So, Bruno’s asked, I’m struggling with the symbolism of the lamb applied to Christ and to his followers. When you say Christ is the lamb of God, as far as I understand, the lamb represents the sinless nature of Christ and his sacrifice. But I don’t know how the symbolism applies to Christ’s followers. For example, in John 21, when Christ tells Peter, feed my lambs. So the way to understand it is that Christ is the shepherd and we are the lambs. We are the sheep. That’s how you have to understand it. That’s all the stories of Christ referring to this. That’s how they talk about this. That Christ is the shepherd, we are the sheep and we are meant to hear his voice and to manifest his will. That is our function. to let’s say, put aside our own will in order to discover the will of our shepherd, in order to discover and follow and manifest the will of our shepherd. Of course, there’s a mystery in that, which is that as we do that, we will also discover that it ends up not being just a denial of our will, but ends up being actual filling of our will with the higher will. But nonetheless, the image is still sound. The image of shepherd that calls and the sheep that answer that follow that manifest. Now, in terms of Christ being also the lamb, this is all about Christ. This is all about the insane way that Christ joins alpha and omega together. Insane paradox of Christ being the first and the last, being the top and the bottom, filling the entire world with his glory. And so Christ, there is an aspect of Christ symbolism, which is that he’s the king, he’s the shepherd, he’s the sower, he’s the reaper, he’s the groom, he’s all of these images above. But there’s also a whole aspect of symbolism in which he is the servant, the suffering servant, the lamb, the crucified one, the one who becomes sin for our sake, who becomes the snake for our sake, who goes down into death, who willfully dies, who is silent, who is quiet before his accusers. So he’s the logos, but he’s quiet before his accusers. And so there is this spanning of symbolism that is so big that it just fills the entire world, that that’s why you will also see that symbolism in Christ. That Christ is both the origin of reality, but he’s also the lamb slain before the foundation of the world. So that’s it. That’s the mystery of Christ. And so I can’t explain it to you completely, but I can see it and I can just be completely blown away by the mystery of being able to contain all this symbolism into one story and into one person who is exactly that. He is this containing of everything into his person.