90 minutes a week you better you better have your romantic interlude and you might say well I’m not in the mood it’s like get in the goddamn mood I mean it like it’s like I don’t really feel like it’s like yeah no kidding because you’re tired and the kids are noisy and you know what’s your point like get your act together and get at it you know and figure out how to get yourself prepared for it and that’s it’s part of your it’s part of your duty you know but but more than that it’s like why would you want to lose that how many things in your life are genuinely like revitalizing like like like romance you know beauty music there’s a handful of things but that’s definitely one of them you don’t lose that so at least once a week you need a date and you know if you’re lucky maybe it’s three times a week and if you’re sane you can probably manage it twice but once is a minimum