The birth control pill meant that impulsive hedonism could now rule and that that would be the highest form of sexual expression. And the idiot artists who jumped on that bandwagon were certainly of that mind. What we’re seeing instead is that young men and women are turning in all ever greater numbers to a very casual pornography, especially with regards to the boys, to the abandonment of any relationships whatsoever. And then interestingly enough, it seems to much less sexual activity in general. I think it’s 30% now of Japanese, I think it’s 30% of Japanese young people under 30 are still virgins, 30% and similar figures in South Korea. And you can see the same proclivity emerging in the West. So what’s happening paradoxically is that by removing all the principles from sexual interaction, not the inhibitions, but the principles, we’re actually dooming the sexual enterprise rather than facilitating it, even for the hedonists.