So Kevin Peterson says, When we die, why shouldn’t we stay with the saints? Why bother coming back to earth and getting bodies again if we can exist without them? Ha ha ha! I shouldn’t laugh because obviously it’s a great, really good question. It’s like one of those questions which nobody dares to ask. And so this is why it’s so ambiguous. Like, okay, what I’m going to tell you, don’t take what I’m telling you as like, this is the rule, but… Okay, so feel free to disagree with me. And don’t call on priests to come and get me because I’m saying something which sounds weird. But… I think the best way to understand that is that the saints are already in the eschaton. And that they are… Something like they are already answering us from their resurrected bodies. That’s the best way that I have to understand that. Because there’s a sense in which that we’re not, we don’t exist without bodies. And so there really is a sense in which you can feel it every time you hear descriptions of the afterlife where there’s an ambiguity, there’s like, we don’t… There’s like a thing, they talk about the particular judgment, the universal judgment, there’s a way in which they try to kind of fudge it to say you’re in a waiting place, like whatever, who knows? Like it’s not… It’s all kind of… I mean, and I don’t want to criticize the way that it’s been described before. But for me, that’s the best, that’s really the best way to understand it. Is that the kingdom of God is there among you and the eschaton is already available because it doesn’t participate in time in the same way that linear time does. And so it’s already there. And that the resurrection is mysteriously already there. So there you go. Don’t take that. Don’t take that to the bank, though.