How can symbolism make the world or interpretation whatever symbolic study make the world a more magical place? You’ve mentioned something that yeah before Well, I think that so the thing about about Reality, I talked a little bit about how reality Works the way we encounter reality is that our consciousness groups things together Into patterns right? Okay. That’s just how it works Like we we we engage the world in narrative and in pattern and so Once you become aware of that Okay, once you start to see it and when you start to be aware of the basic patterns that are in stories What happens is that they actually? Start to manifest themselves in your life and You actually start to live in a world that’s patterned And then it becomes really freaky like weird things start to happen, you know People are used to the word synchronicity. Let’s say and and and you’ll see those things Start to kind of fit together and your life starts to take on That’s what that that’s what I mean by a kind of a magical thing because all of a sudden all these these events start to Coalesce around you. It’s like you’re not even doing anything and then you know, you you Weird like it gets really weird like sometimes You’re you’d say you’re thinking about something or you’re reading about something and then you you get up you like, you know Go to the store and then all of a sudden there’s this glaring sign That is it’s like exactly what you were reading in the book and like the world just starts to fit in these strange patterns like it I can’t really It’s hard to describe to people because people will think like it’s just it’s just your imagination But it’s real like it’s actually real like yeah I’ll give you an example that happened to me just the other day, which is very strange so I made this icon of of Jonah, right and So I made this big icon of Jonah coming out of the whale and I I put it up on Twitter You know and I was like, you know, I finished the icon I always when I finish an icon I always put up on social media and then it’s just the next morning that I found out that I put it up on the feast day of Jonah It’s like I mean it’s a really little thing But then when that when your whole life starts to be full of those like it just happens all the time It’s like wow You don’t have to tell people like I’m telling you because you’re asking me But you know, you just kind of have to you go through and it’s like it’s this just this joyful Kind of it gives you this confidence in life and this confidence in in the fact that you’re moving in a in a In a direction. I mean, it’s not just also it’s not just about studying symbolism It has more to do with living Forthrightly and living kind of like Jordan Peterson talks about this idea of of living in truth you know, and I would add living in prayer and living, you know and and and kind of living a deliberate life instead of just being being kind of floating in the the ocean and and just letting yourself You know go back and forth between your your different desires. Let’s say And so so so it really yeah, it’s pretty amazing like when I started studying studying st Christopher I got really intensely into it and I actually wrote like I wrote all these stuff about him I wrote like a screenplay on his life and I you know I did all this stuff and and as it was happening, it was absolutely crazy like, you know, like I can’t believe I’m telling you this but let’s say There’s a symbolism. There’s a there’s you know what a Sun dog is No, I don’t think so it’s what Sun dog is when three suns appear in the sky have you ever seen that okay I have not seen that but I alright Okay so the symbolism of the Sun dog in like and say Native American traditions has to do with everything st Christopher is related to has to do with like the idea of the end of the world this idea of the edge of the world And everything and so I was you know, I was doing research again I read about about the Sun dog and about st Christopher it’s like while I was doing this in like one year I must have seen like 15 Sun dogs, like I just saw them all the time It was almost like every week I would look up in the sky and there was three Suns up in the sky And it’s like I mean, I don’t know if it’s a rare phenomena but for some reason I was seeing them all the time like they it’s a it has to do with a with a Rainbow around the Sun but it in a certain way that it’s placed It’s like when the Sun is at a certain height it appears as like three Three bright spots in the in the sky and it was like it just I just kept seeing them like all the time So it’s like that’s really crazy It is interesting how when you’re like, I don’t know somehow when you’re in what people would call us a Zen state or or just In yeah in this mode of being Where I don’t know you’re you’re you’re aiming higher your direction is in a certain orchestrated manner that you start you do start noticing Those things a lot more you can anyway and it can make the world much more interesting and magical or whatever you want to call it I I certainly used to call it synchronicity myself and I noticed it a lot especially after taking psychedelics I came it came out to me a lot But and now it’s more when I just when I’m in tune and and doing things Yeah in a certain manner I can be I don’t know I just start seeing those things more it’s really interesting and I could I could sit down and Scientifically break it down into some sort of coincidence type thing maybe but certainly doesn’t make it more useful or or fun to think about Right. So here’s the way to blow blow your mind is that when you’re in tune with things completely It’s like you’re you’re it’s like you’re in the pattern, right? You’re you’re participating in the pattern and in a way it’s like the causality Becomes muddled between what you’re causing how you’re being caused It’s like you it’s not muddled in the sense that it comes unified in your experience those things become one And so if you take that a lot further because here we are these little losers, you know Like we’re not great spiritual masters If you take that Times a thousand the times a hundred like what that could mean and what a miracle could mean You know if you just meditate on that just a little bit you’d be surprised like how That can yeah that could really come together in something which is beyond what your little my little Sun dog visions are You know You