You know, it’s like we’re not atomized individuals. Like we don’t exist separate from the people that gave birth to us and gave life to us and gave, you know, so we are a chain, we are a chain in a history, we are a chain in a series of events. And those series of events brought the West to join with this like Semitic world and fuse a way of being and a way of thinking which then expanded, you know, and basically civilized Europe, you know. It’s like people always think, you know, it’s like the Vikings, you know, especially there’s a lot of these neo-pagans around like talking about Thor. It’s like, you know, the Vikings, all they were doing were like raping and pillaging and cutting people’s heads off before they became Christians. Then when they became Christians, then they were the Normans, then they were the kings of Sicily and the kings of England. And it was like then they like, then they kicked ass like seriously because they had that basis, they had that structure to kind of channel their Nordic whatever energy into, you know. And also because then their Nordic kind of warrior-like character could be put in service of the weak, at least ideally, you know, because the Viking with his axe doesn’t care about anybody. He just cares about getting the gold and the honor and the women, right. Whereas the knight, the knight, obviously in practice it doesn’t always happen that way, but at least the ideal of the knight is to fight for the weakest person, to fight for your lady, to fight for the orphan, you know. It’s like that’s a huge difference. That’s a huge difference. And so we should really freaking dread like the return of the North, man, because you know what that looks like? That looks like 1930s Germany. That’s what it looks like. The return of like that pagan thing, man. It’s gonna like, there’s some of that in the air, you know, and it’s like you need to realize what that is. It means chopping heads off. That’s what it means. That’s interesting. Man, I may have to rethink my holiday celebrations, but I started playing around with celebrating Yule just because I was like, oh, it’s a lot like Christmas. It’s got the basic things going on there without the necessarily the religious connotation, well, modern religious connotation. So it’s, but that’s interesting. Now I’m gonna be thinking about that a lot. The other thing about the paganism, and you really have to think this through, is the one of the problem with the neo-pagans right now is that they’re just basically making it up as they go along. Oh, that’s true. Right. They don’t have that handed down tradition. Like they’re not a link. They’re basically necromancers. Like they dug a body out of the ground and now they’re trying to like magically bring it back to life. It’s like, dude, that body is dead. And it’s also it’s been integrated into the wider Christian civilization. And so there’s a lot of the Nordic stories that are like in. And even the Nordic stories we know today, they were written by a Christian like the nor the Northmen didn’t write down their stories like. And so even the ones that we have are already joined with like the Christian tradition. So there’s room and that’s what the night that I keep telling people. It’s like there wasn’t there were no nights until the until the Northmen converted. Like idea of the night is the joining of like Rome joined with with with, let’s say, a Semitic world and created a certain way of being like a Christian empire, let’s say that the ideal that is like Byzantium, let’s say. But then then that world joined with the northern people and created like the holy warrior because it wasn’t there before. And this whole idea of the night is really the joining of the northern way of seeing the world with the like the southern. And that’s why I like even even in Byzantium, you know, the the the army of the emperor, the guard of the emperor, where the where the virgins were all these are all these Norwegian types like Danish types who came to Russia and became the you know, the elite of Russia. And when they converted to Christianity, it’s like then they became the the the like the real army of the Byzantine emperor. And it was like it just it’s like you have to be able to see. And so and then we’re the legacy of that. And so to go back and to say Thor, it’s like, why do you say Thor? Like, why don’t you say St. George? Everything you want in Thor is in St. George, you know, and you don’t have to dig up a dead body to get to get St. George. Like he’s there’s he’s there’s still churches named after him in your town, probably. That’s a good point.