There’s been some great work on what behavioral markers predict divorce in couples counseling, really solid work. OK, so here’s one predictor. When the couple is talking in front of a therapist and one of them or the other or both roll their eyes, there’s like a 95 percent chance they’re going to be divorced within six months. And that’s contempt. But here’s here’s another cool fact from that research. If you have people track the number of positive and negative interactions with their partner, you can calculate ratios and then you can see what the ratio is that lends itself to the successful maintenance of a relationship. And so you might think, well, the more positive interactions, the better. And that’s kind of true. So if it falls below five positive to one negative, the relationship is in danger. But if it rises above 11 to one, the relationship is also in danger. Well, you want support and love and you want most of your interactions to be positive. But you want your partner to slap you down then when you’re being stupid.