Could you tell us a little bit more about the relationship between this breathing technique and the cold therapy that you’re using? Yes, the cold therapy trains the cardiovascular system killer number one in society. What is it? cardiovascular related diseases Why because we wear clothes all the time? We are never exposed to the The elements of nature to cold to heat to pressure is always neutral neutral It’s like a muscle and you don’t train it. It’s there but it is this That is our vascular system. Our vascular system is 100,000 kilometers long inside everybody and the thermal receptors and the Electrolytic receptors they end up in our biggest organ of ours, which is the skin. We always got it covered Logically, we have a cardiovascular related epidemic pandemic going on for hundreds of years already Yeah, and now I say cold shower a day keeps the doctor away Okay, so how cold and how long? That it begins with 30 seconds First I explain what you know what happens when you go into a cold shower you activate you stimulate deeply the thermal receptors and the Anti-pain receptor pain receptor thermoreceptors Electroreceptors, which is the neurology all connected to the skin they are in Turn they affect the vascular system the cardiovascular system millions of little muscles suddenly are stimulated they begin to optimize That the blood flow goes a lot better through the system. That is number one That reaches a lot better our cells with oxygen nutrients and vitamins. That’s why cold shower gives you energy Then the second thing if you regularly you begin with 30 seconds Then you do 45 seconds one minute one minute and a quarter etc. You go up to two and a half minutes a day Why because that is the vascular fitness exercise the best? Then cardiovascular related diseases and that is also inflammation into the heart Inflammation into our neurology is goodbye How simple what happens that the heart rate when all these little millions of little primitive muscles in the hundreds a thousand of Blood vessels inside are activated optimized then the heart rate suddenly doesn’t need to compensate for the loss of the Vascular condition and then the heart rate will go down with 2230 beats a minute 24 hours a day You see what kind of stress that would be? If you have a weak vascular system in tone, then it takes maybe years Maybe 10 years maybe 20, but it will take its toll Because the heart rate when it goes up It triggers directly deliver to release cortisol and Glucose it’s like you are in fight-and-flight Because the function of our accelerated heart rate is to pump glucose and adrenaline through our system the fast as possible Yeah, but now there is a constant danger signal going on because of our way. That’s why cardiovascular related diseases arteriosclerosis It’s logical because the blood flow is not helped with these Millions of little muscles who are weakened They are not stimulated and then the heart rate needs to pump 20 to 30 a minute 24 hours a day Day in day out day in and then it will take it’s all Soon or later, so the people they gotta wake up cold shower The best thing you can do for yourself is a cold shower How cool Just to cold take a turn to cold That is creating the stimulation you start with 30 seconds Yes, it begins with 30 seconds because I say don’t force because Any maybe 90% of the people go well you guys you will go well young woman That goes well no problem Hey, if you have a condition any then it is because of a one of you of the system There is a defect going on it will Boost at that moment the system and it will go through a good job So that’s why I say a safety first 30 seconds to begin with but within 10 days Anybody is able to do the same to go to two and a half minutes. No problem cold within 10 days within 10 days your cardiovascular system is improved so much the way nature meant it to be and their way nature meant it to be is that the skin is we have skin we have Electro receptors and thermal receptors and pain receptors all go into the skin to give us the information Or what is going out? sides in in life But we would you would you recommend covered it up? Would you recommend doing this in the morning or or in the afternoon or the evening? Whenever you take the shower Okay, you take him nice and warm at Cetra. It’s all nice But then to also take the cold one it’s the best thing they what they saw With a cold water. We just recently have done a new study on that It really improves within 10 days the cardio vascular system, which is directly related to the neurology by the way neurologic The opening and closing of all those the activating of those muscles to open and close all the veins arteries and capillaries I mean 100,000 kilometers is done by the neurology the nervous system So if any defect is there in the nervous system, you will get to it through a cold shower increasing That is one last last Practical question, maybe maybe the last one Well, so the cold shower is 30 seconds and You can you can also use a warm shower Afterwards if you want. Yes warm before You should end with the cold shower. Yes, and that after 10 days you like to begin with cold Which is better why because then your mind comes into play Because you know you are going into the cold then you connect with the stress mechanisms inside yourself you become stronger when you know you are facing danger when you face when you go to face a a Force you set your mind to it and that is what we lost in our society It’s always comfort comfort comfort comfort. No seek discomfort Discomfort then discomfort becomes power that’s the point where you are learning and There you get new power you get you go past the conditioning and that it’s amazing what the cold can teach us