Hi everyone. I recently wrote an article for Canada’s National Post about the Canadian domestic situation Which I’m going to read to you today I’m reading some articles on my youtube channel partly because on more difficult issues I can’t speak extemporaneously with enough degree of precision especially for things where I’m pushing my limits conceptually and so now and then I’m going to read something and That’s the reason so this is entitled reflections on the sorry state of Canada I’ve had the great privilege of traveling to 40 American cities in Just about as many states and to 15 European countries in the last four months in the waning days of the great COVID panic And I’ve learned many things about our great and self-conscious nation First I have not traveled anywhere else Where the citizens and the government are more? neurotically and fascistically Concerned about the pandemic it may have escaped Canadians notice But virtually nowhere else in the civilized world is it now required to wear a mask as it is still mandatory Damn us in Canada’s airports and on flights out of our benighted country There is absolutely no excuse for this Except the punitive and appalling self-righteousness of the Trudeau liberals What else might you expect however from a government that also includes Christia Freeland a deputy prime minister Who is literally bragged about her colleagues appalling performance on the economic front claiming That it is actually good and meat for Canadians to empty their wallets at the gas pumps so that the climate emergency Which simply does not exist see Bjorn Lomborg’s expert analysis stays? First and foremost in their all-too-careless by liberal standards Consciences I simply cannot believe that this absolute failure of economic policy is Now being trumpeted as a positive accomplishment how daring how appalling how Manipulative how miraculous Here’s a hint For you saintly progressives if You cared about the poor at all the real poor Not the hypothetical poor you are hypothetically saving in the future You would do virtually nothing but expend effort to drive down the cost of energy energy which is precisely equivalent to work and therefore to the wealth that ameliorates poverty Second It is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which Canada’s international reputation Has been damaged by the childish and ill-advised actions of our juvenile W e f marionette of a prime minister the Americans I have talked to and with Including people very well placed politically on the Democratic and Republican front alike listen in open-mouthed and disbelieving amazement When I recount the claim brought forth by the Trudeau Liberals and their hired Canadian Broadcasting Corporation bootlickers That the trucker freedom convoy was financed by Americans Hell-bent on bringing about a January 6th style insurrection in Ottawa Who would benefit from that even in principle Even if the American Republican maga types say cared about us, which they don’t Why in the world would they want to destabilize Canadian democracy What’s the motive to justify the crime? There is none Period Do you understand Canadians? even the American Democrats think that idea is insane and The non-trivial proportion of Canadians seemed willing to buy the story Despite its demonstrable factual falseness remember the CBC retraction buried in obscurity and preposterousness Because the alternative was the truly painful realization that the governmental institutions and the legacy media organizations That served us well and faithfully in the center and on the left and right For 150 years have now become fundamentally incompetent untrustworthy self-serving collusionist and corrupt It’s easier for too many smug and blind northerners To swallow the line instead that madmen Maggot Trumpists want to destabilize What is after all their biggest trading partner and most stable and reliable ally? to believe that Confederate admiring truckers and is there more than a single one of those are working in concert with the evil orange-haired demon who once ruled the US and even worse Is prime minister Trudeau so daft and deluded That he failed to notice that these same mega terrorists are going to utterly shellac the hapless Democrats this coming fall and take the presidency in 2024 and that we will then have to talk trade and otherwise consort with them as they are the perennial elephant on our doorstep and that burning all bridges in that direction with casual derogation and outright lies might not be particularly politic and The unfortunate answer to that question is clearly yes, the honorable mr. Trudeau is precisely that pretentious presumptuous careless uninformed daft and Deluded But after all in his own words He doesn’t bother himself with such trivialities as quote monetary policy end quote Third on the international front I Have had extensive discussions with political and cultural figures in the UK Sweden Norway Denmark Romania Hungary Estonia Albania Austria Croatia Slovenia Poland and Serbia and I know for a fact from firsthand communication That Canada has hurt itself very badly on the reputational front with the derisive Dismissal of the trucker convoy which has spawned similar movements in other countries most notably the US and the Netherlands with the imposition of the Emergencies Act and Most signally With the seizure of private bank accounts without due process or any pesky process at all Perhaps Canadians are trying to downplay the significance of all of this Because we are in some state of shock after all the co vid Authoritarianism which we have not yet sloughed off. Oh And on that note, I have not seen people anywhere in all my travels more terrified by their government than Torontonians except perhaps in Vancouver and this includes the denizens of the almost equally woke as Canada states of New York and California Everyone outside is asking just what in hell is going on in the great white north and not without true sorrow our country was for many years despite its rather small population and its general insignificance in the larger scheme of things a beacon of both possibility and stability a Remarkable example of what a tolerant modern democracy might be a place where people from multiple Cultures could thrive and a stayed sober but also sporadically interesting and creative place and now Were shell-shocked sheep ruled by a poser with the maturity of a teenager and the temperament of a Hollywood D list celebrity and Because three catastrophes are not enough Here is an additional diverse to use a hated word selection peppered with some questions How have Canadians failed to realize that our government holds them and our racist country utterly in contempt That mr. Trudeau believes that his God-given mission is to elevate the consciousness of his citizens instead of serving their interests economically and practically That the Trudeau liberals are perfectly willing to make us all poor miserable and demoralized Just to utterly fail in his efforts to save the planet That the agents of that party and government are as previously noted perfectly willing and eager to trumpet that aim Which can be easily attained through the wretched combination of incompetence and moral Machiavellianism that characterizes the Trudeau whites as a moral accomplishment That we could be the freest richest cleanest country in the world But that we are trying hard to be none of those three That we are dividing ourselves among racial lines that are more germane to the US Just to ape the very progressive radicals whose idiot policies on the American front Are dooming the Democrats to what appears to be the worst electoral defeat they have experienced in at least 50 years That all the data on the environmental front indicates That the fastest way to improve the ecosystems on which we all depend Is to make people richer Not horror and to do that with good old capitalism So they have the luxury to think about the long run and the habitat of their children And I have as of yet said nothing about additional issues Such as bill c11 Which is perhaps the most appalling piece of legislation currently on the books and that’s a tough competition on the Canadian scene right now Which renders Virtually every internet content provider in the world Subject to the rules that should not even stand a chance to be a part of the world To the rules that should not even still govern the cbc and ctv despite their use of scarce public airwaves And which will make the rules regulating the net in canada the most absurd and restrictive in the free and perhaps the unfree world or The appalling fact of the massive and continuing subsidization of the rapidly failing legacy media Are you listening cbc executives? By a government that only requires that the recipients of that largesse parent back every foolish falsehood and lie uttered by the mad executive branch of our reprehensible government Or The fact that because of covin Wtf really Parliament has essentially been suspended for yet another year Or that we are pursuing an energy policy generated by low resolution thinking Marxism-addled ideologues that will not only impoverish our populace by making energy unreasonably expensive Have you noticed canadians when you fill up your unnecessary vehicles at the pump? But that will only increase the probability that countries such as china will have to rely on coal to produce electricity instead of accessing say our plentiful natural gas And that that will therefore make the carbon dioxide burden borne by the atmosphere greater instead of lesser and Just last week And in the aftermath of the dutch farmer protests That we are trying to reduce the absolute levels of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide Produced by those who grow our crops That’s food folks Regardless of the amount of those crops produced in consequence And we’re doing that by threat and force shades of covin policy instead of working with the farmers To find mutually acceptable and truly sustainable economic and environmental solutions And That we’re pursuing these policies in a world Where starvation in the near future in many countries is not only a likelihood But a virtual certainty Or the incomprehensible insistence by jagmeet singh sworn enemy of the real working man That the proper role of the socialist NDP Is to indefinitely prop up trudeau’s government Despite the fact that there seems to be nothing in it at all for singh’s party Not even the cabinet position that a competent negotiator Could have at least requested As compensation for the sacrifice of his soul Or the fact that our judiciary must now be staffed by people who must or else Swear fealty to the die ideology that has devastated universities And is now working its way through many blind and careless corporations that we are in consequence producing And permanently instantiating a generation of activist judges Who regard as their role? Not the responsibility of abiding carefully by rule of law and precedent but usurping What should be legislative action so that they can improve the world more efficiently? Than mere parliament with its lack of chinese communist party efficiency might manage Or the fact that the oecd has predicted that canada will have the worst growth prospects of the major industrial societies for the next four decades Please excuse the elevated voice But good god The worst And for four decades I believe that the federal liberals have run the most incompetent administration In canadian history That they have not yet done all the terrible damage that they are going to do That canadians will not wait to the reality of the situation Because an awakening at that level Requires a level of conceptual restructuring and consequent emotional trauma That we have never been called on before to manifest And the trudeau’s idiosyncratic combination of willfully blind ignorance moral pretension And narcissistic self-aggrandizement Is so toxic That it borders on if does not cross the line into outright treason And the situation with sing might if anything Be worse He is as dangerously incompetent and immaturely narcissistic as trudeau Without even being simultaneously candy enough to capitalize personally or professionally on his delusional pretensions Trudeau’s government has been wracked by scandals Each one severe enough to justify the dissolution of parliament under normal conditions so numerous That it is almost impossible to recover from the shock of the presently revealed misbehavior quick enough to process the next And We could have four more years of this Particularly if the damnable sing Continues to ambulate miraculously without a spine Something physiologically impossible but apparently simultaneously possible on the political and conceptual front This is not good canadians We not only look like fools to our great american allies And internationally and the particularly self-righteous fools that only canadians can be We are actually being fools led by the king of fools And we’re going to pay for it And so are our children and grandchildren This government has to go Just as the truckers intimated And the sooner the better And hopefully god willing We’ll be fortunate enough to find some competent adults to lead us Conservatives Do you have it in you? Polly, Sheree, Lewis, Bobber, Aitchison Can you shake off the mob generated guilt and consequent moral timidity? That has so effectively hamstrung opponents of the pretentious idiot leftist radicals for the last 15 or 40 years And stand forthrightly For traditional values of family economy culture and indeed environment Can you serve as genuine guardians of the working and middle class and rich and successful entrepreneurs and businessmen for that matter? And put forward a positive and attractive vision That’s more than mere reaction to the overreach of the utopian left Conservatives can you withstand the temptation? To destroy your party with internal squabbles Or to settle in september for a candidate that displeases no one For a candidate that displeases no one But fails to truly satisfy anyone As you have done much too often in the past Rough times are coming What with the cascading consequences of energy shortage supply chain disruption war in ukraine energy and last but by no means least Severe and looming food and fertilizer shortage The liberals and the ndp are gone gone gone into the utopian clouds I pray We have in canada Something in reserve That is better Although it is truly hard to see How anything different from what we have now? Could be worse