Okay, so Eddie T asks, what is the meaning of Jesus’ commandment to his disciples that they should wash each other’s feet? In a way, it’s like in a way, this is the mystery of Christianity. Like this is the mystery of Christianity, which is that Christ both, that Christ is both, Christ says if you want to be the first of these, you have to become the last. Like you have to become the servant of all. And it’s this idea, first of all, this idea that there’s actually a link between the highest and the lowest. And it’s related to the idea of ornament that I’ve talked about. The relationship between death and glory, I’ve talked about this quite a bit as well. And so it’s like there’s this relationship between death and glory. So one can be transformed into the other. And it seems that a lot of what Christ is talking about is how to operate that transformation. How to make the low, how to make the, how to turn death into glory, basically. And so, for example, like if you want to understand Christ washing his disciples’ feet, you also have to understand Christ at the Last Supper giving the food out. He’s at the head of the table. He is giving the food out. He is telling the disciples who’s gonna betray him. He’s acting as the king. He’s acting as the one who’s giving his own body out for them to eat it. And so he’s in this absolute position of authority. He’s taking the position of a god, right? He’s, and so right after that moment, that’s when he washes the disciples’ feet. So you have to have those two stories together. If you separate them, you miss out on what Christ is doing. If you only have the washing the feet part, you end up with a inverted hierarchy in the sense of something like social justice. You end up with something that looks like these social justice warriors who only talk about, who idealize the marginal, who idealize the poor, who idealize the, who make the lowest the highest automatically. It’s like, that’s not what Christ is doing. It’s like Christ is joining, he’s doing these two things. He’s joining them together. And that is different. And it creates something very, it’s difficult to understand it. Christ is really difficult to understand because his story is too big and his actions are too big. But if you want to understand washing the feet, you have to have those two things together. And like I said, if you separate them, that’s when you end up seeing things like, you see an excess of the kingly part in Christianity sometimes where there’s an excess of temporal power, an excess of imposing this type of excess. And then you have the other excess in Christianity, which is this celebration of the victim, excessive celebration of the victim, you would say, or of a upside down hierarchy, something like that. And so you need those two together in order to have all of reality.