns commercial. That’s what this is going to become. I just build it up. That’s what everybody is looking for here. There we are. Shop products. Nice. Closed. Nice. Closed on Sunday for workers rights. Doesn’t that sound good? Aren’t workers rights important, Corey? They’re so important. Yeah. You should put a Chick-fil-A stamp somewhere in the corner. This is my favorite one right here. This is the one I did this. You did this? No, no, no. I went to this website specifically to show this one. I guess I don’t get it. Men are not large women. Women are not tiny men. Oh, okay. Now I get it. Got it. Got to read it that way. Yeah, I was missing the appended. I got men are not large and I got women are not tiny. It’s like, okay, but I see that. Finish the sentence. You got to read to the end. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense. Joke’s on you. I can’t read. It’s okay. Lots of good Catholics have not been able to read. Yeah. The whole point of this T-shirt, Mark spoiling the ending, is you have to admit that you know there’s a difference that isn’t mere language. Because if you can understand the shirt, and I’m afraid that you’re counter evidence against that, but if you can understand the shirt, that there’s something to masculinity, femininity, male and female, that isn’t just a construct of human language. It’s good. And then hopefully, whoever you’re talking to that’s having a hard time understanding that’ll just rage quit or something. I think that’s the ultimate goal, right? Just to get the other team to rage quit. Yeah, well, if they rage quit, you win. You know, you win because they forfeit. Hopefully it’s a ranked match. It’s only a ranked match if you have an audience. Honestly, we should just start ranking these things. It’s like it’s happening anyway, you know. Ben Shapiro destroys all opposition, right? Like we should just get like a UFC kind of structure around it and have people vote. You should pitch that to Daily Wire. I’ll bet they’d do something like that. Verbal death match, you know. The weapons of our warfare are the weapons of our war. The weapons of our warfare are zingers. Pretty sure that’s what it says. Zingers, one-liners, smackdowns, claps between every word. That’s great. No, Andrew, we’re not going to play ranked video games on this stream. This isn’t Twitch. Andrew, what games do you play? Friends with him on Steam, you know, we could make that happen. Oh, I don’t go on Steam much nowadays, but add me anyway. Did you by chance see the Jesus Revolution? I really don’t watch very many movies. No, not that one. Well, it’s about the Jesus Revolution. I mean, it’s a bunch of hippies, right? Yeah, but I also discovered recently that it’s basically my family’s church heritage. Because I grew up in Southern California. Like I was watching the movie. I was like, oh, I’ve been all these places in this movie. This is where I grew up. We were talking about it a little bit in the Grail Country server earlier. People were talking about having a panel on it. But if you haven’t seen it, then that would make it very difficult to have a panel on it. It would. It would. I would sit there and look all satradotal in my clerical clothing and not say much. This is a good vocabulary word. How do you spell that? S-A-C-H-E-R-D-O-T-A-L. Satradotal comes from the Latin word sacerdos, which means holy doer. More commonly translated as a priest. Yeah, related to priests or the priesthood. Yeah. That’s what’s I don’t know. It’s a funny linguistic point. We’re always talking about hierarchy, but the word hieros in Greek is equivalent to sacerdotus. It basically means priest. One who offers sacrifice and does holy things. So anytime Dr. Peterson is talking about hierarchy as inevitable, I’m like, yeah, it is the rule of the priests. We’re coming back. I feel like I heard somebody say recently that it was actually Dionysius who started making the word popular for the first time. Like Saint Dionysius the Areopagite and his celestial hierarchies and ecclesial hierarchies and all that. That was a surprise to me. It wasn’t commonly used in Greek philosophy prior to that point, but that would make sense if he was the first one. Yeah, right. Because it literally means rule of the priests. So it’s the way we use it in English is drifted pretty far away from the original Greek language that were that he was talking in. I think the ancients would have talked about what our concept of hierarchy. They would have talked about that in terms of being properly ordered. Everything’s been placed into its order. But I think I think in people’s heads, it’s H I G H E R A R C H Y. It’s an invented word so you can spell it however you want. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Because it’s hierarchy. Yeah, but that’s just what intuitively comes to people here. Good evening, Andrew. How’s it going? Life is good. How are you? I’m good. We’re just talking about the rule of the priests here. When are you going to become a priest? We’ll see. I don’t know yet. Maybe I’ll finish my degree first. Do you want to talk about that with your spiritual director? Sure. Is this the joke? I feel like last time Andrew came on, we also joked about whether he’s a priest or if you’ve signed up for all the things. It might have been a different Andrew. Oh, never mind. But that is a common theme for young men. Pretty much everywhere I go. It’s funny if I’m with other young men, they’ll often get asked like, when are you going to be a priest? They’ll be like, what do you do? And I’m like, oh, I’m studying architecture. And they’re like, oh, okay. And they look at the other guy and they’re like, what do you do? What do you do? And I think he does say like, oh, I graduated with a degree in philosophy or something. And they’re like, oh, when are you going to be a priest? I’m like, so you got asked that you should be a priest, but I didn’t. I think that’s a sign you got to go to seminary. I actually think that people with good architectural understanding would make really good priests, especially nowadays. Because you have an understanding of design of community context and spaces, which is a thing that we’re getting into lately. You have to be able to afford space for people to live together in a certain way. And it requires more than just abstract philosophical knowledge to do that. I mean, yeah, but that’s more in a physical context. And usually the architect would do that, not the priest, right? Yeah, but you have the ability to think that way. I think people who haven’t studied design like that. He’s using a 2 word? You’ll be exapting your architectural abilities and using them in the priesthood. Wow. Did you get that from Vicky? I got that from Vicky. It’s a fancy Vicky word right there. I got to start exact. Yeah, exact all the time. But Cloud of Babylon, I just want you to know that on this live stream, we believe in pretty churches. Look at the background. Amen. Look at the background. That’s the facade of St. Peter’s. All we have to do is break down a church and just reassemble it in America. We’ve done it before. We’ve done it before. We can do it again. Wait, there’s historical precedent for this? Yes. Do tell us about this because I’m not actually aware of this story. Oh, well, there’s a couple things people have done like this. One is not really a religious thing. They took a chunk of Ireland and brought it to New York, and that’s the Irish Famine Memorial. The other is, I think this is it, the Cloisters in Upper Manhattan is actually made of a monastery that was in Europe somewhere. And Rockefeller hired people that were not religious. And Rockefeller hired people to take it apart brick by brick and reassemble it in Manhattan. I found that. It’s like the most American way to build churches. Let’s just take it from home and bring it to our new home. Yeah. No, Cardinal Wunderlein in Chicago in the 1920s went to the pope and was like, Hey, I’m building a magnificent seminary that I’m naming after myself in the town that’s named after me. And I want this pillar. And the pope was like, No, you can’t have this pillar. So Cardinal Wunderlein built a replica that was one foot taller. Okay. There you go. The biggest importation of a church that I’ve seen was like a 14th century French chapel that they picked up out of France and moved to the Detroit Institute of Art. And so you could actually walk into just a little it was like in some French manner, the Gothic architecture and the architecture of the church. Just a little it was like in some French manner, the Gothic architecture and the stained glass windows. I just really literally popped it out of this French manner, brought it to Detroit. But it had been amputated from its sacred context, which is sad. Yeah. It does make it kind of hard. Yeah. Emma said something about her home parish being a prime example of trying to fix and ugly church. My interest is peaked. Yeah, she might not want to dox herself though. So we’ll we’ll refrain from asking for her pictures of her parish. But yeah, sometimes you’re kind of stuck with the building. Built in the 1960s, lots of brick, not a lot of windows, not a lot you can do with it. That’s kind of our new parish’s situation. They actually I don’t know if they used to have a church building or if or if they’re just so new that they never had one. But they stopped. Oh, hey, Emma. Hi. Nice to meet you face to face. There we go. Nice to see you too. Where’s Colin? He’s right here. He’s still working on home. We’re doing it in a second. OK. We just got out of a D&D game and decided to come over here. OK. All righty. What an action packed weekend there. Sunday nights are very busy for computer things. I’m actually going to look if there are any good pictures. It’s like that’s our situation too. And we also our parish is that we just joined is going through an upheaval too because they offered the Latin Mass and now they don’t. And so some people left and there’s like all this conflict with, you know, some people, you know, trying to figure out what to prioritize. Beautiful mass loyalty to their local community. And there’s also not an actual worship building yet. They’re kind of holding mass and what I think was intended to be that like the fellowship hall or something like that. Here. Can I share screen? I thought you were going to say that it seems like a lot of churches are doing D&D. I know a church that ran a D&D group. OK, it will not. Why? Why is Firefox like this? Firefox? Who’s still using Firefox in 2020? Oh, I got a people who don’t want Google to own their lives. That’s why you have brave. It’s like the duck duck go of. Isn’t brain built on Firefox? Oh, it is. It is built on Google. But makes me think this is yes. Um, notice the brick. No windows. I like it originally was a gym. It actually looks quite nice. Behind the wood. They’ve done a heck of a lot. They built this whole like wood paneling thing. But the actual like building is all brick and has these horrible like slit windows. I bet you that was actually supposed to be a gymnasium. Those hoses never actually built the church. Here’s the issue. The back of it actually also works. It has a little area where the actual organs there and has a giant window. So it kind of begs the question of it was a church. How they make it look so much like a gym. It was a gym. Why did they design it like that? It’s like someone like halfway through decided, oh, wait, this is the wrong gym goes over there. This is the sanctuary. They had to try like work with it as they did. Yeah. That would be a good story to it. Well, like you look at the outside and it’s just this brick monstrosity. Renovating monstrosities. It’s like the pantheon. Are you taking notes for the title? Yes, you’ve noticed that I do that. I do that. I do that because otherwise it just says Sunday night open mic over and over again. Yeah, that’s smart. I feel like churches could benefit from playing more D&D or D&D like games. Like I’m a fan of what Richard Rowland and Nate Hile are talking about. Yeah, it’s a great way to build in a healthy imagination and get people interacting in healthy ways. And if I don’t Minecraft, you should have four game nights. Oh, that’d be good. That’s what we do now. We do have to figure out a fundraiser. I want you to make that work. I know a church that does that. Or another church. A different church, yeah. I’m going to figure that out. Because there are like three Catholic churches in town. Four technically. Sure, if you count the college one, which I don’t. Okay, I was going to say, okay, fine. Five technically if you count the Spanish speaking one. How dare you? That’s what I mean. Newman centers would have a decent chance of actually being a parish. That’s a big one too. It does not make sense to me. Okay, Emma, but who here is studying canon law? Give you a hint. It’s this guy. Okay, fair. That explains it. It might be a chapel, right? It might be. Although that would be more technically called an oratory. But most Newman centers, I imagine, would either be a regular territorial parish. Where their territory only takes up the college campus that they’re on. Or it could be a personal parish. Where anybody who is a member or affiliated with the university can be attending there. Personal parishes were invented in the 19th century in America. Because the Germans and the Irish and the Czech and the French, they couldn’t get along with each other. So you would have the German parish and the Irish parish or the French parish or the Czech parish. You still kind of see vestiges of that in like South Bend. Because there are just so many churches and they each have a very strong character. Even if some of them are closed down now. Yeah. So there’s a strong tradition of… Sorry, go ahead. What does personal parish mean? So instead of your membership… So here’s where our canon law is still very medieval and doesn’t care about modern realities. Is that your parish membership is determined by where you live. Full stop. Doesn’t matter where you go to church every Sunday and it doesn’t matter where you register at. Where you live is where you canonically have rights to be your parish. Unless there’s a personal parish nearby that you qualify for. So if you go to St. Paul, Minnesota, you go to the Church of St. Agnes. That is the old German personal parish. Where if you were of German descent or you spoke or primarily wanted liturgies and services in the German language. You would have the right to go there and receive the sacraments. Gotcha. So for Christ the King in Ann Arbor it’s probably only if you are part of the charismatic movement that you qualify for it as a personal parish. Yes. Now the thing is that it’s not an absolute sort of thing. So if you’re a member of… I’ll just use parishes in town. If you’re a member of St. Ann and Joeica and you go to the priest there and say, hey, I want to get married. You can… You have to get married there. Like the priest there has to do it. But if somebody from outside the parish wants to get married there too and the calendar is free. Probably let it happen. Unless they’re one of those places that absolutely gets dog piled on marriages. In which case they have to start saying no. Go to the place that’s built in a gymnasium. Yeah. Well, like for example, Christ the King, you can only get married if you or your parents are registered members there. This is important. I bet you there’s a lot of people. Because it’s a pretty church. There’s a lot of things to consider when registering for a parish. I was going to say there’s a strong tradition of this thing called church shopping you may have heard of in the Protestant traditions. It 100% happens in Catholicism too. I’m noticing this too, but from what it sounds like, it’s not supposed to be a thing in Catholicism. No. But like, look, this is on the pastors of the church. 100% the reason that there’s church shopping is that there’s too much variety in our churches. Do you want to go to the place with the bongo drums and the guitar mass and all the kumbaya? No, you don’t want to go to that. You want to go to the place where they’ve got some decent traditional liturgy and music and all of that. I think I’ve had a lot of churches here though. I think there’s only one bongo place. So what I am trying to say is that if we had a little more consistency on the board, like, look, we’re Catholic, this is how we do liturgy, maybe let’s go to a church shop because it’s be like, wow, you go to the every mass in the 30 mile radius on a Sunday and they’re all kind of the same. Communities are probably coherent a whole lot better. It is funny because thinking of just a few things of myself, I know the church we go to, it kind of stands out a little bit for a variety of reasons, but one of them right now at least is it’s like the big lots and lots and lots of kids parish from what I can tell in the area. It’s also the communion rail parish. Also very true. Communion rails leads to babies. Clear connection. Clear connection. And so I could see people wanting to go here for that family orientation or being family friendly or just being around families. And it’s funny, now that you say that, I remember one of the issues we had in my Protestant church back home is we have a large problem of this one church came out and had like this crazy, like in-depth children’s ministry thing and a lot of families like left to go to there. It’s like, you know, they have the nicer education for the kids. And that’s that’s the important thing is, you know, these guys have a cooler, more fun, exciting program. And it’s like, ah, that’s not great. Let’s just that’s what church is all about. I know as the Catholic especially. Pause and recognize Jacob conspicuously cracking open in Primus on stream. This is this is one of the three things I wanted to talk about when I when when it was my turn. Is there a new one that we didn’t get or is this the Bishop Barron one? This is the Bishop Barron one commencement address. Commencement address. Yes, it is. What’s in Primus? In Primus, it’s the Hillsdale newsletter thing. Yeah, I’ve been getting it for years. You can sign up for free. You can also sign up other people for free, but they might hate you. I think I got signed up accidentally when I registered for one of their things, and then I probably unsubscribed myself. I haven’t how I haven’t actually read it, but I just opened it up. And but right now, all of us who believe in God and our disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ have a common enemy in the agnosticism, atheism and nihilism that are deeply affecting our culture and especially the minds of young people. Except for the Lord Jesus Christ part, I agree. Shadow does too. Yes, she does. Shadow. She’s missed me. I wasn’t around for a few hours. Oh, no. How could you? How could you? I know our cat is having to adjust to me being back to school and not home all day, and she’s very sad about it. Okay, I have been around away from like 36 hours or so. She was home alone. She also is with you. Which this is the second thing I was going to bring up. So guess where I bought this? I bought it at a Benedictine monastery I just happened upon in my travels. It sounds about nice. Called St. Andrews. Yeah, mystical biographies. Did you see any young monks there at all? I saw a monk who looked like he was my age, a little bit younger maybe. I don’t know. The Benedictine library. There’s so many Benedictine monasteries, and some of them are real solid, and some of them got kind of wacky in the 70s. I don’t know anything about Jewish mystical autobiographies. It might be really solid. Well, it was in the bookstore. But I just happened to pass it because there were roads closed. I’m passing by at St. Andrews Abbey. I didn’t know what it was, so I just decided to go in and look at the gift shop and stuff and ask them, At first I was actually looking at the books. At first I thought it was an Anglican monastery. And then I asked, is this Roman Catholic? And she said yes. And then when I was buying the book, I asked, because they had Trappist jam for sale? I asked, so is this Trappist? And the brother behind the counter said, no, we have the same rule, but this is Benedictine. I did not know that Trappists and Benedictines have the same rule, and I don’t even know what that means. Yeah, so St. Benedict wrote his rule for monks in the 5th century, and almost every Western monastery uses that as the basis for how they do things. But the Trappists, you know, they were kind of like a reform group of Benedictines. They’re like hardcore, aren’t they? A good monastery, they will be pretty hardcore. They take a vow of silence. It’s not an absolute vow, but like, yeah, during our silent periods, except under very certain circumstances, they don’t speak. I think they’re allowed to talk for maybe an hour a day. I’d have to actually look at their statutes to know what they were doing. But yeah, they could be pretty hardcore if they’re sticking to their medieval founder’s vision. I’m pretty sure there was a Trappist convent near where I grew up as a kid, and they sold chocolate, and it was really good chocolate. So the third thing I was going to mention is tomorrow I am going to a super secret Catholic place that I can’t tell you what the address is, because it’s actually a domestic violence shelter. Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m going to be volunteering there. Okay. Nice. So either that or you’re going to some sort of back-end thing. Shout out. In Los Angeles? They got Archbishop Gomez there. He’s got connections. He’s an Opus Dei guy. You have opinions on that, right? Everybody’s got opinions. Everyone’s got opinions. I went to an Opus Dei high school. Mine might be slightly more informed than other people’s. I don’t know. I had an Opus Dei professor. That’s about as far as it goes. And he said that anytime he had to fly overseas, he would take a melatonin pill and have a beer and a shot of whiskey and a glass of wine. He sounds like a fun guy. I think the idea was he would pass out on the airplane and wake up. I like the variety too. Yeah, I can’t just do that. Right. It’s not three beers. It’s not three glasses of wine. It’s not three shots of whiskey. One of each. One of each. A special potion formula. Cover your bases. Well, I was so… I’m just Googling over here. Do you guys know what chartreuse is? The liqueur? Not the color? It’s like my favorite liqueur. And I think the color actually comes from the liqueur. But it’s made by monks in France. And I have not been able to find it. Carthusians. Okay, yes. That’s what I was going to look up. I was going to look up what order they fall under. But they’re like slacking on their production because they can’t find it anywhere right now. So I was… I want to tell you about that. They refuse to turn up their production in response to market forces. I can get that. That’s what it was. Okay. That’ll just make it more special when I find it. Imagine the price. They’re continuing… So, I mean, their argument is, look, we make enough of this chartreuse and sell it so that we can support ourselves. Like, that’s what it’s for. So we know how much chartreuse we have to sell in a year in order to support ourselves. And we know at what price we need to sell the chartreuse to support ourselves. So that’s what we’re doing. They should increase the price if there’s a shortage. What would they do with that money? I mean, what does that… They would help the widow and the orphan and the… And you got to manage the money, though. That’s the problem, though, is that otherwise it becomes first come first serve and that becomes complicated. Oh, they have a funny prop on their hands. What does it taste like? That’s what I want to know. Oh, it tastes like itself. Honestly, it’s really hard to describe the flavor. It’s unique. It’s very unique. Is it kind of like aromatic? Yeah, it’s like herbal and like there’s a lot of… I mean, there’s a lot of herbs in it. Flowers and stuff. It’s a secret recipe, but it’s my favorite. Only three monks in the world know it. It makes me really happy that you know about this. Tell me more about my favorite liqueur. There’s like 127 ingredients in it and the three monks all have it memorized. Wow. Cool. It’s so bizarre. Yeah. Yeah, if you haven’t tried it, definitely try it if you’re inclined. If you can. Yeah, if you can. Sorry, Chad. I actually have to try it, which is unfortunate because I’ve had it offered to me, but I forgot to… Didn’t take the chance. Yeah. Who offered it? Your grandfather, I’m sure, at some point. Maybe. Well, I just want to drop in and say hello and now I’m going to go by. Be a Chad. Wait, Chad, you’ve been making so much noise. Chad, you’ve been making so much good content lately. We don’t want to get into it. All right, guys. Bye. Chad’s discussion with Billy Ray has been very, very popular on my channel. I need to watch that. I have not watched it yet. To my shame. I was actually quite proud of my framing of it. The most epic theological battle ever. Both of them arguing, stop discussing stupid shit on the internet and go do something real with your life. I love it. Preach. Preach. They both won. They both won. They both had fun. At least I hope so. All right, Andrew, you burst the door down to get in here. Andrew T., what do you have to say for yourself? Oh, nothing. Well, I’ve got like 10 minutes on here. So, OK. Yeah. All righty. Yep. 10 minutes and nothing to say. Pretty much. Are you moved into your dorm yet? No, not yet. I’ve got what? Three weeks left. So. California’s got a quarter system. They start late. Wow. My school starts tomorrow. Yeah, mine starts tomorrow. You started this last week. Yeah. Mine. Wait, Andrew. UCLA. Oh, wonderful. Yeah. I’m from Orange County originally. Oh, really? Yo, that’s mad. Where you at now? Now I’m in T.L. T.L. T.L. T.L. T.L. T.L. T.L. T.L. T.L. T.L. Now I’m in Texas. Oh, okay. I move all the time, unfortunately. The weather here, yeah, be glad for your weather there in L.A. Even with the occasional hurricane. Yeah. I moved to Texas expecting that I’ll get a hurricane at some point, and then my parents get a hurricane in Orange County. Like, okay. Don’t look at me, man. Andrew, you started it. Don’t pretend otherwise. Father Eric, Emma is slacking on the TLC Bible. I know. I’m sorry. I’m trying to pass my Greek exam. Priorities here. Hey. Father Eric would love this project to die before it starts. Don’t complain to him. Yeah. Is this the one with the AI generated images or? No, it’s AI generated. It’s a lullcats translation. Yeah. It’s worse. I don’t know how you guys think that’s a good idea. We are determined to make sure that it is in no way desacralizing of the Bible. I don’t know how that’s possible with the premise. Are you also determined? Not like that. Okay. So I’ll just like to remind everybody. Shh. Shh. Oh, TLC Bible just stands for the lullcat Bible. That’s all. Yeah. Oh, okay. Well, that’s fine. Yeah. It’s the lullcats. And my whole thing is every time I say, especially to Protestants, that like at least the Hebrew Bible has puns on almost every single page, they think I’m joking. That’s because they don’t read Hebrew, I think. The Bible is filled with puns. Absolutely filled with puns. Protestant would have a rich under though. Protestant would say at least we read the Bible. And if someone wants to pay for Rabbi Mullitz to come to Jerusalem or Father Eric, although I don’t think Father Eric even has the time. What is it, February? Yeah. Yeah. I’m hoping people will sponsor. Because we have another Ash Valentine’s Day. No, it definitely is not because during Lent because it’s a Jewish leap year next year. Okay. Jewish leap year. When in February is it then? February 24th. Yeah, that’s definitely during Lent. Yeah. You guys still do the whole thing of like Passover has to be after the Jewish Passover, right? No, that’s an Orthodox thing. Oh, you guys don’t do that anymore? No. We’re not safe with those guys. Yeah, no, our rule is… So you don’t believe in Nicaea? Dun dun dun. I suppose not. Nicaea specifically said… Yeah, that’s discipline, not dogma. Father Eric is so over this conversation and just focused on remembering what the rule is. Yeah, it’s February 14th this year. Yeah, it’s Ash Valentine’s Day. Ash Valentine’s Day. And our rule is we date Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. I’ll take it. Okay. I’m pretty sure Nicaea says it has to be after the Jewish… That canon law has been abrogated because the Catholics have somebody who has the authority to do that. Abrogating councils of the entire church? No wonder the Eastern Orthodox… No, no, no, no, no. Listen, Jacob, Jacob, Jacob. There’s a very good explanation for this. But there’s a difference between a dogma, which is a teaching, which is an eternal truth, and a discipline, which can be updated. I hope people are ready to know that. Which is the thing you do. I’m starting to agree with the Eastern Orthodox. I’m not going to explain anymore. Oh no, a Jew agrees with the Eastern Orthodox. The entire Catholic Church. We’re so threatened. I feel like a medieval Catholic being like, the Jews don’t agree with the Pope? It’s the filioque. I’m telling you. It’s the filioque. Now hold on, hold on. You were there when I was talking to Father Stephen. And St. Maximus, a confessor, fixed the filioque in the 8th century. He did? Yeah. He just said, no, no, no, guys. What they mean is that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father through the Son. That’s what they’re trying to say. And I thought about it, and I’m like, yeah, that’s probably about right. That’s how you do theology. Fix the schism. Fix the schism. We’ve got the fix. Oh, it’s too cultural nowadays. You’re going to have to fix the calendar first. I mean, how can you have Easter before the Jewish Passover? I don’t know, Ted. Because the Lamb was slain before the foundations of the world, so Passover is the echo of Calvary. Okay, that’s a darn good answer. I’ll give him that. No, it’s not. If you agreed with me, then you’d be in the church. So I’m not surprised. That’s your response. If you agreed with me, then you would be in the church. The Jewish circulation of Easter in downtown. I see a real fact film down here. Interesting. Oh, hey, Mark’s throwing shade down in the comments section. Mark’s been throwing shade. Jacob doesn’t think these things through symbolically because he’s a materialist, as mentioned earlier. Citation. Call me a materialist. Like, calling me like a particular thing, unless you tell me why that particular thing is bad, doesn’t actually make me like… Care. Yeah, it’s like when people quote Paul of Tarsus at me, or I quote Paul of Tarsus and they’re like, you’re quoting Paul of Tarsus. I’m like, I didn’t give him enough credit to be wrong every single thing he ever said. It’s like if you get a zero on an exam, people know you’re trying. And no, you know what’s like the material because otherwise you’d get at least some questions right by just dumb luck. Have you ever done that Emma? No. Okay. I care way too much about other people’s opinions of me to do something like that. I mean, intentionally failing a test takes some real moxie. I would be impressed. Yeah. Yeah, I do not have the guts for something like that. I needed an A in a class and it was a woke teacher and I knew that if I had, if I wrote anything even close to real about the subject, I would get a bad grade. So I wrote the most sarcastically woke paper I could think of. I turned it in and I got a perfect score. A plus plus plus plus. I was, I was so sarcastic. I was so sarcastic. I posted the paper on my Discord so people could read like my sarcastic woke paper. And I got it 120 out of 120. Now Jacob, does your status… Not with a bang but with sarcastic acquiescence. Does your status as an Iranian Jewish refugee put you under the blanket of maternal concern with this professor? Or are you too white? Yeah, I do claim to be gender nonconforming but they don’t believe me. Like whenever I claim to be gender nonconforming they’re like… That sounds like they’re judging you. They’re just assuming certain attributes are masculine and nonfeminine. You know, that’s on them. Why do they assume that? If you really want them to believe you, you need to dye your beard pink. And then I would be gender nonconforming. Now they’re assuming that pink is feminine. It’s even worse. You can just lambast them. Although they don’t like being lambasted. Or I can tell. Wouldn’t that be kind of judgmental? Then they’re thinking you’re not gender nonconformist? Not accepting your claim? That’s my whole thing. Go ahead and claim I’m gender nonconforming. By what standard are you telling me that I’m gender nonconforming? No, but that’s the rule of wokeism. You can’t point out the incoherency and the hypocriticalness. Because then they realize. Then they get defensive. That’s the big difference. When the white people move into the neighborhood, it’s gentrification. When they move out of the neighborhood, it’s white flight. Just give up. You just can’t win. You can’t win, until you lose. No, no, no. But what’s her name? Because that woman, Robin D’Angelo, in her book, actually says this. She says the question is not whether racism happened. It’s how did racism happen? So if a black person and a white person walk into a store at the same time. If the clerk serves the white person first, it’s racism because she privileged the white person. And if she serves the black person first, it’s racism because she was trying to get the black person out of her store. That’s ridiculous. It’s racism because she’s privileging the black person. I think that’s the biggest difference. I think that’s the biggest difference. I think that’s the biggest difference. Is that an actual example that Robin D’Angelo gives in her book? I believe so, yes. It’s my official pronouncement on that. Douglas Murray has started. Get me kicked out of school. It’s fine. Has started saying you did a racism. Which is my favorite way of putting it. It’s that weird millennial baby speak. You have so much harder than me because being a part of a Christian counseling thing. I remember the first year there was a guy who got like, what was it? Because we were talking about, we went through the multicultural stuff. And I actually did learn a lot about important stuff. There is something to be said about the argument of racism and such and so forth. And I got to learn about it. And I got to learn about it. And I got to learn about it. And I got to learn about it. And I got to learn about it. And I got to learn about it. And I got to learn about it. And I got to learn about it. I got to learn bit this. And I got to learn about something because I have years I was into Wiring a Simple way to get a Karl Sheja aimed and from school. And its known for bothered that racism and so forth. And I got to learn that a little bit bits in, pieces of growing up in a town where we had this many colored people in the entire high school. Using that term alone such and so forth. So that was all good. We have a guy. Literally like. Arguing. That any sort of multiculturalism is a part of what is what is that. Is a part of. project. Diversity, inclusion, and equity. Well, that’s the big, that’s bigger. We have two, two specific, two broad. Oh, the thing they’re trying to teach in school is that critical theory theory. Here we go. Try to argue that all multiculturals talk is critical race theory and why are you teaching critical race to the Christian counseling and, you know, the Christian counselors had to explain it. We’re all just like, you know, let’s, that’s not what we do. This guy was arguing that learning, literally learning about other cultures. Yeah, yeah. And that they’re different. Yeah. It’s critical race theory. Yeah, look, but the fact that he could bring this up and we’re all just like, we didn’t, men walked out of that room without getting stabbed or verbally destroyed. He was a left, a different mate of the school. Yeah. I have much easier. I can, I can be all Christians and so forth. So we have a weird, you know, the usual process spectrum of conservative liberal, not any of the hyper that you get. Although I feel like if you were a Catholic school, you could possibly get the hyper liberal. And I think that goes more liberal and process liberal. I don’t know. All sorts of strange places. All my teachers are woke, but most of the other students are not. That’s the funny thing is, isn’t the statistic something like three quarters of all counselors are like religiously Christian or something like that? Yeah. Or it’s, I think because we cite that at CCU all the time where it’s like, guys, don’t listen to what they say. We’re the, you know, the most secular profession there is in the world. We’re the most, you know, such and so forth. But most counselors are. By far Christian religious and their whole thing is like, it’s a matter of time. Put the work in and it’ll, the tide will change. Not sure that’s accurate or not, but. Well, just because they’re Christian doesn’t mean they can’t be woke. True, true. I can’t remember exactly what their argument was in particular, but I think it was. We can manage for Christianity to be acceptable in the counseling sphere as like a part of it, especially now that people have been realizing recently that you can’t ignore people’s faiths. That’s not actually that helpful. And that’s really put a wrench. Yeah, right. As it turns out, that’s like helpful for some people. I mean, the original series. Are you talking about like psychological therapy? Yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah. What is it? Jacob, correct me. Is it? What is his first name? Ellis? Ellis was his last name. REBT founder. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Something like that. He was famous for saying about the fact that one religion was one of the psychosis you need to help people get out of. That sounds like the type of thing Freud might have said. Freud also was in that argument, but Ellis, his whole thing was rational mode of behavioral therapy. I actually liked it. It was quite nice. But it’s all about rational logic and finding incoherency in thought. And one of his is that if they start promoting anything like God, that’s incoherent. That’s fundamentally irrational. Yeah. So one of the reasons that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was a huge proponent of Viktor Frankl was because Frankl just didn’t have any truck with that. So, yeah. Yeah. Now, Freud has a great job of getting rid of a lot of people. I’m an Adler fan. And yeah, there’s a lot of broken friendship with that guy. Freud. I had a conversation Thursday night. It was the first men’s group at my parish that I went to. And they got into a great conversation that went from homeschooling philosophies all the way to psychology is super evil and you shouldn’t study it because Freud and everybody after him was super evil in psychology. And I was like, I mean, no. But yeah. Little bit broad of brush. Yeah. Where do you guys study? Are you both in school, Emma and Colin? Yeah, I’m in Illinois. Oh. Yeah, so I do online call out Christian University and she does in person University of Illinois or Banachampaign. So I’m trying to figure out what course of study to follow now because I’ve got some time to do it. And I don’t know if I want to do like classics or theology or psychology, and I also don’t know what school, but it’s probably got to be online. So I ask everybody this question now. Yeah, I don’t know if you can really do online classics. I don’t know how many places there are that do that. If you are thinking of becoming a counselor, I still think an MSW is best. LSU has a pretty good online MSW program and Arkansas State has the cheapest, although it’s kind of hard to like, if you don’t have the prerequisites, they make you take them. Like LSU, with a bachelor’s degree, they should take you. But Cory, you should also just do it with you because it’s Arkansas and then you can come and be part of our parish and then everything will be amazing. Oh, both of these are online and you don’t have to be anywhere near the actual school. No, no, I’m joking. Cory’s going to move to Arkansas. I don’t need an excuse like that, Ted. I don’t need any excuse. I’ve got plenty of reason. So Cory, what is the impetus for getting another degree? So that’s part of the question too. Like it’s less, well, I’m trying to figure out what to do with my life as soon as I get out of the military is kind of the backdrop of all of this. And I think it’s going to be something related to all this stuff that I’ve been learning from all lovely people like you and all the other YouTube types. And I don’t know what that looks like yet. I don’t know. I have this like as far as we’ve gotten, as my wife and I, we both are passionate about. Now we’re passionate about beauty and design and also about how beauty will change the world. And I love theology now. I mean, I don’t know. We’re thinking like some kind of Libri project actually somewhere in the Midwest where it makes sense. Or we could build a beautiful house and make it a retreat center or like a place where you can have a constant estuary like vibe going on and invite artists to come and talk and maybe. Rinse along. Too late. I already started that project. So like you’re kind of late. Sorry. Is it in California? It’s in his apartment. It’s in his apartment. Yeah. Because I’m sorry, I’m not moving to any compound or commune that’s in California. The question will be once we have enough money, we’ll figure it out. But until we have money, like it’s kind of a little. That is a key consideration. Yeah. But to answer your question, I also want to write things. I don’t know. I just want education. I don’t know if it has to be a degree, but I’ve got a GI bill that I can use. So if I can do it formally, then why not? If you can make the government pay for it, make the government pay for it. Admittedly, the for Christian counseling, so kind of that intersection of theology and at least counseling, not necessarily psychology, there’s a bit of a difference between those two. Collar Christian Unity is really good at that. They’re really good at integrating those two and trying to show how they mesh nicely. It’s a bit of a specific thing, though, becoming a Christian. Like you’d probably want to at that point, become a Christian counselor. And that’s, I feel easier said than done. Even I, I’m not exactly sure that’s what I want to do, just because you’re a little pegged very carefully. That’s not a very large group to easily get into. And it’s definitely not the same thing as spiritual direction. No, although I’ve so the Divine Mercy University has a specific something. I can’t tell if it’s a certificate or if it’s a degree on spiritual direction. Yeah. Yeah, I’ve been trying to look into that, because that just sounds interesting. Not I don’t know where I want to go. I don’t want to know what I want to do yet. But probably at least a couple of years secular, just so I can have that experience with the belt and be able to say that. But you never know. Spiritual Direction Certificate. Yeah, right. I imagine you’d be like ordained for that. I don’t know. We have quite a few spiritual directors that actually aren’t priests, especially because they’re so, oh my gosh, I work for a priest. People are unbelievably busy. I’ve never been a man more busier than my priest than what I work for. I don’t know my other priests. He just needs to become more efficient, I think. He tries, that poor man. Yeah, but he also needs to be a kind of scattering priest. Well, he does have ADHD, yes. Yeah, okay. That doesn’t make any sense to him. That being said, I’ve also never met someone, that’s not quite true. He’s very, very shockingly disciplined, and I think it’s been like forcefully. But his major phrase is like, if I don’t have to do it, don’t ask me to do it. Like you need to do your own thing. And he’s still overindated with huge amounts of things he needs to do for this, that, and everything. It’s a little bit difficult. I have to point out, Sandy’s been going to Catholic Mass. Yeah, right. We talked about that a little bit last week, and I don’t want to play the cruel dentist trying to extract wisdom out of her. So if she doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, that’s fine. No wisdom. No wisdom. Sandy’s wisdom is in her wonderful stories. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. There we go. Am I actually back? Can people hear me? Awesome. Corey, I was going to say, it just finally clicked with me when you’re talking about what you want to do, that there’s a professor up in Christendom College, Dr. John Kudabek. He’s a professor of philosophy that is like doing exactly what you’re talking about. He’s up in Northern Virginia. So it’s actually, I think you were like right up there. I had known about this, if we had known each other like a month earlier than we met, I could have gotten you to go to the Catholic University. He’d be someone to, he’s got some cool lectures on the Thomistic Institute, but he’s a classically trained philosopher, but he spends a ton of time thinking about the household in particular. Oh, interesting. Yes, yeah, it’s really good stuff. I’ve got another tab open, thank you. You know, always trying to do that in your mind, Corey, is just like one more tab, one more tab. Father Eric, you would probably find this really interesting and maybe the rest of you guys. Today we were out of state in the morning and we went to a parish with the Ordinariet of the St. Peter. And so we got to go and celebrate the Serum Rite, which was a new experience for me. It was an adapted version of the Serum Rite, but yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, the Serum Rite was the use of the Latin Rite that was dominant in England prior to Henry VIII. The Wicked Henry VIII. And then he kind of like really massaged that, I mean not him personally, but his Church of England cronies, really massaged that into the Book of Common Prayer. And then in 2009, Benedict XVI passed legislation that allowed entire Anglican churches to join the Catholic Church and canonical structures for governing that. It’s called the Anglican Ordinariet and the one in the United States is the Anglican Ordinariet of St. Peter. I thought about that, being more baptized Anglican. If there isn’t one nearby. It’s hard to find them. There isn’t one nearby. I just want to think a nice standard Catholic, you know. Can Episcopalians join it as well or Anglicans only? I suppose if there was an entire Anglican congregation that wanted to be, or Episcopalian congregation that wanted to be Catholic, they probably could. But I think all of the ones in the United States were Anglican Church of North America. Yeah. Very Catholic, which is a pretty understandable trajectory. What is the difference between Anglican and Episcopalian? A hundred percent. Very little. Not needing to be controversial. My grandfather was Scottish Episcopalian and I don’t know any family over there from either side. I was just curious who was. I’m making a slight joke because my grandfather, he’s actually an Anglican bishop. Is, it was, I never know. He is a retired bishop. He’s a retired Anglican bishop and he actually was an Episcopal bishop, Episcopal priests. I can’t remember exactly timeline, but he specifically helped start the Anglican church in the Great Lakes area. An offshoot Episcopals. So in our family, there’s an important distinction between the Episcopals that essentially kicked them out. It was a whole thing because. It’s the classic mainline conservatives. Yeah. So it was the whole thing, but that’s generally the better way of summarizing it. To kill the whole story. Yeah, sorry. So it’s like, it’s the main difference just like whether they submit to the monarch of England as being the head of the church and otherwise it’s the same. I think the Anglican church in North America aren’t, isn’t there a bishop like in, or like they’re in communion with these Nigerian Anglicans? Yeah, that’s the complications. The archbishop of Canterbury is mainline, not conservative. Yeah. And he’s the head of the Anglican church and then the Episcopalian. I was gonna say, because the politics gets complicated. I watched a video on this. It’s not like I don’t know all that much. I remember growing up with it and hearing about it, but that didn’t make sense to me as a kid. I watched a video on it. As I understand correctly, the Episcopals when they went hyper liberal, originally were reprimanded, but they were not, you know, they didn’t schism. Or anything like that, although they didn’t listen either. So it’s kind of, it was a viewpoint. But they specifically did schism because that’s, you know, Church of England’s very specific on that. We don’t have any sort of important theological, you know, points as long as we’re together. You can be anywhere between Presbyterian and nearly Catholic as long as you get along. But then the conservative element, which is primarily Nigerian and then the offshoots in America, the offshoots are technically in schism because they off shot. But they’re considered legitimate by the Nigerian conservative churches and not the Episcopal churches, or at least that’s under discussion right now. And so it’s complicated because the Church of England would not acknowledge the Church of the Anglican Churches in America as Anglican. And so they’re not technically Anglican. Because it’s like, you know, like a Pope not acknowledging a person, like they’re not Catholic at that point. But if most of the other churches acknowledge them as being Anglican, what? From the Anglican SSPX. Probably, yeah. That’s probably accurate. That’s what Bamba probably is. But it’s awkward because most of the Anglican Church acknowledges, other than like Europe, acknowledges them as correct. And so who knows if you know of a Pope? I’m thoroughly confused. It’s all over gay bishops. Yeah, correct. It’s all over gay bishops. The United States or consecrated a gay bishop. And a lot of conservative congregations wanted the Archbishop of Canterbury to like tell them they can’t do that. And the Archbishop of Canterbury refused. And so these people went off to join the Nigerian, like under a Nigerian archbishop. And like the Archbishop of Canterbury is like, no, you can’t do that. Yeah. But again, no one wants to use harsh words. So if I remember correctly, there’s some specific phrasing they use where the line of schism and what they’re doing is a little bit pulled back. So therefore no one knows what’s going on. Gotta love it. Your voice is incredibly loud. I don’t know if it’s that loud to everyone else, but it’s incredibly loud. I mean, just directly into your ear. Colin, what did your grandfather say about you becoming a Catholic? The general Anglican phrase, which is that’s awesome. So happy for you. In particular, it was kind of funny because I grew up relatively anti-Catholic. My father, quick version, my father was Catholic. His family, right. His family was a little bit spiritually abusive. And so he grew up. And generally abusive too. That’s true. And so he actually kind of refound God through my mother, who is like charismatic. My grandfather is charismatic Anglican. She’s just charismatic. And so I grew up with a Catholic father and a charismatic mother, but none of the Catholicism really stuck. It got the bit that my mother didn’t like. So I grew up generally anti-Catholic. But my grandparents, being Anglicans, they’re just like, that’s no problem. So I converted. It was a big deal between my mother and I, especially because I’m a right prick. And I had freshman defect. Like nobody’s getting them get out. But they were just like, that’s great. We have all these, we love John Paul II. Here’s a book on him, another book on him. I’ve got a lot of JPT books from them. It’s pretty great. Yeah. Some people’s grandparents hand out candy. Yours really have just given us books every time we see them. Yeah. Best grandparents. They’re pretty amazing. Yeah. Right? They’re pretty amazing. You have to move. That’s the downside. That’s why I have a Kindle. The Kindle moves very easily. Yeah. Nobody can inherit your Kindle library. Like that’s what bothers me. It’s going to inherit my library, Jacob. The next priest of your parish. You weren’t going to give it to me, father? You were going to give it to somebody. You could give it to somebody. There’s a value in people giving books to other… I have all these books on my Kindle that I will never give. Whereas the books I buy after I read them, if I’m not going to read them again, generally I try to give them to people. Yeah. And you can’t write a nice little inscription in the cover of a Kindle book either. Yeah. All of these are fair and valid points. That said, I love my tablet and I love reading things on my tablet. Usually my Kindle is used for ephemeral purchases because not all books are created equal. And so my eight volume set of the Summa Theologiae, that’s worth hauling around, right? Latin, English, side by side. Oh, let’s do Zoon theology, baby. But like some novel, the novel can be forgotten. That’s fine. We’re doing book show and tell now. That makes me want to go grab my newest… See, if you had Catholic grandparents call it, they would give you books like this. True. They haven’t gotten that far yet. The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma. Now that’s a book right there. It’s an alphabet written in Latin and Greek. You’d be asking me, what’s the most important thing in a book? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. Latin and Greek, you’d be asking Emma for help reading it. That would happen regardless. Yeah. Just going to flip right into Latin all of a sudden. Nice. What’s fun is when you’re reading in Latin and then they flip into Greek. Also does that. Also does that. So. All right. Anyway, this is a book, Jacob, that I would say is worth passing on. That’s the whole point of that. Nice. Oh, oh. Yeah. Are you chewing this off because of Jacob? I do want to share this to Jacob. We went back to my parents’ house recently and I was able to retrieve this, which… I’m so sorry. I have to buy. Uh-oh. Whoa. That’s okay. But it has the Hebrew part and then I can… I’m glad you have the Hebrew. I am very glad you have the Hebrew. It’s a Hebrew book that I’ve already had so I can start learning Hebrew. And I think that it’s quite possible you could get your bishop to give you permission to have the English parts as well without tearing them out and it wouldn’t be necessary to like burn the English parts of that book. Let me just get you down. We had to… What is it? I had to buy it for an English, a great books class to read the book of Jonah. I don’t know why she wanted this translation. It’s… Possibly just because it was like the only Hebrew-English side-by-side you could get affordably. That might have been… This isn’t that bad. It’s 60 bucks. That’s a lot when you’re also buying like six other books for the same class. Yeah, but it’s a translation by people who believe in God. Fair. I know the professor was Catholic. I don’t know… Like I know she knew Hebrew. I don’t know like… JPS is very popular and… Yeah, JPS. But the Jewish Publication Society was not in… It’s still not in any way Orthodox or theistic. Fair enough. But this way I could practice reading Hebrew once I start working through the textbook again. You have the Hebrew. And I already owned it. And there’s my Jonah playlist. I went through the entire book of Jonah letter by letter. And he did. That would be… Yeah, I will probably start working through that at some point. That’s back before the Just Chatting Streams. Yeah, it’s way back there. So if you memorize the half-hour introduction I give to Hebrew at the beginning of my Jonah playlist, you will know the entirety of Hebrew grammar. I’m not even joking. Nice. So this is going to sound like a stupid question, but it’s a serious question. If you have trouble memorizing things, what’s an alternative to doing that? There is a really good channel called Aleph with Beth. I watch them. And they do an incredibly good job despite the fact they’re Trinitarians. God have mercy on their souls. They’re Protestant missionaries in South America. And she’s a linguist and he helps translate the Bible to obscure African languages. And they do these wonderful videos teaching biblical Hebrew. And it’s all completely free. And it’s so much better than any content I could ever create that I don’t even bother trying to… Like I just tell people. Aleph with Beth. And they’re incredibly nice people. Like they’re such nice people. It’s like disgusting. Now let’s slow that down a little bit. Aleph with Beth? Yeah, her name is Beth. Okay. And that’s a pun because Aleph and Beth are the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Yes. Correct. You figured that out. Just for the people who, let’s say, don’t know that, the YouTube channel, it’d be impossible to… Because it sounded like one name that was like a proper name. Oh, Aleph, A-L-E-P-H, with Beth, B-E-T-H. Yeah. I appreciate that, Father Eric. It took me a second, but I know just enough about Hebrew to get dangerous. It’s about where I’m at now. I’m hoping to brush it up. So she does natural language and she’s like a linguist and they actually met in Israel. Like their story, they have their personal channel. They have the most sickeningly sweet love story. They met in Israel while they were studying and then they became missionaries. And like, it’s just completely disgusting. Horrible with their happy life. What’s the exact word? Cloying? I think that’s the word for it. Cloying. Am I using the correct word, Emma? That sounds right. Yeah. Cloyingly sweet. Yes, they are incredibly… And he has all these free books on theology on his website and music. And what’s his website? I haven’t checked it yet. I think his name… I think it’s under his name, Andrew Case. I mean, I disagree with a bunch of stuff he says, but like he… It’s still worthwhile reading. Yeah, but they’re Trinitarians teaching Hebrew, isn’t that confusing? Look, if you don’t learn Hebrew until you’re an adult, you can… Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug. Jacob, I’m going to make a new tile for this channel just for you. Ooh. A new tile. A new tile, right? Like my other tiles. Thankfully, I haven’t needed this one in a while. Oh my gosh. No anime zone? Didn’t know I could trigger that. Yeah. Oh, yeah, let’s take that off, huh? Is that slide only for Mark? So poking at that tile issue just a tiny bit. So I did go to 9am mass, but I also ran into somebody that I worked with and realized the priest spent 10 years in my previous hometown. Oh, wow. So like I’m not praying the Trinitarian stuff. I’m not doing any of those things. I’m just kind of sitting there trying to be invisible and I’m not because every customer to my store recognizes me and apparently, you know… Yeah. I have to say I am personally of the opinion that the monarchical Trinity is permissible to Gentiles. I still haven’t figured out what that is, except that all I know is I had this massive argument with God and so I became a Christian even though I went, this sounds stupid. I’ve been doing that for like 40 years or so. Father Eric is one of the greatest Catholic theologians who are in favor of the monarchical Trinity. Considering the monarchical Trinity. So I think it might just be a new name for regular old Trinitarianism. That’s the feeling I’ve gotten. Yeah. Honestly, from how much I understand it. And honestly, I’m 100% in the never ever show a depiction of the face of the father ever camp. Michelangelo. No icons of the father at all, which hey, yay. B, only the father is assay. Assay. A-S-E-I. Of himself. Yes. It’s like that’s going to get really hairy really quickly. I mean, don’t you deal with the two issues of forgotten, begotten, not made and cost substantial. Where are those? It’s going to get hairy, Jacob. I’m not saying, oh, you’re going to, it’s going to. As far as I’m concerned, if you say only the father is assay, you’re saying only the father is God. As far as I’m concerned. Okay. So my practical questions to you and Father Eric is if I go and sit in the pew and I kneel on their little kneeler thing that I haven’t had one of since 20 something years ago. And I’m kind of, you know, like I know people there. I told this girl that I worked with, well, I’m not so sure I believe in the Trinity and she’s getting confirmed there or something, only discussing the way. Yeah. That’ll confuse them. Yeah. Go talk to the priest. Well, yeah, actually he was busy talking to her. No, no, no, go talk to the priest some other time. Other time. Yeah, I know. I will have to, I will have to. Through an email. You’ve opened this hornet’s nest for me, Jacob. I am very much in favor of people going to church so much so that I’ve been going to church myself. Yeah. I had a really sore neck this morning. I thought I could just lay here and not go to church. And by the time that you decide this, you’re going to realize Jacob’s already going to church at least twice today. I actually didn’t end up going to church at all today. And one of the reasons, Father, like I was almost on my way to church and Father Eric’s like, are you going to? Well, no, I was just asking. I was just asking because if you don’t piggyback this onto your channel, then I posted it to YouTube channel. So you gave me an excuse. I tried to find every excuse I can not to go to church. Oh boy, that sounds like a pretty familiar story. Actually, I only go to church because I feel compelled by an evil spirit. Don’t believe him for a minute because honestly, I actually wrote on the internet that I was actually wrote on Grail Country that I think God must love that man very much because it takes great skill to send me somewhere an answer to a prayer question to God and actually have a priest from my that that I know by face and everything and other people there that I recognize. And now I feel kind of like I said, he’s open to Hornet’s Nest. So I have to deal with this now. Yeah. And when you can feel God laughing at you and you know you, you know. Allow me to introduce Jules, although why isn’t your video on Jules? Jules is father, father, even reason for that. We’re not spiritual son. I was about to say that. Can you guys hear me? No, you’re joining. Okay, you can. The reason why am I? You know, I’m just going to fill that in for him. I think the reason why his webcam is an on is because his internet connection stinks right now. So what he was trying to say was he’s father of Stephen, the young spiritual son, and he probably had comments on the monarchical Trinity. Yeah, yeah. Look, I’m not going to actually put two feet in and jump on the monarchical Trinity thing until I talk to a proper Catholic theologian who’s smarter than me about it. There’s Brett Succo. You could talk to Brett Succo. I could. That would actually be a really interesting conversation. And he would come on your channel, I’m pretty sure. He came on PVK’s channel and Sam Adams’ channel. Sam Fitteman. Yeah, and every time I hear an Orthodox person pooh-pooh transubstantiation, I’m like, dude, if you read Sockold’s book, you would be on board with it. The problem with transubstantiation is Catholics explaining it badly. Because I’ve actually, I was listening to the Lord of Spirits on the Eucharist, and I was kind of convinced about the East Orthodox view on transubstantiation. So I would like to know the name of this book. I think it’s The Eucharist. Yeah. I think that’s the name of the book is The Eucharist by Brett Succo. He did the rounds of this little corner for a little while. Yeah, I’m going to drop this into the chat here. He is friends with Bishop Aaron, apparently. Hey, local to Texas. That’s where Word on Fire is. They’re hanging in Texas. Wait, it’s in Texas? Right below. Yeah. Even though Bishop Aaron’s in Rochester, Minnesota? Yeah, well, before he was in California and it was in Texas, I think that’s just where they found space to… That’s the book, Transubstantiation. Yeah, so frankly, basically what it comes down to is people, even good Catholics who are trying their best are always going for overly physicalist interpretations of transubstantiation, and it just ends up sounding bad. And then the Orthodox look at that and say, that’s overly physicalist. But if you actually read Thomas Aquinas properly, then… I have no idea what an accident is. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah. So, but the basic core of it is that substance is what is known to the intellect. That’s what Thomas Aquinas means when he’s talking about substance. That’s what’s known to the intellect alone. And accidents are accessible to the senses. And so by faith, your intellect can know that what to all physical appearances seems to be bread and wine has become the body and blood of Jesus. Even though all of the physical appearances and physical properties continue to be bread and wine. And I bet you if our Orthodox friend Jules hopped in here, he’d probably say, well, that sounds about correct, but I don’t know if we’re going to get a better internet connection now. Can you hear me? Better. Mostly. Hello? Almost. We can hear you mostly. Got you like 70%. I’m driving right now. That’s why I’m driving right now. Jules, I’m just going to have to ask you to come back. When you’re not driving. Traffic because that’s not communication right there. Sorry, Jules. Jules is on the board of directors of my new charity. We needed a CPA and he’s trying to become a CPA. He’s already an auditor. So you can tell I’m keeping this above board. I like it. I don’t leave a friend over here. Oh, another cat. Another cat. Your stream is infested with them. I don’t believe in having wild animals inside the house. Yeah, we need more dogs on this stream. I was going to say if we’re doing that standard, I feel like I’d be the one outside this prima donna. At least Colin could be somewhat tamed by a woman. So that’s true. She this cat cannot. The oldest written story that we have. Here’s a dog on the street. There we go. I love the eyebrows. Great colors. I love his face mask. I love the fact that happy didn’t jump on me. That’s fair. Honestly, I would probably be very good friends with your dog if it just doesn’t put its paws up on my cassock. Just keep all four paws on the floor. We’re good to go. Oh, anyway, strong opinions about that. Not that happy particularly wanted to be pet. She’s very shy. Sandy, you’re muted. Sorry, can I ask one more church question? Sure. Okay, so. So I like this is this is me. This last year is me going to church first time in six, seven years. I previous to that, I was super involved in leadership and all kinds of stuff. So I it kind of matters to me that I don’t insult anybody there, you know. So I don’t know whether you can answer Jacob can answer, but quite seriously, there’s a lot of Jesus praying and in my other church, like I was on the worship team. I have some things about Jesus, but I don’t particularly pray to Jesus and I don’t pray to the Holy Spirit. I just pray to God. My one leeway I take is I tell people, well, I do quite this sounds probably heretical, but I do count God as my father because in my teens, my parents were real kind of not coping and I ran up against the honor your father and mother thing and I kind of I tend to be one of those people that argues my point and then negotiate. So I’m like, well, fine, I’ll honor my parents, but I still need to be parented. So I will honor them if you will parent me. So I still I kind of say God is my father because pretty much if he says, go do something or whatever, I’m like, okay, well, you know, I should be listening even without just the religious context of it. But I don’t know what’s really. I know it’s appropriate. Like, I mean, I have just said all the stuff for years and now I’m thinking about it. So I’ll give a Jewish answer. I think Father Eric will. I’m going to give a Catholic answer because this is my live stream. You guys don’t want it, right? Yeah. So, Jacob, here is the greatest argument for monarchical Trinitarianism that you will find within Roman Catholicism, and it is the doxology at the end of the Eucharistic prayer. So, Sandy, you would have heard this already. Now, the problem with our English translation is that it’s barely English. So if the Catholics on the stream will give me the freedom, I will going to retranslate it on the fly. Oh, God Almighty Father, all glory and honor is yours through him and with him and in him in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen. So basically, no matter, let’s say, which person of the Holy Trinity that you would actually be talking to, you’re always going before the throne of the Father. At least that’s what that prayer in the Roman liturgy, that very ancient prayer in the Roman liturgy would seem to indicate to me. So even if it’s through an intermediary and it is still to God the Father. All the glory and honor goes to him. So if you don’t mind pulling up the… Okay, here’s the Jew stuff now. So this is Genesis 48. Oh, okay. And this is Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph at the end of his life. And this is so verse 15, I decided to go KJV because I figured that’s about as old school. I would prefer the Hebrew, but… And he blessed Joseph and said, God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk. The God which fed me all my life long unto this day. The angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads, and let my name be named on them. And the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac, and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth. So praying in the name of someone to God is an ancient Jewish tradition that I don’t think in any way implies any of the things that I think most egalitarian trinitarians think it does. Okay, and that’s my issue is I’ve always thought… Like, I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever thought of… I don’t think I think in an egalitarian sense there. I don’t think I ever have, not from the first time I walked up to the altar and said, sure. You know, I’ll do that. I just don’t. That was my argument with God right away. Day one and you know, so… Father Stephen wants to convince me that Christianity has always taught that Christians teach… You can only pray to God the Father, but you should pray through Jesus and the saints. And as far as Judaism is concerned, that is permissible to Gentiles for sure. Okay, so I’m not just being weird or insulting if I say the stuff along, because that’s pretty much my stand for 40 years and you know… When I go to church, I don’t sing any of the hymns because I know the Christians think around me are thinking of Jesus as God. I don’t test any of the people and say, do you think the Father is the only person of the Trinity that’s assay or not? Because none of them would know what I’m talking about. But to the degree that Christians believe that God the Father is assay and cannot be depicted, I would say Christianity is within the Noahide laws as not being idolatry. Well, that’s about the nicest thing that I think we’re going to hear tonight. I have to get up and go to work tomorrow, because my bishop’s taking a trip on Tuesday. We need some office time together. So I’m just going to go ahead and call this a wrap. But my last parting thought, Sandy, is that people usually don’t go to church looking to pin other people to the ground with some minor infraction of dogmatic theology that 80% of the congregation doesn’t particularly understand or care about. So I guess my sincere desire for you would just to be at peace when you are at your local Catholic church. And I agree with that 100, 200, 500%. 500% agreement out of Jacob. You got to watch out for Andrew Cable. He’s a heretic hunter right there. I look through the pews. Who haven’t I seen here before? I’m going to get them. They’re all like that in New Jersey. Nobody’s even looking at the host. They’re just looking around, looking out the windows. Is anyone peeking into the church? No, it doesn’t happen. All righty. Well, happy Sunday. Good night and God bless you all.