Why are they so aligned with the Biden administration? Like I wouldn’t think that necessarily that the natural allies of the security slash intelligence community would necessarily be the left-wing Democrats. Like, so how do you account for that? It’s not really about that. It’s about, well, I mean, partly it may be, but because Washington, you know, they’re all from the swamp and in Washington, 90% of people vote Democrat. I think it’s something more and I think this is why Trump was perceived as an existential threat, because actually when you look at his presidency, he just, you know, he didn’t do any, he didn’t start any wars. He didn’t do any dangerous. You know, the economy was ticking along. There was nothing outrageous he did. He really, for all his rhetoric, he was a pretty conventional conservative, apart from he didn’t buy the neocon worldview, this sort of imperialist American worldview where, you know, it’s not only, you know, in 9-11, it was, and I mean, I regret myself. I fell for all of that and I was all rah-rah for Iraq, which I visually regret. And now I’m very cynical about the lies that I was told and bought then and I hear now from the same people. And so I think that Trump just didn’t buy into that whole project. It’s America first. It’s more the isolationist streak. And, you know, he would ask NATO, why aren’t you pulling your weight? Why aren’t the Europeans paying for their own military? Why are we having to be the policemen of the world? Why can’t we have a decent relationship with Russia? I mean, he’s just upending, you know, decades of sort of Cold War mentality, which has never gone away. You mean like he upended the Palestine narrative with regards to the Abraham Accords. Exactly. And all for the good, really. Well, that was something, yes. Fresh thinking there. And so I think that is why he’s an existential threat because those people who were the deepest of the neocon deep state really loathed him. And you see that in, I mean, the CIA letter by the 51 former intelligence officials is very, very instructive. That was the letter that was written just a few days after our story came out and was suppressed. And it was designed, we know, to help Joe Biden in the second debate against Donald Trump, in which obviously the laptop from hell is going to come up. And we now know, thanks to the Oversight Committee, now the Republicans are in control, that that letter was organized by Mike Morell, who had been a former acting CIA director and was on a promise to be Biden’s CIA director. So he had a personal motive. So when you say it was organized, in what way? What does that mean exactly, that letter? So what we also find is that Antony Blinken, now the Secretary of State, and a member of Joe Biden’s inner circle was working for the Biden campaign. He phoned Mike Morell a day or two, or maybe the same day, Morell’s vague on it, that our story came out. And Morell said, oh, he didn’t tell me to write the letter, but he would not have written the letter if he hadn’t had the phone call from Antony Blinken. And if Antony Blinken hadn’t sent him a USA Today story, which I have no doubt was ceded by the intelligence community, which said that the laptop was Russian disinformation. And so Mike Morell then set about calling, getting 51 former, most of them CIA people, as some like James Clapper, who’s lied before Congress, not exactly an honest broker. He was also pulled in. But there were five former CIA directors or acting CIA directors who signed that letter. This was a heavy duty letter. And what they said was, well, the message that it sent was that the laptop and our story, therefore, were Russian disinformation. They wrote the letter and they tried to get out of. Now it was very weasely. They used a language like has all the earmarks, which is a weird word, of a Russian information operation. They used the weight of their previous high careers in the CIA to basically sign, seal, and deliver this letter. And Mike Morell says in his emails to other people when he’s trying to recruit them to sign the letter that he wants to get in fact, he tells John Brennan, former CIA director under Obama, who had a lot to do with the destabilization of Ukraine, he tells John Brennan I want to give Joe Biden a talking point at the debate, a way to- Oh, how nice of him. Yeah. Well, the thing that struck me is so preposterous about that. When that broke, I thought, well, that’s a lot of former intelligence officials and it’s hard to imagine that they’re all colluding. But on the other hand, why in the world would the Russians be so thrilled with Trump? I mean, you had to buy that story, right? You had to believe that Trump was somehow a natural ally of Russia. And Putin, and I mean, I know that Trump got along with Putin the same way he got along with the preposterous leader of North Korea, but it certainly didn’t seem to me that there was any evidence to suggest that Trump was the natural ally of Russia. And so you had to buy that to believe that the Russians would be so interested in Trump that they would go to all this work to produce this, you know, complex form of unbelievably sophisticated disinformation in the form of a fake laptop from Hunter dropped off in some no account place in Delaware. I mean, none of that makes any sense unless, you know, you attribute like super spy capabilities to some genius on the Russian front, which strikes me as, you know, somewhat preposterous. And yet, well, all 51 of these people signed this document. And so everyone thought- They signed it without looking at the laptop, without asking to have a look at the hard drive, without- You and your details. Any due diligence. I mean, they had no evidence to say this. None. And they just, they in fact admitted in the letter, they say, you know, from our vast experience, we’ve ascertained, you know, this is exactly this as a whole earmarks of the Russian information operation. So they abused their authority. They abused the trust that the American people would have in that authority. And, you know, it’s extraordinary to me that they haven’t apologized. They’ve, you know, we have tried numerous times. I’ve tried, you know, I’ve sent emails, I’ve phoned, I’ve called their bosses, I’ve called the think tanks, they’ve, the bosses of the think tanks that they’re aligned to, you know, every which way. We’ve had other reporters do the same thing and there’s just nothing from them. It’s just dead. One guy called David Priest, who was a CIA something or other, he went on Fox News, and he said he’s happy that he did it, you know, it was the right thing to do. By what standard? Because Trump is so evil that every possible weapon used against him is justifiable no matter what? Is that the rationale? Well, that’s the subtext. But no, he had some, he had some bogus excuse. I can’t even remember it was so flimsy. But they, you know, and I have spoken to someone who should have signed it, had the credentials to sign it and didn’t sign it because he felt that it just, there was no basis for it. He didn’t want to be involved in some political, he just saw it as a political hit. And so that would have been, these people are very savvy. I mean, you’d expect them to be. They’re high level CIA analysts and directors. You would expect that they would sniff a rat and know that this was political. Of course they knew. But as you said, they felt there was this sort of this illness that had, was afflicting the intelligence community and all the Formers, which was that Trump is an existential threat. Sure, that’s right. You see that in the reaction of people like Harris is that Trump is such a threat that no matter, see, it’s so interesting to me to see this happening because it’s happening on multiple fronts. We’re told by people continually that we face existential threats that are such that all the normal rules should be upended by moral people. And those normal rules could mean every single one of your constitutional rights, which is of course what happened in the COVID lockdown, which is now a disease that the doctors, according to MSNBC, are having a difficult time distinguishing from the common cold. You know, so that’s kind of a problem. And so we have emergency, emergency, emergency. And climate change? Well, that’s the next one. That’s the next one. It’s like climate change is such an emergency that every right thinking person is terrified into apocalyptic panic. And so you don’t get to fly and you don’t get to have a car and you don’t get to leave your city and you don’t get to eat meat. And well, you know, quote, we get all the power. And of course that has nothing to do with any of this. And so, you know, one of the things that I’ve come to conclude is that if you’re listening to someone who says the crisis is such that your fear justifies my suspension of your civil liberties, then you’re talking not to your ally in crisis and an appropriate leader, but to a tyrant in sheep’s clothing. And this is exactly what’s happening with the on the Trump front, too. It’s like, oh my God, he’s so dangerous, just like climate change and COVID, that anything goes no matter what, because no matter what we do on our side and we’re the good guys, it can’t be nearly as bad as Trump might do at some unspecified point in the future. It’s like, well, just about enough of this. I mean, the story that you unfold and I know we touched on the collusion part of it here at the end. It’s right again, FBI, CIA, Facebook, Twitter, conspiring with the Washington Post and the New York Times to subvert what I would say is the is the story of the biggest political scandal in my lifetime. Like I was around, I was young during the Watergate hearings and the Nixon collapse. And that was nothing compared to this, as far as I can tell. First of all, it was, you know, Nixon had his his hands in a variety of relatively unseemly places, but not in his most spectacularly multidimensional manner as this, especially not when you factor in the post hoc Hunter Biden collusion to silence the people who brought it to public attention. It’s absolutely beyond comprehension.