You know, there was a guy that you interviewed that wrote a book called, is it redemption? He’s a historian. What’s that? Dominion? Yeah, I watched the interview, which I really liked, and I got the book and I’ve been listening to the book actually, which is really good. But he’s a great writer. He’s such a good writer. Man, I always kind of, I’ve been getting to know to what degree, how we, I’ve always had a sense that we’re so deeply Christian, right? In ways that whether or not we go to church or even believe in God or anything, you almost can’t be Western without being Christian, right? It’s such a deep level, but he exemplifies it really clearly in a way that I can, I’m like, whoa, it’s like, it’s so deep in the difference. And it’s interesting because I’ve actually been thinking about what it must have been like to be Christ, right? Where like the, like what’s so, what’s taken for granted at this point, right? Of all of our conscience, the way our conscience speaks to us, the fact that like, I feel bad if I treat somebody like on a lower status meanly, or I see somebody else do it. And like, it’s this obvious that we shouldn’t do that. And like, we feel bad about like all the different pre-reflective responses to the world that seems so self-evident or something that a lot of that stuff was not there. And so I’m just imagining like, what the hell was it like to be Christ, to hear yourself saying these things, where there was no basis upon which for it to be even remotely intelligible? Like imagine yourself like saying, yeah, like what if they hit you turn the other cheek? Like how the hell is he even supposed to know what that means? Right? Yeah, I think I see it the way that I would phrase it is more like to meet him. Like I struggled to imagine. I think that it when you read the scripture, you get a sense that Christ knew exactly what he was doing compared to most people. But I think that I the way that I would experience your the dilemma is more to say, like if I had met Christ, you know, 2000 years ago, I don’t think I think most of us would not have recognized what was happening. I think we would have been as dumbfounded as most people around. And yeah, maybe we might have been some of the people that thought that he should die because what he was doing was just like, you know, what is going on? You know, what is happening? It looks like you’re going to take over, like you’re going to take over politically, but then you keep talking about, you know, you know, loving your enemy and all these weird things that it’s just very odd. And so I really do think I have it’s weird because I have sympathy, like I have a lot of sympathy for the Pharisees when I read scripture, because everybody thinks they would have been one of the disciples, let’s say, and they wouldn’t have been like the Pharisees. But statistically, you wouldn’t have been Oh, man, you probably definitely would have been like the Pharisee, not only that, but even the disciples sometimes they know what Christ was doing. They’re kind of like, okay, so he said that now? Like, what, what is that? I thought he said this before. So what’s going on? And they look, they look confused all through Christ’s life until, until the, until Pentecost. And then at Pentecost, it seems like everything kind of like they’re a see, they finally see, okay, we’ve been doing this kind of we’ve been doing this thing for several years. And now, okay, this is what it’s about. Like, this is what it’s supposed to be. And then there’s, and then there’s this scene where Peter stands up finally, and like speaks to the thousands of people and has this like, you know, this convincing, and it’s because he finally got it after, you know, more than three years, like, what exactly was going on? That’s pretty crazy to think about. Right, totally. Like, so just to put yourself in Christ’s position, where, like, I’m, because I’m wondering if it’s something similar than what we’re talking about. It’s like, well, like, what are you doing? Are you doing? Are you saying that intentionally? Are you doing these interviews intentionally? Like, well, yeah, like, it is intentional. Like, I’m not sure why. Right? This kind of whatever that position is, it’s something similar, where it’s like, it’s not predicated on something that’s completely revealed in clear in some mental way. But there’s an intuitive sense and a response to something that’s very, very deep, that you trust. And I’m wondering if that’s a little bit, I don’t know, just putting myself in the story, as I’ve been thinking about this, I don’t really know that much about Christ’s life. But like, well, the thing about Christ is that, especially the way Christians understand it, is that he did have that knowledge. He wasn’t like us kind of fumbling around, because you can see that he, there are certain scenes in Scripture that are there to show you that he knew exactly what he was doing. Like, he would take, he would quote certain verses from Scripture, like, he would open up the Torah, and then he would read certain verses to help people understand what was going on. And he was trying to, and then when others didn’t understand, he would tell them. It’s like, you fools, like, you don’t know, you don’t even see what’s happening. Like, you have it in front of you, and you don’t see it. And so sometimes Christ is actually pretty harsh on the disciples, because they’re more like us, they’re more like fumbling along, trying to kind of get a sense, whereas he seemed to have had a kind of clarity that is difficult to frame, let’s say. Did he have a basis? Did he ever reference or give any sense of the basis upon which he was, his clarity was about? Yeah, well, that he was God, I mean, besides that. Yeah. Besides that he was the son of man, that he was, all these images of the manifestation of God in the world.