I’ve told people to learn to use a schedule and people often hate schedules because they act as their own tyrants, right? They say we have to do this unpleasant thing And then here’s another unpleasant thing you have to do and then you have to do this unpleasant thing and you do that For about three days and you think to hell with this. I’m not doing that You know and you fall off the wagon that isn’t what you’re supposed to do with a schedule You’re supposed to use it to design the days that you would like to have if you were taking care of yourself And so some of that is you know you wake up in the morning and you think Here’s five things I have to do that if I don’t do my life will be worse It’s like paying bills for example or or or taking out the garbage It’s like you have to do those because otherwise things degenerate So you got to put some of those in the schedule because otherwise tomorrow is worse than today and that’s a bad trajectory But you also want to build in things You know you’ve got to act in some sense like you’re dealing with a relatively recalcitrant nine-year-old It’s like so well here’s some things you have to do But here’s some things that if you do you could reward yourself with and if you get the balance there between Obligation and reward right then you’ll find that you’re motivated to do the things and and that’s what you want to do You want to do that so it’s sustainable across days and weeks and months and so you got it You got to treat yourself Like a good boss would treat a valued employee and not like a tyrant would treat a slave Because the slave will rebel and you know people say well, I don’t follow through on my plans. It’s like well a They’re probably not very well formulated and maybe you’re doing them because of an external moral obligation or something They’re not really your plans right and B You’re acting like a tyrant and a slave and that’s a bad relationship to have with yourself So you you want to treat yourself with some well the same way that’s the golden rule right it? Treat yourself as you would treat other people as you would have them Sorry treat other people as you would like to be treated it works both ways You also treat yourself like you treat other people properly So that’s a necessary thing and often people don’t do that, but the scheduling is really important You