All right, here we go. Roman Glass. Hey Jonathan, I keep coming across a phrase both in fictional literature and secular spirituality. The journey is more important than the destination. My question is, what are your thoughts on this? Is this at odds with the Christian story, or the eschaton is the whole point of the story? Thank you, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. How can I say this? The destination is the reason for your journey. And the journey provides the transformation necessary to acquire the destination. I think that that’s the best way to understand it. And there’s also… If you take that phrase and you just try to apply it fractally, okay? Seriously, try to apply it fractally. Cooking is more important than eating your meal. Just keep going. Flirting is more important than having a date. And dating is more important than what it leads to. Just try to apply that sentence fractally, and you’ll notice just how silly it is. The best way to understand it, Lissy, from an Orthodox perspective is that the end goal or the eschaton is not a static thing. And also the end goal is not static. In St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Gregory of Nyssa talks about the movement from glory to glory. So you have to understand it as this moving up and these steps giving, opening up towards more and always opening up towards higher and higher and more and more. So it’s not as if you reach a destination and then you’re dead. It’s that reaching these lower accomplishments and higher states will open up even higher and more lofty experiences and states for you. So I think that that’s a more proper way of understanding it because the other one sounds nice, but it’s actually people who haven’t thought it through, in my opinion.