All right, so David Flores asks, what is the symbolic meaning of stags in stories? They often seem to be being killed by hounds or other small predators. Is it a pattern of revolution? So the stag is obviously not a pattern of revolution itself. The stag is usually a flash. It’s usually that sign. You have these images of the white stag, for example, in the story of Saint Eustache, Saint Eustache we say in French, I don’t know, Saint Eustache in English, I don’t know how you say it. The story of Saint Eustache who sees a white stag in the forest with a cross in its antlers. And there are several stories of several saints, but not only saints, but in different mythical stories, you have this idea of the white stag, which appears and becomes like a beacon or a sign or something that awakens you to something deeper, to your identity, to some longing, to something. And so I think that in that sense, the white stag or the stag, because of its horns, which is like a crown, has something to do with that royal spirit or the perceiving of the meaning, the perceiving of something dignified, something high, something elevated. And so the image that you mentioned, which I don’t know examples of those, but this image of the stag being killed by hounds or small predators, ganging up on the stag and bringing it down, that is definitely a pattern of revolution. That is definitely an image of revolution, of the earth coming up and grabbing, the monster from below, which comes and takes down, hides the glimmer of light, conceals it in the earth. That’s definitely right.