Young girl dancing to the latest beat Has found new ways to move her feet And the lonely voice of youth cries, What is truth? Young man speaking in the city square Trying to tell somebody that he cares Can you blame the voice of youth for asking What is truth? Yeah, the ones that you’ll call in love Are gonna be the leaders in a little while When will the lonely voice of youth cry, What is truth? This old world’s wakened to a newborn babe And I solemnly swear it’ll be their way You better help that voice of youth find What is truth? And the lonely voice of youth cries, What is truth? Alright, well, here we are again. And probably not gonna be here next week, because I’m going to the convivium event in Arkansas. And the week after that’s Thanksgiving, so the next two weeks are gonna be tough. They’ll give us plenty of time to get a new topic going, so that’s good. Not that we’re running out, we have plenty. We pulled one out of the backlog this time. We got our Sam Pell ready to go. Right, we’ve got a bunch of it here in the Muppet Cup. Very important, get your Muppet Cup at my store, if you have one. And we’ve got some Bear Claw tea from the Table Rock Tea Company, that’s right here. Oh, smells delicious. Can’t wait. Gotta cool off, it’s really hot. So, yeah, it’s been a dizzying week. Lots to do, lots going on. Little adjustments here and there. Hopefully the sound’s getting better over time. Little changes, little changes. And this time we’re talking about gratitude and responsibility. And like I said, I pulled this one out of the backlog. It’s been sitting there for a while. We got four or five sitting in the backlog. Usually we don’t use the backlog, we just come up with new stuff. But there’s a bunch of good stuff out there I want to talk about, so more people want to hear about. So gratitude and responsibility’s here. And my proposal is that you don’t do things because you’re responsible. You actually do things for the same reason you can have gratitude. You do things out of gratitude, desire, and duty because there are things to do. There’s stuff here. You have the opportunity to do things. And because you have the opportunity to do things and the ability to do things and the capability to do things, you need to be grateful. But you also need to take responsibility. Purpose does not create responsibility. It’s exactly the other way around. Finding the why of being responsible allows you to manifest meaning or co-manifest meaning through intimacy, through your connection with those things. So there’s things out in the world. There’s paths available to you. There’s options all over the place. All the stuff outside of yourself that’s way bigger than you are, obviously, because you’re small in compared to the things outside of you. The outside is definitionally larger. I afford you the opportunity to engage in a way that allows you to be responsible. If we just do things sort of willy-nilly and we’re not grateful, then we’re just not going to be able to manifest meaning in our lives. We’re going to fall into nihilism. That’s why gratitude is important and responsibility is important, and the two are related. In one sense, you can’t have one without the other. You have to be grateful for something to be responsible. And not just for it, but in general. The idea of responsibility doesn’t work without gratitude. Once you sort of understand this about your actions, about your communications, about your affect in the world, your stance in the world, that you should take responsibility because you’re grateful for the ability to do things, then that responsibility is a mantle for having the ability to take action in the world and for taking that action in the world. And this goes both ways. I mean, you’re not responsible for the fantasies in your head. Fantasize about becoming a serial killer, you’re not responsible for that. You start becoming a serial killer, you are responsible for that. And so that fantasy aspect, which we’ve talked about before, I have a live stream on that, on illusion and fantasy. That’s important, right? Because it gives us a way to, as Dr. Jordan Peterson says, test out our ideas. So our ideas can die so we don’t have to. Test out these ideas in what? John Brevicki would call the imaginal realm, right? Your imagination. Sort of figure out whether or not they’re going to work, if they suck, whatever, right? We’re not necessarily responsible for all that because nothing happened. Action is outside of you. Action is not meditation. Meditation is not an action. Explicitly so, it’s an inaction, according to the meditation experts in the East. And that’s important to realize. It’s important to understand that. That this responsibility through intimacy and gratitude allows you to manifest meaning. We’re going to solve a meaning crisis. Be grateful and take responsibility. It’s easy to say, it’s hard to do. And we tend to view this sort of backwards, right? Because ultimately we’re wrong when we think of responsibility as punishment. Responsibility is not a punishment for people. Responsibility is a gift that the world gives to you and you give back to the world. Jordan Peterson talks about, well, if you want to know where opportunity lies, look at where responsibility has been abandoned. What are people not paying attention to? That’s where all the opportunity is. Yeah, that’s where the opportunity is. And that’s super important. It’s important to know that. It’s important to realize that. It’s important to engage with that. And it is about your participation in the world. You should be grateful that you’re able to participate in the world, even if you’re not. You should still be grateful. You should still be grateful for your participation in the world. Should be grateful that you’re able to participate in the world, even if, you know, you have a disability. You can’t see, have a hearing problem, you’re missing a limb or two. You can still participate in the world in some ways and you should still be grateful for that. And you should still take responsibility for the things you do in the world. That is important. The responsibility is not a punishment, it’s a gift. And now when you speak, you also have responsibility because you’ve taken an action in communication and look, it’s not only speech, it’s body language, it’s your tone, right? You need to be mindful of your communication because communication is an action. And all action conveys a communication. It’s a little tricky, people don’t like it, but that’s how it is. And if you’re mindful of the fact that you can communicate, if you’re aware, right, if in the present moment you understand, oh, I can communicate, I’m not alone, that’s where the intimacy is generated in the fact that you understand that you’re not alone in the world. And that because you’re not alone in the world and you’re able to take an action in the world, that other people can see, all of which you should be grateful for, by the way, that conveys a responsibility onto you to be a good communicator. And that responsibility gifts you back the ability to not be alone. And we should have gratitude for that. And you know, at least a little gratitude that we’re not alone, that we’re able to communicate, that we can take actions in the world, that communication influences other people and nature. It connects you intimately with the world around you. And your ability to communicate out loud, even if it’s, quote, in your head, through language, helps you to interface with yourself. There’s the three frames. You with yourself, you with nature, and you with others. It’s all wrapped up in gratitude and responsibility. You don’t want to tell yourself lies. Maybe you can’t avoid telling other people’s lies, but hopefully you can avoid telling yourself lies. And maybe you can’t even manage that, but you should at least try. Jordan Peterson says, do not lie. He says it for a reason. He’s not wrong. It’s important. And we have the ability to not lie to ourselves. We should be grateful. And because we have the ability to not lie to ourselves, we have a responsibility to not do that. Or we have a responsibility to at least mitigate the effects of our communications, of our lies, of our actions. All this is important. And we should be grateful that we can have that responsibility. And when the gratitude comes first, the responsibility follows, and you’re well on your way to a right relationship with the world, to a good, healthy level of intimacy with yourself, with nature, and with others. And look, what do you have to be grateful for? You woke up this morning, potential abounds. It’s in front of you, ready to go. It’s just one second into the future. And it’s more than one second into the future. And where did all this potential come from? Where did that time come from? Not you. I don’t need to know where it came from. I just need to know it didn’t come from me. I could be a little grateful that it was here for me. Not to serve me, but to help me. Give me the gratitude, the grace, the humility to be responsible, to be intimate. It’s all connected together. It’s not the same thing. I’m not some crazy, world-flattening, compressing reductionist. I don’t believe in a flat world. But it’s all there. And it’s outside of me. There’s no point in communicating using speech or your body language or your tone if you’re just talking to yourself. You can do that in your head. You should be grateful that you can take those actions and influence the rest of the world. Some people talk to their plants and they say it works. I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe nature needs that kind of communication. I have no idea. But being responsible for growing something is important. And realizing the gratitude in the miracle of the ability to do that, much less actually doing it, watching it unfold, is amazing. Just having the opportunity not to just end up trapped in an endless loop in a fantasy in your head where everything is perfect but nothing ever gets done. Maybe that’s worth a little gratitude. Because in the fantasy world, no one else notices and any praise you get in your head is false praise. There’s no one there praising you. You can build the utopia in your head. You come up with the perfect AI interface in your head where all of your thoughts immediately manifest in some sense in your fantasy land. Sure. And you can praise yourself for that but it’s false praise. No one else cares. There’s no intimacy there. It’s not to say you can’t foster intimacy with yourself but you can’t do it in a fantasy in your head, not in a healthy way. It’ll just degrade. It’ll be a parasite on itself. It’ll self-consume. And it’ll take you with it. You’re not in your head alone. And that’s why we need gratitude that we can interface with the outside world so we can find the boundary where we end and other things begin. It’s the big struggle of today. People don’t know that boundary. Where do I end? And where do other people begin? Where do I end? And where do cultural norms begin? Where do I end? And where does my family begin? What is that interface? Why are those interfaces different? Why are the rules different? Why is my identity different? Well, thank goodness I’m not just one thing all the time. A little gratitude. And I only have to be responsible for that thing that I am in that place that I’m at, that agent arena relationship as John Bervecki would call it. I don’t have to try to be the perfect programmer all the time or the perfect driver all the time or the perfect son all the time or the perfect daughter all the time or the perfect parent all the time because sometimes I’m not those things. And I can take responsibility for the thing I should be in that moment. When I’m at work, I should be a responsible worker. When I’m at home, I should be a responsible whatever you are at home. When I’m the member of a group on a video game, I need to be responsible whatever character I’m playing. Am I playing the tank? I need to be a responsible tank. Am I playing the healer? I need to be a responsible healer. We’re not in the game, but you know, where the clans communicating, I need to be responsible member of the clan. That’s how it plays out in video games. But in real life, it plays out all over the place. And even in a video game, you should be grateful that somebody wrote that video game and that people are running that video game and people are participating in the video game with you. And that gives you a responsibility. Look, responsibility is funny, right? You don’t have to take it. You can say, nah, bro, I’m good. I don’t need that responsibility. I’m going to go off and do my own thing. Same with gratitude. You can say, nah, I’m just going to take everything for granted and like, whatever. See you later. Bye. You can do that. I don’t think it’s going to go well for you in the long term. It might work in the short term for a little while, but that’s only because people are granting grace. The end of the day. It’s the gratitude that you should have for the thing that gives you the ability to even decide to be responsible or not, to even decide to be grateful or not. That’s what you need to be grateful for. The option, the free will, the capability, the choice, the decision. And that’s the problem. We’re not appreciative of that. And therefore we can’t be properly responsible for who we are and what we are and what we’re doing when we’re doing it. When we’re stuck in that endless loop of a fantasy in your head where everything is perfect and nothing gets done, you lack contrast. You need contrast to see. You need contrast to see where you end and other things and other people begin. You need that. Without that, you can’t have proper intimacy. Without proper intimacy, you cannot manifest meaning in your life. That is how the intimacy crisis manifests the meaning crisis. The meaning crisis is all around us and it’s accelerating by the minute. The world is moving much faster than it ever was before. A lot of this is due to a lack of gratitude and a lack of responsibility. And we can sit back and say, yeah, our government officials aren’t being responsible. They’re putting my favorite politician in jail or they’re silencing my favorite YouTuber or they’re passing this law that hurts these people. You don’t have control over other people’s gratitude and responsibility. What you have control over is your gratitude and your responsibility and whether or not other people do it. You can exemplify it. And look, that may cost you everything. Certainly it’s cost me everything. But that shouldn’t stop you from doing it. It’s still your best option. Just because you don’t win doesn’t mean it’s not your best play. Gratitude and responsibility. We’re here. There’s ways for us to interact in the world so that we’re not trapped in our heads 24 7. A little gratitude or maybe a lot. That leads us to the responsibility. And then you can do things better. You can control your desire. You can hone your sense of duty. You can restrain your passions or set them free when they need to be free. That’s what artists do, for better or for worse. Depends on the artist, I guess. That’s how you build intimacy. You’re not going to be able to have a right relationship with the things around you. A quality relationship. An intimate relationship if you don’t know where you end and other things begin. A little bit of gratitude for the fact that you’re not just you and that the universe isn’t just you and that that isn’t just what’s in your head. Because ultimately your fantasies are boring. And they won’t serve you long term. And they can’t make intimacy with you. They can’t co-manifest meaning with you. They can’t enable you to grow and to take action outside of your head. Your fantasies are just in your head. And they’re important. You can’t throw them out. You can’t say, I’m never going to fantasize. That’s nonsense. You need the imaginal realm. You need your imagination. You need to have a place to test your ideas so they can die so that you don’t have to. You need that. But you need way more than that. And the things you need, you need to be grateful for. They’re outside of you. They were here first in many cases. That’s where potential is. And where’s the best potential? In the places where responsibility has been dropped or left. Then you can be responsible. You can provide the value. You can create the thing. You can hold it up. Will you be appreciated? Almost. Certainly not. But it’s still your best bet. And you might get appreciated. It might work out beyond your wildest dreams. I don’t know. But it’s still your best bet. Nobody appreciates the accountant until they get a bad accountant. Then they really start to appreciate the accountant. That’s how our world is. We don’t see the regular normal things that just go on all the time because somebody took responsibility for them. Because someone’s taking responsibility for them. Because someone’s not living in their head. They’re thinking about the results and consequences of actions outside of themselves. And they’re providing you with something that you would not otherwise have. They’re making a sacrifice. And you’re benefiting from that sacrifice. And it’s a wonderful thing. And that’s why responsibility is important. Even if we’re not taking responsibility, there’s still responsibility in the world. And some people are taking the responsibility. Some people are grateful for the ability to participate. Even if they’re unknown. And if you want to see this, you can watch Dirty Jobs, Mike Rowe’s great TV show. Nobody knows who those people are. Nobody knows those jobs exist. Those people are taking responsibility and doing the hard work. And we need to have a little gratitude for their responsibility. For the fact that they’re responsible, even when we’re not. And then maybe that changes us and allows us to take responsibility for the things that we’re doing. For the things that we’re not doing. Maybe that allows us to find a way to be grateful in the world. To be responsible for something. Which enables us to have a little gratitude for the fact that we’re doing the hard work. And we have an intimate connection with ourselves, with nature, and with others. Which allows us to manifest meaning in the world. And saves us from the nihilism that we’re one step away from. You’re one depressive episode away from nihilism. Because we’re not being responsible. We’re not worshiping responsibility. We’re not understanding the role of gratitude and responsibility in the world. You can say, oh, these people that are running around fixing the sewage system, they have miserable lives, they wake up everyday grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to do what they do. Not all the time maybe, but most of the time. That’s why they’re doing it. They’re not doing it for the glamour and the glory. They’re probably doing it because they don’t even like people. But they want to serve, they want to sacrifice, they want to make sure everything’s going. There’s a sneaky sort of feeling of power when you’re in control of something and nobody realizes it. If I screw up at my job, everybody’s basement’s flood with sewerage. They don’t even know it. Yeah, there’s a perverse sort of power in that. There’s a way to be responsible in that. Having the gratitude for having the opportunity to be able to engage with a job like that. And that’s what we’re doing. Having the gratitude for having the opportunity to be able to engage with a job like that. Having the gratitude to understand that those people are out there doing those dirty jobs. Understanding that your interface with the world isn’t everything. There are other people out there. That your communication impacts people. It matters whether or not you frown or smile or give no visible emotional signal to the person at the checkout register at the grocery store. It has an impact. You take responsibility for that. You’re going to screw it up. But are you going to take responsibility for that? It’s in that responsibility. That we are able to get that intimate connection and able to manifest meaning. That’s what the intimacy crisis and the meaning crisis are all about. Intimacy crisis causes the meaning crisis and manifests differently in women and men. Because it turns out women and men are different. That’s why we have different words for them. Not that hard really. I’m not going to be too difficult about it, but at the end of the day, the language kind of tells you all. And it is that sense of gratitude. That sense of responsibility. That sense that what’s outside of us is important. And the things that happen in spite of us are important. And the things that we’re not willing to do or able to do, maybe we have to rely on those things. Just a little bit of gratitude. Maybe that will make us more responsible for the things we are doing and are not doing. For the things we’re paying attention to and are not paying attention to. Maybe that will engender a little humility in us. And in that humility, that gratitude and that responsibility, maybe we can find an intimate quality relationship. Deep quality relationship that affords us the same things. That relationship that affords us the manifestation of a greater meaning than we can manage in our heads. Because at the end of the day, it’s powerful and flexible and freeing in some sense as our fantasy world is. As our imaginal realm is. It’s nothing compared to the miracles and the manifestations of meaning that happen outside of us. That’s where all the magic happens. The flying talking unicorns in your head. Maybe they’re impressive. And you have them to yourself. But you only have them to yourself. That’s not very miraculous. That’s not very meaningful. There’s no real intimacy there. You can’t do without it. You need contrast to see. But at the end of the day, all the miracles happen outside of you. All the magic happens outside of you. The question is, how grateful are you? How responsible do you feel? How much responsibility do you take onto your shoulders? And for what? You can always try to take on inappropriate responsibility. That’s why you need that intimacy, that deep quality relationship. So that you know which relationships are worth being responsible for. And with and within. And which ones are not. And when that changes. And when you listen to people who are, say, trapped in a bad relationship. Whether it be a bad job, or a bad marriage, or a bad friendship. You’ll notice, if you listen to them. If you listen to them. If you talk to them. Their idea of what’s actually happening to them is a fantasy in their head. What’s actually happening to them outside of themselves? That’s different than what they describe. They’re taking responsibility for the wrong thing. They’re not having an intimate connection with something outside of themselves. They’re stuck with their fantasy idea of what’s happening. Maybe they’re too grateful for the attention they’re receiving at work. From their spouse. From their friend. And it’s improper. It’s a bad relationship. That can happen. You need contrast to see. That’s why you can’t just play video games all day. It feels good for a while. You don’t want to never play video games, maybe, but… You need contrast to see. If you want to see an inappropriate friendship sort of relationship, there’s a great movie called Rounders. Which I highly recommend. It’s a fantastic, interesting friendship movie. Matt Damon’s in it. That relationship is interesting. There’s all kinds of things about inappropriate relationships. A lot of times you get grateful for attention. You get this thing called love bombed, which I didn’t know anything about until it happened. But it’s a great movie. You get this thing called love bombed, which I didn’t know anything about until it happened to me. It’s like, oh, that’s not good. You take responsibility for the things around you in proper measure. Because if you’re just always responsible for one thing, you’ll burn out. And you’re ignoring a bunch of other things you need to be responsible for. And grateful for. And we can’t track everything. So we need to pick carefully what we’re tracking. What we’re grateful for. What we’re taking responsibility for. What responsibility we’re dropping. Sometimes you have to drop responsibility for things. You’re overloaded. Something else has to take a priority. It’s not just turn on the gratitude and responsibility and we’re done. We tend to want to simplify to that, but that’s not the way it is. And yet, Jordan Peterson talks about this. Plumbers save more lives than doctors, man. An interesting thought. How many lives are saved by well-paid droids? And yet, Jordan Peterson talks about this. Plumbers save more lives than doctors, man. Which came first, the car or the road? Hmm. Little gratitude for cars and roads. Like a little responsibility for washing your own car like I did the other day. There’s a lot of stuff outside of you to be grateful for. Grateful that you can take responsibility for it. And that’s kind of something. That’s not nothing. It’s own little miracle that we even have that choice, that option, that free will. Despite what many people may say. It’s sort of obvious in a way that we have free will. The idea that you can think about free will means you have it. And that’s something to have a little joy about. And you take responsibility for the fact that you have free will. That you can choose what you pay attention to. Maybe not perfectly, because we’re not perfect. But we do have some control over it. Some control over ourselves. And that’s something to be grateful for. And it is the idea that you are embedded in a creation. That you should have some gratitude for. You woke up this morning. You know, however sick you are, you’re not dead. I have to remind myself of that frequently enough. Don’t get an immune illness. Whatever you do. Not recommended. And you take responsibility for the fact that, yeah, sometimes I get knocked out for a few hours or a couple of days or whatever and I can’t do the things I need to do. I can’t do the things I need to do. I can’t do the things I need to do. I can’t do the things I need to do. And what does that mean about the changes I need to make in my life? So that everything I need to do gets done. There’s still a hierarchy of responsibility. There’s a hierarchy of gratitude. Hierarchies aren’t going away. The world’s way bigger than we are. It’s all the stuff outside of us. There’s a lot of stuff outside of me. A little bit of gratitude. Allowing you the responsibility goes a long way towards making the world a better place. And ultimately that’s what it’s all about because we are in this world. You’re not getting out alive. And at the end of the day, you’re not getting out alive. You’re not getting out alive. You’re not getting out alive. And at the end of the day, the world needs you to be better. And that my friends concludes my monologue. If anybody has any questions or would like to jump in and join in on the fun, I have posted my link. Join me in the Streamy Yard. I’m going to pin it to my channel because I can. MetaMark. Yes, Joey. Yes, that is MetaMark. I have MetaMe making you better or at least encouraging you to make yourself better. If you can manage such a thing, wouldn’t that be amazing? Oh, boy, we relied on notes on that one. Hopefully it went well. Although I got some feedback that it went quite well last week. So that one didn’t have any notes at all. So there you go. Notes aren’t the thing. I already knew that, but it’s always nice to have a reminder. And yeah, it’s been a rough week. Up and down, up and down, up and down all week. Feeling better, feeling worse. It’s just been completely crazy. Anselman, is your accepting of not being perfect and acceptance of limitations beyond your control or will? Yeah, I think so. I think that. I think there’s two types, really, right? I mean, you have to accept your flawed self because look at you, you muppet. But you also have to accept that there’s a bunch of things outside of you, whether you’re flawed or not, that are just completely out of your control. And a lot of times, you know, I like to try to explain to people, you know, bad news, you can’t do that. Good news, you don’t need to. It’s like, right. What am I saying? I’m saying you’re trying to take responsibility for the wrong thing. And I like Joey’s observation. You can’t spell notes without no. Right. I had no notes last week. This week I had notes. I didn’t have a lot of notes, but I don’t think you need a lot of notes. You need you need some, you know. Oh, that bear claw is nice. It’s got a really deep, rich, dark flavor. It’s very nice. Table Rock Tea Company, baby. Good stuff. Good stuff. Locally grown. Almost all of it. Locally grown in South Carolina, right in the mountains. Odd place for tea, but it’s where they are. Yeah, I think the problem with acceptance is, yeah, you have to accept yourself as flawed. You have to accept the world as uncontrollable by you. Right. And then you have to accept the responsibility for influencing the world by your existence. It just sucks. It’s like, wait a minute. This is where Sam Harris gets wrapped up with the free will thing. Right. He’s like, well, I didn’t have a choice to be born and therefore I have no free will. That’s basically his entire argument. I know he dresses it up more than that, but ultimately that’s what it is. It’s like, well, maybe just because you don’t remember anything before you were born doesn’t mean that you didn’t have a choice as when to be born, by the way. That’s the first problem with this stupid idea. Second problem is, so what? The fact that you didn’t have agency but then got more agency later on, I would call that growing up or maturing or like going from being a baby to a toddler to a child to an adult, to a teenager to an adult, whatever. Maybe is that your big insight? Because I can just observe that. Is it supposed to be some whopping insight there that people make? I don’t know. Yeah, they have a real problem with change. But yeah, you have to accept. You’re a flawed creature. The world around you is huge and largely uncontrollable and at the same time you influence the world. And so you need to take responsibility for all three of those things. Taking responsibility for your own flaws seems to be really hard. People have been so lied to about how much self-control they have. And I didn’t do as much as I thought I would today, but I did work on the outline for Plato’s cave. Right. And so weird. Just today, just today, I saw an article about, and it’s psychology magazine online, psychology magazine, about what we can learn from Plato’s cave and what it tells us psychologically about ourselves. That’s kind of like, well, it depends if you actually read the freaking books, book seven, nothing. It tells you nothing about yourself. Zero. That’s what it tells you. In fact, the whole focus of the book, as I’ve said before, the manuscript, the Republic is you can’t talk about these things by talking about individuals or even groups of individuals. You have to scale up to the city, which is made clear in book seven. And this is the irony. The city is made up of classes necessarily. It’s not optional. And therefore it’s the exact opposite message the individualists give you nowadays. So we’re flooded with these messages that we’re individuals and we have the ability to do things and that we’re in perfect control of our intent. Right. And therefore our desire and that we can implement our intent perfectly, which is just absurd. Right. And, and that what we do only matters to us. And it’s like, wow, like all of that is completely wrong. That’s amazing. You’ve got everything completely wrong. But it should be a gold medal there. Yeah. There’s so much stuff we have to accept that we don’t. It’s hard to break it all down. And yet it’s not an infinite amount. It really is just accepting that you’re flawed, accepting there’s things outside of you that you can’t control. In fact, that’s most of the things outside of you and accepting that you still have an influence on the world. Accepting that responsibility is an option. Hopefully again, through gratitude, right. Being grateful for the ability to have free choice, the ability to do things, take actions in the world, the ability to influence the world. Wow. I mean, that’s amazing. So yeah. Acceptance is a big part of everything. I haven’t done a stream on acceptance yet. Maybe I’ll maybe I’ll put that in the list in the backlog. Anselman, shine in your small corner and I in mine as the old song says. I don’t know if I’m familiar with that old song. Is that a Ye Olden song from Ye Olden days? I am part of the problem with the idea of a corner, which I very much disagree with, by the way, is that you’re stuck in a corner. You’re trapped in a corner. Corner, the place of last resort. I very much want to be in and of the world, not trapped in a corner. I want to be interacting in the sphere around me, right. Because we create spheres of influence and we’re influenced by spheres. And we’re embedded in these spheres at the same time. Anselman’s claim is that that’s a children’s Sunday school song. I can believe that a lot of wisdom in Sunday school. One of the things I’m always amazed at Protestants with. Come up with these sort of wow, I come up with this amazing theological formula. I’m like, hey, I teach that in Sunday school, the Catholics. I don’t know what to tell you. You wasted a lot of thought process on something that you could have just been told and accepted and moved on with your life. But maybe you thought about more important things. But hey, I guess I’m happy for your accomplishment, kind of. Catholics were there thousands of years ago, just saying. You know, I got to put a burden on you to be such an individual. You know, how much stuff do you have to know if you’re an individual in the world just to get along and be in the world and be part of the world and be responsible? That’s a tough one. Elizabeth. Yep, Dante loves spheres. Nice. Thank you. Yeah, he does. He does love spheres. I saw a Twitter post today. I think it was Cale Zeldin put up a list of like, you know, the must read. Classic texts. I’m like, yep, I’ve read zero of those. Absolutely zero. On purpose. I just I do feel a little bit of gratitude for having been right all those years ago when I said I’m not reading classics. I’m not reading Canterbury Tales. I’m not doing this on purpose. I want to discover these things for myself. I shouldn’t need to read those. This should all be obvious. And, you know, it turns out the more I learn about the world, the more I love the world. I’m glad I’m glad somebody wrote this down. But also, yeah, this is observable. It’s good. It’s good. And it’s good to have people write that down. Some people can find it for themselves and some people have a really hard time. You know, some people don’t see the contradiction between free speech and the need for free speech. And I think that’s a good thing. I think that’s a good thing. I think that’s a good thing. I think that’s a good thing. I think it’s important to have a good understanding of the need for free speech and the need to have consequences for saying things. Freedom doesn’t mean freedom from consequence and constraint. But that’s how we’re using it. That’s what people on the left want. They want freedom from consequence and constraint. Everything else is not freedom to them. is freedom to choose your consequence. And to choose your constraint in many cases, not in all cases, because we just, we can’t choose everything that’s not available to us. Well, how exhausting would that be? You have to choose everything. Everything? I don’t. Doesn’t sound good to me. I’ve got a refugee here living with me and she’s often like asking me like, what do you want for dinner? And I’m like, literally anything I don’t have to cook. I was like, I have no idea how happy it makes me not to have to think about dinner. I didn’t want to think about it. I just want to be able to eat something. And if it’s plain rice, I’m good. And luckily she has the same digestive issues I have. So I don’t have to worry about her cooking anything I can’t eat, because I can eat more than she can. So the stuff I can eat is a much larger range. She’s got to be much more careful than I do. Uh-oh. Elizabeth is harassing me again. It’s okay to harass me on my own stream. How’s your book going with Ethan and Manuel? I don’t know. I got to say, Twitter has been really fun. Ethan and Manuel on Twitter right now are on fire. I mean, they are both pure fire right now. It is fantastic. It’s really a joy to watch. They’re both in tweets and in responses. They’re both like just knocking it out of the park. It’s been great. They’re not always like that, but lately they have been absolute fire, like absolute deadly. It’s been fantastic. Manuel is off writing his own things, I think, but we’ll nag him again. Maybe he’ll listen to this stream. Who knows? I’m just trying to get my AI to work. There is an AI version of me, and it actually works kind of interestingly. If you’re on my server, you can see examples on my Discord server, Mark of Wisdom. You can see examples of it. Actually, it’s interesting what it comes up with. I got to get some more data and try some different models, but I’m doing that for a technical reason, for the book, Elizabeth, for the book, because it can actually organize data, at least in theory. And before I try to get it to do something like that, and I may not have the resource to get it to do something like that, but fingers crossed, we’ll see how things go. I want to experiment a little bit and see if we have enough data, right? If the prompt engineering is sophisticated enough, then if I get enough hardware, I can have it organize data in a way, and that would be cool. And actually, I could probably rent the hardware. I’d still keep everything secure enough, so I wouldn’t care, but I’m working on it. It’s more a side project. Sally Jo calls it Flatmark. Like the flat version of me. And then my buddy here, he’s not in Columbia, but he’s in South Carolina. He’s working on some interesting stuff, and I’ve actually might be working on a product with him too. Actually, I’m gonna steal his product. Yeah, that’s even more interesting. Hey Elizabeth, how will that help your writing? Well, here’s how it helps your writing. Organizing notes that are kind of all over the place, especially with me, I take lots of notes actually, even when I’m not taking lots of notes. By my standards, it’s still a lot of this stuff. It’s best done all at once, and right now my focus is terrible, which is part of the reason why I’m not writing in Substack right now. And it actually helps to have that organization work done. And I’m told, I haven’t done it yet, I’m told a sufficiently large AI can do it, and doesn’t have to be like huge, doesn’t need to be millions of dollars. Like I said, I could probably rent it and get it done. I gotta check, I gotta check. Like I said, my buddy is actually working on this now, so he knows more about it than I do. But just having something that outlines from your notes, all of these things organized for you, oh, there’s this much material on this, and this much material on that. That can give you a hint as to chapters. Anselman, I must dig out my copy of Canterbury Tales, and actually read it though, if Cale recommends it. I don’t remember what was on Cale’s recommended reading list. Canterbury Tales was always one of those that I perused and said, nah, I’m not reading this, bro. And I’m always tempted by Peterson to read some of the Russian authors will say, right? Because it’s like, oh, that sounds interesting. But also I’m like, I don’t know how much is there. I’m gonna show you something there, and it’s wonderful, but how much is there? And because I’m super dyslexic, reading is just a chore. It’s one of the reasons why I like technical stuff. I can breeze through technical stuff like nothing. But it’s really hard for me to read fiction in particular. So I’m just really picky about what I read. So I’ve read Neuromancer and Isles in the Net, Bruce Sterling, Bruce Sterling stuff is great. I love short stories. I’ve read H.P. Lovecraft, pretty much all this stuff. I’ve read Snow Crash, Snow Crash is a wonderful book. Anders Gain, Anders Gain is a fantastic book. Darkness in the Sky, that was a good one. Verner Vinge, Verner Vinge is a great author. I’ve read his stuff, a couple of his books anyway. Feist, Donaldson, good fantasy stuff. But you know, yeah, one Shakespeare because they made me and it was painful because iambic pentameter makes me wanna just murder everybody around me. Yeah, reading’s a real chore for me sometimes and especially right now I can’t focus. So the only way I’m getting through the Republic is basically a book at a time, really half a book at a time. So in the morning, I gotta wake up early. I gotta open the second half of book nine, which I’ve forgotten, but I did read, we canceled that particular. So I gotta reread that and then we’ll be at the last book of the Republic. And then hopefully, hopefully next week, I will record, because I think I’m there. I got, I started, I do have notes on book seven, but I started parable of cave stuff. So I think I can do parable of cave and parable of cave keeps coming up and people keep flat out lying about what it says, like flat out contradicting what Plato says in the text, just really pissing me off. And yeah, I gotta do something about that because it’s just really annoying me. So, and look, some of this reading stuff is, it’s hard. You know, it’s hard to know what’s good before you read it because different things resonate with different people. So to your point, Anselman, which Shakespeare? So Julius Caesar, Ye blocks, ye stones, ye worse than senseless things, said, I believe it’s Flavius de Morelos. And that’s it, that’s all I got. I don’t remember the rest of it. That’s all I got. I don’t remember the rest at all. Remember the theme, remember any of it, high school, also before time. So, you know, Nathaniel, after reading Brave New World and feeling utterly indifferent, I’ve also become very picky. Yeah, I mean, short stories for me are better. A good short story author is just gold. Like H.P. Lovecraft, gold, gold, gold, gold. Such a brilliant author. Bruce Sterling’s really good. I had it, you know, and a book like Snow Crash is tough for me because, man, I think it’s 65 pages that you have to slog through in Snow Crash before it clicks. And then you’re like, oh no, and then it gets good. Then it gets really good. And then it’s like, oh wow, what a great book. You know, and Snow Crash is a great book. And if you want to read pre-sage fiction, Snow Crash, just look at the date, Neil Stevenson. Don’t know how he did it. But yeah, and Neuromancer William Gibson, you know, absolutely. And he’s still writing stuff that TV show Peripheral. I don’t know if that’s the name of the book or not. That was one of his newer books. But it’s kind of like, I don’t know, dude. I think you kind of pre-saged this in Neuromancer. But I mean, I guess if you want to write it again differently, that’s fine. So, yeah, you know, But you never know like with Shakespeare what you’re gonna resonate with you never know which books you’re gonna resonate with even from the same author I Didn’t I couldn’t finish diamond age by Neil Stephenson, I love snow crash snow crash one of the greatest books ever Diamond age. Nah, I just couldn’t And I stopped trying you know Donaldson stuff his early stuff first three books and Thomas Covenants series are good Pretty good Good enough, and then it’s just all downhill from there You know and then his new new stuff is terrible But he’s got a mirror in her dreams and a man rides through and those are fantastic like those are fantastic fantasy novels Really good themes to like really good learning stuff. So yeah, it all sort of depends You know It’s all over the map In Lovecraft to like Lovecraft Scott Lovecraft is one of the best detective stories of all time. The horror at Red Hook is just phenomenal and then he’s got like the Herbert West reanimator stuff, which he goes ghost road, I I think and That’s very different from the cats of all far for example, which is great great set of mythos Which is very different from the Cthulhu mythos core work, right? And yeah, I could go on forever on that stuff Elizabeth just tell me what what those farms are. I don’t know. What are you talking about? Anselman you get a read C 12th night as you like it King Lear. Hmm. I don’t know I Don’t know maybe one of these days I’ll get around to Shakespeare I am a pentameter really when I was young it in particular really bothered me. I did not like it Nathaniel thanks for the short story suggestions agree when it comes to fiction I’ll I’ll take a risk on some short stories to find out some authors I resonate with Yeah and like I said even that’s tricky because Some of these short story authors are really good at writing short stories because it’s a whole different style of writing And people don’t realize that and they terrible at writing long longer stuff and I think like Neil Stevenson for example Probably would be better off if he could write Under 200 pages like I think that would probably be better stuff from my perspective and I there was a room On clubhouse a while back with him in it. It was interesting. He was there doing that QA thing Yeah, it was interesting to talk to hear him talk about his writing process and stuff Yeah, it’s funny that people you’re under the same roof Yeah, it’s funny the people you run into That should do a book list everyone’s saying I should do a book list I really should at some point I’m gonna get the books out of the shed I actually have the bookcases out here now, so I could at least I don’t know how many books I can fit in those bearish to bookcases, but More than I do now since there’s almost none in them so I could and I could fill out this thing to you that that bookcase Is far from full? It’d be nice to have all my office books back in the office that would be great My other house. I just had huge amount of storage space and books everywhere, and it wasn’t a problem In this house is considerably smaller so But yeah, I mean I had a book of short story like Jack London like I mean come on Gotta read Jack London. You gotta read you gotta recall the wild and white fang and some of his you know shorter works Just great Harrison Bergeron right like yeah, there’s some there’s some classic stories out there 1984 obviously right there’s some there’s some stuff out there that you really gotta You really have to read For sure I just don’t think it’s the Classic classics, I mean part of the problem with the classics is that like you read Dickens or something and a lot of that stuff is dystopian England post first Industrial Revolution But when we read it in America We think that happened here and so you get weird responses to things that never like the level of pollution in in the Industrial Revolution in England Was ridiculous and we in the US with some bad pollution, but was never that bad It was never even close and that’s the problem Right we take that that onto ourselves and well we had horrible Orphanages and the orphanages in the United States were bad, but they weren’t England bad ever sorry, and you start to learn about life in London and During during the 1800s for example, and it’s like holy crap It’s like really bad never got that bad in the United States. So a lot of that stuff is just projection If you want to know more about objection There’s a great video that Adam and I did called the frontier of ideas where I talk about this concept With Adam hoping to do another video without him. I talked to him about it today. Maybe I can convince him to do this other video I want to do Where we’re thinking about it we’re thinking about Echoes of the past be the title and just talking about some of the You know history rhyme sort of stuff right where you can see this stuff pop up again and again these patterns these fractal patterns But yeah I gotta get a book list together at some point break it out in short stories and and Novels and stuff that I liked and say why I liked it and all that stuff Nathaniel Responsibility can often feel like the weight of the world. Yeah can for the weight of all these great authors Right. Well, and and this is one of the problems with reading Too much will say because I think there is such a thing as reading too much Like when I read too much Like I did there’s there’s some yeah, I just connect from the world We put expectations of perfection on ourselves because when you know when you’re reading it’s a lot like a video game It’s way more perfect than the real world Now you can say oh, you know look at You know soul story or something and how they contrast within the story blue That contrast is more perfect than the contrast you experience in real life That’s useful. I’m not saying it’s bad. It’s useful right to say there is a level of clarity Right, and maybe I should look for it Right, but you can get sucked in and look look this is the guy who I have the extended edition of Lord of the Rings and one day I said I’m gonna burn a Sunday. Goodbye Sunday Goodbye, and I just watched the whole damn thing. It’s 12 hours. I smoked 12 consecutive hours Watching Lord of the Rings a little bit more obviously because you get to switch DVDs and you know you get up every once in a while and like pee and Eat and or at least get food and I had everything prepared so I could literally just sit there for 12 Like I wasn’t taking a break for lunch. I had lunch ready. So I pause go get my lunch eat watch more Right. I was I did it deliberately. I knew what I was doing. I planned the whole thing, right? But like yeah, I was like I’m gonna burn a Sunday this Sunday It’s just not gonna exist anymore and I and I that was my attitude in the moment Like I’m gonna burn this Sunday dog wasn’t happy about it, but dog was okay The dog was not thrilled like dog got to go outside a couple times But we did not run in the woods as we did almost every other day. So dog was kind of like the hell man But I figured like dog will survive one day of not running in the woods not not that big deal But yeah, you don’t want to get too sucked in You can get sucked in to that beautiful vision of the world, I mean it’s one of the things authors do is they Give you a level of enchantment the world that’s so beautiful that it draws you in and we’re just having this discussion earlier today Actually, right beauty will save the world. No wall beauty can draw you in absolutely, but the thing it draws you into may not be good As Sally Jill likes to say a military parade is beautiful. Do you want to be drawn into a war? I think that happened once I I think that happened once 1930s maybe in Germany, I think Yeah, I think it’s happening again. I mean you want to talk about war hawks a lot of war hawks are lovers of beauty they just love the beauty of In a way the military is beautiful because it’s powerful and In a way the military is beautiful for its beauty right just for like wow look at the accomplishment of the military machine and Both of those suck you in But it’s not good because it’s sucking you into what looks like a minor skirmish in Ukraine or a minor skirmish between Palestine and Israel But as we should know from history and don’t know that could turn into World War something three Ethan lol Sam Harris, okay, if you choose to be born where where did your free will to? Where did your free will begin yeah, who knows Ethan mark which comes first submitting to Rome or the return of the king. Oh Isn’t that the same thing I Submit to Rome sir render into Caesar No, I mean you submit to the return of the king. I mean Can you submit to the return of the king if you don’t first submit to Rome? I don’t know you have a gonna have a king first Anselman. I Recommend the poet John Clare. I’ve never even heard of this guy 19th century Nature poet who suffered from the drastic changes to the traditional agricultural society And I don’t know the tired trope for me Anselman. It’s a tough one I I get it and Tolkien wrote about the same thing This is not a new theme, right Elizabeth beauty and hell exactly exactly well and Yeah, what draws you in The succubus is beautiful. I guess just saying right the vampire beautiful, um Is that gonna save the world I am I’m not I’m skeptic. I’m a skeptic on that one Not as skeptic on on most things I’d submit but on that I’m kind of a skeptic Nathaniel you made me wonder well, look, that’s a wonderful compliment. Thank you Who are some authors who successfully write both fiction and nonfiction um, I’m sorry Nathaniel I don’t believe that there’s such a category as nonfiction. I Think what we call fiction and what we call nonfiction are actually the same thing I Don’t know what to say because at the at the at the base of it is if his story is not true We’ll say true to the fractal nature of the universe. We just think it’s bad writing and So what’s fiction? It’s fiction exist what’s nonfiction like nonfiction is an identification against the falsity of fiction but fiction isn’t false To me like like look read Stephen R. Donaldson Lord Foulsbane, just read Lord Foulsbane. That’s the first one in the Thomas Coven Chronicles Which ends up being nine books or oh wait, is it 12? It might be 12 with the three new ones I forget I don’t I don’t really track to Alison that that much anymore Read Lord Lord Foulsbane Okay, it’s a fantasy novel like it’s complete fantasy, right? But it’s anchored in the story of somebody with leprosy Tell me what about that story isn’t true. Please just just let me know I’m not saying there aren’t fantastical things in there that can’t exist Not saying that but none of it’s not true. It’s a fantastic story So truly fantastic story and once you understand it and look it’s a brutal book man Whoo-hoo the I’d almost you can get through the opening. I’m like, what the freaking what am I even reading? Holy, I shouldn’t be reading this. No one should read this shouldn’t be written I was like, whoa, and then when you and and in some sense the second book the one tree is even worse Wait a minute you’re doubling down on what? But then like if you get the concept especially in in the one tree The one tree is good in a different way, but Lord Foulsbane and that’s so rich and full of interesting ideas The one tree is even better in interesting ideas. Although there’s fewer of them, but they’re deeper What’s not true about that though, that’s my that’s my question and I will tell you And I will take this as a compliment Nathaniel very mark answer. I get it. Yeah look again I you know the line between fiction and nonfiction is so hard for me to draw I like I like the idea of sci-fi versus fantasy and then everything else is either fiction or Just regular story and then good books and bad books or good writing and bad writing right and because then you can do neat things like you can you can You can categorize Karl Marx as bad writing because it is even though it wouldn’t you know, like The way we use the word fiction Karl Marx is pure the most pure form of fiction you can get because it’s all bullshit Like it’s all contrad self-contradicting garbage It’s just terrible right, and I I would I haven’t read them but From my understandings in the little readings I have done of their work for Cohen Derrida the same same gibberish garbage and people read into it and this is brilliant in the same way they read into book seven of the Republic and say This is a triumph of individualism. It’s like it’s literally the opposite It’s stated explicitly that that’s not what’s going on there Explained no one gets out of the cave ever no one’s released from the bonds of the cave That whole idea is a fantasy stated as such in the book Let’s save that for my video But you see we project into things so we think Karl Marx is a brilliant idea We think Foucault had something interesting to say because he didn’t Derrida same thing and you know this you can just ask any of these either asked a bunch like Had lots of access to PhDs from Harvard Ask them what’s the good in Foucault’s work? What’s the good in Derrida’s work? You will not get an answer I never did I’ve asked well over a hundred people with PhDs this question. They can’t answer it It’s kind of telling like if you can’t tell me as a scholar in that person’s work. What’s good about it? Maybe that’s because there’s nothing good about it Tell me tell me the ways in which Karl Marx defined capitalism. Er can’t do it interesting fascinating Made-up word right and so is it fiction? Is it nonfiction or is it just bad writing because I think it’s just bad writing But there is a difference between fantasy sci-fi and we’ll say things that aren’t either of those but are still good true stories But but I would challenge you Like is HP Lovecraft untrue because HP Lovecraft to me is one of the truest writers in the world And yet nothing he writes about is Real in any sense that we would consider real and and I’ll go way out on the limb and say HP Lovecraft It’s just basically hanging out in the ethereal realm primarily and dabbling in the in the material realm every once in a while Just screw it and break it apart. All right, like that’s one way to look at it But I love HP Lovecraft cats of all thars Phenomenal it’s like that’s like a hundred pages to you. That’s like I think his longest work All right Nathaniel back to it. A better question is is Peterson type capable of a great novel? No No, he’s not symbolic at all. Talks about symbolism He’s good at analyzing symbols and I think that’s it somebody Man when was that conversation was that even today or the other day somebody asked me about But well, and this actually comes up all the time in different forms Yeah, what do you think about like Analysis and I’m like, why are you doing that? Stop analyzing things just cut it out Because you have a choice, right? You can analyze it or you can live within it and this is one of my critiques of verveky All right, for Vicky’s like I’m gonna be a Participant observer that’s like no you’re not you have to pick one dude You’re either participating or you’re observing can’t do both like you can’t be in both You’re not a quantum particle. You can’t be in a superposition where you’re both an outside observer and a participant Because you don’t see things the same way from the inside as you do from the outside and that’s basically what you’re saying Observer is outside and participant is inside. You can’t be a participant observer. That makes no sense contradiction in terms you can’t analyze and get the fullness of the thing and And I think that’s actually the deep criticism that Christians make of Peterson Is that he’s analyzing Christianity? Incorrectly because he doesn’t get the deep fullness of the thing Because he’s not a participant. I Think that’s probably correct. Like that’s fair. That sounds correct. Now, can you participate and then analyze I Would make you a theologian I would argue you can be a bad theologian be such a bad theologian That they can call you a philosopher which you would retch at of course talking about Hagle here But Hagle was not a philosopher. You wouldn’t have wanted to be called a philosopher, but he was also a very bad theologian Thank I’m sorry. Just objectively clearly bad theologian sorry, very very very Superficial analysis And maybe he wasn’t participating well enough and I would say that’s probably Peterson’s problem He doesn’t have a level of participation where his analysis is deep enough And you know, it looked like the guy does the Exodus series, which is let’s get together with a bunch of deep participants Discuss this and find more depth. That’s a great thing to do Like good for him All right back to it Elizabeth fiction is narrative and nonfiction is Sagas Dicka what as in wisdom nothing to do with truth as such Although both have Cohen Derrida Go and Derrida were just smoking cafe nothing more Narrative and Sagas Tika in Italian interesting You can’t be an observer well, I don’t know that you can’t be an observer can’t be a third-party independent observer That’s for sure because you’re in the world with the rest of us as it turns out. I I don’t Yeah, truth is a hard problem. Maybe I should do a stream on truth that would be Sounds awful. Uh Like Awful for me enough not for the rest of you just awful for me. It’s terrible. How would I do that? Yeah, true like true this is why I make the distinction true and truth The the again if if you read Lord Fowl’s Bane by Stephen R. Dahlson It’s true It’s not speaking the truth as in the world the material world that we inhabit But the material world and that we inhabit is in decay and therefore in some sense It’s never true because by the time you describe it, it’s changed and I think that’s what’s missing when everyone’s ability to think about the world said by the time you describe the Experience observation encounter Read a description or an explanation from somebody else by the time you recount that entropy has already happened and things have changed such that that is already inaccurate enough that it makes a difference and that’s where people get confused at that point and so when you’re caught up in explanation and observation and not in Participation you’re actually losing what’s happening in the moment and you are behind entropy Sufficiently that it actually hurts you in some significant fashion in the same way that the tyrannical chimp has to spend so much time being tyrannical right that That management cost is high enough that it can’t be sustained and there are Exceptions although they’re extremely rare we always don’t account for that. So I hope That helps with truth, but yeah, I should do a stream on truth. I just dread the idea of trying to explain that to anybody First of all myself in my head sounds hard Nathaniel Verbeke suffers the same thing and cultists do you said it not me? I’m gonna completely agree, but I’m also gonna claim I didn’t say that first. So, thank you eventually they make their god or monads so in Ineffable to make room for themselves to grow taller. Yeah, or they just fill the world with with gods or sages You know constantly Elizabeth how about true truth? I don’t I don’t like equating true and truth. I I think the truth is relegated to the past and And as such it has a fungibility to it Because perspective matters and you see this like Peterson talks about this, right? It was the woman who thought she was abused by her brother and it just turns out that They were young and it was probably a mistake and intent matters, right? And so if you’re young and you don’t have intent The maliciousness is gone and therefore right like maliciousness matters maliciousness is a function of intent I don’t think Peterson knows that necessarily or maybe he wouldn’t put it that way and I’m misunderstanding him and you know understands that perfectly But yeah, there’s a there’s a way in which intent matters. There’s a way in which implementation or execution or Participation is another way to say it matters right and there’s a way in which knowledge matters, right? How? How much prediction you’re making about what’s going to happen and Those are all independent pieces and that’s what annoys people. They’re like, wait a minute. You just gave me like three independent pieces What the hell man? How am I supposed to track all that? Fair enough. Welcome to life, dude Like I can’t track all that either Bad news you can’t track all that either And bad news you can’t track all that good news You don’t have to you can live in the spirit or at least you can try to live in the spirit Most of the time you’ll be successful It takes a lot of work High management cost as a chapter title I Wait a minute, let me put in the other document I get notes all over the place. Ah, it’s part of the problem There done it’s noted Okay, see my video on how to take notes if you don’t know how I I outline it all there and apparently it’s a decent video So I know taking video is decent. That’s good. Actually I could do some recording Way behind holidays are coming. I want to keep I want to keep one recorded video release a week Especially since I’m not gonna be able to do live streams over the holidays. It’s gonna be traveling all over the damn place Next week Arkansas. I’m gonna visit my aunt first then I’m gonna go to Arkansas. My aunt’s in Alabama and then After that it’s Thanksgiving I believe And Then there’s gonna be Christmas at some point and yeah, I’m gonna be on the road all over the damn place So there’s that And maybe I’ll come back on Sunday night It’s back here Monday afternoon. I don’t know I Don’t know I gotta figure out all this travel. I Think on Christmas we’re gonna fly up north. I’ll make it easier But no, I’m grateful that I can It’s gonna be good travel see that see the fam Be responsible check up on the mall make sure they’re all not at each other’s throats or whatever Make sure they’re all okay. It’s always important. Make sure the people around you are okay And it’s hard to be responsible and it sucks a lot of work Not recommended and maybe I’ll get started on my age of gnosis Substack stuff because that’s coming the age of gnosis stuff is hugely popular on Twitter. So I want to get the substack going Let’s start talking about that as practice from my book Otherwise Elizabeth is gonna bother me every freaking week until I die Which is appreciated but still It’s good it’s good motivation Nathaniel Give me one second, then I’m gonna take some more bear-claw tea All right, there we go there is a subtle difference between my Christianity and my knowledge That you profess no such faith with the idea That we all just quote live our own truths, but I can’t articulate the difference We all live our own perspectives I think that’s where the problem is and our perception of what is true Is dependent upon our starting point and we all start at different places I mean this is This isn’t gonna sound good, um, I’m gonna say it anyway, it’s true When I was young I desperately wanted to understand Einstein’s theory of relativity. So I got a book. It’s a very thin white book. It’s like Relativity for dummies. I forget who recommended it was probably my stepfather, but maybe not I don’t remember There’s so many geniuses that I knew when I was in Massachusetts because they’re all there’s a bunch of them there. Um, I Read that book probably four times probably the only book I’ve read more than twice ever And I thought I didn’t understand the book at all I was like I don’t understand general relativity I don’t understand special relativity. I don’t know why and I read papers and I read I don’t know why I read the book I don’t know why I read the book. I don’t know why I read the book. I don’t know why I read the book And I read papers and I read other books about it and I talked to people about it and I just didn’t get it like I was like I don’t Like what am I missing? and it was Many many many years later. I wasn’t missing anything And I only know this because I watched a PBS show on Einstein’s ideas Or his life or something. I forget what exactly the framing was was a documentary on his life, whatever He was a documentary on his whole life basically, but You know, they talk about his early years and bull right they talk about gets rejected from the university and it’s like the best thing never happens to him because He’s got all these ideas and he has nothing but time to think about them and he’s not burdened by the Requirements the university but he’s hanging out at the university kind of hoping they’ll change their mind or whatever and He comes up with these thought experiments And if you haven’t engaged with the thought experiments that led Einstein to theory of relativity You really should they’re fascinating a great way to understand the world So my favorite one is There’s a guy at a train station Standing on the platform. There’s a train coming into the train station and there’s a woman Look out outside of the train window looking down at the train station as the train is pulling into the station and Two lightning bolts strike the guy on either side From his perspective there’s one crack one lightning event because it happens at exactly the same time From the woman on the train’s perspective there are two cracks she hears two cracks She has to She sees two bolts of lightning because they occur at different times to her They don’t occur at different times to him that’s the whole theory of relativity Okay, we’re not all in the same place at the same time. That’s the whole thing everything’s derived from that principle the whole thing click this is deeply confusing to me because duh, I everyday experience of life and Everything about the theory of relativity is actually derived from that fact. That’s the axiomatic Starting point statement that we all have unique starting points What that means that your perspective is unique and therefore your take on what is true or your? perception of truth Has to be slightly different from everybody else’s Bad news, it’s not universal in the way that you want good news. It doesn’t need to be Bad news good news bad news good news Right bad news the world doesn’t work the way you want good news is it doesn’t matter You know the way you want the world to work is not required Just and it’s always it’s a struggle right? It’s a struggle for me today I mean, I’m laughing because it’s just so stupid and absurd and it just sucks And look, what are you gonna do? You’re still like yeah, I mean And this is why people get confused with Foucault and Derrida and postmodern thinking like look at all the things the author said What are you retarded of course like I can’t I can’t say only what I mean It’s not possible words don’t like grab a dictionary at least in English At least in English almost every word has more than one definition Definition when I use a word With a certain definition. I don’t tell you what that definition you have to infer it from the context and you may not infer the definition that I’m using I Can’t control that either That sucks That’s the only point the postmoderns have but it’s obvious and retarded It’s stupid three-year-olds use this all the time to make stupid jokes that three-year-olds make What do you think a dad joke is? Like I don’t understand like why do you think Derrida’s smart I don’t get it that’s not smart three-year-olds know this they They participate in it without writing tomes about it that are incomprehensible to normal humans Right and that’s it’s so funny to me. It’s like and that’s the whole thing Just look at Einstein’s thought experiments for relativity. This is thought experiments No, math just thought it cuz I can’t do math. So thank God. There’s no math It’s like wouldn’t be able to engage And you know his breakthrough is in doing the math to prove You know, and he’s a famous god-believer like he’s a famous god-believer right? God doesn’t play dice Our God doesn’t roll dice something like that, right like famous and they knew like the early physicists in the 1920s and 30s They knew where the line was for science. They knew they would say it all the time Actually, if you read the contemporary writings, which no one does but I did I’ve read them on microfiche actually Like they knew like you can’t answer a question like that this question for a philosopher Now I would argue with that but whatever they knew it wasn’t a question for science That’s a rung up from where we’re at now, you know, we’re not acknowledging that We’re like no science can answer everything science can’t answer anything It all needs to be framed Elizabeth claims is true that I will bother you about your book forever good you keep that up Elizabeth I’m gonna keep complaining about it, but you keep it up Yeah, and I mean that’s the that’s the problem and Nathaniel this is excellent that you’re gonna bring this up and I don’t have to Nathaniel Luther didn’t mean to divide and subdivide churches No, he didn’t people trying to argue from the works of Luther that he didn’t intend to any of it But yet here we are look and you know, it’s all in what you know Luther knew this Luther wrote about this and said oops. I made a mistake Actually, I think he made three mistakes and wrote about all three of the big ones that Today, you know be like why’d you do that you dope? But he wrote about all of it and regretted all of it I don’t know if he repented for any of it, but that’s between him and the church And I’m not I’m not Catholic so whatever you know, like whatever dude He figured out later, oh my interpretation is mine my understanding That’s one thing my understanding is mine. That’s a layer out from interpretation We can have similar interpretations or exactly the same interpretation um and different Different ways of understanding right Uh, and then there’s the issue of translation right that’s three layers. Those are three separate things and again, we hate that but Yeah, the world is complex man and Your understanding of the book my understanding of the book and somebody else’s understanding of the book can all be so completely different That we can’t get along In like again you see this with Plato’s republic and the parable of the cave These people aren’t like I am regularly saying like they didn’t read the book. There’s no freaking way. They read the book There’s no way they read it They’re they’re contradicting what Plato says flat-out contradicting Coming soon. I promise coming soon Oh Pardon me My nose is running my feet are smelling i’m upside down and backwards Upside down and backwards Anselman didn’t luther believe that the will is in bondage Oh look problem for luther is that he believed that everybody would interpret the book the way he did when he read it Um, or at least that translation, right? That’s why the protestants tend to stick to single translations. It’s a wonderful documentary that I learned so much from on Amazon prime, uh, oh shoot. What’s it called? Something about the amish I can’t remember the name now. Oh the uh The amish and the protestant Something or the protestants in the i don’t remember now it’s about the amish and it’s done by former amish who left just Wow, because he talks about interpretation and the book and the problem of three three languages yama speak three languages Um or engage with three languages I should say and why that’s an issue Nathaniel Where I was stuck for many years with the suspicion of all authority and tradition. Oh, yeah protestant rebellion much a Christian or not this applies in so many spheres. Yes, and is why I jump on here. Well, that’s fantastic to hear the Problem of submission is huge and you can solve it one of two ways Well, actually you can solve it one of three ways, but because you can’t choose don’t exist. Um You can say There’s no free will it’s all determinism like sam harris does you can submit completely right? Completely right or you can try to have a right relationship with what you should and shouldn’t submit to right you can say I submit to the pope except i’m going to go to latin mass. Anyway, screw the pope That’s how the catholics do it. I’m just saying Anselman erasmus was wiser than luther. Yes, those every four-year-old wiser than luther luther lacked wisdom That’s if if if you want to know what wisdom is it’s the thing that luther didn’t have any of And I and I think that’s a good way to think about wisdom actually So thank you for that anselman nathaniel was erasmus wise. I avoided in thus far You know, man, you can just participate you don’t need to read these people. I didn’t read canterbury tales. Everything’s fine I didn’t read most of shakespeare. Everything’s fine. Um Anselman erasmus saw the need for reform. Yeah, so did every freaking catholic by the way Um not Not destruction. He acknowledged the ability to will good. Yeah. Well look again Accepting the imperfection of the institutions around us and the world around us and nature and ourselves Actually goes a long way to helping out right because otherwise what you do is you take the power out of the church and let’s say you Destroy the monasteries just hypothetically and then you have to deal with mentally ill people because the monasteries just take care of that for you And that’s just one of the many things monasteries took care of but we’ll just pick that one And then you put them in these large campuses Run by the state and then you find out that’s not such a great idea Right and look, I mean I have my criticisms that we destroyed state mental hospitals in this in the united states almost exclusively for real because of ken keys and That was a mistake like that was a clear error. Why because they weren’t perfect and some of them were horrific or seemed horrific Right, but and there’s a great metallica song about this Uh, oh, what’s the line? Uh Forget what it is now, I can’t remember my metallica. Oh man, i’m losing my mind clearly. Um Uh, keep him safe. He’s getting well or something right like in other words keep him locked up He’s he’s much better when he’s you know when he’s locked up like that helps keep him calm. Yeah. Well Seems inhumane Until you interface with these crazy people and then you’re like, oh, yeah. Oh, I gotta do something about them They’ll go nuts And so, you know you read one flu or the cuckoo’s nest and or watch the movie worse yet Um great movie great book by the way read that book um And then you get this Outlier version of mental institutions and how bad they are And for sure some of them are worse I I get that But what’s the alternative? Right, or you can put that back in the church come up with a very similar problem Although I would argue probably not as bad in most cases on average Can’t prove that but I suspect that’s how it is There are technical reasons for that. I’m not going to go into them in this stream And get something better, right even if in instances it seems worse And it’s like look there’s no perfect answers still all run by people And if you say well the people are part of the government and not part of the church the people are part of A corporation that’s more efficient and not part of the government, right? You see that argument playing out anywhere We took all these things out of the churches gave them to the government the government screwed them all up now We’re giving them to corporations, right? That happened it’s happened with the hospitals in the united states. It’s happened with mental institutions. It’s happening all over the place Privatization is an argument of well, we took it away from the churches as the government the government’s doing its shitty job So basically what we want to do is we want to put in the hands of corporation We can see where there might be problems with that for sure But i’m not sure it’s not better for some things either like i’m I’m like, I don’t know man. I mean i’d rather have it all back in the church I don’t know if you could put the genie back in that bottle I have no idea. I mean I tend to think you can because I’m a hope person like yay Let’s push everything back towards the highest Yay um But i’m also not like we can definitely do that I don’t know Uh, i’m not smart enough to figure that out Uh, maybe we can’t put the thing back in the bottle. I have no idea. I don’t I don’t know that that is Reasonable Anselman That is he didn’t take luther’s view of total inability of man to do some good. Yeah. Well that’s luther’s an idiot I mean luther’s just an idiot. I’m sorry the more I read about luther the more i’m like really anybody Are listening to this idiot. He’s kind of an idiot Spatch ahoy mateys ahoy You missed a lot of good stuff spatch nathaniel American catholicism is kind of protestant. Yep. It really kind of is I think it’s a good thing that we’re not in a place where we can’t do this Excuse me But I think proper participation is possible in many spaces. Well, look it is like if you go to individual churches Catholicism is fine If you hit the wrong church you’re screwed That was even true in new england with the with the scandal and you want to talk about the Catholic pedophilia scandal that’s boston baby But and some of those churches did not have that problem some of those churches had nothing about that problem I you know, and I could I can point at government institutions say the same damn thing and I can point at You know private charities and say the same thing and I can point at corporations and say the same thing What do they have in common? They’re all run by people Because it turns out people seem to be imperfect for some reason. I mean except me of course, but like all the rest of you Absolutely You know, that’s why this is Important like yeah, I mean I consider it every time I take a sip And you know we want the bigger thing To be able to solve this problem. That’s bigger than us. Everything outside of us is a problem. That’s bigger than us Right Um and it you know Can argue oh children aren’t a problem bigger than us. Yeah, you’ve ever a sick kid All right. Yeah. All right. Good enough Right. Everything outside of us is bigger than us um something we can’t control and We just struggle with that We struggle with imperfection at scale And and now we’re just being told we’re You know, we’re rational creatures. You’re not a rational creature That’s the biggest bullshit anybody ever sold your ass you you’re a rationalizable creature You’re a rationalizing creature. You rationalize your behavior after you do it for sure. That doesn’t mean your behavior was rational Those are two different things In time and time matters We’re not accounting for that because then you get to account for entropy and then your explanation of the thing is always wrong Because entropy is taken over by the time you’ve explained The big deal and that’s why we need to have gratitude for the potential Or change because entropy is also the potential for change There’s a cost for change. There’s a cost for potential and possibility and the ability to make choices and to Manipulate what will have been real Because reality is a dance between what we have and what we want And we you as an individual if you can be such a thing or better yet you as a person which is better I think connected to other people and persons as such as families persons as communities persons as Let’s call them states persons as nations persons as the body of all persons or The body of the church or the body of a corporation Or the body of a government It’s all imperfect in different ways and scale is funny Anselman Erasmus helped with the rediscovery of a greek new testament. Hey, was that such a great thing? I don’t know Nathaniel the pca the branch of presbyterianism has a problem as well Yeah, it’s easy to point at one thing but it is Despicable. Yeah. Well, it’s It’s it’s hard to do any of this stuff we suck like people just suck I hate to break it to you people suck looking at them here. I go I suck just like everybody else. Yep, pretty much Anselman anglicans had to avoid the pitfalls of the corrupt papacy and the lutherans and calvinist doctrine errors alike I was just Trying to salvage the anglican church Is that what we’re trying to do here Interesting to study the struggles in the church of england 16th to 19th century Interesting to study the struggles of any organization The interesting thing about the church is that it’s pretty much outlasted everything right? Like no form of government has outlasted the church Good to know Second well, I think the first thing is Good to know Second well, no, I would argue the longest lasting intact form of government is still the united states Uh, whether or not that ended in the past 10 years is up for debate You don’t think so People are gonna point at rome and i’m gonna go actually Actually if you look at rome it changed government forms quite a few times Right and not just from republic to dictatorship for example, but the republic itself modified quite a few times in the course of The empire we’ll say the the time of its ascendancy or something So if you want a single stable form of government whose form didn’t actually change much at all I mean, it’s not to say it didn’t grow in scale because the united states certainly did but I think the u.s Actually has the record Um, and it’s a tough call because I live here and I I love my country so Um, it’s a tough call but also I I think it’s backed up by the data. I I think it’s a fair rendition I’d love to argue it out with somebody too. That’d be fun just to see I mean I have to butt ton more research on on rome uh, and I get I get little hints from uh from adam actually because he He has some pieces of roman history that I don’t have the only reason why I know any roman history at all is because They took latin in high school or failed latin in junior high and high school Um, but I did a good job of failing it. So, you know, they wouldn’t actually fail me. They kept giving me d’s Which actually I think was fair um That was totally fair because I was trying I just could not learn that language the way they were teaching it um, man, oh miserable I have my latin books somewhere. I should get them out of the shed one of these days I’m not sure I’m not sure I’m not sure I’m not sure I’m not sure I’m not sure I’m not sure I’m not sure I’m not sure Nathaniel To pull it out of christianity and widen the scope the fringe and the center become very interesting to me as a pattern Yeah, I bet Man when peugeot started talking about that. I’m like, oh, that’s a good frame. That’s a really good frame That’s such a great frame. And if you want to understand the fringe in the center better There’s a wonderful book. I actually might start selling these I should probably sell them Um sally’s giving me permission so yeah, you can see the marginalia Right on the side make marginalia great again uh, this is sally je’s dog-headed book that we gave out at the uh, Thunder Bay conference well over a year ago now sad to see Uh that we haven’t done another one, but you can see There’s the center and there’s the outside and that actually recurs in the theme of the book um Maybe we’ll get sally jota write more books because she’s got more ideas for books um Little flip books eight pages beautiful beautiful nice and concise The fringe pulling back into the center specifically Well, look can’t have a fringe without a center and you can’t have a center without a fringe So it’s you know, it’s like one of those things like and then it looks like a dialectic or dichotomy or a binary or whatever And it’s actually not right because it’s all embedded in a creation And if you don’t like that because now you get three things to track i’m with you I don’t want to track three things either but also what choice do you have what are you gonna do? Answer them the strength of anglicanism is acknowledging that councils bishops popes have aired And not try to present everything as having been perfect It you know catholics, I don’t Everyone’s outside view of catholicism. I’m like I I don’t think you’ve met a catholic in your life It’s very strange. Um Anselman so acknowledging of imperfection prelates being muppets at times. Yeah. Well Like I said like The pope says no more latin mass and uh, I gotta tell you i’ve been to a few They’re just like yeah, we’re not listening to the pope about this. Sorry It just is what it is And that’s you know, people infallibility almost never gets invoked It’s only been invoked seven times or something according to the sources i’ve i’ve had So it’s not like people infallibility is something that every time the pope speaks we believe him and do what he says That’s not how the catholics do it Um, which is good because i’ve heard some disturbing things recently out of the out of the vatican there. So Uh, they’re so disturbing. They’re in the news, which you know I’m afraid to talk to my catholic relatives about them. I’ll tell you that much Um, they may not even know because smart catholics don’t pay attention to pope um It’s up to the bishops to mediate and the cardinals to mediate the pope not the not the people And that’s what that’s the flattening of the world, right? But the people are like I want to have a say in what the pope thinks it’s like you’re a muppet and you’re one person and go away it’s just Your voice should be magnified through your bishop. That’s how that should work which should happen through the priest Like it’s not even you to your bishop. It’s you to your priest your priest your bishop Right right up the chain. That’s that’s easier for everybody And you know, and it’s like well, what’s what’s the problem of today? We all have technology as a lever and now People with fringe ideas are as loud as people with good ideas And now we have a flood of information. We don’t know how to filter it and We have to filter it We have to rely on the filters we call them algorithms by the way that other people came up with We have to not optional Uh, kathryn bradsky was a while ago saying like I want the whole twitter feed and i’m like You don’t understand what you’re asking for There’s more information coming out of the whole twitter feed than you can imagine. No, technically that’s true Uh, and that was true years ago, uh, it’s more true now like there is just a Unimaginable amount of data coming through that twitter stream And people don’t understand that And It’s a good good segue the the problem of what to filter is a problem Nathaniel this is exactly the fringe pushing into the middle Well, it’s a flood and then we can’t tell the fringe from the middle There are always fringe people right but they used to just shut up when in the middle. Well, no, I I don’t think so I think that they were gated off, you know people talk about You know the the The gated systems and the gatekeepers and things like that. It’s like yeah and if you acknowledge and All the early catholics did that the gatekeepers are imperfect but required and so we’re gonna have to accept that they’re imperfect Then this doesn’t become as much of an issue When you go for perfection and you say no because technology we can now Have a perfect judicial system Obviously technically false by the way in every possible way I could go into it But there’s a limited amount of time and this isn’t the stream for that But if you want that put in the comments Maybe we’ll do a stream Well, I just like show you why technically that’s a stupid idea because I can It just takes a lot of work. It would actually take some notes and stuff that I don’t want to do because i’m lazy um And I and I find it beneath me like really I have to explain this to you. What are you three years old? Uh, maybe you are fair enough. Just I don’t like it. I’m used to hanging out with the smart people in Massachusetts. Uh I Shouldn’t have to explain these things because they need explanations more than you do We want perfection because we see clearly what’s wrong at our layer But we’re down here way down We see very clearly an injustice to our fellow man Somebody lives next to us right When it’s not somebody who lives next to us we see very clearly an injustice that’s narrated to us by somebody else A mediating factor say the news or an algorithm Right right The clearest example of this that I can come up with that i’ve personally researched There’s always the problem I run into with people they go you don’t know that I go actually I did research it And you know who didn’t you and how do I know that because I did It’s that simple like I have the advantage because I looked it up and you didn’t right Right There’s a lot of talk about people in federal prison for pop possession marijuana possession in the united states Now I cannot tell you this with perfect certainty But I went and researched over a dozen cases of people in federal prison With a pop possession charge and only a pop possession charge And I opened the files because you can you can do this work if you’re not lazy And you’re motivated to actually learn something you can go do this work zero exactly zero Of them Had only that charge You know what charge they all had Illegal weapons charges. I’m not talking about gun violation charges. There’s a there’s a subtle difference legally Um, I put in a way too much law by the way, um A If you have a permit for a gun and you have a gun That is out of spec That’s a gun violation If you have a gun and you don’t have a permit for it, that’s a gun violation If you have a gun that you cannot get a permit for that’s an illegal weapon Violation These guys had illegal weapons violations and not one not two not three like seven eight one case 35 grenades a bazooka right All of these cases in the federal court all of them Involves heroin and cocaine They’re only being charged with the marijuana Marijuana and they only got convicted of the marijuana the other charges got dropped There are technical valid reasons why this happened I tend to disagree with those reasons personally however, it’s not an invalid way to run the justice system, it’s not a Terrible way to run the justice system. I could argue it’s not optimal I could argue that I think there’s a better way to do it. I might be wrong about that though So i’m not willing to make that argument. I’m only willing to say that when you look at those cases Those people should be in federal prison and in many cases they should never ever get out ever A lot of them were involved in child trafficking or child abuse of some nature Not all of them, but most of them A lot of them aside from like heroin and cocaine and you know, they just happen to have the most pot were Involved in other illegal activities that had nothing to do with drugs, but you should be in jail for anyway I don’t want to tell you now the narrative that spun is that there’s all these people in federal prison for smoking pot I can understand why I can understand why if you’re lazy and did some cursory research you can Validate that that narrative is true and I can understand because it is technically true and truthful and the truth Why you would be upset about that? But if you actually understood the situation You would be like, of course they’re in prison and I hope they never get out in fact prison’s too good for them, you know, like Sorry, but like yeah, it’s that bad they were that bad And the funny part is the people that used to initially scream to this scream to me about this back in the day we’re all staunch empty gun people and i’m like You guys want to let out the worst gun offenders of all time out of prison And you don’t even know that that’s what you want It’s very easy When a narrative is fed to us Even from somebody we know because sometimes people tell us lies believe it or not. It’s like we tell ourselves lives To believe in that and believe that the problem’s not the person The problem’s the system And look I can make the argument and I will that i’m on the other side of that. I’ve been A house stolen from me illegally Had my mother’s estate taken from me illegally Objectively, I did nothing wrong nothing Uh, and there was nothing I could do and I was powerless and victimized by the system and yet I don’t whine about that I say look people are imperfect systems are imperfect. This is a problem. We should address the problem Should we roll back the laws on marijuana possession? No, because that won’t address the problem of people being imprisoned for marijuana And more importantly won’t address actual problems in the world because these are bad people in prison that should be in prison So actually you’re making it worse not better Is it going to be perfect? No But that particular thing is actually working perfectly oddly enough And that’s where we get confused and I understand the confusion We’re told that we’re smarter than we are we’re told we’re more capable than we are We’re told we’re more rational than we could possibly be We’re told we have way more control over ourselves than we do over other things than we do we’re told that we have outsized influence Just want to highlight ethan here ethan we need to fund a trip to symbolic summit in florida for mark Thank you ethan. I am going to try to get to the symbolic summit if I can Unfortunately, it is horrifically expensive. The regular tickets are 400 bucks Uh for one ticket Uh, and and then you gotta pay for hotel and getting down there I would drive probably just because I have a convertible and I love to drive and florida’s not that far from south carolina, but Although tarpon springs is a haul. I think that might actually be a two-day travel florida’s a lot bigger than you think if you’ve ever had to drive through it and i’ve driven i’ve driven through most of it at This point not all in one go but I drove from orlando down to naples naples Halfway across the keys didn’t make it all the way to key west which i’ve got to rectify that someday uh, and I drove from here down to uh Oh, maybe it was orlando maybe I drove from here to orlando so i’ve done the whole state I didn’t do the east west part of the state because the panhandle is ridiculous too. It goes way west Um, but yeah, i’ve done a good part of the state. It’s a big state. It’s a long drive Thank you ethan I i’m gonna try to get out there for sure December we’ll know the first week of december the end of the first week of december. We’ll know Benjamin franklin is that a correct correct dichotomy? No, no dichotomies are correct ever. Okay, the fringe and the good no Uh good and bad are opposites or good and evil are opposites Um fringe has nothing to do with good or evil the fringe seems to be largely contextual No, it’s dependent upon the center Uh, and and therefore there’s a line and that line is unclear because we live in an unclear world. For example a certain moment Abolitionism was fringe. Uh, well, yeah Uh or making whorehouses illegal was fringe. Uh, I don’t know about that Um, no marriage before 18 was fringe Uh That’s all recent Yeah, puritans are evil. I think all that falls under puritans are evil. Yep uh It’s still fringe it still belongs in the fringe. Yeah marriage was like 12 and up Still might be in some states. I don’t remember but whatever you can look that up. Um, Anselman I had bazookas as child Chewing gum of that name. Yes, I think it was american. It was bazooka chewing gum. Yeah Right. No, I mean really yeah, like go go pull some of those cases. I mean this was A long time ago. I pulled those cases but pull some of the cases. I bet it hasn’t changed It’s probably the same thing. What what is it’s pleading people go Oh if I plead down to simple marijuana possession I’ll get a lighter sentence and the trick is on them because they deliberately Prosecutors deliberately had the law changed so that that wouldn’t be the case So that when people did that plea they still got punished for the crimes they were getting out of By giving the plea and in that way They get as part of the plea deal to go one step up the ladder because the people who are doing the Distribute distribution at the local level are not the ones law enforcement wants to jail Although some of them belong in jail And that gives them a great deal of flexibility when they’re dealing with plea deals They can say we’ll plead you to marijuana and give you two years and they’re like, wait a minute. I own a bazooka ideal meth ideal heroin and cocaine And i’ve been trafficking, you know doing sex trafficking for 10 years and i’m only going to get two years in prison Sounds like a good deal to me. What name do you need? Right, that’s what happens like that’s actually what happens. Is it perfect? No, is it great? No, I don’t think it’s great Do I think it could be better? I suspect it might be able to be better For many many reasons that again i’m not going to go into here But that’s what happens and you can like you could actually just not be lazy and look that up For real and you can go talk to prosecutors and find this out. You can go to those trials like In the us just walk into court and like go watch think most courts are open You can go watch these trials and see how they play out. You probably wouldn’t be happy You’d probably be like what the hell? I mean, I was shocked utterly shocked at my 10 minute Case that I lost for the foreclosure Went five years. I was like they have no paperwork. They have no right to my house. We’re done here And that’s what it should have been And yet I lost my house took five years and 50 grand which was cheap by the way but also 50 grand it wasn’t a small amount to lose a $500,000 house and they like they asked me like do you want to appeal and i’m like we’re at 10% i’m done I’ll take my millions and leave. I didn’t have millions, but whatever I moved to south carolina bought a house for cash Like, you know, I could have burned the rest of that money trying to keep that house. Maybe I would have kept the house I don’t think so though. I think there’s something else going on Something bigger than me right like why would they do that? It’s a long story. Maybe i’ll tell it i’ve toyed with telling that tale uh in a video in a recorded video, but But yeah to ethan’s excellent point and I do appreciate this easin. Thank you very much I am trying to get to symbolic world summit. It is going to cost a small freaking fortune I won’t know if I can actually afford to go You know without without somebody else paying the entire freight until the first week it ended the first week of december Um, that’s going to be the first time i’ll i’ll actually know How poor I am? For and for how long uh, you know whether or not I have to continue to fund a ridiculous lawsuit That again should take about 10 minutes, but whatever It’s another 10 minute lawsuit like really this is kind of obvious, but whatever we’ll just I don’t live in a world where uh, where I can just wave magic wand and get people to see the obvious truth like we’re Post truth has a lot of uh a lot of traction with me even though I think it’s a bad frame post truth is is this Not too far away from a reasonable way to think about where we’re at Anselman I used to think you got bazookas on your feet from public swimming pools People spitting out gum misunderstanding People spitting out gum misunderstanding. Yes That’s too funny Yeah, well look yeah childhood was interesting when we had uh There was a market change after that point too, I think um the idea of army men You know, like I I grew up with the army. Where’s my uh, where’s my tank? Oh here it is Um, yeah, I grew up with stuff like this. This is my tank. Fortunately, it’s missing a wheel Don’t don’t don’t If you uh, oh, I wish I had a 3d printer. I’d print a new wheel. Ah, that’d be awesome I’m gonna buy me a 3d printer so I can print a wheel for my tank. Yeah, I grew up with stuff like this This is part of the green army men packs or at least the extended packs for green army men And uh, yeah, you know every once in a while dab would come home with green army man, and we’d sit and play green army man Yeah, we made little freaking uh rubber band shooters and We’d set up our armies and blow them away with rubber band shooters and stupid You know fun things like that. It was great I think we’ve lost that level of participation too To some extent and like I grew up on exotic board games and stuff Some of which I still have um you know, we’d collect like The greatest board game of whatever decade right or whatever year even for a while um A famous board game was like katan. We didn’t start playing that until really late, but man, I love katan. I miss playing katan. That was fun To do that with my father my uncle, but we don’t do that anymore But um, yeah, you know and there were a ton of games there’s a game called conquest that I play Or used to play um Munchkins card games fun not a board game. It’s a card game But yeah, you know I had capsella and lincoln logs and legos and all that crazy stuff and it was really good It was really really fun Capsela was the best anselman capsella Airfix models, I don’t know airfix models capsella the best you could use in the bathtub. It’s fantastic Uh spatch the first time I played settled katan. It was in german dun dun dun octon baby It’s only german. I know um Yeah, I mean katan is a fun game It’s hard to get good at but it’s fun when you’re And we had uh sea fairs, which was even more fun because you had pirates and ships and My father the sailor playing with me me the sailor and uh my uncle who was the unwitting, uh, Person on the boat with us On the real boat my father got a sailboat for a while without my other uncle. I had a sailboat a catamaran Used to sail that in the uh in the ocean that was fun and they’d do stupid things occasionally Um Yeah, those are the good old days that that level of toy participation is gone replaced by silly video games Anselman I dug trenches for my action men gi joes and dad’s vegetable garden I bet and had firework go off of the authentic battle atmosphere. Yeah, do you please do that all the time and then we’d have uh cap guns right and um Uh, what are they called snaps or something where you you know, they throw them against the ground like a bang Right. They’re like caps in uh, they’re like caps in the cap gun the gunpowder and with rocks or something they go bang when you Squish them or throw them against the ground hard enough get what they’re called Spatch I went to a board game club in the early 90s that a guy who would import all the newest games from germany Yeah Boy, I mean some of those, uh, some of those board game things were great, right? That was dnd was Right, you’d have dnd in the basement of the comic book store sort of a thing. Yeah Yeah, I love board game stores. I go to them whenever I find them There’s some good ones too boston had like three of them fantastic. I don’t know if they’re still there. It’s a great one in cambridge if you walk Like if you’re walking from mit to harvard It’s a great video game store there on uh on the main drag. Uh-oh. We got trouble now. Jesse. Welcome Hello I am, uh, I feel gratitude that you are here sir. It’s good to see you And I feel responsible too. I hope i’m not taking you away from anything more important I need a break. Yes, it’s all come chat for a bit It’s a good topic one that i’m passionate about and one that i’ve Sadly seen a lot of people drop the ball on lately I’m both you should call it a uh framework for For healthy living which is taking responsibility and being grateful It’s funny how the two go hand in hand with a little thing called relationships and um Yeah, this week i’ve had three different You can see instances of reminders of where individuals are aren’t grateful or have dropped the ball with responsibility with lack of responsibility Yeah, and then sadly consequences consequences That’s what we don’t want Did you hear the did you hear the monologue? No, no Oh, no, it was a nice summary of my monologue right there. Okay. Okay. Okay Not that i’m right great muppets think together so Great muppets think alike. Yeah. Yeah That’s how it works in the muppet in the muppet tree land land a muppet tree That’s funny because you didn’t hear any of the notes this week either. So that’s even more funny Yeah, I started out with you know gratitude being the source of action and That’s what enables responsibility. Right? So I broke it all apart deconstructed if you want to get all post-modern about it. Yeah Pretty much I will No, no, it’s good. Well, I mentioned fukou and darida and stuff later, too. So Did you catch peterson’s weird drinking song thing? I Got half of it and then i’m like i’m done. Thank you very much. I’ve got enough of this I can’t do this anymore and uh Yeah, I mean I just I thought that that pijo’s Speech at arc was perfect Not perfect for arc but like the best speech ever about any topic at any time that could ever be like I mean, I was just like man. This just nails everything right the arc corruption is due to Human flourishing and this is what happens when you get people on the left who want to save the world a regime thing They don’t You know, they don’t know how they can’t aim high enough And they get into relativistic traps and they don’t recognize that they’re there And that to me and and and the thing was Right. I could have given that speech. I’m like I gotta wonder if If jonathan’s listening to my streams and my work because man Because he would not use the g-word he went with an f-ball and i’m like He understood if nothing else he understands peterson probably better than I do And that’s the first person i’ve seen that that’s in that state So i’m mightily impressed and you know, I love jonathan’s and I did I when i’ve talked to him in person. So, you know You know, I don’t know. I don’t know. I’d like to think i’d like to think I had some positive influence on that peterson Also used the Pearson used also used our phrase being as good In one of his arc talks too, which was like, well That’s interesting. That’s a very um Very obvious type of framing that this this side of peterson’s see has been Um hammering home for a while. I can tell you one thing Peterson’s seen me van der clay joey and father eric On our talk I know that for sure Right so right And i’m glad i’m glad like that’s part of the point it is the peterson sphere And if we’re not feeding that up and helping upwards What the hell are we doing? Like why are we wasting our time to some extent? I mean My goal we’re responding to Right. What are we responding to? Yeah, that’s a better way to put it. What are we responsible for right? My goal is not to feed up necessarily I’d like to think that was happening or could happen I I could point to some people and say well they definitely know where they got this from and I know where they got And I know they got it from me. Whatever. I don’t care Not interested in credit My goal is very much to lift people up who are down at the bottom, right or maybe not the bottom bottom, but Where they’re at and lift them up and get them rolling which is I really appreciate i don’t know methaniel’s still here but I really appreciate his engagement and things he says and like Uh tom over in the in the uk bloke bloke in the uk nice guy. I love tom He came on he said my monologue from last week was really good and I was like Well, that’s good to hear because I didn’t get any feedback from anyone else jesse Um, so I didn’t know I was here But you know no usually the feedback from days later when people that all right think about it And I can’t use sally because she listens to all my stuff and forgets it all immediately Or and then can’t give me any feedback usually so, you know This is she listened to me She listened to me because she made a momentum or a video. So There you go, um, that is true no one listens to me That’s not true Yeah Yeah, also if anyone wants to fund me to go to the symbolic world conference i’m open for that as well It might cost a little bit more to get me over there. But yeah getting me a market room would be You know, just a little bit It would be well, we gotta get sally to go too We’ll see what happens surely there’s week in december You could go right like You’d have to be gone for like a week and a half from work or something like you’d have to be gone for a long time for three days You know what? I mean, it’s a three-day conference, but Like we need to get here. That’s two days at least Yeah Right, so I did I did listen to what’s his name martin shaw He’s doing I listened to he’s talked with uh, peugeot About the odyssey and I was like, oh gosh I need to I need to pick this guy’s brain because i’ve been going i’ve been going through the iliad Yeah, i’ve been going through the iliad and I yeah, I need to read I need yeah because yeah Because of my own slow project about remote Re-romanticizing the word romance Because it’s lost all its character But yeah, he he that was a great shot between those two Is he worth engaging with because I just you know, i’m swamped although i’ve dropped all my vanderclay. So Vanu klay’s completely off the rails. There’s not no point anymore Sadly well plus man vanderkley’s video with manuel and adam Wow I was like, I don’t even know what to say about that like that was bad 53 minutes in that’s the video that in germany that he did I forget the name of it. But basically yeah manuel comes in 53 minutes in Manuel and adam come in 53 minutes in and then it just like what the hell just happened. Oh my goodness And it it’s disaster and I was really disappointed. I I was I was on the verge of tears. I was like really paul really No, it was it was not good There’s a backstory there Yeah, okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah joey knows the backstory though because joey was part of the backstory The last time adam the last time adam met Vander klay is all wrapped up in the next time adam met vanderkley, which was that event Which I just was like what is going on here? Yeah, but even without the backstory just what happens in the video, okay and manuel’s performance freaking a plus Yeah, he seems to be doing better his tweets are far more um, concise yeah, oh my god his tweets and ethan’s tweets Unfreaking but we like they are both on fire lately. I’m just like man. This is great I think twitter’s twitter’s very interesting now with his algorithm. You’re really gonna engage with someone or for it to continually show on your On your feed now it really drops off people. So no they’ve got two They’ve got two things they’ve got follows and uh, what’s the other one called? No, I can’t remember for you I think it’s called for you Yeah, yeah, it’s following and for you and you actually have to switch between the two At the top So you switch between them? Elon tweeted out about that. I was already doing it But I was like, what’s this and then i’m like, oh I have to scroll through both of these and then of course Literally no one in computers can go. Oh you already read this. I’m not going to show it to you again because apparently that technology is lost Here’s a funnier one no one realizes this it was like 15 12 15 years ago They changed how they do alphabetical order and it’s now incorrect And because the library has changed everybody’s alphabetical order has actually been wrong for 15 years and and very few people notice And i’m just like what the hell just happened. Okay. What so what’s what’s changed? so the way you’re supposed to put things in alphabetical order is You’re supposed to account for length And when you do that if you have a sequence like 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 If you do that and you account for length that will always sort in numeric order automatically Even if you don’t put 0 1 You know 0 2 0 0 all that right? It’ll always work If you don’t account for length Those things don’t sort properly And there’s other quirks that happen as well that are a little bit more subtle and harder to understand but that’s the easiest one Your numerical order is wrong Because you’re not accounting for shortest first and that’s a change in the algorithm and like I learned to write sort algorithms and see by hand myself And so I actually know the difference and I know why you don’t do it the other way Uh, and if you watch closely you’ll see it you’ll be like, wait a minute. Why are these out of order? It’s like that That’s wrong And then and like I said if you actually look at large lists of things with very similar Things that are different lengths you’ll see that they’re all out of order actually and it’s like oh I mean not everything’s out of order obviously, right? It’s still in in alphabetical order But because you’re not accounting for shortest length as a factor in your sorting It actually sorts it wrong and it’s just so funny i’m like really this is a mistake that we’ve made and no one’s corrected it this Whole time. It’s just one of those things Algorithms can’t account for things that that you’ve read and responded to it’s like what when do we lose the technology to do that? like You obviously know I looked at it if I liked it and you’re showing it to me again anyway in a different list This this code is like easy to fix and no one’s fixing it It’s just right and then people are like, what do you mean? There’s more bugs than ever Really? And then then then then jonathan blow does this wonderful talk about I think the end of civilization or the decay of civilization Whatever look up jonathan blow on youtube And and he’s like doing this talk and i’m like I was talking about that 10 years ago, dude I’m glad you’re catching up, but he talks about Everything every device I have has a bug and he says once I noticed that I started looking And then I started counting the bugs and the number of bugs has gone up every year in the past five years I’m like, yep, it sure has And so the functionality isn’t increasing But the bugs are increasing or at least functionality rate of increase is much lower than the rate of increase of bugs And so and he’s like i’m worried about this We might lose this tech and the the talk is great because he starts out talking about the lysergis cup. I think it’s called uh, which has Nanoparticles in it and it’s from ancient rome and then it’s like we lose the technology to do nanoparticles until like The year 2000 or something stupid. It’s like see we lose technology all the time and i’m like, this is exactly the point I make Except that example. I didn’t actually know about Where is that? Let me see what you got here Uh, it’s not on his channel it’s a talk Called something like the end of civilization. So if you look up jonathan blow civilization, you’ll probably find the talk It was at a conference. He’s given it in a couple different conferences that I know of It’s not actually on his channel that I i’m aware of I do want to read anselman’s comment here now I write poems lamenting ariel bombardment of civilians and get angry reactions from fellow writers. Nice. Well, i’m going to be at the convivium uh Gathering conference convivium conference, I guess in arkansas coming up. Uh, i’m leaving on tuesday. I think yeah tuesday Uh, but it’s next weekend. That’s why I won’t be doing a stream because i’ll be In arkansas, so no streams from I don’t think i’m gonna do it. Well, maybe i’ll do a stream from arkansas Who knows how crazy i’ll be. I don’t think i’m going to bring my laptop. So I don’t see myself doing it. But um Who knows? Um, yeah, no stream, but yeah, it’s about poetry So we’re going to be talking about poetry and stuff actually tried to find some my poetry and I couldn’t I was looking for something else. I didn’t spend a lot of time in the shed looking but One thing i’ve noticed too Is that um How do you say this politely more and more people that shouldn’t be involved in product design Or Software delivery are more involved I As a part of my work this week. I had to talk to a content provider and say hey you your content loader um Only gives us four file four folders four mega folders and inside of those are all zip files And you’ve not actually subcategorized all your modules. So now it’s a freefall between Scum modules videos pdfs. They’re all broken down and because all your file names are like essentially like 10 15 words long. There’s no way to actually differentiate what’s a video file what’s a And they’re all because we’ve downloaded the only way to download them is a scum package or an fbi package or a fbi package Yeah, there’s there’s no way to for us to Result this through and so I had to basically see it in a call be like you need to Subcategorize all your modules. So we just if we just want to download one module. That’s that we don’t want to download 100 courses and then have to Yeah have to yeah work out those provisions and it was just had to get that point across and literally show my screen and say look this is what Only the options were able to download is we either we download the entire um mega folder or tire module and then Once we extract that we see all these other um Yeah, all these individual modules and it’s just Circular conversation. Well, that’s that’s a little thing the website can can do it was like well, how about we Just undo the way you do your folder structure. So if we just want to download one folder We can and not have to download 170 folders and then work out Which one of those actually has the items that we need? So Yeah, that was that was very it’s very nice Uh marx left me here to talk about myself I will Also discuss That this week Yeah What’s going on sorry about that, that’s right. Yeah, well, you know why that is though the the industry is collapsed It collapsed a long time ago They basically do everything the software engineers want the way the software engineers want to do it And since there’s no more constraints on the software engineers and everyone’s a software engineer So nowadays, you know, they talk about full stack developers. No such thing as full stack developers. There never was I mean not to say there aren’t any anywhere. All right, but you can’t train them. They’re super rare and You know like no, you’re not you’re not there’s a handful of them in the world like literally a handful like actually 10 right, so Nobody can write a ui and a backend. You know what? It’s virtually impossible. There’s like 10 people that could actually do that. They’re good enough to do both. Well Right and so you get this weirdness where the software engineers are pretending like they can do ui design and they can’t And then when you present them with a problem a business problem, they solve it their way And there’s no checking there’s no qa so things have bugs releases cheap And quick And like my big thing used to be really I had two two areas of expertise performance and release engineering Those are two things that like i’m in the top one percent on right? I understand release better than like almost anybody and I understand performance engineering better than almost I was trained by the best in both I was very fortunate early in my career and They just release software without thinking about the implications and it’s so cheap that they just do it And they’re like, oh well, we’ll fix it later That’s what iterative development means we’ll make the mistakes and we’ll fix it later That’s what iterative means That’s and that’s the end result of it too. Like it’s not no one’s hiding the ball there Sometimes they pretend that’s not what’s going on. But actually that’s exactly what we couldn’t even like go Pick these files from this from this folder. We just want to download 10 files from this folder As a download link we couldn’t even do that But there’s no like hey you’ve got 200 files in this folder We just want to pick five of those and just download those in package because that’ll right now We’ll have to go back to the software developers for that Right, there’s no customer experience here and you’re meant to be the customer experience first Right, but there’s no feedback either. I mean in the early days the feedback loop was missing between tech support and the rest of the company Right, but you still like qa and the qa guys like a good qa guy was worth a billion dollars because They wouldn’t let the bad code go through But now you don’t have qa All testing is done by the developers on their own code Which you know, you wouldn’t think it was a mistake anybody would make like you don’t edit your own writing Right, you don’t test your own source code, right? You don’t Like you you don’t try to self-regulate like this is you can’t rely on your own self-regulation And yet they do and then they go. Oh well code review and it’s like, all right, but People who do business don’t think like engineers and engineers don’t think like people who do business And so if you don’t get those two groups together at a minimum you’re screwed and then really engineers shouldn’t talk to normal people That’s just a bad plan Engineers don’t speak the same language and they’re autistic and good engineers are especially autistic. So That’s what makes them good engineers to some extent for the most part. There’s exceptions, but whatever They shouldn’t be allowed to talk to people So now really you need translators and that’s fine, but you need translators and everyone’s like no no no software users are smart So they’ll just now they won’t And that’s usually what I was brought into fix like oh we did we tried agile and it was a complete catastrophe What do we do? and then I can’t get rid of agile because once you buy in you’re like You know once you buy into a philosophy like that because it is it’s effectively an ideology for development People are not going to change And so I have to instead give them some magical new modified agile technique. It just came out To fix their problem, even though i’m like stop doing agile Why would you stop doing agile because agile is is I mean the original agile is actually explicitly no design people deny that but like you just have to listen to the talk that That uncle bob martin gave like no they they didn’t need to design their software because there were 10 of them and they were all Experienced and they knew what they were doing and it was a small project That is true When I write code and I only write code for me I do not I am not a software engineer for hire I never have been well very early in my career I was but after that I never did it again for other people. I said i’m only write software for myself I’ll write automation and scripting for other people and charge them a fortune. No problem Not real user experience software when I write my projects. I do not design them. That is true They are small and they’re written by one person. There’s no reason to go through a divine design phase If you’re a group of people that know each other with experience You probably and the project is small has to be a small project. You probably don’t need a design phase. That is true Almost any significant software anywhere and certainly anything that’s capable of running in the cloud with very few exceptions needs a design phase And so they took away design phase agile doesn’t allow for a design phase if you actually look at agile There’s no design phase in agile doesn’t exist. There’s no phase in agile called design That’s the first problem. The second problem is release is supposed to be cheap Right. And so what happened is I was it I was at um, Nokia In boston, they had a boston office. I think that was their big office outside of finland actually They brought me into another group With a director very nice smart lady And she said we don’t know what’s wrong and I said, okay What are you doing? And she and I only have one meeting with these guys too, which is even funnier. So she goes We have a backlog which is what it’s called in agile when you have a bunch of work that’s not done because it piles up It’s called a tech technical backlog We have backlog that’s too big and it keeps getting bigger. We don’t know how to deal with it And I said, all right, what’s your release schedule? All right. Well, we do two weeks friends, which is extremely standard in agile I don’t recommend two weeks friends ever by the way, but whatever Um, I often don’t get to say anything about that. So I just lie and say yeah two weeks prints is fine. Whatever, right? so we do two weeks prints okay, and We do releases on fridays and I was like What? Who in this industry does releases on fridays? Are you high on drugs? Do you not understand that your software engineers want to go home on the weekend? You never release software And this is a long time ago and it was already 10 years since people knew better than to release on friday Other than the obvious fact that no sane person Would think to release on a friday. So they would release every friday It would break every friday afternoon in production Or over the weekend And piss off the engineers. They have to work extra hours. They also didn’t have a support team because in agile You eat your own dog food So you don’t have People who aren’t engineers to run the software for you so that your engineers have a break I mean, there’s so many mistakes here and they’re all due to agile They’re all due to adopting agile and what you could argue with didn’t really understand agile Which is going to be partly my argument, but also agile is unsustainable And then I said, okay how long between sprints and they were like what And I was like Are you telling me that you do a two-week sprint and start your next two-week sprint on monday? after your friday release And they were kind of like well, yeah, of course we do and I was kind of like Holy sheep. What is wrong with you? Are you a lunatic? Like how would you? What are you doing? And and then I find out That they calculate their engineering hours at 40 hours a week and i’m like If you’re doing agile and you’re doing daily stand-up meetings and you’re doing review meetings on monday And you’re doing release meetings on thursday and you’re doing all the other stupid administrative meetings in agile Your coders aren’t available 40 hours a week to code How are you calculating your your? No wonder why you have a tech backlog. What is wrong with you? You lunatics you didn’t even get the basic math, correct? like they were making so many mistakes, but And then they asked me what to do and I said well you’ve got two choices The normal way this is done is red team blue team roughly speaking right where you’ve got one team’s working on the next release and then they Their next two weeks is off where they’re running the software They just built and released and then the previous team that was running the software is now doing the development from that Last team stuff right and then they swap right so you stay with the software for for for a week or two It doesn’t really matter. It’s a whatever. There’s different ways to deal with it. Yeah Right. That’s one way split your team into two or have two teams The other way is to just take that time off and oh by the way, don’t ever release your software later than wednesday ever Ever ever like why would you need to tell somebody something that obvious and yet in the software industry Up until today, there’s still people releasing on friday and i’m like How do you not know from manufacturing product? That you don’t release on a friday Like how do you not know from taking 10 seconds to think that you would never release anything of any kind physical software mental ethereal Theoretical on a friday like what is wrong with your head? And yet these are the problems that were going on and have been going on the entry and have accelerated Because everything’s going faster not just tech tech is a lever. It makes things go faster Everything’s going faster now and because things are going faster things are uncoupling So things that used to be synchronized are unsynchronized because the speed of of the faster has changed my faster and your faster are now different speed rates So yeah, it’s a mess the software industry is and it’s been that bad for a long time That’s why I was trying to get out for so long. I’m like, I gotta get the hell out of here I’m not and and now it’s hard for me to get a job. You know what I just did on friday though What so if we did this has come up. I actually did a presentation on agile for a not software company about the philosophy of agile to purely put to Purely put for the idea of hey, um, we need to collaborate better We need to work as a team and we need to document the process and we need to aim at generating a system and not having short-term goals and they were just like Who are you? What language do you speak? You come do you come do you come from earth? I was like, yeah, this is actually The core concepts are fine If yeah, just the development of the application. No, no the core the core theories are fine The concept is broken because they’re they’re based on a 10 person company Whose goal was to not have middle management? So if you actually listen to uncle bob martin’s talk And he’s done a couple of them that I know of but there’s probably more out there about the first agile team and how they Came up with agile That was the goal. We were a 10 person company writing a small piece of scalable software We all knew each other. We all had 10 more 10 or more years of software experience And our goal was to not have middle level management So my thesis is maybe if you have middle level management agile is not the right fit for you Because it wasn’t designed designed encounter balance to metal level management Explicitly and and like look and i’m not even like agile has no upside Agile has an amazing ability like when you take agile teams You’re if you if you balance the teams correctly and that’s actually nearly impossible to do So it seems to only happen by luck. I would argue I could do it, but that’s just boasting at some point Uh, and maybe i’m right. Maybe i’m wrong But if you balance the teams correctly and i’ve seen correctly balanced teams because you you see enough teams like it’s gonna happen by accident Your low end software engineers get better and it’s like holy crap This actually makes software engineers better it can usually it doesn’t like it almost never does but when it does it’s amazing to watch but you have to have the right balance of one really good engineer At least a couple mid-tier engineers and then you can have Bad engineers at the bottom now agile teams are tend to be small So you’re talking about one two and then three right because the teams are supposed to be really small But the large scale communication has always been a problem in agile Because what ends up happening is it works great for a single team of 10 people Right, but it doesn’t work when you have a developing team with 30 people because now you need three teams, right or four teams right And and then that’s a problem Right because now those teams have no way to communicate because that isn’t built into agile because it was built for a 10 person company And then like people don’t understand right once you understand what it was built for you understand where not to use it Right because the specific goals and conditions are not met in larger sizes And that’s why it doesn’t say scale and then you get into things like safe, which is scaled agile framework something Um scrum too. Yeah. Well scrum is a different different tactic within the agile thingies, right But but but none of that works better than classic 80 20 80 80 percent design 20 percent coding anyway You know and that’s still my argument is like i’ve seen both and i’m sorry all the long-lasting software Some of which is still in use today was designed with 80 20 and nothing with agile has lasted more than three years And it can’t because agile eats its own tail agile was so fast that you’re constantly changing the software And you end up hitting what usually happens in a company and i’ve seen this many many times again This is this is my thing This is what I used to do people used to bring me in for this even though I hate agile and never wanted to do any of this They’d hit the wall on on scaling They just hit the scaling wall because it turns out if you don’t design your scale You can’t scale past a certain point now that point changes based on where you started This goes back to my relativity point earlier actually, right? It depends where you started you could start with something with a decent scale up to 100 000 or 500 000 or a million or something But when you hit the scale point of it depends on the app Generally five millions of scaling point or three millions somewhere in that range when you hit that point you’re screwed And I mean you’re screwed like you can’t agile develop your way out of scaling from one million to to to six Not gonna happen like you cannot just you know retool the software it’s not gonna happen you end up rewriting 80% of the code Because that’s what scaling points do to you and that’s what lack of design is. Yeah, they have to enforce new protocols to allow for new Yeah You usually have to change the base level back end design of the system and how the data flows through the system Yeah, and and they look like i’ve worked on projects where i’m like look Version one is only going to scale to 100 000 people But you’re not going to get 100 000 clients fast enough that by the time that happens We won’t have rewritten it and have the next version rolled out To scale to a million like i’ve done that project. I’ve done that project all the way up and down the scaling points So like it’s not a big deal if you plan for it But if you if you agile your way to victory you can’t plan for it because there’s no design or planning in agile Worth a damn for long-term stuff and and you fail so yeah Yeah, my subversion was that I looked this capital a Agile essentially capital a actual hashtag agile also cool and then there’s lowercase a so being agile and that was actually the My subversion which is like hey, we need to be more flexible and more pragmatic and develop Rather than trying to just accomplish things for the sake of accomplishing them Yeah, that was that was That was third iteration agile. That was about seven years ago people came to the conclusion that the concepts were good Which is also not true by the way, but it’s close enough the concepts were good But the implementation was the problem they didn’t put it that way But that’s effectively what they were saying actually Yeah And so they started getting into small a agile like you described I just thought that was funny and because i’m always like this stuff is all obvious. Are you guys so slow? But I did want to I did want to catch up on Sally joe glad my place on the team is secure. It’s not sally. It’s not Better watch it back girl. Better watch it back Um, I remember everything subconsciously just remake it and stick people That is true her stick people abilities like she has the best stick people abilities He’s like stick people philosophy if we could if we could I don’t know if we could just remake the world slightly And get sally joe freed up for stick people philosophy man. That would be awesome I’m already reserving grandma for babysitting. This is true This is true She’s around 16 minutes in the past. That’s not bad for sally. She’s only running 16 minutes behind It’s a problem with sally. She’ll forget all this tomorrow and she’ll go that was a really good stream And I’ll go why and she’ll go well because the thing you did in the stream and it’s why can’t I remember? She goes I always forget this right afterwards Damn it sally Yeah, it’s very funny and it it’s repeatable like we do this every week Like I don’t learn she doesn’t learn nothing changes. It’s just the liturgy that we do on this discord server It’s fantastic. This is what we do Muppets confirmed Yes It sounds like that sounds like the old school. Yes, that’s the old school head child actually. It’s like nothing’s ever actually finished Right, which is right. Yeah, well, that’s the problem with agile and that’s why you get tech debt You get tech debt because not only are your estimates always slightly off, which is fine Like i’m not even mad about that. In fact, I like the way they do the the the estimates um, because it has some advantages some disadvantages, but You also accumulate bugs and so your tech debt grows at a rate. You can’t calculate And it and it varies greatly between teams like i’ve seen some stuff and i’ve been like wow How did you guys get it? How many? I think it was something like 42 Updates microsoft at least just last week Just in one week 42 updates like that’s just guys. That’s that’s that’s a foundational level problem if you actually think this thing So samsung’s worse. Yeah, well, it’s not even samsung. It’s google. Oh, sorry. Um the google phones For two straight months We’re doing an average of 10 updates a day on 115 apps and i’m like For every day for two months 60 days jesse. I counted actually. I actually measured it I was like how the hell is this possible? What do you do? I cannot tell you what’s changed I have no freaking idea because there’s no functionality change that I can that I can find That I can find Wow That’s how fast the world is moving and and and that and that desynchronizes things ethan b I literally made a stick person today. I made a stick person sally joe convinced me that Well, I could not anywhere on the internet find how to draw atlas holding up the world that stick people was good enough And since I was out of time, I in fact stick people the whole problem. I’m not particularly happy about this Uh, because i’m like I have been able to find draw how to draws for everything up until this point And now I hit this wall and i’m like really hot Roughly speaking Huh man holding it wouldn’t be that hard. It’s just man crouching with a bowl on on his back actually, it’s really hard because you have to get the perspective right on the Shoulder neck. Okay. Yeah on the neck because you’re not like I cheated right? I just drew a man standing like this That’s not hard But actually you want him to crouch down like I really did want him like crouch down like I wanted a side view So you did this and the globe on the back thing? That’s what I really wanted, but I couldn’t get a how to draw that Uh, and I was like what the hell and I like I looked for 15 minutes Like I was like scrolling through things at max speed and doing I was pulling out all the stops I’m like, I really want to do this and then you know Meanwhile like dinner’s getting ready, right and I don’t make dinner anymore which is fantastic. It’s like all in the world It’s fantastic. But still i’m like, oh I got a limited amount of time I gotta get this done, you know, and and i’m eating delicious food now. So that’s even better Um, yeah, and it was just like no, why can’t I find this and it wasn’t there? It was not there. You do look like you’re in better spirits than last week. Also that Is Thank you. Well last week I was tired, although I did have a bit of a blow this week after after my high of What I thought was total victory last week. Um, oh the cult case. Oh the saga continues Any is it any progress? It’s unbelievable. Well, i’m gonna find out is okay. It’s literally unbelievable. It’s it’s two worlds. It’s two worlds It’s I had to explain for us and the other side’s going no, we thought that went well for us And i’m like it definitely did not go well for you by any standard or measure that you could invent in your head Gosh, they want blood No, no, no. No, no, I think it’s bluffing. I think it’s either it’s a little bluffing or it’s stupid Wait, you you get it. So so funny story There was a time a couple of months ago when we went to court because the other side made a motion and my lawyer was like I hope they win this motion. I don’t want to argue against it And I was like we should not argue against this motion at all Is there a way we can make sure the motion passes? He was like no we have to show up and i’m like damn so And guess what happened The judge asked and my lawyer was like Well, your honor all all we’re asking for is clarity. So, you know, we don’t we don’t you know, we don’t have much You know in defense and the judge figured out what was going on And denied the motion and we were like damn No, we wanted you to pass the motion and we were pissed because we were like we weren’t even objecting We were just like just looking for clarification from the court, please And it didn’t happen and I was like damn it And and you know to and the judge kicked the can down the road, which even pissed me off even more I’m like well now we’re gonna have to ask another judge if it comes up again And it might I don’t think it will I I can’t track all that stuff. I just want this to be done for you It’s just I know well december 4th. We’ll know more December 4th for the moment Things may not end on december 4th. That’s the that’s the key And if things go particularly well on december 4th and and you can take a week off a week and a half off of work Maybe we’ll fly you back to florida Let’s see Okay, let’s see training guys, I just got it good Symbolic training you need symbolic training Yeah, you can take the time off You can take the time off. Maybe we can make an arrangement. Let’s see Sally joe note sally this is not true He always says like I can’t draw and then he does no No, I say like I can’t draw and then I find something with at least six panels on how to draw it And then if I take my time and it takes me bloody well forever I can get it close enough that you guys are impressed which is fine. Like i’m okay with that, but that’s not really drawing Like at some point It’s just like I painted monnae by numbers. Okay, I could paint monnae by numbers. I absolutely can but did I paint monnae? like come on like Stop trying to make them good. No, I don’t try to make them good believe me when i’m in the flow of the moment trying to copy these little changes And and like erasing and trying to get the proportions right. Yeah, i’m i’m not There’s a guy that makes it just through excel too, which is just insane Well, you know what I want to do is go back and do uh strong bad Because that was always one of my favorites just strong bad is the best I just love that because he does like he was the first one to kind of do that and it’s just so freaking funny Strong bad is fantastic strong bad is I mean I just every time I think about strong bad I’m just in complete joy with the world. It is so stupid. It is lovely The level of stupidity is right where i’m at like this is retarded and absurd. It’s right there It’s right where I am retarded and absurd So dumb so stupid so amazingly ridiculous. It’s it’s it’s brilliant genius. I love it Ethan b jesse, what do I get my osse brother-in-law for christmas? That’s a good question. Oh Where is he? context matters What do you guys like is if they’re a monolith ethan Think about the united states. What are midwesterners like what are people in the weird mountains like you like? No, same thing. What do southerners like nothing like you two like crazy people? Crazy people same thing australia’s just got what do you get four four or six regions? I forget For for cultural purposes not i’m not talking about geographic weird things on a map. He’s like eight or nine Yeah, maybe Three on the on us on the east coast two in the middle So it’s five and then then you get the one on the west and then you’ve got Then you’ve got um the territory the capital territory then made up capital territory, so that’s six now are those all different cultures though? Oh, yeah camber is Yeah, camber is very different in northern territories. Yeah There’s the gypsies. There’s the guys that do the seasonal travel around the country thing and just find work. Yeah by season Yeah, they’re a whole different minus. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they’re nuts. Then you can say that Yeah, yeah, they’re nuts then you can say that Our northwest to up in brume they’re completely Yeah, they’ve got the old dutch or swiss or even it was actually it’s actually um, I found that this strange fact this week that um western australia was meant to be colonized by Colonized by what meant to be the french had a claim on the western side to compete the dutch and it wasn’t basically it was The french revolution that stopped france coming over here And trying to start a project Uh-oh, we have another fan ethan b Trogdor the burninator. Yes. Yes trogdor the burninator All I know is that he is from over there nice over there. Have you seen australia dude? It’s not small It’s not like the european countries No, it was as big as maybe small in in in inhabited area But it’s actually a big place like it’s huge just the middle of it’s empty right but it’s a big place all the cities are On the outside roughly speaking Yeah, we’re actually bigger than the united states technically but this yeah, it’s mostly in area wise. Yeah. Yeah Lost a mile checked. Yeah Yeah, what? in terms of land mass in terms of land mass So 2.968 million miles square miles Like I hope this could be a completely humbling moment, but I thought I thought you could have it No free steering more Yeah, 3.797 square miles for the u.s You might be bigger than the continental but not by much but you’re not I mean alaska is enormous Alaska is just this huge mass of land um No, no, we’re we’re a million square miles bigger or so Uh, let me try the continental though. You might be bigger than the continental I mean it like the And that’s the continental united states Oh, no, that’s still freaking ginormical. It’s way bigger than 2.9 3.1 Yeah now yeah, okay you you you asses think too much of yourselves that’s pretty typical of asses though So i’m used to that it wouldn’t be it wouldn’t be fair. Uh, ethan he’s from the north. He’s not gosh He’s not aboriginal. That’s all don’t get me started on this channel. That’s really helpful They’re a different culture let’s say that way they’re a different culture Although the ones that do um that do participate in the modern sense of australia They’re they’re probably the most australian which is ironic the ones that don’t want anything to do with the modern australia Right, they’re completely different people the ones that really do they’re they’re the You could say true blue would be an expression over here. So Right. Well because because they see the projection they don’t see the they’re not participating in the actual they’re participating in the projection That’s sort of um Uh, yeah frontier of ideas watch frontier of ideas with mark and adam. Yeah, that’s that’s what we’re talking about We’re talking about that pattern that that phenomenon. They’re not uh, what do you what do you call the aboriginals? They’re they’re maori in uh in kiwiland in new zealand, right? But what are they in australia? Yeah, they’re different. They’re a different type of Yeah, they’re another type of Yeah culture people Ethos in the would be the technical term Yeah, simoan. Yeah, there’s a lot of uh, simoan. Yeah, they’re similar. They’re similar Pacific islanders as well torrent straight albus is another right all the different. Yeah another Yeah, see this is a this is a new zealand maori symbol Right, it’s a it’s a It represents a club That’s oh, yeah, that’s hard to see it represents a club that you beat people with but that’s a maori Sort of a thing that I got from a kiwi girl a billion years ago Yeah, um, well what would you depends you could find out the sports team over here I always I always find sports team and memorabilia and those things pretty pretty lame Oh gosh mark. It’s stream yard is doing that thing. It’s uh-oh Stream yard’s fine. Just relax. That’s not Dream yard automatically adjusts volume. I hear and uh, I don’t care because I have a pretty clean audio setup, so it doesn’t seem to affect anything but I can see why as a fiddler You’re too low now. Good job too high too low Can’t win Can’t win with the computer. Ethan says alaska is half the continental. I don’t know about that dude. It’s big but It didn’t look that big for the numbers I was looking up of course I was looking up on the internet and the internet is now Mostly wrong by the way, so just a little warning Google search results and like wikipedia Mostly wrong they used to be mostly right and now it’s mostly wrong So most of the things you search for just you’re gonna find incorrect answers There’s technical reasons for that. I won’t go into because that’s another stream for another day and boring and technical But yeah, like we’ve just everything’s moving too fast and Part of that is everything’s wrong all the time You know and and yeah a lot of that’s function of entropy a lot of its function of there’s so many people gaming the system The number of people gaming the system is much higher than the number of people running the system And if you believe in distributed cognition and you should because it’s real that means these people that run things are gonna lose That’s why when people talk about The small number of people at the top running things. I’m like, I don’t think that’s true I appreciate that sometimes it looks that way But actually the number of people at the bottom is smarter than the number of people at the top Just technically as a group and this is why distributed cognition is such a huge breakthrough by verveky the way he talks about it I don’t think he does enough work on it. I don’t think he understands the implications He doesn’t talk about distributed cognition through time or or he realized the bible. It’s the smartest book ever written. For example Just technically but from his own framework Right, but he never addresses that And then maybe some submission is in order and a little gratitude and and then you can take responsibility. Uh, I wonder where I got that format Organization organization. Yeah, I was gonna say ethan archery archery would be the thing. I would get a kid I think we all need to get into archery There you go. I think that’s I love archery. I think yeah I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point I think we all need to get into archery. There you go. I think that’s I love archery. I think yeah, I’ve been Trying to have gone to some money together to start doing that because I think Man, if I had some cash i’d get a bow again. I could set up a little archery range I got 12 acres I could set up a little archery range next to the shooting range that I want to set up. No problem We could do that. That’d be fun I would I would totally enjoy that Just every once in a while go out and point a few arrows after I fire off a few rounds because america Resurrected calvius spirit. That’s why I think the most american thing ever was that stupid eagle running on the beach And then people put like machine guns in his hands And just it was this dumb little animation. I was like That is the most america thing of all time. It is They’ll be there can be no more america Like that is the pinnacle of americanist is an eagle with machine guns walking on a beach not even flying freaking genius Absolutely loved it Absolutely freaking the best thing ever nothing’s ever going to surpass that that is peak america Peak peak peak peak. I love that that little meme thing. Whatever the hell it was wherever the hell it came from It used to be a lot more of that stuff. It’s just so It’s been all concreted over This sort of it was pre meme culture. It was just we’ve we’ve lost Yeah, we’ve lost memes entirely because they’ve been overused and oversaturated and now they’re being suppressed because of speed And the shift now, it’s so funny. It’s so funny. So kathryn bronski. I follow kathryn bronski on twitter I still love kathryn bronski Aside from being a gorgeous woman she writes so beautifully But she’s so lost sometimes so she was she’s saying Oh an hour really isn’t long enough in a podcast to get deep into things That was either that was like this week and I was just like how did you not know this before like we’ve been saying this? right because Effectively like that’s been the trend the trend was from 15 minute ted talks to conversations with one other person to long-form discussion a la joe rogan and like that pattern is the pattern that’s been that’s playing out right now and You know, we don’t understand that and people haven’t Taken responsibility for the change in the format basically right? No one’s out there going this is how this is done and the closest that we’ve come to that is actually peterson I mean, that’s why I like the peterson sphere. I think it’s really important to think of it that way I Don’t uh, I don’t know ethan foster’s bf Um, I can’t remember the foster’s commercials now they had some great foster’s commercials recently, um recently a few years ago. Anyway, um That and uh sea patrol get him some sea patrol merchant sea patrol is Never seen it. It’s completely is the most Aussie thing ever completely hysterical I mean Matt there’s one episode in there where they’re like they they’re not on the ship They start out on a beach playing beach volleyball and just like this is the dumbest most australian thing That could exist in the history of the universe it was fantastic I loved it so much. I haven’t seen all the episodes either, but my goodness. That is a funny show Um, it’s completely as dare. I think you can just see the cultural influence and where it all comes from um Yeah, very Aussie very Aussie. I I like sort of the over-the-top stuff Yeah, it’s a it’s a good thing about monty python right back in the day was It was too british to be british like it was just like brits on steroids and it’s just fantastic And whenever you get that mr. Bean is like that too, right? It’s very Very Right and black adder and and all those genre things very very very over-the-top sort of Exemplification good contrast And eagle carrying machine guns walking on the beach good contrast America Totally, america, but you get these high contrast things. They’re very very funny um And I like the the sort of high contrast sort of stuff Um that always makes me happy but Yeah, uh, Aussies are Aussies are interesting Interesting set of cultures there. I’ve worked with a lot of Aussies Don’t work with Aussie software engineers. Oh my goodness Oh my goodness. They are terrible. Sorry, Jesse, but your countrymen can’t code. They just they can’t it’s Many many encounters none of them good And I don’t know what it is like I don’t know why it’s that way but it it’s very that way Wait a minute Why is sally on both channels damn it sally don’t watch on randos united watch on my channel Why does sally do this to me Why does anybody just watch on navigating patterns don’t watch on stupid randos united I only do that to grab people from them steal them to my channel so that I can grow Become the largest channel in the peterson sphere take over the universe and crush my enemies That’s my only reason for living crushing of the enemies Where the hell did jesse go? We lost him I don’t uh, I don’t I don’t endorse Uh spatch get him a nice haggis. I don’t endorse this at all Uh-oh. Oh now we get trouble Ethan hello I can hear me on you. Oh, that’s not good. That’s not good I might have to go get headphones Maybe maybe Can you still hear you? Oh, yeah, a lot of clear Okay, just delayed Oh And then he’s gone But he’ll be back with headphones That happens in our book club. We’re gonna do the book club again tomorrow We’re at the end of book nine of playdoh’s republic So we’ve only got three more weeks. I don’t know if we’re gonna get it done the end of the year because i’m gonna be away Away The next two weeks i’m gonna be away. They might do it without me. That’s fine. Um So I don’t know if we’re ever gonna finish the republic But in theory, but I I think long before that I think I think think I think with your prayers and your help next week Because I have to record next week. Like I’ve got to do a bunch of recordings next week. Anyway, um I can get my playdoh’s cave You’ve been lied to video out I think I can do it. I did start it today. I started the work today The work has I mean started it before but like I actually started the outline because this is going to be a hard video To do i’m really gonna because I got to keep it. I want to keep it tight I might not be able to it might be a 40 minute video It might be a 40 minute recorded. It might be longer. I don’t know. I don’t think so I think I keep 20 minutes, but in order to keep it tight, I gotta I gotta really plan it So i’ve actually been planning this video out. I do I do plan some videos out more than others And this one’s going to be a heavy planning video so With with your hopes and prayers This week I will have that done Uh, not this week in the next seven days. I will have that done and uh, and and done for release I’m gonna try to get adam to do Echoes of the past and Maybe i’ll try to record that this weekend with him But we’ll try to get that done, too Because I love talking to adam and I need more content Coming up for the end of the year. And then of course, I got to record like What did I say six videos? I got to record six videos so Uh, i’ve got a lot of recording to do and uh I’ve been lazy and have i’ve been busy. I’ve been getting it done. I do have some actual other work to do To deal with hospitals and medical records. That’s going to be fun um On monday, so that would take up a lot of time i’m sure Heaven for fun. They just give you the things you own Um, that’s not a thing we do anymore in the united states so um I don’t know, but I think I can I think I can pull it off. Everything seems to be hopping along quite nicely. So Uh, if the good news continues and good vibes continue then we should be good to go So yeah, i’m i’m looking forward to all that Uh, and then hopefully i’ll have six seven eight videos recorded Keep the keep the flow going The channel is not picking up people like it used to I was getting off off of twitter my twitter feed. It’s going pretty well which is interesting but the um The channel not so much and man the struggles with google and getting merchants center to work are just I don’t know what google’s doing They sent me an email Saying they rejected my logo And then an hour later, they sent me an email saying they accepted my logo. So what’s going on at google, but they seem confused I’m just saying so, you know, let me get that run What is freaking ethan’s not coming back now? What is wrong with this guy and then jesse abandoned me. I don’t believe it Now I have gratitude but they don’t have responsibility they’re irresponsible people That’s the problem Is it exemplifications good contrast? This is the way not to be just saying Just gonna use this opportunity to uh define them for abandoning me To my own devices That’s what happens I need better responsibility in the world. It’s required Oh, there we go, aaron is here with me Thank you, aaron. You got any questions? Did you watch the whole thing aaron or you did you just hop in recently? Because uh, we like the we like the engagement even in just in the live chat that any engagement is good engagement Elizabeth hasn’t said anything in a while. She probably hopped out. We’ve been it’s been a weird feed because uh You’ve been in and out a lot these numbers have been bouncing around for watchers I’m glad you’re here now. I hope you catch up I I really need some more feedback on my monologue, especially the last one in this one I’d be really interested to hear how good they were whether or not they’re resonating with people. It’s actually really important to get feedback Um, and it’s like pulling teeth to get good feedback so Yeah, go back and listen to the monologue aaron and take notes or something If you don’t know how to take notes then go listen to my video on taking notes and navigating patterns Then take notes on my monologues then give me feedback On the discord server in email on a comment, whatever right or during the next live stream. That’s fine Whenever although the next live stream is going to be three weeks away. Unfortunately because yeah convivium thanksgiving Probably a live stream after that. Hopefully, right? Hopefully I don’t get sick right and uh Yeah, so Yeah, and hopefully plenty of videos I do have a video for monday I gotta plan that out and get that released Ethan Aaron jump in jump on we So we’re trying to make mark go nine hours tonight mark is not going nine hours tonight If I had six people in here or something maybe And the energy was good, but I can’t even get jesse back. So I don’t know Uh, and and as soon as jesse comes back, I think we’re gonna wind it down, but I want to get his closing comments because look gratitude and responsibility and the fact that When you have gratitude it’s easier to take responsibility is important Um to realize right it’s important to realize that relationship even though it’s super difficult and it is super it is super difficult It’s super it is super difficult And it is kind of wrapped up in everything that we do It’s one of the reasons why I wanted to cover it. It’s one of the reasons why when I brought it up Sally joe was like yes Right. She’s like, oh no, that’s super important. We got to talk about that, right? You just get that that sense that weight of that thing and It is the gratitude and responsibility that we’ve lost that has caused the acceleration of the world Right because when you take responsibility for something you don’t do something stupid like agile design on a large project With more than 10 people and middle level management like if you were being a responsible person running a company You wouldn’t do that. You do the research and find out that agile is not fit for your organization and just kind of give up Um, and that’s the problem I do like the way erin put this Responsibility, right? It’s the response to your ability to do something and that’s that’s couched in the gratitude, right? the Fact that you’re able to do things in a place with interact with things outside of yourself bigger than you something you need to be grateful for And then you need to respond to that ability Right, but the gratitude comes first basically And uh that that that that was the theme I was trying to get across in the monologue too that I think I went over it three or four times in different ways um And and and that’s see that’s for feedback. I’m looking for did that come across in the monologue? Because if it didn’t then I failed Uh, or at least failed and partly failed in one of my missions And that’s really important is that we realize that all these things are tied together Like you may think oh long rambling sort of no, not really we kind of stayed on topic And if you miss the fact that we stayed on topic That might be okay because like you don’t need to be consciously aware of everything. It’s okay You just need to act within the spirit and realize this stream was very coherent I’m not saying we didn’t stray at all. But like really they’re kind of talking about the topic the whole time Even we’re talking about Agile development it’s very much about gratitude and responsibility Responsibility When you’re not taking responsibility for your team you’re defaulting to constant change You’re defaulting to not paying attention not testing your software not designing your software just writing it That’s an irresponsible thing to do fundamentally And so really it’s the same topic, right? And when you don’t have gratitude for where things came from This came from a desire to not have middle level management because you had 10 people who knew what the hell they were doing You don’t have gratitude For the way the system came to be then you misuse it That’s why responsibility and gratitude go together, right? When you don’t have a gratitude for the fact that yeah, there’s people in federal prison in the united states for marijuana possession But actually they all had the illegal weapons heroin cocaine We’re doing child trafficking for almost all of them Then you know you you you have this bad vision of the world But perfectly good people were just walking down the street snatched off the street thrown in federal prison for smoking a joint never happened Never happened and a lot of the local cases and there are some local cases where people were thrown in prison thrown in jail overnight for For smoking a joint on the street that happens, but they’re usually troublemakers with rap sheets So it’s kind of like well if the cops had a dad an evening and you know Yeah, you know and you look at things like stop and frisk, which is a big issue in the united states. It’s like yeah, but it worked Every single piece of data says it worked So you can say it’s largely unfair and bad, but it worked And that’s responsible and to not have gratitude for the fact that something that you don’t understand Because you’re not looking at the full picture and maybe you’re not able to and maybe you shouldn’t have to Doesn’t work the way you expect What do you want me to do? You know, you should you should be grateful that things work even though you don’t understand them That’s dirty jobs all over again What do you uh, what do you think there jesse? How do you be responsible how you be present How do you be grateful You appreciate the value that others bring to your life and you begin there Hmm, that’s gratitude value. That’s gratitude And then that value that you see in others extends out to all sorts of things But if you don’t see in the immediate relationships And in the immediate relationships that you do have You won’t see it you won’t see it everywhere else But when you start to see that when you start to be grateful for the people However small that number might be You’ll start to be more grateful for the rest of your local community for your animals that are around you or for the What your ancestors have left or what? Yeah. Well and for you sacrifice your limitations. Yes Yes, because you’re a limitation Yes, yes, yeah because your limitations yes, yes because you uh, you live in a time and place So that’s how you be present as well Well, you live in a time and place and you’re an imperfect person and when you do something right You should be grateful that you were able to do something right because That’s not trivial. We kind of take it for granted that we intend to do everything we do And we do it perfectly and rationally and none of that’s true Right, and that’s and that’s the problem erin. I I will try to address this when not to take responsibility Yes Responsibility is not one thing right? And so sometimes you have to drop responsibility for one thing to take more responsibility for another I went over that in the monologue So the interesting thing if you go back and listen If you didn’t hear that let me know because you know and like fair like if you didn’t you didn’t that’s fine Like this is my failure. It’s not yours Um, right like lying to the cops. Well, don’t lie to the cops Um, you don’t have to like there’s lots of ways to get around lying your fellow citizens Or someone trying to take your wallet, yeah, look, I mean if somebody tries to take my wallet I just say that’s unwise I’m a berserker. You might get hurt I I don’t tell them i’m gonna win although I am I am trained. Uh, it’s not a good idea. Don’t pull a knife on me Yeah, we went to I remember it as distinctly there’s a guy who was much better Than I was in karate like much but he was just he was fast. He’s pretty I was faster But he was he you just had more hours right period more hours. It’s more skillful more disciplined That’s not hard My discipline is really varies with what i’m doing very disciplined with computer stuff and not a lot of other stuff It’s very good and I was paired up with him for some reason I was like, this is one of the best kids in the class you know, even though we’re close we weren’t like I think he was one belt up which wasn’t a big super big deal, but We were doing knife moves And you know, I did okay um He was way better at knife moves None of them worked None of them because I was way better with a knife way better. It’s way quicker Yeah, there was one point where you know, you’re supposed to try to slash and like the rules are the attacker doesn’t have rules Like the defender the person learning the moves they’re supposed to use the moves Fair, right? I mean that’s how it’s supposed to work because those moves are supposed to work But hey, i’m super fast or at least I was when i’m not sick i’m still super fast Um super fast. I have fast switch nerve fiber. So i’m just quick. I’m just physically quick I’m way quicker than your average person but also I’ll go up on the streets. I actually know how to use a knife so at one point I was doing the slash thing and I switched hands and And he was like what the hell just happened and I was like, yeah, well, that’s what you get Like, you know, you’re dealing with the man here I got skills brother And yeah, I mean at one point, you know, I did okay with the knife thing But I could take the knife out of his hand every time I was like, yeah, i’m just a quick and be used to this Well, this you actually touched you skipped over a very important point with responsibility and maybe it’s a Point to end on is one the pathway towards responsibility is the pathway through discipline Hello, yes. Yes, right. Well, I didn’t discuss this What you got ethan I just came in I came in just in time for a closing remark that I don’t have Have you got to have something on on responsibility and gratitude come on, um, well I I have to say earlier during the monologue. I was thinking of hulk hogan and his his slogan was a Um train say your prayers and eat your vitamins take your vitamins so So we had a response wait gratitude say your prayers responsibility train and Take your vitamins There it is I like that. Well, well, but ethan real quick how have so you you are a new father Right So you now have an engagement in being that that you know Is amazing, right and it’s new to you and it’s somewhat miraculous because all birth is miraculous, right? How is your relationship to responsibility changed and what did you learn about gratitude as a result? Um, well the things that mattered before don’t I mean it’s all just cliche things that you’ve heard before but Things that mattered before don’t matter now life has more meaning And That makes you grateful That life has more meaning That’s my experience Yeah, well it can I mean it’s also not a silver bullet Which is not a silver bullet No, no, no, some people have a kid and they’re the same jerk that were before Um, oh that’s entirely possible with me. I I don’t know you’d have to ask my wife No, no, you’re definitely Because I knew before and after so that’s not hard. Oh Well, thank you But I know people who and I I know people have said People in randos united have said like they were selfish before and after and then and then you get someone like corey I don’t know if you saw the talk with corey and uh And ted on the on the pilgrimage they did together but um corey said You know, you don’t really know how selfish you are until you get married And then you really don’t know how you selfish you are until you have your first kid and he said and then every kid you have After that you realize how selfish you were You have much more selfish than you realize every time you add another person to be responsible for The amount of selfishness you realize you had is just like it was exponentially and I was like, yeah And that’s a that’s a way to open up freaking talk right there Right. Yeah, and I think that’s it. It’s some people though. They never get out of their shell They never they never realize that And and so they don’t take proper responses. They don’t have the proper level of gratitude Right, and then you get stuck doing weird things like talking about the feminine nature of the ark project, which is garbage And what what is that? Somebody was talking about that pvk’s video Oh Oh, yeah, well, we’ll pray for pvk Yes for pvk. That’s appropriate Right. Well and and and trying to lift up the people who don’t want it don’t deserve it and can’t use it Uh, let’s try to redeem constantly the people at the lowest rung just to create equality When that’s the appropriate thing to do Let’s start with mary before we start talking about the feminine It’s like what you got to crawl before you walk I think well and you’ve got to look at to the highest too. You get a look to the exemplification The amount of narcissism in women, you know is not um not lost on some people of The very thing that your biological imperative is to do which is to procreate and add to the civilization and to take up Your place is no longer as a child as an adult when you’re lacking that responsibility Of seeing life then of course that selfishness is only going to increase and then collectively as a distributed cognition that sort of Lack of responsibility and gratefulness to Be a part of that Responsibly great lack of gratefulness to take up the responsibility which to wish you’re born for Yeah, that’s um, that’s parasitic. Yeah Uh feminism is absolutely terrible for women. They’re the first they’re the first thing that that that bears the suffering from the effects of Of things like feminism and it’s really sad to see But they don’t feel it They don’t feel it first They feel it last Yeah, oh, yeah, that’s the problem. Yeah Right. The effects of this are not immediate and we get very confused when effects aren’t immediate because we’re living in this Technological time where everything’s so accelerated we expect We’re gonna video game Feedback immediately in the moment and it’s linear feedback video on linearity by the way It’s excellent on navigating patterns just saying um, we expect that feedback instantly And that feedback is not there for certain things. It’s not immediate Yeah, and you don’t realize when you change the education system how much you screw people You don’t realize when you put kids in masks right away Even though any idiot should know this from all the research that was already done or just thinking about it for 10 seconds Um why that would be bad. Yeah, you don’t need research for that years later. You figure it out Well, yeah, I mean, you know, it’s like my old joke about you know science I think it was last year or maybe this year finally figured out that that If if somebody breaks your heart like you Like they break up with you your heart is physically damaged and i’m like literally every single human that ever lived on the planet Before you already knew this Thank you so much You idiot because that reminds me I mean technically you’re You’re an idiot like really at some point like this is just dumb I was listening to dark horse one time a couple years ago and they’re like looking at these studies that proved that Going outside and jogging is good for your psychological health. I’m like Did you guys really need to just spend 10 minutes going through this study to tell us that really? Everybody who came before you already actually knew that Yeah, yeah, I don’t know what to tell you like I I don’t your level of Ignorance about the world and and your inability to observe around you And just see people who go out and jog every day or hike once a week are happier than people who don’t I don’t know what to tell you like you you just but I mean And I want to wrap all this together and and also talk about what Sally’s talking about here feminism just a maximization of women Yeah, exactly. It’s just But when you take women and you make them like men you’re flattening the world, right? Taking two things and making them one thing one thing, right? And yeah, that’s a problem, right? And it’s while devaluing actual female interest. You’re not devaluing it. You’re eliminating it Of course if you don’t see it But you can’t get rid of it at some point And that’s why it creeps back in And then and then you get this oh arc has this feminine nature to it it’s like there were almost no women there right, I mean they had they had uh, mary herrington and uh, louise perry and stuff, but they There’s two men on the stage with them You want to you want to divide feminine, right? And then and then what what is that though? Right? You’re making explicit Something that is normally implicit And where else do we see that that’s enabled by technology in particular listening to experts I’ve said this before i’ll say it again. I’ll say it every day until I die if I have to don’t Listen to experts period Leaders should listen to experts and decide whether or not the experts in it or whether or not they should be listening Just because something is correct doesn’t mean it’s right for groups of people It doesn’t mean it’s right for the culture that you’re in it doesn’t mean it’s right for the time that you’re living in Right the things change around you and the experts aren’t supposed to understand and track that Yeah, we take responsibility for that decision in the same way We’ve made leaders Gone and experts available And people are flattening the world and listening to experts in the same way that feminism removes the female And exposes only the masculine Yeah, yeah, we we learned this in the republic right that um, the experts are actually the they they’re the They’re the they’re the bottom tier And not to say that we don’t need them obviously, but they are the bottom tier. They’re not the top tier They’re not the people that are leading the republic the polis. They’re the they’re the top tier of the bottom half Yeah, you could look at it that way. Yeah, for sure. They’re they’re they’re part of the craftsman class They’re part of the class of craftsmen in the cave in the parable of the cave video that i’m preparing, right? Because the parable of caves actually split into two halves Right one quarter of it is the cave by the way, uh, and that’s the bottom. That’s the bottom of the bottom It’s the people running the cave That are the top half of the material Interesting. Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah, you know there was something actually of all people that pvk said it was in a live stream Probably over a year ago and uh, somebody asked a question about mary and the west they said yeah the the west needs to have a reckoning with mary and then um, He was gonna go on he said and he but he came back he said Or mary’s gonna have a reckoning with the west. I was like, whoa Yeah, that stuck with me. I wish I could find it. I wish I could get the verbatim quote But it was something to that it was like the west needs to have a reconciliation with A reckon a reckoning with mary or and then he came back and he said or she’s gonna have a reckoning with us I was like, wow He was better last year than he is He was better four months ago than he is now Yeah, I I Unsubscribed from him. I’ve i’ve cleaned up my youtube subscription feed a bit this year I I I knocked me too. I got rid of the fur fakie He was probably the first to go um paul vanderclay Uh, most recently is actually ben shapiro. I don’t know if i’ll go back or not. Of course. I’m not subscribed to randos united either Yeah, but yeah, I know randos is on the way out for me too just because Like the content’s not there anymore at all And uh, yeah, just well you can have things your way or you can have things better. It’s up to you And if people don’t I want it my way. All right, is it gonna make it better? No, it’s gonna make it worse and yeah, i’ve been i’ve been disappointed with the with the dissolution Of everything right but things are moving faster and there’s too much information and it’s a problem Yeah But but that’s that’s the I think I see this lack of gratitude and this lack of responsibility And that’s yeah You know You know to speak, you know from personal experience again. I have over the last several months Um probably about since my my son was born um, i’ve introduced a new habit of um of praying at night and every night I um, I will express um some very specific gratitude that relates to my specific life and Um, yeah, i’m actually seeing effects of that. It’s it’s incredible Just saying it, you know what ritualistically saying it every night You know like uh, just a sentence, you know Incredible. Oh, that’s good. That’s a good chair. Yeah Yeah, I like that idea. Yeah, it’s great People don’t have to pray. Well, that’s one way to pray is Show a little gratitude, right? And yeah. Yeah Well, it’s a tension too, you know, I mean it it’s it’s Doing that it in turn informs your world, you know, and your world is different as a consequence The world is a tension. Sally joe kids will do that for you. It’s wonderful. I don’t know about wonderful But it’s a thing it definitely changed It sounds terrifying to me, but like i’m glad you’re getting something out of it But uh, yeah, I get I get as much out of wallace as anybody I think so all this is fantastic Uh, yeah, it’s it’s good Where did jesse go? Why we need jesse back? um, yeah, well that’s a good i’m glad you mentioned that because I I I obviously failed to mention that so that that’s good. Yeah, that yeah Gratitude re-aims your attention and the world of the tension is jonathan. Pigeot says and that’s really important Hopefully we’ll get out to see jonathan. Pigeot. That would be That would be wonderful Who was the who’s the guy that reached out to you? He’s one of the panel speakers down there We’re going to be one of the panel speakers down there. What’s his name? What i’m not familiar with Oh, uh neil degray Yeah, okay him. Yeah, he called me out on twitter and said like His music dirt poor robin’s really good stuff. I’ve been listening to it in the car I’m like, yeah, this is pretty good. I like this. It’s good. It’s good spotify stuff So I really like their music it’s very uh operatic I want to call it And i’ve been really appreciating it. They’ve got it on um spotify So i’ve been appreciating it there and I think that’s that’s yeah. No, it’s worth it’s worth checking out. I’m gonna move you guys Yeah, yeah, let’s um, let’s let’s go through let’s sally joe pray the pray the lord’s prayer and two Prayer and two grata gratitude prayers every night nearly nightly since our editor shamed me for my negligence nice And then uh, it’s been excellent for me good. I am I am glad to hear that so I like that that you hopped in even I really appreciate that um I like that you put in the part about praying about like paying attention to the gratitude, right? And that’s helping you Be more responsible right? It’s having real effects in your life. It’s actually really important That was sort of the point of this dream is this can have effects in your life this paying attention to gratitude And responsibility and relationship between the two And why does jesse keep vanishing on me? Uh-huh. So so to wrap things up Ethan do you have any other wrap-ups for us and then i’ll move to jesse and then i’ll and then i’ll close Well, i’ll just say i’m grateful for good friends That’s wow i’m gonna have a hard time topping that and I That sucks Thanks check mate Check mate. That’s fine. That’s fine. If you win, i’m happy jesse what you got for us on a wrap-up for uh for a wrap-up for for this whole uh for this whole experience here i’m grateful for the chance to Uh be in community with so many uh leaders and responsible people Wow, that’s that’s good i’m gonna have to try to top that huh better it can’t be can’t be jordan almonds mark I know I get I get rejected for jordan almonds so I don’t buy groceries anymore and I was like What do you want? I want jordan almonds. Yeah, you might get sick eating those i’m not buying them Like wait what happened here? There are many benefits and yet there are many downsides I don’t have cream horns and jordan almonds all week. What’s going on? And and i’m grateful for that right because the trade-off is pretty good I don’t have to cook my dishes are magically not there all the time. It’s like amazing um And and yet i’m responsible for a lot more stuff all the time my house is full of stuff that’s not mine um And that you know that that alters your life right everything kind of changes And having that responsibility And taking that responsibility seriously like saying no, no, no, this is stuff i’m now responsible for And seeing where I missed because I missed a bunch of stuff. Oh freaking idiot Oh, man did I miss a bunch of stuff and I was like, oh why how why not why can’t I do this? Is the thing that lets you grow Right. It’s the mechanism that pushes you forward is trying to be responsible seeing where you fail in your responsibility Right and having gratitude for the ability to a see that be be responsible and see continue to engage Because because you woke up this morning And you’re like Be grateful And thank you everybody this is a wonderful stream I really enjoyed it I always appreciate feedback so leave comments Uh threaten your friends whatever it takes to get more subscribers to the channel Uh, ethan ethan’s on a crusade to make sure I get to uh, Symbolic world conference we need him down there Would love if you bought something from the store did super chats or whatever Um We’re still working on international shipping, which is like an impossible problem So I think we get canada up and running. Uh, we might do australia next jesse We’ll see we’re trying to get the uk going It’s a nightmare Um, and then hopefully someday we’ll get google to actually do what they say they’re going to do and attach my stupid store To my stupid youtube channel I don’t know why they won’t do that. They keep telling us they won’t and uh Look, i’m really happy that I have a youtube channel and that I have anybody watching at all and i’m grateful for that And I feel responsible And i’m a little upset that i’m probably gonna miss two weeks in a row But I think you’ll all survive without me and i’ll try to be responsible and get enough content so we can roll at least through january And i’m gonna get the play-doh video out and then jesse and I at the start of the year are gonna start on this stupid Matrix video for sure So i’m gonna try to be responsible and coordinated enough jesse’s gonna be busy at the end of the year anyway So I knew it wasn’t gonna happen this year, but hopefully in january we get that rolling Thank you everybody for engaging. I really appreciate it Think carefully about this give me some feedback. I love feedback. I need that to make these better I want to make them better. I want to be a responsible host And have a great next three weeks because I won’t see you for three weeks