How often do you gaze upon death your own? How often do you remember, remind yourself that this ride ends personally all the time as a deep thinker and a philosopher, it’s easy to start philosophizing and forgetting you might die today. The angel of death sits on every word. How’s that? How often do you actually consciously all the time, uh, notice the angel all the time. I think it’s one of the things that made me peculiar. When I was in graduate school, you know, I, I had the thought of death in my mind all the time. And I noticed that many of the people that I was with, these were people I admired fine. They, they, they, that wasn’t part of their character, but it was definitely part of mine. I’d wake up every morning. This happened for years. Think time short, get at it. Time short, get at it. There’s things to do. And so that was always, and it’s still there with, I would say, and it’s unbearable in some sense.