I do not think that people can learn unless they admit that they’re wrong. There’s this play, The Cocktail Hour, by T.S. Eliot, and he has this woman in the play, and she comes up to a psychiatrist and she says, I really hope there’s something wrong with me. And of course the psychiatrist is a bit taken aback by that, and he says, well, why in the world would you hope such a thing? And she says something like, well, like I’m suffering, man, things are not good for me, I’m having a dreadful time of it, and as far as I can tell, there’s only two possibilities. Either the world, in its essence, is conspiring against me, and I’m doomed, because what am I going to do about the world? Like, it’s just built into the structure of reality, or I’m doing something wrong, so I’m really hoping that I’m doing something wrong, because if I am, then maybe I could fix it, and I’d stop suffering. I think that if your life isn’t what it could be, and you’re suffering, then it seems to me that that should be sufficient evidence that you don’t know enough. And if that isn’t sufficient evidence that you don’t know enough, then I don’t know how anyone else can provide you with that evidence.