I’ll never forget the day when the McDonald’s vice president saw a half-dead dairy cow go into their product and he goes, yeah, we got some things here we have to fix. You see, before it was all an abstraction. Spreadsheets, numbers, okay, animal welfare, give it to lawyers, give it to the public relations department. But when they came out of the office and they saw something bad, now it was real. Now they had to act. It was no longer abstract anymore. I’ve also noticed that highly intellectual people, and maybe those are ones who think primarily in words, tend to be rather dismissive of the intelligence of more practical people, like working people. I come from a working class environment, although I’ve hung around verbal people most of my life so I can see that dichotomy. They used to say, okay, the kids that are like failing high school, stupid kids go and shop. Well, I can tell you right now, big metal fabrication companies owned by these so-called stupid people.