conversation lasted 25 seconds. What you got little buddy? Don’t want to go to law school, want to go to film school. You sure that’s what you want to do? Yes, sir. Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat. Well, don’t half ass it. Boom, sent me into flat. But what he heard in that conversation was his son, who we were brought up in a very structured family, discipline, you work your way up a ladder, you follow the rules. He heard his son calling him to tell him, he could tell, I was asked, I wasn’t calling. Well, you know, I was thinking maybe no, he heard my voice. I want to go to film school and so law school. He heard that I was not bluffing. And in that moment, I think he heard what all parents want to hear. Yes, my child’s going their own way. They broke out the mold. Yeah. Well, for him to give you the green light that rapidly and for the green light that he gave you to be accepted by you is exactly that as encouragement. Yes. The situation must have been set up properly.