Like I was a girl that I was dating in high school. And you know, I used to teach at the school so I had keys to the school. So one time I took her up there because I needed to get a workout in and she wanted to have sex at the gym. And I was like, there’s no way I wouldn’t do it. I was like, this place is sacred. Like there’s no chance. So she was trying to fool around and I was, and I was adamant. I was like, this is never happening. Like this is my, this might as well be a church to me. I was like, it’s not happening. And you know, I was so horny when I was 17 years old. To me at 17 or 18 to say no to sex was crazy. Right. Right. That’s a crazy story. I think we’re going to, we’re going to clip that and put it in a little clip that says Joe Rogan tells a story that no sane man would believe.