How does he become corrupt and for a person to avoid the dangers of the postmodern neo-marxist ideologies and not enroll? Would you agree the same now applies to the Institute of Marriage with laws as they are? No, I wouldn’t say that I Guess partly because I don’t understand what the alternative is. I mean first I would say that to the degree that men are Justly or unjustly upset about the way the marriage laws are set up and I think they have reason to be concerned Especially with regards to the custody of children and the probability of paying virtually endless alimony with unbelievably severe penalties for failure, I think that it’s incumbent on men to organize themselves politically and Rectify them. So I don’t think that the answer is avoiding marriage. I think the answer is Political organization and pressure on the right institutions to rectify this because it needs to be rectified and I don’t like the idea of telling young men to avoid Permanent relationships with women because as far as I’m concerned and this is my traditionalism. I suppose manifesting itself There aren’t that many pathways through life, you know, you need a career you need you need Interesting things to do with your with your time outside of your career interesting and meaningful things you need a family You need an intimate relationship to twine yourself together with someone else so that well so that you’re protected during times of crisis and able to celebrate during times of joy and and and so that you set up a stable structure so that you can have children and and and have them feel Secure and unable to play and like that’s life man. And if you miss any of that Then your life is fragmented and fractured and you’re going to be hurt and like I’m not saying that’s absolutely true for every single person there’s always exceptions, but I’m concerned with the bulk of people and The and what the bulk of people have already done and like your life just isn’t in some ways that complicated You need to bear a social weight. You need to Have a family and commit yourself to that and it’s in those commitments that you find the meaning in your life and so if you don’t have them then well you float and you drift and When people float and drift they usually don’t float somewhere good and they usually drift somewhere bad. So I think that there are problems with the way the marriage laws are set up. I think they’re quite serious I don’t think I do think that they Persecute men often but I don’t think the answer to that is to tell young men to avoid permanent relationships with young women at all costs because that is a very anti-life doctrine and it’s a cure that’s worse than the disease That’s that’s what I would say You