I was wondering if you had any insight into the symbolism of spiders and why in so many stories they seem to be connected to the feminine. Well the reason why a spider would be, they don’t necessarily only be a feminine. The reason why they’re connected to a feminine is because they’re associated with a web. They make a home, they make a matrix. And so this matrix is like a lattice in which things will come and get stuck. And so it’s a, you know the dream catchers? The dream catchers are actually a really good way to understand this whole symbolism of the web and how the web, the matrix, the web or this underlying pattern of being will catch potential. And so if you look at a dream catcher, you’ll see that it has kind of looks like a spider web. And then there are little stones that are caught in the web and these stones are the dreams that get caught, right? That are caught by this thing. And so it’s a condensation of a potential into a form. So you can imagine this web now with the little stones in it. Think of it as a net that is put down into the water and then catches all the fish and pulls it up. And so that’s the net, right? This is this matrix underneath the world. And so this is related to the feminine because it’s like the home. It’s like the structure around which things happen. And so it’s the spider’s web, the fishers net, the stream catcher stuff. It’s all talking about the same thing. And then it is related to the feminine because it’s the frame.