OK? Hello? Where’s father? Oh where’d he go? Here I am, here I am. Andrew, I think you’re having some trouble with your mic right now. Yeah, it was you. You got a lot of noise coming in Andrew. Sometimes crisp can be a little hard to set up so go play around with it a little bit. Is that like you was running off the deck? Oh, I figured it out. Hey, now that is crisp right there. Alright. Very good. Hi. How you doing Andrew? I’m doing well. Did four masses today. Holy mackerel. That’s one more than I did. Oh really? Yeah, yeah. I had the 9am at my regular parish and then I got to vest as a deacon for a Misa Solemnis. A Solemn Latin Mass. So I’m going to go ahead and share a photo of that because I can. Yeah, awesome. We’re going to add that to the stream there. Oh well, we’ll go ahead and zoom us in a little bit there. Check out those fine rose vestments right there. Oh, fantastic. Roman style dolmatic. Ah, it was great. Get the boys together. Get liturgical. It was awesome. It doesn’t look pink, it looks like salmon. Yeah, yeah. The one we had at my regular parish, it’s quite a bit more pink, which is fine. It won’t kill me. I won’t be shooting Sparvita. Yeah man. Hey, can you see my face? Like really good or no? I would have a hard time picking you out of a line up. Okay, good. Can’t see your eyes, you know, once you cover the eyes it’s like bad news. Yeah. Well, you sound like you had a great Sunday, my friend. It was. It was a great Sunday. Got to see my mom for a bit and now I’m here with potentially tens of people. Wow. Perfect. That many, huh? Potentially. Potentially. There’s also future people. 20 years maybe. Oh yeah, true. Yeah, like 20. Like when all of a sudden I become a bishop and somebody starts diving through the archives to see what I was like when I was 30. They’d have to go through every stream. Yeah. That would just take too long. Don’t threat me with a good time. Oh my goodness. Yeah, I guess you’ve got that ability to… Whoa, yeah, Andrew. Andrew, don’t do that. Sounds like you turned on the air conditioning really loud. That’s my computer. Jacob Water says hello. Hello, Jacob. And Boom Shroom, that looks like a little section of Sagrada Familia right there in Spain. Is that correct? Yeah, man. Absolutely. Yeah. Right. That’s one of those churches I’m going to get to sometime. Me too, man. I’ve got to go see it so beautifully. What’s it called? It’s a creation for Anton Gaudi. I really like his architecture and all of his architectures there in Barcelona. The last thing he did was that church. I could go on and on about it, but I won’t. I love that church. Yeah, it’s this massive… Andrew, it says massive cathedral or basilica or whatever in Barcelona. Sagrada Familia just means holy family, I think. And it’s just got these wild colors and the stone carvings are just… It’s the blood family. Yeah, the blood family. Oh, that makes a lot more sense, actually. I think we actually went over this in architecture class. Yeah, it’s pretty unreal. And they’re still building it too. They haven’t finished it yet. Right. Yeah. Yeah. He really made the stone look like organic trees or some parts of it kind of look like a beehive, like a honeycomb. Yeah, it’s kind of wild. Yeah, he really did something profound with his architecture. Did you really… from just the pictures, I get a sense of awe. I don’t know what will happen when I get there. Go inside there and experience what all that light looks like shining through those stone trees and it even has a canopy at the top. But anyway, like I said, I could go on and on about it. Wow. I’m jealous. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, when we go on our Euro trip, Andrew, we’ll check out Sagrada Familia. Oh, yeah. That’ll be sweet. I’m actually going to Rome next spring. Nice. Nice. Rome should be the first place to go. It’s like an amazing church, a historical church around every corner there. It’s pretty, pretty awesome. And then you’ll find, I don’t know, if you get to stay there long enough, this happens to a lot of guys. They’ll find some little church somewhere and like that’ll be like their church in Rome. Oh, really? So I got to stay there for four weeks and I kind of fell in love with San Andrea della Valle, St. Andrew in the Valley, which had this big Renaissance or Baroque painting of St. Andrew being crucified. And it’s pretty awesome. Oh, wow. I like that. We’re glad you’re here, too. Oh, Jacob, go ahead and share this with everybody. I go ahead and put this out on YouTube. But so it’s obviously not private. Just don’t bring any trolls in. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. So are you are you just going on like a vacation or is it for school? It’s a pilgrimage with other young adults. Nice. Nice. Got a priest going with you? Yes. Yeah. Good. Good. A local priest. Good to have your own. Good to have your own what? It’s good to have your own priest there. You never have to ask when Mass is. He just asks the priest and he tells you. And did he go to school in Rome, too? Oh, I don’t know, actually. That’s a good question. But he knows how to do the Latin Mass. So I know how to do the Latin Mass and I didn’t go to Rome. So, no, it’s nice. It’s nice when those guys already have that Roman connection. They can they can kind of keep you around the city. Oh, yeah. You know, they kind of know how things work. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. What kind of barriers does Rome have? Like as far as for entry, because like like Canada, I have do you eyes? Well, I can’t really go to Canada. Does Rome have those kinds of things? I I don’t know. I don’t know what it’s like going to Europe. So we’re going to have to do a little bit of research there. Yeah, yeah. I think it’s going to be great. We’re going to be able to sing at the Mass. So which mass? Maybe all of them. But I think when we were talking, we were talking about the Latin Mass that we’re going to do there. So, OK, OK. And you might be hanging out at the priestly fraternity of St. Peter Parish. I think it’s Holy Trinity. OK, don’t quote me on that. But I’ll write it down just so. Let’s see, it was Father, right? As you can fact check me later. Yeah, yeah. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. You’ll love Rome. It’s a great place. How long are you going to be there? Eight days, I think. OK. Yeah. Just long enough to get over the jet lag and then you leave. Yeah, exactly. I know I was really spoiled when I was in seminary. They sent me there for a whole month. Oh, wow. So I can’t go for a whole month because I’d be skipping class. So yeah, yeah. Right. This is like a spring trip. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. But my architecture professor told me once before the trip, she said, you know, if you go to Rome, you’re going to cry because of the stuff I was telling her I was interested in. And then like a week later, I get invited to go to Rome. Nice. So yeah, I mean, there’ll be holy tears. Yeah, exactly. Go to a. Are you going to be able to go to a big papal mass? I don’t know. I can check. How would I? What is a big papal mass? What does that mean? So it’ll be I mean, most Sundays, the Pope would be there. So you can go to mass at St. Peter’s Basilica. And if there’s a big feast day there. Hmm. Now, Mark thinks that you should go to Rome for an entire month. He thinks you need to prioritize, but there are tradeoffs there. There are tradeoffs to go into Rome for a month. And Mark has an excellent, excellent video on tradeoffs on his YouTube channel, Navigating Patterns. Very nice. Yeah, I think I would like to do a whole month. So there’s that. Yeah. I think you should be prudent and finish your your decree rather than. Yeah. Going straight for. A month in Rome. Yeah. How many people like go to Rome with the intentions of going there for like a week, but then like never leave? Yeah, I think Matt Fratt almost did that. How was your guys’s day, Ben? Good. Good. Father, I got a question for you. That’s not Mark. Oh, man. I have a question for your father. Leave him hanging, man. Yeah. Did you know Italian when you went to Rome? No, no, I didn’t. Some of my friends did. Yeah. I was thinking of taking Italian this semester to to get all ready for it. I guess I don’t need to. Yeah, I mean, it’ll be helpful. It’ll be helpful. So go ahead and take a little bit just so you can navigate the restaurants. What I found really irritating is the fact that they don’t like giving change in Rome. They like get so mad about it. Change. Change. Yeah. Like pennies? No, like if they have to break anything bigger than a ten, they’re mad at you. Oh. Unless it’s like they give you two or three euros back. I don’t know. It’s this Italian thing. I hope they accept debit card. It’s crazy. So they want you to like have a bunch of small bills just ready to go. Yeah. You’re going to lose your money. Well, I mean, they’ll do it, but they’ll like they’ll give you the evil eye. Is that what it means? Could it be something else? Like that’s that’s weird. It’s like they’re anti-Protestant. We don’t like change. That’s good. Yes. Yes. That’s why it’s the most Catholic city in the world. It is strange. Pennies are everywhere, bro. The pennies, I guess I could understand that on a level because it sucks, you know, dealing with pennies and change. Yeah. Usually you don’t get you don’t get things smaller than like ten cent pieces though. Yeah. In euros. So. There was a day where you could get fudge rounds for like twenty five cents and then change was, you know, like worth something. Now it’s like a dollar. Yeah. Fudge rounds. Star crunches and Swiss cake rolls at the gas station. Yeah. They used to be a quarter. You get like four of them for a dollar, but now you can get like one of them for a dollar. And I heard peace tea. Didn’t peace tea go up from ninety nine cents now? Yeah. Yeah. There were riots in the street about it. There was no peace. That and the the roastery chickens at Costco. That’s that’s how people knew that inflation was for real when those went up in price. Yeah. You’re good. I would use them for soups. I would use all that. I would a lot of the loop. Yeah. Are you still are you still eating at the dorms or something? Are you just living on easy mac and ramen noodles? I live on leftovers. All right. Those are good. Leftovers are good. We had a big dinner at our our house on Tuesday and there’s still leftovers. So I had a hot ham and cheese sandwich for dinner. Nice. Nice. Sounds like my kind of meal. Oh, man. Well, Mark’s got a question. But we’ll go with Chad’s question first. I was just going to ask you ever use an instant pot? I have. I have a little bit. I don’t know. I guess I just don’t get what all the hype’s about. But I guess for certain sorts of things, it makes it super quick. Yeah. Like soups. I just made some chicken veggie soup for my wife. It was like super easy. You just like throw the ingredients in and turn it on for like seven minutes, right? Something like that. Now, it’s seven minutes of full pressure. It takes time to get up to full pressure. But, you know. Yeah. But I mean, like like a really, really good tasting chicken soup from scratch in a matter of a half hour. Yeah. I guess I don’t know. It’s pretty easy for me to put something in the crock pot and kind of let it go all day. Yeah. So so the instant pot just doesn’t doesn’t change things that much. But anyway, I like the the ninja foodie that we have. That thing’s awesome. You throw frozen brats in there and they’re done in like 15 minutes. Yeah. Yeah, those air fryers are pretty slick at the place I was at before in Wapotan. They had had this new wave air fryer like this big dome. But I could put like a whole chicken in there frozen in an hour and 10 minutes and be ready to go. Ain’t that something? Yeah. I mean, we live we really live in the most amazing times in some sense. I mean, it’s weird, man. You just plug it into the magic coming out of the wall. Yeah. Yeah. Well, guys, I wish I could stay. I’m going to probably listen tomorrow, but I just got home. I want to go spend some time with my wife and my puppy. Yeah, man. Yeah. Take it easy, Chad. Good talking to you. Yeah, man. God bless you guys. Good to see you, Eric. Good to see you too, Chad. All right, brother. Bye bye. Now, Mark is asking what the Catholic position is on the idea of Christian anarchy. And if I understand Christian anarchy, which I’m not sure that I do. So people could correct me if they happen to be experts. This idea that Christians should kind of have like this stance of non engagement with society. And that is not really compatible. It’s like there would be people in the church who could have that stance. You know, you got some hermit living out in the wilderness. But kind of the whole body of the church is is supposed to be transforming the secular order to bring that in line with the kingdom of God. So I would say that if I’m understanding Christian anarchy properly, it’s probably a no. And it’s you lay people’s job to go out and actually transform the secular order. It’s not the priest’s job. Yeah, stop laying around. We just had a maker in the discord. So now it’s been laid to rest. I’m sure Mark hated it. It’s whatever. We’re all just talking. We’re all trying to figure it out. Yeah, but I’m still sure that Mark hated it. I mean, the idea I could pull up some choice passages from Lumen Gentium that would probably say about as much as I just said. But I don’t want to. So we won’t. Okay. Yeah. So did Mark hate Christian anarchy or Christian anarchy? Yeah, I’m sure. And Mark is here to tell us about how much he hates Christian anarchy. It’s a contradiction in terms. Okay, there we go. It’s literally. I know anarchists. Anarchists say they don’t like religion because they don’t like authority. It’s authority. It has nothing to do with politics. But even if it’s political and what they do is like Nate Heil does this, right? And Luke Thompson. Nate Heil and Luke Thompson are friends of mine. So yeah, yeah. Render end of Caesar doesn’t mean what you think it means. It’s like, no, I’m pretty sure there’s not much room for interpretation there. But we’ll set that aside. The contradiction is Jesus submitted to the authority of Rome and the local Jewish authority. Right now. Now, if you deny that, your Christianity has to be in question in my mind because you’re denying at least the legitimacy of the resurrection. So I’m like, yeah. Yeah. And you’re supposed to be Christ like, which means you’re also supposed to do what he did, irrespective of the language of the Bible. Like, it’s not a language issue at all. It doesn’t even have to enter into the equation. So the Catholic Church kind of maybe has a little more nuanced position on that is that. The law, a human law, civil law only has authority insofar as it is in harmony with the eternal law, right? With the natural law, the law of God, so that you’re actually bound to obey all just laws as a matter of Christian obedience to God. And even you’re supposed to obey unjust laws if it’s not a grave matter. So if you think some law regulation is silly and we could do without it, if it’s not a grave thing, then you just have to submit to it anyway. Now, if it’s a grave matter, something that would, let’s say, get in the way of your obedience to God, then you’re actually required to disobey it. And lovingly accept the consequences of that. So, Lyons. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, that’s funny language. A grave matter. I’m pretty sure the resurrection was a grave matter. I mean, in every possible way. Oh, my gosh, Mark, keep your day job. I’m just saying, like, I’m pretty sure that was, you know, that’s the case. Yeah, yeah. Oh, so you didn’t you didn’t like my vestments, did you, Mark? I didn’t like it. You didn’t like that? I didn’t say I didn’t like it. I was like, are you on the Mongol steps? Like, when do you wear these in Turkey, in the Middle East? In church. They don’t look very Western. Only once a year. I’m just saying. That’s literally erotic. What? You look like a Cossack or something. I like the ball on the top. It’s a poofy ball. Come on, man. I like that. I was just talking to you. You know, winter hats I’ve been seeing don’t have a poofy thing on the top and they look awful without the poof. They’re hiding the seam. It makes it look, you know, not good. Yeah, no poof is a high heresy for sure. Yeah, if you’re wearing a hat like that, you know, it needs a poof and it doesn’t look weird. Gotta have a poof. I agree. No, it doesn’t. I have one with and one without. Charlie, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t know how hard it is to make those communist flat hats on the top. I don’t know. But then you look like a communist even though they don’t have to have the seam or the poof. You got that flat, flappy, you know what I’m talking about. Now, Mark, this is a Roman style Dalmatic. So this was literally invented in the Dalmatian region of Greece. And it has sleeves on it so that you can be a table waiter. And so the deacons or the assistants at the liturgy, they wear the ones with the sleeves so they can reach over things. But then they make you wear this manipal, which started off its life as a sweat rag. And they got more and more fine and refined over time. So I really can’t do anything with my right hand over the altar without knocking something over. So it actually kind of gets in the way there. So anyway, Father Eric, could you try to put a prayer out there for my father? He’s currently recovering from a cardiac bypass. God bless Andre. All right. Let’s do that right now. We’ll do that right now. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Heavenly Father, we ask for the health and safety of Andre’s father, that as he recovers from this surgery, that he may have the strength that comes from you, that he may make a full and lasting recovery, and that he may return to his former duties with his family. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Yeah, hope he gets better. Yeah, yeah. I think a lot of it might depend on how soon you catch it, that sort of thing. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah. Did you catch the video that PVK released today? Apparently by accident. Oh, that was an accident. He doesn’t usually release them on Sundays. I did catch it, actually. I’m going to have to remind myself what that was, though. Why are Christianity, humanism, and atheism all basically failing at the same time? But they’re all different forms of participation, don’t you think? Yeah, maybe. Pastor Frank. How do you make this? How do you? Oh, my gosh. Son of a biscuit. All right, Sanchez. You saw what just happened. I’m not in a good mood right now. I don’t know what’s wrong with people, why they do that. Yeah, I thought that was an interesting video. I think I put a little comment on it. I think it’s a, not a long one, but a deep one. So we’ll see if. See if VanderKlai engages. This idea of, you know, things like atheism being Christian heresies is fascinating. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point.ст That’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. I think that’s a good point. progressive argument we don’t know if it’s him or not. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. I wonder if this Jacob guy really did have our best interests at heart. Well, that’s the problem with getting out there. I mean, leadership is a responsibility, man. It is. It is. That was part of my argument to Paul. Once you get out there, you have responsibilities. And now you need filters, and now you can just pull off, you can just filters. Yeah, it gets. You get demonetized real quick. I guess you’re not making anything off this one, Father. Yeah, I don’t think we’re in the monetization range yet for anything. I have like 100 subs, and a lot of them were from when I was in Langdon. Because that’s where we were live streaming some of our masses before I set up the Langdon page. So. Right. And one of them is me, pretty sure. Hold on. Yes, I am subscribed. Just had to make sure real quick. Hello there. You kept kicking me off there. I was like, what? I’m not going to do this. I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this. You kept kicking me off there. I don’t know what happened. Maybe I was wrong. Oh, I thought you were a troll. Sorry. Yeah, I saw that one dude put something crazy up there. And then, yeah, I got kicked off. Maybe I hit a wrong button. I don’t know. Yeah, yeah, it’s possible. It’s possible. One of these exits that I shouldn’t have hit. Yeah. When you were in here and in the waiting room with the troll right after the troll. So we weren’t sure what was going on, because you were still in here. That’s weird. I’d have to hide the StreamYard link on our Discord server. Yeah. It’s the best that happens. Yeah. This is what happens. Discord server? What’s that? What Discord server is this? Oh, nothing. This isn’t Discord. I have brain fever. Oh, OK. I was like, what? You can’t do that. I was like, what? You could, at the very least, maybe block video until people get on here and talk for a second. Well, if you could teach me how to do that. I’m not sure. Yeah, no, because that’s totally… That’s something that I can edit mic settings, kick from studio, ban from studio, but I can’t… I can’t control video and mic. Yeah, which, I don’t know. Like split permissions. Let’s see. I don’t know, maybe they give you that on the premium version. I don’t know. That seems like a legitimate function that would be really handy for a show or whatever you’re trying to do. Well, maybe we should write a petition. Right. Good idea. There’s got to be some program that does that or some way to make that happen. Yeah, I mean, it shouldn’t be… that difficult. It’s a learning process. I’m still figuring out a whole bunch of stuff, doing podcasts, and I’m just very bare bones about it at the moment. Audio, I mostly just do audio stuff. Oh, yeah? Yeah. I don’t edit anything. I just throw it all up there. I should probably put a little more effort into pictures or slides or, I don’t know, introductions, but I just throw it up there. Oh, so you just record the video and then upload it and that’s it? Hello? I have a live stream. Oh, okay. Yeah. So I’m kind of in a little tough spot here, and I actually have a question about Genesis. Okay. Sure. So you remember how in the book of Genesis, or sorry, not the book, but in Genesis, it talks about the Jews escaping from Egypt? Yeah, that’s actually the book of Exodus, but go on. But I got a question. That wasn’t a question. Well… You’ve told, man. I don’t think you ever got to ask this question. Nope. That was quick, Father Eric. You’re doing good. Yeah. Well, you can tell once they say, you know, the Jews escaped in Genesis, that’s how you catch them. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Well, technically the Jews did escape Genesis because they weren’t there. Well, I don’t know if that counts. Don’t you kind of have to be there to escape? It’s the legalism, man. It’s the legalism. Oh, okay. Alrighty. Looks like this is it for tonight. I’ve taken the… the link out. So, no more trolls tonight, but no more new friends. So, very encouraging. But anybody who is a friend of mine on Discord, you can come into the Discord and ask for a link, and I’ll be able to get this one. All this does is reinforce my belief in demons. Yes, Nathaniel. That is true. I’m just not having it tonight. I’m just not having it tonight. Yeah, they really are. So, Dr. Eric, I’ve got a question for you on this framing. I know that VanderKlay likes to use this recession of modernity language. Okay. And I’m like totally not a fan. Like, I’m just sick of even people talking about recession of modernity at this point. And my reasoning is it’s all materialism. So, modernity, whether or not it exists, isn’t the issue, because it’s been around a long time. Whether or not it’s receding even isn’t an issue. But the way I put it is it’s the failure of materialism to model the world correctly that people are running into. It’s not…modernity is not receding. It’s just materialism is failing to give them accurate predictions. Sure. So, do you think that, let’s say, a particular era of history and materialism are concomitant, that they come together? I don’t, actually. And I don’t think…because here’s the thing that I’m worried about. If you cast this as modernity, then the solution is the church. Because the church is the thing that kind of holds modernity back in some sense, right? Especially, you know, this is a big, bigger case for the Orthodox than it is for the Catholics at this point, right? Right, right. Doesn’t sound like a problem to me. And that’s…yeah, but that’s not working. It doesn’t work for people. Because it’s not enough to, let’s just say, hold back the inevitable march of history to destruction. We’ve got to have something positive to put in the place. Well, but the materialist infection is also in the church. So it’s not going to work because the materialism is there too. And that’s what’s destroyed the Protestant church, in my opinion. Where is it in the church? It’s a little deeper than you think, Andrew. And I don’t think that’s a flippant accusation. And this is probably something that Mark would have picked up for me, is that when I went off to seminary, functionally, I was a materialist who believed in God. Like, that’s how I saw the world. It was only through participation in the liturgy, grace of God, good studies and all that sort of things that I started having that materialist framing crack open and having room for spirit within… Yeah, within the world. So anyway, it’s the sort of thing that sleeps in there without you knowing about it. Okay. Interesting. So when he says it’s in the church, it’s not like a real mean accusation that’s Mark seeing… Oh, yeah, I was just wondering what he meant by that. Well, and Bishop Barron in particular talked about this in the Four Horsemen conversation, right? They go to sharch of all places. And this is back in the, I guess in the 70s or even maybe even 60s or whatever, he was very young and he went with one of his buddies and one of his buddies said, Bishop Barron said, they’re like, wow, right? Because what a response do you have, right? And his buddies are like, I don’t know, I don’t know, it’s not quite liturgical enough. And he’s just like, that’s backwards. No, this is the ultimate liturgy. Like, it doesn’t… It’s like the liturgy itself lives in the bones of everything you’re seeing. And so that to me points to the materialism in a way, right? Because the material… The flip that happens with materialism is your subjective experience gets projected onto the material world. And then when it doesn’t match, it doesn’t match. But because you only have a materialistic frame to understand things from, you just, you get domiciled everywhere you go. Like you don’t fit or belong anywhere because you’re expecting your materialist subjective interpretation to work. And it doesn’t. And that happens in the church. It happens outside of the church. I mean, I think when these people talk about deconstructing out of the church, I don’t think that ever happens. I think they hit a wall and shatter. And what they’re doing is they’re trying to build things back up, right? And that’s because they have a mismatch between what’s in their head and what the world is. And that’s why they’re hitting the wall because they don’t see the wall. It’s like, well, you should have known this was going to happen. And that’s the materialism. Well, that sounds like something that could happen even if you’re not a materialist, if you think maybe God should be a certain way and isn’t. And then, you know… Oh, yeah. That’s what I thought it was. Right, right. No, I’m not making an exclusivity claim. I’m just saying I think it’s materialism within the church, within the people in the church and in the church itself that’s creating some of these conflicts, we’ll say, or some of these issues. Mm-hmm. So that’s more what I’m talking about. OK. Yeah. I think, I don’t know, there’s a whole lot of people in the world who see materialism and modernity as concomitant, that they come in together and they leave together. It was, I don’t know, kind of a movement that’s linked to this particular era in time. So I think that’s the way people are just accustomed to talking about it now. So, you know, I understand the need to be precise with this speech, but I’m just having a hard time getting upset about it. But I actually, you know, I do think your framing is better to talk about the thing rather than just the chronology about the thing, you know, because modernity is a chronological term. It’s like, you know, antiquity. Exactly. And then there were the Middle Ages and then there’s modernity, you know, and it’s like, OK, we can divide up history that way. You got to divide it up somehow. But all you’re just saying is that it’s now right now. And that doesn’t really get us in. It’s the year 2022. It’s the year 2022. Yeah, that was always my deep complaint about invoking modern, the word modern. It’s like modern is always now. So how are you going to use it to differentiate history? And it’s weird because it’s this denial of the Enlightenment. But actually you can’t, you know, and that happens on both ends, right? Because people are going, well, the Dark Age wasn’t really dark. It’s like, no, it’s actually really important that A, it was dark because it was. And B, that it was followed by the Enlightenment because that was a rediscovery of the classic Greek and Roman foundations of our civilization, roughly speaking. I don’t know, man, have you ever read Dante? He’s got a lot of Romans running around all over the place. Is Dante Dark Ages? But it really is the rediscovery of Plato that, you know, as such, that really, that’s what the Enlightenment is, right? And then they, you know, to some extent they overshoot. I mean, they don’t, they don’t overshoot. Everybody after them overshoots, right? Because they go, aha, that’s where all this Christian stuff came from, Plato. Well, kind of. Except that even the Enlightenment figures, and there’s been a great rewriting of history. You see it all over the place. People will tell you like, oh, yeah, you know, some of these Enlightenment figures like Hume were deists. It’s like, no, they were Christians. Like, you’re just being, you’re mad high on bad drugs. Like, no, they were full-on Christians. They weren’t deists. Deism isn’t a category. Just stop. Stop trying to erase Christianity because when you unmoor the Enlightenment, and this is the argument that I made with Adam on the French Revolution, I think, the video that we did on Navigating Patterns, which is when you unmoor the Enlightenment from the Christian mooring, from the religious mooring, that foundation, then you can misinterpret a whole bunch of things. But if you keep it moored in the religion, then that doesn’t happen. So I’m still interested on how you got this idea that what is it about Plato that was rediscovered during the Renaissance? Because he was read, you know, maybe not, maybe they found a few texts that were missing, but a lot of his texts were still being read and taught in the philosophy classes in all the major universities. I mean, he never, it was the works of Aristotle that had gone missing in the West for quite some time. It had to be kind of reintroduced. But I don’t know, the works of Plato were more well read, especially his Timaeus. That was like, that’s how the whole medieval cosmology was built on that. So what was it about Plato that was different in the Renaissance period? Well, I think it was just a rediscovery of the idea of philosophy itself, because there was a bunch of stuff there that wasn’t widely known. And see, one of the problems we have when we look back on history is we talk, and look, this is where the there was no dark ages argument comes from, right? Because we have writings from that area. Right. Right. There were no, there were not, almost no technologies were gone from the world, we’ll say. Right. But England didn’t know about the technologies that they used to have, but they were still in a little village in Germany. So they weren’t as widespread anymore, right? Because under the Roman Empire and even after the collapse, everything was, everybody had what everybody else had. So the world, like a rising tide, raises all boats. So the other mistake that we make is that we sample, we’ll say, the elite class, which was a very good and healthy striation in the Middle Ages. This is why I think Peugeot talks about it. The Middle Ages was a very healthy time in many, many ways. But they were missing the medicine from the Roman era. They were missing the road technology. They were missing the concrete, you know, didn’t come back until the 1900s. There were technologies that were lost, for sure. Like you can’t, there’s a lot of technologies that were lost. It’s just the dark ages were originally talking about a century of Greek history where we don’t have any writing. We’ve got writing before and we’ve got writing after. So I just, I’m not sure if it’s the best way to talk about it, because it’s like literally that whole century of Greek history went dark, except for what we can find in archaeology. We don’t have any historical record anymore. Right. Well, and I think the same thing happened in most of the Middle Ages, right, was, you know, again, we lose all this technology. And, you know, and then the Renaissance happens and the Renaissance is this renewal, right? And the Renaissance leads into the Enlightenment. So what does that have to do with Plato? Well, again, because it wasn’t widely known. And then so the Enlightenment philosophers kind of appear out of nowhere, right? And then make all these proclamations about the world, and some of which are quite good and a few of which are bad. Right. There’s some definite garbage in there for sure. Right. But most of it is very good. But if we don’t understand that that happened and that at the same time, we had the rise of the merchant class. And so now these very powerful and dangerous ideas are introduced into people that maybe don’t have the rest of the education to handle those ideas. That would be the argument. Yeah, I think, I think if I had to look at, I would think, I mean, certainly there was a lot of Renaissance Platonism, right? And that’s definitely a movement. And it was kind of a a movement against the the hyper logical, you know, almost, almost I wish I had a better word for this, almost autistic logical systems that the scholastic theology had denigrated into and really just kind of rough technical Latin that wasn’t any fun to read. And so I associate the early Renaissance thinkers more with that return to kind of the rhetoric of Cicero, Livy, Lucretius. That was a text that was rediscovered was Lucretius, and he was an atomist, a materialist, like literally a materialist. So like, like if you want to you want to see the materialism coming back in, that was a big text that they brought back. And he was like the only poet, whoever wrote in verse primarily. So he was studied for his, you know, his, his, his poetry. But, you know, those ideas got in there, too. Well, I think. But those ideas have always been with us. Right. The question is, for me, why are they, why are they taking over, you know, basically, I mean, we could locate at the 1960s or something, right. Or maybe the 1950s. That, that, that would be the question. Like that, that to me is the question to be answered, is why are these materialist ideas suddenly sort of everywhere in the church and taking over? Why is there, why is, why is the church receding? Right. And part of that is just governments now able to take over things like welfare. And it’s like, well, yeah, fair enough. But I, again, I don’t think it should be in that business. Like, I think the government needs to get out of those businesses. It’s not very good at them. And it’s not good for society. And, and, and, you know, again, I don’t think that the churches have fought hard enough to keep their ground in some sense. Yeah. Yeah. And probably they were complicit with it too. Getting all the government, government money in there. Yeah. Yeah. Well, once they took government money for it right now. Yeah, well, never take any money from the government. Now the government can control it because it redirects the money. Yeah. And then when, when that doesn’t work, it passes laws. Mark, you probably don’t want to hear about all of the United States bishops charities and how much money they’ve get from the government that will just raise your blood pressure and make you unhelpful unhappy. So I won’t tell you about it. Thanks, Father. I do appreciate your kindness in this area. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I don’t know. Little skeptical on on the Renaissance being a rediscovery like that being the driving force. Not that not the Renaissance itself, but the enlightenment. As the as the rediscovery. I mean, the Renaissance leads, you know, sort of leads the way. But the Renaissance is an interest in all things, you know, of that period, right? It’s a it’s a resurrection of Rome, roughly speaking, right? It’s a resurrection of ancient Greece. And it’s that resurrection that fuels the enlightenment. Yeah, that that’s definitely because I think I think it was around that time that they started doing paintings with people in ancient garb. Right. So if you go to most medieval paintings where they’ve got like Saint Longinus putting the spear into Jesus’s side, they have them dressed in like whatever French armor was was popular in the day. So they just didn’t have like this like they probably knew that the Romans would have worn different armor. But they didn’t care. Yeah, well, it wasn’t a big deal to them. It’s not relevant because they don’t want historical accuracy. They want something you can relate to. Right. But then you can’t have both. Right. You can’t relate to the past in the same way you can relate to the things that you know. Yeah, but they started digging up statues at that time and like studying studying the ancient art there. Yeah. Right. Well, this is something that Sally Jo talks about all the time. Like, like, yeah, of course, Jesus is white if you’re in a white area, because that was what you did. Like, and Jesus is black in Africa. And, you know, like, that’s what you do. Like it was never meant to be historically accurate. So it’s this move towards this historical accuracy through this resurrection for this, we’ll say, over focused. But even that doesn’t cause the problem. Like the Enlightenment, like, I mean, I’m putting the Enlightenment squarely to blame for the Enlightenment minus religion squarely to blame for Napoleon. Right. Because he tries to he tries to consolidate the empire without all of the titles. And then he forces the church to crown him, which is backwards. Like, it’s all backwards, all upside down and backwards. And then he doesn’t take on the title. The Holy Roman Emperor had a ton of titles. I think it’s like a hundred or something. Right. Because every region had to have a personal relationship with the emperor. Right. Because that makes it their emperor, not emperor. The emperor. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I don’t know, this is an interesting point is so all of a sudden they’re digging up these old statues. They’re resurrecting these older forms of architecture. They’re studying these ancient texts. And they’re no longer painting ancient scenes with people wearing contemporary clothing. They’re putting them in what clothing they thought they would be wearing back in the day. And that’s where that uniquely sense of we’re modern and we’re not like them. Whereas like the Middle Ages would have seen like a smooth continuity from Abraham all the way through Charlemagne. And like that whole history was just one thing. So they saw, they actually identified themselves, I think, with the ancient people in a way that we don’t and can’t. Yeah. Right. Right. Well, because it’s lineage based and we’ve lost all that. Thumbs up Northwest River. Always been a silly issue. We should have blonde Jesus in Norway and black Jesus in Africa. Amen. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and I think we do. I don’t know why people make, but it is that appeal to objective material reality, which again, I think the objectivism and the individualism and the materialism all come together somehow. Like they you fall in any one of those holes and you’re falling in the other two eventually for sure. All right. Any musings on the lack of physical description of Christ in the Gospels in relation to that or in general? Yeah, it’s just not important. And like when I, you know, if I were to go to Nigeria and walk into a church and see a black Madonna with child, I would think that that’s actually an extremely healthy response to the gospel because you see yourself as participating in the gospel. And so while, you know, Jesus probably didn’t look like that, like it’s actually better that you would depict him that way because you’re like, you know, I can see my own humanity in the humanity of Christ, which is now seated at the right hand of the Father. So I am in favor of Black Jesus as long as the people who make the image and are, let’s say, venerating it are also black. I think that’s really weird to do in North Dakota. So we’re not going to do it in North Dakota. Yeah, I was going to say, like, what if you’re somebody who is not of that? I mean, I would say I would say if you had a genuinely multi-ethnic congregation, you should find some way around it. So like maybe you’ve got Jesus made out of bronze and he doesn’t, you know, color isn’t really going to come up all that much. Or you just you you go you make a reference to the fact is he was Middle Eastern. You know, if you’ve really got an absolute rainbow out there, rainbow of human beings and diversity, you can you can go that way. But, you know, most of the time, people are with people who are like them. That’s how people congregate. That’s all. Yeah. Yeah. And I’ll say no more about that. Well, I think I think the you know, this idea of this objective sort of space, this materialist sort of concept is what separates us from that connection back to back to the divine. Right. Where it says, oh, no, no, no, there’s this space and that’s the divine. And then you’re separated from that because it’s in the past or whatever. And that’s separating us from from that divine image. So trying to be more, quote, accurate to this objective worldview is what separates us. But that’s why Catholics insist that the mass, the Eucharist is a sacrifice. Right. And it’s not just a sac. It’s the same sacrifice. Right. That every time we celebrate this Eucharist, we’re having spiritual contact with the with the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. It’s like we insist on that. That was something we were willing to break with in the Protestant Reformation. It’s like, no, this is when we do this, this is the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross made present again today. So you can participate in that. You can be a part of that. It isn’t something that happened two thousand years ago and you can’t access it. Oh, I see. It’s a participation you can have today. Yeah. All right. That makes sense. I didn’t think of that. That’s interesting. And yeah, the Protestants do away with that. This Sola stuff, man, Sola Scriptura in particular. No good. I looked at the list of Solas, were there five or seven? I forget. And I immediately went, oh, yeah, these three are the same as these and this is different. And here’s why they’re all wrong. I’m like, somebody fell for this. This is easy to figure out. This is well, just remember that list wasn’t put together by any of the big reformers themselves. It was put together by catechists afterwards. So, oh, no, no, that’s that’s fair. But again, like I look at a list like that, I go, this is clearly wrong. The group fell for this. And that from my perspective, that’s really what it’s about is like, who would fall for this? This is this can’t be this doesn’t make any sense. And maybe that’s the maybe that’s the latent Catholicism that’s baked into my blood. I don’t know. Yeah, yeah. You’ve got that Catholic last name right there. You’re not getting away from that without. I don’t know how you get away from it. Oh, Mark, Mark, you’ve you’ve you’ve offended our Lutheran our Lutheran friend, Charlie. He’ll be fine. Yeah. He’s a good. He didn’t he didn’t read the Solas. He’s just saying like, I’m stuck in this thing that believes in the Solas without ever having read them. That’s what happened. That’s that’s how the Catholics get you to with their with some of their silliness. Nobody reads the silliness, so they brush by it. And then it’s fine. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Goodness. Yeah. What? I don’t know. He’s Charlie. Charlie seems like one of the one of the old school Lutherans to me, which I think are a little more respectable than the ones that have really gone full rainbow. What’s the yeah, what’s the different like the Lutheran seem really close to the Catholics to me? I mean, I went to it, went into a Lutheran cathedral up in Scotland and I was like, I mean, it’s it’s like, yeah, I don’t know what the difference is. So it depends on what flavor of Lutheranism that you’re getting. And Charlie, I know you’re in the chat. If I mix this up, then then you just but some of the Lutherans were kind of down south, right? They were kind of kind of near Catholic territory. And so those Lutherans were a lot more likely to have high church architecture. And and then the farther north you go, the farther from Italy, you get there a lot more likely to be more cerebral propositional focus. I think that’s correct. I think that’s correct. And then in the United States, you’ve got different denominations, ones that, you know, elect Nadia Bowles Weber as as their as their representative and then others that say we’re not doing that. So. So, yeah, yeah, I don’t know Luther. Luther, but yeah, they they. So here’s the big thing. Here’s the big thing. I think where Lutherans and Catholics are the same is that Luther read the Bible and he saw where Jesus said, this is my body. And he said, that’s what Jesus says. I’m not going to mess with that. So when we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, it’s the Lord’s body. I don’t know how it works, but he came up with this this this theory of consubstantiation, which is metaphysically just sloppy. So, so don’t worry about that. I won’t I won’t dog pile on him. I respect the fact that he took Jesus seriously at his word. So they did retain a doctrine of the real presence, which tends to elevate your, your, your liturgy, because it’s like, oh, this is Jesus. Now, they don’t have the real presence in the same way that the Catholics and the Orthodox do, because in our practice, it subsists after the celebration is ended. So that means that I can’t just throw the bread out because it’s not bread anymore. So you’ll never see the Catholics do all of those little cups. Right. Because we would have to cleanse every single one of them carefully. So that’s that’s a point of similarity and difference. Yes, that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. My home church never actually threw the bread away. Solid, respectable. I remember I grew up on a lot of military bases and and those military bases, they’ll have one chapel for everybody. And yeah, I remember one of the Lutheran pastors after their service was like, like throwing the leftover bread to the birds. And right. But it’s like that’s not a problem in their theology. It’s not Jesus anymore. It’s just bread. You can feed bread to birds. It doesn’t hurt them. So, yeah, my mom had to explain that to us that they do that differently because you don’t do that. You would get Father Sight’s extremely angry if you tried that. I don’t know what I would do if you tried that. I don’t doubt it. Yeah. Andrew, Andrew, you know, I mean, it’s like there would be some kind of primal response to the thing being desecrated. Not good. Yeah. I guess in the Orthodox Church, from from what I understand, if you drop the bread on the on the carpet, they take the carpet out and burn it. That’s that’s hardcore. That’s making hardcore. They probably don’t have a lot of carpet in their churches either. Oh, no, they do all over all floors or throw rugs. Really? If the floor is made of stone, they take the stone out and throw it in a volcano. Yeah, I think that’s why it’s that’s that’s why it’s so they could just take that rug and burn it. Exactly. OK. I’ll throw rugs. So you just take out that rug and burn it. OK. But I was like, wow, you drop the bread and then you get to burn the carpet. That’s hardcore, man. It is. It is. Yeah. Yeah. Usually. I mean, we’ve got we don’t do leaven bread, so it doesn’t crumb up the same way if it’s all been baked into the one host. Most of the time, if it gets dropped. That’s why communion on the hand sucks, by the way. But anyway, you didn’t hear that from me. If it gets dropped, they just look carefully. And if there’s no crumbs, you don’t have to worry about it. I have been. I was I was at a big mass at a hotel conference center because our cathedral wasn’t big enough to hold this many people. And some woman dropped the chalice. Oh, it is just it was like this old. It was this old grandma. You know, she didn’t mean it right. Like there was but it was just like, oh, now what do we do? And. Father Metzger, thankfully, had like all of these. All of these. Purificators. And when he came back, they were like black from the soot on. Yeah. Black from the soot in the carpet. But he had like he had like seven purificators to get everything out. What is that? What is a purificator? It’s the white cloth for purifying. Jean. Hey, Jean. Hang on. I’m still troubleshooting audio. I should be OK. OK, we’ll we’ll leave you. We’ll leave you in the wings. Yeah. Yeah. So, Father Eric, I know this gives me an idea. A good, good Catholic business idea. I think that maybe we could make the Jesus vacuum and then that would solve all these problems. It could be, you know, especially blast and it could use holy water to clean the area. And then, you know, it’d be like with the holy. Oh, you’ve got my wheels turning now, Mark. Well, like the Swimmer Jack, you know, only with a vacuum. So you’d be like a like a like a like a carpet shampoo or right. That puts it in and sucks it out. Exactly. My God. Has this ever happened to you? You poured the blood of Jesus on the floor by accident. Or the or the or the host, the body. And then you need to clean it up. And there you go. Father Eric’s Jesus vacuum is there for you. I can’t hear you, John, if you’re talking. It’s not talking yet. It’s OK. Say something. It’s very patiently waiting for his Bluetooth to work. Yeah. Can you hear me now? I’m talking to you through my loudspeakers, which is not great. Yeah, because you need but I couldn’t hear you. Yeah. Conversation and I’ll try to figure out what you guys are talking about. And then once I know that and then I am working on you, I’ll jump in eventually. OK, good to have you here, John. He had a conversation recently with TVK. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I got to watch that one. Yeah. Yeah. We’re talking about something specific and he didn’t catch any of the Jesus vacuum idea. So he can’t even hear you. How is it different than an ordinary carpet shampoo? Well, because it’s got holy water in it and the whole vacuum has been consecrated to Jesus. You know, like clean up the dirty Jesus or something. I don’t know. I’m spitballing. I’m just. Spitballing. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. I’m just. Spitballing. Spitballing. Spitballing’s free. Spitballing’s free. You know? So go for it. Yeah. Yeah. It would have really come in handy at that conference center because it’s like Father Metzger had to be down there with the seven purificators and they just came up nasty and it was like, oh my gosh. My Lord, oh my God. I was just kind of glad it wasn’t my problem. That’s always nice. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Father, it seems I have seven minutes of crisp left, so let me know when you hear the air conditioner going again. Okay. All right. Crisp is an audio reduction program, so I don’t have to be muting Andrew constantly to keep the stream pleasant. Why isn’t crisp built into like everything for free? How did he not get it? It’s not built into Zoom. I mean, this isn’t Zoom. What is this? Streamyard. It’s not built into that. That’s another feature that Streamyard needs to implement is free crisp. Really? Really? They don’t, but they have a noise cancel later. Do they? It worked pretty well. Yeah. I run it. Otherwise you’d hear yourself echoing all over the place. Yeah. Well, maybe that’s in the laptop, but I don’t think so. I think that’s. Yeah. Andrew, turn on, go to your settings and see if echo cancellations turned on. Okay. Your Streamyard settings. Can I turn off crisp now? Sure. Yeah. Try it. Okay. How does it sound? Really bad. Turn crisp back on. Okay. I’ll have to buy him a crisp subscription. It’s five bucks a month, Andrew. If you need me to pay for it, DM me. All right. Okay. Five bucks a month for unlimited, unlimited, you know, nice sounding audio. That’s that’s. What is that? 8 for verification. Nobody’s gonna pay $8 to come on here and flash pornography on my YouTube channel. I think my picture shows up correctly in the Google thing. I don’t know. Well, your face is due when you’re streaming. It doesn’t block out your head on webcam. Nothing can block this head. It’s got bald power. Oh dear. Bald power. Wait, doesn’t Father Big Mac also have bald power? I have a lot of bald power, but not as much. Oh, okay. Hail to the chief, you know? I don’t know, Father, what do you think of this idea that all the Protestants think I’m Protestant because they don’t know any Catholicism, so they think I’m just one of them? Well, you go on about submitting to the hierarchy and you don’t really submit to the hierarchy. Who says? You don’t look like it. I’m, well, yeah, I’m not doing what they consider submitting to the hierarchy, maybe, but. Okay, okay. Well, maybe you should clarify that, that I am in fact submitting to this thing because I guess it just looks like you’re some guy with a YouTube channel and a lot of opinions floating around in individualism, which I don’t think that’s you, but I don’t know. I’m trying to figure other people’s ideas out. What could possibly go wrong? No, it’s a good endeavor. Yeah, it’s like, where are people coming up with this stuff from? Yeah, I mean, to whatever extent, I’m steeped in Catholicism because that’s what I, I mean, I went to Catholic high school. I mean, junior high and high school, first year of high school anyway. The other three, I went back to public school, but that was a nightmare. Oh my goodness, what a mistake. Public school, yeah. Oh, the whole high was, it was a big school. There’s like a thousand kids, two buildings. It had a gerbil tube because there was a canal between the two buildings. So you had to walk across the gerbil tube or out and around. Yeah, it was wild. So we had a really old school building which was from like the late 1800s and then a brand new one that was like five years old when I was there or something, I forget. That was brand new. Yeah, yeah, it was wild. It was a big school. I like Charlie’s comment. He can’t join the stream until he finally goes bald. I think that’s… You would be allowed on Charlie. You would just have to cover your hair with a fancy hat. Yeah. Yes. And I will make fancy hats socially acceptable again. Awesome. I will do it all by myself. I got to explain emanation in terms of final cause and somebody got it. I’m like, yes, final cause is back, baby. We’re bringing final cause back. Father Eric will be happy. Good, good. Because without final cause, you can’t really even have a fission cause. Yeah, we haven’t even gotten into that. I’m thinking about tackling that on my channel. That’s it. I got a bone up on all that. I don’t know all that stuff off the top of my head. When that connection got made for me, reading, who was it? The one in the many. Prevecchi is reading that book with JP Marcel. Anyway, when I got that connection between efficient cause and final cause, it’s like, oh, when you’re causing something to happen, the fruition is already in that causing that you’re doing. That was a satisfying philosophical moment. You just got to sit there and cherish those. You ever cherished an insight before, Andrew? Probably. Not that I remember, but I’ve probably done that. All right. You should see if you can recall any of the moments of cherishing insights. All right, I’ll do that. Ah, you know, I think I’m going to be wrapping this up here pretty soon. Yeah, two hours is usually the best that Father Eric can do. Yeah, well, especially, I had three masses that I was a part of today. So, you know. Three? Wow. Yeah, one at my normal parish in the morning, and then the picture I showed you, that was a Latin mass at noon, and then the 6 p.m. again. So, anyway, and I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow, and we’re going to have a snowstorm this week. Me too. So, we’ll get her done. So anyway, good night, gentlemen. Thanks for joining me. Sorry about the trolls. Thank you, Father, have a lovely day. Take care. All right, have a good night.