I’ve recently done a little bit of research into Lilith and the stories surrounding her. Could you give a brief overview of her symbolic role and how that may be relevant to today? First thing to say is that Lilith is not Christian. It’s not a Christian story. It’s a Jewish legend. It’s a Jewish story. And so you won’t find talk of Lilith in the Church Fathers. I do think that, nonetheless, I think that there is something to ponder. There are some things we can understand in the story of Lilith, just like there are some things we can understand in a lot of extra biblical stories or extra, you know, or stories from other cultures or from other mythologies. The idea of Lilith and what she means has to do with that which was before the origin. And I’ve talked about this before. This is really a structure of social reality, which is that, you know, I usually talk about space and I talk about the idea of you have a center and a center of identity and then you have a hierarchy. And then on the edge of the hierarchy, then you have the borders and then you have a kind of mixture hybrids and then you have chaos on the outside. And that chaos is full of monsters and giants and, you know, all these demons and all this stuff, right, all this dark stuff on the outside. Okay. So you can understand it that way. But you can also understand it as in time. So you can also understand that you have an origin in time which defines you, something that starts you. So the origin of your country, the founding of your country, the founding of anything, right? And so when you have a founding, everything which is based on that founding is coherent, right? It’s linked to the founding. It has its origin in that beginning. And so because of that, it lays itself out coherently and it has meaning and it’s logical. It flows from the origin, okay? Something like that. But all that was there before the origin is not connected to the origin, right? To a certain extent, it is the potential out of which the origin has food. Like it’s that which feeds now the new origin and the new origin can reshape, restructure, reorganize some of the stuff that they take from before and then put it forth in a coherent manner, okay? But that which is before the origin is chaos. It’s chaos and it’s dangerous. That’s why all the neo-pagans are, that’s why neo-paganism is being used to destroy Christianity. That’s why Egyptian stuff is being used to destroy Christianity. That’s why the more obscure, the less known, the better. The Minoans, these snake goddesses, or they weren’t probably, they weren’t goddesses, these snake dancers, or all these like strange residues from ancient, ancient, ancient cultures, they are used to destroy that which, they are elements of chaos that are used to bash the origin of the world. And so that’s what Lilith represents. Lilith is the wife before Eve. The wife that Adam had before humanity existed, right? And so if you want to understand what that means in terms of story, it means that she is the one who gave birth to all the monsters. She’s the one who gives birth to all the giants, to all the, you know, and you see the same story in the story of the gods, let’s say in the Greek gods, the pantheon before the Olympians, you have, that’s where you have all the titans and all the monsters and all these monstrous giants with thousands of arms or whatever, the giants fighting the titans and all this crazy stuff that happens before the Olympian gods is because they’re before. They don’t connect to the origin. They appear as monsters. And they are monsters for all intents and purposes because there is no, you don’t have, you can’t abstract yourself from your world. They are monsters. If you’re Orthodox, this is not stuff you tell you, you don’t talk about Lilith to your kids because it’s not part of our tradition. It’s something which is kind of on the outside. Like I said, you can think about it. It could be useful, but it’s not kosher in a Christian way. It’s kosher because it’s Jewish, but it’s not, you know what I mean. All right. you