for me when When you talk about non theism It’s almost like the question of the objective existence of God is just the wrong question. Yes The core of the non theist position is rejecting the shared so it rejects the shared Presuppositions of both the theists and the atheists about how to best understand this phenomena that you and I are Clearly exists, which is the experience of the sacred that is really transformative of people so Right. And what I think is the idea that you know trying to make trying to frame this in terms of the existence or non existence of a being and that it’s primarily that and that the way we understand that is by manipulating beliefs and that we can sort of nail down Get some final answer about the most appropriate symbols for that. These are all things And so the theist says yes to all of those and the atheist agrees that that’s the right framing and then says no to All of those and the non theist says no, I reject that framing that framing is I think actually mis-framing the phenomena and the Meaning that is afforded by that, you know the connectedness that the phenomena is is pointing to so the non theist Rejects that question the non theist says can we come up with Framing that puts that well I once described this to you that affords us to fall deeply in love with being once again This is very like that’s a Nietzschean thing almost right? It’s it’s it’s Nietzschean in some way, but I think it’s Heideggerian because I mean, I think the problem I mean, this is a critique that he Heidegger made of Nietzsche that Nietzsche basically is still locked into Nietzsche basically inverts Christianity So he’s still locked to it So I think the atheist just inverts theism and they’re still locked to it and I want to break out of it It’s kind of like the the white supremacy versus white oppression narrative, right? It’s like the first way that you a Narrative that doesn’t serve the first the first response to it is just its inverse Yes, exactly and you have to try and break past them Which is what you were trying to talk about with your example of parkour that neither the white supremacy or the white oppression model Explains what actually emerged and was created in that situation. Yeah by these kids who yeah You know, yeah, and you know and they had an agency they created this. Yeah. Yeah and And it works it works as a tool to Bridge right and I think that um, I think that in some ways like It’s you can almost view parkour as a kind of analogy or a potential precursor to how can we build these tools? That function it’s like I You know God doesn’t whether God exists in a sort of external metaphysical objective sense It kind of doesn’t matter because the representation of God or the meaningfulness of those things Has to exist for us on some level. Yes And if we’re not addressing that and if we can’t address it in a way that can invite in the believers and the non-believers Then then we’re just stuck with war I guess yeah but that’s why I think what’s that’s why I’m so attracted to your project because You know as much as I love and respect what Peterson has done he kind of flirts at the edge of saying it’s neither Yeah, he rejects the atheism and he describes Christianity in such a way that it’d be very easy to be non-theistic But he doesn’t go to the point of saying I’m actually approaching this as a non-theist Yeah, and I’ve as you know, I’ve criticized him for yeah I’m not doing that because I think you can make a very clear case that That young is a non-theist for example, yeah, so yeah, so That I mean I’ve been I’ve been trying to articulate this with this notion of Transjectivity and the notion of this is extraordinarily valuable like that just blew my mind when I first idea of transaction You know, there’s the object there’s the observer of the object and then there’s the relationship Yeah, right and that’s so much of where we get stuck Is Reframed once you recognize that the that there’s a reality within the relationship. Yeah. Well, that’s exactly honey, you know and I think I you know, I’ve been helped by people like Corban and and the imaginal is not the subjective image or just the objective thing but as the Enacted image schema that actually allows us to afford, you know Find trans activity find that connectedness and I see a lot of like I see a lot of what you’re doing in parkour Is exactly that kind of enacted imaginal work imaginal play I should say My way of trying to understand What it is to not play their game and to shift over to in a totally different game to shift the culture You